ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1997 / 309 News from the F ield P a m S p ieg el 1 9 9 8 A CRL c a n d id a te s a n n o u n ce d The 1997 Nominations Com­ mittee has chosen the can­ d id ates w h o w ill v ie fo r ACRL’s top leadership posi­ tion, vice-p resid en t/ p resi dent-elect. They are Jill B. Fatzer, dean o f library ser­ vices at th e U niversity o f New O r le a n s , and Larry Hardesty, co lle g e librarian and professor at Austin Col­ lege. B oth candidates have ACRL Board experience, are leaders in the profession, and have numerous publications to their credit. The candidates will appear o n the ACRL ballot for the ALA 1998 election and one will assume office at the close o f the 1998 ALA Annual C onference in W ash­ ington, D.C. Se n io r c la s s p le d g e s $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 to F u rm a n U n iv e rsity L ib ra ry This year’s senior class gift project at Furman University is to pledge $60,000 for the library’s electronic resources. “W e want to stress that this will cut down on people traveling to re­ search at other libraries,” said LeAnne Legg who, along with senior class president Kevin Pow­ ell, is in charge o f the project. The organizers hope to raise the $60,000 over a five-year pe­ riod through annual, increasing donations. Pow­ ell and Legg hope that in the first year after graduation each senior will donate $20 and then have a $10 increase for each year. New library director Janis Bandelin said that this class’ gift “could help us reduce or eliminate any fees for accessing documents. [Also] more journals and journal articles will becom e available in digital form and … will help provide future students with more full-text access.” A CRL P re sid e n t’s P ro g ra m to fo cus on the le a rn in g lib r a r y o f the future “Imagining the Learning Library” is the topic o f ACRL’s President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, Monday, Ju n e 30, 1:3 0 -5 :0 0 p.m. ACRL president Bill Miller of­ fers a program featuring Barry Braverman and Peggy Van Pelt o f the Walt Disney Imagineering Team taking attendees on a visionary journey o f what the ideal learning library o f the future will lo o k like. T hey’ll also exp lore how our physical environm ents will interact with the way that w e will sh ap e services to support learning and research in the com ing century. Also co n ­ tributing to this program will b e Craig H artm an (S k id more, Owings, and Merrill) and B e tsy B a k e r (N o rth ­ w e ste rn U n iv ersity), w h o will share their perceptions o f how they envision the con cep t o f the learning li­ brary o f the future from the perspective o f an architect and a public services librarian. Following the program will be a Show case o f Ideas exhibited in a poster-style format fea­ turing innovative ways academ ic librarians are communicating the teaching mission o f the li­ brary and creating learning environm ents in their institutions. The program is sponsored jointly by six ACRL sections: Community and Ju nio r College Libraries; College Libraries; Asian, African, and Middle Eastern; Education and Behavioral Sci­ ences; Extended Campus Library Services; and Instruction. Stu d ent e m p lo y e e s h o n o re d a t SIU During National Student Employee W eek (April 6– 12) the library at Southern Illinois University ACRL Board th an ks you for a great conference The ACRL 8th National C onference in N ashville w as a g reat s u cce s s . W e are pleased that the program was so enthusias­ tically received and that there was such a good feeling o f camaraderie among the par­ ticipants. A special thank you goes to the conference planning committee, ACRL staff, the many presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, and volunteers who made valuable contri­ butions to the 1997 National Conference, “Choosing Our Futures.” In the end, it is always the contributions o f those w ho take an active role as leaders that bring the co n ­ ference to life.— Bill Miller, ACRL president 3 1 0 / C&RL News at Carbondale (SIU) held a num ber o f activities to honor its student assis­ tants. The activities in­ cluded posters displayed throughout the library; buttons given to all li­ brary em ployees to w ear for the w eek; a display hon­ oring student assistants featuring students who had worked in the library for four or more se­ mesters; a reception for all library affairs fac­ ulty, staff, and student assistants with each stu­ dent recognized with a b o o k plate in a new bo o k related to his or her major area o f study; and additional activities in individual library de­ partments. M e d ie v a l Fem in ist In d e x n o w on the W e b The Medieval Feminist Index (MFI): Scholar­ ship on W om en, Gender, and Sexuality is now available on the W eb. Coordinated by Marga­ ret Schaus, reference librarian at Haverford Col­ lege, the index covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in collections. There are currently 700 records for publications from 1995 and 1996 with 100-plus records being added per month. T he idea is to provide timely cov­ erage o f a wide range o f publications indexed on a regular basis along with a thorough de­ scription o f each item. In addition to the usual author, title, subjects, and source, MFI includes century, geographic area, descriptions o f illus­ trations and tables, and primary sources used. MFI is a collaboration betw een the libraries at Haverford and the University o f Iowa, with participation from interested scholars and librarians at other colleges and uni­ v e r s i t ie s . T h e a d d r e s s is http:// mschaus/mfi/ m fi. html. EB SCO doc in te g ra te s w ith EB SC O ho st EBSCO Publishing announces the in­ tegration o f the EBSCOdoc document- delivery service with EBSCOhost, en­ a b lin g cu sto m e rs w ith E B S C O d o c accounts to order full-text documents w h ile c o n d u c tin g re s e a r c h w ith in EBSCOhost. Customers can request the delivery o f articles chosen from more T h e J u l ia n R e s id e n c e in C h a p e l H ill, 1 9 5 6 . G e o rg e M a tsu m o to , a r c h ite c t, K e n n e th S co tt, a s s o c ia te . F r o m th e p a p e rs a n d d ra w in g s o f G e o rg e M atsu m o to a t NCSU. than 31,000 periodical titles and co n ­ ference proceedings found in the mul­ tiple databases o f EBSCOhost. A request auto­ matically generates an order, com plete with the customer’s EBSCOdoc account preferences and a r tic le in fo r m a tio n . “T h e a c c e s s ib ility o f E BSC O doc’s document-delivery service from w ith in E B S C O h o s t c o m p le m e n ts E B SC O Publishing’s offering o f full-text databases and ensures com plete coverage o f scientific, tech­ nical, and medical literature,” said Kimberly Voltero, product manager. N CSU la u n c h e s arch ite ctu ral reco rd s in itiative The North Carolina State University (NCSU) Li­ braries’ Special C ollections D epartm ent has em barked on a new initiative to develop an archive o f North Carolina architectural records. The department will solicit and accept collec­ tions o f manuscripts, drawings, photos, and other related materials that document the his­ tory o f the architectural profession and the state’s built environment. The first major ac­ quisition under the initiative are the papers and drawings o f G eorge Matsumoto, a founding m em ber o f the faculty o f the NCSU School o f Design. The libraries also acquired the Guy E. Crampton and William Henley Deitrick Draw­ ing Collection, which includes m ore than 2,500 working drawings representing nearly 50 se­ lected North Carolina projects. To publicize the new initiative and new acquisitions, the librar­ ies mounted a major exhibit o f the Matsumoto Collection which will run through Ju n e 27. W LN to d o a u to m a te d collection a n a ly s is fo r 3 4 u n iv e rsity lib ra rie s WLN has reached an agreem ent with the Board Joseph W. Molitor. May 1 9 9 7 / 311 o f Regents at the University System o f Georgia (U SG) to p rovide d etailed c o lle ctio n analysis and other database services to 34 state academ ic l ib r a r ie s in G e o r g ia . T h e project is being directed by the Regents Academ ic Com­ m ittee o n Libraries o f USG and is b e in g p erfo rm ed in conjun ction with the highly successful GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning O nline) ini­ O n e o f th e b u ild in g s a t th e n e w B r u to n H e ig h ts S c h o o l E d u c a tio n C e n te r in C o lo n ia l W illia m s b u rg , V irg in ia.tiative, w hich provides a wide v a rie ty o f in fo rm a tio n r e ­ sources to the citizens o f Georgia. Results from the assessm ent will b e used in creating co o p ­ erative co lle ctio n d ev elopm en t p o licies and procedures for the academ ic libraries within the University System. The multipart project is scheduled for com pletion by the end o f this spring. S p a c e s a v e r S y s te m s r e n a m e d Spacesaver Systems, Inc., Southern California’s largest provider o f com m ercial storage and fil­ ing systems, has b een renamed McMurray-Stern, the Storage Solutions Group. “Our nam e change is in direct response to the expanded needs o f our clients,” said William McMurray, on e o f the co m p a n y ’s found ers. “W e have greatly e x ­ panded our scope o f services beyond that which the Spacesaver nam e conveys.” McMurray-Stern serves customers in architectural, educational, entertainment, financial, library, medical, mu­ nicipal, and other industries. C o lo n ia l W illia m s b u rg b u ild s n e w c a m p u s Colonial Williamsburg has op ened a new edu­ catio n and re sea rch co m p le x that provides 170,00 0 square feet for libraries, laboratories, classroom s, a recording studio, collection stor­ age facilities, office space, and an auditorium. The Bruton Heights School Educational Center takes its nam e— and tw o refu rbished build­ ings— from a high school built for African Ameri­ can students in 1936. The $37.2 million com ­ plex includes the two renovated buildings and tw o new buildings, and was a gift from four p rin c ip a l d o n o r s — W a lte r H. A n n e n b e rg , G eorge and Abby O ’Neill, the DeWitt W allace Fund for Colonial Williamsburg, and Ambassa­ dor Laurence William Lane Jr. and Je a n Lane. The Jo h n D. Rockefeller Jr. Library assem bles for the first time in on e centralized location Colonial W illiam sburg’s extensive holdings o f rare books, manuscripts, drawings, photos, and other resources for the study o f early Chesa­ peake history, material culture, and English and American decorative arts. It serves interpreters and scholars primarily but is op en to anyone with a serious interest in early Virginia history. N e w SIRSI s y s te m s in sta lle d Sirsi Corporation announces the license o f its UNICORN library system to the follow ing in­ stitutions: Selkirk College in Castlegar, British C o lu m b ia; C u esta C o lle g e at th e San Luis O bispo Community College District in Califor­ nia; the New England College o f Optom etry in B o s to n ; M a la s p in a U n iv e r s ity -C o lle g e in Nanaimo, British Columbia; and the W EBnet Consortium in Massachusetts consisting o f the Horn Library at B abson College in B abson Park, th e B a k e r L ib rary at B e n t le y C o lle g e in Waltham, the Annenberg Library and Commu­ nications Center at Pine Manor College in Chest­ nut Hill, and the R egis C o lle g e Library in W eston. Jo in t p ro je ct in O h io w ill in c re a s e a c c e ss A new project now under way will provide O h io ’s public colleg e and university students and faculty, a growing num ber o f the state’s private colleges, and the State Library o f O hio with instant electronic access to a range o f valu­ able materials, information, and data that are currently hard to find and/or available only in n oncircu lating form. A new partnership b e ­ tw een the O hio Library and Information Net­ w ork (OhioLINK) and the O hio Supercomputer Center (O SC) will m ake electronic versions o f materials such as com p lex satellite images, pic­ 3 1 2 / C&RL News tures o f artifacts and paintings, maps, and nu­ meric data from the U.S. government available on the Internet. “O hio is today a national leader in providing its colleges and universities shared, cost-effective access to high-speed computing, academ ic library holdings, and other informa­ tion databases,” said O hio Board o f Regents chancellor Elaine H. Hairston. “This new project will further strengthen O hio’s leadership edge, and it exem plifies higher education’s commit­ ment to improving quality through sound re­ source m anagem ent.” B o o k s a n d fo o tb all m ix a t the U n iv e rsity o f Lo u isville At the University o f Louisville (UL), football co a ch Ron C ooper has established the Ron Cooper Library Fund to support the libraries and to dispel the perception that athletic pro­ grams d on’t support academ ic programs. Es­ tablished without any strings or conditions, the fund will benefit students by helping build a better library system and improve library ser­ vices. Last year the coach sent letters to 5,500 UL supporters announcing the fund and ap­ proximately $4,000 was collected. This year’s campaign will target som e special contributors and the campaign goal has b een increased to $14,000. O ne o f the youngest Division I coaches in the country, Cooper was voted one o f the Outstanding Y oung Men o f America in 1984 and was feted this year by the UL Libraries’ friends group. F o o tb a ll c o a c h R o n C o o p e r a n d u n iv e rs ity lib r a r ia n H a n n e lo r e R a d e r m i x fo o tb a ll a n d b o o k s a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f L ou isville. W o m e n ’s Stu d ie s Section a n n o u n c e s W S S L IN K S T h e W o m en ’s Studies Section (W SS) o f ACRL has gon e live w ith W SSLINKS W o m en and Gender Studies W eb site, a se­ ries o f subject pages coordinated and authored by mem bers o f the WSS C o lle ctio n D ev elo p m en t C om m ittee. WSSLINKS is d e ­ signed to provide a w ell-orga nized and comprehensive collec­ tio n o f p o in te rs to w o m e n ’s studies material on the Internet, offering access to a wide range o f r e s o u r c e s in s u p p o r t o f w om en’s studies. It includes sec­ tio n s d e v o te d to g e n e r a l w om en’s studies sites, archives, art and film, education, health, history, lesbian sites, politics, and science and technology. Several additions to WSSLINKS are in preparation, in­ cluding pages on literature and business. Feed­ back is invited, and contact addresses are in­ cluded on the various W eb pages. WSSLINKS can be accessed directly at http://www.library. or throught the WSS hom epage at B a k e r & T a y lo r ’s 1 9 9 7 C a t Contest an n o u n ce d Baker & Taylor is accepting nominations for its 1997 Cat Contest from library em ployees and volunteers. The three categories o f the contest are: B aker & Taylor look-alikes, best dressed cat, and most playful cat. To enter, cat owners must fill out an entry form a n d m a il it along with a photo o f their cat to B ak er & T ay lo r by Ju n e 6, 1997. Photos o f the 12 f in a lis ts will appear in T h e B a k e r & T a y lo r m a s c o ts . the B aker & Taylor booth at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco. Conference at­ tendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite photo and three winners will be announced on Ju n e 30 at 1:00 p.m. Winners will receive a $100 gift certificate for their fa­ vorite pet store. ■ http://www.library May 1 9 9 7 / 313