ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 954 / C& RL News ■ D ecem ber 1999 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg RLG D ig iN e w s R ecent issues o f th e R esearch Libraries G r o u p ’s e l e c tr o n i c p u b lic a t io n “RLG DigiNews” contain articles about various as­ pects o f digital conversion. Volume 3, issue 3 features “The Cedars Project: Implementing a Model for Distrib­ u ted Digital Archives” by Kelly Russell and D erek Sergeant. Volume 3, issue 4 features “Illustrated Book Study: Digital Conversion Requirem ents o f Printed Illustrations” by A nne K enney a n d Louis S harpe II an d “Digitisation of Early Journals” by Thaddeus Lipiniski. Volume 3, issue 5 features “The Costs o f Digital Imaging Projects” by Steve Puglia. All these articles are available at h ttp :// w w w preserv/diginew s/. IFLA su rv e y on d ig itiza tio n The Core Programmes for Preservation and Conservation (PAC) and Universal Availabil­ ity of Publications (UAP) of the International Federation o f Library Associations (IFLA), have com pleted a survey on digitization and preservation for UNESCO’s Memory of the World Program (MOW). In 1998, IFLA distributed questionnaires to num erous national libraries to identify their digitized collections. The results of the survey and analysis of the responses are now available in a print-on-paper report titled “IFLA/UNESCO Survey on Digitization and Preservation.” The ultimate goal is the cre­ ation of a digital database located on the UNESCO Web site, w hich w ould include ci­ tations and links to the surveyed collections. The survey rep o rt is available free-of- charge from the IFLA Offices for UAP and Interlending, c/o The British Library, Bos­ ton Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ United Kingdom; fax: +44 1937 546478; e- mail: richard.ebdon@ NPO d ig ita l p u b lica tio n s a va ila b le The National Preservation Office at the Brit­ ish Library has m ounted texts o f selected p a­ pers from the September 1998 conference, “Guidelines for Digital Imaging.” This con­ ference was a joint effort o f the NPO and the U.S.-based Research Libraries G roup. Available papers include “Guidelines Ver­ sus G uidance for Digital Imaging: The O p­ portunity Before Us” by Anne Kenney of Cornell University; “Selection Guidelines for Preservation” by Janet Gertz o f Columbia University; “G uidance for Selecting Materi­ als for Digitisation” by Paul Ayris o f Univer­ sity College London; “Preparation o f Materi­ als for D igitization” by Ann Swartzell of Harvard University; “Protecting the Physical Form” by Jo h n McIntyre o f the National Li­ brary o f Scotland; “G uidelines for Image Capture” by Stephen Chapman o f Harvard University; “Issues and A pproaches to Pres­ ervation Metadata” by Michael Day of the University o f Bath; an d “Issues and Ap­ proaches to Digital Archiving” by Margaret Hedstrom of the University o f Michigan. The URL for these papers is http://w w w services/preservation/confpapers.htm l. The NPO has also published an 80-page b ook titled Digital Culture: M axim ising the N a tio n ’s Investment. Edited by Mary Feeney, this b ook reviews many aspects related to preservation of digital materials. It considers the responsibilities o f stake­ holders from researchers through archivists, the life cycle o f materials, technological d e­ cisions, and costs for various types o f digital docum ents an d records. T hese consider­ ations are based on seven research papers, which can be found at http://w w w uk/services/papers/bl/. The b ook is avail­ able only in print-on-paper from the NPO. For more information or print copies, con­ tact the National Preservation Office, the Brit­ ish Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, United Kingdom; phone: +44 20 7412 76 12; fax: +44 20 7412 77 96; e-mail: ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column fo r th e College Libraries C o m m itte e , C om m ission o n P reservation and Access. Submissions m ay be m ade t o Jane H edberg, W ellesley College; jhedberg@; fax: (781)283-3690 C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1 9 9 9 / 955 ANY JOURNAL ANY FORMAT A N Y TIME B L A C K W E L L ’S IN F O R M A T IO N SERVICES Continuing our tradition of excellent service to libraries worldwide. New Jersey Service Center PO Box 1257, Blackwood, NJ 08012 Phone: 800-458-3706 Fax: 856-232-7934 Oxford Service Center PO Box 40, Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EU, UK Phone: 011 44 1865 792792 Fax: 011 44 1865 262538 http://www. blackwell .co. uk