ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 7 2 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 2003 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynne E. Bradley Key library issues are “popping” u p in Congress, not unlike the spring flowers coming through the last vestiges of this w in ter’s snow . T he “n e w ” 108th Congress seems to have settled in and many bills are being introduced and some acted upon. LSTA The House of Representatives passed H.R. 13, the Museum and Library Services Act o f2003, on March 6 in a 416 to 2 vote. H.R. 13 contains the primary federal library program, LSTA, as well as federal funding for museums. This is a major, but certainly n o t th e final, hurdle for the reauthorization of LSTA. Thanks to all of the ACRL supporters w ho made calls to seek cosponsors for the H ouse and Senate bills. Major efforts are still needed in the Senate to get more cosponsors for S. 238, which now has 24 sponsors. Check h ttp :// under the bill num b er to retrieve the most current list. Please contact your senators to ask them to sign on to S. 238. Senators interested in cosponsoring the legislation should contact Senator Jack Reed’s staff person, Elyse Wasch, at (202) 224-4642. E-surveillance and the USA PATRIOT Act March 6 was also the date that Rep. Bernie Sand­ ers (I-Vermont) introduced H.R. 1157, the Free­ dom to Read Protection Act o f 2003. T here are already 24 representatives o f th e bill but more, especially Republicans, are needed. Academic li­ brary supporters are also urged to ask their respec­ tive representatives to cosponsor the Sanders’ bill. Other activities are starting on these issues in the Senate, not surprisingly under the leadership of Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont). Vemiont librarians were instrumental in press­ ing both local and federal action on surveillance an d library patron confidentiality issues. Trina Magi, past president of the Vermont Library As­ sociation and a librarian at the University o f Ver­ m ont, w as an activist in getting 13 tow ns in Ver­ m ont to pass civil liberties resolutions about the USA PATRIOT Act. At the Sanders press confer­ ence she said “These provisions. . . already existed p rio r to th e [PATRIOT] Act . . . an d required Lynne E. Bradley is Office o f Government Relations director o f ALA's W ashington Office, e-mail: leb@alawash.orq probable cause and judicial oversight. Now the USA PATRIOT Act expands these pow ers u n ­ necessarily, an d threatens the civil liberties of p eo p le w h o have com m itted n o crim es.” H.R. 1157 w ould return the legal standards for the FBI to obtain court authorization to seek library patrons’ and bookstore customers’ records to the legal standards prior to passage o f the USA PATRIOT Act in O ctober 2001. T hese types of investigations are typically conducted under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was one of 15 major U.S. laws amended by the USA PATRIOT Act. H.R. 1157 also calls for public reporting to determine how provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act are being im plem ented in order to better assess civil liberties implications. For m ore information go to Sanders’ Web site at http://bem UCITA T he future o f U niform C om puter Inform ation T ransactions Act (UCITA) looks doubtful after the American Bar Association (ABA) failed to ap­ prove a resolution that w ould approve UCITA’s readiness for consideration in state legislatures. UCITA has g en erated en o rm o u s controversy within ABA in the past few m onths in anticipa­ tion o f a v ote o n UCITA at the ABA’s Midyear Meeting in Seattle, February 7-11. Six ABA sec­ tions voted to reject the resolution supporting UCITA. In the w ake of this opposition, the draft­ ers o f UCITA w ithdrew the resolution from con­ sideration. It is expected that UCITA’s failure in ABA will be a deten'ent to further UCITA intro­ duction in state legislatures. Miriam Nisbet, ALA legislative counsel and president o f Americans for Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions (AFFECT), the national coalition opposing UCITA, is ALA’s representative to the ABA meeting. ACRL played an im portant role in the d e ­ velopm ent o f a library com m unity letter to the ABA regarding UCITA. In conjunction w ith the ALA W ashington Office and other library asso­ ciations, an o p en letter was sent to the ABA H ouse o f Delegates explaining the library prob­ lems w ith UCITA a n d asking th em not to pass the resolution. More to report in next m o n th ’s C&RL News. C heck th e ALA W ashington Of­ fice Web site for updates. ■ mailto:leb@alawash.orq