ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 4 4 /C & RL News M ore ACRL ev e n ts in N ew York The May 1996 issue of C&RL News con­ tained an insert listing ACRL programs, meet­ ings, and special events taking place at the ALA Annual Conference in New York. This brief list adds to those already published. ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Sec­ tion (ANSS) Twenty-fifth A nniversary Cel­ e b r a t i o n / R e c e p t i o n . M onday, Ju ly 8, 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 899 Tenth Ave., New York. ANSS Tour o f th e Am erican Museum o f Natural H istory Library. Tuesday, July 9, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. The tour will include the reference area, rare book room, archives, art and memorabilia collection, and conser­ vation laboratory, as well as storage areas and the digitization project for collection manage­ ment in the Anthropology Department. The tour, which will be followed by a reception, is limited to the first 60 participants who ad­ vance register. To register send $5 (checks made payable to Maija Lutz) to Maija M. Lutz, Tozzer Library, Harvard University, 21 Divin­ ity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138. ACRL Instruction Section and LIRT to h o n o r Martin Raish. Monday, July 8, 9:30 a.m. Martin Raish, creator and moderator of the BI-L listserv, will receive a special certifi­ cate of recognition and appreciation at the joint IS/LIRT meeting. The certificate recog­ nizes Raish’s critical contributions to more than 2,300 BI-L listserv subscribers. The focus of BI-L is on library instruction, with substantive discussions, requests for advice and handouts, and reports on activities, new programs, and classrooms. ACRL In ternation al Relations. Saturday, July 6, 9:00 a.m. Guests are welcome to the committee-led discussion on international li­ brarianship that will look at questions such as: How can American librarians understand and make use of the experience of librarians in other countries? What is the “political cul­ ture” of libraries? How does the planned Glo­ bal Information Infrastructure affect American and other librarians? ACRL Science and T echnology Section General Discussion Group. Sunday, July 7, 2:00–4:00 p.m. Julie Arnott, SOLINET Preser­ vation Services Manager, and Tom Clareson, AMIGOS Preservation Services Manager, will join the group. ACRL W estern E u ro p e a n Specialists Section Scandinavian D iscussion Group. Sunday, July 7, 4:30– 5:30 p.m. Will discuss grant-funded, collaborative access and pres­ ervation projects focusing on the work at Cornell’s Fiske Icelandic Collection. in the May issue of College & Re­ sea rch Libraries, written by Carla J. Stoffle, Robert Renaud, and Jerilyn R. Veldof. The article and commentaries on it (provided by Susan Lee, Bonnie Jeuergens, and Richard Hume Werking) appear in an interactive form on the ACRL 8th National Conference Homep­ age at html. “Choosing Our Futures” is the theme of the ACRL 8th National Conference, to be held in Nash­ ville, April 11– 14, 1997. Confer­ ence organizers would like your input on the future of libraries. Visit the conference homepage and fol­ low the instructions for posting your comments and opinions. ■ Patricia Senn Breivik (1) and William Miller (r ) enjoy the gala for the ALA Washington Office with Ralph Russell (center), ACRL’s 1996 Academic/Research Librarian o f the Year.