ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 8 6 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynn E. Bradley End of session developments We briefly summarize here the final status of several key legislative issues that were resolved either as separate bills or as part of the omni­ bus appropriations bill, H.R. 4328, (based on the FY99 transportation appropriations confer­ ence report (H. Rept. 105-825). The omnibus measure was passed by the 105th Congress and signed by the President in late October. This information is also available online at http:// WIPO Copyright Treaties Implem en­ tation Act passed Congress gave final approval to the H.R. 2281, Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This final version includes improvements to several sec­ tions of the bill of that are interest to librarians and users of information. On October 28, the President signed the measure (now P.L. 105- 304), which updates the Copyright Act for the digital environment and conforms U.S. law to the requirements of the new World Intellec­ tual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties ne­ gotiated in Geneva in December 1996. Database protection bill dropped Conferees agreed to drop the Collections of Information Anti-Piracy Act from H.R. 2281, the WIPO treaties bill. This is a major improve­ ment; the database protection measure would have had drastic negative effects on education and research and would have protected facts for the first time. Key legislators have prom­ ised that the issue will be an early agenda item in the new Congress next year. C o p yrigh t term extension act passed Both Senate and House passed on October 7 a 20-year extension of the current life-plus-50- year copyright term (S. 505), and the President signed the bill (now P.L. 105-298) on October 27. The measure retains a limited exception for libraries, archives, and nonprofit educational institutions crafted in intense negotiations last year. Blocking software requirements dropped The omnibus package contained no require­ ments to have libraries or schools install and use filtering and blocking software as a condi­ tion of receiving federal funds or the e-rate. However, the Istook amendment was again under serious consideration for attachment to the omnibus bill. After much work by library advocates and others, the amendment was dropped. Selected library and education program fu n d in g (in m illions) passed PROGRAM FY98 FY99 PRES. FINAL BUDGET FY99 LSTA $146.3 $146.3 $ 166.2* Reading•• 0 50.0 260.0 ESEA VI 350.0 0 375.0 Ed. Tech.••• 584.0 721.0 698.1 21C L.Ctrs. 40.0 200.0 200.0 Work Study 830.0 900.0 870.0 Teachers•••• 0 1,100.0 1,194.0 NCLIS 1.0 1.0 1.0 • LSTA total includes level funding for state grants; Congress put the increase in the National Leadership Grants, which receive a total of $25m from LSTA, of which $15.4m is for specific earmarked projects • • Reading E xcellen ce Act (America Reads children’s literacy initiative) • • • Total of various programs • • • • Class size, reduction teacher recruit­ ment and training. Governm ent Publications Reform Act dropped S.2288, the Wendell H. Ford Government Publications Reform Act of 1998, died with congressional adjournment. This bill, which had been approved earlier by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, w ould have reform ed T itle 44 U .S .C., strengthened the Federal Depository Library Program, and improved public access. ■ Lynne E. Bradley is d e p u ty execu tive d ire c to r o f ALA's Washington Office; e-mail: C&RL News ■ D e ce m b e r 1998 / 887