ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1996/687 People in the News Pam Spiegel Lillian Castillo-Speed, di­ rector o f the Chicano Stud­ ies Library and head o f the Ethnic Studies Libraries at the University o f California at Berkeley, has been named the 1996 REFORMA Librar­ ian o f the Year. REFORMA is the National Association to Promote Library Services to th e S p an ish S p e a k in g . Castillo-Speed was rec o g ­ nized for her contributions in in c r e a s in g access to Chicano Studies materials and Spanish resources; in pioneering bibliog­ raphy on Chicanas/Latinas; and in promoting REFORMA to students. She has been instrumen­ tal in the success o f the Database on CD-ROM and the Chicano Index, and has made signifi­ cant contributions to the Chicano/LatinoNet (CLNET) on the W orld W ide Web. Isabel Hernandez, Medical Center Campus li­ brarian at M iam i-Dade Community C ollege (M D C C ), has b e e n aw a rd ed an e n d o w e d teaching chair at MDCC. T h e c h a ir p r o v id e s $7,500 a year for three years, allow in g profes­ sors to e x p lo r e n e w teaching m ethods, d e­ velop new projects, en­ hance technological ex­ pertise, and further their k n o w led ge in general. Isabel Hernandez H ern a n d ez, w h o w as awarded the Steel Hector and Davis Endowed Teaching Chair, is a member o f the Medical Library Association’s Academ y o f Health Infor­ mation Professionals. Deborah Jakubs, head o f the International and Area Studies Department at Duke University Li­ braries, was named ARL visiting program of­ ficer for global resources. From last July to D e­ cember 31 Jakubs w ill focus her efforts on developing the Association o f American Uni- versities/ARL Global Resources Program, as well as coordinating the w ork o f the three ongoing pilot projects on Latin America, Japan, and Ger­ many. She has served as chair o f the Advisory C om m ittee fo r the Latin Americanist Resources Pilot Project since its inception. Eva Moseley, curator o f manuscripts in the Schles­ inger Library on the History o f W o m en in Am erica at Harvard University, has w on a Silver Award from the U.S. National Commission on Li­ braries and Information Sci­ e n c e (N C L IS ). In its an­ nouncement, the commis­ sion said, “Eva M oseley is a distinguished American archivist and an active worker in archival issues on the national, state, and local levels. . . . Her most important and lasting achievement is developing the most sig­ nificant U.S. manuscript collection on the his­ tory o f w om en in America. . . . ” M oseley has been curator o f manuscripts since 1972. In 1995 she edited Women, Information, and the Fu­ ture: Collecting and Sharing Resources World­ wide, the proceedings o f an international con­ ference sponsored by the Schlesinger in 1994. The AMIGOS Board o f Directors has elected n ew officers for fiscal year 1996– 97. They are: chair Robert Seal, university librarian at Texas Christian University; vice-chair Willie Hardin, dean o f Torreyson Library at the University o f Central Arkansas; secretary Elizabeth Snapp, director o f libraries at Texas W om an’s Univer­ sity; and treasurer Sue Phillips, associate di­ rector for technical and network services at the University o f Texas at Austin. Three new del­ egates have been selected to serve three-year terms on the AMIGOS delegation to the OCLC Users Council. T w o o f those delegates are Tho­ mas Leonhardt, director o f technical services and head o f collection developm ent at the Uni­ versity o f Oklahoma, and Donald Smith, di­ rector o f the library at Northeast Louisiana Uni­ versity. Appointm ents Joseph J. Branin, associate university librar­ ian for public services and collections at the 688/C&RL News University o f Minnesota (UM ), has been named dean and director o f libraries at the State Uni­ versity o f N ew York at Stony Brook. Before join­ ing UM in 1986, Branin served as assistant direc­ tor for collection devel­ opment at the University o f Georgia Libraries. A member o f ALA, the Re­ search Libraries Group, and Beta Phi Mu (the In­ ternational Library Sci­ en ce H o n o r S o ciety), Joseph J. Branin Branin was selected as a Council on Library Resources management in­ tern and spent a year at Columbia University in 1984. He also participated in the UCLA Senior Fellows Program for leaders in academic librari­ anship in 1991. Hiram L. Davis, senior advisor for staff devel­ opment at the Library o f Congress, has been named dean o f library services at C aliforn ia Polytechnic State Univer­ sity. D a vis w as a p ­ pointed deputy librarian at LC in 1994 and served in that p o s itio n until 1995. B e fo re that he served as director o f li­ braries at Michigan State U n iversity (1989– 94), head o f the Undergradu­ Hiram L. Davis ate Library at UCLA, dean o f libraries at the University o f the Pacific, and dean o f the University Library at N ew Mexico State University. Active in ALA and ACRL, Davis also helped establish the Michigan Research Li­ braries Triangle Consortium in 1992. Rodney Henshaw, director o f the Public Ser­ vices Division at the Emory University General Libraries, has been appointed director o f Drake University’s Cowles Library in Des Moines, Iowa. In his 21 years in the field, Henshaw has served as chief o f the Access Services Depart­ ment at Penn State University and head o f in­ terlibrary services at Iow a State University. Henshaw said o f his appointment, “O ver the next several years, w e ’re going to have a his­ toric opportunity to start creating the library o f the future. . . . I look forward to working with the entire Drake community in this endeavor.” James L. Mullins has been appointed director o f the Falvey Memorial Library at Villanova Uni­ versity. B efore that he served as director o f the Franklin D. Schurz Li­ brary at Indiana Univer­ sity South Bend since 1978, and in various p o­ sitions at the School o f Law Library at Indiana University Bloomington and at Georgia Southern University. Mullins has been active in state and James L. Mullins national professional or­ ganizations including ALA, ACRL, and LAMA. Jordan M. Scepanski, director o f library and learning resources at California State Univer­ sity, Long Beach, since 1984, has b e e n a p ­ pointed executive direc­ tor o f the Triangle Re­ search Libraries N e t­ work. Based at the Uni­ versity o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), the network is a coop­ erative endeavor among D uke, N orth Carolina Central, and North Caro­ Jordan Scepanski lina State Universities, and UNC-CH. Scepanski served as senior ad­ viser for library affairs in the Office o f the Chan­ cellor o f the California State University system in 1995. Previously he served as director o f the Central Library at Vanderbilt University and assistant director o f the UNC-Charlotte Library. He also has been a Fulbright lecturer in Tur­ key, a Council on Library Resources manage­ ment intern, and a staff member at ALA. Sarah Elizabeth Thomas, acting director o f public service collections for the Library o f Con­ gress, has been named Carl A. Kroch Univer­ sity librarian at Cornell University. Thomas has also served as LC’s acting director o f public service and collection management, and as di­ rector for cataloging. She also initiated the Pro­ gram for Cooperative Cataloging, an interna­ tional program to increase access to library materials. Before joining LC, Thomas served as associate director for technical services at the National Agricultural Library, a Council on Li­ brary Resources Academic Library management November 1996/689 intern at the University o f Georgia, manager and coordinator fo r the Research Libraries Group, and as a librarian at Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University. A member o f ALA and ACRL, Thomas has also been w idely published in library journals. Richard Wendorf, librarian o f the Houghton Library at Harvard University, has been ap­ pointed director and li­ brarian o f the Boston Athenaeum effective Feb­ ruary 1997. W e n d o r f served also at Harvard as senior lecturer in the fine arts and acting librarian o f the Fine Arts Library. Before that he served as professor o f English and art history and associate dean for undergraduate Richard W endorf studies at Northwestern University, and he taught at Williams College and Princeton University. The author and edi­ tor o f many articles and books, W en dorf wrote The Elements o f Life: Biography and Portrait- Painting in Stuart and Georgian England (O x ­ ford) and Sir Joshua Reynolds: The Painter in Society to be published this fall by Harvard University Press and the National Portrait Gal­ lery. Phyllis L. Askey has been appointed col­ lection management special projects librarian in the Francis A. Countway Library o f Medicine at Harvard University. Rick J. Block has been named head o f cata­ loging in the Thomas P. O ’Neill Jr. Library at Boston College. Amanda Bowen has been appointed col­ lection management librarian in the Fine Arts Library at Harvard University. Kelly Cannon has been appointed humani­ ties reference librarian at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Victor Cardell has been named music li­ brarian at the University o f Kansas. Kathleen T. D ’Angelo has joined the staff o f East Carolina University Library as collection developm ent librarian. Scott Devine has been appointed head o f preservation at Texas Tech University, Lubbuck. Cheryl Ewing is n o w health sciences ref­ erence librarian in the Alden Library at O hio University, Athens. Elaine Fadden has been named serials team coordinator and cataloger in the Countway Li­ brary o f Medicine at Harvard University. Katherine L. Fleming has joined the staff o f the Robert Scott Small Library at the College o f Charleston, South Carolina, as special col­ lections archivist/librarian. Catherine Hansen is now head o f the G ov­ ernment Documents & Microtext Center at the University o f Rochester, N ew York. Deborah Harrington has been appointed business librarian at Miami University in O x ­ ford, Ohio. Mark Haslett is n o w associate librarian, in­ formation services and systems at the Univer­ sity o f Waterloo. Karl Henson is n o w systems librarian at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Norman Holman is the new senior vice- president and director o f the N ew Y ork Public Library’s Branch Libraries. Laura Hudson has joined the Alden Library at O hio University, Athens, as reference librar­ ian. Deborah Jan has been appointed associ­ ate librarian in the Public Health Library at the University o f California, Berkeley. Stephen Jones has been named manager o f library computing services in the Kuhn Li­ brary & Gallery at the University o f Maryland Baltimore County. Thomas M. Kelly Jr. is n o w humanities ref­ erence librarian at the University o f Missouri- Kansas City. Randall M. MacDonald has been appointed collection developm ent librarian at the Florida Southern College Library in Lakeland. Maryellen McCarthy has been named li­ brarian o f the Littauer Library at Harvard Uni­ versity. Thomas Michalak has been appointed ex­ ecutive director o f the Baker Library in the Graduate School o f Business at Harvard Uni­ versity. Carolyn Mills has been appointed sciences reference librarian in research and information services at the University o f Conn ecticu t’s Hom er Babbidge Library, Storrs. Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Production Editor, C&RL New s, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: 690/C&RL News John Ober is now developm ent librarian for electronic resources at the new Monterey Bay campus o f California State University. Maria Otero-Boisvert is the new associate dean o f the Learning Resources Center at the College o f DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Alexey Leonid Panchenko is now busi­ ness reference librarian at the University o f Oregon, Eugene. Kevin P. Ray has been named head o f spe­ cial collections at Washington University in St. Louis. Catherine Rhodes has joined the Alden Li­ brary at O hio University, Athens, as health sci­ ences reference librarian. Robin A. Riat is n ow science reference li­ brarian at the University o f Missouri-Kansas City. Dorman H. Smith is n o w associate uni­ versity librarian at the University o f Cincinnati. Nancy Stanfill has been appointed preser­ vation librarian at the University at Albany, State University o f N ew York. Eileen Theodore-Shusta is n ow assistant to the dean/human resources coordinator at Alden Library, O hio University, Athens. John Tombarge Jr. has been named refer­ ence librarian at Washington and Lee Univer­ sity in Lexington, Virginia. Elizabeth (Libby) Wertin has been ap­ pointed reference librarian and archivist at the Academy o f Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Elizabeth M. Williams has joined the staff o f the Robert Scott Small Library at the College o f Charleston, South Carolina, as an assistant reference librarian. Laura Windsor has been named reference librarian in Alden Library at O hio University, Athens. Mark D. Winston is now assistant univer­ sity librarian at Valdosta State University. Rutherford Witthus has been named tech­ nical services/automation coordinator at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University o f Connecticut, Storrs. Retirem ents Rodney Armstrong will retire in February af­ ter 23 years as director and librarian o f the Bos­ ton Athenaeum Library. Armstrong joined the Athenaeum in 1973 after serving for 23 years as librarian o f the Phillips Exeter Academy. A life m em ber o f ALA, Arm ­ strong has served as di­ rector or officer o f the N ew Hampshire Library Association and the N ew ssu England School Library R e Association. He has also viCl been director o f the N ew it:dre England Deposit Library c and the Manuscript So­ otohP ciety, and is a member Rodney Armstrongo f the Am erican Anti­ quarian Society, the American Academy o f Arts and Sciences, and the Society o f Antiquaries. John Yung-hsiang Lai, associate librarian o f the Harvard-Yenching Library and head o f the Cataloging Department at Harvard University, retired at the end o f June after 24 years o f ser­ vice. Lai previously served as chairman o f the Department o f Library Science and professor at National Taiwan University. Eugene W. Wu, head o f the Harvard-Yenching Library, said o f Lai, “H e has made many contributions to the library’s cataloging program over the years, in­ cluding the planning and publication o f the 72- volum e printed catalog o f the library’s Chinese and Japanese collections in 1985-86. . . . The library is deeply indebted to him for his long and outstanding service.” Lai com piled Cata­ log o f Protestant Missionary Works in Chinese, Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University (G. K. Hall, 1980) and authored many articles on the history o f Taiwan. Advertiser in d e x ACRL cover 4 Academic Press 683 American Psychological cover 2 EBSCO 641 Engineering Information 647 Gale Research 651 IRI 675 Minolta 672– 673 OCLC Online Computer 686 R. R. Bowker 677, cover 3 Routledge 680 Sociological Abstracts 655 UMI 633 H. W. Wilson 692 November 1996/691 Remembering Louis Round Wilson (1876– 1979) Louis R ound W il­ son, former university li­ brarian at the University o f N o rth C a ro lin a at Chapel Hill, died on Decem ber 10, 1979, at the age o f 103. W ilson was librarian at North Caro­ lina for thirty-one years (1901 to 1932), the first dean (and founder) o f the School o f Library Science at North Carolina (1931– 32), and dean o f the Graduate Library School o f the Univer­ sity o f Chicago (1932 to 1942). W hile librarian at North Carolina, Wilson also served at various times as founder and director o f the university press, director o f university extension, and editor o f the Alum ni Review. At the University o f Chicago, he presided over what has been termed the “golden age” o f profes­ sional education for librarians. “Many o f the subsequent leaders in librarianship and library education w ere the products o f the Chicago doctoral program, which he did so much to encourage and sustain,” says Edward G. Holley, current dean o f North Carolina’s Library School. After his retirement from Chicago in 1942 W ilson taught part time in the University o f North Carolina Library School until 1959. He un dertook the editorship o f the eigh teen- volume sesquicentennial history o f the Univer­ sity o f North Carolina; was the coauthor with Maurice F. Tauber o f an­ oth er landm ark w o rk , The University Library; wrote three volumes o f the history o f the Univer­ sity o f North Carolina; conducted a regional sur­ vey with Marion A. Milc­ zewski, Libraries o f the Southeast; and marked Louis Round Wilson the centenary o f his birth with the publication o f a n ew book, Louis Round Wilson's Historical Sketches. W ilson was one o f the founders o f the North Carolina Library Association (1904), served as first chair o f the North Carolina Library Com­ mission (1909– 16), and was a founder and presi­ dent o f the Southeastern Library Association. He was president o f ALA in 1935– 36 and in his hundredth year added A L A ’s M elvil D ew ey Medal to his other honors. (Reprintedf rom C&RL News, March 1980.) S tatem ent o f ow n ersh ip an d m an a g e m e n t College & Research Libraries News is published 11 times a year (monthly, combining July/Au­ gust) by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. American Library Association, owner; Mary Ellen K. Davis, editor and publisher. Second-class postage paid at Chi­ cago, Illinois. Printed in the U.S.A. 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Total distribution: Average, 11,742; Actual, 11,626. Copies not distributed: Of­ fice use, leftover, spoiled: Average, 636; Actual, 696. Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum of previous entries): Average, 12,378; Actual, 12,322. Percent paid and/or requested cir­ culation: Average: 99.52%; Actual: 99.38%. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (PS Form 3526, October 1996) for 1996 filed with the U.S. Postal Service, Post­ master in Chicago, Illinois, October 8, 1996. 692/C&RL News