ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 5 2 / C&RL News G rants and Acquisitions Pam Spiegel T h e E d e n -W e b s te r Li brary at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis has re­ ceived a grant o f $96,000 from the Henry Luce Foun­ dation to catalog more than 6,00 0 rare theology books. The heart o f the collection to be cataloged is the Jam es I. Good Collection built by Good, who was a professor o f reformed church history and liturgics at Central Theo logical Seminary from 1907 to 19 2 4 . G o o d m ad e 52 trans-Atlantic steamship crossings to purchase monographs in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The funds will be used to make the collection available worldwide via OCLC. Southern M ethodist U n iv e rsity (SMU) has received a gift o f $1.5 million from Fondren Foundation o f Houston to fund construction o f a new building to link Fondren Library and the Science and Engineering Library. The new building, to be known as the Gallery at Fondren Library, will unite the resources and services o f the university’s two principal libraries. The two-story structure will feature first floor exhi­ bition space and a second floor mezzanine sur­ rounding the building’s open center. The mez­ zanine will have study tables and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lining the walls. SMU’s Central University Libraries has also received a $60,000 endowment from Lucent Technologies for its Digital Commons and Elec­ tronic Resource Centers, which are part o f the Libraries’ Center for Media and Instructional Technologies. The Commons has been set up with the latest technology to support the cur­ ricula and the libraries. The U n ive rsity of C a lifo rn ia -S an ta Cruz (UCSC) has received $10,000 from romance novelist Jayne Ann Krentz— a 1970 alumna— to establish the Castle Humanities Fund. Inter­ est from the fund will make it possible for the library to acquire books in the humanities that it would not be able to purchase otherwise. Krentz said, “I valued learning in a climate in which the humanities were well respected. I hope my gift helps engender in future students the same love o f humanities I gained at UCSC.” The G ra d u a te School of Library and Information Sci­ ence (GSLIS) at the Univer­ sity o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign has established th e L u c ile H u n tin g to n W ilk in so n M em orial E n ­ dow m ent. Established by J. Henry Wilkinson to honor his late wife Lucy, the fund will be the beneficiary o f an e s t a t e g ift e s tim a te d at $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 , in c o m e fro m w h ic h w ill b e d iv id e d equally between fellowships within GSLIS and general support o f the school. Lucy Wilkinson earned her MLS from the Uni­ versity o f Illinois in 1938. The U n iversity of Pittsburgh’s (UP) East Asian Library w as aw arded approxim ately $12,000 from the Jap an Foundation through its Library Support Program for 1996– 97 to pur­ chase books on Japanese apprenticeship. Sixty- four titles in 83 volumes and ten CDs were acquired through the funding, along with fund­ ing provided by the UP Library System. A cq uisitio n s The p a p e rs of Ted H u g h e s, poet la u re ate o f England, have been acquired by the W oo­ druff Library o f Emory University. This exten­ sive archive, dating from the late 1950s to the present, includes many drafts o f poems from each o f Hughes’s published collections as well as literary correspondence, photos, and related materials. Hughes bibliographer Keith Sagar said that this “must b e the most important such archive in the whole field o f poetry in English o f the second half o f the 20th century… .” The a rc h iv e of a ctre ss Lillian G ish h a s been acquired by the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center. The Ed. n ote: Send y o u r news to: G rants & A c quisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chi cago, IL 6 0 6 11; e-mail: tweikum@ May 1997 / 353 archive consists o f 10,000 unpublished letters from friends, co lle a g u es, and business associates; produc­ tion p h o to s from many plays and films in which Gish appeared; family pho­ tos; medical records; ap­ pointment ledgers; scripts; and books. “Lillian Gish Re­ membered,” a series sched­ uled to run at the library until Ju n e 2, will feature readings and reminiscences by friends and colleagues of Gish and screenings of her films. The archive will be available this fall. A c o lle c tio n o f r a r e Bibles valued at more than $1.5 million has been given to Bridwell Library at the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. Donated by Charles and Elizabeth Perkins Prothro o f Wichita Falls, Texas, the Prothro Bible Col­ lection was begun in 1963 and contains sig­ nificant monuments of Bible production, in­ cluding a 13th-century manuscript o f the Vulgate, a vellum leaf from the Gutenberg Bible, the first edition of Luther’s translation of the Pentateuch (1523– 24), the proof copy of John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament (1755), and a Bible designed and illustrated by Salvador Dali (1967). The papers of Em m y A w ard-w inning producer Marian Rees have been donated to the Iowa Women’s Archives at the University of Iowa (UI) Libraries. The materials include scripts, publicity, contracts, correspondence, reviews, photographs, posters, and videotapes o f Rees’s 22 made-for-television movies. A 1951 UI graduate, Rees received 11 Emmy Awards and 36 Emmy nom inations, two Golden Globe Awards, and has been nomi­ nated for many other distinguished prizes. Her films represent social issues such as civil rights and child and substance abuse. A num ber of papers of Ernest L. Boyer, the noted educator who headed the Carnegie Institute for Teaching, have been donated to Messiah College in Pennsylvania. Valerie Hotchkis Bridwell Library, recto r Decherd T some o f the Bibles nated to SMU. A ra re , complete, an d e x tremely valuable collection of Henry David Thoreau’s works has been given to the Univer­ sity of Rochester by Raymond R. Borst, a member o f the class of 1933. The collection of some 1,0 0 0 items includes first edi­ tions of all of Thoreau’s writ­ ings and a wide range of rare 19th-century magazines and p am p hlets w ith articles by Thoreau. The collection even includes a piece o f wood from the naturalist’s cabin at Walden. A collection of m ore than 12,000 Latvian books and 200 serials has been given to the s, d irecto r o f University of Washington. Do­ and form er di nated by the Latvian Studies urner display Center associated with Western that w ere do Michigan University, which is closing, the publications in­ clude the majority of Latvian materials published outside of Latvia since World War II, as well as publications from Latvia. The Center is also do­ nating parts o f the collection to other institutions. The archive of the bilingual G erm an /En glish literary magazine Dimension, edited for 26 years by professor A. Leslie Willson o f the Univer­ sity of Texas at Austin, has been acquired by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. The archive, which includes manu­ scripts, correspondence, graphic art, as well as audio- and videotapes, came as a gift from Willson, who has also donated his working library of more than 3,000 titles. In more than 80 issues, Dimen­ sion has published the work of hundreds of Ger man-language authors, including poems, plays, es­ says, short stories, radio plays, and excerpts from novels. ■ Correction In the People section o f the April 1997 issue o f C&RL News, the name of Richard Henry Logsdon, late professor of library sci­ ence at Queens College from 1971 until his retirement in 1974, was spelled incorrectly. Logsdon died in Febraury at the age o f 84. The editors regret the error.