ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 314 People PROFILES Toni Carbo Bearman has been selected as ex­ ecutive director of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS). Bear- man is currently special projects consultant for strategic planning and new product develop­ ment at the Institute of Electrical Engineers in London. She will as­ sume her new responsi­ bilities w ith NCLIS upon completion of her present assignment. A graduate of Brown U niversity, Bearman w ent on to receive a Toni Carbo Bearman m aster’s d eg ree from the Drexel University School of Library and Information Science, and a Ph.D . in the m anagem ent of information re­ sources in 1977. In addition to her library education and experi­ ence, Bearman served as consultant to the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services (NFAIS) and was executive director of NFAIS from 1974 to 1979, when she developed cooperative projects with other sectors in the li- brary/information community. In part through her efforts, the Federation became more involved in national networking, gaining representation on the Network Advisory Committee of the Library of Congress and the C ouncil on Library Re­ sources. Bearman has been a member of the boards of the American Society of Indexers, the Association of Information and Dissemination Centers, and the C enter for Literacy. She has also chaired committees of the Special Libraries Association and the American Society for Information Sci­ ence, and is c u rre n tly serving on th e ASIS council. John T. Gillespie has been appointed dean of the Palmer Graduate Library School on the C.W. Post C enter campus of Long Island University, Greenvale, New York. He is replacing Ralph Fol- carelli who resumed his fulltime teaching position at the school in September. Gillespie had pre­ viously served as dean of the school from 1971- 1976.' Gillespie was born in Fort William (now Thun­ der Bay), Ontario, and com pleted his under­ graduate work at the University of British Co­ lumbia, Vancouver. He graduated from Columbia University with an MLS in 1956 and received his Ph.D. from New York University in 1968. In 1962 he joined the fulltime faculty of the Palmer G raduate Library School. Among the dozen books he has written or collaborated on are: Creating a School Media Program, Junior- plots, Paperback Books fo r Young People, and Best Books fo r Children. He has been active in many professional associations and has served in such executive roles as president of the Nassau Suffolk School Library Association and president of the School Library Section of the New York Library Association. George R. Parks has been appointed univer­ sity librarian at the Everett Needham Case Li­ brary, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, effective September 1. Parks succeeds Bruce Brown, librarian since 1963, who has taken on the responsibilities of collections librarian. Parks has been dean of university libraries at the University of Rhode Island since 1974, and university librarian since 1969. He also served as librarian at the Enoch Pratt Free George R . Parks Library in Baltim ore and as assistant librar­ ian and chief administrator at the University of Rochester Libraries. He received his MLS de­ gree at the University of Michigan and did Ph.D. course work at Johns Hopkins. Among other activities, Parks served as a mem­ ber of the steering committee of the Rhode Is­ land Governor’s Conference on Libraries and was an official observer at the White House Confer­ ence on Libraries and Information Services in 1979. He was also chair of ACRL’s first national conference in Boston in 1978. Hannelore B. Rader, formerly associate pro­ fessor and coordinator of the education/psycholo- gy division of th e C enter of Educational Re­ sources at Eastern Michigan University, has been named director of the Library/Learning Center at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. She will also administer the staff and services of the li­ brary, the media production and audio-visual di­ vision, and the Archives and Area Research Cen­ ter. Rader’s ebullience and commitment to user service made her a popular speaker at national library conferences and workshops, and she has written extensively on bibliographic instruction in 315 professional publications. She has also been an officer of the Reference and Academic Sections of the Michigan Library Association and of the East­ ern Michigan University Women’s Association, and has recently been elected to the ALA Coun­ cil. Rader earned three degrees from the Universi­ ty of Michigan: master of library science in 1968, master of arts in German literature in 1971, and a bachelor of arts in Russian/Spanish in 1960. She completed a specialist program in educational leadership in 1978 from Eastern Michigan Uni­ versity. From 1970-1976 she served as orientation librarian and head of the orientation program. That position included administration of a College Library Resources Program grant to E astern Michigan University, which contributed to the establishm ent of the national LOEX clearing­ house for information on bibliographic instruction and a national conference on that topic held annually on the Eastern Michigan University campus.—Carolyn Kirkendall, Director, LOEX Clearinghouse, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. Gary E. Strong was appointed California state librarian on September 10. He served as deputy state librarian at the Washington State Library, Olvmpia, from June 1979. Strong is a past presi­ dent of both the O re­ gon Library Association and the Pacific North­ west Library Associa­ tion. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Pacific Northwest Bibliographic C en ter and the Task Force of the Pacific N orthw est Regional H ealth Sci­ Gary E. Strong ences Library, both in Seattle. Strong earned his MLS degree at the Universi­ ty of Michigan and a bachelor’s degree in educa­ tion at the University of Idaho. As director of the Everett Public Library in Washington, he pro­ duced and hosted community access television talk show programs and election coverage for Snohomish County. Michael M. R eynolds has been appointed acting dean of the College of Library and In­ formation Services at the University of Maryland, College Park, effective August 1. He has been appointed for a two-year term. Reynolds received his Ph.D. in library science from the University of Michigan, and he holds a m aster’s degree in public administration from American University, an MLS from Columbia University, and a bachelor’s degree from Hunter College. Since 1969 Reynolds has been associated with the library school at Maryland aś associate dean, acting dean, and for the last ten years as profes­ sor. He has served as chair of three of the major committees of the school: Admissions, Curricu­ lum, and Doctoral. Reynolds was the director of the Institute on Cooperative Relationships between Libraries in 1973 which was sponsored by the Maryland Divi­ sion of Library Development and Services, and he helped organize and direct the Institute on Legal Reference sponsored by the University of Maryland in 1976 and 1978. H erbert S. White, a member of the Indiana University library science faculty since 1975 and nationally recognized consultant on library plan­ ning and information storage and retrieval technology, was named dean of the Indiana Graduate Library School effective July 1. White succeeds Ber­ nard M. Fry, the first full-tim e dean of the 13-year-old school, who is retiring from admi­ nistrative duties. The new dean holds the faculty rank of pro­ Herbert S . White fessor of library science, and for the last five years has been director of the school’s Research C enter for Library and Information Science. Under White’s leadership the center has directed a num ber of major library research projects funded by the National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, Nation­ al Enquiry into Scholarly Communication, and Commission on New Technological Uses of In­ formation. W hite has served b y appointm ent ot b o t h Presidents Johnson and Nixon on the President’s Advisory Committee to Commissioner of Educa­ tion on College and U niversity L ibrary Re­ sources. He also has been president of the Amer­ ican Society for Information Science and the Special Libraries Association. Before coming to Indiana in 1975 the new dean was president of Stechert-Macmillan, an inter­ national acquisitions agency for books and peri­ odicals. James F. Wyatt has been appointed director of university libraries at the University of Roches­ ter, effective July 1. Wyatt, who had served as a 316 pilot in th e Coast G uard for five years, has been dean of uni­ versity libraries at the University of Alabama since 1973. He holds a m aster’s degree in li­ brary science from the U niversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Ph.D. in library science from Florida State U niversity at Tallahassee. James F . Wyatt Active in professional organizations, Wyatt is a member of the board of directors of the Asso­ ciation of Research Libraries, treasurer of the Association of Southeaste'rn Research Libraries, and former chair of the Literary Awards Commit­ tee of the Alabama Library Association and the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the North Carolina Library Association. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Sharon C. Bonk, head of acquisitions at the library at SUNY-Albany, is the first U.S. librarian to receive the Nancy Stirling Lam bert Scho­ larship endowed by Blackwell’s, the Oxford book­ sellers. During 1980-81 she will study the impact of electronic communications on library acquisi­ tions policies and procedures. Mary E llen Glass, head of the Oral History Project at the University of Nevada-Reno Li­ brary, has received the Distinguished Service Award from the Nevada State Museum for her contributions to the oral history of the state. James Krikelas, associate professor in the Li­ brary School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. D ur­ ing 1980-81 he will lecture on the development of library facilities and services and librarian training program s through staff sem inars at Aristotelian University, Thessaloniki, Greece. Roy Mersky, law librarian at the University of Texas, has been elected vice president and presi­ dent-elect of the National Librarians Association. He will become president of the 1,000-member group next summer at its meeting in San Fran­ cisco. The association is concerned with the pro­ fessional role of librarians in society. Patricia G. Oyler, associate professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Sci­ ence, Simmons College, has received a Swedish Bicentennial Fund Award for 1980. These grants are awarded to “persons who are in a position to influence public opinion and contribute to the de­ velopment of their society in areas of current con­ cern.” Oyler will spend this autumn in Sweden investigating automated cataloging and circulation systems in academic, public, and special libraries. Virginia Seiser, Portland State University, has taken over as chairperson of the Oregon ACRL chapter at its autumn meeting. Elizabeth Bruce, Lewis and Clark College, is the outgoing chair­ person. Michael O. Shannon, librarian at the Herbert Lehman College Library, City University of New York, has received a $2,500 grant from the City University Research Foundation for the prepara­ tion of a book-length bibliography on modern Ireland. Jane A. Snider, librarian of the Herron School of Art at Indiana University has been awarded the Richard Blackwell Memorial Scholarship for 1980-81. She will study the development of the art book as a form of publication at the College of Librarianship, Aberystwyth, Wales. Norman Tanis, director of university libraries at California State University in Northridge and a former president of ACRL, is the president of the National Librarians Association for 1980/81. APPOINTMENTS P eter Allison has been named documents librarian and coordinator of the Social/Documents Center, New York University Libraries. Barry Baker has been appointed assistant director for technical services at the University of Georgia Libraries, Athens. Jane Bartlett is the new serials librarian, Old Dominion University Library, Norfolk, Virginia. Leah A. Bartlett has been appointed science librarian at Wichita State University, Kansas. Marifran Baus has been appointed reference librarian, physical sciences, at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. L ucy M. Campbell is the new medical re ­ sources librarian at the University of Georgia Li­ braries, Athens. Camila Chavez has joined the Graduate School of Library and Information Management at the University of Denver, Colorado, as assistant to the dean and instructor. J oan C heney has been appointed systems analyst/automation librarian at Old Dominion University Library, Norfolk, Virginia. Janet C hisman is the new readers’ services librarian at Linfield College, McMinnville, Ore­ gon. Allen Cohen has been appointed head of the catalog department at the University of Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara. David Corson is now coordinator of collection development in the Olin Library, Cornell Uni­ versity. Rowland Craig has been appointed head cata­ log librarian at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Lucy Cruz has been appointed assistant librar­ ian in the periodicals department and instructor 317 in library science at New Mexico Highlands Uni­ versity, Las Vegas. Arthur Curley has been appointed deputy director of the Research Libraries of the New York Public Library. Bill Darcy is the new base librarian at Kirt­ land Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Peccy E. Daub has accepted the position of assistant music librarian at Yale University Music Library for a one-year term. Roger Davidson has joined the staff of the Library of Congress as a senior specialist in American national government and public admin­ istration in the Congressional Research Service. Richard A. V. D iener has been appointed assistant professor at the Division of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York. Carol D itzler is now librarian, Reference Services Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Ronald Dow has been named director of the Graduate Library of Business Administration, New Yoyk̂ U Diversity Libraries. Jacqueline D riscoll has been appointed so- ciáf science rþfererìçe librarian, Waldo Library, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Patricia M. D uck has been appointed se­ rials cataloger in the Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Don Etherington is the new assistant director and chief conservation officer of the Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin. Peccy Fackre has been appointed librarian at the Engineering, Mathematics and Science Li­ brary, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Carol F alcione has been named reference librarian, business and economics, at the New York University Libraries. Leon F erder has been appointed Slavic and East European bibliographer at the University of California, Los Angeles. Suzanne F rankie, formerly associate executive director of the Association of Research Libraries, has been named director of public services, New York University Libraries. Mary W. George is now head of the Refer­ ence Division, Princeton University Library. Catherine Hartley Getson recently became library consultant at Lincoln Trail Libraries Sys­ tem, Champaign, Illinois. Mary Greco has assumed the duties of West­ ern European bibliographer at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dora Guerra is now special collections librar­ ian at the University of Texas at San Antonio. William L. Haines has joined the staff of the Stephen B. Luce Library, SUNY Maritime Col­ lege, Bronx, as assistant librarian for reference and special collections. Robert Hill, reference librarian at California State University in Fullerton, has been appointed acting medical librarian at the Savitt Medical Li­ brary, University of Nevada, Reno. F rancis Hopkins is now coordinator of refer­ ence services at Temple University, Philadelphia. C harlotte R. Howard has been appointed reference-bibliographer and assistant professor, University of Mississippi, University. Lisa Howorth has been appointed reference- bibliographer and instructor, University of Missis­ sippi, University. J udy L. I nglis has been appointed extension librarian for the Medical Library, University of Manitoba Libraries, Winnipeg. Olive C. James has been appointed chief of the Library of Congress Loan Division. Althea H. Jenkins has been named librarian for the University of South Florida at Sarasota. Judy Joseph is the new catalog librarian at the University of Texas at San Antonio. E dward Kazlauskas has been appointed associate dean of the School of Library Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Wanda D. Kemp has been appointed manager, Information Services Department, Special Librar­ ies Association, New York. Martin Kesselman has been named science librarian at the New York University Libraries. Linda Kudrick has been named chief of the M aterials Utilization Branch of the National Medical Audiovisual Center, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Mary Leatherwood is now reference librarian and assistant professor of library science at Zollars Memorial Library, Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma. J udith Levy has been appointed half-time assistant librarian of the Health Sciences Informa­ tion Service, University of California, Berkeley. Suzanne H. Mahmoodi is the new president of the Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange (CLENE), Inc., Washington, D.C. Sharon A. Malecki has been appointed visit­ ing assistant librarian in the Reference Depart­ ment of the Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library, Buck- nell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Guida Man has been appointed librarian, Arts Library Reference and Collection Development Department, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Thomas H. Martin has been appointed associ­ ate professor in the School of Inform ation Studies, Syracuse University, New York. J. W. Maucker has been named interim direc­ tor of the School of Library Science, Emporia State University, Kansas. Terry G. Mensch has been appointed assistant librarian in the Reference D epartm ent of the Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library, Bucknell Uni­ versity, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Veronica Miller is now assistant librarian for resources at Temple University’s Ambler Campus Library, Ambler, Pennsylvania. Katharine D. Morton has been appointed 318 assistant to the head of the Manuscripts and Ar­ chives Division, Yale University Library. T. Brian Nielsen has been appointed head of the reference department at Northwestern Uni­ versity Library, Evanston, Illinois. Judy Orr has been named reference librarian at Vanderbilt University Medical Center Library, Nashville, Tennessee. Mary Joyce Pickett has been appointed head of public services at Denkmann Memorial Li­ brary, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois. Bill Potter has been appointed assistant auto­ mated records librarian at the University of Illi­ nois Library, Urbana-Champaign. Patricia Radigan has been appointed refer­ ence librarian, G raduate Library of Business Administration, New York University Libraries. Gail Reese is now reference librarian at Freiberger Library, Case Western Reserve Uni­ versity, Cleveland, Ohio. Charlene Renner has begun a one-year Coun­ cil on Library Resources intern assignment with the University of California, Berkeley. Sharon J. Rogers has been appointed director of public services at Bowling Green State Uni­ versity Libraries, Bowling Green, Ohio. Kathy Scardellato is the new assistant head of the Serials Division, University of British Co­ lumbia, Vancouver. David E. Schoonover has become the curator of the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Yale University. Martha L. Smalley has been appointed archi­ vist at the Yale University Divinity Library. F ritz Snyder is the new reader services/cir- culation librarian at the University of Kansas Law Library, Lawrence. C lifford E. Solomon has been appointed coordinator of the Learning Resources Center at the University of Southern California Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles. Dale Steele is now map collection reference librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Janet Elaine Steiner has been appointed ex­ ecutive director of the South Central Research Library Council, Ithaca, New York. Gary L. Strawn has been appointed head cat- aloger at the McDonald Memorial Library, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Richard Swedberg has been appointed cat- aloger in the Harvard College Library. E d Teague is the new humanities reference bibliographer at the J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. David E dmond Thirlwall has been appointed reference librarian of the Education Library, Uni­ versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Ann Thompson has become assistant director for collection development and technical services, University of Texas at San Antonio Library. Linda L. Thompson is now head of the Catalog­ ing Department, Wichita State University, Kansas. Gregory H. Thornton has been appointed cataloger at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland. Kari A. Tilley has been appointed readers ser­ vices librarian (reference) at the E. Lee Trinkle Library, Mary Washington College, Fredericks­ burg, Virginia. Don L. Tolliver has been named assistant director for planning and budget at the Universi­ ty of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. William Treat has been appointed director of technical services and systems at Bowling Green State University Libraries, Bowling Green, Ohio. Theresa K. Trost has been appointed refer­ ence and documents librarian at Texas Tech Uni­ versity Library, Lubbock. Susan Varca has been appointed to the staff of the Reference Department at the University of Georgia Libraries, Athens. E nith E. Vardaman has been appointed Slavic cataloger in the Harvard College Library. Christie Wilbur was appointed assistant head of the Cataloging Division in the Harvard College Library. Patrick Willoughby is now the assistant head in the Catalogue Products Division of the Uni­ versity of British Columbia Library, Vancouver. RETIREMENTS Bernard F ry retired on June 30 after thirteen years as the first fulltime dean of the Graduate Library School, Indiana University, Bloomington. He will remain to teach, conduct research, and continue to edit the international research jour­ nals, Information Processing and Management and Government Publications Review. Richard Larson retired as assistant to the li­ brary planning and budget officer and reference librarian at the University of California, Berkeley. Oliver W. Maynor, reference specialist in the Anglo-American Law Reading Room of the Li­ brary of Congress, retired from the library effec­ tive June 30 following 38 years of federal service. Carmen Perry has retired after six years of ser­ vice as special collections librarian at the Uni­ versity of Texas at San Antonio Library and 24 years in other area libraries. Conrad Rawski, who retired as dean of the School of Library Science at Case Western Re­ serve University on July 1, has been named dean emeritus of the school. Rawski became a fulltime associate professor at the school in 1962 and was responsible for developing the school’s basic re­ search program leading to the Ph.D. degree in library and information science. Since becoming dean in 1977, Rawski has overseen the develop­ ment of an information resources laboratory, ex­ panded the school’s funded research into a num­ ber of practical, applied areas, and established a systematic development effort aimed at securing 319 the endowment necessary to keep the school on sound financial footing. Rae F. Robinson, assistant professor and head cataloger at Hunter College, City University of New York, retired on September 1 after more than thirty years of service. Virginia M. Speiden has retired as head of technical services at Washington College, Ches­ tertown, Maryland. Dixie Whittington, associate professor at the Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library, Northwest­ ern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches, retired on June 30 after twelve years of service on the staff of the library. DEATHS John Clifford, social studies librarian and ssociate professor, Morris Library, Southern Illi­ ois University, Carbondale, died on July 7. Anna S. Stump, head of the Preliminary Cata­ oging Section of the Library of Congress since 973, died on July 20 in Washington after a pro­ onged illness. Jessie Whitehead, librarian in the Harvard niversity Libraries from 1925 until her retire­ ent in 1959, died in July. ■■ a n l 1 l U m Publications NOTICES • Acid Rain: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References (12 pages, July 1980) is num­ ber eight in the Library Bibliography Series pub­ lished by the University of Central Florida. It is available for $2 from Library—Gifts and Ex­ changes, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 25000, Orlando, FL 32818. • A Catalogue of Rare Books, Pamphlets, and Journals on Business and Economics in the Kran­ nert Library Special Collection 1500-1870, com­ piled by John M. Houkes with Ljudmila T. Mursee (357 pages, 1979) is now available for $25 (includes postage and shipping) from John M. Houkes, Director, Krannert Library, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.