ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 684/ C&RL News G ran ts and Acquisitions Hugh Thompson Columbia University has received a $65,000 grant from the G ladys K rieb le Delmas Foundation to sup­ port the cataloging and pro­ cessing o f the Joseph Urban archives. The 17,000 items in the collection, which include watercolor sketches, archi­ tectural renderings, photo­ graphs, corresp on d en ce, and three-dimensional stage models, have provided mod­ em designers, experts in his­ toric preservation, historians, and students o f the theater with invaluable in­ formation and artifacts. Cornell University's Mann Library w ill coordinate and manage an $850,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to nine land-grant libraries across the U.S. The funds will be used to identify and preserve his­ torical literature about agricultural development and rural life covering 1820 to 1945. Historical literature in each o f the nine states where the libraries are located will be identified and then ranked by panels o f scholars. Volumes will be preserved as additional funds become available. The literature traces agriculture as it evolved from a home and family w ay o f life to the busi­ ness enterprises o f today. The eight other insti­ tutions are Auburn, Penn State, and Texas A&M Universities, and the universities o f California- Berkeley, Connecticut, Florida, Nebraska-Lin­ coln, and Wisconsin-Madison. The Council on Library Resources has awarded three grants under its Economics o f Information Small Grants Program funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The awards are $25,000 to the University o f California, Ber­ keley, Library to develop a set o f qualitative and quantitative measures for evaluating the performance and costs o f research library col­ lections; $11,800 to the Association o f Research Libraries to exam ine data on expenditures for electronic resources in research librar­ ies; and $7,920 to the M ilton Eisenhower Li­ brary at Johns Hopkins University to develop an access system to print materials stored in off-site locations using a combination o f new technologies. Goldey-Beacom College in W ilm ington, Delaware, has been awarded a grant o f $15,500 from J. P. Morgan (D elaw are) Inc. The funds will be used for the purchase o f a com plete multimedia workstation to support the b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction program and the acquisition o f an additional financial database. The Research Libraries Group (RLG) has received a $100,000 grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation to improve researchers’ access to primary source materials in its members’ col­ lections. The grant will support RLG’s project to train its members in applying SGML coding to their archival finding aids, which are guides that describe in detail the content o f archival collections, and are a valuable link between brief, collection4evel records now in the RLIN database and the materials themselves. Rutgers U niversity's Special Collections and University Archives has received a $7,000 grant from the N ew Jersey Department o f Edu­ cation/State Library for the preservation o f manuscript volumes. During a one-year period, protective enclosures w ill be created for 550 manuscript volumes documenting the lives o f state residents from approximately 1750 to 1920. The University o f Florida's Education Library, Gainesville, w ill receive funds from a $12,000 Haskell Hess Education Library Endow­ ment to allow the library to purchase materi­ als, computer equipment and software, and hire temporary staff for special projects. The University o f Kansas Libraries have received a pledge o f $250,000 to establish the Walter M. and Johanna Kollmorgen Library Fund at the Kansas University Endowment Associa­ tion. The gift was made by Walter Kollmorgen, a retired chairman o f the University o f Kansas Geography Department, and his sister, Johanna, now deceased. The proceeds o f the endow­ ment w ill provide cash awards for library staff, financial support for staff travel and training, and funds for library acquisitions. November 1996/ 685 The U niversity o f M ichigan School o f Information has received a four-year $5 million grant from the W. K. K ellogg Foundation. The grant w ill allow the school to build an educa­ tional m odel for practical learning and service that w ill benefit nonprofit community organi­ zations and agencies. Am ong the programs are a visiting professorship, a program to bring mid­ career community organization personnel to the school for follow-up training, a minority un­ dergraduate internship program, and a sum­ mer training institute for faculty and doctoral students from other institutions. A cquisitions The litera ry p apers o f con tem p ora ry Irish poet Paul Muldoon have been acquired by the Robert W. W oodru ff Library at Emory University. Muldoon, w idely regarded as one o f Ireland’s finest contemporary poets, has re­ ceived many awards and honors, among them the Eric Gregory Award and the T. S. Eliot Prize. The extensive archive includes many drafts o f poems from each o f Muldoon’s published col­ lections, as w ell as early poems. Also included are correspondence relating to Muldoon’s many literary activities, collected printed material documenting his life and work, and photo­ graphs and diaries. A collection o f b ook s and scores d e ­ voted to the music o f W olfgang Amadeus Mozart has been acquired by the Eda Kuhn Loeb Mu­ sic Library at Harvard University. Known as the Biblioteca Mozartiana Eric Offenbacher, the collection was given by Dr. Eric Offenbacher o f Seattle, w h o assembled it over nearly four decades. It includes tw o autograph manuscripts o f Mozart’s, an autograph letter o f his son Karl, and nearly 100 first and early editions o f the com poser’s works, the vast majority printed before 1800. The collection contains many rare early biographic works and an extensive rep­ ertory o f other writings about Mozart and his family. Valuable facsimile publications, micro­ films, and photocopies o f Mozart autographs Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & A c­ quisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; e-mail: in libraries throughout the w orld are also in­ cluded. A collection o f first o r e a rly editions o f poetry in English by women, published in the British Isles between 1770 and 1839, has been acquired by the Special Collections Department o f the University o f Colorado at Boulder Li­ braries. The collection includes such works as Anna Laetitia Barbauld’s Eighteen Hundred and Eleven (1812), Charlotte Dacre’s Hours o f Soli­ tude (1805), Isabella Lickbarrow’s Poetical Ef­ usions (1814), Mary Robinson’s Lyrical Tales (1800), and Charlotte Smith’s Elegiac Sonnets (1784). Romantic w om en poets, prolific and often popular and influential in their day, have been under-recognized for a long time and have been revived by scholars o f Romanticism only in the past ten years. The papers o f fo rm er Kentucky g o v e r ­ nor Bert T. Combs have been added to the University o f Kentucky’s Modern Political Ar­ chives. Governor Combs, a Kentucky alumnus w h o was governor from 1959 to 1963, champi­ oned a merit system for state employees, up­ graded personnel and facilities o f the state’s mental health facilities, launched a statewide beautification program, established the state parks system, and significantly improved the state’s education system. The collection includes official correspondence, speeches, executive orders, news clippings, campaign memorabilia, photographs, and audio and videotapes. The p apers o f John W . C arpenter, a prominent Dallas businessman, industrialist, and civic leader w h o was a major force behind Texas’ economic progress and growth in the mid-20th century, have been donated to the Special Collections Division o f the University o f Texas at Arlington Libraries. Carpenter be­ gan his career in 1900 as a laborer for Corsicana Gas and Electric Company. By 1907 he was president and general manager o f the company; ten years later he was vice-president and gen­ eral manager o f Dallas Pow er and Light Com­ pany, and eventually was recognized as the dean o f the Southwest electric pow er industry w hile president o f Texas Pow er and Light Com­ pany from 1927 to 1949. The papers include 218 linear feet o f materials in 205 boxes and consist o f a variety o f materials dating from 1891 to 1980 that document Carpenter’s business career and community service in Texas. ■ f 686/C&RL News