ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 142 News from the Field ACQUISITIONS • Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, has received a five-volume facsimile set of 566 periodicals published between 1821 and 1831 and covering the first decade of independence for much of northern South America, a period in which Simon Bolivar played such a prominent role. The periodicals, known as “Gaceta de Co­ lombia” (Journal of Colombia), are a gift from the Republic of Colombia and were presented to Cor­ nell by Virgilio Barco, Colombia’s ambassador to the United States. The set was prepared under the auspices of the Banco de la Republica de Colombia and contains an extensive index. • The University of Houston Downtown College’s W. I. Dykes Library has acquired a special energy collection and established a new Energy Information Service Department. The collection consists of about 1,500 volumes of books, thirty periodical titles, pamphlets, govern­ ment documents, and newspaper and magazine clippings dating from the 1940s. The collection was originally owned by a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization called EREF (Energy Research and Education Foundation), which was founded in 1969. • The University of Oklahoma’s History of Science Collection has acquired some 800 addi­ tional volumes including: Archimedes, Aque pon- derantium, Pisauri, 1588; Bartholomaeus Angli- cus, De proprietatibus rerum, Argentine, 1485; Claude Bernard, Lecons sur les propriétés des tis- sus vivant, Paris, 1866; Christoph Calvius, Alge­ bra, Romae, 1608; Thomas Digges, Alae seu scalae mathematicae, Londini, 1573; Giovanni Gallucci, Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti, Venetia, Late Job Listings Looking for a faster way to advertise your job openings? C&RL News is now accepting orders for late job listings after the regular second-of- the-month deadline for classified ads. Thus, if you miss the regular deadline, you may now call the ACRL office to order a late job ad. Late job listings will be accepted on a space available basis after the ninth of the month (by telephone only). The rates are $7.00 per line for ACRL members, $8.50 per line for nonmembers. To place an order, call Riley Tate, Adminis­ trative Secretary, ACRL; (312) 944-6780, Ext. 286. 1597; Edmond Halley, Catalogus stellarum aus- tralium, Londini, 1679; Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia universalis, Romae, 1650; Marin Mersenne, Questiones celeberrimae in Genesim, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1623; and Robert Recorde, The Whetstone o f Witte, London, 1557. GRANTS • Elmira College, Elmira, New York, is the recipient of a $12,230 grant from the Frank E. Gannett Newspaper Foundation for a program to microfilm unpublished Mark Twain documents at the University of California, Berkeley (Mark Twain Papers), Vassar College, and the Mark Twain Memorial at Hartford, Connecticut. The microfilm collection will include letters from Mark Twain and his family written from Elmira and letters received by the Clemens family from Elmirans in the more than forty years of the fami­ ly’s close association with Elmira, New York. • Lehigh University has been awarded a $150,000 gift from the ALCOA Foundation to help underwrite the construction costs of an addi­ tion to the Mart Science and E ngineering Library. NEWS NOTES • The University of Kansas Libraries, Lawr­ ence, is at work on a project to catalog 14,000 rare titles, published between 1850 and 1930, from its Howey collection on the history of eco­ nomic thought. Richard S. Howey, professor emeritus of economics at the University, assem­ bled the collection. “His (Howey’s) constant attention seems to me to have resulted in a col­ lection of post-1850 literature unmatched else­ where,” says Kenneth E. Carpenter, curator of Harvard University’s Kress Library of Business and Economics. The University of Kansas Librar­ ies will make the titles known to scholars and available through interlibrary loan as they are en­ tered in the OCLC data base. The two-year cata­ loging project is supported by a Title II-C grant from the U.S. Office of Education. • The Lirrary of Congress (LC) is working with five research libraries to produce a coopera­ tive name authority file. Each of the five libraries will submit to the Library of Congress name au­ thorities for works in special subject areas. The University of Texas, for example, will submit au­ thority headings for Latin American materials. The five cooperating institutions are the Govern­ ment Printing Office, the Texas State Library, Northwestern University, The University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Wisconsin at Madison. ■■