ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 67 are com pensated by v irtu e of th e fact that th eir works are used by library patrons. “W h eth er or not public lending rig h t is actually in h e re n t in copyright law, or m erely a means of subsidizing authors em p lo yin g lib rary use as a c o n v en ien t rationale,” is d e b ated in the pages of this sym­ posium. (University of Illinois G raduate School of Library Science, 1981). • A A C R 2 a n d th e C a talo g : T h e o r y - S tr u c tu r e -C h a n g e s , by W esley S im on to n and M arilyn Jones McClaskey (Libraries U nlim ited, 1981, $8.50 US, $10 e lse w h e re ), a tte m p ts to identify the major problem s involved in th e p re p ­ aration of a bibliographic record and delineate the possible solutions to th ese pro b lem s, including reference to both AACR 2 and earlier practice. • Teaching L ibrary Use: A Guide f o r L ibrary Instruction, by James Rice, Jr. (Contributions in Librarianship and Inform ation Service, No. 37), is in te n d e d to help librarians, m edia specialists, and teachers design library instruction program s at all educational levels. Available through G reenw ood Press at $25 (1981). • A t th e In sta n c e o f B e n ja m in F ra n klin : A B r i e f H is to r y o f T h e L i b r a r y C o m p a n y o f P h ila d e lp h ia , 1 7 3 1 -1 9 7 6 , by E d w in W olf, II, (The Library Company, 1976), is a b rief history of The Libraiy Com pany of Philadelphia based on an article which appeared in Volume XV of the E nclyclopedia o f L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n Sci­ ence, 1975. The history appears h e re in an ex­ panded and illustrated version. • The object of M icrocom puters and Libraries: A G uide to Technology, Products and A pplica­ tions, by M ark E. Rovig, (Knowledge In d u stry Publications, 1981), is to equip librarians with the conceptual tools and general information req u ired to plan m icro com p u ter applications, select and evaluate commercially available m icrocom puters, and m ake an effective im p le m e n ta tio n of th is technology. ■ ■ Calendar March 2-3— Information Science: th e 24th Annual C on­ ference of the National F ederation of A bstract­ ing and In d ex in g Services (N FA IS), C ry stal C ity M a rrio tt, A rlin g to n , V irg in ia, has th e th em e “Conflict in th e Inform ation E n v iro n ­ m ent: Risks and O p p o rtu n ities.” Fee: $155, for n o n -m e m b e rs, in c lu d in g lu n ch e o n ; $115 for March 2 only; $130 for March 3 only (includes lu n c h e o n ). F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t: L ynne N eufeld, E xecutive D irecto r, N FAIS, 112 South 16th S treet, Philadelphia, PA 19102; (215) 563-2406. 8-9— N ew Technology: an n u al con feren ce, L i­ brarians’ Association of the University of N orth C arolina, “T he N ew Technology: Issues and Im plications.” Fee: $14 for m em bers; $20 for n o n - m e m b e r s . C o n ta c t: B e rn ic e B e rg u p , H u m a n itie s D e p a r t m e n t , W ilso n L ib ra ry 024-A, U niversity o f N orth Carolina, C hapel Hill, NC 27514; (919) 962-1356. 18-19— Online Catalogs: “A ccessibility for th e Library User: O nline C atalogs,” a conference sponsored by the ACRL New England C hapter and the New England College Librarians, to be held at Babson College, W ellesley, M assachu­ s e tts . F o r f u r th e r in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t Joan Stockard, Chair of the Program Com m ittee, at W ellesley College Library, (617) 235-0320, Ext. 283. 26— Historical Writing: a conference on writing lo cal c h u r c h h is to r ie s w ill b e h e ld at 68 Cam pbellsville College Library. The purpose of th e workshop is to in terest churches in p reserv ­ ing th eir records, locating sources of informa­ tio n a b o u t c h u rc h e s an d th e ir p a sto rs, an d tra in in g p e o p le to w rite a ch u rch h isto ry or update existing ones. F ree. Contact: Lee Ann M c D a n ie l, C a m p b e llsv ille C o lleg e L ib ra ry , Cam pbellsville, KY 42718; (502) 465-8158, Ext. 272. 27— Inform ation R esources M anagem ent: th e Division of Library and Inform ation Science of St. John’s University will host its annual C on­ gress for In fo rm a tio n Professionals w ith th e th e m e “ In fo rm a tio n R esou rces M a n ag e m en t and th e Implications of Public Law 96-511: The Paperw ork R eduction Act of 1980,” at th e St. A lbert Hall, Q ueens campus. Fee: $40, includ­ ing luncheon. F or fu rth er inform ation contact Richard A. V. D ien er or M ildred Lowe, Divi­ sion o f L ib ra ry & In fo rm a tio n S cien ce, St. J o h n ’s U n iv e rsity , Jam aica, NY 11439; (212) 990-6161, Ext. 6200, 6209. 30— Information Science: O v e rv ie w of O nline Reference Services, a pre-conference sem inar sponsored by th e Texas L ibrary Association’s Special L ibraries Division, to be held prior to th e TLA Annual C onference in F o rt W orth. It is designed for th e new com er to th e online ref­ erence field, including adm inistrators develop­ ing such a service, reference librarians starting an online reference cen ter, and o th er librarians c o n te m p la tin g a sw itch to au to m a tio n . F ee: $25, lim ite d to 150 a tte n d e e s . C o n ta c t A tef Ziko, AZ&A, Box 61671, Houston, TX 77208; (713) 523-7059. April 1 -2 — C u rr e n t T ech n o lo gy : “ O p tio n s a n d T e c h n o lo g y fo r A c a d e m ic L i b r a r i e s , ’’ c o ­ sponsored by ACRL’s Indiana C hapter, will be h e ld at th e Brown C ounty In n in N ashville, Indiana. Speakers from academ ic libraries in th e M idw est will address th e conference. Fees: $35 for m em b ers of sponsoring organizations including m em bers of th e Indiana C h ap ter of ACRL; $40 for all others; late registration fee of $5 after M arch 12. Contact: Stella Bentley, Li­ b rary A dm inistration, In d iana U niversity L i­ b ra rie s , B lo o m in g to n , IN 47405; (812) 355- 3503. 2— User Instruction: spring conference of ACRL’s E astern New York C h apter in cooperation with th e Academic and Special Libraries Section of th e New York Library Association, to be held at C olgate U niversity, H am ilton, N ew York. T he th em e will be “How Far and How M uch?’’ Speakers will address them selves to th e issues of how far th e librarian should go in help in g th e u s e r, a n d how m u ch in fo rm a tio n (s p e ­ cifically legal and medical) th e librarian should provide the user. Contact: Judith Reese, Chair, C o m m unications C o m m itte e , ACRL E a s te rn N ew York C h a p te r , S k id m o re C o lle g e , Saratoga Springs, NY 12866; (518) 584-5000, Ext. 235. 2-15— Catholic Libraries: th e 61st Annual C on­ vention of th e Catholic Library Association will be held with th e th em e of “Vision and V alues.’ M cC orm ick Place, in C hicago, will b e open with over 500 educational and library exhibits. A prelim inary schedule will appear in th e Jan­ uary 1982 issue of th e Catholic Library W orld. C ontact: John T. C orrigan, C .F .X ., C atholic L ibrary Association, 461 W est L an caster Av­ enue, H averford, PA 19041; (215) 649-5251. 5-17— Africana: A rchives-L ibraries C om m ittee (African Studies Association) Spring M eeting, Yale University. The m eeting agenda will ap­ p ear in Africana Libraries N ew sletter (Boston University). Contact: John M .D . Crossey, Afri­ can C o llectio n C u ra to r, Yale U n iv e rsity L i­ brary, New Haven, C onnecticut 06520. 6-27— Archives: th e R esources an d T echnical Services Section of th e S o u th e astern L ibrary Association is sponsoring a workshop on archive tapes and COM catalogs en title d “From Tape to Product: Some Practical C onsiderations,’’ at th e Ramada In n -Airport, Atlanta. Fee: $35 for m e m b e r s , $55 fo r n o n - m e m b e r s . C o n ta c t: Lynne Lysiak, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608; (704) 262-2186. 1 1 2