ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 2 0 /C&RL News FEATURES The facu lty electronic rese a rch center J u lia n n R a n k in 1 2 7 Providing a cce ss to jo u rn als— just in tim e o r just in c a s e ? E lizab eth A. F u seler 1 3 0 Conference Circuit Meeting explores gateways and gatekeepers J i n n ie Y. D avis a n d A nn Okerson 1 3 5 Internet reso u rces for w o m e n ’s studies M ary G la z ie r 1 3 9 M onitor a s m entor: Internet’s role in p ro fessio n al grow th M ary W. G eorge 1 4 2 The W a y I See It Rethinking Ring and Shapiro: Some responses Larry R. Oberg, D ou glas H erm an , Virginia M assey-Burzio, a n d C arol S ch ro e d er 1 4 5 Choice a t 3 0 P a tricia E. S a b o sik 1 5 0 B reivik an d Pastine s h a re p lan s for ACRL P a tricia Senn B reiv ik a n d M au reen P a stin e 151 A b o u t the co v e r This cover photograph from a recent issue of A p p a l a c h i a n H e r i t a g e ( AH) r e fle c t s the magazine’s focus on southern Appalachian life and culture. A H is published by the Special Collections Department o f Hutchins Library, Berea College, Kentucky, as part o f its goal to promote the study o f the southern Appalachian region. Special Collections and Archives at Berea include extensive materials on the his­ tory and culture o f the area defined primarily as West Virginia, eastern Kentucky and Ten­ nessee, and western Virginia and North Caro­ lina. Access to the archival collection is avail­ able via the RUN database. P hoto credit: William Bake: Summer meadows on Snake Mountain near Trade, Tennessee. March 1 9 9 4 /1 2 1 In the N ew s 122 N ew s from the Field 123 Preservation N ew s J a n e H edberg 1 5 7 Racial an d Ethnic Diversity S u san a H inojosa 1 5 8 Internet Review s S ara A m ato 159 N e w Publications G eorge M. E berhart 161 G rants 162 Acquisitions 163 People in the N ew s 164 Advertiser Index 16 6 Classified Advertising 16 7 Photo creadit: Laura Serafini Earthquake dam age a t O ccidental Coll­ ege in Los Angeles, w h ere about 5 0 ,0 0 0 books fell o ff th e shelves. F o r m o re on the earthquake, see News fro m the Field. E ditor & publisher: Mary Ellen K. Davis A ssistant ed itor: Pam Spiegel Classified ads m an ager: Jack Helbig Editorial assistant: Gregg Opelka/Hugh Thompson P rodu ct sales m an agen Stu Foster C&RL N e w s E d ito r ia l B o a rd : Pam ela S n elso n , Willis H ubbard , Ir e n e H offm an , R o b ert S. M artin, Z enaid a Fernandez; Ex officio: Karen Seibert (ACRL Publications Committee); Gloriana St. Clair ( C&RL editor); Jacquelyn Mc­ Coy (ACRL past-president). E d itorial o ffices: ( 3 1 2 ) 28 0 -2 5 1 1 E-m ail: C&RL N ew s fa x : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -7 6 6 3 ACRL fa x : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -2 5 2 0 P ro d u c t adv ertising : Contact Stu Foster, ACRL Advertising, c/o C h oice‚ 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; (203) 347-3764. Classified adv ertising : Contact Ja ck Helbig, C&RL News, 50 E. H u ro n S t., C h ic a g o , IL 6 0 6 1 1 ; ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 2 5 1 3 ; e-mail: P ro d u ctio n o ffice: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 l 1-2795. C ircu latio n o ffice: Change o f address and subscription or­ ders should be addressed to C ollege & R esearc h L ib ra ries News, c /o CHOICE Subscriptions, attn: Steven Conforti, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletown, CT 06457-3445. Phone: (203) 347-6933; fax: (203) 346-8586. Allow eight weeks for new subscriptions. C ollege & R e s e a r c h L ib r a r i e s N ew s (ISSN 0099-0086) is published by the Association o f College & Research Librar­ ies, a division o f the American Library Association, as 11 monthly (combining July/August) issues, at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. In clu sio n o f an article or an adver­ tisement in C&RL News does not constitute official endorse­ ment by ACRL or ALA. I n d exed in C u rren t Contents: S o c ia l & B e h a v io r a l S ciences; C u rren t I n d e x to J o u r n a ls in E d u c a tio n ; In fo r m a tio n S ci­ e n c e Abstracts; L ib rary & In fo r m a tio n S c ie n c e Abstracts; Li­ b ra ry Literature; and S o c ia l S c ie n c e s C itation Index. A n nual su b scrip tio n : For members o f ACRL, $12.50 per year, included in m em bership dues; for nonm em bers, $30.00 per year in U.S., $35.00 per year in Canada and other PUAS countries, $40.00 in other foreign countries. Single copies and back issues: $6.50 each. Second-class postage paid for at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. TO THE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to College & Re­ search Libraries News, c/o CHOICE Subscriptions, attn: Steven Conforti, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457-3445. © American Library Association 1994. All material in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Asso­ ciation may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose o f scientific or educational advancement. C&RL N ew s is published on recycled, acid-free paper ACRL B o a rd o f D irecto rs: President— Thomas G. Kirk; president-elect— Susan K. Martin; past-president—Jacquelyn McCoy; councillor— Rochelle Sager; Budget & Finance Com. rep.— Thomas Peischl; directors— Karin Begg Borei, Paul Dumont, Frances J . Maloy, Ray E. Metz, Linda L. Phillips, Shelley E. Phipps, Barbara J. Wittkopf; Planning Com. chair— Sandra Ready; ACRL Executive Director— Althea H. Jenkins. 122/C&RL News In the News March is National Women’s History Month. According to C h ase’s A n n u al Events it is a time for “re-examining and celebrating the wide range of women’s contributions and achieve­ ments too often overlooked in the telling of U.S. History.” In honor of Women’s History Month our Internet resource list in this issue covers women’s studies and was compiled by Mary Glazier. Also, see News from the Field for a look at this year’s commemorative poster. Other Internet items of interest this month include an article by Mary George on how the Internet can contribute to your professional development; George offers five tips for get­ ting comfortable with the Internet. Also, ACRL’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee an­ nounces the start of its listserv, EQUILIBRN. Networks and publishing were the topics of a joint symposium sponsored by the Associa­ tion of Research Libraries and the Association of American University Presses. Jinnie Davis and Ann Okerson provide us with highlights of some of the electronic publishing projects underway around the country. This issue also provides insights on how li­ braries are coping with the ongoing problem of rising journal costs and shrinking acquisi­ tions budgets. Elizabeth Fuseler and Juliann Rankin share with us how their libraries are using document-delivery services as alternatives to journal subscriptions. The News from the Field column includes the text of a University o f Tennessee faculty senate resolution that draws attention to the impact escalating serials prices have on libraries’ materials budgets. Patricia Breivik and Maureen Pastine, can­ didates for ACRL vice-president/president-elect, share with us their visions for ACRL. Take time to read their statements and be an informed voter in the election this spring. Finally, congratulations to ACRL’s C hoice magazine which this month celebrates 30 years of successful selecting and reviewing materials for academic libraries. See C hoice editor Pat Sabosik’s reflections on page 150. —Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor & Publisher