ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 137 College Library Section At the ALA Midwinter Conference the College Library Section (CLS) of ACRL began working for the first time under an expanded committee structure. Carla Stoffle, section chair from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, has added four ad hoc committees to CLS so that the section may better fulfill its role of representing the spe­ cial needs and perspectives of baccalaureate li­ brarians. To the existing Executive Committee, Nominating Committees, Conference Program Planning Committee, and the ad hoc Continuing Education Committee have been added the Com­ mittee on Standards and Guidelines for the Col­ lege Library, C om m ittee on th e Im pact of National Library Policy and National Library De­ velopments on the College Library, Committee on Nonprint Media and the College Library, and Committee on Membership Participation in the College Library Section. The highlights of committee activity at Midwin­ ter included discussions of: (1) the impact of the National Periodicals Center, AACR II, third party use of OCLC records, and the merging of au­ diovisual services with the college library; (2) a possible survey to assess the application of the 1975 Standards; (3) the New York CLS program cosponsored with the ACRL Audiovisual Commit­ tee and entitled “The Marriage/Divorce of Print/ Nonprint: Some Thoughts on Merging Library and. Media Services”; (4) the forthcoming publica­ tion of the first in a series entitled “College Li­ brary Information Packets” (CLIP), which are the CLS equivalent to the “SPEC Kits” published by the Office of Management Studies of ARL; (5) a survey of midwest college librarians on con­ tinuing education needs; and (6) means of com­ municating more effectively with the CLS consti­ tuency to encourage participation in CLS and its state affiliates and to determ ine the ways in which the section can assess and respond to the needs of the librarians in principally baccalaure­ ate institutions. Willis Hubbard, section vice­ chair and chair-elect from Stephens College, has prepared the first budget to include the new CLS committees (which are intended to operate for at least two years). ■■ LOOKING FOR AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF G ER M A N BOOKS AND PERIODICALS? TRY: STERN-VERLAG JANSSEN & CO - Immediate access to 2 0 0 .0 0 0 German books - List prices converted at bank-rate - All deliveries post-free - Search service - Xerox-copy service - Approval plans - Consolidated serials-shipments YOUR RELIABLE GUIDE TO THE G ERM AN BOOK WORLD