ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998/853 1997-98 Annual Report ACRL's M ission T he Association o f College and Re­ search Libraries (ACRL) provides leadership fo r development, promo­ tion, and improvement o f academic and research ibrary resources and services to facilitate learn­ ng, research, and the scholarly communication rocess. ACRL promotes the highest level o f pro­ essional excellence fo r librarians and library per­ onnel in order to serve the users o f academic and esearch libraries. l i p f s r V a l u e s f o r t h e E l e c t r o n i c I n f o r m a t io n A g e http: / / 854 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 M essage from th e P resid ent W. L e e H isle ACRL's 5 9 t h P r esid en t L et me say first what an honor and privilege it was to serve as the 59th President of the Association of College and Research Libraries during the past year. Members and ACRL leaders worked hard and accomplished a great deal. Highlights include: • A year-long focus on the values of librarianship Many members focused on the values of librarianship and the challenges to those values in an electronic information age. Values were considered during my chapter visits, in Midwinter discussions, in articles and editorials in C&RL News and C&RL, and culminated in the President's Program at ALA Annual Conference. The program, "The Value of Val­ ues: Changes and Continuities as We Face the New M illen n iu m ," w as very su ccessfu l; the keynote speaker, William Gass, inspired all who attended. (Video copies of the program are available for inter- library loan from the ALA Library.) • The Association's new emphasis on legislative and public policy advocacy For the first time, an ACRL staff member was assigned responsibility to coordinate legislative advocacy. In . Lee Hisle addition, the ACRL Board adopted the first ACRL Legislative Agenda in January. At the ALA Legisla­ tive Day in May, the first coordinated activity specifically for academic librarians was held. Improved communication between ACRL, the As­ sociation of Research Libraries, and the ALA Washington Office helped highlight legislative concerns of common interest to academic librarians. Finally, a successful preconference on "Advocacy Training for Academic Librarians" was held at the ALA Annual Conference. Plans are being completed now for a Midwinter Meeting caucus and additional activi­ ties during ALA Legislative Day next spring. • The continued development of professional education activities to meet member needs The first ACRL Regional Institute, focusing on leadership, was success­ fully held in the spring. Another first, the ACRL/ American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) Higher Education Issues Forum was held during AAHE's National Conference in March. Twenty-one provosts at­ tended the highly praised session. One of the most important actions of the year was ACRL's support for the Institute for Information Literacy (IJL), funding its Advisory Committee to plan the initiatives and initial W C&RL. News ■ D ecem b er 1 9 98 /8 5 5 M e s s a g e fro m th e P re s id e n t programs. At the ALA Annual Conference, three preconferences were offered along w ith 18 conference programs, reflecting the variety of in­ terests of our membership. • ACRL's sound fiscal situation Significant funds were added to the ACRL and CHOICE endowments during the year. In addition, two alternative revenue sources were iden­ tified: the Friends of ACRL, to be launched in 1998, and a new publica­ tion, Academic Libraries: Trends and Statistics. Finally, revenues for the year were significantly more than expected, while expenses were significantly less. ACRL will have the resources to continue serving its members in the near and long-term future. The year of my presidency passed quickly and I value all the asso­ ciations I made. I offer my thanks to the members and ACRL leaders, and especially to the ACRL staff, who helped make this year so enrich­ ing for our membership. ACRL M e m b e r s h i p S t a t i s t i c s A C R L Personal Organizational/ Aug. 1998 Aug. 1997 %increase/ Sections Special Total Total decrease ACRL 9,634 982 10,616 10,779 -1.51% AAMES 368 65 433 444 -2.48% AFAS 249 26 275 290 -5.17% ANSS 501 73 574 621 -7.57% ARTS 780 96 876 889 -1.46% CJCLS 895 229 1,124 1,133 -0.79% CLS 1,898 294 2,192 2,284 -4.03% EALS 616 14 630 621 1.45% EBSS 1,061 186 1,247 1,317 -5.32% DLS 1,019 57 1,076 947 13.62% IS 3,773 422 4,195 4,253 -1.36% LPSS 639 89 728 755 -3.58% RBMS 1,618 170 1,788 1,804 -0.89% SEES 225 53 278 288 -3.47% STS 1,657 212 1,869 1,872 -0.16% ULS 5,633 318 5,951 6,009 -0.97% WESS 638 55 693 724 -4.28% WSS 758 62 820 896 -8.48% 856 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 M e ssa g e from th e V ic e -P re s id e n t M a u r e e n S u l l i v a n V i c e - P r e s i d e n t / P r e s i d e n t - E l e c t A s the millennium approaches and academic library leaders and their colleagues seek ways to address the complex is- sues brought about by the rapid changes in technology, the exponential growth of information, and changing organi­ zational structures, librarians will continue to search for strategies and solutions that will improve the products and services they de­ liver to enhance learning, teaching, and research. As a result, an im­ portant component will be training and professional development. Academic librarians look to organizations such as ACRL to provide leadership and to establish frame­ w orks where continuous learning can take place. They will also expect these organizations to develop activities that help them acquire the skills and knowl­ edge needed. In 1998-99, ACRL will have professional de­ velopment as its area of focus. Legislative advocacy for issues affecting academic librarians and higher education and collaboration with other professional organizations will continue to be important elements Maureen Sullivan of our program activities for the year. The theme for my presidency, "Leadership and Learning," will pro­ vide a framework for consideration of the role of academic librarians as campus leaders. A variety of activities planned throughout the year will give us opportunities to reflect upon what leadership means in our work and in our relationships with constituents and colleagues, as well as an opportunity to consider how and what we learn. The Professional D evelopm ent Com m ittee will provide the framework and guidance for the creation of an ACRL professional development plan. Their work will begin with the identification of the various activities already underway, as well as the critical ele­ ments of a comprehensive program. With the ACRL National Confer­ ence, an activity in place since 1978, and other existing programs such as preconferences and Annual Conference programs, ACRL's profes­ sional development program has continued to expand. With the re­ cent focus on leadership, ACRL has developed a Leadership Institute for middle managers, and this year will include the professional de­ velopment program to include the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Insti­ tute for senior level academic library leaders, the Institute for Infor­ mation Literacy's (IIL) Immersion '99 Program, an intensive training and education session for instruction librarians, and a series of audioseminars on such topics as outsourcing, licensing, and negoti­ M essage from th e V ic e -P re s id e n t ating contracts. The ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute and the IJL's Immersion '99 Program will be presented in July 1999. The 1999 Annual Conference in New Orleans will feature 16 pro­ grams presented by ACRL sections and committees. The keynote speaker for the ACRL President's Program will be Margaret J. Wheatley, presi­ dent of the Berkana Institute and the author of Leadership and the New Science. W heatley's exploration of new science principles as they relate to leadership and organizational change offers a new lens through which to view organizational experience and development. James J. O'Donnell, professor of classical studies and vice provost for information systems and computing at the University of Pennsylva­ nia, will lead the President's Program discussion group at Midwinter. O'Donnell is the author of the recently published Avatars o f the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace. The ACRL Strategic Plan will be reviewed and revised this year through engagement of ACRL leaders and the general membership. A planning retreat at the Midwinter Meeting will produce key elements for an ACRL vision for 2005 and a set of proposed strategic directions. I look forward to seeing many of you throughout the year as I visit with your chapters and libraries. I also hope to see you at the ALA Mid­ winter Meeting in Philadelphia. I am certain that I will see, if not all of you, most of you at our 9th National Conference in Detroit in April. The National Conference Program Committee has put together a first-rate program consisting of keynote, concurrent, and invited speakers ses­ sions along with many networking and fun activities such as poster ses­ sions, table topics, receptions, and lunches. 858 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 199 Letter from the E xecu tive D irector A l t h e a H . J e n k i n s E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r I n a climate of shifting paradigms and values within the li­brary and higher education communities, we must prepare for new models of leadership, service, learning, teaching, and research. Nowhere is this shift more vividly played out than in libraries on campuses across the United States. Throughout the year, ACRL President W. Lee Hisle focused the attention of the Association on how change may be affecting the values of our profession. To ad­ dress his theme, "Facing the Millennium: Values for the Electronic Information A ge," Hisle engaged members in programs, discussion sessions, articles, editorials, and focus groups as they explored their personal values and those of the profession. Hisle emphasized that to re­ spond adequately to the current issues, librarians needed to understand the relationship between traditional val­ ues and current conditions. To facilitate the many discussions about values, Althea H. Jenkins ACRL provided publications, the M idwinter discus­ sions, Annual Conference programs, and chapter affili­ ate meetings to inspire colleagues to explore personal and professional values such as service, intellectual freedom, equity, ac­ cess, and information literacy. Members used the pages of C&RL News to explore and share in­ sights. John Collins identified a "third w ave" where he shared his view on the values of libraries as the embodiment of the democratic ideal. Frances Maloy wrote about the Internet and censorship and compared filtering to knowingly excluding relevant primary and secondary refer­ ence source material from users. Katherine Branch addressed the value of reading and reminded academic librarians that reading is within our purview. Stan Campbell reminded us of our love for the book as "ob­ ject." A Midwinter discussion session entitled: "Enduring Values for the New Millennium" provided an opportunity for more than 80 partici­ pants to identify and prioritize their values. The Annual Conference President's Program theme: "The Value of Values: Changes and Conti­ nuities as We Face the New Millennium," was addressed by keynoter William H. Gass, who observed that "the information highway has no destination," and that "m isinform ation alley" is an apt term for the In­ ternet. In addition to our focus on values, ACRL members and staff have focused on other important issues and topics for our mission. ACRL has worked during the past months to position itself as a strategic partner with higher education associations. ACRL brings to this 8 C&RL N ew s ■ D e ce m b e r 1998 / 859 L e tte r fro m th e E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r partnership an expert know ledge about library and inform ation issues and an ability to address them . Identifying and sharing the roles that libraries and librarians play in accom plishing cam pus m issions is at the heart of the w ork ACRL does w ith the higher education organizations. We are m ost proud of being active partners w ith AAHE, UCEA, AECT, and ARL / SPARC as dem onstrated through our w ork on their com m is­ sions, boards, w orking groups, and conference program s. Librarians are expected to provide access, select tools, structure in­ formation, and instruct users. In response to this part of its mission, ACRL established the Institute for Inform ation Literacy, w hich has throughout the year involved faculty, adm inistrators, and cam pus leaders in its plan­ ning process. The ACRL Council of Liaisons has several m em bers serv­ ing on com m issions, councils, and Boards of D irectors of higher educa­ tion to share ideas and inform ation about how librarians can be helpful to their missions. AC RL used the 1 997-98 ACRL Priorities to establish perform ance indicators for the year. The perform ance indicators and a sum m ary of im p lem en tation are on the A C RL Web site at http://w w w acrl.html. AC RL has identified four priority areas on w hich to focus our w ork and initiatives for 1998-99. They are: • updating the strategic plan, • providing professional developm ent, • building relationships w ith higher education, • developing legislative and policy advocacy role. I w ant to celebrate our volunteer leadership as epitom ized by thei service on ACRL's Board of Directors, com m ittees, sections, and discus­ sion groups. I also w ant to recognize the chapter chairs, vice chairs, and m any others w ho provide support for these offices. W ithout the dedica­ tion and com m itm ent of all of our m em bers, staff, and supporters across the country, this organization could not flourish. Finally, I w ant to express my gratitude to all o f our donors who sponsored program s, special events, and awards. We are especially ap­ preciative of your generosity. By contributing to ACRL, you have helped us support the enhancem ent of academ ic librarians' ability to provide excellent resources and services to their constituents. r 860 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 Y ear in R eview A CRL conducted its third membership needs survey in fall 1997. Previous surveys were administered in 1989 and 1993. Objec- tives identified for the survey were: 1) to develop a demo­ graphic profile of ACRL's membership; 2) to evaluate association pro­ grams and activities; and 3) to identify areas for developing new pro­ grams and services. Key findings of the survey indicated that: 1) ACRL's membership is aging; 2) the number of interest sections members participate in has decreased; 3) the ACRL National Conference and Chapters programs are the preferred method of delivery for continuing education; 4) print format is preferred for ACRL publications; and 5) keeping abreast of technological change is the most critical issue facing librarians. Professional development Providing professional development activities so that academic librar­ ians and other information professionals can enhance their ability to do their jobs remains at the core of ACRL's strategic goals. During 1997-98, entry-level, mid-career, and senior-level library personnel participated in more than 57 preconferences, conference programs, workshops, and institutes sponsored by ACRL and its chapter affiliates. In addition, op­ portunities for learning were available through two videotapes of ACRL programs presented at the 1997 ALA Annual Conference. These video­ tapes circulated 43 times through interlibrary loan from the ALA head­ quarters Library and Research Center. In stitu tes an d p ro g ram s The question of leadership among academic librarians occupied an im­ portant spot on the ACRL agenda. Acting on the assumption that good leadership results from learned behaviors, practices, and adopted prin­ ciples ACRL engaged its members in education activities designed to strengthen their leadership skills, whether conducting the work of the association or carrying out the activities in their libraries in support of campus missions. • At both the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference Leadership Council, planning sessions were sponsored by the ACRL Board for the purpose of engaging all ACRL leaders in discussions about the future of the association, the current strategic plan, and how the work their units are doing can support the plan. • Orientation for new leaders was another important leadership development activity in ACRL. A two and one-half hour session designed to provide a conceptual framework of leadership in ACRL was held for newly elected section vice chairs, committee chairs, and board members during the 1998 ALA Annual Conference. • ACRL values members who have served the association in lead­ ership roles. As an expression of appreciation, and to take advantage of the leadership knowledge and skills among this group, the ACRL Board C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998/861 Y e ar in R e view established the ACRL Fellows. Under the leadership of the ACRL's im ­ mediate past president, members of the group will meet during the year to define a role and identify activities or issues it can undertake in sup­ port of ACRL's mission. • To help librarians acquire the skills that will enable them to as­ sume leadership roles on their campuses, ACRL established two leader­ ship initiatives. The ACRL Leadership Toolkit Insti­ tute was developed to provide practical advice to aca­ A C R L Leadership demic librarians on selected topics in leadership, such Institute as m anaging change, team -building, presentation skills, negotiations, and managing meetings. The first Attendees enjoyed ACRL's first institute was held in Boston in the spring of 1998 and Leadership Institute,",Build Your had an attendance of 147. Leadership Toolkit" which took • The ACRL / Harvard Leadership Institute is place April 30-M ay 1,1998. Here designed to support the development of leadership are some o f their comments: skills among librarians who hold senior management ■ "One o f the best professional positions in academic libraries. The Institute's cur­ m eetin gs I've been to in riculum is currently being developed and plans for years." a July 1999 four-day session are being completed. ■ "Overall a very useful experi­ The higher education community is beginning ence: it gave me ideas about to recognize that for a world in which the informa­ leadership and how I can lead tion base is more than doubling every six months, it from my nonmanagerial posi­ is not enough to simply put a computer at every tion. " student's fingertips. Students must be able to prob- ■ "A good topic—these topics lem-solve and think critically in their chosen areas are not covered in any other of study. Librarians will be the group expected to library forum." provide the link between an expanding knowledge ■ “Excellent! Please do it again."base, technology, and learning. ACRL's Institute for Information Literacy is addressing this imperative. During the last year the advisory group developed its mission and goals and identified initiatives that it would carry out over the next three years as follows: Professional development fo r librarians is an intensive im mersion pro­ gram that provides two tracks for intensive training and education. One track is for new librarians and librarians new to teaching. The other is for mid-career instruction librarians who will assume a leadership role in information literacy in their institutions or communities. The first Im­ m ersion Program is being held July 2 3 -2 8 , 1999, on the cam pus of Plattsburgh State University of New York. Institutional Strategies: "Best Practices" is a program designed to as­ sist individual institutions in developing strategies for developing and implementing effective information literacy programs. Institutions with best practices will be identified and campus teams will be established to evaluate literacy programs against these newly identified practices. The Community Partnerships Program provides opportunities for a com­ bination of community partners (i.e., academic and K -12; academic, K-12, 862 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 Year in Review and public, etc.) to work toward instituting community-based information literacy programs. N a t i o n a l C o n fe r e n c e One of the busiest schedules ever has been developed for ACRL's 9th Na­ tional Conference in Detroit, April 8-11,1999. A full array of speakers, re­ search, panels, networking opportunities, and special events will keep at­ tendees learning and networking the entire time they are in Detroit. New additions to the program include a "conference-within-a-conference" that encourages librarians, faculty, and academic administrators to attend as teams and focus on student learning in an information age. Papers devel­ oped by six leaders in higher education will be posted on the Web prior to the conference so discussion of issues, such as scholarly communication, distance learning, the economics of information, and changes in higher education, can begin before the first attendee arrives in Detroit. Nine preconferences have been developed on leadership, instruction, networks, patents, and learning to give librarians an opportunity for more in-depth learning. ACRL AWARD WINNERS 1998 ■ A C R L A c a d e m ic o r R ese a rc h L ib r a r ­ ia n o f th e Year A w a rd (Donor: Baker & Taylor Books) Allen B. Veaner, University o f Arizona • A C R L /A L C T S /L A M A /L IT A H u g h A tk in s o n M e m o r ia l A w a rd Arnold Hirshon, Lehigh University ■ D o c t o r a l D i s s e r t a t i o n F e l l o w s h i p (Donor: Institute fo r Scientific Information) j eanine M. Williamson, University o f North Carolina-Chapel Hill ■ S am u el L a z e r o w F e llo w s h ip f o r R e­ s e a r c h in A c q u is itio n s o r T ech n ical S erv ices in an A c a d em ic o r R ese a rc h L ib ra ry (Donor: Institute fo r Scientific Information) Dilys E. Morris, Iowa State University ■ K. G. Sau r A w a rd f o r b e s t C&RL a r ­ tic le (Donor: R. R. Bowker) Jane P. Kleiner, Louisiana State Univer­ sity & Charles A. Hamaker, University o f North Carolina ■ EB S C O C om m u n ity C o lleg e Learn in g R eso u r c es L e a d e r s h ip A w a rd (Donor: EBSCO Subscription Services) Leadership: Bernard Fradkin, College o f DuPage Program: Oakton Community College, Internet Training Program ■ D istin g u is h ed E d u ca tio n a n d B e h a v ­ i o r a l S cien ces L ib ra ria n A w ard Eva L. Kiewitt, Regent University ■ M iria m D u dley In s tru ctio n L ib ra ria n A w a rd (Donor: JA I Press) Lori Arp, University o f Colorado ■ IS In n o v a tio n in In stru ction A w a rd "Health Sciences Information Tools 2000," Wayne State University ■ LPSS M a rta L an ge/ CQ Aw a rd (Donor: Congressional Quarterly) Laura N. Gasaway, University o f North Carolina-Chapel Hill ■ K a t h a r i n e K y e s L e a b a n d D a n ie l J. L e a b A m e r ic a n B o o k P r ic e s C u rrent E x h ib it io n C a t a lo g u e A w a r d s Expensive: "T he R eform ation o f the B ible, The B ible o f the R eform ation ," Southern M ethodist University; Mod­ erate: “K ehillat H a-K odesh: C reatin g the Sacred Com m unity: The Roles o f the Rabbi, Cantor, M ohel and Shohet in Jew ­ ish C om m unal Life," The Jew ish Theo­ logical Sem inary o f A m erica; Inexpen­ sive: "For Love o f R uth," U niversity o f A rizona Library ■ M artin u s N ij h o f f W est E u rop ean S p e­ c i a li s t s S tu dy G ran t Jeffrey Garrett, Northwestern University C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 863 Year in Review Advancing the Profession A w ards and Recognition ACRL continued a tradition of recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievement and distinguished service in academic librarianship as well as exemplary research and publication. A total of fifteen librarians and their libraries were 1997-98 award recipients. The most prestigious award presented to an academic librarian, "The Academic Librarian of the Year Award" celebrated its twentieth year anniversary with the 1998 award presented to Allen B. Veaner, adjunct assistant professor in the School of Library Science at the University of Arizona. In choosing Veaner for the award, colleagues cited his success as an administra­ tor, author, editor, speaker, consultant, and educator. A C R L Journals The ACRL Board honored ACRL past-president Joseph A. Boisse on his retirement as a university li­ ■ Choice—Book review jour­ brarian, an outstanding leader in ACRL, and an ac­ nal of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com­tive member of the American Library Association with bined), http:/ / a citation and an honorary membership in ACRL. acrl / choice/home.html Standards and Guidelines ■ College & Research Librar­ ie s — O fficia l jo u rn a l of Throughout the year, we continued to review and re­ ACRL; six bimonthly is­ align standards and guidelines for the profession. The sues per year, http: / / www. ACRL Media Resources Committee made extensive / acrl / c&rl.html revisions to the 1987 "Guidelines for Audio-Visual Ser­ ■ College & Research Libraries vices in Academic Libraries" now titled "Guidelines News—Official news maga­ for Media Resources in Academic Libraries." The Dis­ zine of ACRL; 11 issues per tance Learning Section revised its "Guidelines for Ex­ year (July/August com­ tended Academic Library Services." All Standards and bined), http:/ / Guidelines promulgated and maintained by ACRL acrl / c&rlnew2.html members can be accessed on the ACRL's Web site at ■ Rare Books & Manuscripts http: / / acrl.html. Librarianship—A journal of An ad hoc committee, Library Outcomes Assess­ theory and practice cover­ ment, appointed by the Board in 1996-97, was charged ing all aspects of special col­ to develop a philosophical framework for assessing lections librarianship; two issues per year, h ttp :/ / libraries in terms of desired campus outcomes; to de­ w w w . a l a . o r g / a c r l / velop prototypes for assessment, and to develop a rec­ rbmltxt.html ommendation for one or more processes for implemen­ tation of the former. The committee completed its work and the Board ap­ proved the report submitted which contained the following policy: The Association o f College and Research Libraries recognizes the assessment o f outcomes as an integral means o f determining the adequacy and quality o f li­ braries and their programs. The association directs its constituent bodies to incor­ porate this concept into their various activities and policies, including the drafting o f ACRL standards and guidelines. R esearch and P ublications While ACRL publications provide some of the best professional develop­ ment opportunities for academic librarians, they also serve to share in- 864 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 Year in Review formation throughout the profession. As the only national membership o rganization in N orth A m erica representing all types of academ ic libraries, ACRL publishes m any specialized titles that m ight not oth­ erw ise appear in print. In 1 9 9 7 -9 8 ACRL m aintained its vigorous publications program , publishing four journ als and six m onographic titles. In addition: • A C R L p a rtic ip a te d , a lo n g w ith 24 o th er d is c ip lin a ry a s s o ­ cia tio n s in a stu d y co n d u cte d by the S y r a c u s e U n iv e r s ity C e n te r fo r In ­ N ew Titles from A C R L in 1998 s tru c tio n a l D ev elo p m en t. T h e stu d y w as d esig n e d to ex ten d the ran g e of H Restructuring Academic Libraries: fa cu lty a c tiv itie s th a t are rew ard ed Organizational Change in the Wake t h r o u g h p r o m o t i o n , t e n u r e , an d o f Technological Change, PIL#49, m e r it. A n a d v is o r y c o m m itte e a p ­Charles A. Schartz, editor p o in te d b y th e B o a rd d e v e lo p e d a ■ Choices ’s Outstanding Academic s t a te m e n t fo r a c a d e m ic lib r a r ia n s Books 1992-1997 (the first case e n t it le d : " A c a d e m ic L ib r a r ia n s h ip bound book published by ACRL) an d R e d e f in in g S c h o l a r s h i p ." T h e Rebecca A. Bartlett Board app roved the statem en t, w hich A C RL p u b lish ed and d istrib u te d . ■ Academic Library Centrality: User • In co o p e ra tio n w ith th e N a ­ Success Through Service, Access, tio n al Forum on In fo rm a tio n L iteracy and Tradition, PIL #50 A C R L p u b lis h e d an u p d a te o f the Deborah J. Grimes 1989 A LA R ep o rt on In fo rm a tio n L it­ ■ Designs fo r Active Learning: A e ra cy A P r o g r e s s R e p o r t on I n fo r m a t io n Sourcebook o f Classroom Strategies L it e r a c y . fo r Information Education • A C R L 's C o lle g e L ib r a r ie s Gail Gradowski, Loanne Snavely, S e c tio n a ls o p ro d u c e d a v id e o ta p e Paula Dempsey, editors e n title d , "H o t Top ics in C o lle g e L i­ b ra ry M a n a g e m e n t."■ Criteria fo r Promotion and Tenure C h o ic e p u b lish ed a sp ecia l issue, fo r College Librarians, CLIP Note #26 W E B II, a seq u el to the h ig h ly su cce ss­ Virginia Vesper, Gloria Kelley, fu l s p e c ia l is s u e on th e W eb p u b ­ compilers lish ed in A u g u st 1997. Th e is su e co n ­ ta in s 48 2 re v ie w s o f w eb re so u rc es ■ ACRL University Library Statistics, p lu s s e v e ra l o r ig in a l fe a tu r e s . T h e 1996-97 "W eb is s u e " w as d is trib u te d free to Library Research Center, Graduate cu rre n t s u b s c rib e rs , and m ore th an School of Library and Information 360 a d d itio n a l co p ies w ere sold .Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, compiler C h o i c e e n te r e d an a g r e e m e n t w ith D oo d y P u b lis h in g of O ak P ark, I l l i n o i s , f o r a b e t a - t e s t o f C h o i c e O n l in e . O n e h u n d re d a c a d e m ic l i ­ b ra rie s v o lu n te ere d to p a rtic ip a te and 125 p o litic a l sc ie n c e fa c ­ u lty w ere s elec te d by th e A m e rica n P o litic a l S cie n ce A sso c ia tio n . T h e b e ta -te s t w ill end in D ece m b er 1998, and C h o ic e O n lin e w ill b e la u n ch e d Ja n u a ry 1999. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 865 Year in Review In tern et activities Our 1997 member survey showed that most ACRL members use the Internet as part of their daily work. This trend fits well with ACRL's move toward a virtual association. During the year, ACRL monitored 13 discus­ sion lists on the ALA server and members from various ACRL units moni­ tored 17 discussion lists that are mounted on servers of various institu­ tions. Web pages were also maintained by sections, chapters, and selected committees and linked to the ACRL Web page. ACRL's web page, now in its 3rd year, was redesigned and expanded during 1997-98 to include a legislative page, Institute for Information Literacy page, and important reports on the issues and topics page. ACRL's web site is among the most often accessed on the ALA server, averaging more than 43,000 "hits" each month. Especially popu­ Internet Resource topics lar is the C&RL NewsNet job classified ads, which in C&RL News members use to advertise jobs as well as search ■ theater and performance (9/97)for the latest openings in the profession. ■ health statistics (10/97) Addressing the issues ■ career development (11/97) ■ biotechnology resources (12/97)Governm ent Relations locating public domain images The ACRL Government Relations and Informa­ ■ (1/98)tion Policy initiative was established by the ACRL ■ investments and personal finance Board in 1997-98 for the stated purpose of influ­ (2/98)encing legislation and public policy affecting aca­ ■ gateways to social work/welfare demic libraries and higher education. ACRL staff (3/98) was assigned to this responsibility and given au­ ■ nutrition and vegetarianism thority to design a program for monitoring activi­ (4/98) ties in this area, preparing analyses of and re­ ■ distance education (5/98) sponses to proposed information policies, exam­ ■ cruising for travel information ining issues that reflect the interests of academic (6/98) librarians, and developing positions for ACRL. ■ East Asian studies (7-8/98) Activities in 1997-98 included: • Development of ACRL's first legislative / public policy agenda by the ACRL Government Relations Committee, which was approved by the ACRL Board. The agenda included the follow­ ing topics: copyright, NGI/Internet II, Title 44, digitization and preserva­ tion, National Agricultural Library (NAL), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and appropriations. • Creation of an ACRL legislative website with links to key govern­ ment relations and legislative sites of other higher education and informa- tion-related organizations. • Establishment of a legislative network consisting of representa­ tives from each of the 42 ACRL chapters charged with responsibility for developing grass root support and ensuring response to ALA action alerts. In the first six months of activity, more than 80 librarians responded to calls for action and contacted their congressional representatives. • Adoption of a resolution by the ACRL Board from the Copyright Committee in support of the Ashcroft/Campbell "Digital Copyright Clari­ 866 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 Year in Review fication and Technology Act" (H.R. 3048). ACRL President W. Lee Hisle wrote a letter to eight higher education organizations, and 2,331 members who are deans or library directors encouraging support of the Boucher/ Campbell copyright proposals. • Appointment of an ACRL member, Lee Wisel, to the Inter-Asso­ ciation Working Group on Title 44 Revision. The Group was charged to work with congressional staff on draft legislation to revise Chapter 19 on government information dissemination. • Monitoring and providing support for the A C R L Council o f Liaisons passage of The Higher Education ACT (HEA) with special attention given to Title VI, International ■ Programs which includes the Foreign Periodicals American Association o f Com­ Program.munity Colleges ■ • A letter writing campaign by ACRL mem­American Association o f Higher bers in support of increased funding for the Na­Education ■ tional Agricultural Library (NAL).American Council on Education • Offering the first ACRL Advocacy Precon­■ Association o f American Col­ ference to instruct librarians on how to advocate leges and Universities legislative issues on their campuses, as well as on ■ Association o f Educational and the national and state level.Communications Technology ■ Council o f Independent Colleges Partnerships and Collaborations ■ National Association o f State During the year we have continued to strengthen University and Land Grant Col­ relationships and information exchanges with leges higher education and information-related organi­ ■ National Forum on Information zations. This has served to increase ACRL's vis­Literacy ibility as a resource for information about librar­ ■ University Continuing Educa­ ies and information sources and services.tion Association During 1997-98, ACRL and its members carried out the following activities: • As a member of the National Forum on Information Literacy, ACRL produced A Progress Report on Information Literacy: An Update on the ALA Presidential Committee on Information Literacy; Final Report. • ACRL and the American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) held the first in a series of Higher Education Issues Forums that brought librarians and provosts together to discuss topics of mutual interest. • ACRL members participated in the development of, and the Board endorsed, a white paper, "Higher Education Policies for the Digital Age" produced by the Higher Education Alliance for Information Technology and spearheaded by the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. • ACRL members continued to share information on libraries and technology with the higher education community through programs pre­ sented at the national conferences of the Middle States Association, West­ ern Association, North Central Association, American Association for Higher Education, and the University Continuing Education Association. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 867 Year in Review • At the invitation of the American Council on Education (ACE), the ACRL Board endorsed A CE's statem ent "O n the Importance of D i­ versity in Higher Education." This statement, endorsed by fifty other organizations, was published in the February 13, 1998, issue of the C hronicle o f H igher Education. • The Task Force on Institutional Priorities and Faculty Rewards, which participated in a study sponsored by Syracuse University, pub­ lished its report "Academ ic Librarianship and Redefining Scholarship: A Report from the ACRL Task Force on Institutional Priorities and Fac­ ulty Rew ards." • ACRL's Standards and Accreditation Committee surveyed the six regional accrediting agencies to determine procedures employed in selecting academic librarians as peer evaluators on regional accredit­ ing teams. The survey results were reported in C & R L N ew s so that li­ brarians with appropriate qualifications may apply to becom e peer evaluators. ACRL feels strongly that the challenge of long-term equitable ac­ cess to scholarly research, especially in the fields of science, technol­ ogy, and medicine, is a major issue confronting all academic libraries and welcomes the ARL / SPARC initiative as a positive and practical strategy to address some of the complex and difficult issues. SPARC is a newly formed alliance of libraries that aims to foster expanded com­ petition in scholarly communication. The ACRL Board enthusiastically endorsed the SPARC initiative and committed $5,000 to support its work. ACRL intends to w ork closely with ARL to advance the goals and projects of SPARC among academic libraries. Governing the Association The governing body of ACRL is the Board of Directors, w hich has an obligation to represent the membership in directing the business of the association. The primary functions of the Board of Directors include: clarifying ACRL's mission, establishing both short- and long-range ob­ jectives, establishing operating policies, and controlling budgets and fiscal policy. In addition to carrying out the business of the association in 1997— 98, the following activities received special attention by the Board: • Revision of the Association's Bylaws and ratification by the membership. • Allocation of $35,000 in the 1998-99 budget for awarding schol­ arships to minority and entry-level librarians to increase their partici­ pation in ACRL's professional development activities. • Review of previous y ear's programs and activities, establish­ ment of priorities for 1998-99, and performance indicators for program assessment of the y ea r's activities. • Establishment of a fram ework and schedule for updating the strategic plan. 8 6 8 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 Year in Review 1998 A nnual Conference Program s and Preconferences ■ ACRL preconference—“Advocacy Training fo r Academic Librarians: From Ivory Towers to Halls o f Power” ■ ACRL President’s Program— “The Value o f Values: Changes and Continuities as We Face the New Millennium ” ■ ACRL Anthropology & Sociology Section— “Research 2001: Learned Societies Facilitating Information Awareness and Dissemination in Sociology and Anthropology” ■ ACRL Arts Section— “Local Traditions in the Global Village: Are Regional Artistic and Cultural Traditions Threatened by the Development o f a Global Information Network?” ■ ACRL Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section; Women’s Studies Section; International Relations Committee—“A World in Motion: Refugees and Resources” ■ ACRL College Libraries Section— “When Education Becomes a Business, What Happens to Traditional Library Values?” ■ ACRL Copyright Committee— “Fair Use—A Value in the Digital Age?” ■ ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section; ALA Committee on Legislation, Task Force on America Reads; U.S. Department o f Education; National Library o f Education—“Equity in Education in the Electronic Age” ■ ACRL English and American Literature Section; Rare Books and Manuscripts Section; Electronic Text Centers Discussion Group— “Re-Imag(in)ing the Text: The Literary Text in the Electronic Age ” ■ ACRL Extended Campus Library Services Section; Community and Junior College Libraries Section; ACRL Copyright Committee—“Library Services to Distant Students: Values, Ethics and Cooperation ” ■ ACRL Instruction Section, preconference—“Learning to Teach: Workshops on Instruc­ tion ” and “Research with a Small r: Approaches fo r the Instruction Practitioner” ■ ACRL Intellectual Freedom Committee— “Internet Policy and Your Academic Library” ■ ACRL Law and Political Science Section—“Bridging an Understanding: The U.S. and the Middle East” ■ ACRL Leadership Development Committee— “Enhancing Your Leadership Toolkit” ■ ACRL Professional Enhancement Committee— “The Power to Shape our Future: Advocacy and Leadership Skills fo r Academic Librarians” ■ ACRL Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee—“Diversity and Demographics: Are We Ready fo r the 21st Century?” ■ ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, preconference—“Getting Ready fo r the 19th Century: Strategies and Solutions fo r Rare Book and Special Collections Librarians" ■ ACRL Slavic and East European Section— “The Future o f Area Studies Librarianship ” ■ ACRL Technology and the Arts Subcommittee; LITA Arts Committee— “Performing Arts Across the Country: The Digital Stage” ■ ACRL University Libraries Section; Science and Technology Section—“Engineering the Future: A New Look at Organizational Thinking and Hyper-Learning ” ■ ACRL Western European Specialists Section; Arts Section— “Digitizing a Continent: National-Level Planning fo r Western European Libraries” C&RL News ■ D e c e m b e r 1998 / 869 ACRL Board of Directors, 1997-98 (I to r): (back ro w ) Linda M u ro i, Carol P feiffer, Helen Spalding, Jill Fatzer, John Sheridan, V icto ria M o n ta v o n , Bernard Fradkin; ( fr o n t ro w ) W illia m M iller, A lth e a Jenkins, W. Lee Hisle, M aureen Sullivan, and Ray English. N o t pictured: M ary Reichel. A C R L B oa rd o f D irectors, 19 9 7 -9 8 President: W. Lee Hisle, Austin Comm unity College Vice-President/President-Elect: M aureen Sullivan, Organizational Developm ent Consultant Past-President: William Miller, Florida A tlantic University Budget & Finance Committee Chair: Ray English, Oberlin College ACRL Councilor: Helen Spalding, University o f M issouri-Kansas City Directors-at-Large: Jill B. Fatzer, University o f New Orleans Bernard Fradkin, College o f DuPage Victoria M ontavon, W right State University Linda S. M uroi, San Diego State University Carol M. Pfeiffer, University o f Virginia M ary Reichel, A ppalachian State University John Sheridan, Colorado College Executive Director (ex-officio): Althea H. Jenkins, ACRL/ALA 870 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 Financial Report R a y E n g l i s h B u d g e t a n d F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e C h a i r A CRL had an exceptionally strong budget performance dur­ing the İ9 9 7 -9 8 fiscal year and the association's financial condition remains very healthy. The 1997-98 ACRL budget called for expenditures to­ taling $367,838 above revenues, reflecting the costs of new initia­ tives and the need to incur expenses in advance of the Detroit Na­ tional Conference. A combination of strong revenues (particularly from publication advertising) and cost efficiencies resulted in actual spending that was only $77,622 above revenues. As a result, the ACRL fund balance finished the year at $1,295,731, more than $290,000 above the anticipated level. The Choice bud­ get finished the year with a surplus of $119,249, al­ most $230,000 above budget. 1997-98 budget highlights A C R L 's re v en u es (n o t in c lu d in g C h o ice) w ere $202,531 more than budgeted for the year. Classi­ fied and product advertising revenues, especially from College &Research Libraries News‚ were $118,336 Ray English above budgeted levels, accounted for most of the revenue gain. Revenues from preconference and in­ stitute registration fees were $34,012 more than budget, and dona­ tions accounted for over $20,000 additional revenues. Subscription revenues for College & Research Libraries and C&RL News were $12,971 and $5,184 above budget respectively. ACRL membership dues rev­ enues remained stable. As has been the case in recent years, ACRL realized substan­ tial cost containment in several areas. ACRL's total expenses (again not including Choice) were $87,685 less than budget, with a substan­ tial portion of the savings coming in staff costs. Choice's budget performance in 1997-98 was especially strong. Total Choice revenues were $75,231 above budget and expenses were $155,370 below budget. Choice's revenue exceeded budget in all cat­ egories, except for royalties and miscellaneous sales; advertising sales were $77,189 more than budget. Savings in Choice expenses resulted from reduced staff costs and a revised way of accounting for the Un­ related Business Income Tax (or UBIT), which had negatively im ­ pacted the budget in the previous fiscal year. ACRL asset management ACRL's long-term investment portfolio includes the ACRL general endowment, the Choice endowment, and three awards endowments C&RL News ■ D e ce m b e r 1998 / 877 Financial Report (Oberly, L e a b , and Atkinson). At the end of the 1997-98 fiscal year, the total portfolio value of all ACRL endow m ent funds was $628,174, an increase of $278,866 (or 79.8%) above the total value at the end of 19 9 6 - 97. Values for each of the endow m ents as of A ugust 31, 1998, were as follow s: ACRL endow m ent, $277,106; O berly award, $17,045; Leab award, $23,750; A tkinson award, $96,853; C hoice endow ment, $214,418. The im plem entation of the first phases of ACRL's new approach to managing its financial assets occurred in 1997-98. D uring the year, $200,000 was transferred from the ACRL operating fund balance into the ACRL general endow m ent, and $100,000 w as transferred from the C hoice fund balance into the C h oice endow m ent. Sim ilar transfers are planned for the 1998-99 budget year. I am very pleased to report that a join t task force of representa­ tives from the divisions and the ALA Budget Analysis and Review Com­ mittee (BARC) has reached agreem ent on a new set of guidelines for transfers and w ithdrawals from division fund balances and division endowments. These new guidelines will perm it ACRL to draw on a portion of the appreciation of its unrestricted endow m ents to carry out strategic initiatives. Coupled with the transfers described above, the new guidelines will enable ACRL to realize the twin goals of its new asset m anagem ent strategy: continuing to build the association's finan­ cial resources through long-term investm ent growth, w hile also having the flexibility to use a portion of investm ent incom e and capital appre­ ciation to carry out the association's m ost im portant strategic initia­ tives. 1998-99 ACRL budget The ACRL Board, follow ing a recom m endation from the Budget and Finance Com m ittee, has approved a 1998-99 ACRL budget with rev­ enues that exceed expenses by $172,126 and a C h oice budget w ith ex­ penditures that are $88,163 above revenues. N et revenues from the D e­ troit N ational Conference account for a substantial portion of the an­ ticipated 1998-99 ACRL net revenue gain. The 1998-99 budget includes projected revenues, expenses, and fund balances as follows: ACRL Choice beginning fund balance $1,295,731 beginning fund balance $1,042,981 total revenues $2,315,000 total revenues $1,931,350 total expenses $2,142,875 total expenses $2,019,513 net ($172,126) net ($88,163) endowment transfers $200,000 endowment transfers $100,000 ending fund balance $1,267,857 ending fund balance $854,818 Thanks I w ish to express thanks to the ACRL Budget and Finance Com m ittee and particularly the ACRL staff for all their w ork in realizing such ex­ cellent budget results for the 1997-98 year and for their continuing ef- 872 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 Financial Report forts to build ACRL's financial resources, which are essential for carry­ ing out the association's objectives. Members of the Budget and Finance Committee were: Nancy Allen, Katherine Branch (intern), David Brink, Rena Fowler, Cathy Henderson, Janice Kemp, John Popko, Gloriana St. Clair, Lynn Sutton, Sharon Walbridge, Elizabeth Wood (intern), and Juana Young, as well as ex-officio members Maureen Sullivan and Althea Jenkins. I concluded last year's report by saying that everyone involved w ith ACRL can feel ju stifiably proud of our association's financial strength, its superb budget performance, and ACRL's increased ability to carry out its highest priorities. Those same words hold true today. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 873 Financial Report Executive Summary 1997-98 FY1998 FY1998 PERCENT LAST YEAR SOURCES OF REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL OF BUDGET ACTUAL Ending Reserve Operating Fund (ACRL) $1,190,604 $1,295,731 109% $1,573,649 Endowments (ACRL) 196,273 414,756 211% 228,708 Operating Fund (CHOICE) 845,352 1,042,918 123% 1,024,306 Endowment (CHOICE) 99,524 213,418 214% 120,598 Subtotal $2,331,753 $2,966,823 127% $2,947,261 Membership dues and other Dues $352,935 $359,060 102% $354,066 Other 7,000 9,525 136% 13,286 Awards 4,900 5,600 0% 4,450 Sec. Newsletters 0 2,750 0% 1,750 Subtotal $364,835 $376,935 103% $373,552 Publications CHOICE $1,833,915 $1,909,146 104% $1,768,231 C&RL 146,332 166,518 114% 154,877 C&RL News 322,553 420,909 130% 359,615 RBML 27,780 28,938 104% 29,259 Nonperiodical Pubs. 146,500 168,170 115% 113,852 Subtotal $2,477,080 $2,693,681 109% $2,425,834 Education Regional Institute $30,975 $36,515 118% $0 National 0 500 0% 988,315 Pre-& Postconferences 57,326 100,347 175% 89,123 Subtotal $88,301 $137,362 156% $1,077,438 Total Revenue $2,930,216 $3,207,978 109% $3,876,824 CHOICE Revenue $1,833,915 $1,909,146 104% $1,768,231 Total Rev. W/O Choice $1,096,301 $1,298,832 118% $2,108,593 National Conference Rev. $0 $500 0% $988,315 Total Revenue $1,096,301 $1,298,332 118% $1,120,278 w/o Natl. Conf. 874 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 Financial Report FY1998 FY1998 PERCENT LAST YEAR OBJECT OF EXPENSE BUDGET ACTUAL OF BUDGET ACTUAL Membership Activities Membership Servs. $98,451 $74,668 76% $57,066 Exec. Comm. & Board 98,919 93,172 94% 73,125 Statistics 11,483 11,209 98% 0 Advisory 12,097 -18,154 -150% 15,032 Standards distrib. 5,263 4,298 82% 5,132 Discussion Groups 3,222 2,854 89% 2,504 Awards 33,588 23,125 69% 20,645 Chapters 60,055 50,015 83% 46,846 Committees 43,679 39,180 90% 36,059 Sections 66,082 60,298 91% 55,576 Section Newsletters 26,352 26,223 100% 25,051 Chapter Topics 5,916 3,957 67% 3,498 C&RL 19,235 0 0% 0 C&RL News 1,229 0 0% 0 Council of Liaisons 69,220 48,282 70% 38,261 Subtotal $554,791 $419,127 76% $378,795 Publications CHOICE $1,944,537 $1,789,167 92% $1,772,962 C&RL 146,332 154,531 106% 143,658 C&RL News 322,553 326,867 101% 282,357 RBML 27,163 33,803 124% 27,385 Nonperiodical Pubs. 129,585 140,806 109% 112,124 Subtotal $2,570,170 $2,445,174 95% $2,338,486 Education Pre & Postconferences $65,189 $101,272 155% $88,519 National (95,97) 155,785 125,659 81% 563,168 Leadership Institute 30,108 34,233 114% 0 IIL 32,633 40,156 123% 0 Subtotal $283,715 $301,320 106% $651,687 UNALLOCATED ADMIN. 0 $0 0% $0 TOTAL EXPENSES $3,408,676 $3,165,621 93% $3,368,968 CHOICE EXPENSES $1,944,537 $1,789,897 92% $1,772,962 CHOICE Net ($110,622) $119,249 -108% ($4,731) CHOICE ENDOW. TRANSFER $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 OTAL EXP. W/O CHOICE $1,464,139 $1,376,454 94% $1,596,006 Net w/o CHOICE ($367,838) ($77,622) 21% $512,587 Net w/o Natl. Conference ($212,053) $48,037 -23% $557,110 A C R L ENDOW. TRANSFER $200,000 $200,000 $0 T C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 8 7 5 Meet the ACRL Staff Many of you have had phone and/or e-mail contact with ACRL's staff, of which there are 12.95 ALA-approved FTE positions at headquarters. Here's your chance to put a face with that voice or e-mail signature. On these pages, we present current ACRL staff (including two of ACRL's Choice 22.4 FTE staff) with information about their responsibilities. Take a minute to "meet the staff!" We're looking forward to hearing from you. With several vacant positions in ACRL, we reviewed and made changes in the distribution of duties and responsibilities, some of which should result in higher grade levels and promotions for existing employees. New ACRL and Choice staff in 1998 include: Margaret Sutton, professional development assistant (ACRL); Gail Skamarack, general manager (Choice); Susanne Bjorner, spe­ cial projects editor (Choice); Helena Tench, social sciences editor (Choice); Sharon Coleman, distri­ bution assistant (Choice). JACK BRIODY, design/pro­ duction assistant, manages C&RL production; develops and m aintains ACRL W eb pages; coordinates the awards program; designs and produces section newsletters; maintains ACRL lists on the ALA servers; and produces and maintains ACRL standards, guidelines, and model statements. Phone: (312) 280-2516; e-mail: MARY ELLEN K. DAVIS, senior associate executive director, is editor of C&RL News; coordi­ nates professional development activities including National Conference program and meet­ ing logistics, institutes, precon­ ferences, workshops; manages day-to-day operations of ACRL; and is the official contact in the absence of the executive direc­ tor. Phone (312) 280-2511; e-mail: FRANCINE GRAF, manag­ ing editor o f Choice, man­ ages all editorial aspects of the magazine, reviews-on- cards, and electronic data­ bases; coordinates the work o f C h o ic e ’s editorial staff; plans the editorial calendar; and handles Choice's busi­ ness and economics sections. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e- mail DARLENA DAVIS, administrative secretary, prepares slates and bal­ lots and chapter and section ros­ ters; prepares members’ requests for reimbursements; prepares all Annual Conference speakers let­ ters o f agreem ent; m aintains member services files and ar­ chives; and assists with member services activities Phone: (312) 280-2519; e-mail: 8 7 6 /C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 Meet the ACRL Staff MICHAEL GODOW, program officer/special assistant to the executive director, coordinates legislative/public policy initia­ tive, Friends of ACRL, and di­ visional appointments; pre­ pares and distributes committee rosters and annual report of units’ activities; conducts envi­ ronmental scan and prepares report. Phone: (312) 280-2510; e-m JACK HELBIG, classified ad manager, maintains ACRL job ads on the Web; manages and sells ad space in C&RL News fo r library jo b a n ­ nouncements. P h on e: (312) 280-2513; fa x : (312) 280- 7663; e-m ail: jhelbig@ala. org. ALTHEA JENKINS, executive di­ rector, is responsible for staff op­ erations for ACRL and Choice; co­ ordinates strategic planning; co­ ordinates relationships between ACRL and other higher education organizations; oversees financial management; coordinates profes­ sional standards. Phon e: (312) 280-3248; e-mail: TANGA MORRIS, administra­ tive secretary for publications and professional develop­ ment, maintains and distrib­ utes ACRL standards; man­ ages database of manuscript submissions; provides sup­ port for day-to-day operations for serial publications; pre­ pares C&RL News copy for posting to Internet. Phone: ( 312) 280-2514; e-m ail: C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 / 877 Meet the ACRL Staff MARGOT SUTTON, profes­ sional development assistant, handles ACRL special events planning for Midwinter Meet­ ings and Annual Confer­ ences; ACRL preconferences, National Conferences, and institute planning; and main­ tains the speaker agreement file. Phone: (312) 280-2522; e-mail: HUGH THOMPSON, director o f p u b lic a tio n s , h an d les monographic publications and the production and distribu­ tion of C&RL and RBML; Aca­ demic Libraries Statistics and Trends; coordinates activities of members and staff on ALA Website; and produces Na­ tional Conference documents. Phone: (312) 2802517; e-mail: IRVING ROCKWOOD, editor of Choice, is responsible for Choice and other product ad­ vertising sales, subscription services, and marketing and prom otions. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e-mail: irockwood@ ANN-CHRISTE YOUNG, production editor of ACRL journals, coordinates pro­ duction and copyedits C&RL News and RBML; manages page layout and writes col­ umns for C&RL News; main­ tains C&RL NewsNet Web page; and copyedits ACRL p ro m o tio n a l m ate rials. Phone: (312) 280-2524; e- mail: ayoung@ala. org. 878 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1998 Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ December 1998/853 C&RL News ■ December 1998/853 1997-98 Annual Report ACRL's MissionThe Association of College and Re­search Libraries (ACRL) provides leadership for development, promo­tion, and improvement of academic and research ibrary resources and services to facilitate learn­ng, research, and the scholarly communication rocess. ACRL promotes the highest level of pro­essional excellence for librarians and library per­onnel in order to serve the users of academic and esearch libraries.lipfsr Values for the ElectronicInformation Agehttp: / / 854 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Message from the PresidentW. Lee HisleACRL's 59th President Let me say first what an honor and privilege it was to serve as the 59th President of the Association of College and Research Libraries during the past year. Members and ACRL leaders worked hard and accomplished a great deal. Highlights include:• A year-long focus on the values of librarianshipMany members focused on the values of librarianship and the challenges to those values in an electronic information age. Values were considered during my chapter visits, in Midwinter discussions, in articles and edit C&RL. News ■ December 1998/855 Message from the Presidentprograms. At the ALA Annual Conference, three preconferences were offered along with 18 conference programs, reflecting the variety of in­terests of our membership.• ACRL's sound fiscal situationSignificant funds were added to the ACRL and CHOICE endowments during the year. In addition, two alternative revenue sources were iden­tified: the Friends of ACRL, to be launched in 1998, and a new publica­tion, Academic Libraries: Trends and Statistics. Finally, revenues for the year were ACRL Membership StatisticsACRL PersonalOrganizational/Aug. 1998 Aug. 1997 %increase/SectionsSpecialTotalTotaldecreaseACRL9,63498210,61610,779-1.51%AAMES36865433444-2.48%AFAS24926275290-5.17%ANSS50173574621-7.57%ARTS78096876889-1.46%CJCLS8952291,1241,133-0.79%CLS1,8982942,1922,284-4.03%EALS616146306211.45%EBSS1,0611861,2471,317-5.32%DLS1,019571,07694713.62%IS3,7734224,1954,253-1.36%LPSS63989728755-3.58%RBMS1,6181701,7881,804-0.89%SEES22553278288-3.47%STS1,6572121,8691,872-0.16%ULS5,6333185,9516,009-0.97%WESS 856 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Message from the Vice-PresidentMaureen SullivanVice-President / President-Elect As the millennium approaches and academic library leaders and their colleagues seek ways to address the complex is- sues brought about by the rapid changes in technology, the exponential growth of information, and changing organi­zational structures, librarians will continue to search for strategies and solutions that will improve the products and services they de­liver to enhance learning, teaching, and research. As a result, an im­portant component will be training and professional development.Academic l Message from the Vice-Presidentating contracts. The ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute and the IJL's Immersion '99 Program will be presented in July 1999.The 1999 Annual Conference in New Orleans will feature 16 pro­grams presented by ACRL sections and committees. The keynote speaker for the ACRL President's Program will be Margaret J. Wheatley, presi­dent of the Berkana Institute and the author of Leadership and the New Science. Wheatley's exploration of new science principles as they relate to leadership an 858 / C&RL News ■ December 199 Letter from theExecutive DirectorAlthea H. JenkinsExecutive Director In a climate of shifting paradigms and values within the li­brary and higher education communities, we must prepare for new models of leadership, service, learning, teaching, and research. Nowhere is this shift more vividly played out than in libraries on campuses across the United States.Throughout the year, ACRL President W. Lee Hisle focused the attention of the Association on how change may be affecting the values of our profession. To ad­dress his theme, "Facing the Millennium: Values for the Electron C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 859 Letter from theExecutive Directorpartnership an expert knowledge about library and information issues and an ability to address them. Identifying and sharing the roles that libraries and librarians play in accomplishing campus missions is at the heart of the work ACRL does with the higher education organizations. We are most proud of being active partners with AAHE, UCEA, AECT, and ARL / SPARC as demonstrated through our work on their commis­sions, boards, working groups, and conference programs.Librarians 860 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Year in ReviewACRL conducted its third membership needs survey in fall 1997. Previous surveys were administered in 1989 and 1993. Objec- tives identified for the survey were: 1) to develop a demo­graphic profile of ACRL's membership; 2) to evaluate association pro­grams and activities; and 3) to identify areas for developing new pro­grams and services.Key findings of the survey indicated that: 1) ACRL's membership is aging; 2) the number of interest sections members participate in has decreased; 3) the ACRL C&RL News ■ December 1998/861 Year in Review established the ACRL Fellows. Under the leadership of the ACRL's im­mediate past president, members of the group will meet during the year to define a role and identify activities or issues it can undertake in sup­port of ACRL's mission.• To help librarians acquire the skills that will enable them to as­sume leadership roles on their campuses, ACRL established two leader­ship initiatives. The ACRL Leadership Toolkit Insti­tute was developed to provide practical advice to aca­ACRL Leadership demic librarians 862 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Year in Review and public, etc.) to work toward instituting community-based information literacy programs.National ConferenceOne of the busiest schedules ever has been developed for ACRL's 9th Na­tional Conference in Detroit, April 8-11,1999. A full array of speakers, re­search, panels, networking opportunities, and special events will keep at­tendees learning and networking the entire time they are in Detroit. New additions to the program include a "conference-within-a-conference" that encourages librarians, faculty, and ACRL AWARD WINNERS 1998 ■ ACRL Academic or Research Librar­ian of the Year Award (Donor: Baker & Taylor Books)Allen B. Veaner, University of Arizona• ACRL/ALCTS/LAMA/LITA Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award Arnold Hirshon, Lehigh University■ Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (Donor: Institute for Scientific Information) jeanine M. Williamson, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill■ Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Re­search in Acquisitions or Technical Services in an Academic or Research Library (Donor: Institute for Scientific Information ■ Distinguished Education and Behav­ioral Sciences Librarian AwardEva L. Kiewitt, Regent University■ Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award (Donor: JAI Press)Lori Arp, University of Colorado■ IS Innovation in Instruction Award"Health Sciences Information Tools 2000," Wayne State University■ LPSS Marta Lange/CQ Award (Donor: Congressional Quarterly)Laura N. Gasaway, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill■ Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards Exp C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 863 Year in Review Advancing the ProfessionAwards and RecognitionACRL continued a tradition of recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievement and distinguished service in academic librarianship as well as exemplary research and publication. A total of fifteen librarians and their libraries were 1997-98 award recipients. The most prestigious award presented to an academic librarian, "The Academic Librarian of the Year Award" celebrated its twentieth year anniversary with the 1998 award presented to Allen B. Veaner, adjunct 864 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Year in Reviewformation throughout the profession. As the only national membership organization in North America representing all types of academic libraries, ACRL publishes many specialized titles that might not oth­erwise appear in print. In 1997-98 ACRL maintained its vigorous publications program, publishing four journals and six monographic titles. In addition:• ACRL participated, along with 24 other disciplinary asso­ciations in a study conducted by the Syracuse University Center for In­New Titles fro C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 865 Year in Review Internet activitiesOur 1997 member survey showed that most ACRL members use the Internet as part of their daily work. This trend fits well with ACRL's move toward a virtual association. During the year, ACRL monitored 13 discus­sion lists on the ALA server and members from various ACRL units moni­tored 17 discussion lists that are mounted on servers of various institu­tions. Web pages were also maintained by sections, chapters, and selected committees and linked to the ACRL Web page. ACRL's web page, now in 866 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Year in Review fication and Technology Act" (H.R. 3048). ACRL President W. Lee Hisle wrote a letter to eight higher education organizations, and 2,331 members who are deans or library directors encouraging support of the Boucher/ Campbell copyright proposals.• Appointment of an ACRL member, Lee Wisel, to the Inter-Asso­ciation Working Group on Title 44 Revision. The Group was charged to work with congressional staff on draft legislation to revise Chapter 19 on government information dissemination.• Monitoring and providin C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 867 Year in Review• At the invitation of the American Council on Education (ACE), the ACRL Board endorsed ACE's statement "On the Importance of Di­versity in Higher Education." This statement, endorsed by fifty other organizations, was published in the February 13, 1998, issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education.• The Task Force on Institutional Priorities and Faculty Rewards, which participated in a study sponsored by Syracuse University, pub­lished its report "Academic Librarianship and Redefining Scholarshi 868 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Year in Review1998 Annual Conference Programs and Preconferences■ ACRL preconference—“Advocacy Training for Academic Librarians: From Ivory Towers to Halls of Power”■ ACRL President’s Program—“The Value of Values: Changes and Continuities as We Facethe New Millennium ”■ ACRL Anthropology & Sociology Section—“Research 2001: Learned Societies Facilitating Information Awareness and Dissemination in Sociology and Anthropology”■ ACRL Arts Section—“Local Traditions in the Global Village: Are Regional Artistic and C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 869 ACRL Board of Directors, 1997-98 (I to r): (back row) Linda Muroi, Carol Pfeiffer, Helen Spalding, Jill Fatzer, John Sheridan, Victoria Montavon, Bernard Fradkin; (front row) William Miller, Althea Jenkins, W. Lee Hisle, Maureen Sullivan, and Ray English. Not pictured: Mary Reichel. ACRL Board of Directors, 1997-98President:W. Lee Hisle, Austin Community CollegeVice-President/President-Elect:Maureen Sullivan, Organizational Development ConsultantPast-President:William Miller, Florida Atlantic UniversityBudget & Finance Committee Chair:Ray English, Oberlin CollegeACRL Councilor:Helen Spalding, University of Missouri-Kansas CityDirectors-at-Large:Jill B. Fatzer, University of New OrleansBernard Fradkin, College of DuPageVictoria Montavon, Wright State UniversityLinda S. Muroi, San Diego 870 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Financial ReportRay English Budget and Finance Committee Chair ACRL had an exceptionally strong budget performance dur­ing the İ997-98 fiscal year and the association's financial condition remains very healthy.The 1997-98 ACRL budget called for expenditures to­taling $367,838 above revenues, reflecting the costs of new initia­tives and the need to incur expenses in advance of the Detroit Na­tional Conference. A combination of strong revenues (particularly from publication advertising) and cost efficiencies resulted in actual spending that was only $77,622 above revenue C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 877 Financial Report (Oberly, Leab, and Atkinson). At the end of the 1997-98 fiscal year, the total portfolio value of all ACRL endowment funds was $628,174, an increase of $278,866 (or 79.8%) above the total value at the end of 1996- 97. Values for each of the endowments as of August 31, 1998, were as follows: ACRL endowment, $277,106; Oberly award, $17,045; Leab award, $23,750; Atkinson award, $96,853; Choice endowment, $214,418.The implementation of the first phases of ACRL's new approach to managing its financial assets occ 872 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Financial Report forts to build ACRL's financial resources, which are essential for carry­ing out the association's objectives. Members of the Budget and Finance Committee were: Nancy Allen, Katherine Branch (intern), David Brink, Rena Fowler, Cathy Henderson, Janice Kemp, John Popko, Gloriana St. Clair, Lynn Sutton, Sharon Walbridge, Elizabeth Wood (intern), and Juana Young, as well as ex-officio members Maureen Sullivan and Althea Jenkins.I concluded last year's report by saying that everyone involved with ACRL can feel j C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 873 Financial ReportExecutive Summary 1997-98 FY1998 FY1998 PERCENT LAST YEAR SOURCES OF REVENUEBUDGETACTUALOF BUDGETACTUALEnding ReserveOperating Fund (ACRL)$1,190,604$1,295,731109%$1,573,649Endowments (ACRL)196,273414,756211%228,708Operating Fund (CHOICE)845,3521,042,918123%1,024,306Endowment (CHOICE)99,524213,418214%120,598Subtotal$2,331,753$2,966,823127%$2,947,261Membership dues and otherDues$352,935$359,060102%$354,066Other7,0009,525136%13,286Awards4,9005,6000%4,450Sec. Newsletters02,7500%1,750Subtotal$364,835$376,935103%$373,552PublicationsCHOICE 874 / C&RL News ■ December 1998 Financial Report FY1998 FY1998 PERCENT LAST YEAR OBJECT OF EXPENSEBUDGETACTUALOF BUDGETACTUALMembership ActivitiesMembership Servs.$98,451$74,66876%$57,066Exec. Comm. & Board98,91993,17294%73,125Statistics11,48311,20998%0Advisory12,097-18,154-150%15,032Standards distrib.5,2634,29882%5,132Discussion Groups3,2222,85489%2,504Awards33,58823,12569%20,645Chapters60,05550,01583%46,846Committees43,67939,18090%36,059Sections66,08260,29891%55,576Section Newsletters26,35226,223100%25,051Chapter Topics5,9163,95767%3,498C&RL19,23500%0C& C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 875 Meet the ACRL Staff Many of you have had phone and/or e-mail contact with ACRL's staff, of which there are 12.95 ALA-approved FTE positions at headquarters. Here's your chance to put a face with that voice or e-mail signature. On these pages, we present current ACRL staff (including two of ACRL's Choice 22.4 FTE staff) with information about their responsibilities. Take a minute to "meet the staff!" We're looking forward to hearing from you.With several vacant positions in ACRL, we reviewed and made changes in the distribution JACK BRIODY, design/pro­duction assistant, manages C&RL production; develops and maintains ACRL Web pages; coordinates the awards program; designs and produces section newsletters; maintains ACRL lists on the ALA servers; and produces and maintains ACRL standards, guidelines, and model statements. Phone: (312) 280-2516; e-mail: MARY ELLEN K. DAVIS, senior associate executive director, is editor of C&RL News; coordi­nates professional development activities including National Conference program and meet­ing logistics, institutes, precon­ferences, workshops; manages day-to-day operations of ACRL; and is the official contact in the absence of the executive direc­tor. Phone (312) 280-2511; e-mail: FRANCINE GRAF, manag­ing editor of Choice, man­ages all editorial aspects of the magazine, reviews-on- cards, and electronic data­bases; coordinates the work of Choice’s editorial staff; plans the editorial calendar; and handles Choice's busi­ness and economics sections. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e- mail DARLENA DAVIS, administrative secretary, prepares slates and bal­lots and chapter and section ros­ters; prepares members’ requests for reimbursements; prepares all Annual Conference speakers let­ters of agreement; maintains member services files and ar­chives; and assists with member services activities Phone: (312) 280-2519; e-mail: 876/C&RL News ■ December 1998 Meet the ACRL Staff MICHAEL GODOW, program officer/special assistant to the executive director, coordinates legislative/public policy initia­tive, Friends of ACRL, and di­visional appointments; pre­pares and distributes committee rosters and annual report of units’ activities; conducts envi­ronmental scan and prepares report. Phone: (312) 280-2510; JACK HELBIG, classified ad manager, maintains ACRL job ads on the Web; manages and sells ad space in C&RL News for library job an­nouncements. Phone: (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280- 7663; e-mail: jhelbig@ala. org. ALTHEA JENKINS, executive di­rector, is responsible for staff op­erations for ACRL and Choice; co­ordinates strategic planning; co­ordinates relationships between ACRL and other higher education organizations; oversees financial management; coordinates profes­sional standards. Phone: (312) 280-3248; e-mail: TANGA MORRIS, administra­tive secretary for publications and professional develop­ment, maintains and distrib­utes ACRL standards; man­ages database of manuscript submissions; provides sup­port for day-to-day operations for serial publications; pre­pares C&RL News copy for posting to Internet. Phone: (312) 280-2514; e-mail: C&RL News ■ December 1998 / 877 Meet the ACRL Staff MARGOT SUTTON, profes­sional development assistant, handles ACRL special events planning for Midwinter Meet­ings and Annual Confer­ences; ACRL preconferences, National Conferences, and institute planning; and main­tains the speaker agreement file. Phone: (312) 280-2522; e-mail: HUGH THOMPSON, director of publications, handles monographic publications and the production and distribu­tion of C&RL and RBML; Aca­demic Libraries Statistics and Trends; coordinates activities of members and staff on ALA Website; and produces Na­tional Conference documents. Phone: (312) 2802517; e-mail: IRVING ROCKWOOD, editor of Choice, is responsible for Choice and other product ad­vertising sales, subscription services, and marketing and promotions. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e-mail: irockwood@ ANN-CHRISTE YOUNG,production editor of ACRL journals, coordinates pro­duction and copyedits C&RL News and RBML; manages page layout and writes col­umns for C&RL News; main­tains C&RL NewsNet Web page; and copyedits ACRL promotional materials. Phone: (312) 280-2524; e- mail: ayoung@ala. org. 878 / C&RL News ■ December 1998