ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 74 Division of the Library has stated th a t the only offi­ on Jan u ary 19 in the M ain Reading Room, the cial organization th a t gives designations to astro­ North Hall of which will serve as an interim cata­ nomical bodies or planetary features is the In tern a­ log room through the duration of the project. Pub­ tional Astronomical Union. lic users can enter through the Local History Divi­ The Registry’s application file was closed be­ sion. cause of the com pany’s failure to respond to a re­ This major project, enabled by grants from the quest for clarification of authorship of the list of Kresge Foundation, the Pew Memorial Trust, and nam es it su b m itted for copyright. H ow ever, a other foundations, will take two im portant steps: copyright registration would not guarantee the au­ the 8,000-drawer card catalog will be replaced by thenticity of inform ation contained in a work, nor the library’s 800-volume Dictionary Catalog, re­ would it protect the association of a proper name cently completed for materials cataloged before with any star or planetary feature. Theoretically, 1972; and 50 com puter terminals will be installed the same star could be “sold” to two different indi­ to serve as the catalog for materials cataloged more viduals by two different star registration systems recently. This new Catalog of The New York Pub­ (many others are in existence) w ithout any copy­ lic Library (CATNYP) was developed by Carlyle right violation. Systems of Berkeley, California. • The New York Public Library’s Public Cata- The restoration of the Public Catalog Room will log Room and Main Reading Room closed on Janu­ include cleaning and repairing of the bronze chan­ ary 18 for the first time since the Central Research deliers, the bronze gallery railing, reading lamps, L ib ra ry opened its doors in 1911. T he closing and the museum -quality oak reading tables. A new launched a 9-12 m onth project which entails m a­ ceiling m ural will be painted, and tem perature jor restoration of the room and its conversion from and hum idity controls will provide a better envi­ an obsolete card catalog system to a contem porary ronm ent for both books and patrons. ■ ■ bibliographic com puter system. Service resumed .P E O P L E . Profile Earle C. Ferguson has been appointed director of libraries for the University of M anitoba, W inni­ peg, effective July 1. Since July 1983 he has been director pro tern; during the previous year he was appointed associate director and three months later, acting director. Ferguson first came to the University in 1970 when he was appointed cataloger for the Law Li­ brary. He is a graduate of the Universities of W ind­ sor and Toronto, where he earned his bachelor of arts and bachelor of library science degrees respec­ tively. He has served on a num ber of professional committees in the C anadian Association of Univer­ sity Teachers, the C anadian Library Association, the C anadian Association of College and Univer­ sity Libraries, the C anadian Association of Law Libraries, and the American Association of Law Libraries. Ferguson chaired the Law Libraries Coopera­ tive Cataloguing Group from 1972 until his ap­ pointm ent as associate director in 1982. People in the news Thomas J. Galvin, dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Library and Inform ation Sci­ ence, has been elected to a three-year term on the board of the Council on Postsecondary Accredita­ tion (COPA). He will serve as one of three repre­ sentatives of the Assembly of Specialized Accredit­ ing Bodies, the 37-m em ber group th a t includes ALA, the American Bar Association, the Liaison Comm ittee on Medical Education, and the Ameri­ can Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. COPA is th e n atio n al non-governm ental self- regulatory organization th a t works to foster and fa­ cilitate the role of accrediting agencies in prom ot­ ing an d en su rin g th e q u a lity an d d iv ersity of American post-secondary education. Martin Lewis, assistant librarian at the Medical and D ental Library at the University of Leeds, E n ­ gland, has joined the Barker Engineering Library at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for one year as an exchange program participant. E ar­ lier, Lewis had been assistant librarian at the Leeds 75 Science and Engineering Library, and at M IT he will be responsible for collection development ac­ tivities in m echanical engineering. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Amira Leftkowitz Aaron is now systems lib rar­ ian at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge. Alicja Altenberger has been appointed cata- loger in H arv ard ’s Solidarity Bibliographic Center, Houghton Library. Sally J. Armistead is now head of cataloging services at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Daniel R. Arrigona is the new reference lib rar­ ian at Iow a State University, Ames. Lawrence Ashmun has been appointed T hai language cataloger at N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb. Cheryl Higham Beatty is now head of public services a t Sacred H e a rt U niversity, F a irfie ld , Connecticut. John W. Berry has been appointed systems de­ velopment librarian at Northern Illinois Univer­ sity, DeKalb. Ann Birney is now reference librarian for h u ­ manities at Kansas State University, M anhattan. Alison Bunting is the new biomedical librarian at the University of California, Los Angeles. Geneva Bush has been appointed head of library branch operations at the University of South Ala­ bam a, Baldwin County. James Carson has been appointed project archi­ vist at N orthwestern University, Evanston, Illi­ nois. Janet Carter has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Los An­ geles, Biomedical Library. Patricia Cloud has been appointed assistant university archivist at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Marjorie Doyle has been appointed business, economics, and government publications librarian at N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb. Bradley Eckols has been appointed reference and government documents librarian at W ayne State College, Nebraska. Mary Engebretson has been appointed head of reference services at the University of South Ala­ bam a, Mobile. Bruce Entz is now librarian at Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kansas. Janet Erickson has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Los An­ geles, Biomedical Library. Vera L. Finley is now serials/audiovisuals cata­ loger at the University of South Alabam a, Mobile. Kaarina Flint has assumed new duties as head of interlibrary services at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Joseph Gabriel is now serials librarian at the University of Lowell, Massachusetts. James Garrett is th e new c a ta lo g e r a t th e Northwestern University Medical Library, C hi­ cago. Susan Grigg has been nam ed director of the col­ lege archives and the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College, N ortham pton, Massachusetts. Claudette S. Hagle is now head reference li­ brarian at the University of Dallas, Irving, Texas. Frank Houdek has been nam ed director of the Law Library at Southern Illinois University, C ar­ bondale. Marilyn Hoye has been appointed government documents librarian at East Texas State Univer­ sity, Commerce. Lai-ying Hsiung has been appointed head of cataloging at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Roger F. Jacobs has been nam ed director of the Notre D am e Law School L ibrary, Indiana. Susan Jordan has been appointed director of li­ brary development at N orthwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Debra S. Ketchell has been appointed coordi­ nator of the W ashington H ealth Inform ation Ser­ ice, University of W ashington Health Sciences L i­ rary, Seattle. Ronnie Klein has been appointed assistant ref­ rence lib ra ria n at F ram ingham State College, assachusetts. Glory Kosmatka is a new reference librarian at orthwestern University Medical L ibrary, C hi­ ago. A. Dean Larsen has assumed new duties as asso­ iate university librarian at Brigham Young Uni­ ersity, Provo, Utah. Theresa Lee has been appointed assistant li­ r a r ia n a t th e U n iv e rsity of M ic h ig a n E n g i- eering/Transportation Library, Ann Arbor. Joy Liljegren has been ap p o in ted A fricana ro je c t arc h iv ist a t N o rth w e ste rn U n iv ersity , vanston, Illinois. Abigail Loomis has been appointed general ref­ rence and inform ation desk services librarian at orthern Illinois University, DeKalb. Ellen McCrady has been appointed preserva­ io n lib r a r ia n a t B rig h am Young U n iv ersity , rovo, Utah. Olivia M. A. Madison is now head of the Mono­ raphics D ep artm en t at Iow a State University, mes. Neill Meany has been appointed archivist for he Oregon Province of Jesuits, Gonzaga Univer­ ity, Spokane, W ashington. Phyllis S. Mirsky has been appointed acting niversity librarian at the University of California, v b e M N c c v b n P E e N t P g A t s u 76 San Diego. Dilys E. Morris has been promoted to assistant director for technical services at Iowa State Univer­ sity, Ames. Bruce Morton has been appointed head of ref­ erence at Montana State University, Bozeman. Larry Ostler has been appointed assistant li­ brarian for information at Brigham Young Univer­ sity, Provo, Utah. John Bruce Pitcher has been appointed head of the Serials Departm ent at the University of Cali­ fornia, Irvine. Mary Alice Powers has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Harvard University’s Baker Li­ brary. Sharon Propas has been appointed reference/in- terlibrary loan librarian at Northwestern Univer­ sity, Evanston, Illinois. Patricia G. Ramage has been named autom a­ tion librarian at the University of South Alabama, Mobile. Kevin Randall has been appointed serials cata- loger at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illi­ nois. Gordon S. Rowley has been appointed acting associate director for research services at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Catherine Sanborn has been appointed assis­ tan t catalog librarian at Gonzaga University, Spo­ kane, Washington. Stephanie Shane has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at Framingham State College, Massachu­ setts. James Shedlock is now head of public services at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago. Robert Sorgenfrei has been named assistant acquisitions librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Jean Stefancic is now acquisitions and serials li­ brarian at the University of San Francisco Law Li­ brary. Robert Stivers has been appointed associate law librarian for research at the George W ashing­ ton University Law Library. Edward Tawyea has been appointed associate director of the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago. Earl Taylor has been appointed director of li­ brary systems and operations at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Suzanne M. Teuteberg has been appointed me­ dia specialist at Harvard University’s Gutm an Li­ brary. Roger K. Thomas is now serials cataloger at In ­ diana University, Bloomington. Elizabeth A. Titus has been named assistant di­ rector for public services at Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, DeKalb. John E. Ulmschneider is now library automa- SHELFMARK'S SOLVES THE " N O COPY" PROBLEM! If every book that lacks catalog copy is tying up your time and resources, leaving little time for local needs like catalog maintenance and development, you haven't heard about the CATALOGING O N DEMAND service. Customized original cataloging for your no-copy items is now available quickly and economically from Shelfmark. No staff time, paperwork, or bibliographic searching is required. Choose card sets, unit cards, or written copy in any format. For libraries large or small, automated or not, it's an effective way to eliminate backlogs, reduce per-item costs, and free your staff to concentrate on local needs. Call (707) 468-8163 for brochure, or write: Shelfmark, Attn. Mr. Feldman, 277 Valley View Road, Ukiah CA 95482-6845. 77 tion systems m anager at the College of W illiam and M ary, W illiam sburg, Virginia. Philip Van De Voorde has been appointed head of th e In fo rm a tio n Services D e p a rtm e n t, Io w a State University, Ames. Carroll H. Varner has been nam ed assistant director for technical services at N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb. G. Garry Warren has been nam ed library d i­ rector at F o rt Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. J. Whaley has been appointed head of collection developm ent at V irginia C om m onw ealth U niver­ sity, Richm ond. Swarna Wickremeratne has been ap p o in ted A fricana Project indexer at N orthw estern U niver­ sity, Evanston, Illinois. Dawn Williams has been a p p o in te d m o n o ­ g ra p h ic c a ta lo g e r a t N o rth w e ste rn U n iversity, Evanston, Illinois. Karyl Winn has been ap p o in ted h ead of th e M anuscripts and University Archives Division at th e University of W ashington, Seattle. Retirements Melva Dwyer, head of the Fine Arts Division at th e University of British C olum bia, retired in D e­ cem ber after 31 years of service. Marc Gittelsohn, u n dergraduate lib rarian at the University of C alifornia, San Diego, retired on D ecem ber 28. Esther Johnson, head of the Forestry L ib rary at the University of C alifornia, Berkeley, retired on Jan u ary 3 after over 32 years of service. Martha Moore, senior cataloger in the L ib rary of Congress Serial Record Division, retired August 31 w ith over 15 years of Federal service. Renata Rotkowitz, director of public services an d collection developm ent for th e libraries of W ashington University, St. Louis, retired on No­ vem ber 30. Rotkow itz began her c a re e r a t W a sh in g to n University in 1966 as a Slavic an d W est E u ro ­ p e a n b ib l io g r a p h e r , then rose to the rank of principal bibliographer. She served in this capac­ ity b e fo re b e in g p r o ­ m oted to assistant u n i­ versity lib r a r ia n , th en acting university lib ra r­ ian from F eb ru ary 1977 Renata R o tko w itzto S ep tem b er 1978, at w hich tim e she was a p ­ pointed to her most recent position. She has also tau g h t courses in the University’s li­ b rary science program and courses in Polish his­ tory. After retirem ent she will continue teaching at W ashington University in the W estern E uropean Studies P ro g ram . Elisabeth Scitovsky, an original cataloger at Stanford University since 1970, retired on Novem ­ ber 30. She h ad received her first library degree in Budapest, then received a second MLS at Rutgers after com ing to this country in 1956. Dorothy Shields, W est E u ro p e a n b ib lio g ra ­ pher at th e University of British C olum bia, retired in D ecem ber after 23 years of service. Harry Tarlin, d irec to r of U tica College L i­ b rary , New York, for 15 years, retired in D ecem ­ ber. He h ad previously served for 15 years at Bran- deis University. Deaths Barbara Begg, reference lib rarian at th e Science & E ngineering L ibrary, University of C alifornia, San Diego, passed aw ay on O ctober 13. Florence Hildebrandt, rare book cataloger at the University of C alifornia, Davis, from 1964 to 1967, died in Massachusetts a few m onths ago. She h ad earlier served as head of the L oan D ep artm en t at Davis. Conrad C. Reining, form er head of th e African Section a t th e L ib rary of Congress, died on O cto­ ber 30 after a long illness. An internationally recog­ nized anthropologist, Reining served as head of the Section from 1960 to 1966. ■ ■ Strategic Planning Task Force appointed A Strategic P lanning Task Force has been a p ­ pointed by ACRL President Sharon Rogers to create a w ritten strategic p lan for ACRL based on th e “Proposed P lanning Process for the Asso­ ciation of College an d Research L ib ra rie s,” w hich appeared in C & R L N ew s, Septem ber 1984, pp.396-401. T he Task Force w ill present its five-year w ritten strategic p lan to the Board of D irectors at the 1986 ALA A nnual Conference in New York. Susan Klingberg, C alifornia State U niver­ sity, Sacram ento, chairs the Task Force. The other m em bers are: D avid Bishop, University of Georgia; D on Riggs, Arizona State U niver­ sity; Sharon H ogan, Louisiana State U niver­ sity; Keith Russell, N ational A gricultural L i­ brary; JoAn Segal, ACRL; and C arla J. Stoffle, University of M ichigan. Anyone needing inform ation about th e Task Force or w ishing to share concerns and infor­ m a tio n s h o u ld c o n ta c t: S u san K lin g b e rg , H ead , E d u ca tio n an d Psychology Reference D ep artm en t, C alifornia State University L i­ b rary , 2000 Jed Smith D rive, Sacram ento, CA 95819; (916) 454-6776. Don’t go looking for the articles your patrons need- THEGenuine Article delivers them to you! The Genuine Article has the ↑ articles your patrons need: articles from any of over 6,800 journals in virtually all scientific and scholarly disciplines. And w e’ll make sure your articles get to you quickly- th ey ’ll be in the mail to you within 48 hours after we receive your order. If that isn’t fast enough, you can use our Hotline phone or facsimile delivery. The cost is surprisingly low. For more information on how The Genuine Article can save you time, save you trouble, and get you copies of the articles your patrons need, phone toll-free 800-523-1850, extension 1352, or write to the address below. Do it today. Institute for Scientific Information® Customer Services Department 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 U.S.A. Tel: (215) 386-0100, Cable: SCINFO, Telex: 84-5305 European Office: 132 High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1DP, United Kingdom Tel: 44-895-70016, Telex: 933693 UKISI © 1 9 8 4 ISI 1 2 - 3 6 0 9