ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1990 / 869 The International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) By Diane Geraci Social Science Bibliographer State University o f New York at Binghamton Data resources fo r the 1990s was the theme o f the IA SSIST conference. The International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technol­ ogy (IASSIST) is an organization that brings to­ gether data archivists, librarians, computing spe­ cialists, researchers, planners, and government agency administrators interested in social data in machine-readable formats. Since 1974, IASSIST has served as a forum for the exchange of ideas for providing information services and for developing technical applications in data information centers in a number of settings. Among them are national archives, university libraries, computing centers, research institutes, government agencies, and pri­ vate corporations. IASSIST members are engaged in the acquisition, processing, administration, pres­ ervation, and distribution of data. This year’s annual conference was held May 30- June 2, 1990, in Poughkeepsie, New York. The theme of the conference was “Numbers, Pictures, Words and Sounds: Priorities for the 1990s.” It reflects the ever-increasing universe of data re­ sources. The program featured several plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, round table discus­ sions, and workshops. Together they highlighted this expanded notion of data as well as concomitant hardware and software development. Opening remarks were given by IASSIST presi­ dent Thomas E. Brown, National Archives and Records Administration, and Nancy S. Dye, dean of Vassar College. Laura Guy, University of Wis­ consin-Madison, presided over the first plenary session, which included a representative from the U.S. Bureau of the Census speaking on the 1990 census and its challenges. A guest from the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences spoke about recent Soviet efforts to produce their first electronic commercial product and a database of political biographical information. The second plenary, “Perspectives on Data Services Over the Last 25 Years: Where Are We Going?” was both entertaining and provocative in providing a “romp” over the last sixty years of social, organizational, and technological developments that have affected the provision of data services. Chaired by Murray Aborn, an honored National Science Foundation retiree, the session further covered issues such as the lack of a union list of machine-readable data, the benefits of data ar­ chives for faculty and students, the growing com­ mitment of librarians to data, and the need to focus on the educational process in college teaching in relationship to primary data collecting and secon­ 8 70 / C&RL News dary analysis. Long-time leaders in data library development, Judith Rowe, Princeton University, and Margaret O. Adams, currently at the National Archives and Records Administration, were two of the speakers. The third plenary session, “Research Library Developments: Future Directions,” was also of interest to academic and research librarians. Mari­ anne Gaunt, Rutgers University, chaired the ses­ sion. Beecher Wiggins, Library of Congress, pre­ sented Henriette D. Avram’s paper on networking and the immense implications of the proposed National Research and Education Network for libraries. Leslie Hume, Research Libraries Group, Inc., shared a consortial view of new information needs and challenges for research libraries. Rich­ ard Leacy, Georgia Institute of Technology, touched on technical issues libraries will face along with the economics of information and issues of access involving U.S. government agencies. James Neal, Indiana University, spoke about “the people challenge” in libraries as they strive to meet the needs to deliver computer-based resources and services to the scholarly community. Concurrent sessions were varied and included the following topics: cross-national and compara­ tive survey data, data collection and access issues, digital cartographic data, machine-readable docu­ mentation, encouraging instructional uses of data, new methods of distributing federal data, lexicons and text data for the humanities, networking, non- North American archives update, bringing data to the user, images as data, developing standards and bibliographic projects related to computer files, public policy issues, cooperation in providing ac­ cess to computer files on university campuses, research uses of text materials, alternative data sources, and archival responses to technical devel­ opments. In the session “Cooperation and Connectivity: Problems and Solutions,” Linda Langschied and G ertrude Lewis shared th eir experiences at Rutgers University in providing access to machine- readable information in a setting with a long history of cooperation between the library and computer center. Services ranging from access to data files on magnetic tape to searching commercial databases were highlighted. Patricia Vanderberg, University of California at Berkeley, discussed cataloging of computer files of all types, the need to coordinate with various library and non-library units on cam­ pus, and work on standards. Vanderberg is chair of the Computer Files Discussion Group, Association of Library Collections and Technical Services, American Library Association. Text files were the topic for several speakers. Among them was Marianne Gaunt, Rutgers Uni­ versity, the project director for a one-year planning grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project, which began in July 1989, was aimed at establishing a national center for machine-readable texts in the humanities. Gaunt’s efforts to create an inventory of machine- readable texts has been underway since the early 1980s. RLIN’s M DF (machine-readable data for­ mat) file continues to bear the fruit of these efforts. Round table lunches provided the opportunity for informal discussions among conference partici­ pants. Topics included: bibliographic control of computer files, database servers, issues of public policy, providing levels of reference, and electronic records and the Freedom of Information Act. At one of the round table lunches, Sue A. Dodd, University of North Carolina, an IASSIST member and leader in developing cataloging rules for com­ puter files, shared her paper on “Bibliographic References for Computer Files in the Social Sci­ ences: A Discussion Paper.” Although researchers are beginning to cite computer files in their bibliog­ raphies, those who do are in the minority. Dodd further outlined suggestions to promote accurate and consistent citation practices. Two half-day workshops, “Geographic Informa­ tion Systems” and “Introduction to Data Librar­ ies,” were also offered, as well as two full-day sessions: “Data Library Management: Planning for the Future” and “International Socio-Economic Time-Series Data.” Presented by Chuck Humphrey, University of Alberta, and Bliss Siman, Baruch College, City University of New York, the focus of the workshop on “Data Library Management: Planning for the Future” was to identify relevant issues for planning. Among the issues highlighted were: bibliographic control, effect of online public catalogs on access to data, trends in research and instruction, collecting data resources, services to be provided, level of staffing required, impact of technological change on data access, and preservation of machine-read- able information. The conference concluded with an IASSIST General Assembly meeting where a five-year plan for the Association was adopted, “Future Direc­ tions for IASSIST.” The plan stresses the crucial role IASSIST has played in bridging the interests and concerns of social researchers and scientists, information specialists, and computing specialists over the last 15 years. The “Outline of Goals” includes professional development of staff in data centers, advancement and development of social data information centers, assessment and planning for the impact of new technology, promotion of the archiving of social data and the advancement of data standards, development of linkages between social data centers and users and producers of data, and evaluation of the role and contribution of IASSIST and recruitment of new members. As more academic and research libraries expand October 1990 / 871 their role as information providers for data files, they will be grappling with many of the same issues highlighted in the program. The conference pro­ vided a forum for IASSIST members and other presento rs to share their expertise and visions for dealing with acquisition and access issues, techni­ cal and administrative issues, as well as with provid­ ing reference services for data files. ■ ■ The practical librarian: Managing collections and services in the college library By Sandra Upchurch Library Director Culver-Stockton College A report on a conference on small college libraries. The Practical Librarian: Managing Collec- tions and Services in the College Library” was the theme of a conference held at Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee, May 31-June 2, 1990. Co-sponsored by the Lamar Memorial Li­ brary at Maryville College, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science, the conference was de­ signed for college librarians serving student enroll­ ments under 2,000. Sessions focused on the envi­ ronment of higher education in the 1990s, the role of the college library, collection and service issues, and support for the library on campus. The tranquil Maryville College campus, in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, provided a relaxed envi­ ronment that encouraged interaction and idea­ sharing among the 48 participants. To facilitate discussion, William C. Robinson (UTK Graduate School) developed a composite profile of 22 libraries based on a questionnaire. The average conference participant had been at his or her library for 11.4 years; the average library repre­ sented held 129,545 volumes and had a book budget of $82,676. The library was open 82.7 hours per week with four professional librarians and four FTE support staff. Automation activities in the average library included acquisitions, online searching, and cataloging functions. Most libraries used LC classification. Fifty-nine (59) percent of the libraries have a separate reference service point, staffed an average of 50.5 hours per week, and staffed by professionals 41.7 hours per week. The average library provided bibliographic instruc­ tion as part of freshman English and subject-ori­ ented instruction at the junior level. Ingram Book Services hosted a splendid recep­ tion at Willard House, formerly a presidential home on campus, and at the opening banquet Tom