ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 748 / C &RL News THE CLASSIFIED A D S Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must each the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ng publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). ate job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the econd of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL embers, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for embers, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be harged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ en order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders hould be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in roofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over he phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date ust be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice ppears (e g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ents should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be dited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be ware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among nstitutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ emic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of ositions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new ape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each isting submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The harge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 or non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively eeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL eadquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well s ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL ews. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem ers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep’ t. ACRL, American Library ssociation. 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE ATALOGERS! Say goodbye to Gale with Livia Press LC Cumula tive Classification schedules. Looseleaf o r fiche. Cheap, convenient, always up to date. Livia Press, 967 Neilson St., Albany, CA 94706. PO S ITIO N S OPEN ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING/ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: The architecture and planning/engineering librar ian serves a dual role as head of the Architecture and Plannin Branch Library and as the Auraria Library liaison to engineering fac ulty on the Auraria campus. The Architecture and Planning Librar supports the School of Architecture and Planning of the University o Colorado at Denver and its degrees in architecture, interior design landscape architecture, urban design, and planning. The librarian i responsible for supervision of a library assistant and 1.5 FTE studen staff, collection development, slide collection, specialized reference and library instruction. Involvement in the community outreach pro gram and fundraising activities is expected. Responsibilities as engi neering liaison include bibliographic instruction, collection develop ment, and reference service at the Auraria Library. In addition general library faculty responsibilities include committee assign ments, publication, and service. Qualifications: ALA-accredite master’s degree and an academic degree or experience in one o the above fields is required. Supervisory experience and excellen r i L s m m c t s p t m a m e a i d p t l c f s h a N ­ b A C ­ ­ g ­ y f , s t , ­ ­ ­ , ­ d f t communication skills are strongly preferred. Experience in refer­ ence, slide collections, automated systems, collection development, and teaching is desired. Background: The Auraria Library occupies a unique position as the central point of information services in sup­ port of the programs of 3 diverse academic institutions on the Auraria campus in downtown Denver: the University of Colorado, Metropoli­ tan State College, and the Community College of Denver. The library serves a population of 20,000 FTE students, 1,050 FTE faculty, and supports programs ranging from vocational to graduate and profes­ sional training. The 27 professional staff and 100 support staff of the Auraria Library stress an active, service-oriented approach to library service through innovative programs and administration. Salary $19,000–$29,000 for a 12-month contract. Faculty status, tuition benefits, 22 vacation days, and TIAA/CREF. All application materials must be received by January 5, 1987, for initial consideration. Re­ cruitment will remain open until position is filled. Send letter of appli­ cation, vita, and names and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Jay Schafer, Search Committee Chair, Auraria Library. Lawrence at 11th St., Denver, CO 80204. AA, EEO employer. ART AND ARCHITECTURE SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Selects ma­ terials for relevant collections with particular emphasis on supporting the curriculum and research needs of the Department of Art and Art History and the School of Architecture and Environmental Design. Responsible for preparation, justification, and disbursement of appli­ cable acquisitions allocations: for collection evaluation and policy formulation and updating; for RLG conspectus, evaluation, and veri­ fication work: and for preservation decisions in areas of responsibil­ ity Develops and supervises an architectural slide collection. An equal amount of time is to be devoted to providing general and spe­ cialized reference services, bibliographic instruction, and in compil­ ing specialized bibliographies and study aids. Qualifications: Ac­ credited MLS, undergraduate or graduate work in both art and the social sciences, and at least two years’ experience as a professional librarian dealing with collections/services in an academic or re­ search library in art and/or architecture are required. A second mas­ ter’s degree in Art History, Architecture or related disciplines and competency in Western European languages and collection devel­ opment experience are highly preferred. Salary: $25,000 or higher commensurate with qualifications; faculty status at the rank of Senior Assistant/Associate Lib rarian. Closing date for applications will be no earlier than December 31, 1986. Send letter of application and re­ sume including the names of at least three references to. M. E. State, Assistant to the Director for Personnel. University Libraries, SUNY/ Buffalo, 432 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260. An EO/AA and Title IX Employer Ethnic Minorities and Women are Encouraged to Apply ASSISTANT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN to provide federal docu ments reference/instructional service, online searching. Assist in technical servicing of regional depository. Responsible for circula­ tio n , binding, reference collection maintenance, gifts and non­ depository documents processing. Some general reference service: reference collection development in assigned subjects. Work some nights, weekends. Q ualifications: Master’ s deg re e from ALA- accredited program, course work in U.S. documents and in general reference sources, familiarity with federal documents organization and classification system required. Social science background, doc­ uments experience and familiarity with online searching desirable Initiative, organizational skills and strong interpersonal skills essen­ tial. Salary: $16,500 minimum. Permanent. 12-month, fulltime posi­ tion, tenure track, instructor rank, faculty equivalency Twenty-two days vacation, sick leave, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. State and TIAA/ CREF retirement plans. Opening date for applications. November 5, 1986 with projected starting date March 15, 1987 Send letter of ap­ plication, resume, names and addresses of three references, and transcript to: Charles B. Osburn. Dean of Libraries, The University of Alabama, P.O. Box S, Tuscaloosa. AL 35487-9784 by January 9. 1987. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN (Search extended) The Dart mouth College Library is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Assistant Serials Librarian. The Assistant Serials Librarian reports to the Serials Librarian and is responsible for supervising the biblio­ graphic control activities of the department in a technically sophisti­ cated environment utilizing the Dartmouth Online Catalog, RLIN and OCLC. The Assistant Serials Librarian assists in the planning, devel­ opment and implementation of serials control policies and proce­ dures; coordinates bibliographic control activities for serials through­ out technical services areas; provides administrative assistance to D ecem ber 1986 / 749 the department head: contributes to the planning and management of the department and Bibliographic Control; participates in the se­ lection. training, supervision, and evaluation of staff: contributes to the implementation and continuing development of com puter tech­ nology for the departm ent. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school; minimum of three years experience in an academic or research library, some of which must have been in seri ais cataloging or acquisitions; familiarity with AACR2; experience with RLIN or another automated system; user-oriented philosophy: effective communication and interpersonal skills. Previous experi­ ence with an automated serials control system is highly desirable. Salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. Normal hiring range: $18,500 to $25,000. TIAA/CREF, excellent fringes. Please send resume to: Phyllis E. Jaynes. Director of User Services, 115 Baker Library. Hanover. NH 03755. Applications will be reviewed beginning January 5 , 1987. Dartmouth College is an AA. EEO. M/F employer. ASSISTANT UN IVER SITY LIBRARIAN FOR A D M IN IS T R A ­ TION. California State University. Sacramento, seeks an experi­ enced librarian with evidence of practical managerial abilities and strong leadership qualities to join an administrative team comprised of the University Librarian, the Associate University Librarian for Public Services, and the Assistant University Librarian for Systems. Primary responsibilities are the management of fiscal operations for a library employing approximately 36 full and part-time librarians. 65 support staff and 220 student assistants with an annual budget of over $5 million; the administration of academic personnel policies and procedures; the direct supervision of the Library Support Ser­ vices office (purchasing, receiving, mail, supplies, and building maintenance), and the Library Accounting office; and the promotion of the professional development of librarians and support staff. Other responsibilities include participation in Library, University, and Cali­ fornia State University system-wide committees and contribution to the mission of the University through scholarly development and public service. Qualifications: Graduate degree from an ALA- accredited library school or school of equivalent quality; minimum of six years progressively responsible academic library experience in­ cluding three years demonstrated leadership at the administrative level (preferably including budget preparation and control) in the li­ brary at a large four-year institution of higher learning; demonstrated ability to deal with all levels of staff in a sensitive manner and to de­ velop cooperative interaction with other campus units; knowledge of automated systems; ability to work positively with faculty, university staff, and administrators: effective oral and written communication skills. Salary: $40,000-$45,000. depending on qualifications. Write for a more detailed statement of position responsibilities. Application procedures: Send a letter (postmarked no later than January 26. 1987) addressing the above qualifications, a current resume, and names and addresses of 3 references, to: Joyce Ball, University Li­ brarian. California State University, Sacramento, The Library, 2000 Jed Smith Drive. Sacramento. CA 95819-2695. An equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action institution. BIBLIOGRAPHER, The Romance Languages and Literatures. The University of Chicago is seeking a librarian with advanced training in Romance Languages and Literatures to manage collection develop­ ment and provide subject reference services. The Bibliographer for Romance Languages and Literatures reports to the Associate Direc­ tor for Public Services. Duties include selection of m onographic and serial material; evaluation, maintenance, and preservation of exist­ ing collections through addition, repair, replacement, or withdrawal of items; the cultivation of communications with faculty and students to be responsive to needs, changes, and developments in the disci­ plines; and the provision of specialized reference service and ad­ vanced bibliographic instruction. Candidates with graduate degrees from an accredited library school in a Romance language and litera­ ture and prior experience in a research library will be given prefer­ ence. Good reading knowledge of French, Italian, and Spanish re­ quired: working knowledge of German and Portuguese preferred. Some familiarity with other Western European languages desirable. Salary range begins at $ 21,000 per year. Appointment salary will be determined based on experience and qualifications. Benefits in­ clude contributory retirement plan, health and life insurance. 22 days of vacation per year. 11 holidays per year. 10 sick days per year, and tuition remission for both college age and younger children. Letters of application should include a curriculum vitae, and the names, ad­ dresses. and telephone numbers of 3 references. Receipt of applica­ tions before January 9 , 1987. will assure consideration. Please sub­ mit nominations or applications to: Search Committee for Romance Bibliographer, c/o Personnel Officer, University of Chicago Library, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637. EOE. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR (Search ex tended). Under the direction of the Head of Reference, plans, coordi­ nates, and evaluates the Library’s bibliographic instruction program. In addition, works with eight reference librarians in providing general reference service and freshman library orientation. Other responsi­ bilities include reference consultation service, online searching, bib­ liographic instruction, and collection development in the subject ar­ eas of history, language, and political science. Qualifications: ALA/MLS. two years successful public service experience required. Demonstrated ability to plan, develop, coordinate, and evaluate bib­ liographic instruction program; excellent oral and written com muni­ cation skills; and ability to work effectively with the public and co- LIBRARY DIRECTOR Wittenberg University To develop the library as the intellectual center of the campus, Wittenberg University seeks a Director with: a com m itm ent to building a program and col­ lection appropriate to an underg ra d u a te liberal arts college; a desire to w ork closely with faculty and students in their scholarly pursuits while providing creative direction and coordination for the library staff; an interest in a p p ly in g n ew te c h n o lo g ie s within the traditional functions of a library. W itte n b e rg University, located in Springfield, Ohio, and related to the Lutheran C hurch in A m e r­ ica, is a selective, u n d e rgraduate liberal arts college with approxim ately 2 , 150 students. The library col­ lection includes over 285,000 volumes and in ex­ cess of 1,000 periodicals. These are housed in a c o n te m p o ra ry facility o p e n e d in the last five years. Staff of the library includes six professional-level p o ­ sitions. The Director reports to the Provost. Qualifications: Professional degree in library sci­ ence required; degree in a liberal arts discipline d e ­ sirable; professional sta n d in g as e v id e n c e d by publications, involvement in professional organiza­ tions, or other activities required, plus breadth of ex­ perience, preferably some in a liberal arts college. Candidates should have a dem onstrated leader­ ship ability, experience in planning and budgeting, know ledge of d eveloping trends in technology, skill in co m m unicating with constituencies, breadth of intellectual and cultural interests, and a capacity for growth. Faculty rank; salary $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 – $40,000, c o m m e n ­ surate with qualifications. C andidates should send a letter of application, current vita, and names and addresses of three ref­ erences to: William M. Wiebenga, Provost Wittenberg University P.O. Box 720 Springfield, OH 45501 by January 9, 1987. Wittenberg is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 750 / C &R L News workers highly desirable. Experience in online searching and microcomputer application and experience in media design and production desirable. Master’s in relevant subject field preferable. Faculty status, tenure-track appointment, and good benefits. Salary range: $19,000–$25.000. The Robert Muldrow Cooper Library is an important research support facility with a collection of 13,500 serial titles and 1,260,000 volumes. The staff includes 23 librarians and 60 support staff. Candidates applying by January 19,1987, will receive first consideration. Send letters of application with resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: M yra Arm istead, Chair, B ib lio g ra p h ic Instruction C o o rd in a to r Search Committee, Robert M uldrow Cooper Library, Clemson Uni­ versity, Clemson, SC 29634-3001. An EEO/AA employer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N , full tim e (9 months) tenure track beginning August 15, 1987. MLS-ALA, 2nd Master’s required for tenure. Experience in Reference-com puter applications; science interest and academic library experience help­ ful. Salary in low $20,000. Send application, resume, transcripts and three current references to: Michael Haeuser, Head Librarian, Gus­ tavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN 56082. Deadline January 15. 1987. CATALOG LIBRARIAN at Brown University Library. Responsible for original cataloging of monographic materials in the general hu­ manities, with an emphasis on the areas of art history, history and Romance literature. Requirements: an MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2, MARC tagging, LC cataloging practices; reading knowledge of German and one Ro­ mance language; two years professional cataloging experience; ac­ ademic background or relevant experience in the humanities, pref­ erably in art history and/or Romance literature. Hiring range: $21,000–$24,200, based upon experience. In order to insure con­ sideration, please send letter of application, resume and names of three references by January 31, 1987, to: Norma Beach, Personnel Office, Brown University, Providence. Rl 02912. An Equal O pportu­ nity, Affirmative Action Employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Chi nese), C. V. Starr East Asian Library. This position has primary re­ sponsibility for collection management and reference services for the Chinese research and instructional collection, which contains over 250,000 volumes. Collection management responsibilities in­ clude selecting and deselecting material according to curricular and research needs of faculty and students; participation in making and evaluating collection development policies; implementing preserva­ tion and conservation policies; caring for rare books; and planning for future collection developm ent program s in conjunction with system-wide policies, external networks and consortia. The incum­ bent will also share reference service responsibilities with other li­ brarians. Qualifications are an accredited MLS or master’s degree in East Asian studies; fluency in oral and written Chinese and good communications skills in English; up-to-date knowledge of traditional Chinese subject areas and recent cultural and business changes in China; familiarity with Chinese reference tools and new bibliographic techniques; knowledge of RLIN and other online systems; excellent organizational and interpersonal skills; and ability to work effectively w ith fa c u lty and s tu d e n ts . S a lary ra n g e s are: L ib ra ria n I: $22,000–$28,600; Librarian II: $ 2 4 ,000–$32,400. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. This position is available on or about May 1, 1987. Submit resume listing three references to: Box 35, Butler Library, Co­ lumbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is February 15, 1987. An Affirmative A c­ tion/Equal Opportunity Employer. COLLEGE ARCHIVIST/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Dickinson College, founded 1773, seeks a creative, energetic ar­ chivist/librarian to assume responsibility for its Archives and Special Collections Department housing historic and contemporary records from all divisions of the College plus rare books, photographs, and over 400 manuscript collections. This position involves continuing collection development and preservation, work with the Friends of the Library, provision of direct services to faculty and students through a busy instruction program, liaison with several academic departments, and active participation in the collegial management of the entire library. MA in History and ALA-accredited MLS highly de­ sirable, or advanced degree in history with significant archival expe­ rience. Salary: $23,000 or higher depending on qualifications. Full benefit package. Available July 1, 1987. Will conduct some inter­ views at ALA Midwinter. Send letter of application, vita and three let­ ters of recommendation (or university placement file) to: Annette Le- Clair, Chairperson, Department of Library Resources. Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013. Closing date February 1, 1987 An af­ firmative action, equal opportunity employer. PRESERVATION OFFICER University of Maryland, College Park (Search Extended) The University of Maryland, College Park, invites nominations and applications for the position of Librar­ ian II, Preservation Officer. The position is responsible for the planning, im plem entation and administration of a com pre h e n sive conservation/preservation p ro g ra m for the U M C P Libraries, e n co m passing all aspects of materials treatment. The Preservation Officer will w o rk with a core g ro u p of b ibliographers and reference librarian selectors. Qualifications: Required: MLS from A LA -accredited p rogram and a d v a n c e d training in bo o k conse rva ­ tion/preservation; or equivalent professional deg re e and experience in the conservation/preservation field. Four years m inim um progressively responsible experience in an a c a d e m ic or research library, at least two of which must have been at the managerial level. Extensive e xperience in the treatment of library materials and com pre h e n sive kno w le d g e of preservation issues. Demonstrated ability to plan and carry out a c o n ­ servation/preservation program , w orking with both faculty and library staff in the acco m p lish m e n t thereof. Salary: $28,700 minim um. Salary co m m ensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. For full consideration, subm it resume and nam es/addresses of 3 references by December 3 1 , 1986, to: Virginia Sojdehei Personnel Librarian McKeldin Library University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 The University of Maryland is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. D ecem ber 1986 / 751 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY, position available July 1, 1987. Po­ sition has responsibility for the overall operation and management of the university library in six (6) primary areas: 1) building collection resources appropriate to the needs and direction of the university; 2) administering library budget; 3) planning for and implementing li­ brary automation and systems; 4) providing long-term planning and evaluation of present services; 5) organizing staff responsibilities; and 6) cooperating with other institutions. Requirements: a doctorate in a relevant field, ALA-accredited MLS, and library administrative experience. Salary range: $35,990-$48,294 based on qualifications and experience. Qualified applicants should send their resumes, a copy of their transcripts, and the names and phone numbers of three (3) references by January 16, 1987 to: Francis H. Norton, Chairper­ son, Director of the Library Search Committee, Old Main 308, Ship pensburg University, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Shippensburg Uni versity is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and encourages applications from Women and Racial Minorities. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN-BIBLIOGRAPHER. Available Febru ary 2 , 1987. Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited pro­ gram; knowledge of science and engineering reference and biblio­ graphic resources; course work or experience in online database searching. Desirable: Experience or academic preparation in the sciences or engineering; reading knowledge of a modern foreign language, preferably German or French; strong commitment to pub­ lic service. Salary: $17,496 minimum, dependent upon qualifica­ tions and experience. Benefits include State contribution to health in­ surance prem ium s, paym ent of 88 percent of Social Security premiums for the first $16,500 of annual salary for a total of $965.00, and 8.5 percent of annual salary contributed by the State for optional retirement programs. Location: The University of Texas at Arlington is located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, has a current enroll­ ment of approximately 23,000, and offers 97 degrees, 18 at the Ph.D. level. The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries presently have approximately 1,076,500 items in the collections and a staff of 100. Applications should include a resume and the names and ad­ dresses of three professional references. Considerations for the po­ sition will begin January 15, 1987. Applications should be ad­ dressed to: C h a ir, Engineering Librarian-Bibliographer Search Committee, The University of Texas at Arlington, P.O. Box 19497, Arlington, TX 76019. The University of Texas at Arlington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The Hill Reference Library, a privately en­ dowed business library which serves the business community and the general public, announces an opening for the position of Execu­ tive Director. The position requires a master’s degree in library sci­ ence and a minimum of seven years management experience in­ cluding budget planning and supervising staff and expenditures. Experience in a corporate or a business library preferred. Position reports to the President of the Board of Trustees. Salary negotiable. Send credentials and three letters of reference to: Paul Wittkopf, Search Committee, James J. Hill Reference Library, 80 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102. Application deadline January 20, 1987. HEAD OF AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES. Widener University, Ches ter, Pennsylvania. Administers the library’s audiovisual, nonprint col­ lections and services, acting as liaison with faculty using nonprint materials, representing the library’s AV interests in consortia. Partici­ pates actively in reference services and collection development. Su­ pervises AV support staff. Reports to Library Director. Qualifications: Specialized knowledge of the use of non-print media in academic li­ braries. Ability to plan for an expansion of audiovisual services. Mas­ ter’s degree from an accredited library program, appropriate exten­ sive professional experience, know ledge of applicable library technology. Advanced education in media, computer applications, additional degrees desirable. Minimum salary $22,000. 12 month appointment initially as Assistant Librarian with library faculty bene­ fits. Position open July 1, 1987. Send letter of application, resume and names of (3) three references before January 15, 1987 to: Theresa Taborsky, Director, Wolfgram Memorial Library, Widener University, Chester, PA 19063. Contact at Midwinter ALA possible. EO/AA. HEAD OF REFERENCE AND RESOURCE SERVICES, C. V. Starr East Asian Library. Reporting to the East Asian Librarian, this posi­ tion has administrative responsibility for reference and access ser­ vices, and for assessment, development and preservation of Colum­ bia’s distinctive East Asian collection of over 500,000 volumes, L D ibrar a y ta & Information Services Librarian Stanford University Libraries seeks an individual to per­ form a leading role in plan­ ning and development of sup­ port services for “ electronic scholarship”. Coordinate pro­ gram of automated services and on-line database search­ ing. Participate as member of General Reference Dept. MLS or equivalent, knowl­ edge of traditional and inno ative reference services including automated infor mation sources, technology and use, experience in data­ base searching required. Associate Librarian ($27,500- $38,300) or Librarian ($31,300- $46,300) rank depending upon experience/qualifica­ tions. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume and names of 3 professional references to Irene Yeh, Employment Coor­ dinator, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004 by 1/1/87. Cite #292-CRLN, on all correspondence. An equal opportunity employer through affirmative action. STANFORD UNIVERSITY 752 / C &R L News mostly in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. Responsibili­ ties include administering all reference and user services including bibliographic instruction, database searching, circulation, stack maintenance and resource sharing programs; developing new bib­ liographic tools and materials (print and online); providing direct ref­ erence service to library users; coordinating the activities of the three collection development/reference librarians in Chinese, Japanese and Korean language materials; and directly supervising collection development in Western language materials. The incumbent works closely with East Asian Studies students and faculty and cooperates with other library units, external networks and consortia. Qualifica­ tions are an accredited MLS or master’s degree in East Asian stud­ ies; knowledge of at least one East Asian language and excellent oral and written communication skills in English; familiarity with biblio­ graphic techniques and knowledge of research strategies for East Asian studies; and excellent managerial and interpersonal skills. Demonstrated leadership ability and experience with online search­ ing and innovative bibliographic instruction highly desirable. Salary ra n g e s are: L ib ra ria n II: $ 2 7 ,5 0 0 – $ 3 7 ,125; L ib ra ria n III: $30,500–344,225. Excellent benefits include assistance with Univer­ sity housing and tuition exemption for self and family Submit resume listing three references to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia Univer­ sity, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for appli­ cations is February 1 , 1987. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER. New po sition. Under the direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Collection Development, responsible for the planning, development, and management of designated collections in history and other so­ cial science subjects. Selects on British and European history; coor­ dinates work with selectors responsible for building collections in the history of other geographical areas; assumes responsibility for se­ lecting on the history of other geographical areas as needed; de­ pending on experience, interests and current staffing; assumes re­ sponsibility for selecting on other social science subjects; provides specialized reference and bibliographic instruction; works closely with faculty to establish collection priorities; provides advice on uni­ versity collection management policy. Required qualifications: ALA- accredited graduate library degree; three to five years professional experience in a research library, with some responsibility for selec­ tion; knowledge of budgeting, acquisition of library materials, preser­ vation issues and options; good communication and management skills; working knowledge of European languages and the willing­ ness to learn new languages as needed for collection development purposes; strong commitment to scholarship and collection devel­ opment. Advanced degree in history and some knowledge of history beyond Europe preferred. Appointment will be made at the Librarian II level. Minimum salary for Librarian II is $22,870. Fringe benefits include 25 days paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, So­ cial Security. Blue Cross/Blue Shield and disability and major medi­ cal insurance. First consideration will be given to individuals whose application materials are received by 5 January 1987. Interested and qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to: William C. Sayre. Assistant University Librarian for Administrative Services, The University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa City, IA 52242. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. HEAD, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES LIBRARY Michigan State University (Librarian IV) Reporting to the Deputy Director, this librarian has administrative/supervisory responsibility for the Social Sciences Humanities Library (including reference services and collection m a n a g e m e n t and development), which includes the following units: Social Sciences/Humanities Reference, Humanities Collection D e ve lo p ment, Social Sciences Collection Development, Africana, Agricultural Economics, Art, Business, D o c u ments, Maps, Music, Planning and Design, Special Collections, and Urban Policy and Planning. Present staff includes 24 FTE librarians, 19 clerical support staff, and 25 FTE of student assistance. Specific responsibilities include involvement with all departmental personnel activities; administration of collection m anag e m e n t and d e ve lo p m e n t activities including m anaging a materials b u d g e t in excess of $1.5 million; assume initiative in d eveloping programs, policies, and procedures; provide the leadership, assistance and su pport required to enable the units to function effectively and efficiently; enco u ra g e the career develo p m e n t of individual staff members; maintain effective liaison with aca d e m ic and other library departments; serve as an ex-officıo m e m b e r of the Library A dvisory Council, as a m e m b e r of the D irector’s Administrative Group, and on other comm ittees as assigned; prepare reports as necessary; represent the library at meetings as required. M inim um qualifications include an accredited graduate library degree, plus a graduate degree or d e ­ grees that indicate a wide kn ow ledge of the resources and research processes within the social sciences and humanities; minim um of seven years of increasingly responsible research library experience; know l­ edg e of research library programs, the research process, library automation, and research library public services and collection develo p m e n t programs; evidence of supervisory, organizational, and adm inistra­ tive ability; excellent com m unication skills, both oral and written; ability to w ork well with users at all levels, faculty, and staff; evidence of contributions in a d vancing library p rogram s or publications resulting from research activities. Minim um salary: $35,000. Position will remain open until filled. Interested individuals should send a letter of application, a resume, and the names and addresses of three current references to: Beth J. Shapiro Deputy Director of Libraries Michigan State University Libraries East Lansing, Ml 48824 Michigan State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer. D ec em b er 1986 / 753 HUNGARIAN CA TALO G ER . The Library of Congress has an im ­ mediate opening for a descriptive cataloger skilled in reading Hun garian. Master’s degree in library science (or com parable library ex­ perience in cataloging) and reading know ledge of a second foreign language are also required. Position has prom otion potential to the GS 12 grade level, but will initially be filled at the GS-9 ($2 1 .8 0 4 –$28- 347) or GS-11 ($26,381– $34,292) grade level dep ending on app li­ cant qualifications. Interested candidates should subm it a Standard Form 171, Application for Federal Em ployment, by January 3 1 , 1987, to: The Library of Congress. Em ployment Office. 101 Indepen­ dence Ave S.E., Room LM-107. Washington. DC 20540. Vacancy Announcement 60476. Application forms and copies of the vacancy announcement may be obtained by calling (202) 2 8 7 –5620. An Equal Opportunity Employer. H51212 LIBRARIAN. Dickinson College has an im mediate opening for a be­ ginning librarian with training or experience in both technical and public services. This challenging position will require work in catalog­ ing and reference as well as participation in bibliograph ic instruction, liaison with academ ic departm ents and collegial m anagem ent in the context of a liberal arts educational program . ALA-accredited MLS and second m aster’s in the liberal arts required. M inim um salary $ 2 2 ,00 0 -$ 2 4 ,0 0 0 . Send letter of application, vita, and three letters of recom m endation to: Annette LeClair, Chairperson, Departm ent o f Library Resources. Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013. Available immediately; final closing date February 1, 1987; will interview at ALA Midwinter. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY DIRECTO R, University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Posi­ tion reports to the Vice Chancellor/Provost. Requirements are an ALA-accredited MLS plus an additional advanced degree (prefera­ bly the doctorate); familiarity with a broad range of library functions gained through professsional advancem ent; academ ic or research library administrative experience; strong leadership, m anagement, and com m unication skills; know ledge of OCLC and other automated systems: and a strong com m itm ent to service. Position available summer. 1987. Tenure track with faculty rank and benefits. Salary range $45,000 to $60,000. Send curriculum vitae and names with telephone numbers of three references by February 15, 1987, to: Jam es Parins, Chair, Library D irector Search C om m ittee, O t tenheimer Library, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 72204. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em ployer and actively seeks the cand i­ dacy of minorities and women. REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN Trinity University Trinity U n iv e rs ity , San Antonio, Texas, invites a p p lica tio n s for the position of R eference Services L ib ra r­ ian, a faculty a p p o in tm e n t in a rap id ly g ro w in g university library. Trinity, with 2 ,3 5 0 u n d e rg ra d u a te a n d 3 5 0 graduate students, is stro n g ly c o m m itte d to e xc e lle n c e in the liberal arts a n d sciences tradition. S cholarly achievement is re c o g n iz e d th ro u g h Phi Beta K a p p a and other national h o n o r societies. Selective a d m is ­ sions, highly qualified faculty, and o u ts ta n d in g te a c h in g p ro g ra m s place Trinity a m o n g the e xcellent liberal arts and sciences universities in the nation. The Libra ry has u n d e rta ke n an a cce le ra te d p ro g ra m of c o lle c ­ tion deve lo p m e n t; presently the co llection has s o m e 5 5 0 .0 0 0 vo lu m e s of boo ks a n d b o u n d pe rio d ica ls (compared with 3 0 0 ,000 in 1980), plus sizable h o ld in g s of g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts , m icroform s, a n d n o n ­ print items. The Reference Services Librarian will report to the H ead of Reference. P rim ary responsibilities of the position are c o o rd in a tin g general re ference services, in c lu d in g s c h e d u lin g staff at reference de sk and re­ sponsibility for reference collection d e v e lo p m e n t and m a n a g e m e n t; p ro v id in g reference de sk service 10– 15 hours per w e e k ; p re p a rin g b ib lio g ra p h ic aids and library guides; facu lty liaison w o rk with som e a c a ­ demic d e p a rtm e n ts (p re fe ra b ly in the h u m anities a n d business), in c lu d in g collection d e v e lo p m e n t, user education a n d c o m p u te r literature searching. Qualifications in clu d e an a p p re c ia tio n for a n d c o m m itm e n t to u n d e rg ra d u a te liberal arts and sciences education, initiative a n d creativity, interpersonal skills, the ability to fu n ctio n effectively in a c o m p le x o rg a n i­ zation, strong professional c o m m itm e n t, interest in research and publish in g , and an A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS. In addition, p re fe re n c e will be given to c a n d id a te s with an a c a d e m ic b a c k g ro u n d (p re fe ra b ly a g ra d u a te degree) in langu a g e , literature, philo so p h y, religion, fine arts, or business with relevant library e xperience, preferably in strong liberal arts a n d scie n ce s institutions, and to those with a strong interest in and e n th u si­ asm for user e d u c a tio n and faculty liaison p ro g ra m s . Instructor or A ss is ta n t P ro fe s s o r ra n k with fa c u lty status, in c lu d in g te n u re -tra c k . S alary m in im u m $19,500; tw elve-m onth a p p o in tm e n t; T IA A /C R E F and usual fringe benefits. Send letter of application, d e ­ tailed resume, p la c e m e n t file if available, a n d names, addresses, and p h o n e n u m b e rs of three references to: Richard Hume W erking D irector of Libraries M addux Library Trinity University 715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78284 We w ould prefer to receive a p p lic a tio n s by January 5, 1987, since we will be interview ing at A L A M id ­ winter, J a n u a ry 1 7 – 20; but a p p lic a tio n s will be a c c e p te d until J a n u a ry 23, 1 9 8 7 . Trinity University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We especially encourage applications from minorities. 754 / C &R L N ew s LIBRARY S P E C IA L IS T , LA TIN AM ER IC AN LIBR ARY SER VICES UNIT. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Under the general direction of the head of the Latin American Library Services Unit, position has responsibilities in cataloging, collection develop­ ment, and reference services responsibilities including: original cata­ loging (and authority work) of Latin American materials in the social sciences and humanities; selection of materials in all relevant lan­ guages to support instruction and research in Latin American and Caribbean studies; provision of reference services and research and assistance in areas of collection responsibility. Also acts as a re­ source for other university library departments and collections in the identification and processing of Latin American and Caribbean ma­ terials. Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school or equivalent. Excellent knowledge of Spanish. Evidence of ability to meet university standards of research, publication, and professional service for promotion and tenure. Preferred qualifications: degree in areas associated with Latin America and the Caribbean. Desired qualifications: working knowledge of Portuguese and/or French. Fa­ miliarity with AACR2, LC subject headings, and Dewey Decimal classification system. Library experience with Latin American and Caribbean materials. Salary: $20,000 upward; appointm ent at Assis­ tant Professor level. Send letter of application and complete resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 5 references to: Nelly S. Gonzalez, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Library Personnel Office. 127 Library, University of Illinois Library, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-2786. Application and nomina­ tion deadline: 1/30/87. AA/EEO Employer. MANAGER, AUTO M ATED CATALOGING. (Search Re opened) Manages program of 8 FTE support staff responsible for pre-order searching and verification, copy cataloging, OCLC input and all de­ partmental OCLC-related activities. Requires master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school, minimum of 2 years professional cataloging experience, knowledge of MARC formats, LCSH, LC classification, AACR2, and automated cataloging systems. Supervi­ sory experience preferred. Excellent oral and written com m unica­ tion skills and ability to interact effectively with all levels of staff essen- SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER Research Libraries Group P rim ary resp o n sib ility for m a n a g e m e n t of the RLG Collection M a n a g e m e n t and Developm ent, as well as the Art and Architecture, Programs. Re­ quires strong leadership skills and initiative. W orks with RLG committees, task forces, and central staff m e m b e rs on projects and policies d e sig n e d to im ­ prove library user services and facilitate c o o p e ra ­ tive collection d e v e lo p m e n t and sharing of materi als th ro u g h o u t the m em bership. Qualifications: MLS a n d /o r a d v a n c e d d e g re e in an a c a d e m ic discipline, 5 years professional e x p e ­ rience in research libraries, e xp erience with auto­ m ated systems, dem on stra te d ca pacity for a d m in ­ istration. Salary a n d benefits: H iring ra n g e is $3,041 $3,9 4 7 /m o n th . Stanford University benefits. Full job description upon request. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 references by January 2, 1987, to: Kathy Davis Human Resources Manager Research Libraries Group Jordan Quad Stanford, CA 94305 — tial. S a lary in lo w e r $20 s d e p e n d in g on q u a lific a tio n s and experience. Excellent benefits package; choice of retirement pro­ grams; no state or local income tax. The University of Houston Li­ braries holdings exceed 1.4 million volumes, with a current materials budget of $2.6 million. Total staff exceeds 250. The Library is a m em ­ ber of ARL. Applications will be accepted until January 3 1 , 1987, or until position is filled. Send letter of application, names of 3 refer­ ences and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administra­ tion, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. Preliminary interviews at ALA Midwinter may be arranged. Equal Opportunity Employer. M ANUSCRIPTS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for organizing and cat­ aloging manuscripts and folklife archives regional materials. Faculty rank in the Department of Library Special Collections. Reports to Manuscripts and Archives Supervisor. MLS from ALA-accredited program required, second graduate degree in American History, folklife studies or English preferred; experience in manuscripts work, knowledge of Kentucky history and familiarity with online library sys­ tems desirable (particularly NOTIS and US MARC-AMC). Minimum salary $17,000, with excellent benefits. Send letter of application, re­ sume and names and telephone numbers of three references by January 15, 1987, to: Office of Academ ic Affairs, Library Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. An Affirma­ tive Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. MONOGRAPHS DEPARTMENT HEAD (new position) Administer department of three professional and six support staff responsible for the purchase of monographs, the approval plan, original cataloging of monographs and media, catalog filing, bibliographic holding rec­ ords, and gifts; coordinate collection development activities and monitor fund allocations; assist in planning for online catalog. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; five or more years in cataloging or acquisitions, including experience with acquisitions of monographs and automated cataloging systems (preferably OCLC); two or more years supervisory experience. Faculty rank and status, 12-month contract, tenure-track with liberal fringe benefits. Salary about $30,000 depending upon qualifications. Send resume and names of at least three references before January 15, 1987 to: Alan D. Hogan, Chairperson of Search Committee, William S. Carlson Li­ brary, The University of Toledo. Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an Equal Opportunity. Affirmative Action Employer MUSIC PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Northwestern University Library (Search reopened). Administers Music Library public ser­ vices. including reference, circulation, reserve, and stack control, Supervises one library assistant and 16 student assistants. Serves as principal reference librarian. Responsible for book/periodical collec­ tion management. Edits NU Quarter Notes. Responsible for exhibits. Compiles user guides, bibliographies, and indexes. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school, master’s degree in music, preferably music history, required. Minimum of 2 years professional music library experience, including reference services, preferred. Working knowledge of an online library system desired. Demon­ strated managerial and communication skills. Reading knowledge of German and French required. Broad knowledge of music literature and repertory. Salary: $19,000–$25,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, by January 15, 1987, to: Lance Query, Assistant University Librarian for Planning and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201. AA/EOE. P H Y S IC S /A S T R O N O M Y LIB R A R IA N . University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Search deadline has been extended to Janu­ ary 16, 1987. (See C&RL News, October 1986, p. 625.) Complete job description mailed upon request. Contact: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University of Illinois Library, 127 Library, 1408 W. Gregory Drive., Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-8168. AA/EEO Em­ ployer. PRESERVATION FIELD SERVICE OFFICER. Northeast Docu ment Conservation Center seeks individual to provide conservation surveys, workshops, and disaster assistance for museums, libraries and historical organizations. MLS and collections management ex­ perience desired. Starting salary mid- to upper $20s. Application deadline December 3 1 , 1986. Send resume, indicating present sal­ ary, and writing sample to: NEDCC, 24 School St., Andover, MA 01810. NEDCC is an affirmative action employer. PROJECT DIRECTOR, Retrospective Conversion and On-Line Systems. MLS required. Responsible for planning, coordinating and D e c e m b e r 1986 / 755 implementing the retrospe ctive conve rsion of b ib lio g ra p h ic re co rd s (approximately 200,000) and for p a rticip ation in p la n n in g for an a u tomated library system. E xp erience with O CLC, re tro sp e ctive c o n version and online system s required. E xp erience with b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction and/or w o rksh o p presentation re co m m e n d e d . R e sp o n si ble to d ire c to r . T w e lv e m o n th fa c u lty p o s itio n . S a la ry $18,000—$ 2 1 ,000. co m m e n su ra te with e du cation, exp e rie n ce . A p plication deadline D e ce m b e r 31, 1986. Send letter, resum e, and three references to: M ary A nne Fedrick. D irector of Library, M a ry wood College. 2300 A d a m s A v e ., S c ra n to n , PA 18509. A A /E O E REFERENCE/DOCUM ENTS L IB R A R IA N . Franklin and M arshall College. Lancaster. P e nnsylvania A vailable im m ediately. With other members of the reference dep artm ent, serves at the refe ren ce desk, works with the b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction p ro g ra m , c o n d u c ts online searches, and particip ates in the lib ra ry ’s collectio n d e v e lo p m e n program. Responsible for all aspects of the U.S. D o cu m e n ts c o lle c tion (partial dep o sito ry since 1895) in clu d in g supe rvisio n of s u p p o r staff and students. Q ualifications: A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS. e xp e rie n ce with government d o cu m e n ts and online searching. Preferred BA i the humanities or social sciences, e xp e rie n ce with library autom ation ­ ­ ­ ­ - t ­ t n and m icro co m p u te r a pp lications to library systems. S ubject m a s te r’s highly desirable. Salary range in low $20s. A p p lica tio n deadline: D e­ c e m b e r 20, 1986. Please fo rw a rd letter of a pp lication, resum e, tra n ­ scripts, nam es and telep hone num be rs of three references to: Eliza­ beth S te g n e r. F ranklin a n d M arsh all C o lle g e . P.O. Box 300 3. Lancaster, PA 17604-3003. An Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Duties in clud e genera! reference ser­ vice online b ib lio g ra p h ic searching, b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction, c o l­ lection deve lop m en t. Som e w e ekend and even ing duty require d Requirem ents: g ra d u a te d e g re e from A L A -a ccre d ite d institution, strong interest in p u b lic service, excellent co m m u n ica tio n s skills. D e­ sirable: som e a ca d e m ic library expe rience, science b a c k g ro u n d Faculty status. 23 days annual leave, usual fringes. B e g in n in g sal­ ary: $18,000. Please send letter of a pp lication, with resum e in c lu d ­ ing three references, to. Sue Hiatt. Chair. Search C o m m itte e for Ref­ erence Librarian, William M adison Randall Library, U niversity of North C arolina at W ilm ington, 601 S. C o llege Road, W ilm ington. NC 28403-3297. C losing date: Ja n u a ry 15. 1987. A ffirm ative Action. Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. THREE POSITIONS Baylor University Three p o s itio n s a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly , M o o d y M e m o ria l L ib ra ry , B a y lo r U n ive rsity, W a c o , Texas. A s s is ta n t Librarian, D o c u m e n ts L ib ra ria n , R e fe re n c e L ib ra ria n with S c ie n c e E m p h a s is . B a y lo r U n iv e rs ity is a p ri­ vately s u p p o r te d d e n o m in a tio n a l U n iv e rs ity w ith 1 1 ,5 0 0 s tu d e n ts a n d fa c u lty /s tu d e n t ratio of 1 :20 lo c a te d in Waco, Texas, a city of a b o u t 1 0 4 ,0 0 0 , h a lfw a y b e tw e e n D allas a n d A u s tin on I-35. E x c e lle n t fr in g e b e n e ­ fits include re tire m e n t, health, d e n ta l, 2 0 d a y s v a c a tio n , fa c u lty ra n k a n d status, te n u re track. P re fe re n c e given to a p p lic a tio n s re c e iv e d b e fo re D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1986. S e n d letter of a p p lic a tio n , re su m e , a n d n a m e s and te le p h o n e n u m b e r s of 3 c u rr e n t re fe re n c e s , to a p p r o p r ia t e s e a rc h c o m m itte e chair. A n e q u a l o p p o r t u ­ nity e m p lo y e r. ASSISTANT L IB R A R IA N , M o o d y M e m o ria l L ib ra ry . M a jo r resp o n sib ilitie s: P a rtic ip a te s with L ib ra ria n in the planning, im p le m e n ta tio n , a n d c o o r d in a tio n of lib ra ry s e rv ic e s p r o v id e d b y th e c e n tra l library; a c ts as library a d m in is tra to r in th e a b s e n c e of L ib ra ria n ; m a n a g e s p e rs o n n e l activities p e rta in in g to n o n -fa c u lty positions; o v e rs e e s m a in te n a n c e of p h y s ic a l plant; w o rk s w ith L ib ra ria n in p r e p a r a tio n a n d im p le m e n ta tio n of budget. Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A - a c c r e d ite d m a s t e r ’s d e g r e e with th re e y e a rs of p ro g r e s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le experience, p re fe r a b ly a c a d e m ic . 1– 2 y e a rs in a s u p e r v is o r y p o sitio n p re fe rre d . E ffe ctive c o m m u n ic a t io n and in te rp e rs o n a l skills; m a n a g e r ia l e x p e rie n c e ; lib ra ry a u to m a tio n e x p e r ie n c e p re fe rre d . P osition a v a il­ able at In s tru c to r or A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r level, d e p e n d e n t u p o n e x p e r ie n c e a n d q u a lific a tio n s . Salary: m in i­ mum at In s tru c to r level $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 fo r 12 m o n th s . C o r r e s p o n d with: M a r g a r e t H u g h e s , C hair, A s s is ta n t L ib r a r ­ ian Search C o m m itte e , M o o d y M e m o ria l L ib ra ry , B o x 6 3 0 7 , W a c o , TX 7 6 7 0 6 -0 3 0 7 . DOCUMENTS L IB R A R IA N , M o o d y M e m o ria l L ib ra ry . S e e k in g s e rv ic e -o rie n te d , e n th u s ia s tic , e n e r g e tic librarian to m a n a g e a partial d e p o s ito r y of 9 0 0 . 0 0 0 fe d e ra l d o c u m e n t s (p rin t a n d m ic ro fo rm s ) a n d USGS, DMA, a n d P A IG H m a p s . S u p e rv is e s 3 s u p p o r t staff a n d 2.5 FTE s tu d e n t assistants. P ro v id e s d o c u m e n t s reference s e rv ic e (in c lu d in g D IA L O G s e a rc h in g ) a n d e x te n s iv e b ib lio g r a p h ic in s tru c tio n . Q u a lific a tio n s : A LA -a ccre d ite d m a s t e r ’s with m in im u m of th re e y e a rs p ro fe s s io n a l d o c u m e n t s e x p e rie n c e ; p ro v e n le a d e r ­ ship ability; g o o d p u b lic re la tio n s a n d c o m m u n ic a t io n skills. S a la ry m in im u m $ 2 2 , 2 0 0 fo r 12 m o n th s . Assdstant P rofessor. C o r r e s p o n d with: A v e r y T. S h a rp , Chair, D o c u m e n ts L ib ra ria n S e a rc h C o m m itte e . Moody M e m o ria l L ib ra ry , B o x 6 3 0 7 , W a c o . TX 7 6 7 0 6 - 0 3 0 7 . REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N , S C IE N C E E M P H A S IS , M o o d y M e m o ria l L ib ra ry . S e e k in g to fill a n e w p o s i­ tion with an e x p e r ie n c e d re fe re n c e lib ra ria n with s tre n g th s in s c ie n c e in fo rm a tio n . C e n tra liz e d re fe re n c e department has six p ro fe s s io n a ls . M a jo r re s p o n s ib ilitie s : g e n e ra l re fe re n c e s e rvice , in c lu d in g d e s k c o v e r ­ age (with re g u la r e v e n in g a n d w e e k e n d hours); d a ta b a s e s e a rc h in g a n d b ib lio g r a p h ic in s tru c tio n ; s u p e r v i­ sion and tra in in g of re fe re n c e d e s k s tu d e n ts ; s u p e rv is io n of m ic r o fo r m service . Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A - accredited m a s t e r ’s with tw o y e a rs of p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e service ; s u p e r v is o r y e x p e rie n c e ; e x p e r ie n c e with b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n ; d e m o n s t r a t e d a p titu d e fo r w o r k in g with m a c h in e s ; a b ility to c o m m u n ic a t e effectively. D e s ire d q u a lific a tio n s : s tr o n g a c a d e m i c b a c k g r o u n d in s c ie n c e or e x p e r ie n c e in u s in g s c ie n c e materials in p u b lic s e r v ic e ; k n o w le d g e of d a ta b a s e s e a rc h in g . P osition a v a ila b le at In s tru c to r or A s s is ta n t Professor level, d e p e n d e n t u p o n e x p e r ie n c e a n d q u a lific a tio n s . Salary: m in im u m at In s tru c to r level $20,400 for 12 m o n th s . C o r r e s p o n d with: J a n e t Sheets, Chair, R e fe re n c e L ib ra ria n S e a rc h C o m m itte e , Moody M e m o ria l L ib ra ry , B o x 6 3 0 7 , W a c o , TX 7 6 7 0 6 -0 3 0 7 . 756 / C &R L News REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. This Assistant Reference Librarian posi­ tion is responsible for professional reference service evenings and weekends in a busy urban university library with a diverse clientele. Database searching, library user instruction, collection development are other dimensions of this position. Faculty rank and status, 12- month contract, tenure track with liberal fringe benefits. Salary is $20,000 depending upon qualifications. We are seeking an experi­ enced reference librarian (1 -2 years) with an ALA-accredited MLS or appropriate advanced degree. Experience in database searching is desirable. Send resume and names of at least three references be­ fore January 20, 1987 to: Kathleen Voigt, Chairperson of Search Committee, William S. Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo. OH 43606. The University o f T o le d o is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Two Science specialists; one Social Science specialist. The LSU Libraries Reference Services Division has 10 librarians and 10 FTE support staff. The tenure track profes­ sional positions report to the Head of Reference Services. Specific responsibilities include desk service, online searching, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. Each position requires the ALA-accredited MLS; degrees in the appropriate subject areas (pure and applied sciences; a social science discipline) or equivalent library experience. Reference experience preferred but not re­ quired. Salary negotiable; $19,000 minimum. Excellent benefits. Re­ view of applications will begin February 2, 1987. Send letter of appli­ cation, resume, names, addresses and phone numbers of at least three references to: Sharon A. Hogan, Director of Libraries. M iddle­ ton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. LSU is an equal opportunity university. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Collection Development and Reference assignments. Liaison with faculty. Service to area business and industry. Online searching. Undergraduate degree in science/technology and MLS from ALA-accredited library school re­ quired. Second master’s in science/technology and at least 2 years experience in public services in academ ic library preferred. Salary: Librarian IV. from $23,276: Librarian III. from $28.566. depending on qualifications and experience. Tenure-track, 12-month position. Recruitment will remain open until position is filled. Submit letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: Judith L. Hunt, University Librarian, University of Bridgeport, Wahlstrom Library, 126 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06601. An equal opportunity em ­ ployer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. San Francisco State University seeks a li­ brarian to assume responsibility for original, adaptive and copy cata­ loging of serials including new serial titles, continuations, and added volumes in all formats; for coordination of University theses catalog­ ing, binding, microfiching; and for resolving/coordinating serials is­ sues and cataloging throughout Technical Services, including biblio­ graphic control of serials. May include responsibility for direction/ coordination of all bibliographic control aspects of continuations, standing orders, add ed volum es and periodicals. Permanent, tenure-track position. Appointment date: April 1, 1987. Qualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited institution; minimum of three years experience as a professional, of which minimum of two years must be in serials with an emphasis on serials cataloging: ex­ perience in automated cataloging systems such as OCLC; working knowledge and familiarity with AACR2 and LC cataloging practice and authority forms; demonstrated oral and written communication, intergroup and organizational skills, with ability to work effectively with faculty and staff; ability to problem solve, exercise initiative and judgement, and to be flexible. Preferred qualifications: Experience in developing operational procedures, training and developing sup­ port staff to work in an online cataloging environment; having knowl­ edge of serials cataloging and serials issues to direct and coordinate all bibliographic control aspects of continuations, standing orders, added volumes, periodicals; experience in planning and implement­ ing an online serials processing system. Appointm ent level: Senior Assistant or Associate, depending on qualifications. Salary range: $29,640–$ 4 5 ,096. Benefits: 24 days vacation; liberal University paid benefits. To apply send letter of application, resume, and names, ad­ dresses and telephone numbers of 3 references by January 15, 1987, to: Eloise McQuown, Assistant Director, Library, San Fran­ cisco State University, 1630 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA 94132. AAE/EOE. S O C IA L S C IE N C E R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO ­ GRAPHER. Responsible for the Library’s collection development in assigned social science disciplines. Provides service at the Informa­ tion Desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Participates in an active program of library instruction and com puterized data­ base searching in the disciplines of selection responsibility. Requires a Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Under­ graduate degree in a social science discipline or reference experi­ ence highly desirable. $17,000 minimum salary depending on quali­ fications. Excellent benefits including choice of retirement programs. The University of Houston Libraries have 1.4 million volumes, a ma­ terials budget of $2.6 million, and a total staff of 250. The Library is a member of ARL. To ensure consideration, applications must be re­ ceived by January 31, 1987. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for A d ­ ministration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Hous­ ton, TX 77004. Preliminary interviews at ALA Midwinter may be ar­ ranged. Equal Opportunity Employer. SOUTH ASIA /SO U TH EA ST ASIA BIBLIOGRAPHER AND SO ­ CIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Search Reopened Responsible for, meeting the information needs of faculty and stu­ dents of South and Southeast Asia and for providing consultation ref­ erence service and bibliographic instruction to social science faculty and students. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Resource De­ velopment on the overall development and assessment of research collections in the major indigenous languages of northern India, Pakistan, N epal, B a n g la d e sh and Tibet. S u p e rvisio n of p re ­ cataloging processing of materials received on the PL-480 program, providing advice on preservation needs of South and Southeast Asia materials, coordination of collection development with other libraries in the Research Libraries Group. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Social Sciences for duties com prised primarily of in-depth refer­ ence services including consultations by appointm ent and prepara­ tion of guides, etc., bibliographic instruction and end user training. Qualifications are subject expertise and scholarly research experi­ ence equivalent to at least a master’s level in a social science or area studies program; language skills equivalent to at least three years of study of a devanaugiri language such as Sanskrit. Pali or Prakrit; abil­ ity to communicate effectively orally and in writing; flexibility and cre­ ativity to work with colleagues in a complex environment. A Ph.D. in a relevant field, an accredited MLS and some supervisory experience are desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $22,000–$ 2 8 ,600; Li­ brarian II: $24,000–$32,400. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Submit resume listing three references to: Box 35, Butler Library, Co­ lumbia University, 535 West 114th Street. New York. NY 10027. Deadline for applications is January 30, 1987. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS n of the Head of CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Under the general directio Bibliographic Control, to catalog library materials, primarily non-book material. ALA-accredited MLS required. Cataloging experience with OCLC desired but not required. Annual salary $17,250+ depending upon experience; excellent fringe benefits. Available immediately. Send resume, transcripts (undergraduate and graduate), placement papers and two separate letters of recommendation to: George N. Hartje, Library Director, Pickier Memorial Library, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, M O 63501-0828. Deadline December 31, 1986. EOE/AA. D ecem b er 1986 / 757 CHIEF, ACQUISITIONS SERVICES (Announcement 86-554-F). Experienced librarian to manage unit of 15 staff responsible for ordering and receiving library materials, binding preparation, gifts and exchanges, and the serial record in support of 14 branches and other Smithsonian Institution offices. Administers annual budget of $1 million, ensuring effective operation of fiscal controls and utilizing GEAC-based automatic acquisitions system. Reports to Assistant Director for Collections Management. Position open until filled; deadline for applications is January 5, 1987. Salary minimum $37,599. For application information and forms, write: Employment Office, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 or call (202) 357-2465. Specify Announcement Number. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer. CHIEF, CENTRAL REFERENCE AND LOAN SERVICES, AND UNIT MANAGER, CENTRAL SERVICES UNIT (Announcement 86- 556-F ) . Experienced librarian to administer central reference collection and services in support of 12 Smithsonian Institution Library branches and specialized Smithsonian activities (Smithsonian magazine, Smithsonian Institution Press, etc.). Also supervises the Museum Reference Center, the Museum Support Center, the ILL unit, and the SIL annex. Reports administratively to the Assistant Director for Research Services, and for collections-related functions to the Assistant Director for Collections Management. Position open until filled; deadline for applications is January 5, 1987. Salary minimum $37,599. For application information and forms, write: Employment Office, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 or call (202) 357-2465. Specify Announcement Number. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer. CHIEF, NATIONAL AIR & SPACE MUSEUM BRANCH, AND MANAGER, PHYSICAL SCIENCES UNIT (Announcement 86-555-F). Experienced librarian to administer collections and provide reference services in support of the staff of the National Air & Space Museum, other Institution staff, the scholarly community and the general public. Also supervises the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Branch Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Reports administratively to Assistant Director for Research Services and for collections-related functions to Assistant Director for Collections Management. Position open until filled; deadline for applications is January 5, 1987. Salary minimum $37,599. For application information and forms, write: Employment Office, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 or call (202) 357– 2465. Specify Announcement Number. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer. COORDINATOR FOR CIRCULATION AND INTERLIBRARY SERVICES, Rutgers University Libraries. Available: Immediately. Reporting to the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services, coordinates circulation services and develops policy and procedure recommendations for the online circulation system. Works closely with Technical Services and Systems personnel in solving problems, training and documentation. Administers interlibrary support services: intra-library loan, shipping and the library annex, and interlibrary loan activities including service to the New Jersey Library Network. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a minimum of four years public service experience in an academic, research or special library required. Administrative/supervisory experience desirable. Rutgers University Libraries serve some 50,000 students and 2,500 faculty on three campuses. Collections of over 3 million volumes are housed in 18 libraries. Rutgers is a member of the Research Libraries Group. Salary commensurate with experience with a minimum of $25,907. Tenure track, calendar year appointment. TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation. Submit resumes and names of three references by January 1, 1987, to: Barbara E. Sanders-Harris, (APP 119), Personnel Officer, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 758 / C &R L News 08903. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, Marshall University (search reopened). Marshall. University invites nominations of and applications from dynamic and creative individuals for the position of Director of Libraries. The Director reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and administers the James E. Morrow Library, the Health Sciences Library, and the Music Library. The Director also oversees a ll University special collections. The Library system has a c o llection of approximately 365,000 bound volumes and other extensive holdings. It serves a student body of approximately 12,000 graduate and undergraduate students in nine divisions: College of Business, College of Education, College of Fine Arts, College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, Community Coll ege, Graduate School, School of Medicine, and School of Nursing. Marshall University is a progressive, mission oriented state university with innovative programs such as the Society of Yeager Scholars, that will depend heavily on the development and direction given by the library. Support for research is a major concern of the Director, as is physical plant development. Candidates must hold an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. An earned doctorate is highly desirable. The following attributes are also essential: ( 1) substantial professional experience in academic libraries with evidence of increasing and successful administrative responsibility; (2) sound knowledge of and experience in automated systems and services; (3) experience in bibliographic control and management, resource sharing, and academic budgeting; (4) evidence of professional and scholarly achievement; and (5) effective communication skills. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Nominations and applications w i ll be reviewed beginning January 1, 1987. They will be received until an appointment is made. Applications must include a resume and three current letters of reference. References will be treated in a confidential manner and will not be contacted until advanced stages of the screening process. Position is to be filled no later than July 1 , 1987. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Office of Academic Affairs, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25701. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, University of Northern Colorado. The Director is the chief administrator of Libraries and the Educational Materials Services, a member of the University Cabinet, and reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Qualifications: Required is MLS from an ALA-accredited institution and an advanced degree in an academic or professional discipline; possession of a record of successful innovation; and demonstrated knowledge and/or experience of public and technical services, new technologies, and communication skills. Academic library administrative experience is required, minimum 5 years preferred. Non-administrative professional library experience also is required, minimum 2 years preferred. Candidates also should have held progressively more responsible administrative positions in an academic or research library and demonstrated evidence of continuing commitment to scholarly publication and professional development. Full position description is available on request. 12-month salary; $43,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Position available July 1, 1987. Appications accepted until January 16, 1987. Send applications, resume, and names/ addresses/phone numbers of 3 references to: Ron Edgerton, Chair, Director of Libraries Search Committee, c/o Academic Affairs, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639. The University is an AA/EO employer. HEAD, INTERLIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Texas A&M University. Supervise and manage on-going program of interlibrary services including borrowing, lending, bibliographic verification, and materials location. Manage USDA Regional Document Delivery Service through coordination of participating libraries, D ec em b e r 1986 / 759 submission of statistics for region, and provision of materials to USDA personnel. Serve as Acting Head, Circulation Division, in absence of Head. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Two years post-MLS library experience. Professional or preprofessional ILS or related OCLC bibliographic search experience required; supervisory public services experience preferred. Salary: Minimum $19,000 for 10.5 months; negotiable. Closing date: To ensure full consideration, applications for all positions should be received by January 15, 1987. Applicants should submit a letter of application, complete resume, and names and telephone numbers of three professional references. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. For complete description of duties, qualifications and benefits, and to apply, call or write: Gloriana St. Clair, Acting Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845–8111. AA/EEO Employer. HEAD, MONOGRAPH PROCESSING DIVISION, University of Cincinnati. New Position. Search reopened. The University of Cincinnati Libraries are seeking applications for the management position of the Hea d , Monograph Processing Division. It will be the responsibility of the person in the position to merge the monograph cataloging operations and bibliographic functions of Acquisitions to form the new Division. The Head will be responsible for the management of the centralized monograph processing services of the University Libraries and for the maintenance of bibliographic and holdings records in the online catalog. The University of Cincinnati Libraries are a member of OCLC and have installed an online catalog (UCLID). The database contains 7 5 0 ,000 records, representing the holdings of the five library jurisdictions of U.C. Conversion of holdings is ongoing. The person in the position will have a major role in facilitating the transition from a manual to an online environment. This is an excellent opportunity for the experienced librarian to develop a new organizational reporting structure and workflow. The Head, Monograph Processing supervises a staff of approximately 30, including 6 librarians, and reports to the Associate University Librarian for Access Services. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program. Demonstrated leadership, management and human relations skills and successful supervisory experience. Five years progressively responsible professional experience in a large academic or research library, including substantial experience in some area of monograph processing. Some public service experience highly desirable. Demonstrated understanding of contemporary cataloging rules and procedures and their application in an online environment. Experience with OCLC. Ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Minimum salary: $30,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Available immediately. Send resume and names of three references by January 16, 1987, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, University Libraries Personnel Officer, 640 Langsam Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. HEAD, MUSIC LIBRARY. University of California, Berkeley. Responsible for development and management of collections, space, services, fund raising and personnel. Engage in professional and research activities, participate in planning and policy development of the General Library, and maintain communication and liaison with the Department of Music. MLS and substantial educational background in musicology. Candidate lacking the MLS degree will be expected to secure one within 2–4 years. Administrative and supervisory experience in academic or research music library. Experience with automation and bibliographic control of music, knowledge of cooperative resource sharing, and techniques of bibliographic instruction and online database searching are desirable. May entail part-time teaching in Department of Music if qualifications are appropriate. Full job description on request. Appointment 760 / C &R L News salary range $39,456–$45,084 per annum. Open until filled; candidates applying by January 5, 1987 will be given first consideration. Send resume, including names and addresses of three professional references to: William E. Wenz, Room 447 General Library, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720. EEO Employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES (Search reopened). Faculty, tenure-track position, Assistant Professor level. Supervise cataloging and acquisitions; serve as library liaison to some academic disciplines and regional network; perform some online database searches; recommend policy/procedural modifications; some reference desk work, including evening and weekend rotation. Qualifications: ALA-Accredited Master’s degree; knowledge of library operations with special emphasis on descriptive and subject cataloging utilizing AACR2, LCSH and LC classification, MARC formats, OCLC, and ALA (1980) filing rules; supervisory experience required. Second master’s degree, 3–5 years of directly related professional experience desired. Salary from $20,000, depending on experience and qualifications. Send letter of application, complete resume, and all library positions held, naming (with addresses and phone numbers) immediate supervisors, plus 3 other references and graduate transcripts by January 1, 1987, to: Gaynelle Pratt, Personnel Office, Keene State College, Keene, NH 03431. Please note in letter if available at ALA Midwinter. AA/EOE. HEAD, SERIALS SERVICES DEPARTMENT (anticipated). Reports to the Associate Director for Technical Services and is responsible for general administration and supervision of the Serials Services Department and its staff. Major departmental functions include serials acquisitions; serials control; public service access to serials information; housing of 7,000+ current serials; binding, end processing and minor repair of library materials; public service access to newspapers and microforms. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of three years of responsible and appropriate professional experience, preferably in a research library; proven supervisory ability; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing; ability to work independently. Preferred: Strong background in serials processing, OCLC, AACR2, and public service; knowledge of foreign languages; familiarity with NOTIS serial control system. Salary: Dependent upon qualifications, experience and rank; $28,000 minimum. Benefits: Equivalent faculty status and tenure track; generous leave benefits; optional insurances; State Teacher’s Retirement System. Review of applications will begin February 2, 1987. Apply to: Sharon A. Hogan, Director of Libraries, Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. LSU is an Equal Opportunity University. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN. University of California, Berkeley. Manage and develop English language humanities collections and serve as Library liaison with faculty and graduate students. Select current and retrospective materials, provide reference service and bibliographic instruction to users of the English languages collections. Participate in and initiate library instructional and orientation programs. Requires MLS degree and graduate work (advanced degree desirable) in Humanities discipline with strong background in English or American Literature collection development and general reference desk experience in a medium-large academic research library; knowledge of recent advances in literary scholarship and current developments in research libraries. Experience in bibliographic instruction, and experience with automated systems of bibliographic retrieval desirable. Full job description on request. Appointment salary range $29,340 to $34,452 per annum. Open until filled; candidates applying by January 5, 1987 w ill be given first consideration. Send resume, including names and addresses of three professional references to: William E. Wenz, Room 447 General Library, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720. EEO Employer. D ecem ber 1986 / 761 LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Stetson Memorial Library, Mercer University. Mercer University invites applications and nominations for director of the Stetson Library on the Macon campus. Mercer is a comprehensive, coeducational, private university affiliated with the Georgia Baptist Convention. With 6,300 students on four campuses, Mercer offers traditional undergraduate programs and graduate programs in medicine, law, pharmacy, business, education, and engineering. Stetson Library, one of five Mercer Libraries, serves the College of Liberal Arts, School of Business and Economics, and School of Engineering. Stetson Library, a member of OCLC and SOLINET, houses 200,000 bound volumes and 1,100 current periodical titles. The library offers bibliographic instruction and DIALOG searches and is a selective depository for federal government documents. Conversion to LC classification and retrospective conversion are well underway, anticipating moving into a new 94,875 square foot building by December 1988, with an automated, integrated library system. The Director of Stetson library reports to the Assistant Provost for Instructional Resources, manages an operating budget of $600,000, and oversees a staff of five professionals and eleven support staff. The Director is expected to plan and administer progressive, effective library programs. The Director serves on college and university committees and is an active participant in governance and policy decisions affecting the Library. The successful candidate will have an understanding of and commitment to liberal and professional education and to the teaching role of the Library. Applicants should have at least seven years of varied experience in academic libraries, including some administrative experience (program development, evaluation, personnel, budgets). Strong leadership skills and professional identity must be linked with a service orientation. An accredited MLS degree is required; advanced degree(s) are strongly preferred. The position is a nontenured faculty appointment, 12 months; the salary range is $35,000–$45,000 depending on experience and qualifications. The University offers competitive benefits packages. Preliminary interviews, ALA Midwinter. Appointment is expected to begin July 1, 1987. Applicants should submit a letter, vita, and complete information on at least five references by January 15, 1987, to: Marjorie T. Davis, Assistant Provost for Instructional Resources, Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207. Mercer University is an AA/EEO employer. ORIGINAL CATALOGER, MICROFORM MATERIALS (entry level; search extended). Texas A&M University. Responsible for cataloging and classifying monographic materials in all languages, subjects, and formats including primary responsibility for monographic microform materials. Duties include creation of original cataloging and review of subject headings, classification, and descriptive cataloging on OCLC cooperative copy. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Prefer pre-professional monographic cataloging experience with AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings. Salary: $17,000 for 10.5 months; $18,000 with additional Master’s degree. Closing date: To ensure full consideration, applications for all positions should be received by January 15, 1987. Applicants should submit a letter of application, complete resume, and names and telephone numbers of three professional references. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. For complete description of duties, qualifications and benefits, and to apply, call or write: Gloriana St. Clair, Acting Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845–8111. AA/EEO Employer. REFERENCE/ GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Search reopened). Stetson Library, Mercer University, seeks public-service oriented librarian to administer government documents and work in general reference. Mercer is a comprehensive, coeducational, private university affiliated with the Georgia Baptist Convention, with an enrollment of 6,300 on four campuses. Stetson 762 / C& RL News Library on the Macon campus serves Liberal Arts, Business, and Engineering and is a selective depository for U.S documents. Move into the new 94,875 square foot building slated for December 1988. This librarian, one of six professionals and eleven support staff, supervises documents (collection evaluation, processing, student assistants), assists with reference, conducts online searches and bibliographic instruction. Committee assignments and faculty liaison activities expected. Some night and weekend work required. Qualifications: Accredited MLS and academic library experience required. Demonstrated interest in documents and bibliographic instruction; reference and online search experience preferred. Initiative, good communication and interpersonal skills necessary. Nontenure track 12 month faculty appointment, competitive benefits. Salary $19,000–$ 2 4,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Send letter, resume, and complete information on three references by December 20, 1986, to: Elizabeth D. Hammond, Acting Director, Stetson Library, Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207. Mercer is an AA/EEO employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. 9-month tenure track position, with faculty rank and status. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school, demonstrated communications and teaching skills. Desirable: subject masters and/or background in business or economics, 2– 3 years experience in an academic library and experience with OCLC and/or database searching. Duties: general reference, including one weeknight and occasional academic vacation periods, library instruction, possible database searching, some book selection. Position available August 24, 1987. Salary $20,500, depending on qualifications. Herrick Memorial Library is the University library serving the Colleges of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Nursing, Business and Administration and Graduate Education, with a student body of approximately 2,000. Library staff consists of 6 professionals, 3 technical specialists, 12 support staff and student aides. Send letter of application, resume and 3 recent references by February 1 , 1987, to: June E. Brown, University Librarian, Herrick Memorial Library, Alfred University, Alfred, NY 14802. Alfred University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the general direction of Head Reference Librarian to use formal and informal skills in library instruction, teaching basic course in use of library, to perform database searching, as well as customary reference services to a student body of 6,500. ALA-accredited MLS required; reference experience desirable but not required. Annual salary $17,250+ depending upon experience; excellent fringe benefits. Available immediately. Send resume, transcripts (undergraduate and graduate), placement papers, and two separate letters of recommendation to: George N. Hartje, Library Director, Pickier Memorial Library, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, M O 63501–0828. EOE/AA. Deadline December 31, 1986. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, University of Georgia Libraries. One entry-level position. (Salary minimum $17,200.) Recent graduates may have the opportunity to participate in a special staff development program funded by the Council on Library Resources. Duties: Reference Librarians in the Science Library are responsible for providing reference, instructional, and referral services and for developing the Science Library collection in assigned areas. Reference duties involve assisting students, faculty and staff in making effective use of library resources, including government documents and science databases. The Science Library serves the biomedical, agricultural, and physical sciences, The 76,000 square foot facility has 500,000 volumes and 5,500 current journal subscriptions with a staff of 28. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of basic reference sources; knowledge of database searching; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working D ecem ber 1986 / 763 relationships; interest in science literature desired; ability to work with a foreign language desired; strong interest in academic librarianship desired. Application procedure: Send Letter of application by January 9, 1987, including resume and names of three references to: Florence King, Administrative Office, Main Library, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, HUMANITIES (entry level). Texas A&M University. Provides comprehensive reference assistance in the Reference Department with emphasis on the Humanities; includes assisting patrons in formulating search strategies and locating needed information through indexes and other reference tools, as well as through computer searching. Acts as division liaison with English, Modern Languages, and Psychology Departments. Assists with bibliographic instruction. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Subject background in the Humanities, preferably in English. Second Master’s degree and some pre­ professional experience desirable. Salary: Minimum $17,000 for 10.5 months; $18,000 with additional Master’s degree. Closing date: To ensure full consideration, applications for all positions should be received by January 15, 1987. Applicants should submit a letter of application, complete resume, and names and telephone numbers of three professional references. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. For complete description of duties, qualifications and benefits, and to apply, call or write: Gloriana St. Clair, Acting Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845–8111. AA/EEO Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (entry level; search extended). Texas A&M University. Provides comprehensive reference assistance with emphasis on the sciences from a centralized reference collection. Prepares bibliographies and guides to the literature for use in staff training and in classroom instruction. Assists with bibliographic instruction and computerized reference services. Serves as a Reference Division resource librarian in the sciences. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Academic background in the sciences required, preferably in the physical or life sciences. A second master’s degree in a science-related field or two years of pre-professional library experience preferred. Salary: $17,000 for 10.5 months; $18,000 with additional master’s degree. Closing date: To ensure full consideration, applications for all positions should be received by January 15, 1987. Applicants should submit a letter of application, complete resume, and names and telephone numbers of three professional references. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. For complete description of duties, qualifications and benefits, and to apply, call or write: Gloriana St. Clair, Acting Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845–8111. AA/EEO Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SOCIAL SCIENCES/EDUCATION (experienced). Texas A&M University. As part of a dynamic and innovative Reference Division, provides comprehensive reference assistance with emphasis on education and the social sciences, from a centralized reference collection. Additional duties include preparation of bibliographies and guides to the literature for use in staff training and for use in classroom instruction and assistance with bibliographic instruction for students and faculty. Prepares a computer- produced index to the Curriculum Collection and assists with online database searching. Qualifications: ALA–MLS. Two years post–MLS library experience. Degree in education or two years teaching experience at elementary or secondary school level. Salary: Minimum $19,000 for 10•5 months; negotiable. 764 / C &R L News Closing date: To ensure full consideration, applications for a ll positions should be received by January 15, 1987. Applicants should submit a letter of application, complete resume, and names and telephone numbers of three professional references. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. For complete description of duties, qualifications and benefits, and to apply, call or write: Gloriana St. Clair, Acting H ead, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845–8111. AA/EEO employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/TECHNICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR. Mabel Smith Douglass Library, Rutgers University. Available: April 1 , 1987. Provides reference service, including database searching, and participates in the bibliographic instruction program. Selects library materials in the social sciences and coordinates technical service functions in the library. MLS from ALA-accredited library school and at least four years of academic library experience (reference and technical services) are required. Advanced subject degree, scholarly record, foreign langauge competency, and collection development experience are desirable. Mabel Smith Douglass Library is one of four major libraries on the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers University. It is an undergraduate library of 150,000 monograph volumes and 1,200 serial titles with an emphasis on liberal arts, environmental studies, women’s studies, and the performing arts. Tenure track, calendar year appointment. TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation. Salary commensurate with experience with a minimum of $25,907. Submit resume and names of three references by January 1, 1987, to: Barbara E. Sanders-Harris, (APP 118), Personnel Officer, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama. Deadline for application January 19, 1987. Applications and nominations are invited for the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian has overall administrative responsibility of the Library and reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The University Librarian is expected to perform the following duties: Supervise all library services and operations; establish and maintain appropriate policies and procedures for administering the affairs of the library; prepare and administer the library budget; review and monitor personnel decisions; evaluate, select, and implement new library and information technologies; develop and maintain open lines of communication with students, faculty, administration, and the community at large; perform other duties and tasks as assigned by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited graduate degree in library science and an earned doctorate in a related field preferred. Minimum of 5 years academic library experience; at least 3 of which must be in library administration. Experience in administering technological innovations in library automated services. Active involvement in professional associations. In addition, there must be evidence that the applicant is highly skilled in interpersonal relationships and management techniques, and exhibits effective leadership ability. Evidence of the ability to articulate the role of the library within the university and the community at large must be shown. Annual salary is $40,000 range with outstanding fringe benefits package. Nominations or applications, with resume, including names, addresses, and phone numbers of 5 professional references must be received by January 19, 1987. Personnel Office, Bibb Graves Hall, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL 36265. Jacksonvillle State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MEDIA LIBRARIAN to coordinate Media/A-V services to the University community. Major duties include supervising the library Media Center, facilitating equipment distribution, participating in planning library programs, providing instruction in Media Methods and Information Science, coordinating bibliographic instruction, and providing some general reference service. Minimum qualifications include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school plus a 2nd graduate degree in Media/A–V. Reports to Director of Libraries. Tenure track appointment with faculty status. Salary commensurate with background and experience. Position available fall term 1987. Send resume and the names of 3 references to: Clayton Highum, Director of Libraries, Illinois Wesleyan University, Sheean Library, Bloomington, IL 61702. IWU is an equal opportunity employer. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Washington Hotline, c o n t ’d) to authorize $1 million for library acquisition of foreign periodicals. There was a spontaneous burst of applause from the observing lobbyists, because it was about the first agreement reached on a programmatic difference. That break in the logjam was followed by a trade on title II issues. The Senate agreed to accept the House II-D technology grants, and the House agreed to give up a $75,000 authorization for the evaluation study by the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science of the II-A need criteria for college library grants, although the requirement for the study remained in place. One important title II issue remained: How much of that $10.2 billion cap would title II get as an authorization or ceiling above which funding could not rise, and how would it be divided among title II programs? Dividing up the cap was the last issue decided. The House proposed a package which included $29 million for title I I ĝ The Senate counter-offer had only $20 million. There seemed to be an impasse, and conferees were running out of time since adjournment was scheduled for October 3. Senate conferees, al­ though including solid library supporters such as Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-RI), were reluctant to provide growth room for non-student aid provisions, and par­ ticularly for unfunded programs. House members were just as adamant about the importance of certain non-student aid titles. Finally, the Senate agreed to an additional $25 million for institution- based aid, to be divided up as the House conferees wished. Reps. Charles Hayes (D– IL) and Major Owens (D–NY) insisted that $10 million of that sum be added to the $20 million in the Senate offer for title II. Rep. Ford quickly summarized his colleagues’ consensus, and Ford and Stafford agreed they had a deal. The conference agreement was later agreed to by the full House and Senate, and signed into law (PL 99–498) by the President. So title II was reauthorized at $30 million, divided $10 million for II-A library resources grants targeted to needy colleges, $5 million for II– B training and research, $10 million for II– C major research library grants, and $5 million for II–D technology and cooperation grants. Library program authorizations are above current funding ($7 million) by a higher percentage than almost any other HEA program area. The next challenge for the academic library community is to work HARD for actual funding, especially for the unfunded II–A and II–D. We must work for funding because libraries need it, but also to show our HEA library champions that they did not work for us in vain. Champions w o n ’t remain champions unless constituents thank them and follow it up with hard work on funding. Please be alert to calls for action on this next year.