ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1984 / 103 in g fo r a d d itio n a l ones th r o u g h n e w s le tte r s , rials have been obtained and the royalty fees paid. . Most of the articles listed since 1978 in such indexes j­ as Index M edicus, the H .W . W ilson indexes, C IJE , t Engineering Index, and others are available. For 0 further inform ation, w rite the UM I Article C lear­ inghouse, 3 0 0 N. Z eeb R o ad , Ann A rb or, M I s 48106. ­ • T he U n i v e r s i t y o f W i s c o n s i n - S t o u t , Meno- s monie, L ibrary reports that com plete autom ation has resulted in a 10% increase in library use over f the same period a year ago. Bibliographic records ­ were placed into a D ata Phase database as part of ­ the A L IS II softw are package w hich becam e oper­ , ational in January 1983. John J. Jax , assistant dean ­ of learning resources, attributed the increased use ­ to the added ease and efficiency of catalog search­ ­ ing and circulation transactions. ■ ■ journals, users groups, and direct correspondence Libraries or inform ation centers w ith special p ro ects involving m icroco m p u ters should c o n ta c Ching-chih C hen, G S L IS , Simmons College, 30 T h e Fenw ay, Boston, MA 02115. • U n i v e r s i t y M i c r o f i l m s I n t e r n a t i o n a l ha launched an electronic mail order service to re searchers and librarians. Shipment of listed article from more than 7 ,3 0 0 periodicals is guaranteed w ithin 48 hours of the order entry. Hard copies o articles may be ordered electronically through sev eral m ajor com puter com m unications systems in cluding the O C L C Interlibrary Loan Subsystem C LA SS O nT ym e, and I T T D ialcom , w hich sup ports the A LA N ET network. T he system guaran tees th at reproduction rights of copyrighted m ate PUBLICATIONS NOTICES consolidating branches, and the use of autom ation. Single copies m ay be pu rchased for $ 1 5 , w ith checks made payable to the A R L O ffice of M anage­ m ent Studies, from the SP E C C enter, ARL/OMS, 1527 New Hampshire Avenue, N .W ., W ashing­ ton, D C 20036. •The C om pleat Bookm an: A Centennial E xhibi­ tion o f the Work o f D ard Hunter, compiled by R ob ­ ert A. T ibbetts (31 pages, 1983), celebrates the cen­ tennial of the birth of D ard Hunter (1 8 8 3 -1 9 6 6 ), the C hillicothe, Ohio, paperm aker, artist, type- m aker, and printer who founded the M ountain House Press. This pam phlet describes the m aterials of two D ard Hunter exhibits at the libraries of Ohio State University, Columbus, and Ohio University, C hillicothe. Copies may be obtained from Robert A. T ibb etts, C urator, Special C ollections, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue M all, Colum bus, OH 43210. •Current Problem s in Copyright is the them e for the F all 1983 issue of L ib rary Trends, edited by W alter C. Allen and Jerom e K. M iller. Articles in­ clude a view of the Register of Copyrights’ Five- Year Review Report by Nancy M arshall, and an ex­ am ination of fair use under the 1976 Copyright Act by Roger D . Billings, Jr . Single copies may be or­ dered for $6 from the G raduate School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science, Publications O ffice, 249 Armory Building, 503 E . Armory Street, C ham ­ paign, I L 61820. •The Electronic Library: The Promise and the • American Philanthropy, 1 7 3 1 -1 8 6 0 : Printe Works in the Collections o f the American Philosophi­ cal Society, the Historical Society o f Pennsylvania, and the Library Com pany o f Philadelphia, com ­ piled by C ornelia S. King (1984), includes both or­ ganizational m aterial, such as catalogs and annual reports of philanthropic agencies, and inform a­ tional m aterial, such as addresses delivered before these organizations. Arrangement is alphabetical by author of monograph and title of serial, with a full array of cross-references. T he cost is $60 from G arland Publishing, 136 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-8240-9080-2. •Beauty an d the Beasts, by Stephen E . W eil, deputy d irector of the H irshhorn Museum and Sculpture G arden (1983), is a collection of 19 essays and speeches w ritten by W eil since 1971 on devel­ opments in art and the law . T he essays examine the problems of strengthening museum m anagem ent and providing public accountability w ithout com ­ promising museum goals. Copies may be ordered for $ 9 .9 5 paperback, $ 1 9 .9 5 clothcover, from the S m ith son ian In stitu tio n Press, P .O . Box 1 5 7 9 , W ashington, D C 20013. Postage and handling are $ 1 .5 0 . •Branch Libraries in ARL Institutions, SP E C Kit #99 (101 pages, N ovem ber-D ecem ber 1983), re­ views the policies, practices, issues and trends con­ cerning the establishment of branches, closing and d 104 / C&RL News Process, by Kenneth E . Dowlin (212 pages, 1984), points out the importance of electronic informa­ tion storage and retrieval systems in shaping the li­ brary of the immediate future and emphasizes the importance of developing skills needed to organize and ensure free access to information in a techno­ logical environment. The cost is $24.95 (plus ship­ ping and handling) from N eal-Schum an Pu b­ lishers, 23 Cornelia Street, New York, NY 10014. ISBN 0-918212-75-8. •Jo y c e at Texas: Essays on the Jam es J o y c e M ate­ rials at the Humanities Research Center, edited by D ave O liphant and Thom as Zigal (172 pages, 1983), has been published by the Center at the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin in honor of the Joyce cen­ tenary, the University of Texas centennial celebra­ tion, and the 25th anniversary of the Humanities Research Center. The book contains ten essays on various Joyce topics, including “Ulysses on T rial” and “James Joyce’s Trieste L ibrary.” Copies may be ordered for $14.95 from the Harry Ransom Hu­ manities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, P.O . Box 7219, Austin, T X 78712. •Leaders in American A cadem ic Librarianship, 1 9 2 5 -1 9 7 5 , edited by Wayne A. Wiegand (419 pages, 1984), is an anthology of 15 essays on promi­ nent academic librarians which were written by 15 library historians under a grant from the Council on Library Resources. Included are essays on Rob­ ert B. D ow ns, Keyes M e tc a lf, L ou is Round W ilson, R obert Vosper, M aurice T au b er, and Blanche P. McCrum. Copies are available at $50 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E . Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-910230-16-X. •The Message Form at f o r Com puter Based Mes­ sage Systems is a new Federal Information Process­ ing Standard issued by the National Bureau of Standards. The format will facilitate the exchange of electronic messages among different electronic mail systems and was developed by the NBS Insti­ tute for Computer Sciences and Technology. M a­ jor vendors of message systems and services have announced their support of the standard and in some cases have already implemented it. Copies are available for $10 (prepaid) from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. Order by FIPS PUB 98 and title. •Microcomputers: A Planning and Im plem enta­ tion Guide f o r Librarians and Inform ation Profes­ sionals, by Robert A. W alton (96 pages, 1983), de­ scribes the varied hardware and software that would be most useful to library professionals and offers advice on purchasing and maintaining the equipment. Copies may be ordered for $18.50 from Oryx Press, 2214 North Central at Encanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004. ISBN 0-89774-097-1. •Public/Private Cooperation: Funding f o r Small and Em erging Arts Programs (1983) is a new direc­ tory of 453 grants awarded in 1982 by the National Endowment for the Arts Expansion Arts Program and 1,257 other grants awarded by private founda­ tions. The directory was created to improve access February 1984 / 105 to funding sources and to aid in better grantmaking decisions by showing what other grantmakers are doing. Expansion arts emphasize the work of small arts organizations serving many types of communi­ ties, such as those in Appalachia, inner cities, and rural or tribal communities. The book is available for $15 (prepaid) from the Foundation Center, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106. •Complimentary copies of World Communica­ tions: N ew H orizons, N ew H op e, N ew P ow er, edited by Gaston Lionel Franco (368 pages, tab­ loid, 1983), has been distributed to college, univer­ sity, and other institutional members of ALA by six telecommunications companies that served as U.S. sponsors of World Communications Year 1983: A T& T International, Control Data Corporation, G T E , IT T , 3M, and Western Union. Chapters in­ clude “The Origins and Scientific Foundations of Modern Communications” and “The Human D i­ mension in International Goals.” For more infor­ mation, contact Burton R. Wolder, AT& T Inter­ n a tio n a l, P .O . Box 7 0 0 0 , Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. ■ ■ MarchCALENDAR 5 - 6 — Serials: “W ho’s Afraid of Serials?”, the an nual Librarians’ Association Conference, Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This is preview of an ALA Preconference planned fo Dallas in the summer. Fee: $20 for members $25 for non-members, $10 for library student and retired librarians. Contact: Marcia Tuttle Serials Department, W alter R. Davis Librar 080-A , UN C-Chapel H ill, Chapel H ill, N 27514; (919) 962-1067. 1 6 -1 7 — Instruction: “Bibliographic Instruction o the Earlham Model,” a workshop to be held a W hittier College, California. Featured speake will be Evan F arber, Earlham College. Contact: Philip O ’Brien, Librarian, W hittier College W hittier, CA 90608; (213) 693-0771. 17— User Surveys: Conducting library use or use surveys is the topic of a conference sponsored b the University of Iowa School of Library Scienc at the Iowa Memorial Union, Iowa City. Georg D ’E lia is the featured speaker. Fee: $25. Con tact: Ethel Bloesch, School of Library Science University of Iowa, 3087 Library, Iowa City, I 52242; (319) 353-3644. 21— Microcomputers: “Micro Update, 1984,” a ASIS Spring Information Seminar sponsored b the M etropolitan New York C hapter of th American Society for Information Science, a the Roosevelt Hotel, New York. Contact: Caro Tschudi, New York Power Authority, New Yor City; (914) 681-6363. April 1 0 -1 2 — New Technology: Fifth National Onlin ­ ­ a r , s , y C n t r , r y e e ­ , A n y e t l k e Meeting, sponsored by Learned Inform ation, In c., at the Sheraton Centre Hotel, New York. Presented papers, product review sessions, and exhibits are the three main events. Contact: Na­ tional Online Meeting, Learned Information, In c., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055; (609) 654-6266. 13— Leigh Hunt: The University of Iowa, Iowa City, will celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Leigh Hunt (1 7 8 4-1859), English man-of- letters, with a symposium on his life and times. The meeting will include talks by Richard D. Al- tick, Carl Woodring, David H. Stam, and oth­ ers. Contact: Robert A. McCown, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 353- 4854. 1 5 -1 7 — New Technology: “Telecommunications: ¿Se Habla Espanol? The University of Arizona’s Graduate L i­ brary School is now updating its 1981 publica­ tion, Quién es Quién: A W h o ’s W ho o f Spanish- H eritage Librarians in the United States. The volume will identify Spanish-speaking librari­ ans in the United States and will provide data on education, work experience, publications, awards, and Spanish language skills for all those listed. The editor, Arnulfo D. T rejo, encourages anyone who qualifies or knows of a librarian who qualifies to write him at the University of Arizona, Graduate Library School, 1515 E . First St., Tucson, AZ 85721; (602) 626-3565.