ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries PUBLICATIONS Notices • Accessible Storage o f Nonbook Materials (102 pages, 1984), w ritte n by Jean W eihs and illustrated by C am eron Riddle, offers suggestions for making nonbook m aterials accessible for brow sing, while ensuring safe, orderly storage. This an n o tated list of containers, devices, and m ethods for intershelv­ ing, covers th e full range of audiovisual m aterials. T he book is available for $19.50 from Oryx Press, 2214 N o rth C e n tra l a t E n c a n to , P h o en ix , AZ 85004-1483. (Prepaid orders: no charge for postage and h a n d lin g ). ISBN 0-89774-084-X. • T h e ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, 1984 (112 pages, June 1984), is th e result of a national m ail survey to a stratified random sam ple of 1,400 U.S. libraries conducted by M ary Jo Lynch, direc­ to r of ALA’s Office for Research, an d assisted by M argaret Myers an d Jeniece G uy of th e ALA O f­ fice for L ib rary Personnel Resources. T he report contains inform ation on salaries paid to academ ic an d public librarians in specific lib rary positions. Consistency in m an y d a ta categories betw een this survey an d its 1982 predecessor facilitates co m p ar­ ative study. F eatu re d are 39 tables, including ta ­ bles of scheduled salary ranges, and salaries a c tu ­ ally p aid for 13 lib ra ry positions in specified regions of th e U nited States. Appendixes include an an n o ­ ta te d bibliography of salary surveys providing in ­ form ation on lib rary w orkers an d a com prehensive essay entitled “Em ployee Benefits: Basic Concepts an d C u rre n t Issues.” T he book is available for $40 from ALA Publishing, 50 E ast H uron Street, C h i­ cago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-3301-7. • Alternative Library Literature, 1982/1983: A Biennial Anthology, edited by Sanford B erm an and Jam es P. D anky (338 pages, 1984), contains articles an d other w ritings w hich provide non -trad itio n al view of lib rary an d inform ation issues. This collec­ tion of 67 reprints, including original cartoons, has selections arran g ed in ten sections: People, W ork, W om en, Nukes/Peace, Censorship, A lternatives, Service/Advocacy, Kids, A/V, and Just for F un. T he book is available for $29.95 from Oryx Press, 2214 N o rth C e n tra l a t E n c a n to , P h o en ix , AZ 85004-1483. (No charge for postage if prepaid). ISBN 0-89774-132-3. • American Public Opinion Index 1982 (751 pages, 1984), does not offer survey results, b u t d i­ rects th e user to th e p ro p er source. T he book con­ tains 2 sections, a topical index of opinion ques­ tio n s , a n d in th e b a c k , c ita tio n s o f so u rc e s. In fo rm atio n ab o u t each poll’s size (state, n ational, or local) an d m ethod is easily found. T he refer­ ence’s cross listings are com plete an d helpful. This index is available for polls conducted in 1981,1982, an d 1983 for $125 from : O pinion Research Service, P .O . Box 70205, Louisville, KY 40270. ISBN 0- 913577-01-4. • College and University Business Library Statis- tics, 1979/80 and 1980/81, edited by T racey Miller a n d K aren Sternheim (40 pages, 5th e d ., M ay 1984), has been published by th e UCLA G ra d u a te School of M anagem ent L ib rary . Statistics covered include th e size of lib rary collections, lib rary ex­ penditures, bibliographic instruction, personnel, an d lib rary services. R ank order ta b le and d a ta analysis follow th e ta b u la te d d ata. This p u b lica­ tion is an ongoing effort of th e College an d U niver­ sity Business L ib rarian s’ R oundtable of SLA’s Busi­ ness an d F inance Division. Copies m ay be ordered for $10, checks payable to th e Regents of th e U ni­ versity of C alifornia, from Mrs. A ttait M eleika, UCLA, 11360B University Research L ib rary , Los Angeles, CA 90024. • Currier & Ives: A Catalogue Baisonné (1,029 pages in 2 volumes, July 1984), is an inventory of th e lithographs of N ath an iel C u rrier, Jam es M er­ ritt Ives and C harles C u rrie r w ith an introduction by B ernard F. Reilly, J r ., L ib rary of Congress. I n ­ cluded are ephem era associated w ith th eir firm an d details on m ore th a n 7,000 prints. In th e back is a subject index, an index of artists an d lith o g ra­ phers, a chronological index, geographical index of views, and an index of illustrations. T he catalog m ay be ordered for $250 from G ale Research C o., Book T o w er, D e tro it, MI 48226. ISBN 0-8103- 1638. • T he Directory o f Government Document Col- lections and Librarians (702 pages, 1984), edited by B arb ara Kile and A udrey T aylor, lists thousands of libraries in the U.S. w ith federal, state, local, in te r­ n a tio n a l, an d foreign docum ents holdings, an d identifies individuals in th e docum ents field, in ­ clu d in g lib ra ria n s, ed u cato rs, g o v ern m en t offi­ cials, and association executives. A m ain entry sec­ tio n p ro v id e s d e s c r ip tio n s o f l i b r a r ie s a n d collections. Staff nam es, collection categories, and subject specialities are indexed. Copies m ay be o r­ Septem ber 1984 / 441 442 / C &RL News dered for $40 from Directory, Congressional Infor­ mation Service, In c., 4520 East-West Hwy., Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20814. ISBN 0-88692-001-6. •The Guide to the O C LC D atabase and Special C ollections Therein (88 pages, 1984), edited by Philip Schieber and Virginia G. Voedisch, de­ scribes 267 special collections supplied by 137 O C LC member institutions. The book contains brief, informative descriptions of the cataloging formats for materials in the O CLC database, na­ tional programs O C LC is participating in, and database vignettes about William Shakespeare and J.S . Bach. One complimentary copy has been sent to each O CLC member library. Other copies are available prepaid from O C L C , Dept. 630, Box ONB, Columbus, OH 43265. * L ibrary o f Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, 1982 (53 pages, 1984) describes the man­ uscripts received by LC in 1982 in seven different categories. Some of the acquisitions are additions to the Blair Family collection; others include the Civil W ar papers of General Orlando Poe, a series of letters of President Grover Cleveland to Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller, and the papers on Ar­ chibald MacLeish, Margaret Mead, and Abraham Ribicoff. This paperback edition is available free upon request from the Library of Congress Manu­ script Division, Washington, DC 20540. * N o n b ib lio g ra p h ic M a c h in e-R ea d a b le D a ta - bases in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #105 (100 pages, June 1984), contains SPEC survey results, two committee and task force reports, two examples of manuals and descriptions, two documents on the use of nonbibliographic databases, and a list of se­ lected resources. SPEC Kit #105 is available for $15 prepaid from: SPEC Center, Office of Manage­ ment Studies, ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. • O bjective P erform ance Measures f o r A cadem ic an d R esearch L ibraries, by Paul B. Kantor (76 pages, 1984), grew out of a study by Kantor and the Committee on ARL Statistics on the use of perfor­ mance measures as a way to supplement ARL data on resources and expenditures with some quantita­ tive library functions. These performance mea­ sures include: availability of library materials, ac­ cessibility, and delay analysis of specific activities. The manual contains detailed instructions and What is an academic research library? 2 t s i s t s A new ACRL publication, Quantitative Criteria fo r A cadem ic Research L ibraries, attempts to an­ swer this question. C om piled by Kendon L . Stubbs, of the University of Virginia Library, un­ der contract to the National Center for Education Statistics, this report is based on statistical data submitted by almost 3,000 academic libraries as part of the 1978-1979 H EGIS survey. Using cluster analysis of library characteristics (e. g ., volumes held, volumes added) to find institu­ tions which are quantitatively similar to one an­ other, Stubbs identified four clusters of libraries. For the 127 libraries in the highest cluster which share research library characteristics, using factor analysis Stubbs derived component score coeffi­ cients for 12 statistical variables (volumes held, vol­ umes added, etc.). These coefficients are weights for the 12 variables, which when multiplied by the data for that variable from an individual library and then summed up, provide a component score for that library. Stubbs computed com ponent scores for the ,943 libraries for which he had data. He was able o identify a cut-off score, above which a library could be said to show the characteristics of a re­ earch library. He also derived approximate divid­ ng lines for each of the variables as of 1978-1979, tating that libraries whose statistics fell above hose lines for that year could be described as re­ earch libraries (see table). In an appendix of over 100 pages, component scores are given for each of T TABLE 1 A pproxim ate Dividing Lines fo r A cadem ic Research Library Variables, 1978-79 V ariable Dividing Line Volumes held 445,000 Volumes added, gross 18,000 Expenditures for library materials $530,000 Expenditures for binding $22,000 Total salaries and wages $810,000 Other operating expenditures $88,000 Total expenditures $1,450,000 F T E professional staff 21 F T E nonprofessional staff 33 Total F T E staff 54 Circulation 170,000 otal reference, directional, and group transactions 900 the 2,943 libraries, allowing each institution to be measured against the statistical research library model derived by Stubbs. Copies of Quantitative Criteria fo r A cadem ic R es ea rc h L ib r a r ie s (ISBN 0 -8 3 8 9 -6 7 8 8 -4 ) are available (prepaid only) at $15 for ACRL members and $19 for non-members from ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ■ ■ Septem ber 1984 / 443 worksheets so th a t libraries can a d a p t the measures to th e ir ow n needs. Copies are available for $25 (prepaid) from th e A ssociation of Research L i­ b ra rie s, 1527 N ew H a m p sh ire A venue, N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. • Preservation o f Library Material: A Report o f the Collection Preservation Committee (1984), p u b ­ lished by th e University of T oronto, outlines some problem s of collection conservation an d preserva­ tion. A survey of th e collections using a co m p u ter­ generated random sam pling scheme is described. Proposals for restoration an d m aintenance, an d a sum m ary of recom m endations and estim ated cost are included. T he rep o rt is available for $5 (pre­ paid) from: M. D avison, C hief L ib ra ria n ’s Office, University of T oronto L ib rary , 130 St. George St., T oronto, O n tario M5S 1A5. • T he RLG Preservation Union List (1st e d ., June 1984), a set of 48:1 reduction diazo m icrofiche w ith accom panying explanatory docum entation, con­ tains citations for m icroform m aster negatives and p rin tin g m asters for over 25,000 w orks held in RLG m em ber libraries. W ith th e inform ation p ro ­ vided, librarians m ay order service copies of arch i­ val quality m icroform s, subject to copyright re­ strictions, from in stitu tio n s p a rtic ip a tin g in th e U nion List. T he list also contains entries for m a te ri­ als scheduled for film ing a t various institutions. C om plim entary copies of th e Union List are avail­ able as long as supplies last, on request to: C hris­ tin a Schm ehl, R LG Publications Clerk, Research L ibraries G roup, Jo rd an Q u adrangle, Stanford, C A 94305. • Security fo r Libraries: People, Buildings, Col- lections, edited by M arvine B rand (120 pages, June 1984), describes useful techniques and inform ation to m ake th e lib rary safe as a study place and w ork­ place an d to provide for collection protection. T he practical aspects of individual, building, an d col­ lection security in academ ic, public, and school li­ braries are em phasized. Copies m ay be ordered for $12 from ALA Publishing, 50 E ast H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. • T he Union List o f Serials of the Boston L ib rary C onsortium has published a new m icrofiche edi­ tion th a t contains over 65,000 titles. This latest edi­ tion succeeds th e O ctober 1982 edition and is m a in ­ ta in e d fully online; it now includes a K eyw ord In d ex a n d th e hold in g s of th e M IT L ib ra rie s , w hich h ad been published separately before. This edition is th e first to be produced on th e union list system of th e F. W . Faxon C om pany. T he price per copy is $50 (or $40 if paym ent accom panies your order), checks payable to th e Boston L ib rary C on­ sortium , from: U nion List, Boston L ib rary C onsor­ tiu m , Room 339, Boston Public L ib rary , 666 Boyl- ston Street, Boston, MA 02117. ■ ■ CALENDER September 2 0 -2 1 —Texhom a: “E d u catio n for th e Inform ation Age: Bridging th e G a p ,” a joint m eeting of the O klahom a and Texas C hapters of A CRL, N orth Texas State University and Texas W o m an ’s U ni­ versity, D enton. C ontact: E d w a rd R. Johnson, P rogram C h air, N orth Texas State University L ib rary , (817) 565-3025. 24—R eference: A conference sponsored by th e University of Iow a School of L ib rary and In fo r­ m ation Science, Iow a C ity, will exam ine ways in w h ich reference service q u a lity m ig h t be im ­ proved. Speakers include Ellen H ah n (L ibrary of Congress), C harles Bunge (University of W is­ consin), an d C arl O rgren (University of Iow a). Fee: $25. C ontact: E thel Bloesch, School of L i­ b rary and Inform ation Science, University of Iow a, 3087 L ib rary , Iow a C ity, IA 52242; (319) 353-3644. October 1—Ohio: “A cadem ic L ibraries in a C hanging E n ­ v iro n m en t,” the an n u al conference of th e Aca­ dem ic L ib rary Association of O hio, an ACRL C h ap ter, at th e H ilton In n N orth, C olum bus, Ohio. Keynote speaker will be John D. M illett, president em eritus of M iam i University. C on­ tact: V irginia Ellis Palm er, M iam i University- M iddletow n, 4200 E. University BIvd., Middle- tow n, O H 45042. 18- 19—H ealth Science: Fall m eeting, H ealth Sci­ ence L ibrarians of Illinois, at Sangam on State U niversity, Springfield. C o n tact: G ail H itc h ­ cock, Southern Illinois University School of M ed­ icine, P .O . Box 3926, Springfield, IL 62708; (217) 782-2658. 19— Drexel W orkshops: “T eaching L ib rary C on­ cepts,” ta u g h t by M ary George (Princeton) and Sharon H ogan (Louisiana State); fee, $95. “New