N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart Deliverance: The Inside Story of East Timor's Fight for Freedom, by Don Greenlees and Robert Garran (375 pages, April 2003), u n ­ ravels the confusing history of the Portuguese half of this small island, w hich was taken over by Suharto’s Indonesia in 1976 and went through 24 years o f bloody repression of its independence movem ent until a UN peacekeeping force inter­ vened an d stabilized the area in 2000. The au­ thors, reporters for The Australian newspaper, wit­ nessed many of the events firsthand, interviewed dozens of key participants, and examined hun­ dreds o f docum ents to sum m arize w hat East Timor’s experience meant for the region. The role of the United States is put into perspective. $24.95. Allen & Unwin, distributed by the Independent Publishers Group. ISBN 1-86508-367-4. Encyclopedia of Alzheimer's Disease, by Elaine A. M oore w ith Lisa Moore (401 pages, January 2003), provides an explanation of hun­ dreds of topics relating to the diagnosis, care, and treatment o f Alzheimer’s and its symptoms, such as secretase enzymes, mild cognitive impairment, glial cells, and mortality. An even longer section of more than 200 pages gives state-by-state con­ tact infonnation on long-tenn and day-care treat­ m ent centers an d research facilities. $55.00. McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-1438-3. Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures, edited by Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (4 vols., De­ cember 2002), contains 240 signed articles on the character and culture of the largest and most im­ portant cities in each country of the world. Suit­ able for both travel preparations and area studies, these volumes describe the origin, population, dis­ tinctive features, attractions, languages, history, migration patterns, infrastructure, politics, social life, cuisine, diversity, commerce, recreation, qual­ ity o f life, and future o f urban landscapes as far apart culturally as Copenhagen and Kampala. A solid bibliography accom panies each entry. $399.00. Grolier. ISBN 0-7172-5698-7. G e o rg e M . E b e rh a rt is s e nio r e d ito r o f American Libraries, e-m ail: geberhart@ ala.org Free and Public: One Hundred and Fifty Years at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, 1853-2003, by John Fleischman (142 pages, Febmary 2003), tells the story o f o n e o f A m e ric a ’s first m o d e r n u r b a n p u b lic lib raries and the librarians, tru ste e s , p o liti­ cians, and patrons that m ade it fa­ mous. Cincinnati’s library was one of the first w ith spe­ cial services for the blind, for children, and for rural residents. It also pioneered free li­ brary cards, circulating audiovisual collections, bookmobiles, and an online catalog, and was a national model for public libraries in its day. This volume’s well-chosen photographs document the legacy of the Old Main library and its branches on community development, and the excitement of its dramatic expansion in the 1980s and 1990s is well worth a close look. $34.95. Public Library o f Cincinnati an d H am ilton County, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202-2071. ISBN 1- 882203-91-7. The Library's Legal Answer Book, by Mary Minow and Tomas A. Lipinski (361 pages, Janu­ ary 2003), covers— in Q&A format and in a fair am ount of detail— m any o f the troubling legal questions library administrators are commonly confronted with. O f particular interest to aca­ demic librarians are the sections on copyright, Web site issues, ADA implementation, privacy, profes­ sional liability, and personnel matters. The au­ thors answer such specific questions as Does the Patriot Act supersede state laws? May library staff nin for public office? How are disability laws en­ forced? Can a library show the chocolate factory assembly-line scene from I Lo ve Lucy in a training workshop? The answers are punctuated with ac­ tual case studies, hypotheticals, and such handy charts as a summary of state library confidentiality statutes. $48.00. ALA Editions. ISBN 0-8389- 0828-4. ■ C&RL News • A p r il 2003 / 277 mailto:geberhart@ala.org