ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 7 4 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2003 I n t e r n e t R e v i e w s Joni R. Roberts and Carol A. Drost, editors Education World. Access: h ttp ://w w w . Education World is a free portal site devel­ oped to help educators to more easily incorpo­ rate the Web into their classrooms and to share information am ong professionals. The site in­ cludes lesson plans, articles on current issues, Web site reviews, and a search engine oriented to educational sites on the Internet. On the positive side, Education World con­ tains a num ber o f helpful sections for educa­ tors— lesson plans, school issues, professional developm ent, technology in the classroom , adm inistrator’s desk, site reviews, an d class­ room management. The information is timely and useful to teachers and education majors. The teacher-subm itted lesson plans provide clearly structured tasks and activities. “Tech­ nology in the Classroom ” offers detailed les­ sons using the Internet as a resource. Adver­ tisements, while present, are grouped together on the side and to p o f the page and provide little interference w ith the content. On the negative side, the hom epage is con­ fusing w ith an overw helm ing am ount o f in­ formation presented in distracting neon blues, reds, and greens and no sidebar frame to help navigate, so the reader is forced to identify the column headings before proceeding. The search en g in e, w hile id en tified as a safe search of 500,000 Web resources, comes with no indica­ tion of how these resources are chosen and it searches the entire Web. D espite this, it does yield a p p ro p ria te results. A trial search for “sp an k in g ” yielded only th e results that o n e w ould w ant to see on such a site. The site can ease a teacher’s life. T here is financial advice, mailing lists for hu m o r and jobs, and templates for nametags. Areas include the “Sub Station” (advice for substitute teach­ ers on lessons and difficult children), classroom managem ent advice, “Reference Libraiy,” and national standards information. There is a great deal of useful information, but finding m uch of it is time-consuming. T here is a subject index at the bottom of the hom epage that also appears as a sidebar once you enter the site. Articles are archived and retrieved through these subjects. The ar­ ticles are dated, but som e sections are not as current as others. In general, the site provides excellent in ­ formation for teachers and prospective teach­ ers in grades K-8, offering a plethora of lesson plans, handouts, and templates. After using the site, experienced users can m anage to locate what they need. First timers, however, may find it tedious and difficult.—Sheila Beck, Queensborough community college Center for Applied Linguistics. Access: http://w w w F ounded in 1959 in a post-Sputnik plan to im prove lan g u ag e instruction in the U nited States, the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) performs research, analyzes language policy, and provides language program developm ent and assessment seivices. CAL hosts two Educational Resources Inform ation C enter (ERIC) clear­ inghouses: th e ERIC C learinghouse o n Lan­ guages and Linguistics ancl the National Center for English as a Second Language (ESL) Lit­ eracy Education. U nder “Topic A reas” users can find access to cu rren t CAL projects, in ­ cluding K-12 and adult ESL literacy; dialects and ebonies; refugee and immigrant concerns; and bilingual education, two-way immersion, and foreign language teaching. “Links,” the last option on the hom epage’s left-h a n d colum n, offers a b u n d a n t free re ­ sources in largely the sam e subjects as those lis te d u n d e r “T o p ic A re a s .” T h e “L in k s” p a g e s vary in le n g th b u t ty p ically in clu d e c o n n ectio n s to reso u rce sites, professional organizations and e-mail lists, and electronic jo u rn a ls. O c c a sio n a lly lin k s to b ib lio g r a ­ phies, ERIC Digests, and conferences are also included. Joni R. Roberts is associate university librarian fo r public services and co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t a t W illa m e tte University, e-mail: jroberts@, and Carol A. Drost is associate university librarian fo r technical services at W illam ette University, e-mail: http://www C&RL News ■ A p r il 2003 / 275 Some notable site gem s available at “D a t a b a s e s / D i r e c t o r i e s ” i n c l u d e W orkW orld, a d a ta b a se o f v o c a tio n a l ESL resources, an d N anduti, a resource supporting K -8 foreign language instruc­ tion. A n o th er in terestin g so u rce is th e Cultural O rientation R esource Center, w hich publishes history an d culture g uidebooks on U.S. im m igrant groups, such as Cubans, H ai­ tians, Somalis, and Iraqis (Arabs an d Kurds). Site navigation is simple, w h eth er through th e site m ap (here called “Table of C ontents”) or the site’s search engine. Searching is straight­ forw ard: th e u s e r selects “a n y ,” “a ll,” or “p h rase” searching and can limit the search to a specific p art o f a Web docum ent. T he user can also search th e h o ld in g s o f a p articu lar CAL clearinghouse or research center; b e aware th at th e d ro p -d o w n list of ch o ice s p re se n ts acronyms an d not full names. O ther than the hom epage, most o f the CAL pag es d o n o t have “last u p d a te d ” dates, an d the u ser will en co u n te r a few d e a d links. O n the “Foreign Language Education” page (linked from “L inks” a n d n o t from “T able o f C on­ te n ts ”), a test o f 13 URLs fo u n d tw o in c o r­ rect, a n d an attem pt to subscribe to a foreign language mailing list returned a “n o such list” error from the processor. G iv en CAL’s b re a d th an d d e p th o f c o n ­ tent, librarians serving educators an d ed u ca­ tion stu d en ts in foreign languages, ESL, an d Teachers of English to Speakers o f O ther Lan­ guages programs should definitely include this site in their list o f resources.— H eidi E. K. Se­ nior, University o f Portland, The Pew Research C en ter f o r th e People and the Press. Access: h ttp :// W hether you w ant to track the nation’s cur­ rent political opinions or chart trends in media use an d new s interest, this site is a great place to start. Form erly know n as the Times Mirror C en ter fo r th e P e o p le a n d th e P ress (1990— 95), th e ce n te r is n o w o n e o f m any interests fu n d ed by the P ew Charitable Trusts an d is a self-described “independent opinion research group that studies attitudes tow ard the press, politics, and public policy issues.” Directed by in d e p e n d e n t pollster A ndrew Kohut, form er president o f the Gallup Organization, this non­ profit organization researches in the following principal areas: The People and the Press; The T H E P E W R E S E A R C H C E N T E R f o i T H E P E O P L E A N D T H E P R E S S People, The Press an d Politics; The News In­ dex Interest; America’s Place in the World; and Media Use. The center studies public opinion b o th o n c u rren t events, su c h as the m ilitary action against Iraq or genetic research, and p e ­ rennial interests, such as religion, business, and th e eco n o m y . A sp ecial “G lobal A ttitu d e s” project offers an international perspective. This thoughtfully co n stru cte d Web site is u n c lu tte re d an d easy to n av ig ate from the homepage, which features the most recent work of the center through the well-labeled content tab s in th e h e a d e r. T he h e a rt o f th e site in ­ cludes the “Survey R eports,” accessible chro­ nologically or grouped by topic or year back to 1995. Each report presents a clear sum mary of findings, details of the methodology used, and a c o p y o f th e q u e stio n n a ire . “Search Q u e s­ tionnaires” provides simple keyw ord access to the site research and includes a helpful toggle to sort results by date or relevance. Finally, a unique “News Interest Index” lists by percent­ age of re s p o n se s th e m ost closely fo llo w ed new s stories from 1986 to 2002. Researchers w ho like to w ork with raw data m ay ap p reciate th e availability o f the survey data sets, w hich may be dow nloaded from the site six m o n th s after th e re p o rts are issued. The center also offers a variety of com m entar­ ies th at p u t th e research in perspective. The “In T he N ew s” ta b highlights P ew re se a rc h studies featured by selected media, including the New York Times, Washington Post, News Hour with Jim. Lehrer, and National Public Radio. Fi­ nally, th e c e n te r’s site links to a few d o z e n o th e r recen t m edia polls, such as those c o n ­ ducted by ABC, Gallup, and Newsweek. Although intended for political leaders, jour­ nalists, scholars, and public interest organiza­ tions, th e P ew R esearch C enter site will also appeal to teachers and students in the fields of comm unication, m edia studies, business, and political science or anyone interested in survey research. In addition, individuals curious about American attitudes o n political, domestic, and m edia issues will find the reports them selves illuminating.— Barbara Valentine, Linfield Col­ lege, ■ 27 6 / C&RL N ew s ■ A p r il 2003