ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 164/C&RL News Toni Carbo Bearman, dean o f the University o f Pittsburgh’s (U P ) School o f Library and Information Sci­ ence, has been appointed by U.S. Secretary o f Commerce Ronald Brown to a 27-mem­ ber council that w ill advise the Clinton Administration as it creates a National Infor­ mation Infrastructure (N il). Bearman is the only m em­ ber from an institution o f h ig h e r learn in g. C ou n cil mem bers w ill recom m end policies and initiatives to accelerate the devel­ opm ent o f a com petitive environment for tech­ nological innovation, public access, and uni­ versal service along the nation’s information superhighway. B efo re joining UP, Bearman served as executive director o f the U.S. Na­ tional Commission on Libraries and Informa­ tion Science (NCLIS). Alice Cornell, head o f the University Archives and Rare Books Department at the University o f Cincinnati, has been appointed to the O hio Historical Records Preservation Advisory Board by Gov. G eorge Voinovich. H er appointment runs through March 31, 1996. Bert A. Thompson, former director o f library services at Illinois Benedictine College, is the first recipient o f the Melvin A. G eorge Award for outstanding contributions to cooperative li- brarianship. The award is given by the LIBRAS consortium o f 18 private academic libraries in northeastern Illinois, and is made possible by one o f its founding members, Melvin A. George, w h o is currently O regon State University librar­ ian. Thom pson has served as president and archivist for LIBRAS and as secretary-treasurer o f the Catholic Library Association. Appointments Kathryn Hammell Carpenter w as named university librarian at Valparaiso University (V U ), Indiana. She joined VU from the Univer­ sity o f Illinois at Chicago (U IC ) w here she was acting head o f regional sites for the university’s Library o f the H ealth Sciences since 1991. She join ed the UIC s ta ff in 1983 and su bse­ quently served as acquisi­ tions librarian and b ibliog­ rapher for the Library o f the Health Sciences and associ­ ate professor before assum­ ing the position o f acting head. Carpenter received her A.B. and M.S. degrees from the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a member o f the Academ y o f Health Information Professionals, the author o f many publications, and has prepared several issues o f Price In ­ dexes: U.S. Periodicals f o r American Libraries. Eileen Dubin is the n ew director o f the Edu­ cational Resources Center at Rock Valley Col­ lege (RVC) in Rockford, Illinois. Before joining RVC, Dubin served in a variety o f positions in public service and ad­ ministration at Northern Illinois University (NTU), W illiam Rainey Harper College, Stockton State C o lle g e , an d C ase W estern Reserve Uni­ versity where she was assistant d ir e c to r o f public services and col­ Eileen Dubin lectio n d e ve lo p m e n t. Dubin received her MLS from NIU. Active in ACRL, she recently com pleted a four-year term on the ACRL Board o f Directors. Roberta L. Pitts is the n ew director o f library services at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Most recently Pitts served as head o f personnel services at Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station. Ruth Moore (Beth) Alvarez is the n ew curator o f literary manuscripts at the Univer­ sity o f Maryland at College Park Libraries. Wendell A. Barbour has assumed respon­ sibility for administrative and academic com ­ puting, including telecommunications, in addi­ tion to his duties as director o f library and People in the News P am Spiegel March 1994/165 information services at Christopher New port University, New port News, Virginia. Penny Beile is now reference/social sci­ ences librarian at the libraries o f Louisiana State University and A & M College, Baton Rouge. Christina E. Carter has been named refer­ ence librarian at Zimmerman Library, Univer­ sity o f N ew Mexico, Albuquerque. Christine Clarke has been appointed to a two-year, part-time position as special collec­ tions cataloging librarian for the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park. La Nina Clayton joined the staff o f the N ew York Metropolitan Reference and Research Li­ brary as regional archivist. Debra Currie is now reference/science li­ brarian at the libraries o f Louisiana State Uni­ versity and A & M College, Baton Rouge. Ann Devilliers has been named head o f reference in the Health Sciences Library at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Jeffrey Earnest has been appointed assis­ tant director o f technical services for the Na­ tional University Library in San Diego. Melanie Fiske has been named serials li­ brarian at Reeves Library, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Deborah Funkhouser has been appointed project cataloger in the Houghton Library at Harvard University, Cambridge. Michael Gold has been appointed biblio­ graphic instruction coordinator at LaGuardia Community College, N ew York. Barbara Goldman has been named refer­ ence and reader services librarian at Kingsbor- ough Community College, N ew York. Memory S. Grober is now library develop­ ment officer at the University o f Oregon, Eugene. Robert H. Hallis Jr. has been named pub­ lic services librarian at the University o f N e­ braska at Omaha Library. Steven Harris is now reference/humani­ ties librarian at the libraries o f Louisiana State University and A & M College, Baton Rouge. John T. Hawk has been named special col­ lections librarian at the University o f Oregon, Eugene. Ed. note; Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, indiiriduals, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. W illia m H a y s has been appointed cataloger in W idener Library at Harvard University, Cam­ bridge. Natalie Honold is now visiting undergradu­ ate librarian, bibliographic instruction coordi­ nator, and visiting assistant professor o f library administration at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Peter Jones is now reference librarian in the Health Sciences Library at East Carolina Uni­ versity, Greenville, North Carolina. Judith Kaufman has been named associ­ ate university librarian for personnel at the Uni­ versity o f California, Irvine. Ronald G. Leach has been appointed as­ sociate vice-president for information services at Indiana State University, Terre Haute. Gary McMillan is n ow head o f the Social W ork Library and sociology/anthropology bib­ liographer at Howard University, Washington, D.C. Donald Manildi is the new curator o f the International Piano Archives at Maryland (IPA M ) at the University o f Maryland at College Park Libraries. Patricia L. Markley is now assistant librar­ ian for interlibrary loan services at Siena Col­ lege, Loudonville, N ew York. Allan Mirwis has been named reader ser­ vices librarian at Kingsborough Community College, N ew York. Teresa Neely has been named social sci­ ence/humanities (business emphasis) librarian at Colorado State University Libraries in Fort Collins. Paula Olsen has been appointed head o f r e a d e r s e rv ic e s at C h a m p la in C o lle g e , Burlington, Vermont. Robin A. Riat is n o w reference/library in­ struction librarian at the University o f Evans­ ville, Indiana. Lori Proudflt Robare has been named catalog librarian at the University o f Oregon, Eugene. Gloria Rohmann is now electronic services librarian at N ew York University, N ew York. Gregg A. Silvis has been appointed assis­ tant director for library computing systems at the University o f Delaware Library, Newark. Kendra St Aubin has been appointed cata­ lo g librarian at the Southern N ew England School o f Law, N ew Bedford, Massachusetts. Frank H. Sun has joined the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, as science reference cataloging librarian. 166/C&RL News Rijn A. Templeton has been appointed art librarian at the University o f Iowa, Iow a City. Susan A. Vega has been named reference and Latin American studies librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Iowa, Iow a City. Robb M. Waltner is now periodicals librar­ ian at the University o f Evansville, Indiana. Barbara Whaley has joined the Health Sci­ ences Library at East Carolina University, Green­ ville, North Carolina, as reference librarian. Lois Widmer has been named reference librarian at the Health Sciences Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Helene Williams has been appointed bib­ liographic instruction coordinator for the North­ eastern University Libraries, Boston. Retirements Henry Birnbaum, university librarian at Pace University, N ew York, retired at the end o f 1993 after 32 years in that position. He has been accorded the title o f university librarian emeri­ tus and serves as a consultant to the university. Albert Nelius retired from Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, in 1993 after 24 years o f service there. Nelius went to Durham in I960 to accept an appointment as curate o f St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. After earning an MLS from Advertiser index Academic Press 133 American Psychological 119 CD Plus Technologies 131 Chadwyck-Healey 149 Choice 138 Congressional Quarterly 152 EBSCO 134 Gaylord 137 NOTIS cover 4 OCLC 126, 156 PAIS 129 Personal Bibliographic Software 122 SIRS 144 Sociological Abstracts 141 3M cover 2 H.W. Wilson cover 3 the University o f North Carolina, he became a subject cataloger at the Duke University Library in 1969. In 1977 he was named head o f the Circulation Department. During his years at Duke, Nelius served concurrently as vicar o f St. A n drew ’s Church. Margaret Perry retired N ovem ber 15, 1993, after over ten years as university librarian at Valparaiso University in Indiana. Perry started her career at the N ew York Public Library and subsequently w o rk ed as an army librarian in France, Germany, and at W est Point military academy. After that she joined the University o f Rochester as education librarian, then assistant director for reader ser­ vices, then as acting di­ Margaret Perry rector twice. She is the author o f four books and numerous articles about the Harlem Renaissance and African- American literature, as w ell as short stories and poetry. Deaths Judy Barbara Dimes-Smith, 51, a retired law librarian at How ard University, died o f cancer January 7 in Washington, D.C. Dimes-Smith graduated from Clark College, received a law degree from Howard, and an MLS from St. John’s University. In 1970 she joined How ard as assis­ tant law librarian, then served as law librarian at North Carolina Central University and Antioch School o f Law before returning to Howard as law librarian in 1978. She retired in 1990. Louis A. Kenney, San D iego State University (SDSU) librarian emeritus, died o f a heart at­ tack at his home December 10 at age 76. Kenney served as university librarian at SDSU from 1961 to 1980. He guided the planning and building o f the Malcolm A. Love Library, which was com ­ pleted in 1971, and played a leading role in founding the Friends o f the Library. He served on numerous professional committees for ALA, the California Library Association, and the Illi­ nois Library Association. ■