ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 320 / C&RL News ■ A pril 2000 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s J a n e H e d b e r g AIC annual meeting The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) will hold its annual meeting Ju n e 8 -1 3 , 2000, in Philadel phia. The general session, beginning Ju n e 9, is devoted to preservation o f electronic m e dia and there are many presentations planned about this topic. The keynote speech, to b e given by Max well L. Anderson, director o f the Whitney Museum o f American Art, is titled “Cupped Hands in the Stream: Digital Media’s Chal lenge to Collecting Institutions.” There will also b e sessions conducted by AIC’s specialty groups, particularly Books and Paper, Elec tronic Media and Photographic Materials, which may b e o f interest to librarians, archi vists, and conservators. F or m ore inform ation, p lease con tact Megan Dennis at AIC, 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20006; phone: (20 2 ) 452-9545; fax: (202) 452-9328; e-mail: in fo@; URL: http://aic.stanford. edu. LC digital background paper The National Digital Library Program (NDLP) and the Conservation Division o f the Library o f Congress have m ounted “Conservation Implications o f Digitization Projects” on the American Memory project’s Background Pa pers and Technical Information Web page. This two-part PDF document was produced by staff who worked on American Memory’s more than sixty digital collections. A key goal o f all these p rojects was pro tectio n o f the original item s during and after scann in g. This pap er cov ers topics such as sp ace, environm ent, equipm ent, staff training, and review o f item s fo r c o n servation that relate to that protection. The d ocu m ent also con tain s “Care and Han dling o f Library Materials for Digital S ca n n in g ,” the handouts prepared for training p ro ject staff. T h e URL is h ttp :/ / m em o ry .lo c.g o v / ammem/ftpfiles.html. For more information about these docum ents, con tact NDLP at MICROLINK discussion list The State Library o f South Australia is host ing MICROLINK, a new discussion list de voted to preservation microfilming. It is in tended to b e a forum for practitioners and will cover issues and ideas related to the cre ation o f preservation microfilm. It should complement the MICROFORMS discussion list (M ICROFORM, w hich covers collection development, bibliographic control, and reading equipment. To s u b scrib e, go to http://www.slsa. For more information, contact Heather Brown, manager, Image Ser vices, State Library o f South Australia, B ox 419 GPO, Adelaide 5001, South Australia, Australia; phone: +61 8 82077317; fax: +61 8 82077274; e-mail: PADI improved The Preserve Access to Digital Information (PADI) Web site, established by the National Library o f Australia in 1997, has been e x panded into a “subject gateway” with more powerful search capabilities. To continue improvement o f the Web site, users o f the information already contained there are en couraged to suggest additional resources by using an online form. Users are also encour aged to join a new discussion list, padiforum- 1, for exchange o f news and ideas about digi tal preservation issues. The PADI URL is padi/. Users may subscribe to ρadiforum-1 by s e n d in g a n e -m a il m e s s a g e to, leaving the subject line blank, and typing in first line o f the message “su bscribe padiforum-1 [your nam e].” For m o r e in fo r m a tio n , c o n t a c t D e b o r a h Woodyard, PADI/Digital Preservation, Na tional Library o f Australia, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia; phone: + 6 l 2 6262 1366; e-mail: ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column for the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College;; fax: (781) 283-3690 http://aic.stanford http://www.slsa