ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young The University o f Louisville Librar­ ies University Archives and Records Center will participate in a $200,000 National Endowment for the Humani­ ties grant awarded to Michigan State University to launch The Quilt Index. This collaboration also includes the Illinois State Museum, the Michigan Quilt Project/Michigan State Univer­ sity Museum, and the Quilts of Ten- nessee/Tennessee State Library. Each of the partners will digitize a portion o f its extensive records as part o f the index’s initial development. The Quilt Index will be a comprehensive online research tool providing wide access to information about publicly and pri­ vately held quilts. Marshall University has received $100,000 from Speedway and The Ashland Inc. Foun­ dation to support the University Libraries’ Year o f the Book Endowment. A c q u is itio n s Former West Virginia Congressman and Secretary o f State Kenneth Hechler has do­ nated his papers, photographs, and memora­ bilia to Marshall University— along with a $25,000 contribution to support the preser­ vation o f the collection. Hechler, 86, helped edit T h e P u b l i c P a p e r s a n d A d d r e s s e s o f F r a n k li n D e l a n o R o o s e v e l t and served as a speechwriter for President Harry S. Truman in the late 40s and early 50s. O f his long years in public service (1957-2001), Hechler is proudest o f being the only congressman to march with the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., in Selma, Alabama; playing a key role in funding black lung disease benefits and pass­ ing the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Ed. n o te : S end y o u r n e w s to : G ran ts & A c q u is itio n s , C&RL News, 50 E. H u ro n St., C hicago, IL 60611-2795; e -m a il: a y o u n g @ a la .o rg . Professor M arilyn Zarzeski (left) o f the University o f Mississippi School o f Accounting and Howard Davidson o f Booneville, Mississippi, a UM A ccounting Hall o f Famer, w ith an accounting book th a t was printed in the 1500s. Act of 1969; and bringing together the secre­ taries of state and attorneys general of 33 states to support limits on campaign spending. Fol­ low ing his service w ith Truman, H echler joined the faculty in Political Science at the then Marshall College (1957). His students convinced him to run for Congress, and— against the odds— he won. He served as Rep­ resentative from West Virginia’s 4th District from 1959 to 1977. He won election as Secre­ tary o f State in 1985 and served in that office through January 2001. He is currently teach­ ing an honors symposium on “The Truman Years” at Marshall. Hechler has written six books (including T h e B r i d g e a t R e m a g e n , which was later made into a movie) and has been the subject of a biography, K e n H e c h l e r : M a v e r i c k P u b l i c S e r v a n t , by the late Charles H. Moffat. The accounting library collection o f the American Institute of Certified Public Accoun­ tants (AICPA) has been acquired by the Uni­ versity of Mississippi. The collection of 125,000 ite m s in c lu d e s P a c io li’s S u m m a d e A r i t h m e t i c a , G e o m e t r i a , P r o p o r t i o n i e t P r o p o r t i o n a l i t a printed in Venice in 1494. The AICPA will retain copies of all its own publi­ cations, including T h e J o u r n a l o f A c c o u n ­ t a n c y , T h e CPA L etter, and various newslet­ ters and technical guides. ■ 1022 / C&RL News ■ November 2001