ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 64 Personnel A P P O IN T M E N T S William W. Bell—executive assistant to the acting director—Hofstba University li­ brary, Hempstead, New York. Marsha Bill—serials cataloger—Pennsylvania State University libraries, University Park. James E. Bobick—biological and medical ref­ erence librarian, Sciences Library—Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Donna M. Borchardt—cataloger, Perkins Li­ brary—D uke University, Durham, North Carolina. Thomas C. Brackeen—coordinator of equal op­ portunity office—Library of Congress. Clifton Brock—associate librarian—U niversi­ ty of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Arthur E. Brooks—assistant librarian—Milne College library, Geneseo, New York. Grace Brown—head of circulation—H ofstra U niversity library, Hempstead, New York. Marion Buzzard—foreign language bibliogra­ pher—University of California, Irvine. Dewey E. Carroll—dean, School of Library and Information Sciences—North Texas State U niversity, Denton. Alice H. Estes—reference librarian, Perkins Library—D uke University, Durham, North Carolina. Elizabeth F indly—dean (1973-74), School of Librarianship—U niversity of Oregon, Eu­ gene. Louise H all—acting university librarian— University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. George Hill—fine arts and music librarian— University of California, Irvine. Ann Hinckley—acting reference department head—U niversity of California library, Los Angeles. Deanna N. Howe—reference librarian—Hof­ stra University, Hempstead, New York. Bruce H urlbert—assistant director, James Branch Cabell Library—Virginia Common­ wealth U niversity, Richmond. Janis L. Jordan—assistant librarian for public services—Monterey Institute of F oreign Studies, California. Ronald J. Kirkpatrick—head of library au­ diovisual and photographic service—Univer­ sity of California, Los Angeles. Sylvester E. Klinicke—head of serials—U ni­ versity of California library, Irvine. John D. Lewis, Jr.—assistant director—Bowl­ ing Green State U niversity library, Ohio. Louise Lockwood—associate editor of CHOICE. Murray S. Martin—acting director of libraries —Pennsylvania State University, Uni­ versity Park. Gary L. Menges—assistant director for public services—University of Texas library, Aus­ tin. Roy M. Mersky—head librarian—Hebrew University of Jerusalem. James V. Mink—head of department of special collections—U niversity of California li­ brary, Los Angeles. Ruth McD aniel—cataloger, Perkins Library— D uke University, Durham, North Carolina. Marie Patrucco—assistant editor (Humani­ ties ) of CHOICE. Priscilla S. Peters—catalog librarian—Cali­ fornia State College, Stanislaus. David E. Pownall—acting director of library services—H ofstra U niversity, Hempstead, New York. Karol Richard—university archivist and assist­ ant professor of library administration— U niversity of Oregon, Eugene. Margret E. Rogers—reference librarian, Per­ kins Library—D uke U niversity, Durham, North Carolina. James H. Rollins—head of acquisitions—Uni­ versity of California library, Irvine. Ruth Salisbury—assistant director and li­ brarian—Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Robert L. Sathrum—reference librarian—Cal­ ifornia State College, Stanislaus. Norman J. Shaffer—assistant chief for biblio­ graphic services of the photoduplication ser­ vice—Library of Congress. Joshua I. Smith—associate executive director— American Society for Information Sci­ ence. Virginia Sternberg—executive director— Pittsburgh Regional Library Center, Pennsylvania. Mary E. Templeton—descriptive cataloger, Perkins Library—D uke U niversity, Dur­ ham, North Carolina. Beverly J. Toy—head of cataloging—U niver­ sity of California library, Irvine. Annette Voth—specialist in book selection (Scandinavian)—H arvard College library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Susan Weiss—reference librarian—H ofstra U niversity, Hempstead, New York. Theodore F. Welch—chief of information sys­ tems—United Nations Centre for Region­ al D evelopment, Nagoya, Japan. WHEN IT COMES TO PATIENT CARE, A “GOOD-ENOUGH” CURRENT AWARIT'NSENESS SERVICEGOOD ENOUGH! Practicing physicians need all the help they can get to keep up with new developments in their specialties. But, until now, it’s been dif­ ficult to provide them with a current awareness service that’s comprehensive and timely as well as inexpensive. Starting January 3, 1973 there will be Cur­ rent Contents® / Clinical Practice to solve the problem. Each week, CC®/Clinical Practice will re­ produce the tables of contents from more than 700 of the world’s most important clinical journals (including all journals in the Abridged Index Medicus). That will give you the com­ prehensive coverage you need without increas­ ing your journal budget or complicating your storage situation. For timeliness, CC / CP will alert clinicians to new articles just days after they appear in the original journals. And because CC/CP will contain a Weekly Subject Index, they’ll find articles on specific topics without scanning every contents page. The index even makes C C /C P good for very quick re tro sp e c ­ tive searches. And don’t worry about getting copies of articles from journals you don’t have in your collection. Each issue of CC/CPwill be backed- up by our OATS® service that provides almost- instant tearsheets of any article. Every m edical library will n eed several copies of Current Contents/Clinical Practice: one for the reference shelf and enough for direct routing to each of the key clinical ser­ vices. Use the coupon to get a list of covered journals and in- ©,972 ISI formation on re­ duced multiple- copy rates.