ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 339 If You’ve Got A Problem We’re Just A (Free) Phone Call Away! Linda Market Carol Lehmkuhl Pam Rodgers Pat Hamil Linda and Carol, Pam and Pat are Midwest Library Service’s Personal Customer Service Representatives who are specially trained to solve any book ordering problem your library may encounter. They are thoroughly knowledgeable in all facets of the library jobber business, and if you are ever in need of their services, you can reach them by using our TOLL-FREE WATS Line, 1-800-325-8833 (Missouri customers please call COLLECT: 0-314-739-3100) for help in solving any problem. Your Customer Service Representative will follow the problem through to a satisfactory conclu­ “ 20 Years o f Service To College and sion — without delay. Remember Linda and U niversity L ibraries” Carol, Pam and Pat are “ working” for you and your library. It’s all part of Midwest Library Service’s tradition of excellence. MIDWEST LIBRARY SERVICE 11443 St. Charles Rock Road BRIDGETON, Mo. 63044 Publications NOTICES • African Languages: A Guide to Materials in the A lderm an L ib ra ry o f the U niversity o f Virginia, edited by Mary Alice Kraehe and Chris­ tina W. Sharretts (114 pages, 1981) contains 777 entries, maps, and has indexes for both author and language. Free copies are available upon re­ quest to the African Bibliography Section, Collec­ tion D evelopm ent D epartm ent, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, VA 22901. • A ndré and François-André M ichaux (35 pages, 1981), number 1 in the Sterling Morton Library Bibliographies in Botany and Horticul­ ture, contains bibliographical descriptions of all the monographic works of the Michaux, father and son, printed before the nineteenth century. The Michaux were important plant explorers in North America at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries. Copies of the catalogue may be ordered for $10 from the Sterling Morton Library, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL 60532. • Aspects o f Negotiations between States: A Select Bibliography (1981) has been published by the University of Waterloo Library. The bibli­ ography covers primarily North American sources in English. Copies are available for $10 from Jorn Jorgenson, Library Business Administrator, Dana P o rter Arts Library, University of W aterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. • The Checklist o f Canadian Ethnic Serials (1981) is a comprehensive listing that brings to­ gether approximately 3,000 entries for newspa­ pers, periodicals, church bulletins, directories, almanacs, yearbooks, and conference proceedings of about 60 cultural groups. The checklist is or­ ganized first by ethnic group and then alpha­ betically by title within each group. Copies may be obtained from the Canadian Government Pub­ lishing C entre, Supply and Services Canada, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0S9. All orders must be ac­ companied by a check or money order made pay­ able to the Receiver General for Canada for $50 in Canada, $60 U.S. • Library and Information Science Education in the Americas: Present and Future, edited by William V. Jackson (85 pages, 1981), contains the papers that were delivered at a one-day confer­ ence on education for library and information ser­ vices held in Austin on February 14, 1980. The conference was co-sponsored by the Association of American Library Schools, the Organization of American States, and the Seminar on the Acquisi­ 340 tion of Latin American Library Materials. The volume is available for $5 from the AALA Head­ q uarters, 471 Park Lane, State College, PA 16801. • Missouri Union List o f Serial Publications (2 volumes, 3d edition, 1981) has been published by the St. Louis Public Library. This new edition includes 40,000 titles and 114,000 holdings statements of periodicals, newspapers, and serial publications located in 52 academic, public, and special libraries throughout Missouri and parts of Illinois and Kansas. Copies are available in hardcover at $100 per set or $50 per microfiche set (24x diazo, negative polarity) from the St. Louis Public Library, 1301 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63103. Prices for libraries that par­ ticipate in the project are $75 and $35 for each set. • Online Bibliographic Search Services, SPEC Kit #76 (July 1981) focuses on major concerns re­ garding the organization of online search services, policy formation, and communication with the clientele. The kit contains eight policy state­ ments, three annual reports and a position de­ scription, and ten examples of user publicity. SPEC Kits are available by subscription from the Systems and P rocedures Exchange C en ter, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036. Individual kits may be purchased (prepaid only) for $15 plus a $2 per total order handling charge, with checks made payable to th e ARL Office of M anagem ent Studies. • Synfuels: An Annotated Bibliography o f Selected References (15 pages, July 1981) has been published by the University of Central Florida Library as Library Bibliography Series No. 5. It may be purchased for $2 from Gifts and Exchange, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 2500, Orlando, FL 32816. AUDIOVISUAL NOTICE • Papers o f the Women’s Trade Union League and Its Principal Leaders is now available in mi­ croform. Included are the records of the National WTUL at the Library of Congress, a smaller col­ lection at the Schlesinger Library, and the rec­ ords of the New York WTUL, together with the papers of M argaret D reier Robins, Rose Schneiderman, Leonora O'Reilly, Agnes Nestor, Mary Anderson, and the unpublished autobiogra­ phy of Mary Kenney O’Sullivan. The edition also contains a composite set of WTUL serial publica­ tions, both national and local. A printed guide has been prepared by this edition’s editor, Ed­ ward T. James. The Library of Congress collec­ tion (25 reels) may be ordered from its Photodu­ plication Service. All other microfilms (131 reels) and the guide are distributed by Research Pub­ lications, Inc., 12 Lunar Drive, Woodbridge, CT 06525. Calendar October 23—Online Searching: Workshop conducted by K. Subramanyam, Drexel University School of Library and Information Science. Fee: $110. Contact: Director, Office of Continuing Profes­ sional Education, Drexel University, 32d and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 24—Conservation: “Institute for Conservation Management in the 1980s: The Future of Li­ brary and Archive Conservation,” Simmons College GSLIS, Boston. Fee: $40. Contact: Ching-chih Chen, GSLIS, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224 or 738-2225. 24—Printing History: "Sharing a Rich Heritage: The History of Printing in Pennsylvania,” a conference sponsored by the Franklin County Library to be held at Wilson College, Cham­ bersburg, Pennsylvania. Contact: Cesi Kel- linger, Project Director, 735 Philadelphia Av­ enue, Chambersburg, PA 17201. 29-30— N on-Print M aterials: W orkshop con­ ducted by Jerry Saye, Drexel University School of Library and Information Science. Fee: $90. Contact: See October 23 entry. November 2 -4— New Technology: “The C hallenge of Change: Critical Choices for Library Decision-Makers, the 1981 Pittsburgh Confer­ ence sponsored by the School of Library and Information Science and Office of Communica­ tions Program s, U niversity of P ittsburgh. Robert Lee Chartrand will give the banquet address on “Libraries in Our Future: Federal Competency Comments The ACRL Educational and Behavioral Sci­ ence Section’s Committee on Bibliographic In stru ctio n for E ducators req u ests your evaluative comments on Bibliographic Com­ petencies fo r Education Students, which ap­ peared in C&RL News, July/August 1981, pp. 209-10. Please address the following factors: format; content; organization; usefulness for library instruction in the classroom; ways in which you would use the listing. Please send your evaluation com m ents to Charles Thurston, Chair, ACRL/EBSS Committee on Bibliographic Instruction for Educators, Uni­ versity of Texas at San Antonio Library, San Antonio, TX 78285, by November 1, 1981.