ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 892 / C&RL News ■ Decem ber 1998 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s G eorge M . E berhart Africana Librarianship in the 21 st Century: Treasuring the Past and Building the Fu­ ture, edited by Nancy J. Schmidt (96 pages, 1998), contains the proceedings of the 40th anniversary conference of the Africana Librar­ ians Council in Columbus, Ohio, November 13,1997. In addition to collection development reports from Northwestern University, the Li­ brary of Congress, and the Rhodes House Li­ brary in England, this work includes summa­ ries of Africana materials in Nigeria, Senegal, and Tanzania. $8.00. African Studies Program, 221 Woodburn Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. ISBN 0-941934-77-2. American Revolutionary War Sites, Memo­ rials, Museums and Library Collections, by Doug Gelbert (255 pages, October 1998), is a state-by-state guidebook to places open to the public. If you’ve been to all the Civil War sites, then the next best historical pilgrimages are those relating to America’s war for indepen­ dence. Battlefields are not the only sites in­ cluded— plantations, monuments, inns, muse­ ums, churches, cemeteries, and other visitable locations are also identified. $39.95. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0494-9. Cambridge University Library: The Great Collections, edited by Peter Fox (231 pages, August 1998), offers descriptions of some of the special collections housed in England’s oldest university library, which is celebrating its 600-year history with a new exhibition cen­ ter where its treasures can be showcased. The book opens with a short history of the library by Trinity College Librarian David McKitterick, then moves from one unique collection to an­ other, accompanied by many black-and-white and color illustrations that show the 5th-cen- tury gospel Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis; the 800-year Genizeh archive of Jewish texts from Cairo; the 20-volume collection of lithographs of French architecture and antiquities, Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l ’ancienne G eorge M. E b e rh a rt is associate e d ito r o f American Libraries; e-m ail: g eb e rh art@ ala .o rg France (Paris, 1820-1878); the Charles Darwin papers; and the collection of the Royal Com­ monwealth Society on British overseas colo­ nies (including 70,000 photographs and such artifacts as a feather from the crown of the Zulu King Cetshwayo and a statue saved from the ruins of Saint-Pierre after the 1902 erup­ tion of Mount Pelée on Martinique). Only a fraction of Cambridge’s collections are de­ scribed, but their histories are inspiring. $74.95. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-62636-6. Dead Countries o f the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Aden to Zululand, by Les Harding (392 pages, June 1998), was in­ spired by the author’s philatelic fascination with countries that no longer exist, like his native Newfoundland. Many of the entries are accom­ panied by an illustration of a relevant postage stamp, but Harding also covers political enti­ ties that existed between 1800 and 1840, when the first British stamps were issued. The en­ tries are enhanced with apt quotations from explorers, travelers, or other writers who men­ tion the place. For exam ple, the native feudatory state of Bundi in India was described by Rudyard Kipling in 1899: “… but the Pal­ ace of Boondi, even in broad daylight, is such a Palace as men build for themselves in un­ easy dreams— the work of goblins more than men.” $45.00. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108- 3445-6. Financial Aid for Veterans, Military Person­ nel and Their Dependents, 1998-2000, by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber (322 pages, August 1998), identifies 1,250 scholar­ ships, grants, loans, awards, and other pro­ grams designed primarily or exclusively for Americans with ties to the military. This bien­ nially issued directory has been brought com­ pletely up-to-date with 100 new programs and substantial revisions to 75% of the entries in the 1996-1998 edition. As with all the other titles in the Reference Service Press catalog, the information is comprehensive and easy to access. $40.00. Reference Service Press, 5000 Windplay Drive, Suite 4, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. ISBN 0-918276-66-7. ■ C&RL News ■ D e ce m b e r 1998 / 893