ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1984 / 429 U .S.A . a w a rd fo r c re a tiv e p ro g ra m m in g an d m em bership development. Anne Roberts, associ­ ate librarian and liaison to the SUNY Friends, ac­ cepted the aw ard during a ceremony at the ALA Conference in Dallas. In the past year the Friends group has held a series of noontim e talks highlight­ ing faculty explorations in their research, author receptions, and overnight outings and bus trips. The group has been cited as a model for academic Friends organizations. ■ ■ P E O P L E Profiles Linda Beaupré has been nam ed associate direc­ tor of General Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin. H er appointm ent is a prom otion from as­ sociate director of public services, a position she has held since 1980. Beaupré joined the UT Austin staff as head li­ b rarian of the Reference Services D epartm ent in 1978 and served as acting assistant director for p u b ­ lic services from 1979 to 1980. Previously she held the positions of associate university librarian for public services at the M offitt U ndergraduate L i­ b r a r y , U n iv ersity of C a lifo rn ia , B erkeley, in 1977-1978, w here she h ad started as a reference li­ b rarian in 1972; and supervisor of Microform Col­ lections at the University of Michigan G raduate L i­ b rary in 1967-1969. Beaupré served on the College ‹b Research L i­ braries N ew s E ditorial Board from 1980-1984 and as chair of the RASD N om inating Com m ittee. She has also worked on the ALA Instruction in the Use of Libraries Com m ittee, the RASD Publications C om m ittee, and on w h at is now the LAMA L i­ b rary O rganization an d M anagem ent Section’s C om parative L ibrary O rganization Com m ittee. C urrently a m em ber of the E ditorial Board for the Journal o f Academ ic Librarianship, she holds an MLS from the University of Michigan. Alan Benenfeld, coordinator of physical sci­ ences and technology libraries at UCLA since 1976, has been nam ed dean and director of libraries at N ortheastern University, Boston, effective Novem­ ber 15. Benenfeld received his m aster’s degree in m a n ­ agem ent from N ortheastern in 1975. Prior to his graduation there he received an engineering degree from NYU in 1961 and an MLS from Rutgers in 1965. He was a research assistant in m etallurgy at o e b 1 Cornell University from 1962 to 1964. In 1965 he moved to M IT w here he was first assistant engi­ neering librarian, then a research staff m em ber in the Electronic Systems L aboratory, and finally as a systems analyst and senior inform ation scientist. Benenfeld was technical program chairm an for th e ASIS A naheim conference in 1980 and co- chairm an of the ASIS conference technical pro ­ gram in 1975. He was president of the Rutgers Stu­ dent C hapter of ASIS and of the New England C hapter in 1969. tie has served on numerous ALA committees, in­ cluding the ACRL Science and Technology Sec­ tion’s Conference Program Planning C om m ittee for Dallas, the RASD Standards and Guidelines C om m ittee and Publications C om m ittee, and the LITA E ditorial Board. Michael K. Buckland has been appointed assis­ ta n t vice-president for library plans and policies for the University of California, effective July 1. He has been acting assistant vice-president since Au­ gust 1983, w hile concurrently serving as dean of the School of L ibrary and Inform ation Studies at UC-Berkeley. He resigned as dean in August. Buckland was head of the L ibrary Research Unit of the University of Lancaster, England, before moving to the U.S. in 1972 to become assistant di­ rector of libraries for technical services at Purdue University, Indiana. He joined UC as dean in 1976. Buckland holds degrees from Oxford University and Sheffield University. His publications include two books and several reports and articles on li­ brary problem s, m anagem ent, and education. David H. Eyman has been nam ed head librarian f Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, ffective July 2. Eym an has been director of li­ raries a t J u n ia ta C ollege, H u n tin g d o n , since 978. Eym an has earned a m aster’s degree in history 430 / C &R L News from Ohio University and an MLS and a P h.D . in lib ra ry a d m in is tra tio n from th e U niv ersity of M ichigan. He has been a p art-tim e history faculty m em ber at th e University of M aryland’s F a r East Division, and from 1979 to 1984 p art-tim e faculty m em ber at Juniata. From 1970 to 1978 he ta u g h t lib rary science at C en tral M ichigan University, E astern M ichigan University, th e University of M ichigan, and N o rth ­ eastern O klahom a State U niversity. His first li­ b rary adm inistration position was at C entral M ich­ ig a n , w h e re he s ta r te d as a ssista n t re fe re n c e lib rarian and then served as assistant to th e director of libraries. He served for one year as head lib ra r­ ian at F indlay College, Ohio, then becam e director of the L ib rary and L earning Resources C enter at N ortheastern O klahom a State in 1975. E ym an has served on the board of the In te rli­ b rary Delivery System of Pennsylvania and chaired several com m ittees for the Pennsylvania L ibrary Association. He has served on A CRL’s Audiovisual C om m ittee and th e CLS N onprint M edia and the College L ib rary C om m ittee. Shirley Hallblade has been appointed associ­ ate director of the lib rary at V anderbilt University, Nashville, effective July 1. She served most recently as d ire c to r of W a lk e r M anagem ent L ib rary at V a n d e r b i l t ’s O w e n G r a d u a t e S chool of M a n a g e m e n t, m a n a g ­ ing th e move to new fa ­ cilities and the develop­ m ent of the university’s newest library. P r io r to c o m in g to V a n d e r b il t in 1980, H a llb la d e s e rv e d as m a n a g e r of th e r e f e r ­ ence services branch of th e Mississippi Research Shirley Hallblade and D evelopm ent C en­ ter in Jackson. From 1975 to 1978 she was assistant professor of lib rary science at the University of Mis­ sissippi. She received a Fulbright-H ays grant in 1977 to study structure and governance in G erm an hig h er ed u catio n , an d was a p a rtic ip a n t in th e 1982-1983 ARL/OMS C onsultant T raining P ro­ gram . H a llb la d e h o ld s a b a c h e l o r ’s d e g re e fro m Roosevelt University, an MLS from N orthern Illi­ nois University, an d a doctorate in educational a d ­ m inistration from th e University of Iow a. Barbara J. Ford has been appointed assistant director for public services at T rinity University, San Antonio. She has served as head of th e D ocu­ m ents D ep artm en t of the University of Illinois at Chicago L ib rary since 1979, and assistant docu­ m ents lib rarian from 1975-1979. F ord has been very active in ACRL, serving as c h a i r of th e A c a d e m ic S ta tu s C o m m itte e in 1983-1984, and as a m em ber of th e Academ ic and Research L ibraries Personnel Study G roup and the BIS Research C om m ittee. She was also chair of the A LA S o cial R e s p o n s ib ilitie s R o u n d T a b le in 1976-1977 and has been the Illinois L ib rary Associ­ ation representative on ALA Council since 1980. F ord earned a bachelor’s degree in history at Illi­ nois W esleyan University in 1968, a m aster’s in in ­ tern atio n al relations a t Tufts University in 1969, and an MLS at th e University of Illinois-U rbana in 1973. In 1973-1975 she was director of th e Soybean Insect Research Inform ation C enter in U rbana, and prior to th a t served as a Peace Corps V olunteer in P an am a and N icaragua, w here she organized Peace Corps libraries to support volunteer activi­ ties in hom e economics and health. Jay Ladd has been appointed assistant director of libraries for d ep artm en t an d u n d erg rad u ate li­ braries a t Ohio State University, Colum bus. L add, w ho cam e to OSU in 1960, has been head of d e p a rt­ m ent libraries since 1968 and has previously served as head of th e C om m erce L ib rary and adm inistra­ tive assistant to th e director of libraries. H e is currently editor of th e Ohio Library Associ­ ation B ulletin, having served OLA in m any capaci­ ties, most recently as a m em ber of its Board of D i­ rectors. H e is a life m em b er of ALA an d has a long-standing interest in lib rary history. L ad d received his MLS in 1954 from the Florida State University School of L ib rary Services and T raining. He also attended a L ib rary M anagem ent D evelopm ent Institute at M iam i University in 1969 and several ARL continuing education program s, including a L ib rary M anagem ent Skills Institute in 1978 and a W orkshop on M otivation and L eader­ ship in 1982. Before com ing to Ohio State, L ad d was an assis­ ta n t reference lib rarian and assistant acquisitions lib rarian a t the University of New Mexico, and b ib ­ liographer and cataloger for th e Arm y W a r Col­ lege. His articles have appeared in th e O L A Bulle­ tin, Serials R ev iew , an d A m erican Book Collector. Donald A. B. Lindberg has been appointed di­ rector of the N ational L ib rary of M edicine, Be­ thesda. He comes to NLM from the University of Missouri School of M edicine w here he was director of the Inform ation Science G roup and professor of pathology. He is considered an expert in the field of com puters in m edicine and has published widely on th a t subject, including tw o books, The C om ­ puter and M edical Care (1968) and The G row th o f M edical Inform ation Systems in the United States (1979). L indberg has ta u g h t pathology at the University of Missouri since 1962. He has also served as ch air­ m an of the D ep artm en t of Inform ation Science at Missouri’s School of L ib rary and Inform ation Sci­ ence from 1969 to 1971. He is th e U.S. representa­ tive to the In tern atio n al F ederation for Inform a- September 1984 / 431 tion Processing and a m em ber of th e Board of Directors of the American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics. John M. Meador Jr. has been nam ed dean of li­ brary services at Southwest Missouri State Univer­ sity, Springfield. He comes to SMSU af­ te r serving as assistant d ire c to r of lib raries at th e University of U tah (1980-1984). His other e x p e rie n c e in c lu d e s a position as head of refer­ ence at the University of Houston (1973-1978). M eador holds a b ach ­ elor’s degree in English from th e University of Louisville (1968), a mas­ te r ’s in E nglish (1972) and an MLS (1973) from John M. Meador, Jr. the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently a Ph.D . candidate in edu­ cational adm inistration at the University of Utah. M eador is a m em ber of ALA, the Association for the Study of Higher E ducation, and the Biblio­ graphical Society of America. He is co-author of The Robinson Jeffers Collection at the University o f Houston (1975). Imre Meszaros, director of the Art and Archi­ te ctu re L ib rary at W ashington University, has been nam ed director of the library at W ittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio. He replaces Bob Lee Mowery, who retired in 1983 after 10 years in th a t position. Before going to W ashington University, Meszaros was a rt librarian for seven years at the University of M aryland, College Park. Meszaros, a native of Budapest, holds a m aster’s in English from the University of M aryland, a m as­ te r’s in d ata processing from W ashington Univer­ sity, and an MLS from Catholic University. His principal research interests have been in collection developm ent and m anagem ent, rare books and a r­ chives, and library autom ation and d ata process­ ing. He has been a consultant on collection preser­ vation and an appraiser of collections. P. Rorert Paustian has been appointed director of the Eugene Shedden Farley L ibrary at Wilkes College, W ilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, effective September 10. He has been assistant director for collections at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, since 1983. From 1979 to 1982 he served as collections librarian and then circulation librarian and assistant head of public services at UMKC. Paustian received an MLS from the University of Missouri, a m aster’s in linguistics from the Univer­ sity of Kansas, and a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages from Missouri. He has w ritten articles for Library Research, Library Journal, Neophilo- logus, Indogermanische Forschungen, and Names. Larry R. Oberg has been nam ed director of the library at Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, Idaho, effective in June. He has served as head of reference and collection developm ent at th a t in­ stitu tio n since Jan u ary 1983. O berg also holds th e rank of assistant p ro ­ fessor and teaches in the school librarian certifi­ cation program . O b e rg is a u th o r of H um an Services in Post- r e v o lu tio n a r y C u b a , p u b lis h e d in Ju ly by G re e n w o o d Press. An a c tiv e m e m b e r of Larry R . Oberg ACRL, he recently was ap p o in te d an assistant editor of College ó- Research Libraries. He is also active in the Idaho L ibrary Association and the Pa­ cific N orthw est L ibrary Association. A m em ber of Phi Beta K appa and Beta Phi Mu honor societies, O berg received his undergraduate degree in anthropology and his MLS from the Uni­ versity of C alifornia, Berkeley. Before coming to Lewis-Clark, O berg served as reference lib ra ria n a t C ubberley E d u catio n L i­ brary, Stanford, and as head of circulation services a t th e E d u c a tio n -P s y c h o lo g y L ib r a r y , U C - Berkeley. Judith Sessions has been nam ed university li­ b rarian at C alifornia State University, Chico, ef­ fective August 1. Most recently she was assistant university lib ra ria n for adm inistrative services and acting head of tech­ nical services at George W ashington University. P rio r to t h a t she served as library direc­ to r a t M o u n t V e rn o n College and at the Uni­ versity of South C a ro ­ lina, Salkehatchie C am ­ p u s. She w as also assistant college lib ra r­ ian for public services at the University of South C aro lin a, S p artan b u rg Judith Sessions Regional Cam pus. Sessions now serves as an ALA councilor, and has been a m em ber of the College ò- Research Libraries E ditorial Board, president of the D istrict of Co­ lum bia L ib rary Association, chair of th e LITA Video and Com m unications Section, and president of ALA’s Junior Members Round Table. She is the author of articles in Cable Libraries, the L IT A N ew sletter, A m erican Libraries, and T eleco m m u n ica tio n s Policy. H er MLS is from Florida State University (1971). 432 / C&RL News Richard T. Sweeney, executive director of the Public L ibrary of Colum bus and Franklin County, Ohio, since 1979, has been nam ed dean of library and inform ation services at the Polytechnic Insti­ tu te of New York, effective August 1. One of Swee­ ney’s first tasks will be to plan for a new 60,000- s q u a re fo o t c e n tr a liz e d re s e a rc h li b r a r y a t Polytechnic’s Brooklyn campus. Sweeney has been a featured speaker at m any professional association conferences, especially on the topics of the electronic library, videotex, cable TV, and m icrocomputers. He holds an MLS from Drexel University and a m aster’s in librarianship from Glassboro State College. At Colum bus and Franklin C ounty he pioneered com m unity cable d a ta com m unications in both catalog access and circulation. Sweeney has also held a teaching post at the Glassboro State College G raduate School of L i­ b ra ry Science and has served as director of the Genessee C ounty L ibrary in F lint, Michigan, and the Atlantic City Free Public Library. Claude Walston, director of program m ing ap ­ plied technology for th e IT T C orporation, has been nam ed dean of the College of L ibrary and In ­ form ation Services, University of M aryland, Col­ lege Park. W alston has an international reputation in the field of inform ation systems and m anagem ent. His career w ith the IBM C orporation began in 1953 w ith his selection as one of the original members of the SAGE Project involved in the design and devel­ opm ent of com puting systems, and continued until 1981 w hen he served as m anager of advanced soft­ w are technology, Federal Systems Division H ead­ quarters. He received his Ph.D . in electrical engineering from Ohio State University in 1953, and has taught courses at the University of M aryland in d ata proc­ essing, inform ation retrieval, and systems analysis. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Faye Abrams has been appointed coordinator of the Industrial and Business Inform ation Service at the University of W aterloo, O ntario. Nancy M. Adams has been nam ed director of the Rowley L ibrary at the College of Boca Raton, F lor­ ida. Mary Allcorn joined the staff of the University of M issouri-Columbia as journalism librarian. Joan Allen has been appointed head of serials at the University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson. Gordon Anderson has been appointed Slavic cataloger and bibliographer at the University of Kansas, Law rence. Sheila K. Arestad has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Franklin and M arshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Jack August is now head of field collecting and oral history at Arizona State University, Tempe. Lori Barth is the new central reference lib rar­ ian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Dora Biblarz has been appointed associate u n i­ versity librarian for collection developm ent at Ar­ izona State University, Tempe. Carol Boast has been appointed agriculture li­ b rarian at the University of Illinois, U rbana. Stephen Bosch is now acquisition librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. June Iris Brown joined the staff of T ulane Uni­ versity New Orleans, Louisiana, as assistant h u ­ manities bibliographer. Charles Brownson has been appointed h u m a n ­ ities collection developm ent co ordinator a t A r­ izona State University, Tempe. Dennis Brunning is now reference lib ra ria n / subject specialist for com m unication and leisure studies at Arizona State University, Tempe. Sarah J. Buckingham is now reference librarian in the G utm an Library-Research C enter, H arvard University. Sylvia Burbach has been appointed cataloger at In d ian a University, Bloomington. Amrita Burdick is now assistant chief medical librarian at the University of Missouri H ealth Sci­ ences L ibrary, Kansas City. Nancy Burkett has been appointed assistant li­ b rarian of the American A ntiquarian Society in W orcester, Massachusetts. Tuula Canini has been appointed m aterials ac­ quisitions librarian at the University of W aterloo, O ntario. Donis Casey is now head of governm ent docu­ ments at Arizona State University, Tempe. Sara Castro-Klaren is the new chief of the L i­ b rary of Congress Hispanic Division. Elena Gevallos has been appointed acting as­ sistant dean of public services at Hofstra University L ibrary, H em pstead, New York. Li-Wan Chang has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at the University of Texas at Dallas, Ri­ chardson. Diane J. CiMBALAhas been appointed assistant librarian for circulation at Augusta College, Geor­ gia. Oakley Herman Coburn has been nam ed head librarian at W offord College, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Lois Ann Colaianni has been appointed associ­ ate director for library operations at the N ational L ibrary of Medicine, Bethesda, M aryland. JimE. Cole has been appointed serials cataloger at Iow a State University, Ames. Timothy Edward Connor has been appointed head of public services at the H arvard-Yenching L ibrary, C am bridge, Massachusetts. Septem ber 1984 / 433 Peter Crosby is th e new science reference li­ b rarian in the Bio-Agricultural L ibrary, University of C alifornia, Riverside. Joyce Cummings has been appointed p art-tim e lib rarian in th e EMS Reference and Collections D evelopm ent D ep artm en t, University of W a te r­ loo, O ntario. Patricia M. Damiani has been appointed serials lib rarian at W heaton College, N orton, M assachu­ setts. Mary Wallace Davidson has been appointed lib rarian of the Sibley Music L ibrary, E astm an School of Music, U niversity of R ochester, New York. Frieda Davison has been appointed head of c a t­ aloging at the C olum bia University H ealth Sci­ ences L ibrary. James T. Deffenbaugh is now collection devel- opm ent/acquisitions lib rarian at the E arl Gregg Swem L ibrary, College of W illiam and M ary, W il­ liam sburg, Virginia. Connie V. Dowell has been appointed head of the C entral Reference D ep artm en t a t N orth Texas State University, D enton. Gary Draper has been appointed coordinator for user education at th e University of W aterloo, O ntario. Patricia M. Duck is now retrospective conver­ sion coordinator at th e University of Pittsburgh. Marcia Duncan has been appointed gifts lib ra r­ ian in the Acquisitions U nit a t the University of N orth C arolina at C harlotte. Diane Dydo has been appointed project m a n ­ ager for C ase W este rn Reserve U niversity L i­ braries, Cleveland. Sharon S. Eckert has been appointed m ono­ graphic cataloger at Iow a State University, Ames. Susan Eilering has been appointed reference/ collection developm ent lib rarian for engineering at C olum bia University, New York. T amsen L. Emerson is now assistant govern­ m ent docum ents lib rarian at N orth Texas State University, D enton. Christine N. Erdmann has been appointed p u b ­ lic services lib rarian at Beloit College Libraries, Wisconsin. Kenneth Fones-Wolf has been appointed a r­ c h iv is t a t th e U n iv e rs ity of M a s sa c h u se tts , Amherst. Shirley J. Fosher has been appointed O C L C systems specialist and m onographic original c a ta ­ loger a t Iow a State University, Ames. Dale Foster has been appointed technical ser­ vices lib ra ria n a t M obile College L ib ra ry , A la­ bam a. Barbara B. Francis has been appointed refer­ ence lib ra ria n a t th e State U niversity College, O neonta, New York. Kenneth Garson is now inform ation studies li­ b ra ria n at Drexel University Libraries, Philadel­ phia. Rosario Garza joined the Bibliographic C enter for Research, D enver, Colorado, as m em ber ser­ vices lib rarian in Bibliographic Systems and Ser­ vices. Celia Hales has been appointed reference li­ b ra ria n and English bibliographer at th e U niver­ sity of N orth C arolina at C harlotte. Uli Haller has been appointed assistant m a n u ­ scripts lib rarian for Congressional papers at the University of W ashington, Seattle. Rae M. Haws has been appointed instructor in th e L ibrary Instruction D ep artm en t, Iow a State University, Ames. Diane Hill has been appointed head of educa­ tional resources technical services a t Ball State Uni­ versity, M uncie, Indiana. Janice W . Holladay has been appointed assis­ ta n t director of libraries for reader services at the University of Rochester, New York. Sandra Hopkins has been appointed serials c a ta ­ loger in the L aw School L ibrary, H arv ard U niver­ sity. Donna Hudson has been appointed reference li­ b rarian and science bibliographer at the University of N orth C arolina at C harlotte. Mary Ellen Huls is now governm ent publica­ tions lib rarian at Iow a State University, Ames. Deborah Husted has been appointed assistant lib rarian in C entral T echnical Services at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Peter B. Ives has been appointed assistant li­ b ra ria n in the Business L ibrary, University of New Mexico, A lbuquerque. Marty Joachim has been n am ed h ead of th e C atalo g in g D e p a rtm e n t a t In d ia n a U niversity, Bloomington.G E T T IN G IT PASSED: LLFOR OBBYING By I Dea B n Burge R ss, Patr A icia Gr R oseck an I d D E iana Yo S ung Edited by Patricia H. Latshaw • How to use the legislative process • Develop a governm ent relations program • Select PR tools • W hat th e states a re doing Available from ALA/LAMA, 50 Ē. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, $10 prepaid. 434 / C & R L N ew s Jeffrey P. Katz has been ap p o in ted assistant li­ b ra ria n in th e L ib rary Systems Office, University of C alifornia, Berkeley. C olleen Kelley has been a p p o in te d e d u c a ­ tio n al resources cataloger a t Ball State University, M uncie, In d ian a . Barbara L. Kempf has been ap p o in ted visiting docum ents lib ra ria n a t th e U niversity of O regon, E ugene. Kit Kennedy has been n am ed assistant director of th e Academ ic In fo rm atio n Services Division at th e Faxon C om pany, W estw ood, M assachusetts. Janet S. Kinney has been n am ed lib rary director a t th e College of St. C ath erin e, St. P aul, M inne­ sota. James J. Kopp has been ap p o in ted editor of th e Avery Index of A rchitectural Periodicals a t C o lu m ­ b ia University, N ew York. Charles C. Kovacs has been n am ed director of external relations for Yale U niversity’s School of O rg an izatio n an d M anagem ent. Bernard Kreissman has been ap p o in ted special assistant for lib ra ry m atters to th e Vice C hancellor for A cadem ic A ffairs, U niversity of C a lifo rn ia , Davis. Ruth Krug has been ap p o in ted head of th e Seri­ als C ataloging T eam at th e University of New Mex­ ico, A lbuquerque. Barbara LaBarba has been ap p o in ted h ead of resources a t th e C o lu m b ia U niversity L a w L i­ b ra ry , N ew York. May H. Liu has joined th e staff of th e T hom as C ooper L ib rary , University of South C aro lin a, C o­ lu m b ia. Kenneth Lohrentz has been ap p o in ted h ead of acquisitions a t th e U niversity of K ansas, L a w ­ rence. Manuel D . Lopez has been ap p o in ted h ead of th e Reference D e p a rtm e n t a t Lockw ood L ib rary , State U niversity of N ew York a t Buffalo. Holly Lovejoy-Nesvold has been p ro m o ted to technical services lib ra ria n at Beloit College L i­ braries, W isconsin. Pat McCandless has taken on ad d itio n al duties as assistant director for life sciences libraries at th e U niversity of Illinois, U rbana. Patricia McClung has been p rom oted to asso­ ciate director of p ro g ram coordination at th e Re­ search L ibraries G roup, S tanford University, w ith responsibility for th e Preservation an d Music P ro ­ gram s. Nadia McIntosh joined th e staff a t W illiam s College, W illiam stow n, M assachusetts, as tech n i­ cal services lib rarian . Eloise McQuown is th e new assistant lib rary d i­ rector for adm inistrative services a t San Francisco State University. Bettina J. Manzo is now reference lib ra ria n at th e College of W illiam an d M ary, W illiam sburg, V irginia. Jo-Ann Michalak is now assistant director for au to m a te d services a t th e University of Pittsburgh. Francis L. Miksa has been ap p o in ted professor a t th e U niversity of Texas G ra d u a te School of L i­ b ra ry an d In fo rm atio n Science, Austin. Mary Miles has been ap p o in ted associate direc­ to r of th e V a n d e rb ilt U niversity L a w L ib ra ry , Nashville. Marguerite Mitchell has been ap p o in ted d i­ rector of Stephens College L ib ra ry in C olum bia, Missouri. Alexander M. Moyer has been ap p o in ted assis­ ta n t acquisitions lib ra ria n a t T u lan e University, N ew O rleans, L ouisiana. Kurt R. Murphy is now lib ra ry systems analyst a t th e University of O regon, Eugene. Beata Panagopoulos has been ap p o in ted serial cataloger in th e H a rv a rd College L ib rary . Michael W. Poulin has been ap p o in ted te ch n i­ cal assistant for GEAC Systems a t th e U niversity of Rochester, N ew York. Barbara M. Preschel has been appointed exec­ utive director of th e Public Affairs In fo rm atio n Service, New York. Helene Proteau has been ap p o in ted extension lib ra ria n for th e M edical L ib rary , U niversity of M anitoba, W innipeg. Joseph M. Pukl Jr. has been ap p o in ted h ead of th e O rd er D e p a rtm e n t at th e U niversity of South C aro lin a, C olum bia. E va Radvan joined th e staff of th e C olum bia University L aw School L ib ra ry as in tern atio n al, com parative, and foreign law lib ra ria n . Lori Reuter has been appointed public services lib ra ria n at M ount Saint M ary’s College, Los A n­ geles. Daphne Cross Roloff has been n am ed head li­ b r a r ia n a t C a n a d ia n C e n tre fo r A rc h ite c tu re , M ontreal, Q uebec. Larry Romans has been ap p o in ted inform ation services lib ra ria n a t V an d erb ilt U niversity, N ash­ ville. Mark E. Rorvig has been ap p o in ted instructor a t th e University of Texas G ra d u a te School of L i­ b ra ry an d In fo rm atio n Science, Austin. Warren Rosmarin has been a p p o in te d re fe r­ ence lib ra ria n at th e C olum bia U niversity L aw L i­ b ra ry , N ew York. Susan Roth has been ap p o in ted lib ra ria n of the L e a rn in g R esources C e n te r a t P rin c e G e o rg e ’s C o m m u n ity College, L argo, M aryland. Lorraine Rutherford is now preservation in ­ te rn a t C olum bia University. Rosemary Saczawa has been appointed h ead of general collections at Ball State U niversity, M un­ cie, In d ian a . F red Sandner h as b e e n a p p o in te d h e a d of audio-visual services a t M ercy College L ibraries, D obbs F erry , New York. Juta G. Savage has been nam ed assistant lib ra r­ ian in th e Public H ealth L ib rary at th e University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Nancy J. Schmidt is now A frican studies area specialist at In d ia n a University, Bloom ington. TO G ET THE BEST FITTIN G A P P R O V A L P R O G R A M ... START W IT H THE LA R G E S T SELECTIO N The diverse disciplinary demands of collection development require the Approval Program with the most comprehensive title coverage. Each year, our Approval Program identifies over 35,000 title s-10,000 more than any other program. Notification slip orders retain full service privileges and our discounts are the best available. Automatic management reports are issued regularly, and no program service charges are ever added For details, contact the Sales Department o† the division nearest you. EASTERN , 50 Kirby Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876, (201) 722-8000 MIDWESTERN, 501 S. Gladiolus Street, M om ence, IL 60954, (815)472-2444 SOUTHERN , Mt. Olive Road, Com m erce, GA 30599, (404) 335-5000 WESTERN , 380 Edison Way, Reno, NV 89564, (702) 786-6700 BAKER & TAYLOR.EXPERIENCE Y O U C A N DEPEND O N a GRACE company 436 / C&RL News Lorraine Sebo has been appointed head of the Public Affairs Service at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Linda Shackle is now science reference librar­ ian and subject specialist for chemistry and geology at Arizona State University, Tempe. Tian-Chu Shih is now the reference/instruc- tional librarian at Eastern New Mexico University, Portales. Allen Shinn has been appointed head of cata­ loging at Florida State University Library, T alla­ hassee. Linda Snow has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Texas at Dallas, Ri­ chardson. Wilson Stahl has been nam ed associate direc­ tor of the J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Thomas A. Stave has been appointed acting per­ sonnel lib ra ria n at th e U niversity of O regon, Eugene. H. David Stern is now science reference librar­ ian and subject specialist for mathematics, physics, a n d astro n o m y a t A rizo n a S ta te U n iv ersity , Tempe. Gail M. Stucky has been appointed historical and political studies librarian at W ichita State Uni­ versity, Kansas. Rebecca Stuhr-Rommereim has been a p ­ pointed reference librarian and bibliographer at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Marlene Tebo has been appointed head of the Physical Sciences Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Davis. Sandor Teszler has been nam ed head librarian at Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Polly Thistlewaite has been appointed public services librarian at Yale University. David A. Tyckoson joined the staff of the Iowa State University Library, Ames, as reference li­ brarian. Barbara Van Deventer has been appointed cu­ rator of social sciences collections and reference li­ brarian at Stanford University Libraries, Califor­ nia. C. Paul Vincent has been appointed assistant head of the West Cam pus Learning Resources Center, Ohio State University, Columbus. Ruth Watanabe has been named archivist at the Eastm an School of Music, University of Rochester, New York. Gisela M. Webb has been appointed assistant director for personnel services at Texas Tech Uni­ versity Library, Lubbock. Karen Ann Weikert has been appointed gov­ ernm ent publications librarian at Ball State Uni­ versity, Muncie, Indiana. LeAnn Weller has been appointed engineering librarian at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Candace White has been nam ed assistant li­ brarian in the Serials Cataloging Division at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Bill Wibbing is now acquisitions librarian at W ashington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Robert Williams has been appointed reference librarian in the Health Sciences Library, Columbia University. Florence Wilson has been appointed assistant director for library systems at V anderbilt Univer­ sity, Nashville, Tennessee. Susan Wood has joined the staff of the Univer­ sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as head of the Catalog Management Section. Joan H. Worley is now director of the Lam ar Memorial Library at Maryville College, Tennes­ see. Retirements Audrey Collins has retired as library science li­ brarian at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. Laura Cummings, chief of the Bibliographic Control Division at Columbia University, retired on June 30 after 34 years of service. Elizabeth Delmore retired after 10 years of ser­ vice as lib ra ry d ire c to r a t th e C ollege of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota. Helena Gierasimowicz retired on June 30 as city and regional planning librarian at the Univer­ sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hazel M. Johnson, social sciences bibliographer at the University of Pittsburgh, retired on June 30, after 25 years of library service. Irma Y. Johnson, science librarian at Massachu­ setts Institute of Technology, Cam bridge, retired in June after 37 years of service. She has served both as president of ACRL’s New England Chapter and as deputy program chair for ACRL’s First National Conference, w ith special responsibility for contrib­ uted papers. Her writings include several publica­ tions relating to national information policy. Stephen J. Kees retired from Niagara College, W elland, O ntario, on July 31,1984. He has served as chief librarian for the college since its opening in 1967. Mary Lou Lacy, chief of the Humanities and History Division at Columbia University Libraries, retired on July 31. Alice J. Murray, director of th e M cGeorge School of Law Library, University of the Pacific, Sacramento, retired on August 31. She has been at the School for 20 years and its director since 1970. Alice M. Ridenour, associate director of li­ braries and head of technical services at M ontana State University, Bozeman, retired on June 30th af­ ter 34 years of service at MSU and 44 years in the profession. E. Graham Roberts, director of the Price Gil­ b e rt M em orial L ib rary at G eorgia In stitu te of Technology, Atlanta, retired on June 30 after 25 years of service. Roberts came to Georgia Tech in 1959 as chief science technology librarian and was appointed director in 1971. September 1984 / 437 T h e d u s S m ith has retired as government publi­ cations librarian, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. E l o y d e T o v e y retired on April 30 after fourteen years of service to the Bancroft L ibrary ’s Bare Book Collection at the University of C alifornia, Berke­ ley. R o s e m a r y W i l l i a m s has retired from her posi­ tion of head of educational resources technical ser­ vices, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. Deaths M a r y J a n e N e f f , head of the Periodicals D ep art­ ment at Em poria State University, Kansas, died af­ ter a three-year battle with cancer. She had served at Em poria for 20 years. N e l s o n A. P i p e r , assistant university librarian for collections, died July 5. He joined the staff of University of California, Davis in 1956 as the assis­ tant head of the Acquisitions Departm ent. He be­ cam e head of the Departm ent in 1958 and was named the AUL for collections in 1962. W hen Piper arrived in 1956 the L ib rary had approxi­ mately 100,000 volumes; he leaves behind a collec­ tion in excess of 1,70 0 ,0 0 0 volumes. H o w a r d H . W i l l i a m s , re fe re n ce lib r a r ia n emeritus at Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, died on July 6 while vacationing at Cape May. A graduate of Lake Forest College, he received his master’s degree in English at Columbia University and an M LS from Colum bia in 1948. He cam e to Swarthmore in 1949 as a reader’s services librarian, then from 1967 to his retirement in 1975 he was a reference librarian responsible for general refer­ ence, library instruction, and interlibrary loans. J o s e p h i n e W i l l i a m s , government documents li­ brarian at East Texas State University, Commerce, passed away May 25th after 20 years of library ser­ vice. ■ ■ * Alos Micrographics is now marketing a micro- filmer that weighs only 38 pounds and occupies less space than a typewriter. The Simplex Cam era 16 is a 16mm rotary cam era into which documents are fed and autom atically recorded on film. The m a­ chine can film documents up to 11x17 inches and in any color. For further information, contact Alos M icrographics C orporation, 239 E . Plains R d ., P .O . B o x 407, W alden, NY 12586; (914) 778-7511. ♦ Baker & Taylor introduced a new fam ily of ac­ quisitions software and electronic services at the ALA Annual Conference in Dallas. Designed to autom ate book acquisitions functions, the new Ba- TaSY ST E M S software provides a new generation of technological service that utilizes a library’s ex­ isting terminals. Three services will be introduced this year: the T itle Search and Order service, a Full Acquisitions System, and a T itle Confirm ation ser­ vice. The first two are operational now, and the third should be available on October 15. T itle Con­ firm ation is a package for personal computers that allows book orders to be keyed in by ISBN for toll- free transmission to Baker & T aylor. C ontact: Baker & Taylor, 6 Kirby Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876; (201) 722-8000. • Carlyle Systems’s online public catalog has been installed at the Research Libraries of the New York Public Library. Dubbed CATNYP by the li­ brary, the initial system includes four terminals connected to a remote processor in New York, then linked via Telenet to a host processor in California. Approximately 40 terminals will be installed later this year and over 1.2 million records will eventu­ ally be loaded into the system. For more inform a­ tion, contact Carlyle Systems, 2930 San Pablo Ave­ nue, Berkeley, CA 94702; (800) 227-2953. • T h e Disclosure Inform ation Group has an­ nounced a system that will provide customers im ­ mediate visual access to, and real image reproduc­ tion of, any reports filed at the Securities and E x ­ change Commission, even those filed the previous day. LaserDisclosure combines for the first time optical laser disks, C C D scanners, high resolution video terminals, and laser printers with computers and fiber optic cables in a system for instantaneous remote delivery of business information. Business and law libraries can view and duplicate original documents of publicly-traded companies— lOKs, lOQs, annual reports, and so on. For more infor­ m ation, contact Disclosure, 5161 River Road, Be- N E W T E C H N O L O G Y