ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries A ssociation O f C http://www.ala.orq/acrl.htmlo l l e g e & Research L IB R A R IE S A D I V I S I O N O F T H E AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION A C R L ’s M ission T h e A sso cia tio n o f C o lle g e and R e sea rch Libra ries (A C R L ) p r o v id e s le a d e r s h ip fo r d e v e lo p m e n t, prom otion, and im provem ent of academ ic and research lib ra ry reso urce s and s e rvice s to fa cilita te learning, research, and th e sch o la rly co m m u nica tion process. A C R L p ro m o te s th e h ig h e s t le v e l o f p ro fe s s io n a l exce lle nce fo r librarians and library pe rson nel in ord er to serve th e users o f aca d e m ic and research libraries. Annual Report 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 leadership and learning http://www.ala.orq/acrl.html 916 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Message from the President Maureen Sullivan A C R L ’s 60th President ACRL leaders and members continue to contribute in many significant ways to the improvement of higher education, to the enhancement o f learning and teaching in our many and varied academic commu­ nities, to leadership in our profession, and to our own professional development. This past year has been a time o f great activity and accomplishment for the association and its more than 10,000 members. I thoroughly enjoyed my year as president o f ACRL and the many opportunities I had to work with so many talented and dedicated ACRL leaders and members. A capable and committed Board o f Directors provided strong leadership and was ably supported in its work by the talented and dedicated ACRL staff. Highlights of the year include: • Collaborating with Harvard’s School o f Education, the ACRL/Harvard Lead­ ership Institute was established. Eighty-four participants attended the first insti­ tute held in July and exceeded our expectations. It is as if we imagined the learning experience in black and white and it occurred in Technicolor. This annual event will be held again on July 30-August 5, 2000. Plans are underway to offer the institute in conjunction with the IFLA 2001 conference in Boston. • Launched the ACRL Institute for Information Literacy Immersion program at SUNY Plattsburgh in July. Immediate requests for additional programs reflect the need for this training throughout the country. The ACRL Task Force on Informa­ tion Literacy, with representatives from AAHE and other higher education organi­ zations, developed an excellent set o f competency standards for information lit­ eracy in higher education. • Sponsored the 9th National Conference in Detroit, which attracted a large number o f participants and offered a wide range o f programs to prepare us as we are “Racing Toward Tomorrow.” ACRL sections and committees again offered a set o f excellent programs at the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section held its preconference in Montreal, crossing the border to a more international focus. • The 1998-99 President’s Program Committee planned two excellent programs. James J. O ’Donnell, professor o f Classical Studies and vice provost for Informa­ tion Systems and Computing at the University o f Pennsylvania, led the President’s Program discussion group at Midwinter. Margaret J. Wheatley, president o f the Berkana Institute and the author o f Leadership and the New Science, was the keynote speaker at the ACRL President’s Program in New Orleans. Each offered provocative comments on the changing world in which we live and work, and encouraged academic and research librarians to embrace opportunities and their changing role. • ACRL established the Friends o f ACRL to build a fund to support bold new initiatives for the association. Another series o f initiative grants was awarded to various ACRL sections, chapters, and committees to fund new programs for members. C&RL News ■ December 1 9 9 9 / 917 Message from the President • Choice magazine celebrated its 35th anniversary and launched ChoiceReviews. online. I visited the Choice office in late spring and had the opportunity the meet the staff and see the operations that support this important ACRL service. • Chapters Council continued to help assure incorporation o f ACRL Chapters by 2000. Chapters Council is an important forum for the exchange o f information among chapters and for the sharing o f ideas and programs that benefit ACRL mem­ bers who are not able to participate in conference programs. • The AASL/ACRL Joint Task Force on the Education Role o f the Librarian made significant progress in its work to identify ways in which school and aca­ demic librarians can collaborate to strengthen the role o f the librarian in the educa­ tion o f students throughout the formal process, from kindergarten to graduate school. • We began the development o f a new Strategic Plan for ACRL. At Midwinter, the ACRL Leadership Council engaged in the formulation o f a bold vision for the association. During a spring planning retreat, the Board continued this work and drafted a new statement o f mission, vision, values, and strategic directions for ACRL. My year as president gave me an opportunity to learn so much more about the richness and diversity o f the ACRL membership. Let’s continue to work together to strengthen ACRL and the contributions we make to learning, teaching and re­ search in higher education. A C R L M em b ersh ip S tatistics ACRL Personal O rganizational/ A ugust 1999 A ugust 1998 %increase/ Sections Special total total decrease ACRL 10,326 971 11,297 10,616 6.43% AAMES 363 62 425 433 -1.85% AFAS 247 25 272 275 -1.09% ANSS 468 65 533 574 -6.97% ARTS 768 81 849 876 -3.08% CJCLS 937 216 1,153 1,124 2.67% CLS 2,019 273 2,292 2,192 4.61% DLS 1,114 57 1,171 1,076 8.83% EALS 590 14 604 630 -4.13% EBSS 974 171 1,145 1,247 -8.18% IS 3,757 395 4,152 4,195 -1.03% LPSS 615 82 697 728 -4.26% RBMS 1,581 158 1,739 1,788 -2.74% SEES 212 48 260 278 -6.47% STS 1,601 186 1,787 1,869 -4.33% ULS 5,464 298 5,762 5,951 -3.16% WESS 604 49 653 693 -5.77% WSS 677 54 731 820 -10.85% 918 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Message from the Vice-President Larry Hardesty Vice-President/President-Elect These are exciting times to be part o f ACRL as the association continues to move forward boldly in enhancing the effectiveness o f academic and re­ search librarians. We have achieved much, and we should acknowledge our accomplishments. How­ ever, the tasks before us remain considerable. Therefore, we need to re-examine what we have accomplished and build on our accomplishments to face the chal­ lenges o f the next millennium. From this charge has evolved my president’s theme for the year: “Celebrating our Successes; Confronting our Challenges: ACRL Enters the 21st Century.” The ALA Annual Conference in Chicago next summer will feature some 20 programs presented by ACRL sections and committees. The various units o f ACRL have planned exciting programs that range from how to preserve the record o f the past to envisioning the future for academic libraries. The ACRL President’s Program speakers will include three distinguished librarians. Evan Farber o f Earlham College will speak about the success o f our past 25 years from his perspective as a college librarian. Carla Stoffle o f the University o f Arizona will describe our contemporary challenges. Emily Mobley o f Purdue University will envision the future for academic and research libraries. A repre­ sentative from higher education will respond to these speakers and place the role o f academic and research libraries in a larger context. My thanks to the program committee headed by Scottie Cochrane for planning what I believe will prove to be an excellent program. As part o f Celebrating our Successes, I have worked with Blackwell Books and Blackwell Information Services to establish the “Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Program.” The intent o f this program is to honor librarians, support staff, and other personnel o f the academic/research library as they come together as a team to provide outstanding support for the mission o f their insti­ tution. I particularly want to thank the task force headed by Gloriana St.Clair o f Carnegie Mellon in assisting to establish the criteria and format for this award. Gloriana also agreed to chair the nominating committee, and this committee has been hard at work this fall encouraging nominations o f worthy libraries. At Midwinter, the selection committee—headed by Lee Hisle, the immediate past- president o f ACRL— will meet to make the difficult decision o f selecting from many worthy nominees the community college, college, and university libraries to receive the first “Excellence in Academic Libraries” award. My hope through this program is that we not only honor our colleagues but we also identify out­ standing programs and best practices that we can emulate and adapt to our particular situations. A second major emphasis this year will be confronting the challenges o f re­ cruiting new librarians into academic librarianship and into ACRL. At this past ALA Conference, the ACRL Chapters Council graciously agreed to host a brain­ C&RL News ■ December 7 999 / 979 Message from the Vice-President storming session led by Pamela Moffett Padley, newly appointed chair o f the Membership Committee, and m yself with the Chapters Council members and representatives from various Schools o f Library and Information Science. The numerous excellent ideas have been shared with all the SLIS deans and direc­ tors and chapter officers. The participants recommended, for example, more mentoring o f support staff and college students by practicing academic librar­ ians as to the opportunities offered by the profession. They also recommended closer partnering between SLIS and academic libraries. This is a good start, but only a start in our efforts to recruit academic librarians prepared to meet the needs o f the next millennium. In 1999-2000, ACRL will build on the initiatives and successes o f the imme­ diate past, and it is my privilege to follow such capable ACRL presidents as Maureen Sullivan and Lee Hisle. Through M aureen’s leadership, a revised stra­ tegic plan will be brought to the ACRL Board at M idwinter for approval. The Government Relations Committee will further, through a preconference prior to ALA next summer, the legislative advocacy efforts championed by Lee during his term as ACRL president. Some years ago, the late Bill Moffett, during his term as ACRL president, compared ACRL to an anthill. As with an anthill, there is a huge amount o f productive and purposeful activity that is largely unseen, until it comes to the top. In this brief message I have left out many important activities o f ACRL that will surface during this year and the names o f the people who have made them possible. The accomplishments o f the association are the result o f hard work by the members at many levels and by the ACRL staff. It has been my pleasure and honor to have an opportunity to be involved more fully with the association, to visit many chapters, to represent ACRL to other divisions within ALA, and to represent ACRL to other professional associations. The year probably will pass all too quickly before I pass the gavel to the capable hands o f Betsy Wilson for her year as president o f ACRL. In the mean­ time, 1 look forward to more opportunities to meet with members and to serve ACRL during 1999-2000. 920 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Letter from the Executive Director Althea H. Jenkins E xecu tive D irector The 21st century— are we there yet? Not quite. However, by the time many o f you read this report, the new century will have arrived. Although there remains unfinished business in preparation for the new century, the ACRL Board o f Directors made great progress in 1998-99 toward building a more efficient and effective asso­ ciation by engaging the membership in the strategic planning process. Using the core values for academic librarians that grew out o f the 1997-98 ACRL President’s theme, the Board, working with the ACRL leadership and members, prepared draft revisions o f ACRL’s Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Stra­ tegic Directions, and Goals. The draft o f the strategic plan is available at the ACRL Web site ( I am pleased to report to you that the Association o f College and Research Libraries is in excellent condition. As we glance back through our history, we are acutely aware o f the transformation that has occurred in our profession, higher education, and society at large. ACRL has aggressively pursued a course o f action to ensure that academic librarians’ roles were recognized and understood. ACRL has done a great job preparing librarians to respond to challenges by serving as the collective voice o f librarians and thereby positioning the profes­ sion for the future. The association is able to celebrate its many successes during this past year and years prior because o f the dedication, hard work, and commitment o f the Board o f Directors, the standing and ad hoc committees, the editorial boards, section and chapter leaders, committee volunteers, and staff. In 1998-99, ACRL benefited from the good work o f over 200 appointed and elected leaders and nearly 300 committee volunteers. For the last four years, one o f the Board’s priorities, and a major focus o f my work, has been to have the messages o f academic librarians heard throughout the higher education community and to have their importance within their orga­ nizations recognized. I am pleased with the progress made and the status that many academic librarians currently enjoy as leaders on their campuses and as participants in a variety o f higher education organizations. ACRL President Maureen Sullivan’s presidential focus o f leadership and learn­ ing provided opportunities for the membership to examine the qualities that constitute a leader and to explore the meaning o f a learning organization in public forums and in six articles appearing in C&RL News. Under this leader­ ship, the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute was founded and planning is un­ derway for a second institute to be offered in year 2000. As we recognize our successes, we must also identify the challenges that are before us as we enter the 21st century. • Measuring the performance o f academic and research libraries and their contributions to learning, teaching, research, and the community has become a strategic realty among higher education institutions. Not only do librarians need C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 921 Letter from the Executive Director to be able to clearly identify learning outcomes, but they also must measure new activities, their performance, and the impact they have on traditional services and resources, including budgets. In the coming years, ACRL will need to take an active position in defining an agenda in this area for carrying out work at the grassroots level. • Today we live and work in a global economy built on knowledge, innova­ tion, speed, and quality. As our international boundaries become more blurred in the 21st century, it will be important for ACRL to not only share its knowl­ edge and support programs abroad, but to provide continuing education for its members on topics such as knowledge-based productivity, cooperation, collabo­ ration, and resource sharing across borders. As a leader among the nation’s library organizations, ACRL should incorporate planning in its programs to bring academic librarians around the world together in virtual or face-to-face settings to discuss and understand the issues. • We know from past member surveys that a majority o f our members want easy access to each other and to association staff and resources. We have made progress toward integrating the virtual association in our activities, but much remains to be done. ACRL must continue to seek opportunities to be the leader among ALA’s units in moving forward with the virtual association agenda. The corporate community has been very supportive o f ACRL and strength­ ened our ability to achieve goals. I thank our 1999 ACRL colleagues and corpo­ rate contributors for their commitment to ACRL and for their continuous finan­ cial support. Their sponsorship o f ACRL awards, programs, and activities en­ ables ACRL to provide its members a wide variety o f programmatic choices. Total corporate support in 1999 was $134,000. I especially thank the ACRL National Conference Chair, Charles Beard, and the entire conference planning committee for a successful and well executed conference. Our 1999 conference not only inaugurated many “firsts,” but also established records in the program area and with attendance. Also, thank you to ACRL President Maureen Sullivan for your support o f the association and it’s staff and for the guidance you have given to the strategic planning process over the past year. I have enjoyed working with you and sin­ cerely appreciate your leadership and friendship. Finally, I would like to thank the ACRL staff and express my appreciation to them for the good work they do. It is because o f that work that we are all able to celebrate the many successes and good fortunes that ACRL has experienced in the past year. My hat is o ff to an excellent staff. I hope you will take the time to review this report o f ACRL’s work in 1999— and that you will reflect on where we should focus our energies as we move into a new century. 922 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Review Services and programs As ALA’s largest division for a number o f years now, ACRL’s membership continues to grow, and the 1998 99 year found us at our highest membership to date. We’re hopeful that ALA’s new membership management database will provide numerous benefits to ACRL members, including improved communi­ cation, and, eventually, the capability o f allowing members access to their own records. Membership increased in 1998-99 by 6.43%. While it is always pleasing and exciting to experience growth in our membership base, a signal o f success for the association, we are at the same time aware o f the challenges it poses in providing programs and services. Last spring, staff prepared an analysis o f the cost o f an ACRL membership for the Board o f Directors to review. Based on the programs and services provided members in 1997-98, the cost o f an ACRL membership is $85 which is $50 more than is currently assessed. Advisory Recognized as the voice o f academic librarians, ACRL takes its advisory role seriously and continues to be a strong voice leading and responding to issues and topics about information resources, services, and libraries in higher educa­ tion. ACRL staff and leaders are frequently contacted for consultant referrals, information on faculty status, information regarding technological advances, buildings, library systems in use, recommendations for search committees, and to gain perspective on how much information is really available on the Web. The large number requests regarding faculty status issues has resulted in the question being added as a regular feature o f the ACRL annual Academic Li­ brary Trends and Statistics survey. Awards ACRL has a long history o f recognizing significant achievements and contribu­ tions in academic librarianship. In 1999, 12 individuals and 6 institutions re­ ceived ACRL awards recognizing their accomplishments. The prestigious Aca- demic/Research Librarian o f the Year Award was presented to Hannelore B. Rader for her groundbreaking work in instructional services in academic librar­ ies. In announcing the award, the committee noted that “the record will show that she has an equal and abiding professional commitment to the educational role o f libraries.” To carry our strong tradition o f recognizing outstanding achievement into the 21st century, the ACRL Board o f Directors announced the establishment o f the new Excellence in Academic L ibraries Award, generously sponsored by Blackwell’s Books and Information Services, which will be presented for the first time in 2000. Each year, the award will recognize the librarians and other library staff in a community college, a college, and a university library that have demonstrated teamwork in supporting the mission o f their institutions. The award is an oppor­ tunity for the honored recipients to receive well-deserved recognition in their communities, as well as in the academic library profession, and to establish C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 923 Year in Beview benchmarks for “Best Practices” in the profession. Awards will be presented in ceremonies on the recipients’ campuses. Information Literacy Competency Standards With changing technologies and the ever-increasing access to information re­ sources, the need for skills in efficiently locating, evaluating, and effectively utilizing information is powerfully clear. Responding to the need for compe­ tency standards in information literacy, the ACRL Board o f Directors formed the ACRL Task Force on Information Literacy Competency Standards. Capitalizing on ACRL’s strong relationship with the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) and the M iddle States Accrediting A ssociation’s commitment to information literacy as a learning strategy, ACRL is collaborat­ ing with representatives from these two organizations and from the Association for Library and Information Science Educators (ALISE) on the standards. The task force presented the D raft Information Literacy Competency Stan­ dardsf o r Higher Education at open hearings o f the AAHE Conference on Quality and Assessment on June 15, 1999, in Denver, Colorado, and the ALA Annual M eeting on June 27, 1999, in New Orleans, Louisiana. A final version is ex­ pected within the 1999-2000 year. Chapters Providing grassroots support for ACRL’s legislative advocacy network and workshops, conferences, and seminars at the local and regional level, the 42 chapter affiliates o f ACRL are a vital tool in reaching academic librarians where they live and work. In 1998-99,42 members from the chapters formed the Leg­ islative Advisory Network. The Network was very active throughout the year, responding to more than 60 legislative alerts for action from the ALA Washing­ ton office. Several chapters took advantage o f the ACRL Initiative Fund and sponsored innovative programs and activities in their region: • the Illinois chapter sponsored a Drive-In/Virtual Conference; • the Louisiana chapter focused on librarian involvement in higher educa­ tion professional meetings in the state; and • the M innesota chapters sponsored a program to teach the basics o f leg­ islative advocacy to academic librarians. Sections As ACRL’s programming arm, the 17 type-of-library and type-of-activity sec­ tions work hard to present quality professional development opportunities for ACRL members through preconferences, conferences, and institutes. In con­ junction with ACRL divisional committees, ACRL sections presented 19 valu­ able programs that discussed a wide range o f issues relevant to today’s aca­ demic librarian at the 1999 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. Speakers from all over the United States and from as far away as Russia led discussions on topics such as information literacy competencies, distance edu­ cation, customer services, intellectual freedom, digital library use, and the ACRL President’s theme o f leadership. 924 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Review AC RL Award W inners 1999 ■ A c a d e m ic /R e s e a rc h L ib ra ria n of the Year Award (Donor: Baker and Taylor Books) Hannelore B. Rader, University of Louisville ■ Hugh C. Atkinson M em orial Award (D o n o r: A C R L , LA M A , LITA, A L C T S ) S usa n K. N utter, N o rth C a ro lin a S ta te University ■ Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian o f th e Year Aw ard (D onor: JAI P ress/ Elsevier) Mary Reichel, Appalachian State University ■ M a rta L a n g e /C Q A w a rd (D o n o r: Congressional Q uarterly) Jolande E. Goldberg, Library of Congress ■ E B S C O C o m m u n ity C o lle g e Learning R e so urce s/Lib rary A c hiev e­ m e n t A w a r d s (D o n o r: E B S C O Subscription Services) L e a d e rs h ip : W an d a Jo h n s to n B ahde, consultant, trainer, writer Program: Richland College, Dallas, Texas ■ EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award Jo A nn C arr, U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in - M adison ■ IS Innovation in Instruction Award The Education Project Team, U niversity of Arizona ■ IS B ib lio g r a p h ic In s t r u c t io n Publication of the Year Award Christine S. Bruce, Q ueensland University of Technology ■ D octoral D issertation Fellow ship (Donor: Institute for Scientific Inform ation) A lenka auperl, U niversity o f North Carolina at C hapel Hill ■ W est European Specialist Study Grant (D o n o r: M a rtin u s N ijh o ff In te r n a tio n a l) Richard Hacken, Brigham Young University ■ K.G. S aur Award fo r Best A rticle in C&RL (Donor: Reed R eference/K.G . Saur) Bonnie G ratch-Lindauer, City C ollege of San Francisco ■ O berly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural Sciences Eli MacLaren, University of Alberta ■ R B M S K a th a r in e K y e s L e a b a n d D a n ie l J. L e a b A m e ric a n B o o k P ric e s Current Exhibition Catalog Award (Donor: K a th a r in e K y e s L e a b a n d D a n ie l J. Leab) C a teg ory I: “T he Practice of Letters: T he Hofer C ollection o f W riting M anuals 1 5 1 4 - 1800,” Houghton Library, Harvard University; “T he Dutch in the A m ericas: 1 6 0 0 -1 8 0 0 ,” Joh n C a rte r Brow n Library, T he E quitable Gallery, Brown U niversity C ategory II: “ Radicals and Revolutionaries: The H istory of C anadian C om m unism from the Robert S. Kenny C ollection,” University of Toronto Category III: “The G reat W ar 19 14 -191 8: An Exhibition Drawn from the Joseph M. Bruccoli Collection at the University of V irginia Library and O ther C ollections,” U niversity of South Carolina ■ R a re B o o k s a n d M a n u s c r ip ts Librarianship Best Article Award (Donor: Christie, M anson and W oods) Robert A. Gross, College of W illiam and Mary C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 925 Year in Review Taking advantage o f an opportunity to expand beyond their yearly program­ ming events, several sections benefited from the ACRL Initiative Fund to de­ velop and implement new innovative activities and to promote relations with discipline-based professional organizations. • The Rare Book and Manuscript Section presented a Web exhibition that is an electronic version o f a traveling exhibition intended to create a greater appreciation and awareness o f library and archival exhibitions, and their accompanying catalogs for the Katherine Keyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Exhibition Catalog Award. • The Instruction Section (IS) conducted Think Tank III, an investigation o f information literacy and the technological transformation o f higher education. • The Science and Technology Section (STS) collaborated with the Ameri­ can Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), and identified six col­ laborative projects to pursue, including identifying endangered journals and information literacy standards for science/technology users. Additionally, sections provided many networking opportunities for ACRL members at Midwinter and Annual Conference. Many arranged tours o f library/ research facilities local to conference sites and held social activities where new members could interact with veteran ACRL section leaders. For instance the Community and Junior College Library Section arranged a riverboat cruise, the Anthropology and Sociology Section organized a tour o f the Middle American Research Institute and Tulane University Special Collections, and the College Libraries Section held an open house at the J. Edgar and Louise S. Monroe Library at Loyola University. Other section activities included the creation o f two new Women Studies Sec­ tion awards, a series o f talks by members o f the Western European Studies Section at the University o f Stuttgart Library, an analysis o f education databases by the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, and the participation o f the Anthropology and Sociology Section members in a panel discussion at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco, August 22, 1998. ACRL prides itself on being at the forefront, and sections play a large role in this. The College Libraries Section’s College Libraries ’ Newsletters Web site served as a the prototype for ALiNUS (Academic Library Newsletters in the United States), an Internet gateway to more than 400 online academic library newsletters published by U.S. institutions o f higher education. Also, the In­ struction Section pioneered the use o f course-design software for virtual conferencing, including online monthly discussions, group editing, scheduling, decision making, and conference planning. Recognizing ACRL as the voice o f academic libraries, the National Council for Accreditation o f Teacher Education (NCATE) requested that ACRL recom­ mend an academic librarian to serve on the NCATE Board o f Examiners. The Board o f Directors recommended Laurene Zaporohetz, member o f the Educa­ tion and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS), to this position. 9 2 6 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Review Government relations Academic librarians are increasingly concerned about the impact o f informa­ tion technology on the performance o f their duties and the concomitant legisla­ tion, which has been introduced in Congress. In order for academic librarians to be informed and educated about the pertinent legislative issues and influence information policy outcomes, the ACRL Board o f Directors made advocacy one o f the association’s major strategic directions. During 1998-99, ACRL’s Government Relations and Information Policy ini­ tiative focused on three major issues that were before the U.S. Congress, in­ cluding Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Government Information. ACRL, in concert with the ALA Washington Office, worked to inform and solicit sup­ port from members for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (H.R. 2281) as P.L. 105-304; the Copyright Term Extension Act (S. 505) as P.L. 105-278; the Collections o f Information Antipiracy Act (H.R. 2652); and revisions to Title 44, the law governing public printing, procurement, and dissemination in the form o f S. 2288. ACRL staff and members used a variety o f strategies to respond to these issues and get our message out. These included articles published in C&RL News and the broadcast o f over 60 Action Alerts from the ALA Washington Office on ACRL’s electronic distribution lists (i.e., DMCA, ACRLeads, Legnet, and ACRL-GRC). Several academic librarians also played a primary role in providing testimony for the rulemaking for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and for the subsequent Copyright Office Study on the Distance Education Exemption. During ALA Legislative Day in Washington, D.C., ACRL sponsored an aca­ demic librarian luncheon at which a brief update was given on the latest copy­ right developments. Speakers included David Carson, general counsel o f the Register o f Copyrights, and Rick Weingarten, director o f OITP. Nearly 50 aca­ demic librarians participated in this event. Standards and guidelines ACRL is the source that the higher education community looks to for standards and guidelines on academic libraries. ACRL has promulgated 26 standards, guidelines and model statements, which are reviewed and updated by the mem­ bership on a regular basis. All o f ACRL’s Standards and Guidelines are posted on its Web site at In 1998-99, the ACRL Media Resources Committee extensively revised the 1987 “Guidelines for Audio-Visual Services in Academic Libraries,” now titled “Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries” and the Rare Books and Manuscript Section’s “ACRL/RBMS Guidelines For the Security o f Rare Book, Manuscript, and Other Special Collections.” Recently, the “Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services” was sent to six regional accrediting agencies for their use. ACRL has also given permission to the Associacion Andaluza De Biliotecarios (AAB) in Malaga, Spain, to translate all o f its standards into Spanish for use and distribution in the academic community. C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 927 Year in Review Intellectual Freedom Principles At the 1999 Annual Conference in New Orleans, the ACRL Board approved the Intellectual Freedom Principles fo r Academic Libraries that were drafted and recommended by the ACRL Intellectual Freedom Committee. The purpose o f the intellectual freedom principles is to provide an interpreta­ tion o f general intellectual freedom principles for an academic library setting. This is especially important in today’s digital environment where expanding access to information has prompted many to suggest restrictions and controls on information, especially in the Internet arena. The Intellectual Freedom Principles fo r Academic Libraries can be found on ACRL’s Web site at Partnerships and collaborations One o f ACRL’s goals is to inform members o f important developments o f inter­ est to libraries in the higher education community; to inform the higher educa­ tion community o f ACRL’s position on important issues; and to influence policy in the higher education and information communities by increasing the number and strength o f its partnerships. Important partners o f ACRL this year have been the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable Group (TLTR), Middle States Associa­ tion o f Schools and Colleges, Commission on Higher Education, Scholarly Pub­ lishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), and the Association o f Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). During the past year, ACRL engaged in significant activities with these organizations while maintaining connections with several others through informal contacts and exchange o f in­ formation. • The Board o f Directors accepted an invitation o f membership in the Council o f Higher Education Management Association (CHEMA) and became its 32nd member in November 1998. • ACRL members continued to share information on libraries, library issues, information resources, services, and technology with the higher education community through programs presented at the national confer­ ences o f the New England Association o f Schools and Colleges, North Central Association, American Association for Higher Education’s N a­ tional Conference and Assessment and Quality Conference, National As­ sociation o f State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, and the Associa­ tion o f College and University Telecommunication Administrators. • ACRL and the AAHE held the second Library and Information Issues Forum, which brought more than 40 academic administrators and 6 li­ brarians together to discuss topics o f mutual interest at the 1999 AAHE National Conference. • Librarians were also very active throughout the year, participating in Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtables (TLTR) on their cam­ puses. Because o f the high level o f librarians’ participation and contribu­ tions to their campus programs, the TLTR invited ACRL to cosponsor its Flashlight Assessment project. 928 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Review Conferences, preconferences, institutes Working in academic libraries has never been more challenging. Demands for new services frequently outstrip the resources—money, time, and people— that are available. Librarians are looking for more effective ways to make their voices heard in campus-wide priority setting. Through its professional development offerings, the ACRL Board o f Direc­ tors supports the association’s commitment to enhancing the ability o f academic librarians to respond to the changing nature o f higher education and the advent o f new technologies. In 1998-99, ACRL expanded both its offerings— with in­ stitutes in leadership and information literacy—and their availability— by of­ fering 60 scholarships to new librarians, minority librarians, and graduate stu­ dents to attend ACRL events. National Conference This year ACRL offered its premier professional development experience— its biennial National Conference. “Racing Toward Tomorrow” was held in Detroit, April 8-11, 1999. Over 3,000 individuals attended the conference, setting a new attendance record. Designed to have something for everyone, the confer­ ence offered the latest in research, stimulating panel sessions, keynote and invited presentations from administrators and faculty, and many opportuni­ ties to share ideas informally through poster sessions, roundtable discus­ sions, receptions, and networking dinners. This conference also offered several firsts— ACRL gave its first live Web broadcast featuring James Neal and Pat Schroeder as they debated the issues o f copyright and fair use. This broadcast opened the door to those librarians who could not come to Detroit to participate in the opening key­ note session. ACRL’s Indiana Chapter built its state program around this Web broadcast. ACRL also had its first conference-within-a-conference, which brought together teams o f administrators, faculty, and librarians to look at stu­ dent learning in an information age. ACRL’s national conferences continue to set high standards, drawing evalu­ ations such as: “Every academic librarian should experience an ACRL National Conference. Variety o f programs/experiences were outstanding.” “ACRL is the most informative, interesting, and stimulating conference available to academic librarians.” “The conference continues to be right on the money— focus on aca­ demic needs, future, etc.” Leadership institutes ACRL collaborated with the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education and pre­ sented in July a five-day intensive ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute. The goal o f this innovative new program is to increase librarians’ capacity to lead and to manage and to examine these two questions: 1) How well positioned is my organization to meet current and future challenges? and 2) How effective is my own leadership? The 82 participants in the first institute are describing it as a life-changing experience. “I was amazed at the quality o f teaching and would wish that everyone I knew in education could experience such excellent and C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 929 Year in Review high quality teaching.” “This was the most positive educational experience I ever had.” The next ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute is scheduled for July 30-August 5, 2000. For library leaders lacking the time to invest in a five-day program, ACRL also offered “Build Your Leadership Toolkit,” a one-day session that gave an overview o f campus issues combined with practical toolkit sessions aimed at developing specific skills such as negotiation, change, and persuasion. This institute is designed for those who want a broad overview o f leadership issues combined with developing a few specific skill sets they can take back to the office and try out immediately. Institute for Information Literacy ACRL’s Institute for Information Literacy (IIL), which is dedicated to playing a leadership role in assisting individuals and institutions in integrating informa­ tion literacy throughout the full spectrum o f the educational process, offered its first Immersion programs this year. These four-and-a-half day programs pro­ vided two tracks o f intensive training and education. Track I is for new librarians and librarians new to teaching; Track II is for mid-career in­ struction librarians who will assume a leadership role in information literacy in their institutions or communities. This year the national Immersion Program was held at State Uni­ versity o f New York in Plattsburgh and was quickly followed there by a regional program for SUNY librarians. After a competitive selection pro­ cess that accepted only one-third o f the applicants, the national program registered 92 librarians. Participants were enthusiastic about their immersion, “This institute has done more for my professional development than my MLS.” “This is hands-down the most meaningful library conference I ’ve attended— ever. Thank you!” A national program is planned at the University o f Washington in August 2000 and a regional program will be held at Kent State in June 2000. Preconferences ACRL’s preconferences provide opportunities for academic librarians to learn about techniques, trends, or current conditions in a specific area. ACRL offered two preconferences prior to ALA’s Annual Conference. A 1999 preconference attracted 86 participants who studied a myriad o f is­ sues surrounding the licensing o f electronic resources with “Understanding the Licensing Landscape.” And continuing a 40-year tradition, ACRL’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Section offered a three-and-a-half day preconference that “Ex­ plored New Territories for Special Collections.” RBMS took its exploration to Montreal, and attracted 221 attendees to its international event. 930 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Review Publications ACRL’s publications activity provides a focal point for members to share their research results, experiences in solving administrative problems, techniques for instruction, and resources for collection development. A wide range o f formats is available, including scholarly refereed journals, monographs, the Web, and monographic series with a particular focus such as Publica­ tions in Librarianship and CLIP Notes. ACRL has just completed a highly success­ ful year with the publication of ten new titles in areas o f instruction, management, and theory. The P ro ceed in g s o f the ACRL 9th National Conference, published in both print and electronic versions, offered research in six key areas o f concern to academic librar­ ians in the future. Three new titles in the Publications in Librarianship series discussed theories in librarians’ worklife, reference ser­ vice, and interactions with users. The Web site remains an important gateway for association-wide communi­ cations and for members to access information. Revisions in the past year have resulted in expanded content and better organization o f the more than 1,000 pages now available. New pages were established or existing pages updated, to disseminate information about ACRL’s information literacy initiatives, the 9th National Conference, and the awards program, including the Excellence in Academic Libraries award. Drafts o f revisions o f standards were made available for members to review and provide input, and the Web is now the principal vehicle for delivering standards and guidelines. ACRL has long recognized the importance to its members o f statistical measures in administering libraries and has a ten- year history o f providing data on library operations. In the past year, ACRL expanded its activities in this area with a new ini­ tiative, Academic Libraries: Trends and Statistics. Every academic library in the United States and Canada was solicited for statistics describing operations in four key areas: collections, expenditures, li­ brary operations, and local characteristics related to the academic institution. Respondents were asked to access a URL and complete the survey online. Slightly more than one-third o f all academic libraries responded. The database has been made available in both a CD-ROM and a print version, as well as a summary version on the Web. The survey will be continuing and dissemination o f the 1999-2000 form is underway. C&RL C&RL has just completed its 60th year as the premier research journal o f aca­ demic librarianship. The journal continues to perform well both editorially and financially, with an average seven articles per issue plus book reviews, or some C&RL News ■ December 1 9 9 9 / 931 Year in Review 96 pages o f editorial content. Beginning in 1997, the table o f contents, abstracts o f each articles, and full text o f the book reviews for each issue have been avail­ able on the ACRL Web site. C H O IC E The past year was a particularly eventful one at Choice, which celebrated its 35th anniversary in March. During the past year, Choice: • launched its new Web-based reviewing service,, in April 1999. Although its launch was slightly delayed (from January to April), has been well received by the col­ lege and research library community. Through the end o f the fiscal year (August 1999), approximately 115 libraries had officially subscribed, while nearly an equal number had indicated their intention to do so; • entered into several new licensing agreements, includ­ ing an expanded agreement with Bowker under which Choice reviews are now available in all Books in Print plus Reviews products; and • signed a contract for and began work on the development o f a new NT database publishing system to replace the existing STAR database installed in 1990. Now scheduled for completion in 2000, the new system will greatly enhance Choice’s operational efficiency. Using the new system, Choice N ew M o n o g rap h T itle s fo r 1 9 9 8 -9 9 ■ L ib ra ry a n d Le a rn in g R e sou rce P rog ram s: E valua tion a n d Self-Study, C JC LS G uide #3, edited by W and a K. Johnston ■ C o n sta n cy a n d C hange in the W orklife o f R esearch U n ive rsity Librarians, P u b lica ­ tions in Lib ra ria n sh ip no. 51, by R ebecca W atson -B oon e ■ Frien ds o f C o llege Libraries, 2 nd edition, C L IP N ote #27, com p ile d by R onelle K. H. T h o m p so n ■ The R e fe ren ce E nco un te r: In te rp e rso n a l C o m m unicatio n in the A c a d e m ic Library, P ub lication s in Lib ra ria n sh ip no. 52, by M arie L. Radford ■ P e o p le C o m e F irs t: U s e r-C e n te re d A c a d e m ic L ib ra ry S e rvice , P u b lic a tio n s in Lib ra ria n sh ip no. 53, edited by Dale M on ta ne lli and P atricia S tenstrom ■ R a cing Toward Tomorrow, the P roce ed ing s o f the A C R L N inth N a tio n a l C onference, edited by H ugh Thom p son ■ Libra rian s a s Le a rn e rs: Libra rian s a s Teachers, edited by Pat Libutti ■ A cce ssib le Lib ra rie s on C am pus: A P ra ctica l G uid e fo r the C reation o f D isability- F rie n d ly Libraries, edited by Tom M cN ulty ■ E xa m p le s to A c c o m p a n y D e scriptive C a ta lo gin g o f R a re Books, 2 nd Edition, a revi­ sion to th e po p u la r illustrate d ca ta lo g in g guide, w hich has been in prin t since 1993 ■ M issio n S tatem e nts fo r C o llege Libraries, 2 nd Edition, C L IP N o te #28, Jam ie Hastreiter, M arsha C ornelius, David H enderson, com p ile rs 932 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Review will be able to track all titles received— instead o f just those reviewed— and to in itiate m onthly u pdates o f C h o iceR ev iew from Middletown. In addition, reviewers will be able to submit reviews and update their profiles via the Web. Among the anticipated highlights o f the coming year— implementation o f the new publishing database and continued licensing activities. Version 1.5 o f will be released in late 1999 with a site license version following in early 2000. C&RL News College & Research Libraries News continues to be a favorite magazine among ACRL members for finding out what is hap­ pening in librarianship and higher education and for sharing prac­ tical tips and advice on providing library services. Selected ar­ ticles, some expanded from their print version, are posted on the Web through C&RL NewsNet. This site enjoys a great deal o f activity and has become immensely popular as the place to look for the latest career opportunities. R B M L This final issue o f RBML, under the current title (Vol. 13, No. 2), was pub­ lished under the editorship o f Sidney Berger, who had served the maximum six years allowed. Marvin Taylor and Lisa Browar assumed responsibilities as co­ editors for the journal at the close o f the 1999 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. Under its new editors, the journal will be renamed RBM: A Journal o f Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage and will broaden its edito­ rial focus to include special collections o f all types. AC RL Journals ■ Choice— Book review journal of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com bined). http://w e.htm l ■ College & Research Libraries— Official scholarly journal of ACRL; six bim onthly is­ sues per year, http://w w w l ■ College & Research Libraries News— Official news m agazine of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August com bined), http://w w w 2.htm l ■ Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship—A journal of theory and practice covering all as­ pects of special collections librarianship; two issues per year, /rbmltxt.html C&RL News ■ December 1 9 9 9 / 933 Year in Review 1999 A n n ua l C o n fe re n c e P ro g ra m s — N ew O rleans ■ A C R L p re c o n fe re n c e — “ U n d e rsta n d in g th e Licen sing L a n d sca p e ” ■ A C R L P r e s id e n t’s P ro g r a m — “ L e a d e rs h ip & L e a rn in g : A c a d e m ic L ib ra rie s as Living S yste m s” ■ A C R L A n th ro p o lo g y and S o c io lo g y S e c tio n — “ P rese rvin g Social History: T h e Le ad ership R ole of Libra rian s and S ch o la rs in B uilding Locally Based C o lle ctio n s” ■ A C R L A r ts S e c tio n , R a re B o o k s & M a n u s c r ip ts S e c tio n — “ M a rd i G ra s U n m a s k e d : H o w It H a p p e n s a n d H o w W e R e c o rd It” A C R L A R T S /L IT A , Techn ology in the A rts Intere st G roup, “ D igital A rt S a lo n ” ■ A C R L A s ia , A fr ic a a n d M id d le E a s t S e c tio n — “ M id d le E a s t L ib ra ria n s h ip : P roblem s and C h a lle n g e s” ■ A C R L C o lle g e L ib r a r ie s S e c t io n ; R U S A — “ C u s to m e r P e r s p e c tiv e s : C o lle ge Libra ry S ervice in the D igital A g e ” ■ A C R L C o m m u n it y & J u n io r C o lle g e L ib r a r ie s S e c t io n — “ In fo r m a tio n C o m pe te ncie s: C o nn ecting S tud ents to T h e ir Future” ■ A C R L D is ta n c e L e a r n in g S e c tio n — “ P re s e n tin g th e A C R L G u id e lin e s fo r D ista nce Le arning Library S ervices: T h e Future is N o w !” ■ A C R L E d u c a t io n a l a n d B e h a v io r a l S c ie n c e s S e c t io n ; A L A S o c ia l R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s R o u n d T a b le ; A L A G o v e r n m e n t D o c u m e n ts R o u n d T a b le , E d u c a t io n C o m m it t e e ; P L A — “ O h S a y C a n Y o u S e e ? L ib r a ria n Lead ership, C ivic A ction and th e E le ctro nic A g e ” ■ A C R L E n g lis h & A m e r ic a n L it e r a t u r e S e c t io n — “ R e a d in g T h e S o u th : S ou thern Lite rature and th e L ib ra ry” ■ A C R L In s tru c tio n S e c tio n , D is ta n c e L e a rn in g S e c tio n — “ N o th in g B u t Net: U n de rsta nding th e Digital Libra ry U ser” ■ A C R L In t e ll e c t u a l F r e e d o m C o m m it t e e ; A L A In t e ll e c t u a l F r e e d o m R ound Table; A L A Inte llec tua l F ree do m C om m itte e— “ Freedom , P riva cy and the In te r n e t : A n A c a d e m ic L ib r a r y P r im e r ” a n d H e a r in g o n th e 3 rd D r a ft: Intellectua l F reedom P rin ciples fo r A ca d e m ic Libraries ■ A C R L In te r n a tio n a l R e la tio n s C o m m itte e — “ M o v in g L ib ra ria n s h ip in to th e G lobal V illa g e ” ■ A C R L L a w a n d P o lit ic a l S c ie n c e S e c t io n ; A R L O f f ic e o f S c h o la r ly C o m m u n ic a t io n — “ T h e P o litic s o f S c h o la r ly C o m m u n ic a tio n in th e N e w M illen nium ” ■ A C R L R a re B o o k s a n d M a n u s c r ip ts S e c tio n — “ W h e re C u ltu re s C o n n e c t: M aking and U sing Lo u isia n a ’s C re o le C o lle ctio n s” ■ A C R L S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o lo g y S e c tio n — “ T h e F u tu re is H e re : C h a n g in g R ealities fo r Sci-Tech Libra rian s” ■ A C R L S lav ic and East European S e c tio n — “T h e Im pact of A m erican Libra rian ship on Libraries o f P o st-C o m m u n ist R u ssia and E astern E uro pe” ■ A C R L U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s S e c tio n , In s tr u c tio n S e c tio n — “ B o tto m L in e Leadership: C o m m u n ica tin g Your R e sou rce N eeds For S ucce ssful S e rvice s” ■ A C R L W e s te rn E u ro p e a n S p e c ia lis ts S e c tio n — “W e s te rn E u ro p e a n S tu d ie s Libra rian ship : Lo oking Forw ard A fte r 20 Years” ■ A C R L W o m e n ’s S tu d ie s S e c tio n , A fr ic a n -A m e ric a n S tu d ie s S e c tio n and R U S A — “ Inquiring and Le arn ing B etw e en th e Lines: In te rd iscip lin a ry R e sea rch and th e A ca d e m ic Libra ry” 934 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 ACRL Board of Directors, 1998-99 ACRL Board 1998-99 (I to r): (back) W illia m E. Brown, M aureen Sullivan, Larry Hardesty, Helen H. Spalding, W. Lee Hisle; (fro n t) Barbara Baxter Jenkins, Dana C. Rooks, Paul E. Dum ont, Cathy Henderson, and Mary Lee Sweat. Not pictured: A lth e a H. Jenkins, Carol Pfieffer, and Linda M uroi. ACRL Board of Directors, 1 9 9 8 -9 9 President: Maureen Sullivan, O rganizational Developm ent Consultant Vice-President/President-Elect: Larry Hardesty, Austin College Past-President: W. Lee Hisle, Austin Com m unity College Budget & Finance Com m ittee Chair: C athy Henderson, University of Texas ACRL Councilor: Helen Spalding, University of M issouri-Kansas City Directors-at-Large: W illiam E. Brown Jr., University of Miami Paul E. Dumont, Dallas County C om m unity College District Barbara Baxter Jenkins, U niversity of Oregon Linda S. Muroi, San Diego State University Carol Pfeiffer, University of Virginia Mary Lee Sweat, Loyola University Dana C. Rooks, University of Houston Executive Director (ex-officio): Althea H. Jenkins, A C R L/ALA C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 935 Financial Report Cathy Henderson B u d g et a n d F in a n ce C om m ittee C hair ACRL had an exceptionally strong budget perfor­ mance during the 1998-99 fiscal year and the association’s financial condition remains very healthy. At the close o f the fiscal year, the ACRL Operating Fund Balance was $1,707,698. The Choice closing Operating Fund Balance was $1,019,931. 1998-99 budget highlights ACRL’s revenues (not including Choice) were $282,139 more than budgeted for the year. Classified and product advertising and book sales revenues were $162,758 above budgeted levels, with classified advertising in College & R e­ search Libraries News and on the ACRL Web site accounting for most o f the revenue gain. Revenues from the national conference, preconferences, and in­ stitutes registration fees were $57,091 more than budget, and donations ac­ counted for over $68,000 in additional revenues. ACRL personal membership dues revenues were $32,154 more than budget. Revenues from some catego­ ries, such as subscription sales and organizational membership dues, were be­ low budget. As has been the case in recent years, ACRL realized substantial cost contain­ ment in several areas. ACRL’s total expenses (again not including Choice) were $156,463 less than budget, with lower than anticipated staff costs accounting for a substantial portion o f the savings. Choice’s budget performance in 1998-99 was especially strong. Total Choice revenues were $137,046 above budget and expenses were $37,544 below bud­ get. Choice’s revenue exceeded budget in all categories, except for subscription sales, which were $89,812 less than budget. Choice entered into several new licensing agreements during the year that added nearly $166,000 to its royalty budget. Savings in the Choice expense budget were primarily the result o f a reduced Unrelated Business Income Tax or (UBIT). This year is the first since the early 90s that ACRL has exceeded its budget in the membership dues revenues area. While this is great news, it raises some concern. As our membership grows it brings added challenges to provide ser­ vices to the membership. After a careful analysis of the cost for delivering pro­ grams and services to the membership using the 1997-98 budget figures, it was determined that ACRL needed to raise an additional $50.00 net income above and beyond each member’s dues to support these services. ACRL is able to continue providing these services through a variety o f non-dues, revenue-gener­ ating programs and activities. ACRL asset management ACRL’s long-term investment portfolio includes the ACRL general endowment, the Choice endowment, and three awards endowments (Oberly, Leab, and Atkinson). At the end o f the 1998-99 fiscal year, the total portfolio value o f all 936 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Financial Report ACRL endowment funds was $1,013,143, an increase o f $385,969 (or 62%) above the total value at the end o f 1997-98. Values for each o f the endowments as o f August 31, 1999, were as follows: ACRL endowment, $512,407; Oberly award, .$19,053; Leab award, $26,674; Atkinson award, $109,573; Choice en­ dowment, $345,436. 1999-2000 ACRL budget The ACRL Board, following a recommendation from the Budget and Finance Committee, has approved a 1999-2000 ACRL budget with expenditures that are $351,752 above anticipated revenues and a Choice budget with expendi­ tures o f $124,638 above revenues. The ACRL budget includes advance expenses for the Denver National Conference (which are projected to be more than recov­ ered when the conference is held); increased expenses for new initiatives relat­ ing to strengthening partnerships with the higher education community; and expanding activities in the information literacy area. The Choice budget in­ cludes new expenditures and revenues for expanding the use o f technology in the production and distribution o f the magazine to reach new audiences. The 1999-2000 budget shows projected revenues, expenses, and fund balances as follows: ACRL Choice beginning fund balance $1,707,698 beginning fund balance $1,019,931 total revenues $1,559,693 total revenues $2,162,898 total expenses $1,911,446 total expenses $2,287,536 net ($351,752) net ($124,638) endowment transfers $100,000 endowment transfers $50,000 ending fund balance $1,255,946 ending fund balance $845,293 Thanks I wish to express thanks to the ACRL Budget and Finance Committee and par­ ticularly the ACRL staff for all their work in realizing such excellent budget results for the 1998-99 year and for their continuing efforts to build ACRL’s financial resources, which are essential for carrying out the association’s objec­ tives. Members o f the Budget and Finance Committee were: Nancy Allen, Katherine Branch, David Brink, Rena Fowler, R. Cecilia Knight, Erika Linke, John Popko, Gloriana St. Clair, Elizabeth Wood, and Juana Young, as well as ex-officio members Larry Hardesty and Althea Jenkins. Ray English concluded last year’s report by saying that everyone involved with ACRL can feel justifiably proud o f our association’s financial strength, its superb budget performance, and ACRL’s increased ability to carry out its high­ est priorities. Those same words hold true today. In this climate, the Budget & Finance Committee will continue its important work under the chairmanship o f John Popko. C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 937 Financial Report E x ecu tiv e S u m m a ry 1 9 9 8 -9 9 F Y 1999 F Y 1999 L A S T Y E A R S O U R C E S O F R E V E N U E B U D G E T A C T U A L A C TU A L Ending Reserve Operating Fund (ACRL) $1,295,731 $1,707,698 $1,295,731 Endowments (ACRL) 413,756 667,707 413,756 Operating Fund (CHOICE) 1,042,918 1,019,931 1,042,918 Endowment (CHOICE) 213,418 345,436 213,418 Subtotal $2,965,823 $3,740,772 $2,965,823 Membership dues and other Dues $410,728 $427,332 $359,060 Other 500 2,917 510 Donations 1,500 19,060 9,015 Awards 4,700 2,250 5,600 Sec. Newsletters 0 2,250 2,750 Subtotal $417,428 $453,809 $376,935 Publications CHOICE $1,931,350 $2,068,396 $1,909,146 C&RL 153,711 173,298 166,518 C&RL News 354,654 477,986 420,639 RBML 32,080 16,236 29,208 Nonperiodical Pubs. 128,500 229,603 168,170 Library Statistics $101,475 $19 $0 Subtotal $2,701,770 $2,965,538 $2,693,681 Education Leadership Institute $35,425 $21,070 $36,515 National (97,99) 964,124 1,046,112 500 Pre-& Postconferences 50,712 59,542 100,347 Immersion Institutes 76,890 111,898 0 Subtotal $1,127,151 $1,238,622 $137,362 Special Projects Friends of ACRL $0 $7,565 $0 Subtotal $0 $7,565 $0 Total Revenue $4,246,349 $4,665,534 $3,207,978 CHOICE Revenue $1,931,350 $2,068,396 $1,909,146 Total Rev. W/O Choice $2,314,999 $2,597,138 $1,298,832 National Conference Revenue $964,124 $1,046,112 $500 Total Revenue w/o Natl. Conf. $1,350,875 $1,551,026 $1,298,332 938 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Financial Report F Y 1 9 9 9 F Y 1 9 9 9 L A S T Y E A R O B J E C T O F E X P E N S E B U D G E T A C T U A L A C T U A L M em bership A ctivities M em bership Servs. $82,165 $38,000 $74,000 Exec. Comm. & Board 130,998 114,905 93,172 Advisory 17,171 (22,440) (18,154) Standards distrib. 7,186 5,775 4,298 Discussion Groups 3,378 2,941 2,854 A w ards 16,636 13,182 23,125 C hapters 68,527 50,804 50,015 C om m ittees 48,853 38,154 39,180 Sections 71,853 68,837 60,298 Section Newsletters 30,061 29,670 26,223 Chapter Topics 6,072 4,173 3,957 C&RL 10,189 0 0 Council of Liasons 63,961 39,700 48,282 Info Lit $0 11,548 $0 Subtotal $557,050 $395,249 $407,250 Special Projects Friends of ACRL $11,140 $12,843 $0 Subtotal $11,140 $12,843 $0 P ublications CH OICE $2,028,926 $1,991,382 $1,789,897 C&R L 153,711 159,993 154,531 C&RL News 336,368 331,186 326,867 RBML 31,700 19,638 33,803 Nonperiodical Pubs. 100,192 147,072 140,806 Library Statistics $96,790 $49,083 $11,209 Subtotal $2,747,687 $2,698,354 $2,457,113 Education Pre & Postconferences $50,338 $52,574 $101,272 National (97,99) 691,865 693,932 125,659 Leadership Institute 35,801 12,602 34,233 Immersion Institute $76,679 $110,999 $40,156 Subtotal $854,683 $870,107 $301,320 TOTAL EXPENSES $4,170,560 $3,976,553 $3,165,683 CH OICE EXPENSES $2,028,926 $1,991,382 $1,789,897 CH OICE Net ($97,576) $77,013 $119,249 CH OICE EN D OW M ENT ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) TOTAL EXP. W /O CHOICE $2,141,634 $1,985,171 $1,375,786 Net AC RL $173,365 $611,967 ($77,621) AC RL END OW M ENT ($200,000) ($200,000) ($200,000) CLOSING FUND BALANCE $1,004,596 $1,707,698 $1,295,731 CHOICE CLO SIN G FUND $813,039 $1,019,931 $1,042,918 C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 939 A C R L S p o n s o rs h ip s fo r 1999 A C R L th a n ks th e co rp o ra te co m m u n ity fo r fin a n cia lly suppo rting its activities and p ro gra m s th ro u g h o u t the year. W o rkin g together, th e aca d e m ic library an d c o r­ porate co m m u n ity can ach ie ve g o a ls of m utual interest. Libra rian s be n e fit from th e e xp e rt a n a lysis and p ro b le m -so lvin g corporate leaders can bring to issues and top ics bein g ad dre ssed. Corporate contributions added $134,000 to the A C R L 1 9 9 8 -9 9 budget. It w as b e ­ cause of these contributions that the AC R L m em bership enjoyed a wider range of pro­ gram s and activities. AC R L could not be the m ajor playe r in the library and high er education are na that it is w ithout th e c o ­ operation received from sponsorships. C o lle a g u e s Summa Cum Laude (over $6,000) Baker & Taylor Blackwell’s Books EBSCO Information Services Endeavor Information Systems Gale Group Innovative Interfaces, Inc. NetLibrary Swets & Zeitlinger UMI Magna Cum Laude ($3,000-$5,999) Congressional Information Services Elsevier Science Faxon Katherine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Yankee Books Cum Laude ($1,000-$2,999) ABAA (Elisabeth Woodburn Fund) Christie, Manson and Woods Emery-Pratt Highsmith Institute for Scientific Information Martinus Nijhoff OCLC Reed Reference/K. G. Saur Science Direct SilverPlatter Corporate Giving ($500-$999) Brick Row Books Cambridge Science Heritage Book Shop Lame Duck Books Philadelphia Rare Books Reese Company Swann Galleries, Inc. T. Schwarz & L. Thompson Wissenschaftlicher 940 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Friends of ACRL Friends of ACRL In January 1999, ACRL announced to its membership that it had undertaken an initiative that would not only strengthen our association but also provide aca­ demic librarians with a means to make a further commitment to the future growth o f our profession. This new initiative, the Friends o f ACRL, was conceived by a number o f members who felt that the time had come for ACRL to have a mechanism by which academic librarians could express their gratitude and support for their association by making tax deductible contributions that would benefit others within our profession. The ACRL Board approved the Friends at Annual Con­ ference in 1998 and requested that the donations support areas key to ACRL’s mission. Those areas were identified and four funds were created to support them: Professional Development Scholarship Fund, which is geared towards MLS students and entry-level and minority librarians; Innovative New Program Fund will provide additional cutting-edge programming using enhanced deliv­ ery methods such as Webcast and teleconferencing; Best Practices in Academic Librarianship Fund will recognize individuals and institutions that provide pro­ grams and services that set the standard for our profession; and Global Connec­ tion Fund supports scholarships for foreign academic librarians, offers grants for study abroad, and provides grant funds for the distribution o f U.S. publica­ tions to third-world countries. In its first year o f existence, the Friends o f ACRL had 51 donors, 27 o f which were Founding Members. Numerous reasons were given by current contribu­ tors on why becoming a Friend o f ACRL was important to them. Two fine ex­ amples are: “As a university library administrator, I have always believed that the Asso­ ciation o f College and Research Libraries reflects the values and the vision that are important to us.” “The reason I chose to contribute to the Friends o f ACRL program is that ACRL has been instrumental in my own growth as a professional, and I wanted to reciprocate for all the opportunities I ’ve experienced through ACRL.” C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 941 Friends of ACRL F riends of A C R L Than ks to tho se listed below fo r jo in in g the Friends of A C R L fam ily M ILL E N N IU M C LU B ($1,000 and o ver) S haron J. R ogers M aureen Sullivan Helen Spalding G O LD CLU B ($ 5 0 0 -$ 9 9 9 ) P atricia S enn Breivik Jill Fatzer Larry H ardesty W illiam M iller H a nn elo re B. R ader Ju a n a R. Young SILVER C LU B ($ 2 5 0 -$ 4 9 9 ) D onald E. Riggs Jeffrey S cherer C E N TU R Y C LU B ($ 1 0 0 -$ 2 4 6 ) W illiam E. Brow n Lois C herepon Elaine D idier R ay English B arbara J. Ford Jo se p h G riffin in m e m o ry of M ary A nn G riffin W. Lee Hisle C a th y H enderson A lthe a Jenkins M aija M. Lutz R ush M iller C laud ia J. M orner Linda M uroi Jam e s Neal C arol Pfeiffer S he lley E. Phipps M ario T. Reid Elizabeth M. S alzer M ary Lee Sw eat P atricia A. W and F R IE N D S ($ 4 5 -9 9 ) C h arle s E. Beard S herrie S. Bergm an Lynn S cott C ochrane Paul E. Dum ont Rena Fow ler B ernard Fradkin N icholas G aym on Lori A. G oetsch Vicki G regory B arbara Baxter Jen kin s Jan Kem p Erika C. Linke F rances M aloy La urence M iller V ictoria A. M ontavon D ana C. Rooks C arolyn A. S heehy Louise S. S herby P am ela Snelson Keith Stetson Lee M arie W isel B arbara W ittko pf 942 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Meet the ACRL Staff Many o f you have had phone and/or e-mail contact with ACRL’s staff, o f which there are 12.95 ALA-approved FTE positions at headquarters. Here’s your chance to put a face with that voice or e-mail signature. On these pages, we present current ACRL staff (including two o f ACRL’s Choice 22.4 FTE staff) with in­ formation about their responsibilities. Take a minute to “meet the staff!” We’re looking forward to hearing from you. New ACRL staff in 1999 include: Melissa Cast, director, membership ser­ vices; Lisa Grube, program assistant; Dawn Mueller, production/design assis­ tant; and Nicole Wheatley, editorial assistant. M E LIS S A C A S T, director, m e m b ersh ip services. C o ord ina te s A C R L m em bership prom otion and re­ tention activities; oversees A C R L’s A nnual C onfer­ ence program s and activities; co o rd in a te s activities of sections and chapters; m anages section appoint­ m ents and nom inations process; answ ers questions about Initiative Fund proposals. Phone: (312) 280- 2523; e-m ail: m cast@ DARLENA DAVIS, assistant to the AC R L execu­ tive director. Manages ACR L’s office; processes m em b er requests for reim bursem ents for ACR L Board m em bers, C ouncil of Liaison, and infor­ m ation lite racy initiatives; prepares and m ain­ ta in s fina ncial reports for ACR L; receives c o n ­ trib u tio n s from corporate sponsors and m ain­ tains records for ACRL. Phone: (312) 280-2519; e-m ail: ddavis@ MARY ELLEN DAVIS, sen io r asso cia te executive director. S erves as chief op era ting o ffice r fo r ACRL; ed ito r of C&R L News; m anages national con fer­ ences; coo rdinates A C R L’s preconferences, insti­ tutes, and sem inars. Phone: (312) 280-2511; e- mail: m davis@ C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 943 Meet the ACRL Staff M IC H A E L G OD OW , program officer. C o ordinates A C R L govern m ent relations activities; coo rdinates Friends of A C R L activities; m anages AC R L’s d ivi­ sional a p po intm en t activities; an sw e rs qu estio ns about the A C R L standards and guidelines. M ain­ tains A C R L m em bership da tabase in IMIS; AC R L’s Leadership D irectory in print and on the W eb; and records of the E xecutive C o m m itte e and Board of D ir e c to r s . P h o n e : (3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 2 5 1 0 ; e -m a il: m godow @ F R A N C IN E G R A F , m a n a g in g e d ito r o f Choice. M anages all editorial aspects o f the m agazine, review s-on-cards, and electronic databases; coo rdinates the w o rk of C h o ic e ’s ed ito ria l staff; plans th e ed itorial calendar. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e-mail: fgraf@ LISA GRUB E, program assistant. Maintains ACR L’s annual conference and m idw inter m eetings records and form s; pre pa res A C R L’s ballo ts fo r the A LA annual elections; coo rdinates A C R L’s A w ards Pro­ gram ; m aintains A C R L’s e lectron ic discussio n lists. Phone: (312) 280-2515; e-m ail: lgrube@ JA C K HELB IG , assista nt editor/cla ssified ads manager. M anages job ads fo r C&RL N ews and C&R L NewsNet. Phone: (312)280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663; e-m ail: jh elb ig @ 944 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Meet the ACRL Staff A LTH E A JE N K IN S , exe cutive director. Directs activities of the A C R L and C H O IC E offices; c o o r­ dinates policy im p lem e ntatio n; prepares A C R L’s budgets; ex-officio to the A C R L exe cutive c o m ­ m ittee and the Board of D irectors; serve s as o ffi­ cial co n ta ct fo r high er ed uca tion organizations; c o o rd in a te s A C R L C o lle ag ue s and inform ation lite ra cy pro gra m s. P hone: (312) 28 0-3248; e m ail: ajenkins@ ala .o rg DAWN M U E L L E R , p ro d u ctio n /d e sig n a ss is ­ tant. D evelops and m aintains A C R L’s W eb site; lays o u t and produces C&R L; designs and pro­ duces R B M ; w o rks w ith section ed itors to p ro ­ duce and d istrib u te sectio n ne w sle tte rs; d e ­ signs and produces all A C R L bro chu res and f ly e r s . P h o n e : (3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 2 5 1 6 ; e -m a il: dm ueller@ IR V IN G R O C K W O O D , C hoice, e d ito r and p u b ­ lisher. H andles m agazine and o th er product a d ve r­ tisin g sales; subscrip tion services; m arketing and p ro m otio ns. Phone: (860) 34 7-6 933 ; fax: (860) 346-8586; e-m ail: iro ckw oo d@ ala .o rg M A R G O T SUTTON , professional developm ent assistant. C o o rd in a te s A C R L ’s Jo b S ha do w Day; ove rsee s the a ctivitie s of A C R L’s d iscus­ sion groups; answ ers qu estio ns ab ou t regis­ tration for AC R L’s conferences, institutions, etc. P hone: (312) 28 0-2 5 2 2 ; e-m ail: m sutton@ C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 945 Meet the ACRL Staff H U G H T H O M P S O N , d ire c to r o f p u b lic a tio n s . H andles all qu e stio n s ab ou t A C R L’s publications; ove rsee s pro du ction o f C & R L and R B M ; an sw e rs questions about ACR L’s W eb site; m anages AC R L’s A c a d e m ic Lib ra rie s Trends a n d S ta tistics program . P h o n e : (3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -2 5 1 7 ; e -m a il: h th o m p so n @ NIC O LE W HEATLEY, editorial assistant, publi­ cations and National C onference. C o n ta ct fo r info rm atio n about sub scrip tions, jo b ads, and m a n u s c rip t s u b m is s io n s fo r C & R L N e w s. Phone: (312) 280-2514; e-m ail: nwheatley@ A N N -C H R IS TE YO U N G , production e d ito r fo r R B M and C&R L News. C o py edits and lays o u t C&RL N e w s and C & R L N e w sN e t; w rite s “ P eople in the N e w s” and “G ra n ts and A c q u is itio n s ” fo r C&R L N e w s . P h o n e : ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 - 2 5 2 4 ; e - m a il: a yo u n g@ a la .o rg Structure Bookmarks Association OfC http://www.ala.orq/acrl.htmlollege& Research LIBRARIESA DIVISION OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ACRL’s MissionThe Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) provides leadership for development, promotion, and improvement of academic and research library resources and services to facilitate learning, research, and the scholarly communication process. ACRL promotes the highest level of professional excellence for librarians and library personnel in order to serve the users of academic and research libraries. 916 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Message from the PresidentMaureen SullivanACRL’s 60th PresidentACRL leaders and members continue to contribute in many significant ways to the improvement of higher education, to the enhancement of learning and teaching in our many and varied academic commu­nities, to leadership in our profession, and to our own professional development. This past year has been a time of great activity and accomplishment for the association and its more than 10,000 members.I thoroughly enjoyed my year as president of ACRL a C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 917 Message from the President• Choice magazine celebrated its 35th anniversary and launched ChoiceReviews. online. I visited the Choice office in late spring and had the opportunity the meet the staff and see the operations that support this important ACRL service.• Chapters Council continued to help assure incorporation of ACRL Chapters by 2000. Chapters Council is an important forum for the exchange of information among chapters and for the sharing of ideas and programs that benefit ACRL mem­bers who are not ACRL Membership StatisticsACRLPersonalOrganizational/August 1999 August 1998 %increase/SectionsSpecialtotaltotaldecreaseACRL10,32697111,29710,6166.43%AAMES36362425433-1.85%AFAS24725272275-1.09%ANSS46865533574-6.97%ARTS76881849876-3.08%CJCLS9372161,1531,1242.67%CLS2,0192732,2922,1924.61%DLS1,114571,1711,0768.83%EALS59014604630-4.13%EBSS9741711,1451,247-8.18%IS3,7573954,1524,195-1.03%LPSS61582697728-4.26%RBMS1,5811581,7391,788-2.74%SEES21248260278-6.47%STS1,6011861,7871,869-4.33%ULS5,4642985,7625,951-3.16%WES 918 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Message from the Vice-PresidentLarry HardestyVice-President/President-ElectThese are exciting times to be part of ACRL as the association continues to move forward boldly in enhancing the effectiveness of academic and re­search librarians. We have achieved much, and we should acknowledge our accomplishments. How­ever, the tasks before us remain considerable. Therefore, we need to re-examine what we have accomplished and build on our accomplishments to face the chal­lenges of the next millennium. From this c C&RL News ■ December 7 999 / 979 Message from the Vice-Presidentstorming session led by Pamela Moffett Padley, newly appointed chair of the Membership Committee, and myself with the Chapters Council members and representatives from various Schools of Library and Information Science. The numerous excellent ideas have been shared with all the SLIS deans and direc­tors and chapter officers. The participants recommended, for example, more mentoring of support staff and college students by practicing academic librar­ians as to the opportunities 920 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Letter from the Executive DirectorAlthea H. JenkinsExecutive DirectorThe 21st century—are we there yet? Not quite. However, by the time many of you read this report, the new century will have arrived. Although there remains unfinished business in preparation for the new century, the ACRL Board of Directors madegreat progress in 1998-99 toward building a more efficient and effective asso­ciation by engaging the membership in the strategic planning process. Using the core values for academic librarians that g C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 921 Letter from the Executive Directorto be able to clearly identify learning outcomes, but they also must measure new activities, their performance, and the impact they have on traditional services and resources, including budgets. In the coming years, ACRL will need to take an active position in defining an agenda in this area for carrying out work at the grassroots level.• Today we live and work in a global economy built on knowledge, innova­tion, speed, and quality. As our international boundaries become mo 922 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in ReviewServices and programsAs ALA’s largest division for a number of years now, ACRL’s membership continues to grow, and the 1998 99 year found us at our highest membership to date. We’re hopeful that ALA’s new membership management database will provide numerous benefits to ACRL members, including improved communi­cation, and, eventually, the capability of allowing members access to their own records.Membership increased in 1998-99 by 6.43%. While it is always pleasing and exciting to experience gr C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 923 Year in Beviewbenchmarks for “Best Practices” in the profession. Awards will be presented in ceremonies on the recipients’ campuses.Information Literacy Competency StandardsWith changing technologies and the ever-increasing access to information re­sources, the need for skills in efficiently locating, evaluating, and effectively utilizing information is powerfully clear. Responding to the need for compe­tency standards in information literacy, the ACRL Board of Directors formed the ACRL Task Force on Inform Year in Review ACRL Award Winners 1999 ■ Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award (Donor: Baker and Taylor Books)Hannelore B. Rader, University of Louisville■ Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award(Donor: ACRL, LAMA, LITA, ALCTS) Susan K. Nutter, North Carolina State University■ Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian of the Year Award (Donor: JAI Press/ Elsevier)Mary Reichel, Appalachian State University■ Marta Lange/CQ Award (Donor: Congressional Quarterly)Jolande E. Goldberg, Library of Congress■ EBSCO Community College Learning Resources/Library A Alenka auperl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill■ West European Specialist Study Grant(Donor: Martinus Nijhoff International) Richard Hacken, Brigham Young University■ K.G. Saur Award for Best Article in C&RL (Donor: Reed Reference/K.G. Saur) Bonnie Gratch-Lindauer, City College of San Francisco■ Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural SciencesEli MacLaren, University of Alberta■ RBMS Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalog Award (Donor: Kat C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 925 Year in ReviewTaking advantage of an opportunity to expand beyond their yearly program­ming events, several sections benefited from the ACRL Initiative Fund to de­velop and implement new innovative activities and to promote relations with discipline-based professional organizations.• The Rare Book and Manuscript Section presented a Web exhibition that is an electronic version of a traveling exhibition intended to create a greater appreciation and awareness of library and archival exhibitions, and their acco 926 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in ReviewGovernment relationsAcademic librarians are increasingly concerned about the impact of informa­tion technology on the performance of their duties and the concomitant legisla­tion, which has been introduced in Congress. In order for academic librarians to be informed and educated about the pertinent legislative issues and influence information policy outcomes, the ACRL Board of Directors made advocacy one of the association’s major strategic directions.During 1998-99, ACRL’s Government Relation C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 927 Year in ReviewIntellectual Freedom PrinciplesAt the 1999 Annual Conference in New Orleans, the ACRL Board approved the Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries that were drafted and recommended by the ACRL Intellectual Freedom Committee.The purpose of the intellectual freedom principles is to provide an interpreta­tion of general intellectual freedom principles for an academic library setting. This is especially important in today’s digital environment where expanding access to information has 928 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in ReviewConferences, preconferences, institutesWorking in academic libraries has never been more challenging. Demands for new services frequently outstrip the resources—money, time, and people—that are available. Librarians are looking for more effective ways to make their voices heard in campus-wide priority setting.Through its professional development offerings, the ACRL Board of Direc­tors supports the association’s commitment to enhancing the ability of academic librarians to respond to the changi C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 929 Year in Reviewhigh quality teaching.” “This was the most positive educational experience I ever had.” The next ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute is scheduled for July 30-August 5, 2000.For library leaders lacking the time to invest in a five-day program, ACRL also offered “Build Your Leadership Toolkit,” a one-day session that gave an overview of campus issues combined with practical toolkit sessions aimed at developing specific skills such as negotiation, change, and persuasion. This institute is designed 930 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in ReviewPublicationsACRL’s publications activity provides a focal point for members to share their research results, experiences in solving administrative problems, techniques for instruction, and resources for collection development. A wide range of formats is available, including scholarly refereed journals, monographs, the Web, and monographic series with a particular focus such as Publica­tions in Librarianship and CLIP Notes. ACRL has just completed a highly success­ful year with the publication C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 931 Year in Review96 pages of editorial content. Beginning in 1997, the table of contents, abstracts of each articles, and full text of the book reviews for each issue have been avail­able on the ACRL Web site.CHOICEThe past year was a particularly eventful one at Choice, which celebrated its 35th anniversary in March. During the past year, Choice:• launched its new Web-based reviewing service,, in April 1999. Although its launch was slightly delayed (from January to April), ChoiceReviews.o 932 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Year in Reviewwill be able to track all titles received—instead of just those reviewed— and to initiate monthly updates of from Middletown. In addition, reviewers will be able to submit reviews and update their profiles via the Web.Among the anticipated highlights of the coming year—implementation of the new publishing database and continued licensing activities. Version 1.5 of will be released in late 1999 with a site license version following in early 2000.C&RL Ne C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 933 Year in Review1999 Annual Conference Programs—New Orleans■ ACRL preconference—“Understanding the Licensing Landscape”■ ACRL President’s Program—“Leadership & Learning: Academic Libraries as Living Systems”■ ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section—“Preserving Social History: The Leadership Role of Librarians and Scholars in Building Locally Based Collections”■ ACRL Arts Section, Rare Books & Manuscripts Section—“Mardi Gras Unmasked: How It Happens and How We Record It” ACRL ARTS/LITA, Technology in the Arts 934 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 ACRL Board of Directors, 1998-99ACRL Board 1998-99 (I to r): (back) William E. Brown, Maureen Sullivan, Larry Hardesty, Helen H. Spalding, W. Lee Hisle; (front) Barbara Baxter Jenkins, Dana C. Rooks, Paul E. Dumont, Cathy Henderson, and Mary Lee Sweat. Not pictured: Althea H. Jenkins, Carol Pfieffer, and Linda Muroi.ACRL Board of Directors, 1998-99President:Maureen Sullivan, Organizational Development ConsultantVice-President/President-Elect:Larry Hardesty, Austin CollegePast-President:W. Lee Hisle, Austin C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 935 Financial ReportCathy HendersonBudget and Finance Committee ChairACRL had an exceptionally strong budget perfor­mance during the 1998-99 fiscal year and the association’s financial condition remains very healthy. At the close of the fiscal year, the ACRL Operating Fund Balance was $1,707,698. TheChoice closing Operating Fund Balance was $1,019,931.1998-99 budget highlightsACRL’s revenues (not including Choice) were $282,139 more than budgeted for the year. Classified and product advertising and book sales r 936 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Financial ReportACRL endowment funds was $1,013,143, an increase of $385,969 (or 62%) above the total value at the end of 1997-98. Values for each of the endowments as of August 31, 1999, were as follows: ACRL endowment, $512,407; Oberly award, .$19,053; Leab award, $26,674; Atkinson award, $109,573; Choice en­dowment, $345,436.1999-2000 ACRL budgetThe ACRL Board, following a recommendation from the Budget and Finance Committee, has approved a 1999-2000 ACRL budget with expenditures that are $351,752 above C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 937 Financial ReportExecutive Summary 1998-99FY1999 FY1999 LAST YEAR SOURCES OF REVENUEBUDGETACTUALACTUALEnding ReserveOperating Fund (ACRL)$1,295,731$1,707,698$1,295,731Endowments (ACRL)413,756667,707413,756Operating Fund (CHOICE)1,042,9181,019,9311,042,918Endowment (CHOICE)213,418345,436213,418Subtotal$2,965,823$3,740,772$2,965,823Membership dues and otherDues$410,728$427,332$359,060Other5002,917510Donations1,50019,0609,015Awards4,7002,2505,600Sec. Newsletters02,2502,750Subtotal$417,428$453,809$376,935Publica 938 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Financial ReportFY1999 FY1999 LAST YEAR OBJECT OF EXPENSEBUDGETACTUALACTUALMembership ActivitiesMembership Servs.$82,165$38,000$74,000Exec. Comm. & Board130,998114,90593,172Advisory17,171(22,440)(18,154)Standards distrib.7,1865,7754,298Discussion Groups3,3782,9412,854Awards16,63613,18223,125Chapters68,52750,80450,015Committees48,85338,15439,180Sections71,85368,83760,298Section Newsletters30,06129,67026,223Chapter Topics6,0724,1733,957C&RL10,18900Council of Liasons63,96139,70048,282Info Lit$011,548$0Subtotal C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 939 ACRL Sponsorships for 1999 ACRL thanks the corporate community for financially supporting its activities and programs throughout the year. Working together, the academic library and cor­porate community can achieve goals of mutual interest. Librarians benefit from the expert analysis and problem-solving corporate leaders can bring to issues and topics being addressed.Corporate contributions added $134,000 to the ACRL 1998-99 budget. It was be­cause of these contributions that the ACRL membership enjoyed a wider range of pro­grams and Magna Cum Laude ($3,000-$5,999) Congressional Information Services Elsevier ScienceFaxonKatherine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. LeabYankee BooksCum Laude ($1,000-$2,999)ABAA (Elisabeth Woodburn Fund) Christie, Manson and Woods Emery-PrattHighsmithInstitute for Scientific InformationMartinus NijhoffOCLCReed Reference/K. G. Saur Science Direct SilverPlatterCorporate Giving ($500-$999)Brick Row Books Cambridge Science Heritage Book Shop Lame Duck Books Philadelphia Rare Books Reese Company Swann Galleries, Inc. T. S 940 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Friends of ACRLFriends of ACRLIn January 1999, ACRL announced to its membership that it had undertaken an initiative that would not only strengthen our association but also provide aca­demic librarians with a means to make a further commitment to the future growth of our profession.This new initiative, the Friends of ACRL, was conceived by a number of members who felt that the time had come for ACRL to have a mechanism by which academic librarians could express their gratitude and support for their associat C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 941 Friends of ACRL Friends of ACRLThanks to those listed below for joining the Friends of ACRL family MILLENNIUM CLUB ($1,000 and over)Sharon J. RogersMaureen SullivanHelen SpaldingGOLD CLUB ($500-$999)Patricia Senn BreivikJill FatzerLarry HardestyWilliam MillerHannelore B. RaderJuana R. YoungSILVER CLUB ($250-$499)Donald E. RiggsJeffrey SchererCENTURY CLUB ($100-$246)William E. BrownLois ChereponElaine DidierRay EnglishBarbara J. FordJoseph Griffin in memory of Mary Ann GriffinW. Lee HisleCathy HendersonAlthea JenkinsMaija M. LutzRush MillerClaudia J. Morner Linda Muroi James Neal Carol Pfeiffer Shelley E. Phipps Mario T. Reid Elizabeth M. Salzer Mary Lee Sweat Patricia A. WandFRIENDS ($45-99)Charles E. Beard Sherrie S. Bergman Lynn Scott Cochrane Paul E. Dumont Rena Fowler Bernard Fradkin Nicholas Gaymon Lori A. Goetsch Vicki Gregory Barbara Baxter Jenkins Jan Kemp Erika C. Linke Frances Maloy Laurence Miller Victoria A. Montavon Dana C. Rooks Carolyn A. Sheehy Louise S. Sherby Pamela Snelson Keith Stetson Lee Marie Wisel Barbara Wittkopf 942 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Meet the ACRL StaffMany of you have had phone and/or e-mail contact with ACRL’s staff, of which there are 12.95 ALA-approved FTE positions at headquarters. Here’s your chance to put a face with that voice or e-mail signature. On these pages, we present current ACRL staff (including two of ACRL’s Choice 22.4 FTE staff) with in­formation about their responsibilities. Take a minute to “meet the staff!” We’re looking forward to hearing from you.New ACRL staff in 1999 include: Melissa Cast, director, membership C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 943 Meet the ACRL StaffMICHAEL GODOW, program officer. Coordinates ACRL government relations activities; coordinates Friends of ACRL activities; manages ACRL’s divi­sional appointment activities; answers questions about the ACRL standards and guidelines. Main­tains ACRL membership database in IMIS; ACRL’s Leadership Directory in print and on the Web; and records of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Phone: (312) 280-2510; e-mail: mgodow@ala.orgFRANCINE GRAF, managing editor of Choice. Manages all e 944 / C&RL News ■ December 1999 Meet the ACRL StaffALTHEA JENKINS, executive director. Directs activities of the ACRL and CHOICE offices; coor­dinates policy implementation; prepares ACRL’s budgets; ex-officio to the ACRL executive com­mittee and the Board of Directors; serves as offi­cial contact for higher education organizations; coordinates ACRL Colleagues and information literacy programs. Phone: (312) 280-3248; e mail: ajenkins@ala.orgDAWN MUELLER, production/design assis­tant. Develops and maintains ACRL’s Web site; lays out and pr C&RL News ■ December 1999 / 945 Meet the ACRL StaffHUGH THOMPSON, director of publications. Handles all questions about ACRL’s publications; oversees production of C&RL and RBM; answers questions about ACRL’s Web site; manages ACRL’s Academic Libraries Trends and Statistics program. Phone: (312) 280-2517; e-mail: hthompson@ ala.orgNICOLE WHEATLEY, editorial assistant, publi­cations and National Conference. Contact for information about subscriptions, job ads, and manuscript submissions for C&RL News. Phone: (312) 280-2514; e-mail: nwheatl