ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1989 / 701 The ACRL awards program, 1989 Over $9,000 in cash prizes, an all-expenses-paid trip to Europe, and special recognition fro m your peers are available to you. T he Association o f College and R esearch Li braries sponsors a n u m b e r o f aw ard p ro grams on beh alf o f academ ic or research librarian- ship to recognize special achievem ents an d o u t standing publications and to foster professional growth. Someone you know is deserving of special recognition for their contributions to academic and research librarianship. Take am om ent to nom inate th ese outstanding individuals so th a t th ey can get th e recognition they d ese rv e. Award-w inning o p p o rtu n itie s for academ ic li braries are described on the following pages. Please review th e re q u ire m e n ts for each aw ard program and take note o f th e program s for w hich you o r colleague are eligible. General submission procedures. U nless o th e r wise indicated send nom inations and applications to: N ame of the Award, ACRL/ALA, 50 East H uron S treet, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Staffcontact. If you have questions o r n ee d help in compiling information for a nom ination, contact Mary E llen K. Davis, (800) 545-2433; (800) 545- 2444 in Illinois; (800) 545-2455 in Canada; or (312) 944-6780. FAX: (312) 440-9374. I. ACHIEVEMENT AND DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award Purpose. To recognize an individual m em b er o the libraryprofession w hois making an outstanding national or international contribution to academ ic o r research librarianship and library developm ent. Donor. Baker & Taylor donates th e $3,000 cash prize. ­ ­ ­ ­ a ­ f Criteria. N om inees should have d em o n strated achievem ents in such areas as: 1. Service to th e organized profession th rough ACRL and related organizations. 2. Significant and influential research on aca­ dem ic or research library service. 3. P ublication o f a body o f scholarly and/or theo re tic al w riting c o n trib u tin g to academ ic or research library developm ent. 4. Planning and im plem enting a library program of such exem plary quality th a t it has served as a m odel for others. Submission procedure. Provide supporting re a ­ sons for this nom ination on each of the four criteria. Please attach a c u rre n t vita— n o t a biographical sketch— and send in eight copies o f th e nomination m aterials. Note: Please do not solicit supporting letters seconding your nom ination. Such letters will not b e co n sid ered in th e Award C o m m ittee’s decision. Deadline. D e cem b er 1,1989. Previous recipients. Keyes D. M etcalf and Robert D. Downs (1978); H en riette D. Avram and F re d e r­ ick G. Kilgour (1979); E van Ira F a rb e r (1980); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); William Budington (1982); Richard M . D ougherty (1983); Richard D. Johnson (1984); Jessie C arney Smith (1985); M argaret Beckman (1986); D uane W ebster (1987); E dw ard G. H olley (1988); John P. M cGowan (1989). Miriam Dudley Award for Bibliographic Instruction Purpose. To recognize an individual librarian who has m ade an especially significant co n trib u ­ 702 / C&RL News tion to the advancement o f bibliographic instruc­ tion in a college or research institution. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pioneering efforts in the field of bibliographic instruction led to the formation of th e ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section. Donor. M ountainside Publishing Company donates the $1,000 cash award on beh alf o f its publication, Research Strategies: A Journal of Library C oncepts and Instruction. The award is adm inistered by the Bibliographic Instruction Section of ACRL. Criteria. Nominees should have achieved dis­ tinction in one or more o f the following areas: 1. Planning and implementation of an academic bibliographic instruction program that provides significant contributions to the field and is recog­ nized as a model for w idespread use in other libraries. 2. Research and publication th at has had a demonstrable impact on the concepts and methods of teaching and information-seeking strategies in a college or research institution. 3. Active participation in and significant contri­ bution to an organization devoted to the promotion and advancem ent of academic bibliographic in­ struction. 4. Prom otion, developm ent, and integration of education for bibliographic instruction in ALA- accredited library schools or professional continu­ ing education programs which have served as models for other courses and programs. Submission procedure. W rite a le tte r outlining how the candidate meets the above criteria. Nomi­ nees need not necessarily m eet all th e criteria. Please attach a cu rren t vita— not a biographical sketch. Send nominations to: David King, Dudley Award, University of Kentucky, College of Library and Information Science, 502 King Library Bldg., Lexington, KY 40506-0391. Call David King, if you have questions or need assistance in compiling nom ination forms. Phone: (606) 257-8876. Note: Nominees will be judgedon an individual basis; this award cannot be given to ap air or group of persons. Deadline. D ecem ber 1,1989. Previous recipients. Thomas Kirk (1984); Carolyn Kirkendall (1985); VirginiaTiefel (1986); Evan Ira F arb e r (1987); Sharon Hogan (1988); M aureen Pastine(1989). Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Purpose. The award honors th e life and accom­ plishments of Hugh C. Atkinson, one o f th e major innovators in modern librarianship, and recognizes outstanding achievement (including risk-taking) by academic librarians th at has contributed signifi­ cantly to improvements in th e area o f library auto­ mation, library management, and/or library devel­ opm ent or research. Donor. The awardis jointly sponsored by ACRL, the Library Administration and Management Asso­ ciation (LAMA), th e Library and Inform ation Technology Association (LITA), and the Resources and Technical Services Division (RTSD), four divisions of the American Library Association, and is funded by an endow m ent created by divisional, individual, and vendor contributions given in memory of Hugh C. Atkinson. Additional funds are sought to bring the endowment to at least $100,000. Send your tax-deductible contributions to: Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. The first award consisted o f an unrestricted $2,000 cash prize and a plaque. Eligibility. The nom inee m ust be a librarian em ployed in a university, college, or com m unity college library in th e year prior to application for the award and m ust have a m inimum of five years o f professional experience in an academic library. Individuals may nominate themselves or be nomi­ nated by others. Criteria. The nominee must have demonstrated achievem ent (including risk-taking) that has con­ trib u ted significantly to improvements in the area of library automation, library management, and/or library development or research. Submission procedure. Those wishing to nomi­ nate someone (including themselves) for the award should write a letter outlining how the candidate meets the above criteria. Letters shouldbe accom­ panied by a current copy of the candidate’s vita. Deadline. D ecem ber 1,1989. Previous recipients. Richard M. D ougherty (1988); Thomas Michalak (1989). Community College Learning Resources Achievement Awards Purpose. Two annual awards to recognize sig­ nificant achievem ent in th e areas of: 1) Program D evelopm ent and 2) L eadership or Com munity Service. This is abrand new award and the first time that it has been offered. Donor. The p rin ted citations are prep ared and donated by the officers of th e Com munity and JuniorC oliege Libraries Section (CJCLS). Estab­ lished in 1989. Eligibility. Individuals or groups from two-year institutions, as well as the two-year institutions themselves are eligible to receive awards. Nomina­ tions will be kept on file forthree consecutive years. Criteria. Nominees for th e Program D evelop­ m ent awards should have demonstrated significant achievement in one of the followingareas: develop­ m ent of aunique and innovative learning resources/ library program that enhances use by faculty and students; integration and exploration of media and September 1989 / 703 technology to enhance services; exemplary collec­ tion developm ent policy model. N om inees for th e L eadership or C om m unity Service award must have made significant achieve­ m ent in one or m ore o f th e following areas: advo­ cacy o f learning resources/libraries by individuals, groups, or programs not directly affiliated with the program; community services (including businesses, public libraries, special services for th e disadvan­ taged); cooperative programs with schools, librar­ ies, and o th er organizations; legislative advocacy; special assignments associated with the mission of the com m unity colleges such as literacy across the curriculum programs. Submission procedure. N om inations should consist o f th e application form, a narrative le tte r describing the achievem ents, and any supporting attachm ents. Send four copies of the nom inations to: award ju ry chair, Shirley A. Lowman, Library Technical Services D irector, M aricopa C ounty C om m unity C ollege, 2325 E. M cDow ell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85006; (602) 275-3301; FAX (602) 220-9041. Deadline. D ecem ber 1,1989. II. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Purpose. To foster research in academic librari- anship by encouraging and assisting doctoral stu­ dents in th e field with th eir dissertation research. Donor. The Institute for Scientific Information donates th e $ 1,000 cash award and citation. Eligibility. The recipient o f th e fellowship must m eet the following qualifications: 1. Be an active doctoral stu d en t in th e academic librarianship area in a degree-granting institution. 2. Have com pleted all course work. 3. Have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution. 4. Recipient o f the fellowship may not receive it a se co n d tim e . 5. The applicant need not be an ACRL mem ber. Criteria. The proposal will be judged prim arily on m erit with em phasis on th e following: 1. Potential significance o f th e research to th e field of academic librarianship. (No attem pt will be m ade to define academ ic librarianship b u t th e subject should b e consistent with topics usually published in College & Research Libraries or p re ­ sented at ACRL m eetings.) 2. Validity of th e m ethodology and proposed methods o f analysis. 3. Originality and creativity. 4. Clarity and com pleteness o f th e proposal. 5. Presentation o f a convincing plan for com ple­ tion in a reasonable am ount o f time. 6. Evidence o f a continuing in tere st in scholar­ ship such as a previous publication record. Submission procedure. Q ualified students who wish to be considered for the fellowship may apply by subm itting a b rie f (ten pages or less d o u b le­ spaced) proposal th at includes th e following: 1. D escription of the research, including signifi­ cance and methodology. 2. Schedule for completion. 3. B udget and b udget justification for item s for which support is sought. (These m ust be item s for which no o th er support is available.) Examples of acceptable b u d g et item s are printing, com puter time, fees to subjects, data input, statistical consult­ ing, photography, art work, typing, and profes­ sional travel. 4. N ame of dissertation adviser and com m ittee members. 5. Cover letter from dissertation adviser endors­ ing th e proposal. 6. An up-to-date curriculum vitae should accom­ pany the proposal. Because of limits im posed by tim ing considera­ tions, applications m aybe made for research under way; e.g., a student who begins research in th e Fall may apply for support for expenses incurred from th e Fall until th e tim e th e award is made. Deadline. D ecem b er 1,1989. Previous recipients. “The Planning F unction in M anagement of U niversity Libraries: Survey Analy­ sis, Conclusions, and Recom m endations” (Stanton Biddle, 1983); “An Examination o f Levels ofW ork P erform ed According to Tim e-Stratified Systems T heory” (D onald Gould, 1984); “S tate C oordina­ tion of H igher Education and Academic Libraries” (Vickie L. Gregory, 1985) and “The L eader Role in Influencing the Central Environm ent of Academic L ibraries” (Joanne E uster, 1985); “T he 1965— 1975 Facuity Status M ovem ent as a Professionali­ zation E ffort with Social M ovem ent C h aracteris­ tics: A Case Study o f th e State U niversity of New York” (G em m a DeVinney, 1986); “The Title Page as th e Source o f Inform ation for Bibliographic D escription: An Analysis of Its Syntactic and Se­ m antic C haracteristics” (Ling Hwey Jeng, 1987); “Managerial Motivation and C areer Aspirations of L ibrary/Inform ation S tu d en ts” (Sarla Murgai, 1988); “C opyright Policies at American R esearch Universities: Balancing Inform ation N eeds and Legal Limits” (K enneth Crews, 1989). Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant Purpose. E stablished in 1985, the annual grant supports a wide variety of research topics p erta in ­ ing to W est E uropean studies, librarianship, or the book tra d e . Proposals may focus on th e acquisition, organization, or use o f library m aterials from or 704 / C&RL News relating to W estern Europe. C urrent or historical subjects may be treated. The objectives o f the study m aybe of either practical use or scholarly value to the community o f librarians and researchers. Donor. Martinus Nijhoff International funds this study grant which covers air travel to and from Europe, surface travel in Europe, lodging and board for no more than 14 consecutive days. Maxi­ mum am ount of 10,000 D utch guilders or U.S. dollar equivalent is aw arded p er year. Funds may not be used for salaries, research-related supplies, publication cost, conference fees, or equipm ent purchases. The award is administered by the West­ ern European Specialists Section of ACRL. Criteria. The primary criterion for awarding the grant is the significance and utility of the proposed project as a contribution to the study of the acqui­ sition, organization, or use of library materials from or relating to W estern Europe. The award commit­ tee will review the proposals with the following questions in mind: 1. W hat is the work to be accomplished? The proposal should be as explicit as possible about the current state of knowledge in the area and what will be achieved by the successful com pletion of the study. 2. W hat is the need and value o f the proposed research? The proposal should provide persuasive evidence that the study is of practical use or schol­ arly value to the w ider com m unity served by the grant. 3. W hat is the methodology for carrying out the proposed work? The research design should be as specific as possible and demonstrate why the E uro­ pean com ponent is essential. 4. Is the work accomplishable within the time- frame proposed? If the study extends beyond the 14-day limit of the grant, the proposal should spec­ ify how the additional work will be com pleted and funded. 5. Are the applicant’s qualifications sufficient to carry out the study? Submission procedure. Six copies of the applica­ tion should be subm itted and m ust include: 1. A proposal, five pages or less, typed double­ spaced. 2. A tentative travel itinerary— not to exceed 14 days, including the proposed countries and institu­ tions to be visited and the preferred period of study/ travel. 3. A travel budget, including estim ated round­ trip coach airfare, transportation in Europe, lodg- ingexpenses, and meal costs. 4. A current curriculum vitae. Obligations o f the grantee. The recipient’s d e­ tailed expense statem ent, with original receipts, is due to ACRL within two months of the trip ’s term ination. The grantee is required to subm it a report of no less than 4,000 words on the research resulting from the study trip to ACRL within six months. It is assumed that in most cases this report will be suitable for publication; if so, ACRL is given first rights of refusal. The grantee should submit an abstract of the report for publication in the WESS Newsletter. In addition, the grantee m aybe asked toparticipate in a WESS general discussion group, advise the award committee, or counsel new grant­ ees. Recipients are encouraged, but not required, to join WESS and become involved in its activities. Deadline. D ecem ber 1,1989. Previous recipients. Price indexes of European academic library materials (F rederick Lynden, 1986); Refugee and exile publishing in W estern E urope (Michael Albin, 1987); No award in 1988; Preserving the w ritten record: Preservation p ro ­ grams at E uropean Libraries (James H. Spohrer (1989). Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Acquisitions or Technical Services in an Academic or Research Library Purpose. To foster advances in acquisitions or technical services by providing librarians a fellow­ ship for travel, or writing in those fields. Research projects in collection development or the compila­ tion of bibliographies will not be supported by this fellowship. Donor. The Institute for Scientific Information funds the fellowship, which consists of a $1,000 cash award and a citation. Criteria. T he proposals will be judged with an emphasis on the following: 1. Potential significance of the project to acqui­ sitions or technical services work. 2. Originality and creativity. 3. Clarity and completeness of the proposal. 4. Evidence of an interest in scholarship, such as a previous publication record. Submissionprocedure. Briefproposals (fivepages or less, double-spaced) should include the follow­ ing: 1. Description of research, travel, or writing project. 2. Schedule for project. 3. Estimate of expenses. (Examples professional travel, com puter time, photocopying, typing). 4. Recipients of the fellowship will be asked to submit ab rie f report of the results of their research. 5. An up-to-date curriculum vitae should accom- panyproposal. Deadline. D ecem ber 1,1989. Previous recipients. “Technical Processing Costs in Large Academic Research Libraries” (Denise Bedford, 1983); “Online Cataloging Systems and the Man-Machine Interface” (Anne L. Highsmith, 1985); “Im plem enting Technological Change in 706 / C&RL News Library Technical Service Units” (M argaret Johnson, 1987); C D ROM (Carol Kelley, 1988); “C om puter Simulations of Cataloging Backlog Dynamics” (Robert H. Burger, 1989). Professional Association Liaison Awards Purpose. To support membership liaison activi­ ties in other (non-library) professional associations. Donor. ACRL provides th e funding which is distributed through the Professional Association Liaison Committee. Ten awards of up to $300 each are available. Eligibility. Applicants must be members of ALA. P reference is given to ACRL members. Criteria. Preference will be given to efforts which contribute to the understanding or use of academic library resources or services. Also eligible for fund­ ing are efforts which enhance th e perception of academic librarians as part of the “education team .” Support for participation in organizations could include activities such as majorpresentation, panel discussions, poster sessions, publications of articles, and more. In awarding th e funding request, the com m ittee will give weight to the significance of the contribution. Funding will be up to $300 of costs not covered by others for travel, accommodations, and registra­ tion (n o tmem bership). F undingw illbe awarded after the event, but requests may be subm itted for approval prior to the event. Awards are dependent on the com m ittee receiving report of activity. Submission procedure. The following format should be followed: 1. Name, title, address, and telephone num ber o f requester. 2. Name of organization sponsoring th e p ro ­ gram. 3. Requester’s relationship to organization. 4. Summary of participation (e.g., abstract of paper). 5. Statem ent of potential impact for prom oting academic or research librarianship. 6. Budget and amount being requested. 7. Supporting docum entation as relevant (e.g., receipts, program, etc.) Applications should be sent to th e chair o f the Professional Association Liaison Committee, Lou­ ise Sherby, D eputy H ead for Administration, C o­ lum bia University Libraries, B utler R eference Departm ent, 325 Butler Library, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027; (212) 280-3475. The com m ittee may request inform ation suit­ able for publication within six months after the event. Deadline. The com m ittee meets twice ayear to review applications: at ALA M idwinter M eeting and Annual Conference. ACRLContìnuingEducation Scholarships Purpose. To encourage professional develop­ m ent of academic librarians. Donor. ACRL provides two tuition-free scholar­ ships each year. A list of the courses available at the 1990Annual Conference is available from the ACRL office. Eligibility. Applicant must: 1. Be a m em ber of ACRL by th e application deadline (D ecem ber 1,1989). 2. Hold a m aster’s degree in Library Science from aprogram accredited by ALA. 3. Have at least th ree years experience in a library prior to the application deadlin e. 4. Be currently employed in alibrary in aposition generally accepted as “professional” as defined by their institution. 5. Have not previously been granted and used this scholarship. 6. Have given evidence of professional growth as indicated by com m ittee work, m em bership in professional organizations, etc. 7. Have the pre-requisite background to benefit from the course selected. Criteria. Awards will be made based upon: 1. Evidence of commitment to librarianship as a profession. 2. Potential benefit to the individual and the profession. 3. Relevancy of the course requested to current position or clearly identified career track. 4. Financial need. 5. Service to ACRL, ALA, the w ider profession. Deadline. Applications must be postm arked by D ecem ber 1,1989. III. PUBLICATIONS OR ARTICLES Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards Purpose. To recognize outstanding catalogues published by American or Canadian institutions in conjunction with exhibitions of books and/or manu­ scripts. Donor. Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, American Book Prices C urrent, established an endow m ent to fund the awards, which consist of printed citations to the winning institutions organ­ izing the exhibitions. Eligibility. Catalogues published by American or Canadian institutions in conjunction with an exhibition of books and/or manuscripts which has taken place or which is in progress before August 31, 1988, are eligible. Catalogues must be p u b ­ lished between Septem ber 1,1987, and August 31, 1988. The entries will be divided into three budget September 1989 / 707 categories— expensive, m oderately expensive, and inexpensive— based upon th e production costs as outlined in the en try form. C atalogues may be of varying formats, styles, and scope, b u t each m ust re p resen t an exhibition which has taken place. Catalogues may be in te n d e d for various types of audiences: scholars, students, or th e general p u b ­ lic. Catalogues may have various purposes: public­ ity, dissemination of information about a collection, attraction o f donations, com m em oration of a spe­ cial occasion, etc. Criteria. Catalogues will be ju d g ed on th e level of accuracy and consistency o f presentation, th eir clarity, quality o f design, and usefulness to the intended audience. Submission procedure. F o u r copies of th e cata­ logue must be subm itted with an entry form (avail­ able from the chair of th e com m ittee) to: Pat Bozeman, C hair o f th e RBMS C om m ittee for Awards for Exhibition C atalogues, H ead, Special Collections, U niversity o f H ouston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. All catalogues subm itted will becom e the property of RB M S. If you have any questions, call Pat Bozeman at (713) 749-2726. Deadline. S eptem ber 30,1989. Previous recipients. 1987: “Liberty of Conscience and th e G row th of Religious D iversity in Early America, 1636-1786,” T he John C a rte r Brown Library' (first division); “Marks in Books,” Houghton Library, H arvard University (second division); “Patriots and Orangists: Revolutionary Pamphlets and C aricatures in the N etherlands, 1780-1800,” University of Michigan Library (third division). 1988: “The Larder Invaded: Reflections on Three C enturies of Philadelphia Food and Drink” and “35 R eceipts from ’T he L ard er In v a d ed ,’” subm itted by T he Library C om pany of P hiladelphia and th e Historical Society ofPennsylvania, tied with “Time: The G re atest Innovator,” from th e Folger Shakespeare Library (first division); “M arianne Moore: Vision in to Verse,” en te re d by Rosenbach M useum & Library (second division); and “The Virgin & th e W itch,” su b m itted by th e H arvard Law School Library (third division). 1989: “F o r Your A m usem ent and Instruction: The E lisabeth Ball C ollection o f H istorical C hil­ d re n ’s M aterials,” Lilly Library, Indiana U niver­ sity, tied with “Time Sanctified: The Book o f Hours in Medieval Art and Life,” Walters Art Gallery (first division); “Fraktur: A Selective G uide to the F ran ­ klin and M arshall F rak tu r C ollection,” Franklin and Marshall College (second division); “Eccentric Books: An E xhibition,” Yale University Library from its Arts of the Book Collection (third division). K.G. Saur Award for Best Article in C ollege a n d R esearch L ib ra ries Purpose. To recognize th e most outstanding article published in College & Research Libraries during th e p receding volume year. Donor. K.G. Saur donates th e $500 cash award (shared by th e authors) and appropriate citation. Eligibility. Articles p ublished in College (? Re­ search Libraries duringthe preceding volume year. Criteria. The winning article will be selected on the basis of originality, tim eliness, relevance tc ACRL areas o f interest and concern, and quality oi writing. Submission procedure. Articles for College ó Research Libraries may be su b m itted to Charles Martell, Editor, College & Research Libraries, The Library, 2000 Jed Smith Dr., California State U ni­ versity, Sacramento, CA95819. Previous recipients. “Librarians and Faculty M em bers: C oping w ith P ressures to P ublish,” by R obert Boice, Jordan M. Scepanski, and Wayne Wilson (November 1987); “Subject Searching in an Online Catalog with Authority C ontrol,” by Noelle Van Pulis and L orene E. Ludy (N ovem ber 1988). Oberly Award for Bibliography in Agricultural Sciences Purpose. The Oberly Award, established in 1923, is a biennial award given in odd-num bered years, tc an American citizen who compiles the best bibliog­ raphy in the field of agriculture or one o f the related sciences in th e two-year period preceding the yeai in w hich th e award is m ad e. Donor. T he cash aw ard and citation is made possible by a fund established by colleagues in memory o f Eunice Rockwood Oberly, late librarian o f th e B ureau of Plant Industry, U.S. D epartm enl of Agriculture, and is adm inistered by the Science and Technology Section o f ACRL. Eligibility. Bibliographies in the field o f agricul­ tu re or one o f th e re la ted sciences com piled by an A m erican citizen during th e two-year period p re ­ ceding th e year in w hich the award is made. Criteria. Bibliographies su b m itted for award consideration are ju d g ed on accuracy, scope, u se­ fulness, form at and special features such as: ex­ planatory introductions, annotations, and indexes. Submission procedure. N om inations may be made in the form o f a letter and should point out the reasons th e bibliography should be considered foi th e award. A copy o f th e bibliography should ac­ company th e nomination. Send nominations to the ju ry chair, Carol Boast, A griculture Library, U ni­ versity o f Illinois at U rbana-C ham paign, 1408 W. Gregory, U rbana, IL61801. Deadline. January 1,1991. Recent recipients. Herbs, An Indexed Bibliogra­ phy, 1971-80, by James E. Simon, Alena F. C had­ wick, and Lyle E. C raker (1985); Women, Agricul­ ture and Rural Development in Latin America, by Jacqueline A. Ashby and Stella Gomez (1987). ■ ■