ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 108 / C &RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS ( BIBLIOGRAPHIC QUALITY CONTROL Organize L ca I rd B cat R al A og R an I d A othe N r manual records for data entry in a retrospective con­ version project. Establish work flow and suggest policy for the conversion project. Insure that national and local standards are followed by vendors. Solve problems arising from project. Maintain documentation on the project and the resulting bibliographic data base. Ongoing responsibility for maintaining machine-readable bibliographic records ac­ cording to established standards. Perform original and copy cataloging o f various kinds o f library material and some authority work. Must be willing to work flexible hours, e.g. nights and weekends, if necessary. • Demonstrated professional level experi­ ence with AACR2 and MARC formats and LCSH required. • Experience with retrospective conversion projects and with bibliographic utilities such as RLIN, OCLC, WLN, etc. strongly preferred. • Knowledge o f national cataloging stand­ ards essential. • Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. • Knowledge o f one or more major foreign scientific languages helpful. • M .L .S. degree from an A .L.A . accredited library school or the equivalent combin­ ation o f education and experience. • U .S . Citizenship required. Monthly salary range for fully qualified can­ didates is from $1960 to $3140. The Los Alamos National Laboratory is one o f the largest multidisciplinary, multipro­ gram national laboratories in the United States and is internationally recognized as one o f the most prestigious scientific institu­ tions in the world. Its libraries have extensive collections in the physical, engineering and biomedical sciences and offer a wide range of services to the Laboratory community. The Laboratory offers an excellent benefits plan to include 24 days o f vacation per year. Send resume in confidence to: Elmer Salazar D IV -8 4 -L Personnel Administration Division Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545 L U niversity of C ali A forn a o s i l a m o s Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 An Affirm ative Action/Equal Opportunity Em ployer Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Search reopened) Duties will include general reference service, bibliographic instruction, on­ line bibliographic searching, and materials selection. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited graduate school and ability to interact effec­ tively with all library users. Ability and interest in online searching and some experience in academic library reference service and instruc­ tion desirable. Some night and weekend hours necessary. Twelve­ month appointment, rank of lecturer (non-tenure track). Usual fringe benefits including 23 days annual leave. Beginning salary range: $ 14,400—$14,700. Apply with current resume including names of at least three references, to: Eugene W. Huguelet, Director of Library S ervices, R andall L ib ra ry , U n ive rsity of N orth C a ro lin a at Wilmington, 601 South College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403-3297. For further information related to the position, call Director of Library Services, (919) 791-4330, ext. 2271. Applications will be accepted through March 15, 1984. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of Evansville is seeking a librarian to coordinate and participate in an active bibliographic instruction program. Responsibilities include planning and developing the instruction program, presenting class­ room and workshop lectures, conducting and coordinating online searches, and providing reference service (nights and weekends in­ cluded). Good communication skills, the ability to work effectively with faculty and colleagues, and teaching and administrative talent are essential. A background in science and experience in online searching is highly desirable. The position requires the MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and an energetic commitment to ser­ vice. The University of Evansville is an independent, coeducational, Methodist-affiliated institution located in a metropolitan area of south­ western Indiana. Enrollment numbers 5,000 full- and part-time stu­ dents. The library’s collections total over 300,000 items. Faculty rank will be based upon qualifications. Salary is $14,000-$16,000. The application deadline is March 31, 1984, with the position available June 1 ‚ 1984. Send application, resume, and three current letters of February 1984 / 109 reference, to: Grady Morein, University Librarian, P.O. Box 329, Uni­ versity of Evansville, Evansville, IN 47702; (812) 479-2376. The Uni­ versity of Evansville is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AND SOUTH ASIAN LANGUAGES. The University of Arizona Library is seeking an experienced professional catalog librarian to be responsible for the original cataloging of m onographs and serials in Near Eastern and South Asian languages (primarily Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, and Per­ sian). The majority of the South Asian language materials are cata­ loged on OCLC. The Near Eastern language materials are cataloged manually using both printed cards and original cataloging. Other cataloging responsibilities include supervising the copy cataloging by student assistants for these languages; serving on a catalog infor­ mation desk; active participation in establishing policies and proce­ dures for the Catalog Department; participation in planning for an online catalog. Requirements include: ALA-accredited library de­ gree; working experience with AACR2, LC classification and LCSH; experience with OCLC or a similar utility, ability to transliterate using LC romanization tables. Primary language skills should be Arabic, Hindi and Urdu. Ability to catalog materials in Persian and Pushto is also desired. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona Li­ brary are academ ic professionals with voting faculty status, have 12 month appointments, earn 22 vacation days a year, 12 days of sick leave, and have a standard package of holidays and other fringe benefits. The salary range is $16,500-$22,000, depending on quali­ fications. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three ref­ erences by 30 March 1984 to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Search extended. Responsible for original cataloging of m onographic materials, including specialized and non-book materials. Descriptive and subject cataloging and Library of Congress classification, using most current AACR rules. Format­ ting and MARC tagging copy for input into the Washington Library Network. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Desirable: experience in working LC classification and subject headings, MARC tagging, AACR2, Western and Cyrillic languages, nonprint and specialized materials, and experience with library networking and bibliographic utilities (preferably WLN). Position currently vacant. Rank: Librarian 2, faculty status. Salary: beginning professional salary is $17,200. TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program , 22 days annual leave and 12 days sick leave per year. Send letter of application, resume and three original letters of reference to: Allene F. Schnaitter, Director of Li­ braries, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Deadline for receipt of applications is March 30, 1984. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG ER. Position available at Cleveland State University for experienced librarian. Responsibilities: original cataloging and clas­ sifying of m onographs, primarily in science and technology; assign­ ing of classification and numbers and subject headings; tagging cat­ aloging data for input to OCLC; verifying and preparing authority records and some catalog maintenance; some possible supervisory responsibilities. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; three years of professional cataloging experience in an academ ic or re­ search library; experience with AACR2, LC classification, L C or NLM Subject Headings, original cataloging, MARC tagging, and the O CLC or other catalo gin g systems. Preferred: two fore ign lan­ guages of bibliographic importance, academ ic background or cata­ loging experience in science and technology. Salary: $17,500 + , dependent upon qualifications. Submit resumes and names and ad­ dresses of three references by March 7,1984 , to: Billie Joy Reinhart, Chairperson of Search Committee, University Libraries, Cleveland State University, 1983 E. 24th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115. Equal opportunity employer, M/F/H. CO LLECTION DEVELOPM ENT LIBRARIAN. University of Arkan sas at Little Rock. Responsible for selection of all formats of materials to support curricula; coordination of selector activity; coordination of planning and analysis of collection developm ent and collection man­ agement policies and procedures. Participates in budget allocation; collection evaluation; use and user studies; policies and decisions regarding storage, weed, conservation, and serials management. Some night and weekend work should be expected. Prefer strong academ ic background in history; archival experience; serials m an­ agement; dem onstrated skill at oral and written communications; and ability to work effectively with all levels of library employees, do­ n ors, p a tro n s , a n d fa c u lty m e m b e rs . R e q u ire m e n ts in c lu d e CONSULTANT RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR Colorado State Library Colorado State Library seeks an enthusiastic, motivated and bright librarian for the position of Consultant Resource Development Coordinator. Facilitates cooperative collection development among resource li­ braries in Colorado. Provides consultation and/or coordination in collection development methodology and applications, conservation of resources, disaster preparedness, and intellectual freedom for Colo­ rado’s seven regional multi-type systems and the library community at large. Works in a team approach to general library development. Acts as general liaison to special and post-secondary libraries. Minimum qualifications: willingness and ability to acquire in the position knowledge and experience in all areas of job responsibility; ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; media master’s degree; three years profes­ sional library experience after the required educational training; demonstrated skills in leadership, interper­ sonal relations, oral and written communication; willingness to travel. Preferred qualifications: Knowledge of or experience in one or more of the following: collection development, preservation/conservation, disas­ er preparedness, library development, intellectual freedom, and post-secondary and/or special libraries. Send letter of application and three letters of reference, all of which specifically address the applicant’s bility to meet the minimum and preferred qualifications, as well as the resume, to: Personnel Office, olorado Department of Education, 303 W. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80204; (303) 534-8871. Con act same address for full description of position. Starting salary range $17,864-$25,213, dependent upon ducation and experience. EOE. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. on March 5 ,1 9 8 4 . t a C t e 110 / C&RL News ALA/M LS and three years of post-MLS reference or collection devel­ opm ent experience with upper-level academ ic materials and ser­ vices. Minimum salary $20,000. The position is open now. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe bene­ fits including up to 6% -m atched TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references (with their current titles, addresses, and phone numbers) who have observed human relationships and pro­ fessional abilities, to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair of Recruitment Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA employer. C O O R D IN A TO R OF IN FO R M A TIO N SERVICES. DePauw Uni­ versity, an undergraduate liberal arts college, is seeking an innova­ tive librarian to expand reference and outreach information services (search extended). Manages reference departm ent and coordinates the information specialist program where librarians work with aca­ dem ic departm ents on selection and user instruction. Required: an ALA/M LS, substantial professional experience ( + 5 years) in public/ information services; proven reference and supervisory capability, strong interpersonal skills, com petence in planning information ser­ vices, and online search experience. Salary: $22,000. Position avail­ able June 1,1984 , and offers faculty rank and status. A p ply to: Jana Bradley, Director of Libraries, Box 137, DePauw University, Green- castle, IN 46135. Deadline: March 1, 1984. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. D O CU M ENTS LIBR ARIAN . Position available September 1,1984. Responsible for m anaging governm ent docum ents unit within the Technical Services Division. Responsibilities include acquisition, processing, cataloging of documents, including non-U.S., and U.S., and W ashington State depository documents. Supervise staff of two. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and substantial experience in the cataloging and processing of serials and documents. Desirable: ex­ perience in processing U.S. depository docum ents and microforms; experience in using the Library of Congress classes and subject headings, MARC tags, and a bibliographic utility, preferably WLN, and in supervising a library unit. Rank and salary com m ensurate with q u a lific a tio n s and e x p e rie n c e . (M in im u m p ro fe ssio n a l salary: $17,000). TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program , 22 days annual leave and 12 days sick leave per year. Send letter of application, re­ sume, and three original letters of reference, to: Allene F. Schnaitter, Director of Libraries, W ashington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Deadline for receipt of applications is March 30, 1984. W ashington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. E D U C A TIO N A L RESOURCES LIBRARIANS (2). Ball State Uni versity. Senior position responsible for supervising acquisition, cata­ loging, and physical processing of non-print materials, and for policy making and staff training. Both positions responsible for descriptive and subject cataloging of all non-print formats using AACR2 rules and OCLC/MARC formats and Library of Congress subject head­ ings and practice; cataloging revision of technical cataloging assis­ tants; planning, development, and evaluation within the Educational Resources Technical Services area. Requirements: senior position requires two years’ cataloging experience at least one of which is in cataloging of varied A/V formats, and a minimum of one year’s su­ pervisory experience with full-time regular staff. Second position re­ quires one year’s experience in either A/V or m onographic catalog­ ing. Both p o sitio n s re q u ire the MLS from an A L A -a c c re d ite d program or its equivalent in instructional materials, media, technol­ ogy, etc. Desire evidence of strong com m itm ents to and potential for scholarly and professional achievement. Academ ic year salary and appointm ent with possibility of additional summer appointment. G ood fringe benefits. Possible faculty rank and status with tenure track appointm ent with second m aster’s degree. Negotiable salary: $16,000 minimum for senior position; $14,000 minimum for second position. Applications should state which position is sought and must be postm arked no later than February 29, 1984. Send resume and list of references to: Nyal Williams, Chairperson, Departm ent of Li­ brary Service, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Ball State Uni­ versity practices equal opportunity in education and em ployment. ENGINEERING SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Faculty position in the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University. Primary respon­ sibility for reference service in the physical and life sciences and col­ lection developm ent in engineering. Also responsible for library use instruction, online database searching and some supervision of cleri­ cal and student em ployees. Qualifications include an undergraduate degree or equivalent in engineering, MLS from an ALA-accredited school and a working know ledge of reference sources in the physi­ cal and life sciences. Twelve-month appointm ent with twenty-two days vacation and additional professional developm ent time. Salary from $16,500 dep ending on qualifications. Candidate must be will­ ing to maintain in the highest standards of honor, integrity, and m o­ rality as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee. Send re­ sume and names of three references to: Randy Olsen, Assistant Uni­ versity Librarian, 3080 HBLL, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. Deadline for applications is February 29, 1984. G O VERN M ENT D O C U M ENTS/R EFERENC E LIBRARIAN. Re sponsible for selective depository of state and federal documents, instruction, and general library reference including some evenings and weekends. ALA approved MLS, training and professional expe­ rience in documents, general reference, bibliographic instruction and effective interpersonal com m unication skills are required. Expe­ rience with automated systems and additional academ ic prepara­ tion are desirable. Tenure track, 12 month appointm ent. Salary mini- m u m s: In s tru c to r, $ 1 7 ,7 8 7 ; A s s is ta n t P ro fe s s o r, $ 2 2 ,4 8 5 ; dependent on qualifications. Available July 1,1984. A p ply by March 15, 1984, to: Darrel M. Meinke, Dean of Instructional Resources, M oorhead State University, Moorhead, MN 56560. An equal o p p o r­ tunity employer. HEAD OF TEC H N IC A L SERVICES. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Administers overall operations of collection development, cat­ aloging, and physical processing. Responsible for coordination of bibliographic files throughout the library. Some night and weekend EDITOR/PUBLISHER Choice Editor and Publisher for the Choice magazine and related products. Has overall responsibility for editorial, production, financial, marketing, advertis­ ing, prom otion, and d istrib ution activities for Choice, Reviews-on-cards, and other publications and services produced by Choice. Manages a staff of 20 and a budget of $1 million. Choice is a book and non-print reviewing journal targeted at college and university libraries, and is lo­ cated in M iddletown, Connecticut. The Editor- /Publisher is responsible to the Executive Director of ACRL, a division of the American Library Associ­ ation, located in Chicago. Position qualifications: demonstrated com pe­ tence in management and administration; knowl­ edge of higher education in North America -d e vel­ opments and trends in academic program s-and the role of the academic library in the college and university; knowledge of publishing, particularly journal publishing-editorial aspects, production, marketing, advertising, distribution, and copyright; knowledge of academic librarianship and collection management issues and challenges; a high level of energy and stamina; knowledge of data processing and computers, and how this technology can be used in publishing; ability to meet deadlines and a budget. Evidence of qualifications may consist in part of a degree in librarianship or business administration, degrees in other disciplines, and relevant experi­ ence. Position available late July, 1984. Salary range: $30,400-$45,600; 22 days vacation; TIAA-CREF. Send resume and the names and addresses of three references by March 1 5 ,1 9 84 , to: Executive Director—Choice Search ACRL/ALA 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. February 1984 / 111 work should be expected. Qualifications include understanding of autom ated library systems; thorough know ledge of cataloging poli­ cies and procedures; dem onstrated ability to plan and im plem ent im proved program s; dem onstrated abilities in m anagement; ability and willingness to com m unicate effectively and work well with all lev­ els of em ployees; stable em ploym ent background. An innovative li­ brarian with analytical skills is highly desirable. Requirements in­ clude ALA/M LS and five years of relevant post-MLS experience. Minimum salary $25,000. The position is open now. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe bene­ fits including up to 6% -m atched TIAA/CREF. Send resume and names of three references (with their current titles, addresses, and phone numbers) who have observed human relationships and pro­ fessional abilities, to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair of Recruitment Committee, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. An EEO/AA employer. HEAD, REFERENCE D E PA R TM EN T. Hagerty Library at Drexel University. Position is available immediately. The requirements for this position are a m aster’s in library science and several years of professional e xp e rie n ce in reference w ork in c lu d in g database searching, with at least two years of adm inistrative/supervisory re­ sponsibilities. The reference departm ent consists of six other profes­ sional librarians, eight clerical assistants, two library assistants, plus part-time staff. The responsibilities of the job include supervision and leadership of professional staff—four subject specialists in the fields of humanities and social sciences, home econom ics, business ad­ ministration, library and information science, plus two general refer­ ence librarians; selection of reference materials; and supervisory general reference desk duties, interlibrary loan and other pertinent routines. The Departm ent Head is a m em ber of the Library Adm inis­ trative Council and reports directly to the d ire cto r’s office. The start­ ing salary is $21,000/year with academ ic status, retirement and ill­ ness benefits. A h ig h e r salary m ay be available d e p e n d e n t on NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Three Positions Assistant Director for Public Services. Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Assistant Director for Public Services. MLS from an accredited library school, a second master’s or doctorate, and a minimum of five years of successful professional experience of increasing responsibility in an academic or research library required. Applicants must have a record of publication and professional involvement supporting a senior level appointment in a tenure track. Experience in super­ vising more than one public services area and with public relations and with computer applications in public service preferred. Applicants must demonstrate administrative ability, strong leadership qualities, and communication skills. Responsibilities include: administration of general reference service, computer refer­ ence service, circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, bibliographic instruction and government publications for a university library of more than one million volumes, serving 25,000 students and 1,200 faculty; direc­ tion of staff of 11.5 librarians and 21 support staff; consultation with administrative staff to engage in long- range planning and to establish and carry out policies and procedures for all public services. $32,000 mini­ mum for a twelve month contract; Illinois Retirement System; 24 vacation days. Send resume, placement file, official transcripts, and thee current letters of recommendation by April 1, 1984, to: Theodore F. Welch, Director, Northern Illinois University Libraries, DeKalb, IL 60115. Assistant Director for Technical Services. Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Assistant Director for Technical Services. MLS from an accredited library school, a second master’s or doctorate, and a minimum of five years of successful professional experience of in­ creasing responsibility in an academic or research library required. Applicants must have a record of publi­ cation and professional involvement supporting a senior level appointment in a tenure track. Experience in supervising more than one technical services area preferred. Experience with computer applications in technical services and collection development experience required. Applicants must demonstrate admin­ istrative ability, strong leadership qualities, interpersonal and communication skills. Responsibilities in­ clude: administration of acquisitions, cataloging and serials for a university library of over one million vol­ umes, serving 25,000 students and 1,200 faculty; direction of staff of 11 librarians and 45 support staff; consultation with administrative staff to establish and carry out policies and procedures for all technical services. $32,000 minimum for twelve month contract; Illinois Retirement System, 24 vacation days. Send resume, placement file, official transcripts, and three current letters of recommendation by March 15, 1984, to: Theodore F. Welch, Director, Northern Illinois University Libraries, DeKalb, IL 60115. Systems Development Librarian. Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of Systems Development Librarian. MLS from an accredited library school and a second master’s or completion of 30 hours beyond the MLS required. Experience in an academic or research library in comprehensive systems planning and analysis, and automated systems development required; familiarity with national trends and strengths and weaknesses of specific applications of computer hardware and soft­ ware in the academic environment. Responsibilities include: coordinating the planning and implementa­ tion of automation projects throughout the library; studying existing manual systems and assessing the viability of current automation activities in acquisitions, cataloging, circulation and interlibrary loan, to lead to the implementation of an automated integrated library system. $25,000 minimum for a twelve month contract; Illinois Retirement System; one month vacation; faculty status and rank. Send resume, placement file, official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation by March 15,1 9 84 , to: John Tyson, Assis­ tant to the Director, Northern Illinois University Libraries, DeKalb, IL 60115. 112 / C&RL News qualifications. Interested persons should address their correspon­ dence to: Lucille R. Jones, Head of Administrative Services, Drexel University Library, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Deadline for applica­ tions: February 28, 1984. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MONOGRAPH ORIGINAL CATALOG ER. University of Georgia Entry level position. (Salary minimum $14,800). Search reopened. Duties: responsible to the Head of the M onograph Original Catalog­ ing Section of the Cataloging Department for perform ing original cat­ aloging of m onographic materials in all subjects and languages in­ cluding the sciences. The Cataloging Department, com prised of 30 staff m embers, catalogs over 47,000 books, serials, m icroform s and nonprint materials yearly. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; strong interest in academ ic librarianship; knowledge of AACR, AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings; ability to work with broad range of subjects and languages; good oral and written com m unication skills; ability to establish and maintain effec­ tive working relationships; knowledge of OCLC cataloging prefer­ red; know ledge of other automated systems applicable to libraries desired; background in sciences desired. Application procedure: send letter of application by March 16, 1984, including resume and names of three references, to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable appli­ cants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. REFERENCE DEPARTM ENT HEAD. University of Georgia, Main Library. (Salary: minimum $25,000). Duties: responsible to the Assis­ tant Director for Public Services for adm inistering the Main Library Reference Department (social sciences and humanities) and coordi­ nating its activities with other departments. The Department provides reference, instructional, and referral services on an individual basis; conducts formal library instruction through general tours and spe­ cialized presentations; prepares bibliographies and guides; per­ forms com puterized database searches; and develops a strong, via­ ble reference collection (currently approxim ately 20,000 volumes). The Head supervises the Assistant Head, Coordinator of Biblio­ graphic Instruction, Coordinator of Online Services, 8 reference li­ brarians, 3 support staff, and student assistants. Qualifications: mas­ te r’s degree from ALA-accredited library school; minimum three years of relevant reference experience in a large academ ic or re­ search library; extensive working know ledge of reference and blio- graphic sources in social sciences and humanities; demonstrated supervisory ability; bibliographic instruction experience; knowledge of com puterized database searching; effective oral and written com ­ m unication skills; ability to work effectively with colleagues, students, and faculty. Application procedure: send letter of application by March 16, 1984, including resume and names of three references, to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. REFER EN CE/INSTRUC TIO N LIBRARIAN. Provides reference service, online searching, instruction, and assists in collection devel­ opment. MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Second m aster’s degree desired (progress toward a second master's required for ten­ ure). Academ ic background or library experience in Social Sciences (especially Business), Sciences, Health Sciences or Engineering preferred. Minimum of three years experience in academ ic library reference services including bibliographic searching and instruc­ tion. Collection Development experience desired. Ability to com m u­ nicate effectively in oral and written presentations and planning and supervisory skills essential. Tenure-track position. Candidate will be expected to meet library and university criteria in research, publica­ tion, service for promotion and tenure. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications. Minimum $17,000. Ten month contract, TIAA- CREF, excellent fringes. Deadline (postmark) for letter of application, resume and names of three references: March 15, 1984. Starting date: August 15, 1984. Submit to: Suzanne O. Frankie, Dean of the Library, Oakland University Library, Rochester, Ml 48063. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /C O M M U N IC A T IO N & L E IS U R E STU D IES SUBJECT SPEC IA LIST. (Search extended). Responsi­ bilities include reference service; com puter literature searching; ori­ entation and instruction; collection development; faculty liaison. Qualifications: ALA/MLS; dem onstrated com m unication skills, de­ gree (preferably graduate) in a behavioral science relevant to com ­ munication, journalism/telecomm unication, or leisure studies. Pref­ e re n c e will also be g ive n to c a n d id a te s with tra in in g a n d /o r experience in reference, com puter literature searching, library in­ struction or collection development. Salary: from $16,300, depen­ dent on qualifications. Send statement of qualifications, current re­ sume, and names, addresses and telephone num bers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Hayden Library, Arizona State Uni­ versity, Tempe, AZ 85287, by March 15,1984 (postmark accepted). Minorities are encouraged to apply. ASU is a com mitted equal op ­ portunity, affirmative action employer. REFER EN CE L IB R A R IA N /IN F O R M A T IO N S P E C IA L IS T . De Pauw University, an undergraduate liberal arts college, is seeking an innovative librarian to expand reference and outreach information services (search extended). Responsibilities include reference, on­ line searching, collection development, and user instruction. Re­ quired: an ALA/MLS, reference experience in an academ ic library, online searching and com m unication skills. A second master's de ­ gree or a subject speciality is highly desirable. Salary: $16,000. Posi­ tion is available June 1,1984, and offers faculty rank and status. A p ­ ply to: Jana Bradley, D irector of Libraries, Box 137, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Deadline: March 1, 1984. An af­ firmative action, equal opportunity employer. SC IE N C E REFER EN CE L IB R A R IA N /S U B J E C T S P E C IA L IS T FOR M A TH EM A TIC S , PH YSIC S, AND A S TR O N O M Y. (Search extended). Responsibilities include reference service; online litera­ ture searching; orientation and instruction; collection development; faculty liaison. Qualifications: ALA/M LS or foreign equivalent; strong background in science (academic training and/or experience); dem ­ onstrated com m unication skills. Preferred: undergraduate or gradu­ ate degree in mathematics or physics; experience in reference and collection development; training in and/or experience with Lock­ heed, BRS, SDC. Salary: from $16,300, dependent on qualifications. Send statement of qualifications, current resume, and names, ad ­ dresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Con­ stance Corey, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, by March 15, 1984 (postmark accepted). Minorities are en­ couraged to apply. ASU is a com mitted equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. SERIALS/R EFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Nevada, Reno seeks energetic, innovative librarian for split assignment: half-time Head of Serials Departm ent and half-time m em ber of professional staff of Reference Department. Serials responsibilities include super­ vision of three library assistants, serials collection development, planning and some public service. Reference responsibilities in­ clude assisting library users, instructional activities and selection of reference materials. Graduate library degree from ALA-accredited school and appropriate experience with serials and/or reference, preferably in an academ ic or research library. Strong com m unica­ tion skills and supervisory skills. Faculty status requires that librarians meet faculty standards for appointm ent, prom otion and tenure. Sal­ ary $17,135 to $25,101, dep ending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Tw elve-m onth appointm ent. TIAA/CREF, 24 days annual leave. Open July 1, 1984. Mountains, desert, lakes, five hours from San Francisco by car. Send resume and names and addresses of three references by March 15,1984, to: Ruth H. Donovan, Associate Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Reno Library, Reno, NV 89557. An AA/EO employer. TECHN IC AL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Participates with the Head of Technical Services in developing goals and procedures for acqui­ sition and cataloging operations; performs original cataloging of print and non-print materials; oversees reclassification and retro­ spective conversion projects; supervises catalog maintenance, in­ cluding authority work. Qualifications: an ALA-accredited MLS; 2 -4 years of te c h n ic a l se rvice s e x p e rie n c e ; k n o w le d g e of OCLC, AACR2, LC classification and subject headings; ability to work with foreign language materials. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Send resume and names of 3 references by March 9, to: Phyllis Cutler, College Librarian, Williams College Library, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO,AA employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS. This position is responsible to the University Librarian for the planning, development and installation of an integrated library system serving all libraries within the Tufts University Library system. These include Wessell Library (Arts and Sciences), the Ginn Library of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the Health Sciences Library. With the advice and assistance of the principal librarians, library and faculty advisory committees, the appointee will continue planning for installation of the system, vendor relations, and the development of systematic plans for staged introduction of the various sub-systems in multiple locations. At an appropriate time service will be extended to various non-library locations. Because the University operates on two major campuses and, plans to extend service to a large number of teaching hospitals in the future, the use of electronic communication systems will play a large role in this development. Tufts University is a member of the Boston Library Consortium and system developments will be designed to enhance cooperation with its member libraries. Applicants should possess an MLS or its equivalent in library or information science, experience in system management and a sound knowledge of library requirements in automation. Experience in system development is required as is managerial experience, showing increasing responsibility over five years. Appointment will be made at a rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Salary $35,000-$45,000. Tufts librarians are expected to participate in professional associations and to be interested in research and development. Advancement in rank is dependent on the demonstration of outstanding professional ability. Send application, resume and the names and addresses of three referees to: Murray S. Martin, University Librarian, Wessell Library, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, before February 29, 1984. Tufts University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN with responsibility for coordinating related technical services functions. Requires MLS with experience in cataloging books and AV using LC classification and AACR2; a knowledge of automated cataloging procedures; evidence of organizational ability; demonstrated supervisory ability; and excellent interpersonal skills. Deadline March 15, 1984. Salary $19,000 entry level. Contact: Betty Funderburke, Central Piedmont Community College, P.O. Box 35009, Charlotte, NC 28235; (704) 373-6631. CATALOGER: responsible for original cataloging and tagging of book, score, and non-book materials in assigned areas including music. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum one year cataloging experience; reading knowledge of one foreign language; working knowledge of AACRl/2, LC classification, and LCSH; OCLC experience; music background or experience in music cataloging; ability to work well with others. Salary minimum $18,000. Assistant professor rank. 12-month tenure-track appointment. Position begins July 1, 1984. Application deadline: March 1, 1984. Send resume and names of three references to: Gail J. Junion, Coordinator, Cataloging Department, Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Position available for Director of library at a private college which offers a four-year professional degree program to approximately 1,800 students. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; five years of library experience with evidence of administrative responsibility; knowledge of current developments in library automation and resource sharing; strong leadership and management skills, with ability to establish and maintain effective public and professional relationships. Additional degree in another academic field is highly desirable. Responsibilities: directing long and short term planning, fiscal management of budget; supervision of five professional librarians and twelve support staff. The Director reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Salary: commensurate with qualifications, experience and academic rank (assistant or associate professor) the range being $26,700-$31,500. Application procedure: send nomination or resume along with three professional references by March 30, 1984, to: Iftikhar H. Bhatti, Chairman of Search Committee, Palmer College of Chiropractic, 1000 Brady Street, Davenport, IA 52803. (319) 324-1611, ext. 282 or 251. Palmer College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEALTH SCIENCES NETWORK LIBRARIAN. Responsible to the Associate University Librarian for Systems for the development of aspects of that system relating to the special needs of the Health Sciences, particularly enhancements of the Serials Access sub-system and the Health Sciences library network. In association with the Director of the Health Sciences Library, this librarian will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the integrated library system in the Health Sciences Library and, through the Local Area Network, for services to the Health Sciences Campus. The position will coordinate the introduction of access to other information systems and be responsible for the maintenance of the Document Center with the object of facilitating the transmission of electronic information. The position requires a degree in Library or Information Science, familiarity with the information needs of the Health Sciences, experience in the operation of library computer systems and general familiarity with library procedures and requirements. Demonstrated ability to work with faculty members and administration is required. Formal education in some area of medical communication or a general scientific background will be an added recommendation. Librarians at Tufts are expected to participate in professional associations and to be interested in research and development. Appointment will be made at a rank and salary appropriate to qualifications and experience. Salary $30,000. Advancement in rank is dependent on the demonstration of outstanding professional ability. Send application, resume and the names and addresses of three referees to: Murray S. Martin, University Librarian, Wessell Library, Tufts University, Meford, MA 02155, before February 29, 1984. Tufts University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. NESBITT AND EVENING COLLEGES LIBRARIAN in the Hagerty Library of Drexel University. The requirements for this position are master’s degree in library science, at least 2 years’ professional experience in reference work including database searching, and an acceptable subject background or interest. The Nesbitt and Evening Colleges librarian works closely with the faculty and students of the colleges. Reference work, bibliographic assistance, and book selection in the field of art, architecture, education, design, psychology, and human behavior and development form the principal responsibilities of the position. The starting salary is $15,000 per year with academic status, retirement and illness benefits. A higher salary may be available depending on qualifications. Deadline for applications is March 15. Interested persons should address their correspondence to: Lucille R. Jones, Head of Administrative Services, Drexel University Library, Philadelphia, PA 19104. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. G e rm a n h is t o r y r e c o n s t r u c t e d . . . FILES OF THE NATIONAL-SOCIALIST PARTY CHANCELLERY Edited by the Institut für Zeitgeschichte The Partei-Kanzlei, until 1941 the alternate headquarters of the Führer, was not only Hitler’s relay station for the admin­ istration of the Party, its influence extended to national and other social institutions. The files of the Partei-Kanzlei have been reconstructed from copies of correspondence, min­ utes, memoranda, and other documents scattered through German and foreign archives and lost until now. The micro­ fiche edition of the complete collection—some 300,000 pages—makes accessible an invaluable tool for historical research. 89 fic h e a n d three volumes available. 720 silver halide fíche, 4 register volumes and 2 index v o lu m es.............................................................. $3550 SITUATION REPORTS ( 1 9 2 0 —1 9 2 9 ) AND DISPATCHES ( 1 9 2 9 —1 9 3 3 ) A specially reconstructed section of the most essential files of weekly reports and topical dispatches from the govern­ ment agency incorporated into the GESTAPO in the spring of 1933. These documents analyzed collective attempts to overthrow the Weimar Constitution by groups on the right and the left—in particular the KPD or German Communist Party and its allied organizations. An important tool, organized by topic and political organization, for research on the political situation during the turbulent period of Hitler’s rise to national power. 400 silver halide fiche (24X) and printed g u id e ........... $ 7 50 For more information about these and other Saur publications, please contact Walter Jaffe. K.G. Saur Inc. 175 Fifth Avenue N.Y..N.Y. 10010 212 982-1302 Just published...The 1984 guide to over 9,000 active publishers... Publishers Directory ...A Guide to New and Established Commercial and Nonprofit, Private and Alternative, Corporate and Association, Government and Institution Publishing Programs and Their Distributors. 5th edition. Edited by Linda S. Hubbard. (Formerly Book Publishers Directory but now expanded to include selected publishers of classroom materials, reports, databases, software, maps, calendars, cards, prints, etc.) 1,630 pages in 2 vols. $225.00/set. Inter-edition supplement, $ 135.00. The new PD provides complete profiles on some 9,300 U.S. and Canadian publishers: name, address, phone number, year founded, principal officers and managers, number of titles per year, representative titles, description, discount schedules, returns policies, and much more. New edition covers 122 distributors and wholesalers...and identifies defunct publishers. Index of publishers, imprints, and distributors includes publishers in Literary Market Place (note that PD does not duplicate coverage in IMP). Also includes subject index using 275 terms and geographic index. Available on Standing Order at 5% discount. All Gale books are sent on 60-day approval. Deduct 5% if you send check with order. Customers outside the U.S. and Canada add 10%. GALE R esearch Co. Book Tower • Detroit, MI 48226 To order by phone: 800-521-0707 tollfree. In Canada, M ichigan, Alaska, and Hawaii: 3 1 3 - 961- 2242. U M I Article Clearinghouse H ere we are, in the midst of the Age of Inform ation, and everybody wants some. Econom ically. Quickly. W ith ­ out a hassle. And here we are, at University Microfilms International, introducing an answer that makes sense for you. We call it U M I Article Clearinghouse. Y o u ’ll be able to access our cat­ alog of over 7 ,5 0 0 periodical titles and order copies of articles electronically. V ia the O C L C I L L Subsystem and I T T D ialcom and others to com e. You can order electronically through C L A S S O nTym e and over A L A N E T as well. Y o u ’ll also have the assurance that we hold the listed titles and that yo u ’re getting articles from a licensed agent. T h e y ’ll be shipped to you within 48 hours. And it w on’t cost you an arm and a leg. ($ 4 -$ 6 per arti­ cle for deposit accounts; $8 for credit card accounts.) O u r Ja n u a ry 1984 C atalog is available now. 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