ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 142 for students who wish to instruct themselves in use of the library. Although it was written spe­ cifically for the University of Colorado libraries and covers some material th at is applicable only to that university, it also contains much infor­ mation that is general enough to be useful for any library user. Topics discussed in the book include the public catalog, subject headings, the catalog card, periodical literature, reference books, and government documents. The chap­ ters are divided into separate frames, each con­ taining information on some aspect of library usage; the frames are followed by a reinforce­ ment in which at least one active response is required of the reader, and the correct answer is then given in the right-hand margin of the page. Mary Louise Lyda, Joseph M. Mapes, Nancy Mildred Nilon, and Ruth Carol Cush­ man wrote the text, and the dramatic new cov­ er is the work of William H. Webb. The book costs $1.00 and may be ordered from The Uni­ versity Book Center “On the Campus,” Univer­ sity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Ei­ ther check or cash is acceptable. Checks should be made out to the University of Colorado Book Center. • Duke University libraries announce the publication of a two-volume set, Periodicals and Other Serials in the Libraries of D uke Univer­ sity. This computer-based list contains over 50,000 entries for titles held in the Duke Uni­ versity libraries (excluding the Medical Center library) as of January 31, 1971. Entry includes almost full bibliographic information in addi­ tion to holdings. Periodicals and Other Serials will be available in April from the Assistant Li­ brarian for Technical Services, William R. Per­ kins Library, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706, at $35.00 for the two-volume, paperbound set. Libraries interested in acquir­ ing a microfiche set (a t 42 X reduction ratio) with comprehensive index should inquire at the above address. • The Louisiana Library Association has an­ nounced the publication of the 1968-70 Sup­ plement to the Louisiana Union Catalog. This third Supplement to the main catalog published in 1959 brings the list of holdings of Louisiana material up to date. Like its predecessors, the volume is similar in format to the National Union Catalog. Each entry is a complete cata­ log card with location symbols. The complete list of publications is as fol­ lows; Louisiana Union Catalog (1959) 912p. $50; 1959-62 Supplement (1963) 175p. $15; 1963-67 Supplement (1968) 443p. $15; pre- 1968 Index to the Catalog and to the first and second Supplements (1968) 497p. $20; 1968- 70 Supplement and Index (1971) approx. 600p. $30. All five volumes are hardback, uniform in height, and form an attractive set. Used to­ gether, they provide a comprehensive and up- to-date guide to Louisiana material owned by the libraries in the state and certain out-of- state libraries. The set is indexed by subject, title, and added entry. Orders for all or in­ dividual volumes may be placed through Nor­ ma Durand, Dupre Library, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70501. NOTE: A publication notice regarding J. Peri- am Danton’s monograph, Between M.L.S. and Ph.D.: A Study of Sixth-Year Specialist Pro­ grams in Accredited Library Schools, was pub­ lished in the February issue of CRL News. The publication can be obtained through ALA for $3.75. It is not available through Professor Danton’s office. ■ ■ BAKER STREET IRREGULARS The Sub-Librarian Scion of The Baker Street Irregulars in the American Library As­ sociation will have their fifth annual meeting in Dallas at the Lancers Club, 12:00 noon, on Monday, June 21. Luncheon will be $9.00. Reservations should be sent direct to Mr. John Bennett Shaw, B.S.I., 1917 Fort Union Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. Dead­ line for reservations is June 11, 1971.