ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 0 8 / C&RL News In th e News ACRL has just com pleted a successful Na­ Susan Jurist offers us the second part o f her guide to using type and obtaining fonts (page ­ 324). l This issue also includes the final version o f , the “ACRL G uidelines for University U nder­ graduate Libraries,” approved by both the ACRL . Board o f Directors and the ALA Standards Com­ l mittee (p age 330). Take a few mom ents to celebrate the ac­ l com plishm ents o f ACRL’s fifteen award win­ ­ ners listed on pages 337—41. T h ese awards will b e presented at various events during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco. ACRL depends on a cadre o f active indi viduals to provide its many conferences, pro­ ­ grams, publications, and other activities. Strong t leaders are always sought. If you are interested in filling a leadership role in ACRL ch e ck out “The Time to Lead” on page 335 and see how your talents might best fit with these opportu­ nities. ­ — Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor and Publisher m edavis@ tional C onference in Nashville that offered ten p reconferences, m ore than 175 program ses sions, and m ore than 200 exhibits. A specia thanks to the many individuals, organizations and corporations w ho w orked so hard to m ake this con feren ce a success appears on page 323 A full report o f the conference activities wil appear in the Ju n e issue. ACRL is again read y to o ffe r you a ful com plem ent o f professional developm ent ac tivities at the ALA Annual C onference in San Francisco. A special program insert is included in this issue to help you plan your conference schedule. In this issue w e continue our Internet re sources series with a lo o k at information abou grants and fo u n d ation s provided b y Hilary Sternberg (p age 314). D on Frank and his colleagues at Georgia T ech relate how they provided library services throughout the 1996 Summer Olym pics— de spite the fact that their campus had b ee n taken over by the Olym pic Village (p age 319).