ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1 9 9 6 /3 5 7 About W .E.B .B .: W orking Educator’s Bulletin Board By Patricia O’B rien Libutti and K im berly Kelley EBSS develops its annual program on the Web A CRL’s Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) has initiated an outreach com p onent as part o f program planning: W.E.B.B., the Working Educator’s Bulletin Board ( W .E .B .B .’s purpose is to link the many interested librar­ ians who will not be able to attend the EBSS program in New York at the ALA Annual Con­ ference, and to provide a preprogram resource to prepare for the actual event. The EBSS Pro­ gram Planning Committee, chaired by Kim Kelley, developed the site using regional re­ sources selected for connection to the program topic, as well as for perspectives on diverse library leadership applications. The site’s com­ ponents and contents are described below. EBSS program description S tra tegic A ca d em ic P a rtn e r s h ip s : L ea d in g th e D ev elo p m en t o f I n t e r a c t i v e L e a r n i n g E n v i ­ ronm ents. July 7, 1996, 9 :0 0 a.m .– 12:00 p.m. The pro­ gram is intended to provide the partici­ pant with ways to see leadership ap­ plications regard­ less of their position in the library. Breakout sessions will follow four speakers, each link­ ing to the topic with specific partnership sce­ narios. Biographies: Program presenters and facilitators Speakers include: Susan Blandy, Hudson Val­ ley Community College (faculty link), David Carr, SCILS, Rutgers University (mentoring link), Ree DeDonato, (interactive environment link), and Tom McFadden, University o f Northern Arizona (reality links). Bibliographies: Topic background Carr, D. “A Short List of Favorites.” Course. Cherepon, L. “Creating Strategic Alliances in Higher Education.” ACRI/NY Symposium, 1994. “Finding Common Ground: Creating a Library of the Future Without Diminishing the Li­ brary of the Past.” Harvard College Library, March 30– 31, 1996: listing of papers, forth­ coming in P roceedings. Hicks, M. “Librarians As Forces in Instructional Design/Learning Environments.” Prepared for W.E.B.B. Kaplan, A. “Librarians As Leaders in C&RL News: An Annotated Bibliography.” Prepared for W.E.B.B. Libutti, P., and V. Spain. “Educating Educators As Leaders: Implications for Librarians.” Pre­ pared for W.E.B.B.; available at program. Lopatin, L., and P. Libutti. “Libraries in Transition: Learning & Communication in an Electronic Environment.” ACRL/NY Symposium, 1995. Ostrow, R. “Library Culture & Technology.” Dissertation bibliography. Spain, V. “Internet and Instruction: An Anno­ tated Bibliography.” ACRL/NY event. P atricia O’Brien Libutti is edu cation subject specialist a t Fordham University a n d c h a ir o f EBSS, Libutti@ m ary.fordham .edu; Kimberly Kelley is director o f the Office o f Library Services a t the University o f M aryland University College a n d c h a ir o f the EBSS A nnual C onference Program Committee, Kelley designed W.E.B.B. 3 5 8 /C&RL News Course an d instructional m aterials This section includes course syllabi, instructional sheets, assignment construction tips, and visu­ als. The materials were selected in recognition of exemplary instructional design. Blandy, S. “Research and Bibliography: A Sylla­ bus.” State University o f New York: HVCC. Carr, D. “Information Resources in the Humani­ ties: A Syllabus.” Rutgers. Carroll-Mathes, P. “Collaborative Information Literacy: A Syllabus.” State University of New York: Ulster Community College. Awarded ACRL/IS Innovation in Instruction Award. Jacobson, T. “User Education: A Syllabus.” State University of New York at Albany: Library Studies. Wasserman, R. “The Study of Literature: A Syllabus.” Fordham University at Lincoln Center. Lib rarian lore: Anecdotes from the field This segm ent invites you to b e a partici­ pant— add your ideas and experience to the collection. This “story” approach is seen in the ACRL/EBSS 1995 pub­ lication T eaching In for­ m a t i o n & R e t r ie v a l Skills to E d u cators: A C a s e b o o k o f A p p lic a ­ tions (Patricia Libutti and Bonnie Gratch, eds.). Blandy, S. “Overheard at the Kitchen Table: The Librarian’s Image.” Reprinted with permis­ sion. New York: ALSL Newsletter, 1995. Gratch, B. “California Association of Research Libraries: Notes: Ideas & Stories from the Field.” Conference literature, 1996. Elkins, E. “New Year’s Resolutions.” Reprint. New York: ALSL Newsletter, 1996. G uide to product assessm e n t at ALA ven d o r’s exhibit We are in a high-stimuli, rapid-paced informa­ tion environment at the exhibition, designed to get our attention. Information retrieval and evaluation skills are essential as a basis for re­ sponsible product assessment. Included here are some points to consider as you prepare to be a conduit o f “New Product News” to your library. Karen, L. “Tip Sheet: What to Ask and What to Try at the Vendor’s Booth.” Westchester Community College, Valhalla, New York. Libbey, G. “Tip Sheet: At the Exhibit: Getting the Most Out of It.” University of Detroit, Michi­ gan. LoSchiavo, L. “Report to Library Staff: Matching Products to Library Needs.” Quinn Library, Fordham University at Lincoln Center, New York. Debate an d discussion Included here are provoking points o f view for reality-based planning. McFadden. T. “Just Say No to the Internet.” Text of speech given. Carr, D. “Questions of the Course.” Student questions collated from spring 1995. N e w Y o rk , N e w Y o rk : Cool spots in a hot town Since ALA Annual occurs over a hot holiday weekend, this section provides sites to tour New York ahead of time (virtually). Both commer­ cial and education sites give links to a Hot Town. Also included is David Carr’s recipe for iced tea, which can be brewed by anyone browsing W.E.B.B. Notes on underlying issues W.E.B.B. is representative of the synergy among many librarians, whose ideas, in concert, com­ p o se a V irtual L earning E nvi­ ronm ent. EBSS committee mem­ bers were co n ­ cerned with both making informa­ tion a cce ss ib le and a c k n o w l­ edging intellec­ tual origins. You will see “Repro­ duction with this footnote of attri­ bution included permitted by the author(s)” on many of the contributions. We expect that the EBSS Program at the ALA Annual Conference in New York will extend W.E.B.B., and we encourage you to contact either of the authors with your suggestions or comments. ■