ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 2000 / 1037 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg Co rnell tu to ria l o n line “Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging Tutorial,” the third product in Cornell’s digital imaging training program, is now available on the Web to everyone. Although this Web site can stand on its own, it is designed as a p re­ requisite for Cornell’s w eek-long w orkshop of the sam e nam e or to be used in conjunction with the print publication, Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging fo r Libraries a n d Ar­ chives by Anne Kenney and Oya Rieger. The tutorial’s chapters cover basic terminology, selection, conversion, quality control, metadata, technical infrastructure, presentation, digital preservation, m anagem ent, an d continuing education. The content will be updated regu­ larly and the developers encourage comments an d suggestions. T he URL is w w w .library. S alv ag in g p h o to g rap h s tech n ical b u lle tin The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia has mounted “Disaster Recovery: Salvaging Photograph Col­ lections,” a technical bulletin by Debra Hess Norris, on its W eb site. Originally published in paper format, this technical bulletin deals primarily w ith salvage of w ater-dam aged ph o ­ tographs. Topics include recovery options, spe­ cial considerations, salvage priorities, initial steps, and recommendations for air-drying and freezing methods. It also includes a bibliogra­ phy and tw o summary charts, one for recov­ ery o f photographic materials (e.g., negatives, positives, and prints) and the other for recov­ ery of photographs by type (e.g., daguerreo­ types, album en prints). The URL is http://w w w Print copies are also available for $3.50 each from CCAHA, 264 South 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103; phone: (215) 545-0613; fax: (215) 735- 9313; e-mail: ccaha@ Photo c o n serv atio n on lin e Luis Nadeau, the photography historian, con­ servator, an d consultant, has created a W eb site he describes as “dedicated to the study of printing and photographic processes.” The heart of this site is a “Process Museum” that contains references to dozens o f reproduction processes in the three general categories of printing, photography, and photom echanical methods. The museum is still under construc­ tion, but w hen complete, it will contain defi­ nitions and images representing every process. The URL is Caring fo r perso nal tre a su re s Heritage Preservation and Harry Abrams, Inc. have published Caring fo r Your Family Trea­ sures, by Jane S. Long an d Richard W. Long. Consulting a group of experts assem bled by Heritage Preservation, the authors have com ­ piled practical infoπnation about caring for objects in daily use, as w ell as, fragile heir­ looms. The book covers preventive measures, safe care practices, security and insurance, professional conservation, materials, and tools for the w ide variety o f personal objects that have sentim ental a n d /o r m onetary value. In addition to books, scrapbooks, and p h o to ­ graphs, there is advice for preserving video­ tape and film, fabrics, furniture, clocks and w atches, ceram ics, glass, silver an d o ther metals, jewelry, musical instruments, dolls, teddy bears, an d toy soldiers. Copies are available for $24.95 (retail) in bookstores, from b oo k distributors or Heri­ tage Preservation, 1730 K Street, NW, Suite 566, Washington, D.C. 20006-3836; phone: (888) 388-6789; www: http://heritagepreservation. org/PUBS/treasures.HTM. Skin d eep o nline All ten volum es of Skin deep, the biannual new sletter of J. Hewit & Sons Ltd., is avail­ able online. H ewit is an Edinburgh tanning and leather dressing com pany that also su p ­ plies materials u sed in craft bookbinding. A mong the articles o f interest are “A bout Pa­ p e r G rain,” “H ow Leather Dressing May Have O rig in a te d ,” an d a te n -p a rt series— “The M anufacture o f Leather.” The URL is h ttp :// w w w .hew /skindeep.htm . ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer at Harvard University,; fax: (617) 496-8344 http://www.library http://heritagepreservation