ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1996/693 THE SDA DEIFISSALC LIBRARIANMaine Maritime Academy Maine Maritime Academy (MMA) is a 700- student, public, fully accredited four-year col­ lege located in the small coastal village of Castine, Maine. The college is one of six state- supported maritime colleges in the United States. MMA is a college of engineering, trans­ portation, management, and ocean sciences. MMA currently seeks to fill the following full­ time position: Librarian. Maine Maritime Academy seeks a library pro­ fessional to head the college library. The suc­ cessful candidate should have an MLS, at least five years experience in an academic library, demonstrated management skills, and knowl­ edge of automated library systems. Interested persons should send a letter of appli­ cation and resume to: D irector of Hum an Resources Box C - 3 Castine, ME 04420 Letters of application, resumes, or any other relevant material notaddressed ordelivered to the Maine Maritime Academy Human Re­ sources Office will not be considered. MMA is an EOE. Women a nd minorities are M p articula A rly enco I urag N ed to ap E ply. Maritime Academy D e a d lin e s : Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the AC RL office on o r before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f the month. R a te s : Classified advertisements are $8.45 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices are $20,25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.25 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G u id e lin e s : Forads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day o f the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy o f the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. I n te r n e t: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on ACRL's hom epage on the World Wide Web at http:// Ads will be placed approxim ately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News ls published. To reach C&RL NewsNet access the ACRL homepage (, select C&RL News, and then chose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title- C o n ta c t: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL A/ewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; {312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig@, P o lic y : ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality o f opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL BOOK CENTER 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000’s of new/current books. All subjects, No second hand/remainders, POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Under the direc­ tion of the Head, Access Services Department, oversees the activi­ ties and services of Paley Library’s Current Periodicals, Microforms, and Reserves collections and staff; oversees the Paley Library Circulation Unit; oversees the CIBaRS Unit, a fee-based, cost- recovery information and copying service. Serves as primary contact to faculty and academic departments for services offered in support of instruction and research activities. Provides access and reference sen/ice for journal and microforms literature. Coordinates staff activi­ ties, including selection, training, and evaluation. Fulfills liaison role to other related service areas in the university libraries. Assists department head with improvement of current services, and planning and implementation of new services and programs. Assumes general departmental responsibilities in the department head's absence. Participates in developing and implementing librarywide procedures, policies, and goals through service on taskforces and committees. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Expe­ rience in library access services or related areas, with at least two years at the professional level required. Effective communication skills, both oral and written. Organizational skills, and demonstrated ability to direct staff, including program conceptualization, planning, and implementation. Experience with online library systems, includ­ ing circulation/reserve modules, and office automation technology highly desirable. Compensation: $29,500 (for 10-month work year), may be higher depending on qualifications. Additional month of work may be required for an added 9.6 percent of annual salary. Benefits package includes health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; and TIAA/CREF retirement plans. To apply: Send letter of application 694 / C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES University of Miami The University of Miami invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries. The appropriate candidate will provide leadership and vision to mold the university's library system to meet the needs of the academic and research community of the 21 st century. The University of Miami, a Carnegie Class I comprehensive research institution, consists of four campuses, with its central campus and main library located in Coral Gables. It is the largest private university in the state of Florida. Now celebrating its 70th birthday, the university is home to approximately 8,000 undergraduate students; 5,200 graduate, professional, and medical students; and 1,884 full-time faculty. The University of Miami ranks 38th among all universities and 16th among all private universities in expenditures of federal fundsfor research and development, according to the National Science Foundation. The university’s faculty attracts more than $212 million annually in grant and contract revenues. The Director of Libraries, reporting to the Executive Vice President and Provost and serving as a member of the Academic Deans’ Policy Council, oversees the Otto G. Richter Library, the main library of the university, as well as libraries for the School of Music and the School of Architecture. The university’s library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries, participates in the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research and the Southeast Florida Library Information Network, and is a depository for U.S. government publications. Library services are delivered by 36 faculty and 80 support staff. The Director works collaboratively and collegially with the directors of libraries at the School of Medicine, School of Law, and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and with the Vice President for Information Technology to advance a universitywide network of scholarly materials and information resources. With holdings of more than two million volumes, 19,500 serial subscriptions, 3.1 million microforms, a materials budget of more than $5 million, and total library system expenditures of $13.2 million, the university’s library system is considered the center of academic life at the institution. Funds have been raised and budgeted for a significant physical expansion of the Richter Library. The successful candidate will have the skills to lead the library system to a future that creatively integrates new media, technologies, and programs with traditional library collections and services to its faculty, research, and student communities. An earned doctorate and an ALA-accredited MLS are preferred. Significant academic or research administrative experience, a broad knowledge of current issues in library science, and a distinguished record in the field are required. Knowledge of emerging technologies and their potential contribution to research, scholarly communication, and library management is also essential. The candidate should have experience in fiscal management and fundraising, as well as excellent communication skills to interact with the diverse constituencies of an academic setting. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. Review of applications will begin on November 1 5 , 1996, and continue until a candidate is chosen. This position will become available at the beginning of the 1997– 1998 academic year. Please send a letter of recommendation or application to the address below. Include a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses and phone numbers of at least three references (Note: references will not be contacted without prior approval of the applicant). Steven G. Ullmann Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and University Adm inistration and Chairperson, Search Com m ittee for D irector of Libraries Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost 1252 Mem orial Dr. 240 Ashe Bldg. Coral Gables, FL 33146-4628 http://w w w.library.m iam The University o f M iam i is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. November1996/695 addressing q ualifications, resum e, and nam es o f three references to: Penelope Myers, Chair, Search Com m ittee, A dm inistrative Services Department, Paley Library (017-00), T e m ple University, P hiladel­ phia, PA 19122. Clo sing date fo r applications: N ovem ber 22, 1996. An AA/EO employer. ASSISTAN T DIRECTOR FOR SYSTEM S AND A CA DEM IC C O M ­ PUTING RESOU RCES. Health Sciences Library System , University of Pittsburgh. Key position provides vision and leadership in the developm ent o f the digital library project and participates as a m em ber of the library’s senior m anagem ent team. O versees operations and eight FTE staff of the M icrocom puter and Media Center and the Systems Department and has responsibility fo r planning and m anag­ ing the library’s com puting/networked resources. Participates in library’s grant-seeking efforts and activities of the University of Pittsburgh Center fo r Biomedical Informatics. For additional information on posi­ tion, qualifications, and application procedures, please see o ur open­ ings pages on the W W W : http://ww l. ASSISTA N T LIBRA RIAN. The von Riesen Library, M cCook Com ­ munity College, McC ook, Nebraska, is seeking applicants fo r an Assistant Librarian to begin p rio r to January 1, 1997. Minim um qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS; a t le ast two years aca­ dem ic library e xperience; ability to w o rk in dependently and coopera­ Temple University Associate Director for Technical Services & Systems Temple University Health Sciences Libraries is s e e k in g an in d iv id u a l to m a n a g e the Technical Services and Systems Department w hich is com prised of the follow ing units: L ib ra ry A uto m a tion and System s; A c q u i­ sitions; Technical Processing; C ataloging and C o lle c tio n M a n a g e m e n t; S e ria ls M anagem ent and Binding; and Collection Development and Evaluation. This high level management position will also include strate­ gic planning for policy and program devel­ opment activities and be part of an executive management team. Requirements: Master’s degree in library or information science from an American Library Association Accredited program . M em bership in the Academ y of H ealth In fo rm a tio n P ro fe s sio n a ls (AHIP) highly desirable. Minimum of ten years relevant experience in a medical or science library highly desirable. Minimum of five years supervisory experi­ ence required. Minimum of five years work­ in g e x p e r ie n c e w ith s ta te - o f- th e -a r t integrated library systems. Extensive knowl­ edge and experience with OCLC or RUN; library automation; and serials control sys­ tems required. Temple University offers a competitive salary and a c o m p re h e nsive b e n e fits package. Candidates should FAX (215) 204-5921 or sub­ mit their resume and salary requirements to: Robin Isa k off, Em ploym ent Rep., Req. #019M-5, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, 203 USB, 1601 N. Broad Street, P hiladelph ia, PA 19122. EOE/AA. Health Sciences Center Libraries Fisher Learning Center and the Scholars Information Center tive ly in a changing environm ent. Prim ary responsibilities w ill require experience w ith video technology, satellite d ow n- and uplinks, media selection; w orking knowledge o f Internet, including W W W and home page; OCLC; C D-RO M , m ultim edia, and oth e r electronic in form ation services. W ill be expected to work som e evenings and weekends. Screening of applications will begin N ovem ber 25, 1996, and will continue until position is filled. Salary is $24,000 plus excellent benefits. S ubm it co ver letter, resum e, transcripts, and a ddresses and phone num bers o f three references to: D irector o f Human Resources, Assistan t Librarian Search, M id-Plains C om m unity College Area, 416 North Jeffers, N. Platte, NE 6 9101; phone: (800) 859-1105. MCC is a m em ber of the M id-Plains Area. AA/EOE. CATALOG LIBRA RIAN (search reopened). Cornette Library, W est T exas A&M University. Reports to Associate University Librarian. Responsible fo r the daily operation o f the C ataloging Unit. Duties: S upervises and p articipates in the bibliographic control of library m aterials in all form ats; tra in s and evaluates subordinates; super­ vises check-in and claim ing o f serials; proposes goals and o bjectives in accordance with the library’s mission; develops and interprets policies, practices, and standards; prepares w ritten reports and statistics; serves as liaison from the C ataloging U n it to oth e r d epart­ m ents in the library and to the u niversity. Qualifications: A LA -accred­ ited MLS, o r equivalent; three ye ars o f post-M LS academ ic library cataloging experience, including tw o consecutive years with one organization; experience in cataloging a wide variety o f form ats, especially serials; fam ilia rity w ith serial check-in system s; knowledge of and experience with AAC R 2, LCSH, LC classification, OCLC, and an integrated library system ; proven su pervisory experience. Experi­ Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 * R a the r than e sta b lish one state w id e sa lary m inim um , som e state a sso c ia tio n s h ave a d o p te d a fo rm u la b ase d on such va ria b le s as co m p ara b le sa larie s fo r p u b lic school tea ch ers in each co m m u n ity o r the g ra de le vel o f a p ro fe ssio na l lib ra ria n post. In th e se cases, you m ay w ish to co n ta ct the state a sso cia ­ tion fo r m inim um sa lary in form atio n . +Salary m inim um s fo r public librarians only. #Option fo r local form ula. 696 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT: Wayne State University is a Carnegie I research university with a demonstrated commitment to teaching and learning excellence. The university’s enrollment of nearly 33,000 (20,000 undergraduates) makes it the 18th largest university in the United States. The university is located in an attractive urban setting, surrounded by museums, theaters, and corporate offices easily accessible from several interstate freeways and Canada. The University Library System consists of the Undergraduate Library, the Purdy/Kresge Library, the Science and Engineering Library, the Shiftman Medical Library, the Neef Law Library, Media Services, the graduate Library and Information Science Program, the Office for Teaching and Learning, and the University Press. UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY: Scheduled to open in fall 1997, the mission of the Undergraduate Library is to provide students with the opportunity to master the information management skills necessary for academic success at Wayne State University and for success as information-literate citizens of the 21 st century. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Description: Second-in-command to the Director of the Undergraduate Library, this position is primarily responsible for participating in public service responsibilities, including library instruction and information services; supervising the Access and Material Services department; contributing to the planning and coordination of the library’s programs and services; and performing other duties as assigned. Position available January 1997. Minimum salary: $40,000, depending on experience and qualifications.Qualifications: Three to five years previous professional and supervisory experience in an academic library; demonstrated ability and commitment to work with undergraduate clientele; and ability to monitor personnel activities and expenditures and supervise the work of assigned staff. A second subject master’s degree and professional experience in an undergraduate library are highly preferred. INSTRUCTION/INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN: Description: This is an entry-level position that is primarily responsible for providing instruction and information services to students; supervising peer information counselors and graduate research assistants in a tiered information service environment; coordinating and scheduling operations of the Information Desk; and performing other duties as assigned. Position available April 1997. Minimum salary: $32,000, depending on experience and qualifications. Qualifications: Demonstrated ability and commitment to work with undergraduate clientele; and ability to monitor personnel activities and expenditures, and supervise the workof assigned staff. Second master’s degree desirable. PURDY/KRESGE LIBRARY: The Purdy/Kresge Library serves the graduate and upper-level undergradu­ ate programs in business, economics, education, fine arts, humanities, and the social sciences. SOCIAL SCIENCE/EDUCATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Description: Primarily responsible for serving as liaison to the College of Education and School of Social Work; collection development, integrated library instruction for students and faculty in the areas of education, social work, sociology, and psychology; online searching and coordination of the social science databases and Internet sources; providing reference assistance; and performing other duties as assigned. Position available immediately. Minimum salary: $32,000, depending on rank, experience, and qualifications.Qualifications: Minimum of two years experience working with social science print and electronic resources and providing collection development support for the social sciences; knowledge and use of relevant Internet resources and services; and ability to supervise the work of assigned staff. GENERALQUALIFICATIONS FOR ALLTHREE POSITIONS: Master’ s degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited institution; ability to work effectively as a team member in a dynamic, rapidly changing environment; excellent written, oral, and analytical skills; ability to set priorities, deal professionally with the public, organize time and tasks, gather data and prepare reports; and ability to work rotational evenings and weekends Please mail or Fax a letter of interest, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Judith March-Adams Assistant Dean for Human Resources W ayne State University 134 Purdy Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Fax: (313) 577-5525 For priority consideration, applications should be received by NOVEMBER 30, 1996. Applications accepted until position is filled. A ll buildings, structures, and vehicles a t WSU are smoke-free. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Wayne State University—People working together to provide quality service. November 1996/697 CURATOR, MODERN LITERATURE COLLECTION/MANUSCRIPTS Washington University in St. Louis Olin Library System The Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented, dynamic, service- oriented individual to serve as Curator, Modern Literature Collection/Manuscripts. The Olin Library System consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries. The Curator is responsible for building, promoting, and administering the Modern Literature Collection. With the Head of Special Collections, the curator will plan for the maintenance of existing research collections and for the addition of new collections and materials. The Curator is responsible for developing and providing finding aids and ensuring that all users’ needs are met. Serves as Acting Head of Special Collections in the absence of the Head. EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS: Master's or doctorate in English or comparative literature. MLS from an ALA-accredited school preferred. Subject expertise in contemporary American and British literature. Evidence of scholarly ability. Familiarity with antiquarian book trade. Knowledge of manuscript cataloging procedures required; experience with automated procedures, including AMC formats, HTML, and SGML, highly desirable. Familiarity with trends in archival automation. Knowledge of current manuscript preservation practices. EXPERIENCE: Special collections experience required. Manuscript reference experience helpful. Academic library experience preferred. Collection development experience preferred. Experience prepar­ ing exhibits helpful. Ability to assist the public in a helpful and courteous manner. Minimum salary $30,000, For full consideration, applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Virginia Toliver Director of Adm inistration and Planning Olin Library Cam pus Box 1061 1 Brookings Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin December 1 , 1996. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ence with the DRA library autom ation system is highly desirable. Salary/benefits: $29,500 fo r 12 months. Em ployer contribution to health insurance and benefits package. C hoice o f retirem ent p ro­ gram. Cornette Library: Ample w o rk space and aesthetically pleasing interiors distinguish this 150,000-square-foot building which houses 270,000 volum es, 1,850 current periodicals, and 650,000 g overn­ ment docum ents. Founding m em ber o f multitype regional conso r­ tium, which provides fully integrated autom ation services to over 30 academ ic, public, school, and special libraries in 2 5-county s e rvice area. General inform ation: W TAM U is located 15 miles south of Amarillo in Canyon, Texas, offering a choice o f sm all tow n o r city living, both inexpensive. University has approxim ately 6 ,500 stu­ dents, and offers 60 undergraduate and 32 graduate degree pro­ grams. R enowned P anhandle-Plains H istorical M useum on campus. Minutes a w ay from specta cula r Palo Duro Canyon. O nly a few hours’ drive to Santa Fe and the m ountains of northern New Mexico. Pleasant clim ate. No state incom e tax. Application deadline: A pplica­ tions will be accepted until D ecem ber 1 3 , 1996. Mail letter of app lica ­ tion and resume, including nam es o f three references with phone numbers, to: JoAnn Lowrance, Director, Personnel Services, W est Texas A&M University, W TAM U Box 999, Canyon, TX 79016-0001. West Texas A&M University is an AA/EEO employer. CATALOGER (SPEC IA L C O LLECTIO NS). Am h erst College seeks a Cataloger fo r Special Collections. Position w ill perform both original and com plex copy cataloging (chiefly post-1800 books), and maintain the library’s cataloges by perform ing authority work online. Partici­ pates with the C urator o f Special C ollections and the Archivist of the College in form ulating and revising cataloging policies and p roce­ dures. Q ualifications: A LA -accredited MLS; at le ast three years cataloging e xperience, preferably in rare books o r special collections; w orking knowledge of AAC R2R , LC, OCLC, and MARC; knowledge of Descriptive Cataloguing o f Rare Books highly desirable; and b ibliographical knowledge o f and ability to catalog in a t least two m ajor European languages highly desirable. T h is is a tem porary, two- y e a r grant-funded position with benefits. S end resum e and the nam es of three references to: W illis Bridegam, Librarian, B ox 2256, A m herst College, Am herst, M A 01002-5000. R eview of applications will begin N ovem ber 20, 1996 and w ill be considered until the position is filled. A m herst College is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer and encourages wom en, m inorities, and disabled persons to apply. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN AND DIRECTOR OF INFO RM A TIO N RE­ S OU RCES. Hartwick College is seeking a le ader to manage and develop the collections of our Ste vens-Germ an Library and to expand o ur inform ation technology p rogram s in ways tha t support teaching and research. Reporting to the V ice P resident and Dean of Academ ic A ffairs, the D irector w ill provide leadership and planning fo r the library, curricular technologies, and m ultim edia areas. The library houses a collection of over 278,000 vo lum es as well as an archive w ith special collections related to regional history (e.g., the papers of Judge W illiam C ooper). O ur resources fo r inform ation technology are fully m odernized (cam pus network fo r voice, video, and data; note­ book com puters fo r all students). The Director’s challenge will be to 698/ C&RL News DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The University of Southern Maine The University of Southern Maine is seeking nominations and applications fo r th e Director of the University Library. This position offers an exciting opportunity in an institution which is developing new programs and which is located in a very appealing, and growing region of New England. SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. APPOINTMENT: August 1 , 1997. The University Library, exclusive of the Law Library, is composed of 14 professional and 24 support staff; the library holdings include 362,000+ volumes and 3,000+ serial subscrip­ tions. In addition to the traditional resources the library also supports many electronic resources within the library and through URSUS, the University of Maine System’s online catalog and resource database. The University Library is home to two important special collections: The Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education and the Gerald Talbot Collection of African-American Archives of Maine. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, knowledge of emerg­ ing technologies; a minimum of five years expe­ rience in an administrative position; demon­ strated experience with library automation; dem­ onstrated ability in handling personnel, bud­ gets, and other administrative matters; demon­ strated ability to communicate in a scholarly setting. Preferred: Terminal degree in any field or a second master’s; previous experience as a director of a college or university library. Please submit nominations and/or applications including resume and names of three refer­ ences to: W illiam W. W ells, Chair University Library Director S creening C om m ittee O ffice of th e Provost, RE: 102 U niversity of S outhern M aine P.O. Box 9300 Portland, ME 04104-9300 Review of applications will begin November 25, 1996 and continue until position is filled. U SM is an EEO/AA em ployer com m itted to diversity, quality, a nd reasonable accom modation. LIBRARIAN— HEAD OF CATALOGING SERVICES Tisch Library Tufts University Reporting to the Associate Director for Adminis­ trative and Technical Services, individual will manage a department of 11 staff, including four catalog librarians with significant experience. Requires an MLS degree from an ALA-accred- ited institution and a minimum of seven years professional experience in cataloging or a re­ lated area in an academic or research library; significant supervisory experience and experi­ ence with automated library systems; excep­ tional com m unicator with outstanding organiza­ tional and leadership abilities and an awareness of current trends and issues in cataloging. An understanding of AACR2R, MARC format, LC classification and LCSH, and cataloging of all formats, including electronic resources, is nec­ essary as well. Strong preference will be given to candidates with a working knowledge of at least one additional language. Involvement in profes­ sional activities is also highly desirable. To apply for this position please send two copies of a resume and two copies of a cover letter to: M aureen S onnie Tufts University H um an R esources 169 Holland St. S om erville, MA 02144 Tufts is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer a nd actively seeks candidates from diverse backgrounds. in tegrate th e c o lle g e ’s tra dition al and e lectron ic sources o f in form a ­ tion into a co lla bo ra tive w hole, and to fo rm u late and im plem ent policies fo r se lectin g m a terials and se rvice s in su pp ort o f a cadem ic program s. W h ile m ost o f th e resp on sib ilitie s w ill be related to the work o f the Steve ns-G e rm an Library, o u r deep co m m itm en t to cu rricu la r te ch n olo g y requires an a bility to d evelop, support, a nd p re se n t in fo rm a tio n a nd sc h o la rs h ip not o n ly in p rin te d fo rm b u t fro m se v e ra l o th e r m edia, in clu d in g s o ftw a re , v id eo , a ud io , p h o to g ra p h ic, and co m p u te r-b a s e d m a te ria ls. A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n a b o u t the c o lle g e , th e lib ra ry, a nd H a rtw ic k ’s te ch n o lo g ic a l c a p a b ilitie s is a va ila b le on o u r W e b site: h ttp ://w w w .h a rtw ic k .e d u /. Q ua lifica tio n s: B a c h e lo r’s o r m a s te r’s d eg re e in a lib e ra l a rts d iscip lin e o r s ig n ifi­ c a n t e xp e rie n c e in a lib e ra l a rts se ttin g ; m a s te r’s d eg re e o r h igher, p re fe ra b ly in lib ra ry scie n ce w ith a d d itio n a l tra in in g o r d eg re e in in s tru c tio n a l tec h n o lo g y ; a b ility to m a ke stra te g ic d e c is io n s a bo ut a ffo rd a b le p rin te d a nd e le c tro n ic m a te ria ls a p p ro p ria te to a lib e ra l a rts co lle ge ; a d e m o n s tra te d u n d e rsta n d in g o f tra d itio n a l, n etw o rk- b ase d, a nd o th e r in fo rm a tio n syste m s th a t su p p o rt the g o a ls of in fo rm a tio n use and d e live ry; a t le a st th re e ye a rs o f su p e rv is o ry re sp o n s ib ility , w ith a p ro ve n a b ility to le ad in a ch a n g in g e n v iro n ­ m e n t; a b ility to w o rk co lle g ia lly ; e x c e lle n t co m m u n ic a tio n s a nd p la n n in g sk ills ; a nd an u n d e rs ta n d in g o f in stru ctio n , p re fe ra b ly th ro u g h co lle g e -le v e l te a ch in g e xpe rie n c e . W e e s p e c ia lly se e k a p p lica tio n s fro m w o m e n a nd m e m b ers o f u nd erre prese nte d gro up s. P re fe rre d sta rtin g d a te is Ja n u a ry 1, 1997. S end a p p lic a tio n s to: C o lle g e L ib ra ria n S ea rch , H um an R e so u rce s, H a rtw ic k C o lle g e , O n e o n ta , NY 1 3820. EOE. November1996/699 ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR INFORMATION SERVICES AND RESOURCES Bucknell University Bucknell University invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Vice President for Information Services and Resources. Reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Associate Vice President will be responsible fo r the management and development of a new organizational unit which combines all information services, resources, and technologies at the university, including the Bertrand Library, Instructional Media Services, and Computer and Communication Services. Responsibilities include: Management of the university’s information resources and overseeing the evolution of its academic and administrative information services; coordination of efforts to apply the university’s information technologies to teaching and learning; and leadership in improving administrative functions through the use of information technologies. The university seeks candidates with evidence of demonstrated leadership and managerial experience as a senior librarian, director of a computer center, or chief information officer. The successful candidate will have the professional degree(s) appropriate to those positions, a commitment to traditional library and information technology functions, and a capacity to work in an educational environment comprised of strong programs in the arts, sciences, and engineering. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1996, with appointment expected by June 1, 1997. Nominations and applications, including a letterof interest, current curriculum vitae, and the names of three references, should be sent to: Inform ation Services and Resources Search C om m ittee Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Additional inquiries may be addressed to jbecker@ Bucknell encourages applications from women and m embers o f m inority groups (EEO/AA). COORDINATOR OF LIBRA RY TECHNO LO G Y. A rizona State Uni- versify W e st Library, Phoenix, Arizona. W e se ek an in dividual with the ability to plan, deliver, facilitate, and assess technology support services provided to students, faculty, and staff. R esponsibilities include providing leadership in defining strategic plans fo r applica­ tions o f technology tha t support the mission, vision, and goals o f the library; building understanding o f the library’s technology needs; providing leadership in determ ining the priorities and agendas o f the library and the Library T e chnology Support and D evelopm ent team (3.0 FTE); providing the w o rk environm ent that enable the mem bers of the team to pursue goals and objectives, m ake decisions, assess progress, and w o rk effectively within the la rg er organizational con­ text; representing the library in appropriate cam pus and external forum s. W orking within a m atrix m anagem ent environm ent with a growing student b ody and evolving curriculum , librarians exercise a high level o f in dependent and collaborative decision making as they develop and d eliver services, dire ct projects, and a ssess impact. Expectations include substantive contributions to cam pus and uni­ versity com m ittees and to the library profession. T h is is a continuing appointm ent (tenure) track position. R equired qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS. Successful record o f leadership, collaboration, and effective com m unication o f technology issues to a broad range of audiences. Dem onstrated potential fo r leadership and managem ent. D em onstrated know ledge o f cu rre nt trends in library technologies. D em onstrated co m m itm en t to responsive service. Experience m an­ aging library technology in a co m p lex environm ent, including a nalyz­ ing needs; e valuating hardware, software, and system s. Desired qualifications: Budget m anagem ent experience. Experience in a m edium o r large a cad em ic library. D em onstrated pro ficien cy in integrated library system s; client/server com puting; m ultiple platform hardware; MAC, DOS, W indow s, and N T software; Internet. A record of professional activity. T o apply: Subm it le tte r o f application address­ ing background and e xperience relevant to qualifications fo r the position; vita; and nam es, addresses and telephone num bers o f four current professional references to: Chair, C o ordinator o f Library Technology Search Com m ittee, Arizona State University W est Library, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, A rizona 8 5019-7100. Deadline for Applications: J anuary 1 5 ,1 9 9 7 , o r first day o f every m onth thereafter until position is filled. Salary: Assistant/Associate Librarian, co m ­ m ensurate with experience and rank: $37,000 m inim um fo r A ssistant Librarian. General inform ation a bo ut A SU W est: A rizona State Uni­ versity W est, a vital co m p on en t of A S U ’s m ulticam pus vision, serves nearly 5 ,000 junior, senior, and graduate students at its modern, grow ing cam pus in northwest Phoenix. ASU W e st offers bachelor's and m aster's degree p rogram s in the C olleges o f A rts and Sciences, Education, and Human Services, School o f M anagem ent, and D ivi­ sion o f C ollaborative Program s. Th e cam pus is accredited by the North C entral Association o f C olleges and Schools and is dedicated to e nhancing the educational, econom ic, cultural, and social d evelop­ m ent o f the com m unity. The library utilizes electronic system s and resources e xtensively and m aintains a cross platform W indow s/M AC com puting environm ent supported on 120+ m achines in the library, plus dial-in access. A SU W is an EO/AA em ployer. CO O RDINATOR O F R EFERENCE A N D ELEC TRO NIC IN FO R M A ­ TION SER VICES. M abee Library, W ashburn University of Topeka, Kansas, seeks a creative, energetic, and highly m otivated individual to sen/e as C o ordinator of R eference and Ele ctronic Information Services. Reporting to the D irecto r o f the Library, the Coordinator oversees and a ssesses existing library reference activities and plans fo r new activities, w orks in a collegial environm ent with seven other librarians to provide reference service to u niversity and com m unity patrons, p articipates in an active library instruction program , oversees collection developm ent in reference and a ssigned subject areas, and participates in provision and planning o f staff developm ent. In addi­ tion, the coordin a to r w orks closely w ith Library and A cadem ic C om ­ puting Center staff in developing cam pusw ide program s to maintain and im plem ent electronic library services. Q ualifications: Required: A L A a ccre dite d m a ster’s d eg re e; th re e o r m ore ye a rs o f re le van t p ro fe ssio n a l e x p e rie n ce in an a c a d e m ic lib ra ry; stro n g pub lic se rvice co m m itm en t; d em on strate d a b ility in th e u se o f and in s tru c ­ tio n in b oth p rin t and e le ctro n ic re so urce s; b ro ad kn ow led g e o f e le c tro n ic in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g ie s , in clu d in g o n lin e se rvice s, Inte rn et a p p lica tio ns, d ata ba se se archin g , and in teg ra ted library system s, p re fe ra b ly IN N O P AC , a b ility to w o rk p ro -a ctive ly and c re a tiv e ly in a ch a n ging , a ca d e m ic e nviron m e n t; e xcellen t co m m u ­ 700 / C&RL News ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN Northern Arizona University The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for Acquisitions Librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Bibliographic Services, manages four full-time employees in all aspects of monographic, serial, and nonbook acquisitions, recognizing and appreciating their multicultural differ­ ences and needs. Formulates policy and procedures for an integrated library system (Innovative Interfaces). Works with the Head of Collection Development on fund management. Participates in the departmental management group. Participates in collection development. Participates on library committees; represents the library, as appropriate, in campus, state, and regional meetings. Minimum qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum three years experience in academic library acquisitions, including at least two years of supervisory experience that demonstrated apprecia­ tion for diversity issues. Current knowledge of the book trade serials acquisitions, and electronic information products. Experience with vendor negotiation. Familiarity with the MARC record and MARC tags. Experience with an automated library system. Demonstrated ability to interact productively with all members of the library team in problem solving, workflow analysis, and decisionmaking while respecting cultural differences. Experience in resolving issues in an environment supportive of change. Strong commitment to library service. Strong interest in emerging technologies and their use in bibliographic control. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Send resume, letter of application addressing each minimum qualification above, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: M aggie Horn Head of Bibliographic Services Cline Library Northern Arizona University Box 6022 Flagstaff, AZ 86011 Minimum salary is $30,000. The closing date for receipt of applications is December 1 3 , 1996. Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, a city of 52,000 people at the base of the San Francisco Peaks and surrounded by the Coconino National Forest. While we are the academic center for all northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau we also serve 4,000 students at seven distance learning locations in southern and central Arizona. N AU has a grow ing m inority student population a nd is com m itted to equal opportunity, affirm ative action; we welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, a nd veterans willing to make a com m itm ent to N AU ’s m ission o f cultural diversity. n icatio n a nd o rg a n iza tio n a l skills. S alary co m m e nsu ra te w ith q u a li­ fic a tio n s a nd e x pe rie n ce. R e vie w o f a pp lica tio n w ill beg in N o ve m ­ b e r 18, 1996, and c o n tin u e u ntil a su ita b le ca n d id a te is id en tifie d. P le ase s e nd a p p lica tio n letter, resum e, and n am es o f th re e p ro fe s ­ sio n a l re fe re n ce s to: R ebecca Bostian, D irecto r, M abee Library, W a s hburn U niv ers ity , To pe ka , KS 6 66 21 . W a sh b u rn U n ive rsity is an e qu al o p p o rtu n ity e m p loye r. C a n d id a te s fro m u nd erre prese nte d g ro up s are e sp e cia lly e n c o urag e d to apply. DISTANCE E D UCA TIO N LIBRA RIAN. I. D. W eeks Library. Position: Faculty rank, tenure-track position. I. D. W eeks Library, University of South Dakota, seeks individual to serve as the library’s distance education librarian. T h is librarian w ill identify, plan, and d eliver library se rvice s in su pp ort of USD extension p rogram s and w ill be respon­ sib le fo r providing reference assistance, library user education and referral se rvice s fo r p rogram s through the Rural D evelopm ent T e ch ­ nology N etw ork (RDTN), including the use o f satellite uplinks, Internet, and the S ioux Falls C e nte r fo r Public H ig h er Education. C andidate will be expected to closely coordinate Bl e fforts w ith USD specialist librarians and develop in itiatives in the d elivery o f library services to USD students. C and id a te w ill be e xpected to develop Internet-based in teractive learning too ls and tuto ria ls with the aim of progressively developing research skills fo r u ndergraduate and graduate students. Candidate m ust p ossess a valid drivers license. Som e travel to extension sites w ill be expected. Additional responsibilities include w orking regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk, participating in the b ibliographic instruction program . Individuals applying should have an interest in w orking w ith facu lty and have a strong com m itm ent to pub lic service. Q ualifications: M inim um q ualifications include ALA- accredited MLS; know ledge and in terest in educating library users; a bility to w o rk e ffe ctively w ith co lleagues and diverse clientele; effective w ritten and oral skills; fam ilia rity w ith H TM L and W eb developm ent; should be pro ficien t in W e b page construction. A d d i­ tional desirab le qualifications include: (1) second m aster’s degree in a su bje ct fie ld (will be required fo r tenure and prom otion); (2) reference experience in e ither an a cadem ic o r public library; (3) e xperience in the d elivery o f Internet-based education. Salary: C om m ensurate with rank and qualifications; 12-month appointm ent. Application p roce­ dure: S ubm it letter o f application, resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and telep ho n e n um bers o f three references to: Im re M eszaros, D irector o f L ibraries, I. D. W eeks Library, SD 57069-2390. R eview of applica tio ns w ill begin D ecem ber 15, 1996, and w ill continue until position is filled. AA, EOE. E D U C A TIO N A L TE C H N O LO G Y LIB R A R IA N /LEC TU R ER O R A S ­ SIS TA N T PRO FESSO R (one position). Urban liberal arts college se eks Educational T echnology Librarian to w o rk with librarians and o th e r faculty in acquiring educational technologies to support the curriculum , and train faculty and students in the ir use. Requires experience with relevant c o m p ute r technologies, including Internet, cd-rom , and m ultim edia. For a ppointm ent as Lecturer: Bachelor's degree, p referably in com p ute r/info rm a tio n science o r educational November 1996/701 LIBRARY DIRECTOR Union College Schenectady, New York Union College invites applications and nominations fo r the position of Director of Schaffer Library. The successful candidate must have a passionate commitmentto the academic enterprise. The candidate must also embrace the values of the traditional library and be committed to making imaginative use of technology to meet the information needs of students and faculty. An independent, residential liberal arts college of 2,000 undergraduates, Union offers a wide variety of undergraduate programs from arts to engineering. It also offers small graduate programs in secondary education, engineering, and management. The college is nearing completion of a $150 million Bicentennial campaign that includes a funding goal (recently met) fo ra major expansion and renovation of Schaffer Library and for development of its collections. The new library is designed to provide enhanced support for the college’s strong tradition of teaching, undergraduate research, and faculty scholarship. Construction will begin during the current academic year. Schaffer Library belongs to the Oberlin Group of Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), OCLC, and the 50-member Capital District Library Council. Among its resources are the rich collections housed in the College Archives and Special Collections, the DRA integrated software system, and computer-assisted reference via CD-ROM and various online services. The Director reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty and works closely with faculty as well as the Director of Computer Services. The Director is responsible for a staff of 27, including 12 professional librarians, a collection of 500,000 volumes, and a budget of $2 million. In addition, the Director is responsible for managing, planning, and budgeting in ways that further the Library’s contribution to the educational mission of the college. The Director also has responsibility for staff development and evaluation and for developing collections and services. In the immediate future, the Director will be responsible for working with others on campus to ensure the success of the library expansion and renovation project. An ALA-accredited MLS is required and an advanced degree in another discipline is preferred. Also required is broad experience a t the professional level, culminating in five or more years of administrative experience in an academic library. Proven leadership abilities and demonstrated skills in working with library personnel and a range of library constituencies are required, as is evidence of a commitmentto professional growth and participation in the profession beyond the local level. The position of Director of Schaffer Library is an administrative appointment with faculty status at the appropriate rank. T he appointment is to begin on July 1 , 1997. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Candidates should send a letter of application with a resume and the names and addresses of three references by January 1 , 1997. These should be addressed to: Jam es Underwood, Chair Search C om m ittee for Library Director O ffice of the Vice President for Academ ic Affairs Feigenbaum Adm inistration Building Union College Schenectady, NY 12308 The College is an affirmation action, equal opportunity em ployer and encourages applications from women and m embers o f m inority groups. technology, with appropriate w o rk experience. Salary: $27,454– $52,213. For appointm ent as Assistan t Professor (tenure-track): ALA-accredited MLS o r equivalent and second m aster’s; Ph.D. preferred. Salary: $29,921– $52,213. 12-month position. Send letter of application, resume, and nam es o f three references by March 3, 1997, to: Daniel Rubey, Chief Librarian, Lehman College Library/ CUNY, 250 Bedford Park Blvd. W est, Bronx, NY 10468. Additional information a t (718) 9 60-8JO B; h ttp://w w w .lehm; e-mail: joblc@ cunyvm Lehm an C ollege/CUN Y is au EEO/AA/ ADA employer. HEAD LIBRA RIAN. Historical Society seeks energetic, experienced librarian to head its 133-year-old library, leading staff o f nine including grant personnel. Candidates must have supervisory experience and be fam iliar with both technical and reference services. M ust have ALA / MLS and experience with library autom ation system s. Also valuable: Interest in history and general com puter knowledge. Salary in mid- $30,000s o r com m ensurate with experience. Send resum e and cover le tte rto : Head Librarian, Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn , NY 11201; fax: (718) 875-3869. HEAD OF REFERENCE. Southeastern Louisiana U niversity seeks an experienced, creative leader in reference and in form ation services to guide and m anage a departm ent o f five professional librarians as the Head of R eference. The departm ent provides traditional reference assistance, electronic inform ation access (including a CD-RO M Novell LAN), subject-specific bibliographic instruction, and oth e r services. Sim s M emorial Library is a m em ber o f LOUIS, a statewide consortium 702 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONS University Libraries of Notre Dame The University Libraries of Notre Dame are seeking two innovative leaders committed to identifying user needs, exploring and exploiting new technologies, and collaborating with other campus information providers in enhancing access to information resources to fill two department-head-level positions. UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE/ART LIBRARIAN This librarian will lead services in our newly renovated. Architecture Library and provide library support to the Department of Art, Art History, and Design. Responsibilities include: user needs assessment, administration of architecture and art-related library services; collection and resource development; online searching; advanced reference; library instruction; and participation in divisional and library wide planning. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candidate will possess: a degree in architecture or art history with architectural course work or extensive knowledge of the literature and terminology of art and architecture; reading knowledge of a least one Western European language. UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN This librarian will develop and provide library resources and services for the faculty and students of the College of Engineering. Responsibilities include: User needs assessment, administration of engineering- related library services; resource development; online searching; advanced reference; library instruction; and participation in divisional and librarywide planning. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candidate will possess a degree in an engineering-related discipline or extensive knowledge of the literature and terminology of engineering. GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Both candidates will possess a degree in library science from an ALA- accredited program or a documented foreign equivalent; experience using electronic informational resources; a minimum of three years relevant professional experience. Also desired are supervisory experience, evidence of continuing education, and a commitment to growth in the profession. Both positions carry non-tenure-track faculty status, excellent benefits packages, and minimum annual salaries of $40,000. Search will continue until positions are filled, with initial consideration assured to applications received by November 2 0 , 1996. To apply send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Sharon A. Veith H um an R esources R epresentative U n iversity Libraries of Notre Dam e 221 H esburgh Library Notre Dam e, IN 46556 The University o f Notre Dame is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. We are interested in creating a diverse com m unity a nd welcome a ll q ualified applicants. Applications from m inorities a nd disabled individuals are encouraged. o f a cad em ic lib ra rie s utilizing NO TIS so ftw a re to p rovide a ccess to O PA C s, indexes, and d atabases. S outheastern L ouisiana University, located in close p roxim ity to N ew O rleans, Baton Rouge, and the G ulf C oast, has an enrollm en t o f o ve r 14,000 and is a regional u niversity w ith an e m phasis on q ua lity education. Responsibilities: M a nages all a ctivities o f the R eference D epartm ent.; develops d ep artm en tal goals and obje ctive s; c o ordin a te s u se r e du catio n ; o versee s re feren ce collection deve lo pm en t o f p rint a nd e lectron ic resources; p rovides le adership in evalu a ting existing se rvice s and deve lo ping n ew se r­ vice s; p ro vide s input into o rg a n iza tion al design. R e po rts to the A ssistan t D irecto r fo r U se r Services. Q ualifications: Required: A LA- a ccredited MLS; five ye a rs in cre asing ly responsible re ce nt pro fe s­ sional reference expe rie n ce in an a cadem ic o r la rg e p ub lic library; expe rie n ce in the supe rvision o f p rofessional librarians; e xpe rie n ce in traditional reference se rvice s and u tilization o f em erging tech n olo ­ gies and e lectron ic resources; expe rie n ce in B l and user education; evide n ce o f strong o rganizational, in terpersonal, and oral and written skills; evide n ce o f initiative, creativity, and re sourcefulness in past activities, including p rofessional activity. P referred: Add itio na l m a s­ te r's a nd fam ilia rity w ith e d u catio n al tech n olo g y, a ssessm en t of reference services, and im plications o f distance learning. Salary: $35 ,00 0 m inim um , com m e nsu ra te w ith qualifica tio ns and e xpe ri­ ence. T h is is a 12-m onth, te n u re -tra ck position. Librarian s have fa cu lty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities. A pplications are re quested by N ovem be r 30, 1996, b ut w ill be accep ted until the position is filled. S end le tte r o f a pplication and resum e with nam es, a ddresses, and phone n um bers o f three references to: Lori Smith, Head o f Reference Search Com m ittee, Sim s M em orial Library, S outh­ e as te rn Louisiana U niversity 896, Ham m ond, L A 70402. SLU is an A A/E E O /A D A em ployer. IN F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G IE S A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N . L ancaste r Theo lo gical Sem ina ry o f the U nited C hurch o f Christ, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, se eks a p rofessional librarian to fill the p ositio n o f Assistan t Librarian fo r Inform ation Technologies. Report­ ing to the Director, the Assistan t Librarian w ill plan, im plem ent, m anage, and train patro n s in the use o f an autom ated system ; integration o f C D -R O M d atabases, Internet, W W W ; d elivery o f digital a nd netw o rke d reso urce s to o n- and o ff-cam pus clients; identification, im plem entation, and evalu a tion o f n ew tech n olo g ie s a nd resources. Q ua lifica tio ns: A LA -a ccre dite d M LS; kn ow ledge o f e lectron ic re­ so urces and teleco m m u n ica tion s system s; e xperience planning fo r November1996/703 LIBRARIAN OF THE BURNDY LIBRARY Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology The Dibner Institute fo r the History of Science and Technology is seeking a head librarian and curator of the Burndy Library who possesses the creative enthusiasm, intellectual breadth, and professional skills to run a vital, scholarly library in the field of the history of science and technology. The Burndy Library, founded in 1936, now provides important bibliographic support to the Dibner Institute, a center for advanced research, located at MIT, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Burndy Library’s antiquarian and contemporary secondary source collections of books, manuscripts, graphics, art, and scientific instruments and apparatus serve as a core library resource for Dibner Institute resident fellows and for scholars and students worldwide. The institute plans to continue the Library’s special exhibitions of rare books and instruments and the Burndy Library series of publications in the history of science and technology. The Librarian of the Burndy Library reports to the Directors of the Dibner Institute, who are responsible fo r the operation of the library and for ensuring that the library’s collections are preserved, extended, and made available to scholars as well as to the public at large. The Burndy Librarian will play a major role in guiding the library’s future development, oversee all library activities, supervise a small professional and support staff, and serve as representative of the library to Dibner Institute resident and visiting fellows, the libraries of Dibner Institute consortium member institutions (Boston University, Brandeis University, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and to a variety of external constituencies. We invite both nominations and applications for this position. Requirements for the position of Librarian of the Burndy Library include a master’s degree in library science o r equivalent preparation, a record of distinguished educational and professional achievement, a working knowledge of foreign languages, varied and responsible administrative experience in an academic or research library, including experience with the applications of computer technology, and close familiarity with the world of rare books in the history of science and technology. The successful candidate should show evidence of leadership in the profession, the ability to foster a spirit of cooperation and effectiveness among staff members, and the commitment, imagination, and wisdom to help shape a unique research library in a major academic center. Salary and benefits are competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Review of nominations and applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of nomination or letter of application, including resume and references, to: Rita Dem psey Burndy Library Search C om m ittee Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology MIT E56-100 Cam bridge, MA 02139 The D ibner Institute is an equal opportunity and affirmative action em ployer a nd encourages qualified women a nd m embers o f m inority groups to apply. automated system s; strong oral and written com m unication skills; knowledge o f reference sources and service. Schaff Library houses over 122,000 volum es and is currently planning fo r renovation and automation. Salary range: $22,000– $30,000 plus benefits. Send letter o f application, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Richard R. Berg, Director, Philip Schaff Library, Lancaster Theological S em inary, 555 W. Jam es St., Lancaster, PA 17603. LTS is an equal opp ortun ity employer. INSTRUCTION LIBRA RIAN. Join an innovative instruction team in a newly created position! DePaul University’s John T. Richardson Library is seeking a full-tim e Instruction Librarian to participate in developing its rapidly expanding instruction program . T h is position reports to the C o ordinator of Library Instruction fo r the Lincoln Park Campus. Responsibilities include library instruction in an autom ated environment as well as reference service and collection develop­ ment. Requirem ents include an ALA-accredited MLS degree, excel­ lent oral and w ritten com m unication skills, library instruction and/or other teaching o r training experience, w orking knowledge of elec­ tronic resources (including Internet/W W W , electronic indexes, online catalogs), reference e xperience, initiative, strong service orientation, and com m itm ent to professional developm ent. Som e science back­ ground, especially physical science, desirable. DePaul University is a private, com prehensive urban institution o f over 17,600 students, with five Chicago-area cam puses. The John T. Richardson Library, a new and fully networked facility, serves the College o f Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Schools of Music, Education, and Theatre. Salary starting a t $31,000 m inim um , depending on experience and qualifica­ tions. Excellent benefits. R eview of applications will begin O ctober 15, 1996. Send letter of application with resum e and nam es of three references to: T erry Taylor, C o ordinator o f Library Instruction, DePaul University, John T. Richardson Library, 2350 N. K enm ore Ave., Chicago, IL 60614-3210. DePaul University, an e m ployer o f choice, is com m itted to diversity and equality in education and em ploym ent. LIBRA RIAN I (OR ASSOC IA TE LIBRA RIAN II) BIBLIOGRAPHER. University of M aryland College Park Libraries. Th e University of Maryland College Park Libraries in vites applications fo r a Bibliogra­ pher position, Librarian I (or A ssociate Librarian II). Responsibilities: Develops library collections in the agricultural and life sciences. The 704 / C&RL News GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Responsible for the management and promotion of a selective U.S. and State of Florida depository collection including a U.S. patents depository located within the Reference Department. Supervises one full-time staff member, conducts instruction in the use of documents, and participates in reference desk services. Reports to Head of Reference. Required: - an ALA-accredited master’s degree; - a minimum of three years of post-MLS government documents experience; - appropriate experience in the application of emerging technologies to library services. Desired: - the ability to work effectively with library patrons; - a demonstrated strong commitment to public service; - the ability to work independently and cooperatively in a team setting; - excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Finalists will be expected to present a brief library instruction demonstration during an on-campus interview. Rank and Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience (minimum rank/salary: Assistant University Librarian: $30,000). Send a cover letter addressing above qualifications, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for three professional references to: V ictor F. Owen Library Hum an R esources O fficer U niversity of Central Florida Library P.O. Box 162666 O rlando, FL 32816-2666 Application screening will begin on December 2 , 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Central Florida is a fully accredited, comprehensive, metropolitan university that currently enrolls 28,000 students and is one of the most rapidly growing of ten universities in the State University System of Florida. The university’s main campus is located in suburban Orlando. The library has over 800,000 volumes, the documents collections began in 1968 and contains 300,000 volumes and 320,000 microfiche. For more information: Florida application and selection procedures are subject to public review. AA/EEO bibliog ra p he r w o rks a ctively w ith instructional and research fa cu lty in the C ollege of A griculture and N atural R esources and the C ollege of Life Scie nce s to d evelop plans and strategies fo r building library co lle ction s tha t in clude traditional p rint as well as e lectron ic form ats. P rim ary s u bje ct assign m e n ts include: A gronom y, anim al sciences, horticulture, nutrition and food science, pou ltry science, entom ology, p lant b iology, and zoology. C a m p us p rogra m m atic interests are o f an incre asing ly in terdisciplinary nature. Expectations a t the Librarian I level include the ability to w o rk in de p en d en tly in assessing relevant library co lle ction s a nd in d eveloping effective co llecting strategies; le adership abilities a re expected in a d eveloping tea m environm ent w ith se lecto rs w orking in related su bje ct areas. Expectations a t the A ssociate Librarian II level in clu de w orking clo sely w ith a se nio r b ibliog ra p he r in a ssessing relevant library co lle ction s and in d evelop­ ing effe ctive collecting strategies. Q ualifications: Required: A LA- a ccredited m a ster’s d egree in library science; d em onstrated a bility to deal su ccessfu lly with a broad range o f library functions, a bility to interact effectively w ith library staff and diverse clientele, and ability to co m m u nicate effectively in oral and w ritte n form . Preferred: C o lle c­ tion deve lo pm en t expe rie n ce in an A R L library. For a ppointm ent a t the Librarian I level: In addition to m eeting the above criteria, successful ca nd id ate s m ust have a second g raduate degree in o ne o f the subject a reas indicated above o r in a related su bje ct and a m inim um o f three ye ars e xperience in selection or related co lle ction d eve lo pm en t/ m a n ag em en t work. For app ointm e n t at the A ssociate Librarian II level: In addition to m eeting the a bove criteria, successful candidates m ust h ave a m inim um o f one y e a r p rofessional library e xperience and an u nd erstan ding o f co lle ction deve lo pm en t and m a n ag em en t in an a cad em ic o r research library setting. A cad e m ic co ursew o rk o r w o rk­ ing know ledge o f one o r m ore p rim ary su bje ct responsibilities is required. Salary: C o m m e n surate w ith e xperience. Benefits a vailable. Applications: For full consideration, su bm it resum e and nam es and addre sses o f three referen ces by D e cem be r 6, 1996. A pplications accep ted until the position is filled. Send resum e to: R a y Foster, Library Personnel Services, M cKeldin Library, U niversity of M ary­ land, C ollege Park, M D 20742-7011; fax: (301) 3 14-9960. The U niversity o f M aryland is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. M inorities are enco urag e d to apply. LIB R A R Y D E P A R TM E N T HEAD, LIB R A R Y S YSTEM S & O P E R A ­ T IO N S /TE C H N IC A L S ER VIC ES. Ferris State U niversity. R e spo n si­ bilities: O verall a dm inistrative d irection of b udgets fo r LSO, co n sist­ ing o f catalo ging /cla ssificatio n ; collection d evelopm ent/m aintenance; co nservation/preservation; library technologies; and serials. Lea de r­ ship in planning, im plem enting, and evalu a ting departm ental se r­ vices. Duties also include report w riting; project planning and m an­ agem ent; and liaison to the c o m p ute r center. Participation in the libraries’ inform ation and instructional pro gra m s m ay be expected. November1996/705 TWO NEW POSITIONS George Mason University George Mason University, a comprehensive research university, is seeking two librarians to join a growing library system committed to playing an integral role in the academic initiatives of the university. Creativity, initiative, and willingness to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library are prized. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— JOHNSON CENTER LIBRARY Member of reference team responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating a variety of nontraditional instructional services, including orientations and individual and group instruction using print, electronic, Internet, and multimedia materials, for the Johnson Center Library. Works collaboratively with other librarians to design classroom-based and electronically distributed instructional resources. Provides general reference services, participates in collection development, and participates in outreach efforts to the university community. Coordinates Johnson Center Library’s collaboration with University Information Services including development of World Wide Web home pages. Reports jointly to the Johnson Center Librarian and the Associate Director for Information Services QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS required; two years professional experience in library instruc­ tion, reference, and use of HTML in developing and maintaining World Wide Web home pages in a networked, academic library environment preferred. Experience with a wide range of information technologies and faculty outreach desirable. SALARY: $30,000+ depending on qualifications. ARLINGTON CAMPUS/FENWICK REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Full-time librarian for a divided position between a new library at Arlington Campus and Fenwick Library in Fairfax. It is expected th a t this will develop into a full-time Arlington Campus position in the near future. At Arlington the librarian will be responsible for public services, collection development, and collection management of a highly networked and heavily electronic library, developing traditional and nontraditional library services. As part of a distributed university administrative team at the Arlington Campus site, participates in planning, supporting, and reviewing academic projects, programs, and needs at the site. Serves as liaison between GMU Libraries and the GMU Law School Library. Provides general reference service at GMU Libraries at Fairfax as scheduled and participates in library systemwide activities. Some evening/weekend work required. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; reference service experience in academic library required. Flexibility and strong interpersonal skills required. Second master’s in social science highly desirable. Expertise in electronic resources and tools and some experience in management desirable. Candidates with teaching/instructional skills and good public relations skills are preferred. SALARY: $30,000+ depending on qualifications. DEADLINE: December 1 , 1 9 9 6 .1 2-month appointments, excellent benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names of at least three references to: Instructional S ervices/R eference Librarian (Position 1) Arlington C am pus Librarian Search (Position 2) Library A dm inistration O ffice, MSN 2FL G eorge M ason U niversity Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 A A /EEO employer, m inorities encouraged to apply. Qualifications: Required: MLS o r e q u iva le nt from an A LA -accredited library/inform ation science program . Increasing a dm inistrative skills with d em onstrated p roficiency in a technical services area— three years m inim ally. E xpertise with in tegrated library system s, LAN (s), and b ibliographic utilities. Evidence o f stro ng co m m u nicatio n and organization skills. A b ility to w o rk with all personnel in a collegial, consultive, colla bo ra tive team e nvironm ent. Preferred: Additional m aster’s degree o r a doctorate; e xperience with Z39 and docum ent delivery system s; h ands-on expe rie n ce w ith Intel, UNIX, and Novell. A pply with le tte r addre ssin g q ualifica tio ns as related to the re sponsi­ b ilities o f the p osition, resum e, and three re ferences from supervisors o r c o lleagues solicited fo r this position. Please include th e ir names, current addresses, and p hones num bers w ith y o u r application. A pp ly to: L ibrary S ystem s & O pe ra tio ns Search Com m ittee, Attn: Joan B oroff, A d m in is tra tiv e S ervices, F e rris S ta te U n iv e rs ity T im m e L ibrary, 1201 S. S ta te S t., Big R apids, Ml 4 9 3 0 7 -2 7 4 7 . A p p lica tio n d e a d lin e : D e ce m b e r 1, 1996, o r until fille d , w h ic h e v e r is so on er. FSU p ro vide s p ra ctica l, h a n ds-on e d u ca tio n in 100+ a ca d e m ic p ro g ra m s th ro u g h th e C o lle g e s o f A rts a nd S cie nce s, A llie d H ealth S cie nce s, B u sine ss, E d u ca tion , O pto m e try, P ha rm acy, a nd T e ch ­ n o lo g y to its 1 0 ,0 0 0 s tu d e n ts . In c lu d e d a re a s s o c ia te ’s and b a c h e lo r’s d eg re es, tw o m a ste r’s d e g re es, and d octo ra te s in o p ­ to m e try and p ha rm a cy. F S U ’s m ain c a m p u s in Big R apids, a c ity of 12,600, is lo cate d in th e va c a tio n and re cre a tio n a re a o f w e st ce ntra l M ichig a n, 5 4 m iles north o f G ra nd R apids. FSU is an a ffirm a tive action , e qu al o p p o rtu n ity em p loye r. 706 / C&RL News ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR USER SERVICES (Search Extended) University Library Services Virginia C om m onw ealth U niversity DESCRIPTION: Provide dynamic and innovative leadership for the James Branch Cabell Library, which serves the academ ic campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. W ork as a member of the university libraries administrative team to manage library services, to adapt technology to build the library of the future, and to set directions for the use of resources and technology. Continue an innovative, creative, and proactive approach to library service, including recommending, designing, and coordinating the implementation of service improvements. Communicate to the academ ic campus the library’s vision of its role in the process of instruction and learning. Support participatory decision making in which staff are encouraged through training and mentoring to develop their skill and contribute to the maximum of their ability, and in which delivery of quality service to library users is the pre-eminent shared value. Maintain a cooperative and consultative environment within the library and between the library and other segments of the university. Initial responsibilities include providing leadership for access services, government documents, instruction and outreach, media resources, reference, and special collections in a division with 10 faculty, 20 classified staff, and student employees. Expanded responsibilities may evolve. Position reports to the Director of University Library Services. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS required. Strongly preferred are: Experience with technology enhanced user services; strong comm itm ent to customer- oriented user services; increasingly progressive responsibility in an academic library. Preferred are: Excellent oral and written communica­ tion skills; ability to work independently and as a team member; strong interpersonal and leadership skills; initiative, creativity, and flexibility; ability to introduce and manage organizational change; record of scholarly activity and national service to profession; an advanced degree in addition to the MLS. ENVIRONMENT: Virginia Commonwealth University is a publicly supported urban, research university in Richmond. It serves 21,000 students with 2,000 full-time faculty both on the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia. The university awards doctoral degrees in 20 fields. VCU is a member of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, the C enter for Research Libraries, and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. The library has over 1.1 million volumes, 10,000 serials, and a materials budget of $4.5 million. The library is highly automated, with 250 network nodes, all NOTIS modules operational with centralized access to 20 databases in M D AS and InfoShare, hundreds of CD and other electronic resources, a growing presence on the Internet (, and active leadership in the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA). SALARY: Negotiable depending upon qualifications and experience. Benefits include 24 days leave, choice of health plans, choice of retirement and annuity plans, remuneration for university course work, and paid life insurance. APPLICATION: Review of applications will begin December 15 , 1996. Submit resume and names and phone numbers of three references to: B arbara J. Ford (b jfo rd @ g em u.ed u fo r inform ation o nly) D irector, U niversity Library Services V irginia C om m on w ealth U niversity 901 Park A ve., B ox 842033 R ichm ond, V A 2328 4-20 33 Virginia Com m onwealth U niversity is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. M inorities, women, a n d p ersons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. L IB R A R Y DIR EC TO R . T h e A rc h d io ce s e o f D e n v er se eks a full-tim e L ibrary D irecto r fo r the A rch bish o p V e h r T h eo lo gical Library. T h is fo rm e r se m in a ry lib ra ry fea tures 140,000 vo lum es sp ecia lizing in th e o lo g y and philosophy. Plans a re to m a ke the lib ra ry an a cad em ic h ub fo r a du lt a nd h ig h e r edu catio n fo r n orthern C o lo ra do C atholics, h ou sed in th e sa m e b ea utifu l g ro un ds and b uildin g s a s the C hancery. W e w ill be d e v e lo ping a sp ecia lize d ch ild re n ’s section, a nd a m u ltim e ­ d ia ce n te r f o r p arish access. R e spo n sib ilitie s: D irect and im ple m e nt all a spe cts o f the lib ra ry’s o peration: Sta ffing , a cqu isitio n s, ca ta lo g ­ ing, lib ra ry use, in teractio n w ith the Pasto ra l C enter. S up e rvise tw o p ro fe ssio na l sta ff plus volun tee rs. Lead th e lib ra ry into the next ce ntu ry b y m a in tain in g p e o ple/se rvice o rie nta tion , w h ile a g g re ssive ly w o rkin g w ith th e a rch dio ce san g ra n t w rite r to fin d fu n d s fo r m a kin g the n e ce ssary tra nsition to co m p ute riza tion . Q ua lifica tio ns: M inim um : A L A -a ccre dite d M LS o r e q u iva le n t d egree, w ith th re e ye ars effective se rvice in a the o log ica l lib ra ry using LC cla ssifica tion a nd O CLC. E xpe rtise on both person al co m p ute rs (inclu d ing C D -R O M te c h n o l­ ogy, Inte rn et) a nd stan d ard lib ra ry c o m p u te r system s. M u st posse ss s u p e rio r p eople and org an iza tion al skills, fle xibility, and a se nse o f hum or. H ig h ly desirab le : A se con d g ra du ate d eg re e in C a tho lic th e o lo g y o r co g n a te fie ld a nd a p ra cticing C a tho lic. E xpe rie n ce in tra nsition in g a la rge c o lle ction o nto c o m p ute rize d ca ta lo ging and circula tio n system s. S end resum e, le tte r o f intent, and th re e p ro fe s­ sio na l re co m m e nd a tion s to: David B. W a rner, D irecto r o f C atholic http://exlibris.uls November1996/707 PUBLIC SERVICES/CATALOGING LIBRARIAN Messiah College Messiah College seeks a Public Services/Cataloging Librarian. THE COLLEGE: Messiah College is a selective Christian college of the liberal and applied arts and sciences enrolling over 2,400 undergraduate students. The college is committed to an embracing evangelical spirit rooted in the Anabaptist, Pietist, and Wesleyan traditions of the Christian Church. Our mission is to educate women and men toward maturity of intellect, character, and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society. Messiah College is a teaching institution which emphasizes instruction but values research and public service. THE LIBRARY: The Murray Learning Resources Center (LRC), encompassing Media Services, has a senior staff of 20 (six librarians and 14 support staff) and employs nearly 70 student assistants. Collections approach 300,000 items. The LRC is automated with Ameritech’s Horizon system and subscribes to abroad range of online and CD-ROM products. Cable television and satellite programming supplement traditional library services. The LRC is an active participant in the 21 -member Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania (ACLCP). Additional information about the college and the library is available at QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED IN APPLICANTS: MLS or equivalent. Background or subject specialty in the natural or physical sciences, business, or music preferred, as is two to three years experience in a college library. Demonstrated ability to work with colleagues, faculty, and students. Excellent interper­ sonal skills and facility in both written and oral communication. Must be comfortable in teaching/training situations and able to work in a demanding, rapidly changing environment. Knowledge of and range of experience with library computer applications. RESPONSIBILITIES: Library instruction, cataloging, collection development, traditional reference duties, and liaison work with faculty in assigned departments. Weekend and evening reference on a rotation basis. Position reports to the Director of the Learning Resources Center. APPOINTMENT DATE, SALARY, BENEFITS: Starting date is July 1, 1997. Salary is competitive. Excellent benefits include TIAA CREF, life, health, and dental insurance, and tuition assistance programs for dependents. Forward cover letter and resume by November 2 0 , 1996, to: Jonathan D. Lauer D irector of the Learning Resources Center Messiah College G rantham , PA 17027 EOE/AA Adult Education, 200 Josephine St., Denver, CO 80206. Starting date: February 1, 1997, o r as negotiated. R eview o f applications begins D ecem ber 1 , 1996, and c ontinues until position is filled. EOE. PUBLIC SER VIC ES/U SER E D U C ATIO N . Duties: Develop and ad­ minister Ram sey L ibrary’s User Education Program; provide refer­ ence service in a networked environm ent; b ibliographer in assigned subject areas; teach library research in the u niversity’s General Education Program. Qualifications: A LA -accredited MLS; additional graduate degree, p referably in the natural o r social sciences; aca­ demic library reference e xperience in an electronic inform ation e nvi­ ronment; m inim um o f tw o years classroom o r library instruction experience; e xcellent com m unication and public service skills. Pre­ ferred: Leadership e xperience in a library user education program; experience in teaching for-credit courses; knowledge o f established and em erging instructional technologies; d em onstrated ability to develop com puter-assisted instruction program s; dem onstrated a bil­ ity to prom ote library education services; dem onstrated ability to create library publications (user guides, textbooks, newsletter); e xpe­ rience o r strong interest in applying desktop publishing and m ultim e­ dia applications in a library u ser education program . S alary: $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 - $32,000 fo r 12 months. Th e university: UNCA, a selective u nder­ graduate institution o f approxim ately 3,250 students, is distinguished by high-quality academ ic program s. T he Asheville G raduate Center enrolls some 700 students. U NC A is a national le ader in the u nder­ graduate research and public liberal arts m ovem ents. T h e university, classified as Baccalaureate I by the Carnegie Foundation, is am ong the m ost highly regarded liberal arts colleges in the nation. The com m unity: Asheville, one of the m ost desirable sm all cities in Am erica, is the c e n te r o f a m agnificent vacation area. It is located in the m ountains o f w estern North C arolina, n ear the Blue Ridge Parkway, Pisgah N ational Forest, and the G reat S m okies National Park. The Asheville M SA population is approxim ately 175,000; the city has a bout 71,000 residents. Screening o f applications begins D ecem ber 1 ,1 9 9 6 , and continues until filled. Subm it a co ver letter, a brief statem ent of philosophy regarding the educational role o f aca­ dem ic libraries in an undergraduate liberal arts curriculum , current vita, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f three relevant references to persons able to e valuate experiences in noted a re as to: Ellie M arsh, Chair, Search Com m ittee, Ram sey Library, U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth C a ro lin a a t A s h e v ille , 1 University Heights, Asheville, NC 28804-3299, For m ore inform ation a bo ut the library and UNCA, see http://w w w UNC A is an affirm ative action, equal em ploy­ m ent opportunity em ployer. RESEARCH SU PPO R T A N D LIA IS O N L IB R A R IA N (LIFE SC I­ ENCES). A rizona State University W e st Library, Phoenix, Arizona. W e seek an individual w ith the ability to plan, deliver, facilitate, and a ssess research services and instruction provided to students, fac­ ulty, and staff. Responsibilities include providing expert a ssistance in designing research strategies and g athering inform ation; collaborat­ ing with faculty to integrate inform ation com petencies into the curricu ­ lum; optim izing opportunities fo r a ccess to inform ation through collec­ tion building and docum ent delivery based on knowledge o f academ ic program s. W orking in a m atrix m anagem ent environm ent with a growing student body and evolving curriculum , librarians exercise a 708 / C&RL News REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (Search Re-Opened) Lafayette College Lafayette College, a selective undergraduate institution with challenging curricula in the arts, sciences, and engineering, invites applications fo r the position of Reference/Instruction Librar­ ian. We are seeking a creative and energetic librarian who is prepared to play a leading role in supporting faculty use of the World Wide Web and other new technologies for instruction. The librarian will also advance the library’s teaching mission through participation in an ambitious instruction program with an emphasis on the use of networks and digital collections. Lafayette College offers a small college environment with large college resources. The library actively sup­ ports professional development, individual initia­ tive, and innovative approaches to user ser­ vices. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , see h ttp :// Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent graduate degree; competence in the use of information and telecommunications technolo­ gies related to teaching and research and the ability to learn quickly new software and sys­ tems; excellent interpersonal and written and oral communication skills. Preferred: Knowledge of HTML, SGML, digitization standards, desktop publishing, and presentation software; writing experience. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Excellent benefits. Qualified individuals should send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Neil J. McElroy D irector of Libraries David Bishop Skillm an Library Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 Applications accepted until the position is filled. Lafayette College is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encourage to apply. high level o f independent and collaborative decision making as they develop and d eliver services, direct projects, and assess im pact. E xpectations include active contribution to cam pus and university com m ittees and to the library profession. T h is is a continuing a pp oint­ ment (tenure) track p osition. R equired qualifications: An A LA -accred­ ited MLS. Strong interpersonal and com m unication skills, including collaborative and individual problem -solving and decision-m aking ability. Dem onstrated p roficiency in: teaching and the ability to struc­ ture learning experiences; planning, im plem enting, and assessing projects o r program s; electronic inform ation retrieval system s and m icrocom puter applications, e specially in a reference and research environm ent. Relevant experience or educational degree(s) in life sciences. Desired qualifications: Dem onstrated knowledge of collec­ tion developm ent and inform ation a ccess principles and practices; understanding o f academ ic institutions, higher- education issues, and ecology and nursing disciplines; record o f professional activity. T o apply: Subm it letter o f application addressing background and experience relevant to q ualifications fo r the p osition; vita; and names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f fou r current professional references to: Chair, Search Com m ittee, Arizona State University W est Library, P.O. B ox 37100, Phoenix, A Z 85069-7100. Deadline fo r applications: January 1 5 , 1997, or first day o f every month thereafter until position is filled. Salary: A ssistant/Associate Librarian, co m ­ m ensurate w ith experience and rank; $30,000 m inim um fo r Assistant Librarian. General inform ation a bo ut ASU W est: Arizona State Uni­ versity W est, a vital com ponent o f A S U ’s m ulticam pus vision, serves nearly 5 ,000 junior, senior and graduate students at its modern, growing cam pus in northwest Phoenix. A SU W e st offers bachelor' and m a ster’s degree program s in the C olleges of A rts and Sciences, Education, and Human Services, School of Managem ent, and Divi­ sion of Collaborative Program s. Th e cam pus is accredited by the North Central Association o f Colleges and Schools and is dedicated to enhancing the educational, econom ic, cultural, and social develop­ m ent o f the com m unity. ASU W is an EO/AA em ployer. S ER IA L S C A T A L O G E R . V illa n o va U n ive rsity, Falvey M em orial Lib rary, se eks a S erials C a talo g er: to ca ta lo g se ria ls (p e rio dica ls and co n tin u a tio n s) and to insure the in corpo ra tio n o f b ibliog ra p hic in form atio n into O CLC, Inc., as well as into the lib ra ry’s lo cal c o m p u te r system and th e P e n n sylvan ia Union L ist o f S erials; to m a in tain th e a ccu ra cy o f se ria l hold in g s; to c o o rd in a te a ctivitie s on co n ve rsio n o f th e lib ra ry’s se ria l b ib lio g ra p h ic a nd h old in g s records; to p erfo rm p u b lic se rvice re sp o n sib ilitie s in p ro viding a cce ss to p e rio d ica ls (one e vening p e r w e ek); to p articipa te in c o lle ction d eve lo p m e n t as an a d vo ca te /lia iso n w ith tw o a cad em ic d e p a rt­ m ents. M LS re quired, a d d itio n a l g ra du ate deg re e d e sira b le (s c i­ e nce pre fe rred ). W o rking kn ow led g e o f ca ta lo ging p rin cip les. Fa­ m ilia rity w ith L ib ra ry o f C o ng re ss s u bje ct h ea ding s and cla ssifica ­ tion and the M ARC se ria ls form a t. Expe rie n ce: M inim um o f two ye a rs p ro fe ssio na l, p re fe ra b ly in an a cad em ic o r re se arch library, w ith prim a ry e m p ha sis on se ria ls c a ta lo ging . S om e se ria ls a cq u i­ s itio n s e xp e rie n ce p refe rred . A b ility to w o rk e ffe ctive ly w ith the high level o f re cord ke eping required. A b ility to d e le g ate re sp o n sib ility to a p p ro p ria te sta ff m em bers and to m a in tain e ffe ctive w o rkin g re la ­ tio nsh ip w ith lib ra ry staff. A b ility to co m m u n ica te e ffe ctive ly both o ra lly and in w riting . A b ility to co n ce n tra te on plan n in g fo r the o ng oing d eve lo p m e n t o f the lib ra ry’s data ba se. 12-m onth a p p o in t­ m ent; T IA A/C R E F , lib e ra l frin g e b e n efits packa ge . S a la ry c o m m e n ­ su ra te w ith e xp e rie n ce and q u a lifica tio ns. V illa n o va U n ive rsity is an AA, EO e m p lo ye r a nd is lo cate d in a co nve nien t, a ttra ctive re sid en tia l su bu rb o f Philad e lph ia . S end le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, re ­ sum e, a nd nam es, a d d re sses, and telep ho n e n um be rs o f three re feren ces to: Ja m e s L. M ullins, D irector, Fa lve y M em orial Library, V illa n o va U niversity, V illa n ova , PA 19085. D e ad lin e fo r a p p lica ­ tio n s: D e ce m b e r 15, 1996. Learn m ore a bo ut Fa lve y L ibrary by visitin g its hom e pag e at: h ttp ://w w w .v ill.e d u /lib ra ry /. TE N U R E -T R A C K J O IN T PO SITIO N A T TH E S C H O O L O F IN F O R ­ M A T IO N M A N A G E M E N T A N D S Y S T E M S A N D T H E H A A S S C H O O L OF B U S IN E S S. T h e D ean o f the S chool o f Info rm a tio n M a n ag em en t and S yste m s and the Dean o f th e H aas S chool of B usine ss a t the U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia, Berkele y, invite a p p lica ­ tio n s fo r a ten u re d o r te n u re -tra ck positio n b e g in ning in the fall se m e ste r 1997. A p p lica n ts sh ou ld have re ceived a d octoral deg re e in b u sin e ss, c o m p u te r scie nce , in form atio n scie nce , o r a related fie ld a t le ast th re e ye a rs p rio r to app lyin g . W e are in tereste d in in d ivid u a ls w ho a pp ly in form atio n te ch n o lo g y to b usin e ss issues. C a nd id a te s w h o w o rk in m a n ag em en t in form atio n system s, c o rp o ­ rate stra te g y, m a rke ting , a ccou ntin g , a nd re la ted b usin e ss a reas w h ose re search and te a ch in g in terests are p rim a rily fo cu se d on in form atio n te ch n o lo g y a re in vited to apply. Th e su ccessfu l ca n d i­ date w ill be e xpe cted to e sta b lish a q u a lity re se arch pro gra m and to te a ch both g ra du ate a nd u n d e rgrad u ate co urses in inform ation te ch n o lo g y and m anag em en t. E vid en ce o f s u p e rio r te a ch in g p e r­ form a nce is h igh ly desirab le , in p a rticu la r a t the M BA level. E xte n ­ sive in teractio n is e xpe cted w ith the F ish e r C e n te r fo r Inform ation T e ch n o lo g y and M a n ag em en t a t the H aas Scho o l. A p p lica tio n s w ith vita, a se le ct su bse t of pap ers, a sh o rt sta te m e n t o f futu re re search p lan s and in terests, a nd n am es o f th re e re feren ces should be s e n t to th e a d d re ss g iven belo w by D e cem be r 1 5 , 1996. M ailing A dd re ss: C h a ir o f th e Search C o m m itte e, #42, S chool o f Info rm a ­ tion M a n ag em en t and System s, 102 South Hall, Un iv ers ity of C a lifo rn ia, Berkeley, CA 9 47 20 -4 6 00 . The U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia, B erkele y is an equal o p p ortun ity, a ffirm a tive a ction em p loye r. November1996/709 DEAN OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The Pennsylvania State U niversity is seeking applications and nominations fo r the position o f Dean o f The U niversity Libraries. The Dean o f The University Libraries is the chief administrative and academic o ffic e r o f The U niversity Libraries, reports directly to the Executive V ice President and Provost o f the U niversity, and is a member o f the Council o f Academic Deans. The Dean o f The U niversity Libraries is the o ffic ia l representative and advocate fo r The University Libraries, fostering cooperative participation in academic programs, CIC partnership arrangements, consortia, government and grant-sponsored programs, and industry relations. The University Libraries includes a central lib ra ry and 5 subject libraries at University Park and a library at each o f the 20 Penn State campuses throughout the Commonwealth. Collections include over 3,750,000 volumes as w e ll as extensive holdings o f maps, microforms, government publications, archives, computer databases, and audio-video materials. There are approximately 390 staff, including 87 librarians w ith fu ll fa cu lty status. The Dean o f The University Libraries has prim ary responsibility fo r budgets, strategic planning, personnel resources, leadership o f The Libraries’ faculty, library automation, fund-raising, and the development o f collections, services, and programs. Candidates should have high-level management experience in a research library, based on in-depth experience in librarianship, and including significant experience w ith integrated library systems and networked inform ation technologies; an understanding o f the m ajor issues and trends affecting research libraries; strong leadership skills and the a b ility to promote cooperation in a m u lti­ campus, collegial, and consortia environment; the a b ility to support the teaching, research, and service missions o f a large p ublic university and the intellectual and service missions o f its libraries. The successful candidate should have the vision to lead The University Libraries into the tw e n ty-first century, a record o f innovation, and demonstrated record o f success in fund-raising. I t is expected that the Dean w ill have a comm itm ent to and sustained achievement in scholarship and research in librarianship or another discipline, commensurate w ith a tenured appointment in The U niversity Libraries o r one o f the U n ive rsity’ s academic units; and national standing in the profession. A Master o f L ib ra ry Science degree or its equivalent from an accredited program is required; an additional advanced degree is desired. The Pennsylvania State University is the comprehensive land-grant university o f the Commonwealth o f Pennsylvania. It is composed o f the U niversity Park Campus and 22 other campuses throughout Pennsylvania. In the 1995-96 academic year, the U niversity had 4,226 fu ll-tim e faculty members; 76,000 students; and an annual budget o f more than $1.7 m illio n . Please send nominations, applications, and inquiries to the address that follow s. Applications and nominations w ill be reviewed beginning December 15, 1996, and w ill be accepted u n til the position is fille d . I f you w ould lik e more inform ation on The U niversity Libraries at Penn State, please refer to web pages at Dr. Susan Welch, Chair, Search Committee for the Dean of The University Libraries, The Pennsylvania State University, 201 Old Main, Box CRL, University Park, PA 16802. An A ffirm a tiv e A ction/Equal O pportunity Employer Women and M in oritie s Encouraged to A p p ly 710 / C&RL News HEAD OF REFERENCE C a l if o r n ia State U n iv e r s it y, Fr e s n o C alifornia State U niversity, Fresno, seeks an experienced, dynam ic leader in reference and in­ form ation services to guide and manage a department o f six fu ll-tim e and fo u r part-tim e librar­ ians, three fu ll-tim e library assistants, and student assistants. The departm ent provides tradi­ tional reference assistance, electronic inform ation access (including a C D -R O M LAN), library instruction, ILL, and m ulticultu ra l services. California State University, Fresno is one o f the 22 campuses o f the California State University system. The current enrollm ent is approximately 18,000 students. The campus, w hich has been designated as an arboretum, is spread over 1,400 acres. M etropolitan Fresno is located on the western edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range w ithin easy driving distance o f Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and the Monterey Peninsula. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages all activities o f the Reference Department; develops departmental goals and objectives; directs the coordinators o f library instruction/inform ation literacy pro­ grams, and m ulticultu ra l services; oversees reference collection developm ent and interlibrary loans; fosters a w e lcom ing service environm ent; provides leadership in evaluating existing ser­ vices and developing new services for on-site and off-campus locations; participates in the Library's management as a m ember o f its Adm inistrative C ouncil. Reports to the Associate U n i­ versity Librarian. QUALIFICATIO NS REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school (or equivalent); five years increasingly responsible professional experience in an academic library reference depart­ ment; experience in traditional reference services and in the use o f emerging technologies and electronic resources. Experience in library instruction. Evidence o f planning, organizational, prob­ lem-solving, and management skills; evidence o f initiative, creativity, and strong oral and written communication skills. Collegiality and the ability to work productively and cooperatively with others. PREFERRED: Management experience in an academic library; experience w ith distance learning programs. SALARY/BENEFITS: Salary: $47,940 or higher, commensurate w ith qualifications and experience. This is a 12-month tenure track position. Librarians have faculty rank, status, privileges, and re­ sponsibilities. DEADLINE: To ensure fu ll consideration, submit a letter of application and resume w ith names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references by 2 December 1996 to: Michael Gorman, Dean Henry Madden Library California State University, Fresno 5200 N. Barton, Fresno CA 93740-8014 C a lifornia State U niversity, Fresno is an EO/AA employer. TENURE-TRACK POSITION AT SCHO O L OF INFORM A TION MAN­ AG EM ENT AND SYSTEMS. The Dean o f the School o f Information M anagem ent and System s (SIMS) a t the University o f California, Berkeley, invites applications fo r a tenure-track position beginning in the fall sem ester 1997 at the A ssistant Professor level. Applicants should have received (o r be a bo ut to receive) a doctoral degree in com puter science, inform ation science, m edia/com m unications, busi­ ness/m anagem ent, o r a related field. C andidates should possess expertise and dem onstrated research excellence in the areas of hum an-com puter interface, inform ation retrieval, organization o f in­ form ation, com puter security, electronic docum ents, collaborative system s, o r a related field. T h e successful applicant w ill be expected to establish a quality research program and to teach both graduate and undergraduate courses in his o r h er area o f specialty. Applica­ tio ns w ith vita, a select subset o f papers, a short statem ent o f future research plans and interests, and nam es of three references should be sent to the address given below by D ecem ber 15, 1996. Mailing address: C hair of the Search Com m ittee, #41, School of Information M anagem ent and Systems, 102 South Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600. The University o f C alifornia, Berkeley, is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. VISUA L RESOU RCES C U R A TO R/LIBRARIAN . Media Union, Uni­ versity of M ichigan. Th e M edia Union is an innovative new facility supporting the creative aspects o f disciplines across the entire cam pus. The Media Union Library w ill specifically support the re­ search and instructional needs o f the School of Art and Design and the Colleges o f A rchitecture and Urban Planning, and Engineering, and November 1996/711 HEAD, RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, OFFICE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES California Lutheran University Thousand Oaks, California California Lutheran University (CLU) seeks an individual to join th e Technical Services team of the Office of Information Systems and Services (ISS) as Head of Resource Development and Bibliographic Analysis. We seek an individual who will be committed to the goals of ISS and to working in an organizational structure which integrates the traditional units of library, instructional media, telecommunications, and academic and administrative computing, and which utilizes relational work groups in its day-to-day operations. The person in this position will provide leadership for the resource development and bibliographic analysis teams as well as serve on other teams as they relate to the responsibilities of this position, including the bibliographic systems and Internet/Web teams. The successful candidate will present a portfolio which demonstrates strong interpersonal, teaching, and organizational skills, with a successful track record in library technical services, especially in terms of the selection and cataloging of electronic resources as complements to traditional resources (including government documents as a selective depository). A master's degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited institution is required, and subject expertise in business or natural sciences is preferred. Knowledge of and experience with collection development policies, MARC formats, and AACR2 is also required. Training and experience with Microsoft Office, HTML, Netscape, and the providing of information services in a networked campus environment is preferred. This is a 12-month, full-time, contract position. The position will be available January 1 , 1997. Review of portfolios begins October 2 8 , 1996. Please see the university’s home page for more information about CLU and ISS: URL: Mail portfolios with names of three references to: O ffice of Hum an Resources California Lutheran University Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 interdisciplinary collaborations. T h e library w ill supp ort projects sp on ­ sored through the M edia Union, the A cadem ic Outreach Program, and w ill actively p ursue the d evelopm ent and distribution of digital resources and services. All M edia Union librarians are expected not only to w o rk closely with d epartm ents within th e ir a reas o f expertise but also to su pp ort oth e r M edia Union constituencies. Duties: Under the su pervision o f the M edia Union D irecto r of Inform ation Services, the Visual R esources C u rator/Librarian w ill p erform public service duties a t the M edia Union and participa te in UM Library activities. R esponsibilities include m anagem ent and collection d evelopm ent of a rapidly grow ing collection o f visual resources (prim arily in the areas of art and architecture, but including o th e r d iscip lin es as well), reference service, digital services, instruction, facu lty liaison, and other activities. Q ualifications: Required: A LA -accredited MLS, o r a M aster's degree in an a ppropriate subject area. T w o ye ars prior experience in a visual resources co llection o r art-related library. Experience using netw orked com puters and softw are a ppropriate for the creation of data ba ses and p rogram s fo r the m anagem ent and m anipulation o f im ages. Fam iliarity with visual re sources collection developm ent and m anagem ent, and with searching a rts-related d ata­ bases, and an understanding of scholarly research m ethods and inform ation needs. Excellent oral and w ritten co m m unication skills. Proficiency using online catalogs, databases, and the Internet. Ability to function effectively as part o f a team of in form ation specialists w orking w ith cu lturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: Additional g raduate-level course w ork: fo r an MLS— in a rt history, a rch itectu re, o r s tu d io a rt; fo r an M A /M S — in an in form atio n m an­ a g e m e n t fie ld such as lib ra ry scie nce . In stru ctio n a l e xperience. D e m o nstra ted e x p e rie n ce u sing one o r m o re o f the follow ing : W W W re so urce d e ve lo pm en t, d eskto p p ub lish in g, m u ltim e d ia d e ­ ve lo p m e n t. W o rking kn ow led g e o f a m a jo r Europ ea n la nguage. R ank, sa lary, and leave: Final rank d ep e n d e n t on q u a lifica tio n s. M inim um s a la ry o f $ 2 9 ,50 0; 2 4 w o rkin g d a ys o f v a ca tio n p e r year.; 15 d a ys o f s ick le ave p e r ye ar, w ith p ro visio n s fo r exte n de d b en efits. T o a p p ly: S end co ve r le tte r a nd re su m e to: Karen D ow n­ ing, L ib ra ry H um an R e sou rce s, 4 04 H a tche r G ra du a te L ibrary North, U n iv ers ity of M ic higan, A nn A rbor, Ml 4 81 09 -1 2 05 . A p p li­ ca tion d e a dlin e: A p p lica tio n s re ce ived by D e ce m b e r 16, 1996, will be given firs t co n sid e ra tio n . Th e U n ive rsity o f M ichig a n is a n on d is­ c rim in ato ry, a ffirm a tive a ction em p loye r. Late Job Listings R E F E R E N C E —E X T E N D E D U N IV E R S IT Y P R O G R A M S SP E C IA L T Y . 12- month, tenure-track faculty position at Colorado State University Libraries. Report­ ing to the Coordinator of Sciences and Technology Services and Electronic User Services, this position serves as the link between off-campus students and library resources and services. Responsible for planning, evaluating, and maintaining the library’s off-campus library services as well as assists in planning, evaluating, and implementing the library’s electronic information resources and technologies offered 772 / C&RL News to the public. Participates fully in reference and user assistance responsibilities that will involve regular weekend and evening hours and serves as liaison to the Division of Continuing Education, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Cooperative Extension Service. Changes in organizational structure may affect duties. Qualifica­ tions: Graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited degree program; at least one year post-graduate degree experience in an academic or research library; evidence of excellent communication and interpersonal skills; a willingness to travel; ability to work independently and as part of a team; ability to handle multiple responsibilities in a changing environment; knowledge of microcomputer and telecom­ munication equipment and applications; potential for achieving tenure and promotion. Desire experience with multimedia, electronic instruction, and/or electronic document delivery; reference and instruction experience; knowledge of science and business information resources. Preference given to candidates who can demonstrate successful completion of projects or initiatives. Rank is at the Assistant Professor level, with a salary minimum of $36,000. Excellent benefits package. To request a libraries’ application form, send a letter of application addressing your qualifications, resume, and names, addresse C s, and ph Personnel Librarian, o lo r a d o o S n ta e te n u U m n b i e v rs e r s o i f t y thr ee references to: Teri Switzer, Libraries, Fort Collins, CO 80523- 1019; fax: (970) 491-1195; e-mail: All applica­ tion materials, including the Libraries’ application form, must be received by 5:00 p.m. November 15, 1996; however, the search may be extended if a suitable candidate is not identified. Colorado State University Libraries is an ARL library and Carnegie I research institution serving approximately 22,000 students. For more information about the university and the libraries, please visit the following Web site: http:// AA/EEO employer. IN FO R M A TIO N RETRIEVAL CO NSULTANT. Lehigh University Information Resources. Newly restructured organization seeks Senior Information Retrieval Consultant for the sciences to serve on innovative cross-functional client services team for College of Arts and Sciences. The science Information Retrieval Consultant selects library and other information resources for the curriculum; performs information retrieval as required by faculty, students, and staff; teaches information literacy and research skills; performs searches in science databases; and acts as a liaison to the science faculty of the college. The consultant works in a team environment with computing, communications, instructional technology, and other information re­ trieval professionals under the direction of a team leader. For additional information on environment, consult: (Lehigh University home page) and http://www.lehigh/~inluir/irmain.html (Information Resources). Qualifications: Re­ quire ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. Strongly prefer bachelor’s or advanced degree in relevant field (chemistry, physics, biology, earth science). Require excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work in team environment; under­ standing of scholarly research and the application of technology to scholarly research; experience with science database searching; proven presentation skills; experience in reference, bibliographic instruction, and collection development; ability to deal effec­ tively with organizational change; commitment to continuous professional develop­ ment and contribution. Salary range: $28,000– $35,000. Excellent benefits and vaca­ tion. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Pam St L eig e h i erw s g alt, Emp ources, 8A E. Packer Ave., h U n iv e r s i loyment t y , Coordinator, Information Re­ Bethlehem, PA 18015. Deadline for applications: December 15, 1996. AA/EEO employer, minorities encouraged to apply. http://www.lehigh/~inluir/irmain.html Structure Bookmarks November 1996/693 LIBRARIANMaine Maritime AcademyMaine Maritime Academy (MMA) is a 700- student, public, fully accredited four-year col­lege located in the small coastal village of Castine, Maine. The college is one of six state- supported maritime colleges in the United States. MMA is a college of engineering, trans­portation, management, and ocean sciences. MMA currently seeks to fill the following full­time position: Librarian.Maine Maritime Academy seeks a library pro­fessional to head the college library. The suc­cessfu Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.45 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices department head with improvement of current services, and planning and implementation of new services and programs. Assumes general departmental responsibilities in the department head's absence. Participates in developing and implementing librarywide procedures, policies, and goals through service on taskforces and committees. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Expe­rience in library access services or related areas, with at least two years at the professional level required. Effect 694 / C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIESUniversity of MiamiThe University of Miami invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries. The appropriate candidate will provide leadership and vision to mold the university's library system to meet the needs of the academic and research community of the 21 st century.The University of Miami, a Carnegie Class I comprehensive research institution, consists of four campuses, with its central campus and main library located in Coral Gables. It is the larges November1996/695 addressing qualifications, resume, and names of three references to: Penelope Myers, Chair, Search Committee, Administrative Services Department, Paley Library (017-00), Temple University, Philadel­phia, PA 19122. Closing date for applications: November 22, 1996. An AA/EO employer.ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR SYSTEMS AND ACADEMIC COM­PUTING RESOURCES. Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh. Key position provides vision and leadership in the development of the digital library project and particip tively in a changing environment. Primary responsibilities will require experience with video technology, satellite down- and uplinks, media selection; working knowledge of Internet, including WWW and home page; OCLC; CD-ROM, multimedia, and other electronic information services. Will be expected to work some evenings and weekends. Screening of applications will begin November 25, 1996, and will continue until position is filled. Salary is $24,000 plus excellent benefits. Submit cover letter, resume, transc 696 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEWAYNE STATE UNIVERSITYENVIRONMENT: Wayne State University is a Carnegie I research university with a demonstrated commitment to teaching and learning excellence. The university’s enrollment of nearly 33,000 (20,000 undergraduates) makes it the 18th largest university in the United States. The university is located in an attractive urban setting, surrounded by museums, theaters, and corporate offices easily accessible from several interstate freeways and Canada. The University Librar November 1996/697 CURATOR, MODERN LITERATURE COLLECTION/MANUSCRIPTSWashington University in St. Louis Olin Library SystemThe Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented, dynamic, service- oriented individual to serve as Curator, Modern Literature Collection/Manuscripts. The Olin Library System consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries.The Curator is responsible for building, promoting, and administering the Modern Literature Collection. With the Head of Spec ence with the DRA library automation system is highly desirable. Salary/benefits: $29,500 for 12 months. Employer contribution to health insurance and benefits package. Choice of retirement pro­gram. Cornette Library: Ample work space and aesthetically pleasing interiors distinguish this 150,000-square-foot building which houses 270,000 volumes, 1,850 current periodicals, and 650,000 govern­ment documents. Founding member of multitype regional consor­tium, which provides fully integrated automation services pates with the Curator of Special Collections and the Archivist of the College in formulating and revising cataloging policies and proce­dures. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least three years cataloging experience, preferably in rare books or special collections; working knowledge of AACR2R, LC, OCLC, and MARC; knowledge of Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Books highly desirable; and bibliographical knowledge of and ability to catalog in at least two major European languages highly desirable. This i 698/ C&RL News DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARYThe University of Southern MaineThe University of Southern Maine is seeking nominations and applications for the Director of the University Library. This position offers an exciting opportunity in an institution which is developing new programs and which is located in a very appealing, and growing region of New England.SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience.APPOINTMENT: August 1, 1997.The University Library, exclusive of the Law Library, is compose LIBRARIAN—HEAD OF CATALOGING SERVICESTisch Library Tufts UniversityReporting to the Associate Director for Adminis­trative and Technical Services, individual will manage a department of 11 staff, including four catalog librarians with significant experience. Requires an MLS degree from an ALA-accred- ited institution and a minimum of seven years professional experience in cataloging or a re­lated area in an academic or research library; significant supervisory experience and experi­ence with automated libra November1996/699 ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR INFORMATION SERVICES AND RESOURCESBucknell UniversityBucknell University invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Vice President for Information Services and Resources. Reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Associate Vice President will be responsible for the management and development of a new organizational unit which combines all information services, resources, and technologies at the university, including the Bertrand Library, I COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY. Arizona State Uni- versify West Library, Phoenix, Arizona. We seek an individual with the ability to plan, deliver, facilitate, and assess technology support services provided to students, faculty, and staff. Responsibilities include providing leadership in defining strategic plans for applica­tions of technology that support the mission, vision, and goals of the library; building understanding of the library’s technology needs; providing leadership in determining the prio until position is filled. Salary: Assistant/Associate Librarian, com­mensurate with experience and rank: $37,000 minimum for Assistant Librarian. General information about ASU West: Arizona State Uni­versity West, a vital component of ASU’s multicampus vision, serves nearly 5,000 junior, senior, and graduate students at its modern, growing campus in northwest Phoenix. ASU West offers bachelor's and master's degree programs in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education, and Human Services, School of Manage 700 / C&RL News ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIANNorthern Arizona UniversityThe Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for Acquisitions Librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Bibliographic Services, manages four full-time employees in all aspects of monographic, serial, and nonbook acquisitions, recognizing and appreciating their multicultural differ­ences and needs. Formulates policy and procedures for an integrated library system (Innovative Interfaces). Works with the Head of Collection Developmen nication and organizational skills. Salary commensurate with quali­fications and experience. Review of application will begin Novem­ber 18, 1996, and continue until a suitable candidate is identified. Please send application letter, resume, and names of three profes­sional references to: Rebecca Bostian, Director, Mabee Library, Washburn University, Topeka, KS 66621. Washburn University is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.DISTANCE EDUC in the bibliographic instruction program. Individuals applying should have an interest in working with faculty and have a strong commitment to public service. Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include ALA- accredited MLS; knowledge and interest in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills; familiarity with HTML and Web development; should be proficient in Web page construction. Addi­tional desirable qualifications inclu November 1996/701 LIBRARY DIRECTORUnion College Schenectady, New YorkUnion College invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Schaffer Library. The successful candidate must have a passionate commitmentto the academic enterprise. The candidate must also embrace the values of the traditional library and be committed to making imaginative use of technology to meet the information needs of students and faculty.An independent, residential liberal arts college of 2,000 undergraduates, Union offers a wide technology, with appropriate work experience. Salary: $27,454– $52,213. For appointment as Assistant Professor (tenure-track): ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent and second master’s; Ph.D. preferred. Salary: $29,921–$52,213. 12-month position. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by March 3, 1997, to: Daniel Rubey, Chief Librarian, Lehman College Library/ CUNY, 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West, Bronx, NY 10468. Additional information at (718) 960-8JOB;; e-mai be familiar with both technical and reference services. Must have ALA/ MLS and experience with library automation systems. Also valuable: Interest in history and general computer knowledge. Salary in mid- $30,000s or commensurate with experience. Send resume and cover letterto: Head Librarian, Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn , NY 11201; fax: (718) 875-3869.HEAD OF REFERENCE. Southeastern Louisiana University seeks an experienced, creative leader in reference and information service 702 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONSUniversity Libraries of Notre DameThe University Libraries of Notre Dame are seeking two innovative leaders committed to identifying user needs, exploring and exploiting new technologies, and collaborating with other campus information providers in enhancing access to information resources to fill two department-head-level positions.UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE/ART LIBRARIANThis librarian will lead services in our newly renovated. Architecture Library and provide library support to the Department of of academic libraries utilizing NOTIS software to provide access to OPACs, indexes, and databases. Southeastern Louisiana University, located in close proximity to New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the Gulf Coast, has an enrollment of over 14,000 and is a regional university with an emphasis on quality education. Responsibilities: Manages all activities of the Reference Department.; develops departmental goals and objectives; coordinates user education; oversees reference collection development of print and ele $35,000 minimum, commensurate with qualifications and experi­ence. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position. Librarians have faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities. Applications are requested by November 30, 1996, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application and resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Lori Smith, Head of Reference Search Committee, Sims Memorial Library, South­eastern Louisiana University 896, Hammond, LA 7040 November1996/703 LIBRARIAN OF THE BURNDY LIBRARYDibner Institute for the History of Science and TechnologyThe Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology is seeking a head librarian and curator of the Burndy Library who possesses the creative enthusiasm, intellectual breadth, and professional skills to run a vital, scholarly library in the field of the history of science and technology. The Burndy Library, founded in 1936, now provides important bibliographic support to the Dibner Institute, a center for adva automated systems; strong oral and written communication skills; knowledge of reference sources and service. Schaff Library houses over 122,000 volumes and is currently planning for renovation and automation. Salary range: $22,000–$30,000 plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Richard R. Berg, Director, Philip Schaff Library, Lancaster Theological Seminary, 555 W. James St., Lancaster, PA 17603. LTS is an equal opportunity employer. catalogs), reference experience, initiative, strong service orientation, and commitment to professional development. Some science back­ground, especially physical science, desirable. DePaul University is a private, comprehensive urban institution of over 17,600 students, with five Chicago-area campuses. The John T. Richardson Library, a new and fully networked facility, serves the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Schools of Music, Education, and Theatre. Salary starting at $31,000 minimum, depen 704 / C&RL News GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIANUniversity of Central Florida, Orlando, FloridaResponsible for the management and promotion of a selective U.S. and State of Florida depository collection including a U.S. patents depository located within the Reference Department. Supervises one full-time staff member, conducts instruction in the use of documents, and participates in reference desk services. Reports to Head of Reference.Required:- an ALA-accredited master’s degree;- a minimum of three years of post-MLS governm bibliographer works actively with instructional and research faculty in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the College of Life Sciences to develop plans and strategies for building library collections that include traditional print as well as electronic formats. Primary subject assignments include: Agronomy, animal sciences, horticulture, nutrition and food science, poultry science, entomology, plant biology, and zoology. Campus programmatic interests are of an increasingly interdisciplina management work. For appointment at the Associate Librarian II level: In addition to meeting the above criteria, successful candidates must have a minimum of one year professional library experience and an understanding of collection development and management in an academic or research library setting. Academic coursework or work­ing knowledge of one or more primary subject responsibilities is required. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Benefits available. Applications: For full consideration, submit r November1996/705 TWO NEW POSITIONSGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University, a comprehensive research university, is seeking two librarians to join a growing library system committed to playing an integral role in the academic initiatives of the university. Creativity, initiative, and willingness to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library are prized.INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN—JOHNSON CENTER LIBRARYMember of reference team responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating a variety Qualifications: Required: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited library/information science program. Increasing administrative skills with demonstrated proficiency in a technical services area—three years minimally. Expertise with integrated library systems, LAN(s), and bibliographic utilities. Evidence of strong communication and organization skills. Ability to work with all personnel in a collegial, consultive, collaborative team environment. Preferred: Additional master’s degree or a doctorate; experi to: Library Systems & Operations Search Committee, Attn: Joan Boroff, Administrative Services, Ferris State University Timme Library, 1201 S. State St., Big Rapids, Ml 49307-2747. Application deadline: December 1, 1996, or until filled, whichever is sooner. FSU provides practical, hands-on education in 100+ academic programs through the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Allied Health Sciences, Business, Education, Optometry, Pharmacy, and Tech­nology to its 10,000 students. Included are associate’s and bachelo 706 / C&RL News ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR USER SERVICES(Search Extended)University Library Services Virginia Commonwealth UniversityDESCRIPTION: Provide dynamic and innovative leadership for the James Branch Cabell Library, which serves the academic campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. Work as a member of the university libraries administrative team to manage library services, to adapt technology to build the library of the future, and to set directions for the use of resources and technology. Continue an innovative, c LIBRARY DIRECTOR. The Archdiocese of Denver seeks a full-time Library Director for the Archbishop Vehr Theological Library. This former seminary library features 140,000 volumes specializing in theology and philosophy. Plans are to make the library an academic hub for adult and higher education for northern Colorado Catholics, housed in the same beautiful grounds and buildings as the Chancery. We will be developing a specialized children’s section, and a multime­dia center for parish access. Responsibilitie working with the archdiocesan grant writer to find funds for making the necessary transition to computerization. Qualifications: Minimum: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent degree, with three years effective service in a theological library using LC classification and OCLC. Expertise on both personal computers (including CD-ROM technol­ogy, Internet) and standard library computer systems. Must possess superior people and organizational skills, flexibility, and a sense of humor. Highly desirable: A second grad November1996/707 PUBLIC SERVICES/CATALOGING LIBRARIANMessiah CollegeMessiah College seeks a Public Services/Cataloging Librarian.THE COLLEGE: Messiah College is a selective Christian college of the liberal and applied arts and sciences enrolling over 2,400 undergraduate students. The college is committed to an embracing evangelical spirit rooted in the Anabaptist, Pietist, and Wesleyan traditions of the Christian Church. Our mission is to educate women and men toward maturity of intellect, character, and Christian faith in Adult Education, 200 Josephine St., Denver, CO 80206. Starting date: February 1, 1997, or as negotiated. Review of applications begins December 1, 1996, and continues until position is filled. EOE.PUBLIC SERVICES/USER EDUCATION. Duties: Develop and ad­minister Ramsey Library’s User Education Program; provide refer­ence service in a networked environment; bibliographer in assigned subject areas; teach library research in the university’s General Education Program. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; addition community: Asheville, one of the most desirable small cities in America, is the center of a magnificent vacation area. It is located in the mountains of western North Carolina, near the Blue Ridge Parkway, Pisgah National Forest, and the Great Smokies National Park. The Asheville MSA population is approximately 175,000; the city has about 71,000 residents. Screening of applications begins December 1,1996, and continues until filled. Submit a cover letter, a brief statement of philosophy regarding the educat 708 / C&RL News REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN(Search Re-Opened)Lafayette CollegeLafayette College, a selective undergraduate institution with challenging curricula in the arts, sciences, and engineering, invites applications for the position of Reference/Instruction Librar­ian. We are seeking a creative and energetic librarian who is prepared to play a leading role in supporting faculty use of the World Wide Web and other new technologies for instruction. The librarian will also advance the library’s teaching mission thr high level of independent and collaborative decision making as they develop and deliver services, direct projects, and assess impact. Expectations include active contribution to campus and university committees and to the library profession. This is a continuing appoint­ment (tenure) track position. Required qualifications: An ALA-accred­ited MLS. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including collaborative and individual problem-solving and decision-making ability. Demonstrated proficiency in: te sciences. Desired qualifications: Demonstrated knowledge of collec­tion development and information access principles and practices; understanding of academic institutions, higher- education issues, and ecology and nursing disciplines; record of professional activity. To apply: Submit letter of application addressing background and experience relevant to qualifications for the position; vita; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four current professional references to: Chair, Search Committee, Ari November1996/709 DEAN OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESThe Pennsylvania State University is seeking applications and nominations for the position of Dean of The University Libraries. The Dean of The University Libraries is the chief administrative and academic officer of The University Libraries, reports directly to the Executive Vice President and Provost of the University, and is a member of the Council of Academic Deans.The Dean of The University Libraries is the official representative and advocate for The University Librarie 710 / C&RL News HEAD OF REFERENCECalifornia State University, FresnoCalifornia State University, Fresno, seeks an experienced, dynamic leader in reference and in­formation services to guide and manage a department of six full-time and four part-time librar­ians, three full-time library assistants, and student assistants. The department provides tradi­tional reference assistance, electronic information access (including a CD-ROM LAN), library instruction, ILL, and multicultural services.California State University, Fresno i TENURE-TRACK POSITION AT SCHOOL OF INFORMATION MAN­AGEMENT AND SYSTEMS. The Dean of the School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS) at the University of California, Berkeley, invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning in the fall semester 1997 at the Assistant Professor level. Applicants should have received (or be about to receive) a doctoral degree in computer science, information science, media/communications, busi­ness/management, or a related field. Candidates should possess exp tions with vita, a select subset of papers, a short statement of future research plans and interests, and names of three references should be sent to the address given below by December 15, 1996. Mailing address: Chair of the Search Committee, #41, School of Information Management and Systems, 102 South Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600. The University of California, Berkeley, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.VISUAL RESOURCES CURATOR/LIBRARIAN. Media Union, Uni­vers November 1996/711 HEAD, RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, OFFICE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICESCalifornia Lutheran University Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaCalifornia Lutheran University (CLU) seeks an individual to join the Technical Services team of the Office of Information Systems and Services (ISS) as Head of Resource Development and Bibliographic Analysis. We seek an individual who will be committed to the goals of ISS and to working in an organizational structure which integrates the traditional units of interdisciplinary collaborations. The library will support projects spon­sored through the Media Union, the Academic Outreach Program, and will actively pursue the development and distribution of digital resources and services. All Media Union librarians are expected not only to work closely with departments within their areas of expertise but also to support other Media Union constituencies. Duties: Under the supervision of the Media Union Director of Information Services, the Visual Resources Curator/Libr bases, and an understanding of scholarly research methods and information needs. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Proficiency using online catalogs, databases, and the Internet. Ability to function effectively as part of a team of information specialists working with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: Additional graduate-level course work: for an MLS—in art history, architecture, or studio art; for an MA/MS—in an information man­agement field such as library science. I Late Job ListingsREFERENCE—EXTENDED UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS SPECIALTY. 12- month, tenure-track faculty position at Colorado State University Libraries. Report­ing to the Coordinator of Sciences and Technology Services and Electronic User Services, this position serves as the link between off-campus students and library resources and services. Responsible for planning, evaluating, and maintaining the library’s off-campus library services as well as assists in planning, evaluating, and implementing the library’s 772 / C&RL News to the public. Participates fully in reference and user assistance responsibilities that will involve regular weekend and evening hours and serves as liaison to the Division of Continuing Education, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Cooperative Extension Service. Changes in organizational structure may affect duties. Qualifica­tions: Graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited degree program; at least one year post-graduate degree experience in an academic or research library; evide