ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1984 / 393 ACRL actions, June 1 9 8 4 Highlights of the Annual Conference meetings of the A C R L Board of Directors. he Board of Directors of the Association of Col- lege and Research Libraries met twice during the ALA Annual Conference in Dallas: on Saturday, June 23, 1984, and Tuesday, June 26, 1984. Activity Sections/Board relationship The Board accepted and endorsed portions of recommendations by the Task Force on Activity Sections/Board Relationship: First, that membership on the ACRL Board of Directors (excluding the three officers and three ex- officio positions) be reduced from eight to seven, these slots to be filled by election from paired nomi­ nations (staggered) as follows: one pair nomimated by ULS; one pair nominated by CLS; one pair nominated by CJCLS; two pairs nominated by the Activity Sections Council; two pairs nominated by the Chapters Council. This arrangement would ef­ fectively replace the current system of six members from the type-of-library sections, and one member each from the Activity Sections and Chapters Council. The Board then referred the recommen­ dation to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee with the instruction that it be translated into ap­ propriate constitutional language for adoption by the ACRL membership. As with all changes to the ACRL Constitution, this motion requires one more approval by the Board at the next Midwinter Meet­ ing as well as ratification by ACRL membership. Second, that each section be encouraged to ap­ point or elect a Board of Directors liaison officer who would be responsible for attending all meet­ ings as an observer and who would receive a Board agenda at the same time as Board members. A Task Force recommendation that each ACRL member be allowed to join any two sections of ACRL without surcharge was not approved. The Board then disbanded the Task Force with thanks and voted to appoint a new Task Force to explore the issues raised by the proposal th a t was not passed. Association for Educational Communication and Technology The Board approved a motion to approach AECT on the setting up of a formal liaison in the form of a joint committee. The Community and Junior College Library Section was mentioned as the ACRL unit most likely to carry out the func­ tion. Audiovisual materials The Board endorsed the proposal of the Re­ sources and Technical Services Division’s Audiovi­ sual Committee that an ad hoc interdivisional com­ m ittee be established w ithin ALA to prom ote Cataloging in Publication for audiovisual materi­ als. Bibliographic Instruction Liaison Project The Board instructed the ACRL office staff to explore ways to provide office support for the activ­ ities undertaken by the BI Liaison Project Officer and to negotiate for continuation of the press kits. Budget and Finance Committee The Board approved the 1984-85 budget for ACRL and Choice submitted by the Budget and Finance Committee. (A summary of these budgets will appear in an upcoming issue of C&RL News.) 394 / C&RL News Planning Committee The Board endorsed and supported the planning process for ACRL described in the document “A Proposed Planning Process for the Association of College and Research Libraries” (this proposal ap­ pears on pp.396-401 of this issue of C&RL News'). The Board then approved the creation of a Strate­ gic Planning Task Force, as recommended by the Planning Committee. Professional Association Liaison Committee The Board established a new standing commit­ tee, based on the recommendation of the Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section and the Planning Com­ mittee, that will have a Board mandate to bring ACRL’s many interests before other professional associations. Publications Committee The Board approved the recommendation of the Publications Committee that the Board will not act on any proposals for new ACRL publications or substantial revisions in current publications with­ out first consulting the Publications Committee. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section The Board approved the RBMS request for a 1985 preconference on “Changing Values and Rar­ ity” to be held in Chicago. A request to establish an RBMS Award for Exhi­ bition Catalogues was referred back to the RBMS Executive Committee. Research Development Committee The Board voted to establish an Ad Hoc Com­ mittee on Research Development that will work with existing groups to aid research. Standards and Accreditation Committee The Board rescinded the AC R L Guide to Meth­ ods of Library Evaluation issued in 1968, and ap­ proved a June 1984 edition of the ACRL Policies and Procedures Manual. Task Forces The Board approved extending the charge of the Task Force for the Support of New Committee Members and Committee Chairs until June 1986. The Board also accepted the reports of the Task Forces on L ib rary Schools and Academic L i­ braries, and on the Research Needs of Academi- c/Research Libraries, thanked the members for their work, and referred the reports to the ACRL Planning Committee to analyze and refer to the ap­ propriate units. The Task Force on Performance Measures rec­ ommended to the Board that ACRL support the development of a manual for the collection of per­ formance measures for academic libraries and that an ACRL committee on performance measures be established to monitor work on the manual. The Board accepted the Task Force’s report, referred it to the Planning Comm ittee for comment, dis­ charged the Task Force with thanks, and estab­ lished an Ad Hoc Committee on Performance Mea­ sures for Academic Libraries. ■ ■ Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award ­ ­ The Association of College and Research Li braries invites nominations for the Academic or Re search Librarian of the Year Award, presented jointly by ACRL and the Baker & Taylor Com­ pany. Anyone wishing to submit nominations should send the form on the following page to ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795. Recipients of the award since its inception in 1978 have been Keyes D. Metcalf and Robert B. Downs (1978); Henriette D. Avram and Frederick G. Kilgour (1979); Evan I. Farber (1980); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); William Budington (1982); Rich­ ard M. Dougherty (1983); and Richard D. Johnson (1984). The Award Committee selects persons to receive the award in accordance with the following guide­ lines: Purpose: To recognize an individual member of the library profession who is making an outstand­ ing national or international contribution to aca­ demic or research librarianship and library devel­ opment. Criteria: Individuals nominated should have demonstrated achievements in such areas as: 1. Service to the organized profession through ACRL and related organizations. 2. Significant and influential research on aca­ demic or research library service. 3. Publication of a body of scholarly and/or theo­ retical writing contributing to academic or re­ search library development. 4. Planning and implementing a library pro­ gram of such exemplary quality that it has served as a model for others. The nominee does not have to meet all of the above criteria. Rules: The award shall be made each year at a time and place to be determined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Announcement of the award Richard Johnson receives the 1984 award in Dallas. shall be made by the ACRL president at a time and place to be determined by the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors. If, in the opinion of the Award Commit­ tee, no worthy candidate is nominated in a given year, the award will not be presented th at year. Nominations: Nominations for the aw ard must be returned to the chair of the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee and must be postmarked no later than December 1, 1984. Nominations must be submitted in quintuplicate and should be accompanied by a statement of sup­ porting reasons and a copy of the nominee’s re­ I nom inate_______________________ _____ __________________________________ ____________ (name and present address) (Please list achievements of your nominee on a separate sheet.) Nominated b y __________________________________________________________________ _______ Address _________ ____________________ ___________________________ _____________________ sume. Please do not solicit supporting letters sec­ onding your nomination. Such letters will not be considered in the Award Committee’s decision. Nature of the award: The Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award shall consist of $2,000 and an appropriate citation. The Award Committee for 1984 consists of the following persons: Patricia G. Oyler (chair), Asso­ c ia te P rofessor, Sim m ons C ollege, G ra d u a te School of Library and Information Science, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; Cynthia B. D un­ can, Dean of Library Services, Old Dominion Uni­ Please return no later than December 1, 1984, to: Academic or Research Librarian Award Association of College and Research Libraries, ALA 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611-2795 September 1984 / 395 396 / C&RL News versity, Norfolk, VA 23508; Elinor Ebeling, 228 Clubhouse Drive, Middletown, NJ 07748; David Kaser, 2402 Rock Creek Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401; William A. Moffett, Director of Libraries, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH 44074; Charles B. Osburn, Dean and University Librarian, Central Library, University of Cincinnati, University and Woodside, Cincinnati, OH 45221. ■ ■ A proposed p lan n in g process for the A ssociation of College an d R esearch Libraries P rep a red by th e Ad H oe P la n n in g P rocess Subcom m ittee Susan Klingberg, Chair Keith Russell, Member A C R L ’s strategy fo r planning over the coming years. A t the January 1983 ALA Midwinter Meeting, the ACRL Planning Committee appointed a sub­ committee to develop a planning process for the As­ sociation. The Subcommittee first outlined the ele­ ments which the process or model should include. It should: a) produce a w ritten plan to guide ACRL for at least five years; b) have a built-in mechanism for evaluation and feedback; c) accommodate peri­ odic reviews and updating; and d) simplify (as well as codify) the work of the ACRL Planning Com­ mittee in carrying out its responsibilities. The model proposed in this report is a strategic planning model. The strengths of strategic plan­ ning have been widely discussed in recent manage­ ment literature. In his book Academic Strategy, George Keller discusses the advantages of this ap­ proach. He describes strategic planning as active rather than passive, responsive to changing condi­ tions, competitive, decision-oriented, and partici­ patory (Johns Hopkins, 1983, pp. 143-148). An­ o th e r d is tin c tiv e c h a ra c te ris tic of s tra te g ic planning is its emphasis on form ulating and evalu­ ating alternative strategies. Together, this report and model constitute a “plan for planning” for ACRL. It should first be re­ viewed and revised by the Planning Committee be­ fore being more widely distributed within ACRL. Following review and revision, the Subcommittee recommends the appointm ent of an ACRL Strate­ gic Planning Task Force. The Task Force would be responsible for coordinating the planning process and w riting the resulting strategic plan. W hen this is accomplished, the ACRL Planning Committee would take over responsibility for implementation of the plan, as well as evaluation, periodic review, and updating. The planning process Accompanying this report is a schematic dia­ gram or model of the proposed planning process (see p.397). This section provides additional infor­ mation about the steps in the process. The purpose of each step is explained, and related issues to be considered are discussed. Wherever possible, an appropriate group or body is nam ed to carry out