ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries NEWS No. 3, March 1969 ACRL News Issue (A) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 30, No. 2 Librarians and Faculty Status In September 1968 braries published an article on “Status of Li­ brarians in Four Year State Colleges and Uni­ versities.” The study was based on a question­ naire sent to 321 four-year state colleges and university centers across the United States. The compilation of statistics was based on a 57 per cent return. Status for librarians was equated with that of the academic faculties in regard to rank and titles, promotion criteria, tenure, sab­ batical leave, rates of pay, holidays and vaca­ tions, participation in faculty government, and fringe benefits. The article showed that only 26 of 183 reporting libraries granted full faculty status to their librarians. Since the publication of the article the authors have received many inquiries as to the actual names of the institu­ tions which enjoy full faculty status. The fol­ lowing 24 of 26 institutions were kind enough to authorize us to disclose their names: 1. Colorado State University; Fort Collins, Colo. 2. Eastern Illinois University; Charleston, 111. 3. Illinois State University; Normal, 111. 4. Fort Hays Kansas State College; Hays 2, Kan. 5. Northwestern State College of Louisiana; Natchitoches, La. 6. Moorhead State College; Moorhead, Minn. 7. Winona State College; Winona, Minn. 8. Southeast Missouri State College; Cape Gi­ rardeau, Mo. 9. Southwest Missouri State College; Spring- field, Mo. 10. Glassboro State College; Glassboro, N.J. 11. Newark State College; Union City, N.J. 12. Appalachian State University; Boone, N.C. College and Research Li­ 13. Northwestern State College; Alva, Okla. 14. Millersville State College; Millersville, Pa. 15. Shippensburg State College; Shippensburg, Pa. 16. Westchester State College; Westchester, Pa. 17. Sam Houston State College; Huntsville, Texas 18. University of Houston; Houston, Texas 19. Western Washington State College; Bell­ ingham, Wash. 20. Wisconsin State University; Eau Claire, Wise. 21. Wisconsin State University; LaCrosse, Wise. 22. Stout State University; Menomonie, Wise. 23. Wisconsin State University; Oshkosh, Wise. 24. Wisconsin State University; Stevens Point, Wise. ■ ■ SUNY LIBRARIANS ASSOCIATION BEING FORMED Elected representatives from the various library units of the State University of New York have drafted a constitution and by­ laws for a statewide association of SUNY librarians. The association aims to advance the pro­ fessional status of the librarians in SUNY and to further develop the principles and standards of academic librarianship. The libraries of SUNY range in size and complexity from those of two year com­ munity colleges through university centers and medical schools.