ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 390 / C&RL News librarian. Further, our relationship with career de­ velopment has been enhanced greatly through our mutual planning and interaction. Concluding remarks Ought we to recruit for our profession? We say yes, and with an enthusiastic recommendation that you try something similar to our initial attempt! (You will need a minimum budget of about $300). The planning involved in a such venture is consid­ erable, but the visibility and reward that accrue in the process are gratifying. In higher education we are in the business of opening the minds of our stu­ dents. That “library and information science” ex­ ists will be revelatory to many. That it is a true aca­ demic discipline will be shocking to most. But the study and practice of librarianship in its growing dimensions will be pleasantly surprising to at least a few. The author wishes to thank his colleague, Daniel J. Bowell, fo r his criticism and editorial assist­ ance. ■ ■ ACRL officers for 1 9 8 4 - 8 5 The official A C R L election results. S haron J. Rogers, university librarian at George Washington University (Washington, DC 20052), is the forty-seventh president of the Association of College and Research L ibraries. D u rin g her one-year term of office, she will preside over the ACRL Board of Direc­ tors and the ACRL Ex­ ecutive Committee. She w ill c h a ir th e ACRL C o n feren ce P rogram Planning Committee for the 1985 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago and will plan ACRL’s m ajor program at the Sharon J. Rogers conference. As president of the di­ vision, Rogers will represent ACRL on the ALA Chicago Conference Program Committee. She will also represent ACRL and ALA in their relations with other organizations. Rogers has contributed to ACRL as a member of the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors, as chair of the Task Force on Academic Li­ braries and Higher Education, as chair of the Advi­ sory Committee for the Bibliographic Instruction Liaison Project, and as chair of the Bibliographic Instruction Section (1980-1981). Last year she served as chair of the Legislation Subcommittee of the ALA Status of Women in Librarianship Com­ mittee, and as a member of the OHIONET On- Line Reference Council. Sharon Anne Hogan, d irecto r of the Troy Middleton Library, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA 70803), has been elected vice- p r e s id e n t/p r e s id e n t- elect of the Association of College and Research L ib ra rie s. T he 1984 election results showed 1,240 votes for Hogan and 1,024 for Janice T. Koyama, head of Mof­ fitt U ndergraduate L i­ brary at the University of California, Berkeley. As v ic e-p re sid en t/ p re sid e n t-e le c t of ACRL, Hogan will serve Sharon Hoganon the ACRL Board of Directors and the ACRL Executive Committee. She will chair the ACRL September 1984 / 391 Conference Program Planning Com m ittee for the 1986 Annual Conference in New York. She will represent ACRL on the ALA Appointments Com­ mittee, the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly, and the ALA Conference Program Planning Com­ mittee for the 1986 conference. At the end of the 1985 Annual Conference, she will become ACRL’s forty-eighth president. Hogan has been very active in ACRL and cur­ re n tly serves as c h a ir of th e T ask F o rce on ACRL/ALA Relations and as a m em ber of the ACRL B udget and F in an ce C om m ittee (since 1980). In 1979-1980 she was chair of the Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section. She is co-founder and co-editor of the periodical Research Strategies and co-author of Learning the Library: Concepts and Methods fo r Effective Bibliographic Instruction, published in 1982. Hogan began her appointm ent at LSU on July 9, coming from Temple University w here she was acting director since 1983. From 1971 to 1982 she held several positions at the University of Michigan w here she received her MLS in 1968. The results of the ACRL elections follow. For each position, the elected candidate is listed first. The num ber of votes earned by each candidate is listed in parentheses. Directors-at-Large to the ACRL Board of Directors D irector-at-Large (four-year term): Edward J. Jennerich, Academic Dean, Virginia Interm ont College, Bristol, VA 24201 (1,215); Pam ela L. Wonsek, Head of Branch and External Services, Mercy College L ibrary, 555 B roadw ay, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 (862). D ire c to r-a t-L a rg e (tw o -y ear te rm ): Joan I. Gotwals, D eputy Director of Libraries, Univer­ sity of P en n sy lv an ia, P h ila d e lp h ia , PA 19104 (1,131); Kenneth G. Peterson, Dean of Library Af­ fairs, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 (1,021). D irector-at-L arge (four-year term ): W . Lee Hisle, D irector of L earning Resource Services, Austin Com m unity College, P.O. Box 2285, Aus­ tin, TX 78768 (1,069); Rosemary Henderson, D i­ rector of Learning Resources, Coffeyville Com m u­ nity College, 11th and Willow, Coffeyville, KS 67337(956). Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jean Shaw Adelman, L ib ra ria n , U niversity M useum , U niversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (56); Lynne M. Schmelz-Keil, Head of Public Services, John Cotton D ana Library, Rutgers-The State Univer­ sity, 185 University Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102 (19). M em ber-at-L arge (tw o-year term ): Chris D. Ferguson, Social Sciences Bibliographer, Univer­ sity of California Library, Irvine, CA 92713 (30); Ann L. Wood, Reference L ibrarian, Goodell Li­ brary, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01002 (28); Cheryl C. Kugler, 819 Neartop Drive, Nashville, TN 37205 (18). Art Section V ice-C h air/C h air-E lect: Darryl Dean Bar­ rett, Art and Music L ibrarian, Minneapolis Public L ib ra ry , 300 N icollet M all, M inneapolis, MN 55401 (64); James H. Carm in, Reference L ibrar­ ian, Architecture and Allied Arts Library, Univer­ sity of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 (23). Asian and African Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Thomas H. Lee, Team C aptain, East Asian Languages Cataloging Team, University of Wisconsin Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, W I 53706 (56); M argaret K. W ang, Serials C atalog L ib rarian , University of D elaw are Library, Newark, DE 19711 (24). M em ber-at-Large (three-year term): Cecelia L. Shores, Head of Acquisitions, Center for Re­ search Libraries, 6050 S. Kenwood, Chicago, IL 60637 (44); Katharine K. Elsässer, Senior Subject Cataloging Specialist, Library of Congress, W ash­ ington, DC 20540 (34). Bibliographic Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Mary Reichel, Head, Reference D epartm ent, Pullen Library, Georgia State University, 100 D ecatur St., S.E., Atlanta, GA 30303 (329); Virginia Tiefel, Head, Under­ graduate Libraries, Ohio State University, 1858 Neil Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 (325). Secretary: Betsy Baker, Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Services L ibrarian, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60201 (399); Ellen Meitzer, Assistant to the Associate Uni­ versity L ibrarian for Public Service, 245 Doe Li­ b ra ry , U niversity of C alifo rn ia, Berkeley, CA 94720(241). M ember-at-Large: Carolyn Dusenrury, Head of Reference Service, 110 H ayden L ibrary, Ar­ izona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (335); Jacquelyn M. Morris, Associate D irector of L i­ braries, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211 (306). College Libraries Section V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-E le c t: Jean Clarridge PelletiÈre, D irector, Union College Libraries, Schenectady, NY 12308 (256); Pam ela Snelson, Head, Periodicals D epartm ent, Drew University Library, Madison, NJ 07940 (188). Secretary: Janet Sheets, Reference Librarian, Baylor U niversity, P .O . Box 6307, W aco, TX 76798 (241); Frances Cable, Associate Librarian, Reference D epartm ent, Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity, University Park, PA 16802 (185). 392 / C&RL News Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: James F. McC oy, Di­ rector of L earning Resources, Hudson Valley Community College, 80 Vandenburgh Ave., Troy, NY 12180 (103); Kay M. Stansbery, Director of Technical Services, T arrant County Junior Col­ lege, 828 Harwood Rd., Hurst, TX 76053 (75). Secretary: Ilona G. Franck, Head Librarian, Jefferson Com m unity College/Southwest, 1000 Community College Drive, Louisville, KY 40272 (90); Joseph Rine, Head Librarian, Minneapolis C om m unity College L ibrary, 1501 H ennepin, Minneapolis, MN 55403 (74). Education and Behavioral Sciences Section V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-E le c t: Adele S. D endy, Head, Education Library, Indiana University Li­ brary, 3rd and Jordan St., Bloomington, IN 47405 (138); Charles Thurston, Education Reference Li­ brarian, John Peace Library, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78285 (92). Law and Political Science Section V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Kathleen Gunning, Assistant Director for Public Services and Collec­ tion Development, University of Houston, Hous­ ton, TX 77004 (78); Stephen J. Bensman, Social Sciences Bibliographer, Troy H. M iddleton L i­ brary, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (53). Member-at-Large: Natalie Schatz, Librarian, Edward Ginn Library, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 (76); Fred Blum, Reference Librarian, East­ ern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (56). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Anna Lou Ashby, Asso­ ciate Curator of Printed Books, Pierpont Morgan L ibrary, 29 E. 36th St., New York, NY 10Ŏ16 (219); Marie E. Korey, Rare Book Librarian, Free Library of Philadelphia, Logan Square, Philadel­ phia, PA 19103 (158). M em ber-at-Large: Robert Nikirk, Librarian, The Grolier Club, 47 E. 60th St., New York, NY 10022 (234); R. Russell Maylone, Curator, Special Collections Departm ent, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201 (142). Science and Technology Section V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: E leanor Mathews, Reference L ibrarian, Iowa State University Li­ brary, Ames, IA 50011 (138); John W. Beecher, Head of Public Services, University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus Library, 1984 Buford Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108 (125). Secretary: J ames E. Bobick, Head of Collection Development, Temple University, Paley Library, Room 211, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (146); Marie Dvorzak, Head, W inchell Library of Geology, University of Minnesota, 204 Pillsbury Hall, Min­ neapolis, MN 54455 (120). Slavic and East European Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: WojciECH Zalewski, Curator for Russian and East European Collec­ tions, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305 (26); Nadia Zilper, Slavic and East Euro­ pean Resources Bibliographer, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (15). Secretary (three-year term ): L eon F erder, Slavic Bibliographer, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024 (28); Robert Fitzgerald, Slavic Cataloger, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60201 (13). M em ber-at-L arge: E dward Kasinec, Chief, Slavonic Division, Room 217, New York Public Li­ brary, 5th Ave. and 42d St., New York, NY 10018 (24); Natalia Bezugloff, Head, Foreign Literature D epartm ent, Cleveland Public Library, 325 Supe­ rior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114 (17). University Libraries Section V ice-C hair/C hair-E lect: Shelley E. Phipps, Head L ibrarian, Science-Engineering Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 (847); Patricia L. Bril, Chair, Readers Services D epart­ ment, California State University, P.O. Box 4150, Fullerton, CA 92634 (570). Western European Specialists Section V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-E îe c t: J ames C ampbell, North Europe Bibliographer, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (65); John B. Dillon, Humanities Bibliographer, Glenn G. B artle L ibrary, SUNY-Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901 (53). Secretary: C. R oger D avis, B ibliographer, Smith College Library, Northampton, MA 01063 (82); Richard Bruce W arr, Humanities/History Bibliographer, Alexander Library, Rutgers-The State University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (34). Member-at-Large: Mariann T iblin, Bibliogra­ pher, Scandinavian Area Studies, Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 309 19th Ave. S., Minne­ apolis, MN 55455 (60); Assunta S. Pisani, Coordi­ nator of Collection Development, W idener L i­ brary, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 (54). ■ ■