ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1996/375 Preservation News J a n e H edberg BRITTLE offers photocopy service BRITTLE is a cooperative preservation photocopying effort operated by the Uni­ versity o f Kansas Libraries and BookLab, Inc. Estab­ lished in 1995, BRITTLE uses an electronic listserv to no­ tify subscribing libraries o f titles which have been of­ fered for preservation pho­ tocopying. Titles are typically listed for four weeks, during which subscribing libraries may order preservation photocopies. When a title comes o ff the listserv, the best quality origi­ nal available is sent to BookLab for photocopy­ ing and, in six to eight weeks, BookLab ships copies with invoices directly to the ordering libraries. Any subscribing library may submit titles for copying. Since each copy after the first is discounted by 10 percent, this service poten­ tially allows libraries to reduce their preserva­ tion photocopying costs. For more information about BRITTLE, con­ tact the moderator, Brian Baird, at brited@ K o d a k m ounts CD info on the W eb Eastman Kodak has added information about the preservation o f CDs to its homepage on the World W ide Web. The primary focus o f the site is Kodak products, but they have included a substantial guide to CD and CD-ROM media called “Permanence, Care, and Handling o f CDs.” Topics covered include: CD types (both CD-ROM and writable CD), the nature o f CD- ROM discs and writable CD, their life expect­ ancy, safe handling, appropriate storage con­ ditions, and “permanence in perspective.” This information is available at http://www. shtml. CNC issu es report on Ba ttelle m a ss deacidification process The National Preservation Office o f the Neth­ erlands (CNC) issued a report in February en­ titled Deacidification o f Books and Archival Ma­ terials with the Bαttelle Process (Battelle is the familiar name for a mass deacidification pro­ cess developed in Germany by the Battelle Ingenieurtechnik GmbH). The report contains the re­ sults o f a study by John Havermans and Ronald van Deventer o f the TNO Cen­ tre for Paper & Board Re­ search, and Sophia Pauk and Henk Porck o f the Na­ tional Library o f the Neth­ erlands. Hans Jansen, sec­ retary o f the CNC, said: “As a conclusion o f this research w e can say that using the Battelle process appears to result in a positive contri­ bution to the durability o f the paper, both in books and in archival materials. However, de­ spite this positive comment it can be concluded that the Battelle process suffers from a number o f shortcomings which can obstruct a large- scale application.” The report, CNC publication no. 9, is avail­ able from Secretariat CNCp/a, Prins Willem- Alexanderhof 5. Postbus 90407, 2509 LK Den Haag, The Netherlands. List of ALA preservatio n p ro g ram s The following is a partial list o f programs with preservation themes which will be offered dur­ ing ALA’s Annual Conference in N ew York this July. “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Preserva­ tion Issues o f Media Resources,” Saturday, July 6, 9:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.; “The Silent Future? Cur­ rent Practice and Proposed Standards for Pres­ ervation o f Audio Materials,” Saturday, July 6, 2:00–4:00 p.m.; “Digital Preservation: Building an Access Infrastructure,” Sunday, July 7, 9:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.; “Digitizing America’s Heritage: The National Digital Library Federation and You,” Sunday, July 7, 2:00– 4:00 p.m.; “Antique Maps on the Electronic Frontier: The Digitiza­ tion o f Cartographic Materials for Preservation and Access,” Monday, July 8, 2:00– 4:00 p.m. Also, the Preservation and Reformatting Sec­ tion o f the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) will offer many discussion groups on preservation topics. ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU 376/C&RL News Too much to do and too little time?... ...You need Baker & Taylor. B aker & Taylor offers you a For years, B aker & Taylor has wide array o f value-added been selecting, cataloging and services including: free processing books for libraries electronic ordering software a t a cost th a t helps stretch a n d in sta n t title confirmation; budgets w ithout compromising flexible cataloging & process­ quality. Our customers have in g /tech n ica l support services; realized savings a n d you can collection development too! assistance; custom ized To fin d out more about the technical library services; Value-Added Services offered autom atic ship m en t programs; by B aker & Taylor, please call continuations; book leasing; Inform ation Services a t (800) approval program; opening 775-1800 or contact us via day collections a n d collection e-mail at btinfo@baker- expansion programs.