ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1984 / 445 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in CR&L News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in CR&L News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising D e p ’t, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE KEEP UP WITH trends in technology. Midwest’s newest information transfer. Charter $117/yr. Money back offer. Call or write: Midwest Technology Newsletter, S-210, Delta College, University Center, Ml 48710, (800) 482-3362; from Ml call (800) 521-7702. POSITIONS OPEN AGRICULTURE-VETERINARY MEDICINE LIBRARIAN. Pro vides special library reference services to faculty and students of Col­ leges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Responsibilities in­ clude reference and online information retrieval, bibliographic instruction and collection development in veterinary medicine. ALA- accredited MLS, or equivalent, required. Undergraduate and/or graduate degree in agricultural, medical, or biological sciences pre­ ferred. 3 years experience in health sciences or science library or medical librarian certification is desirable. MEDLINE training and/or experience is desirable. Tenure-track position. 12-month appoint­ ment, 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Salary ranges, de p e n d e n t upon qualificatio ns: instructor, $16,000-$18,000; assistant professor, $18,000-$20,000. Send let­ ter of application, current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 recent references by October 15, 1984, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. A SSISTA N T UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SER­ VICES, San Diego State University Library. The SDSU Library serves 35,000 students and faculty, with a total collection of 900,000 volumes and a $6 million budget. General duties: responsible for the overall management of reference services and collection develop­ ment, works in close consultation with the heads of the reference units and the head of collection development to ensure the coordina­ tion and integration of these areas. Reference units include General Reference, Government Publications, Media and Curriculum Cen­ ter, Science, Computer Search Service, and Instructional Services. Public service staffing consists of 22 reference librarians and 18 sup­ port staff. The Assistant University Librarian reports directly to the University Librarian, and as part of the management team, partici­ pates in resource allocation, immediate and long-range planning, and overall policy development. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited school. Other advanced degree desirable. Experience in reference work and collection development. Adminis­ trative talent as demonstrated by successful academic library man­ agement experience, including evidence of progressive growth in responsibilities. Proven skills in leadership, human relations, and oral and written communications. Familiarity with collective bargaining environment desirable. This is a management position, and as such is excluded from the faculty collective bargaining unit. Salary range: $30,000-$45,000. Available: November 1, 1984, although later ap­ pointment is possible. Appointment is subject to budget constraints. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by Octo­ ber 8, 1984. Please submit letter of application with resume and names of at least 3 references to: Marti Gray, Ref. AUL, San Diego State University Library, San Diego, CA 92182. An affirmative action, equal opportunity, Title IX employer. BUSINESS BIBLIOGRAPHER/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN at Loy ola University of Chicago, Water Tower Campus. Responsibilities in­ clude development of the business collection; liaison with the faculty of the School of Business and the Institute of Industrial Relations; business and general reference service; bibliographic instruction; and online searching. Accredited MLS and subject-related under­ graduate degree required; searching and business related library experience preferred. Salary $15,500 to $17,000 depending on ex­ perience. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three ref­ erences to: Genevieve Delana, Julia Deal Lewis Library, Loyola Uni­ versity of Chicago, 820 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. Application deadline is October 12, 1984. Loyola University of Chi­ cago is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Head of Copy Cataloging Section, re­ sponsible for supervision of all activities relating to Copy Cataloging, including overall coordination of processing of monographs and se­ rials in all formats through the OCLC System. A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program; working knowledge of at least one foreign language; at least 2 years cataloging experience in an aca­ demic library; plus some supervisory experience. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Apply by October 1,1984. Desired starting date: January 2, 1985. Send resumes to: Peggy Weissert, Library Personnel Offi­ cer, 221 Memorial Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Library is seek­ ing a catalog librarian to catalog monographs in the science and en­ gineering subject areas. Related activities such as providing service at a catalog assistant desk will also be assigned. This position reports to the Head Catalog Librarian. The University of Arizona Library is a large academic research library with more than 2 million volumes in the main library system. The Science Engineering Library, a sepa­ rate branch, houses 350,000 volumes and has over 1 million micro­ forms in all fields of science, engineering, and technology. The li­ brary system uses the LC classification system, LCSH, AACR2. OCLC services are provided through membership in AMIGOS. The Catalog Department employs 11 professional catalogers and 44 ca­ reer staff. Requirements include: ALA-accredited degree; either an academic background in the sciences or experience in an academic or special science library; previous online cataloging experience us­ ing AACR2. Working knowledge of one foreign language is desir­ able. The beginning professional salary is $16,500; a higher salary can be negotiated depending upon qualifications and experience. Professional librarians are academic professionals with 12-month appointment and earn 22 davs of vacation per year. Position is avail- 446 / C & R L N ew s • able N o ve m b e r 1, 1984. D e adline for app lica tio n s is O cto b e r 15, 1984. Send letter of a pp lication, resum e, and nam es of 3 referees to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of A rizo na Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The U niversity of A rizo na is an EEO /AA em ­ ployer. C A T A L O G E R , C A T A L O G IN G W IT H C O P Y . C o lu m b ia U niversity Libraries. The C a taloging with C o p y D e partm ent has responsibility for ca ta lo g in g m o n o g ra p h s for w hich a cce p ta b le c o p y exists (cata­ lo g in g fo r m ost C o lum bia libraries and Barnard C o llege Library). This position, w hich reports to the H ead of the D epartm ent, will have p rim a ry responsibility fo r han d lin g catalog editing and problem s, with e m pha sis on Slavic languages. Duties in clu d e assisting in the analysis and distribution of Slavic filing conflicts and perfo rm in g diffi­ cult databa se editing a n d inputting; trainin g and revising s u p p o rtin g staff in ca ta lo g in g books with c o p y and other ca ta lo g in g related ac- ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PERSONNEL University of California, Davis Reports directly to the University Librarian, with primary responsibility for personnel matters in the General Library: ensures com pliance with Universi- ty/ca m p u s personnel policies and procedures; serves as the Library’s Affirmative Action Officer and as a Campus Sexual Harrassment Advisor; re­ sponsible for all recruiting activities; serves as Staff Developm ent Officer for the Library; administers collective bargaining agreem ents covering aca­ dem ic and staff personnel in the Library; oversees preparation of the personnel budget; initiates and monitors merit salary programs for academ ic and career staff personnel; serves as Library represent­ ative to major campus personnel committees; with other members of the Library administration, partic­ ipates fully in developing policies for the advance­ ment and management of the UC Davis Library sys­ tem. Applicants should have a graduate degree in li- b ra ria n s h ip , or its e q u iv a le n t, fro m an A LA - accredited institution. Dem onstrated successful professional experience in an academ ic research li­ brary, including some supervisory experience, is essential. Extensive experience in administering personnel policies, preferably in a com plex organi­ zation setting, is required. Experience with collec­ tive bargaining helpful, but not essential. Appoint­ m ent will be m ade at the A ssistant U n ive rsity L ib ra ria n rank, w h ich has a sa la ry ra n g e of $35,500-$56,400 per year. Hiring salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should send letters, resumes, and the names of 4 referees to: Wm. F. McCoy Acting University Librarian 108 Shields Library University of California Davis, CA 95616 Applications must be received no later than 5 Octo­ ber 1984. tivities; evaluating and revising d o cu m e n ta tio n for ca ta lo g in g and authority w o rk p roced ure s; and p re p a rin g new d o cu m e n ta tio n as w o rkflo w and system require m en ts chan ge. In cu m b e n t will also p e r­ form original ca ta lo g in g in a p p ro p ria te su b je ct areas, carry out sp e ­ cial proje cts relating to the ca rd catalo g and the RLIN database, and have som e sup e rviso ry responsibilities in the abse nce of the Head. In a dd ition to an a ccre d ite d MLS, require m en ts are a w o rkin g kn o w l­ e d g e of a Slavic la n g u a g e using the C yrillic scrip t and at least one other m o d e rn E uropean langua ge, pre fe ra b ly G erm an; ability to w o rk well with others and c o m m u n ica te clearly; an a p titude for ana­ lytical and detail w o rk as d e m o n stra te d th ro u g h previous relevant e xp e rie n ce a n d /o r supe rior p e rfo rm a n ce in a form al course in cata­ lo gin g; and a b road su b je ct b a c kg ro u n d . P reference will be given to app lica n ts with previous e xp e rie n ce with m ach in e -re a d a b le b ib lio ­ g ra p h ic databases. Salary ranges: Librarian I: $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 4 ,7 0 0 ; Li­ brarian II: $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,3 0 0 . S ubm it resum e, listing salary req u ire ­ m e n ts a n d 3 re fe re n ce s, to: B o x 35, B u tler L ib ra ry , C o lu m b ia U niversity Libraries, 535 W est 114th Street, N ew York, NY 10027. D e adline fo r a pp lica tio n s is O cto b e r 1 2 ,1 9 8 4 . An equal o p p ortun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. C A T A L O G E R O F RARE B O O K S A N D S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S (one-half tim e equivalent, Assistant or A ssociate Librarian), Lilly Li­ brary. Indiana U n iversity-B lo om ington. U n d e r the general su p e rvi­ sion of the H ead of Technical Services, Book D epartm ent, Lilly Li­ brary, catalo gs printed rare boo ks and special co lle ctio n s m aterials in specialized areas, e.g., incunab ula, m ajor rarities, and general books m ostly p rio r to 1800; advises and consults with other cata­ lo g e d on bib lio g ra p h ica l te rm in olo gy, collations, bindings, etc.; shares in planning supervision, and general ope ra tion of the Book D epartm ent; perform s other general library duties as required. Re­ quired: m a ste r’s d e g re e in library scie nce from A L A -a ccre d ite d school; at least three years professional ca ta lo g in g e xp e rie n ce with rare boo ks and special collections m aterials; b road general know l­ e d g e in the hum anities; kn o w le d g e of LC classification, LC subject headings, AACR 2, and the a p p ro p ria te M ARC form ats, ability to re­ late effectively to other library staff m em b ers and to the U niversity co m m u nity; ability to m eet the responsibilities of faculty status; read­ ing c o m p e te n ce in Renaissance Latin and G erm an; w o rkin g know l­ e d g e of Spanish and French; trainin g and e xp e rie n ce in rare book b ib lio g ra p h y and in the te ch n iq u e s and te rm in o lo g y of analytical b ib ­ liograph y. Preferred: co m p e te n c e in add ition al languages; book tra d e expe rience; w o rkin g kn o w le d g e of O CLC; sup e rviso ry training and expe rience. Salary d e p e n d e n t on qua lifications and e xpe rience (salary floors obse rve d: Assistant Librarian, $7,900; Associate Li­ brarian, $9,900). Fringe benefits: vacation of 22 w o rkin g days; Blue C ross/Blue Shield, m ajor m edical; g ro u p life insurance. C losing date; no earlier than S e pte m be r 30, 1984. A p p ly to: A n ne Rimmer, Personnel Librarian, Indiana University Libraries, B loom ington, IN 47405; (812) 335-3403. EEO/AAE. C E N T R A L R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N , University of A rizo na Li­ brary. Duties in clu d e reference (with e ven ing and w e ekend rotation), online b ib lio g ra p h ic searching, library orientation/instruction, co lle c­ tion de ve lo p m e n t, and faculty liaison work. A L A -a ccre d ite d library school d e g re e and an a ca d e m ic b a c k g ro u n d in business or e co ­ nom ics, or a ca d e m ic reference e xp e rie n ce with business m aterials required. G ood co m m u n ica tio n skills essential. R eference e xp e ri­ ence and online search skills preferred. K n o w le d g e of French or G erm an or the ability to sp e a k Spanish desirable. Position available M arch 1, 1985. Salary range: $ 1 6 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,5 0 0 . A c a d e m ic profes­ sional status, 12-m onth a pp oin tm ent, 22 days vacation, frin g e ben e­ fits. A p p lica tio n dea d lin e O cto b e r 1 5 ,1 9 8 4 . Send resum e, in clu d in g list of 3 references, to: W. David Laird, U niversity Librarian, U n iver­ sity of A rizo na Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal o p p ortun ity, a f­ firm ative action, Title IX, Section 504 em ployer. C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N (Li­ brarian II). Half-tim e co o rd in a tio n of collection d e ve lo p m e n t with par­ ticular responsibility for gifts, the perservation p ro g ra m and c o o rd i­ n a tin g e ffo rts o f o th e r s u b je c t s p e c ia lis t lib ra ria n s in c o lle c tio n planning. Selection responsibility in a p p ro p ria te fields, evaluation of a p p ro va l plans, liaison with the faculty, students a n d other library us­ ers. Half-tim e reference duty as a generalist at reference desk, G en­ eral Library, with p a rticip ation in c o m p u te r-b a se d literature se a rch ­ ing and library instruction. Reports to H ead o f Public Services. M a ste r’s d e g re e in library scie nce from an A L A -a ccre d ite d library school; su b je ct m a ste r’s p referred and e xp e rie n ce in d e ve lo p in g collections or reference service in an a ca d e m ic library. Salary range: $ 1 8,0 Q 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . S tandard frin g e benefits, in clu d in g 28 days va ca ­ Septem ber 1984 / 447 tion per year. A p plication deadline S eptem ber 15, 1984. Position available: O ctober 24, 1984, or after. Send letter of application, re­ sume, and the names of 3 references to: Ted P. Sheldon, Associate D irector of Libraries, University of Missouri-Kansas City Libraries, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110; (816) 276-1531. D IR E C TO R O F T H E L IB R A R Y . The University of Texas Health Sci­ ence Center at San Antonio invites nom inations and applications for the position of Director of the Library. The Director of the Library re­ ports to the Special Assistant to the President for A ca d e m ic Services and is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and evaluat­ ing the library budget, personnel, services, and functions of the li­ brary. The Director provides leadership in deve lop ing the library pol­ icies and procedures to fully su p p o rt the health science center’s program s of instruction and research. The book and journal holdings of the library total m ore than 139,000 volum es and 2700 journal su b ­ scriptions are presently maintained. The library has a staff of 17 pro­ fessional librarians and 33 su p p o rt staff w h o serve m ore than 2000 students and 600 faculty m em bers. Desired qualifications include a term inal deg re e and evidence of scholarly activities; substantial ex­ perience in academ ic health sciences librarianship; the ability to com m u nica te with faculty, adm inistration, students and staff. Experi­ ence with autom ated library systems is highly desirable. Send nom i­ nations and applications by O ctober 1,1 9 8 4 , to: Jo Ann Crow, C hair­ person, Search Com m ittee for Director of the Library, The University of Texas Health Science C enter at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284. The University of Texas Health Sci­ ence Center at San Antonio is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. D IR E C T O R OF TH E U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R Y , W ashburn Univer sity. C andidate m ust have a m aster’s in library science from an ALA- a ccredite d school, a second m aster’s or doctoral deg re e a n d a tle a s l five years experience in increasingly responsible positions in aca­ d e m ic libraries (including supervision of personnel and b u d g e t p re p ­ aration). Experience with autom ated library processes desired. The Director of the University Library is responsible for personnel m an­ agem ent, budgeting, adm inistration of facilities, leadership in the d e ­ velopm ent and evaluation of program s and services for the U niver­ s ity ’s m ain library, the C u rric u lu m R e sources C enter, and the Instructional M edia Circulation Departm ent. The Director reports tc the Provost and serves on the University Council and other p o licy­ m aking com m ittees of the University. A p pointm ent begins as soor as possible follow ing the deadline. Salary is com m ensurate with ex­ perience. A p plication deadline is O ctober 1 ,1 9 8 4 , or until a suitable ca nd ida te is identified. Send letter of application and three letters o recom m endation to: John Christensen, Chair of Search Com m ittee School of Law Library, W ashburn University, Topeka, KS 66621 W ashburn University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ­ ployer. E N G IN E ER IN G REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N , University of Cincin ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY Cornell University Cornell, the land-grant institution of New York State, is known world-wide for the teaching and research programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology. Mann Li­ brary, which supports these programs, is the largest academic agricultural and life sciences library in the United States, and its collection is second only to the National Agricultural Library. Mann Library is committed to providing forward-looking information services in an academic environ­ ment and is looking for 2 librarians to participate. Public Services Librarian (Position I). Responsible for design, development and promotion of an ed­ ucation program to faculty and students including end-user searching as well as instruction in the use of print computerized information sources. Emphasis on innovative techniques for assessing the effective­ ness of instruction with both short term and longitudinal studies. Will also participate in reference service, online searching, collection development and faculty liaison. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. 3 + years experience in instruction and demonstrated success in promoting instruction or other library services are required. Knowledge of evaluation and assessment techniques essential. Subject background or dem­ onstrated interest in agricultural or life sciences. Rank and salary dependent upon experience and qualifi­ cations. Public Services Librarian (Position II). Responsible for the development of an enterprise for the deliv­ ery of information in a mode based on contemporary information access. This service is being designed to meet the needs of research faculty as determined in a recent ARL funded study. The emphasis of this posi­ tion is on original thinking and systematic testing of new approaches to rapid delivery of information in support of research; for example, telefacsimile, online ordering, electronic mail and bibliographic net­ works. This requires sophisticated bibliographic knowledge, awareness of technological advances in doc­ ument delivery and management ability. The Library has received a CLR grant to study alternative methods of document delivery. Responsibilities also include administering interlibrary borrowing and lending includ­ ing the Regional Document Delivery program at Cornell (a national network of the land grant universities and the National Agricultural Library). Supervises 2 full-time staff and student assistants. Participates in other public service activities, collection development and faculty liaison. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. 3 + years of experience in information delivery. Demonstrated ability in public relaitons and market­ ing. Demonstrated organizational skills. Experience with online systems required. Supervisory experience desirable. This position requires originality, enthusiasm, effective communication skills and an outreach ability. Apply by October 8,1984. Both positions available January 1985. Send resume listing 3 references to: Carolyn Pyhtlla, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. 448 / C & RL New s nati. R esponsible to Head of E ngineering Libra ry for reference and instructional functions serving the College of Engineering. The C ol­ lege consists of six departm ents, 100 faculty, and 3,000 students. The U niversity is a m em b er of the Association of Research Libraries and C enter for Research Libraries. Responsibilities in clud e refer­ ence services, online searching, library instruction and assisting in collection developm ent. Serves as A ctin g Head in absence of the H ead of the Library. The E ngineering Library staff consists of tw o professional librarians and three su p p o rt staff. MLS deg re e from A L A -a ccre d ite d school required. B a ch e lo r’s deg re e in physical sci­ e n ce o r e n g in e e rin g p re fe rre d . R elevant lib ra ry e x p e rie n c e re­ quired. Successful supervisory e xpe rience desirable. M inim um sal­ ary: $18,000. Available F ebruary 1, 1985. Send resum e with cover letter and nam es and addresses of three professional references be­ fore O ctob er 1, 1984, to: Sharon Tuffendsam , Libraries Personnel Officer, 640 Central Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. The University of Cincinnati is an affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. G E N E R A L R E F E R E N C E /C O O R D IN A T O R O F C O M P U T E R REF­ ER EN C E S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified individual to fill a tw elve-m onth tenure-track posi­ tion at the level of Assistant Professor or above, d e p e n d in g on qualifi­ cations, as a General R e ference/C oordinator of C o m p u te r Refer­ ence Services librarian. MLS from an A L A -a ccre d ite d library school and a second m aste r’s or thirty (30) hours beyo nd MLS required. At least tw o (2) years of relevant curre nt e xpe rience with online search­ ing as a librarian in an aca d e m ic or research library required. In- dep th know le d g e of curre nt databases such as Dialog and BRS re­ quired. Dem onstrated ability to co m m u n ica te effectively; expe rience with b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction or teaching desirable. Responsibilities include: p ro vid in g reference services to the university com m u nity d u rin g assigned hours at the reference desk; c o o rd in a tin g a co m ­ prehensive program for existing online co m p u te r reference services. O ther responsibilities in clu d e b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction and collection de ve lo p m e n t in an assigned area. Salary and benefits: $18 ,00 0 m ini­ m um for a tw elve-m onth contract; Illinois Retirem ent System; faculty status and rank. Send letter of application, resume, placem ent file, and nam es of three references to: John C. Tyson, A ctin g Assistant D irector for Planning, Adm inistration and Developm ent, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. Letter of a p ­ plication and resum e m ust be postm arke d by S eptem ber 15, 1984. H E A D , A D A P T IV E C A T A L O G IN G U N IT . Directs m o n o g ra p h ic c o p y catalo gin g unit; resolves com ple x b ib lio g ra p h ic problem s; does som e original cataloging; integrates AACR 2 hea din gs into d ic ­ tionary catalog; w orks with GEAC B ib lio g ra p h ic Database M anager. Supervises and trains six paraprofessional catalogers. Reports to Head, C a taloging Departm ent. A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS, or equivalent, required. At least one y e a r’s e xpe rience in ca talo gin g with AACR2 via a b ib lio g ra p h ic utility, prefera bly OCLC. G ood oral and written co m m u nica tion skills required. Prefer aca d e m ic catalo gin g e xpe ri­ ence. Prefer foreign la ngua ge reading ability, Russian desirable. Tenure-track position. 12-m onth appointm ent, 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Salary ranges, d e p e n d e n t upon qualifications: instructor, $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 ; assistant professor, $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . Send letter of application, curre nt resume, and the names, addresses, and telep hone num be rs of 3 recent refer­ ences by O ctob er 15, 1984, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The U niversity of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, affirm ative action, Title IX, Section 504 em ployer. H E A D , A R C H IT E C T U R E A N D E N V IR O N M E N T A L D E SIG N LI­ B R A R Y at A rizona State U niversity (search extended). The library is DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES The University of Texas at A rlington invites applications and nominations fo r the position of D irector of Libraries. The University of Texas at Arlington is the fifth largest university in Texas and the second largest in the UT System. Located in the geographic center of the Dallas/Fort W orth metroplex, the University enrolls over 20,000 undergraduates and 3,000 graduates in 39 bachelors, 47 masters, and 16 doctoral programs. The faculty numbers over 900 part- and full-tim e members in 9 colleges and schools. The D irector of Libraries reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and manages a central library facility and one branch w ith a collection o f 910,000 volumes and 4,000 periodicals. The Library includes a division of special col­ lections and archives and is a federal and state governm ent depository. It has an operating budget of $3 m illion and a staff of 95, including 35 professionals. Qualifications: • Demonstrated com m itm ent to academic excellence, scholarship, research and the support of graduate and undergraduate instruction; • Master's degree from ALA-accredited library school; other advanced degrees preferred, doctorate desirable; • Extensive and varied professional library experience including at least five years administrative experience with fiscal planning, program development, and personnel management of an academic or research library; • Knowledge of current trends and applications of inform ation technology; • Proven leadership ability and superior com m unication skills; • Evidence o f a b ility to interact effectively w ith all segments of the university com m unity; • Record of active participation in the profession at the regional and national levels; • Strong com m itm ent to professional and staff development; • Clear understanding o f the im portance of alternative fun ding in library developm ent including cooperation w ith development and research offices in soliciting gifts and grants from foundations and private donors. Salary: Open and com petitive w ith a m inim um of $45,000; 12-month contract, comprehensive benefit program. Deadline for Applications: November 1, 1984; position should be filled by September 1, 1985. Applications should include a com plete resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five references. Send applications and nom inations to Dean Bob F. Perkins, Chairman, D irector of Libraries Search Committee, The Graduate School, The University o f Texas at A rlington, P.O. Box 19167, A rlington, Texas 76019 JuJULTU The University o f Texas at Arlington is an AA/EO Employer. Septem ber 1984 / 449 located within the college o† the sam e nam e and is staffed by one professional (the Head), one paraprofessional, and student assis­ tants. The librarian reports to the Associate U niversity Librarian for Public Services and is responsible for m a n ag em e nt of the branch, collection deve lop m en t, reference and research assistance, bib lio ­ g ra p h ic instruction, and liaison with the college and the main library. ASU, the n a tio n ’s sixth largest p u b lic university, is celebrating its centennial year with the them e, Excellence for a new century.R e­ quire d qualifications: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS; at least tw o ye a rs’ p ub lic service expe rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic or research library; d e m o n ­ strated m anagerial, com m u nica tion and interpersonal skills; subject expertise in one or m ore of the fields of architecture, art history, inte­ rior design, la ndscap e architecture, urban design, and city planning. Preferred: adm inistrative e xpe rience in a branch, unit or d e p a rt­ ment, prefera bly in an a ca d e m ic library. Salary: d e p e n d e n t on qua li­ fications and e xpe rience ($21,000 m inim um ). Send letter of a p p lic a ­ tio n w h ich a d d re s s e s each o f the q u a lific a tio n s liste d a b o ve , a curre nt resume, and the names, addresses and telep hone num bers of four recent references to: C o nstance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, H ayden Library, Arizona State University, Tem pe, AZ 85287, by O cto b e r 29, 1984 (postm ark accepted). C opies of the com ple te ann ou n ce m e n t of va ca n cy m ay be requested from the sam e person. ASU is a com m itted equal opp ortun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. M inorities are e n co u ra g e d to apply. H E A D , C A T A L O G IN G U N IT , San D iego State U niversity Library. General duties: coordinates all catalo gin g and processing activities for a library of 9 00 ,00 0 volum es serving 3 5,000 students and faculty, w ith ann ual m o n o g ra p h ic a c q u is itio n s of a p p ro x im a te ly 3 6 ,0 0 0 items and 11,000 subscrip tions and a total library b u d g e t of $6 m il­ lion. Supervises 20 FTE faculty and staff. Participates in d e ve lo p ­ m ent and im plem entation of online system s related to cataloging and database m aintenance and enhancem ent. Perform s som e o rig i­ nal cataloging. Supervises retrospective conversion project. Reports to Assistant University Librarian for Access Services and A u to m a ­ tion; participates in planning and de ve lo p m e n t of overall policies, personnel planning, resource allocation, and long-ra nge planning. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an A L A -a ccre d ite d school. O ther a d va n ce d deg re e desirable. K n ow ledge of AACR2, LCSH, MARC form at; substantial original ca talo gin g expe rience in a large a ca d e m ic or research library; supervisory e xpe rience with an online b ib lio g ra p h ic utility, preferably OCLC. D em onstrated organizational, leadership, com m u nica tion, and hum an relation skills. Familiarity with national tren ds in technical services and autom ation issues. Full­ time, tenure-track faculty position; rank and salary com m ensurate w ith q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . S ta rtin g s a la ry ra n g e : $ 2 7 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 6 ,0 0 0 (1983-84 salary schedule). Reappointm ent, ten­ ure, and prom otion require evidence of contin uin g professional d e ­ velopm ent. A p p o in tm e n t is subject to b u d g e t constraints. Available: N o vem b er 1, 1984, although later a p p o in tm e n t is possible. To en­ sure consideration, app lications should be received by O ctob er 8, 1984. Please subm it resume, letter of application, and nam es of at least 3 references to: Marti Gray, Ref. CA, San Diego State University Library, San Diego, C A 92182. An affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu ­ nity, Title IX em ployer. H E A D , Central U niversity Libra ry C atalog D epartm ent, University of California, San Diego. Available im m ediately. Associate Librarian, $ 2 4 ,8 2 8 -$ 3 5 ,7 4 8 or Librarian, $ 3 3 ,3 7 2 -$ 4 6 ,2 6 0 . (Salaries to be in­ creased by 3 .8 % effective Janu ary 1, 1985) The Catalog D epart­ m ent, w hich curre ntly consists of 9 FTE librarians, 36.55 FTE library assistants, and 2.82 FTE students, provid es original and c o p y catâ- DIRECTOR, LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICES University of Alaska, Juneau The University of Alaska, Juneau is accepting applications for the position of Director, Library and Media Services (faculty rank available). The Director provides leadership in policy formulation and administration; assumes responsibility, within a collegial structure, for planning, directing, coordinating and evaluating all facets of library operations, including development of personnel, collections, services, and facilities; en­ courages and facilitates faculty involvement in these operations; represents the library within the campus, the community, the University of Alaska System, and professional organizations. An ALA-accredited MLS and an additional advanced degree desirable. Successful library managerial experience required, with both public and technical services desirable. Must have experience with and knowledge of automated library systems. Academ ic library experience desired. Candidates must possess the ability to communicate and work effectively with the administration, faculty, staff, students and com m u­ nity; and, the ability to promote and present the library position to the campus community and within the University of Alaska System. Active participation in the library profession and scholarly achievement desir­ able. The UAJ Library is a rapidly growing and dynamic library with a staff of 16 (plus student assistants) con­ taining 65,000 volumes, the complete ERIC collection, plus additional microforms. The library is a member of the Washington Library Network and anticipates that a fully automated library will be operational in time for the opening of a new library building in 1988. Located in Alaska’s capital city, UAJ offers master’s and undergraduate degrees in business, education, fisheries, liberal arts, science, public administration and technology. Nearby mountains, lakes, oceans and moderate climate afford outstanding opportunities for year-round recreation. Two hours from Seattle by plane, the area is recognized as one of the most beautiful regions in the United States. The Director reports to the Vice Chancellor for Academ ic Affairs. This is a twelve month position with a salary range from $45,000-$55,000 depending upon qualifications and experience. Send a letter of application, vitae and names of 3 -5 references to: Personnel, University of Alaska, Juneau 11120 Glacier Highway Juneau, AK 99801 Closing date: materials must be postmarked by October 1,1984. Starting date: November 1,1984, or as soon as possible. UAJ is an AA /E O em plo yer and educational institution. 450 / C & R L N ew s lo g in g fo r the d e p a rtm e n ts in the Central University Library, the Sci­ e n ce and E n gin eering Library, and the Cluster U n d e rg ra d u a te Li­ brary. The D e p a rtm e n t’s w o rk is co o rd in a te d with ca ta lo g in g units in the S crip p s Institution of O ce a n o g ra p h y Libra ry and the Biom edical Library. The UCSD Libra ry curre ntly perform s its ca ta lo g in g on O C LC and loads its records into the University of C alifornia Online U nion C atalog (MELVYL). The Libra ry is in the process of au to m a t­ ing all o f its te c h n ic a l p ro c e s s in g o p e ra tio n s u sin g th e Biblio- T e ch n iq u e s L ib ra ry Inform ation System (BLIS), and the D e partm ent m ay u n d e rg o organizational c h a n g e s in response to ch a n g e s in w o rkflo w and p roced ure s. U n d e r the general d irectio n of the Assis­ tant U niversity Librarian-A ccess Services, the in c u m b e n t plans, d i­ rects, and adm inisters the ope ra tions of the Central University Li­ b r a r y C a ta lo g D e p a r tm e n t. O v e rs e e s fo r m u la tio n a n d im plem entation of dep artm ental policy and w orkflow . Responsible for organizational and personnel planning, and fo r allocation and as­ sig n m e n t of staff w ithin the D epartm ent. Assures that w o rkflo w and d e p artm ental organization are effeciently a d a p te d to cha n g e s in a u ­ to m a te d system s and service priorities. R esponsible for co o rd in a tin g the w o rk of the D e partm ent with that of other library departm ents. R epresents the Libra ry w ithin the UC system on m atters relating to c a ta lo g in g policy. M aintains aw areness of national and UC sys­ te m w id e issues re g a rd in g b ib lio g ra p h ic control and autom ation of library catalogs, co m m u n ica te s these issues w ithin the Library, and c o n trib u te s to the id e n tific a tio n a n d re so lu tio n of th e se issues th ro u g h a p p ro p ria te professional activities. Q ualifications: success­ ful m anagerial and sup e rviso ry e xp e rie n ce in a research or a ca ­ d e m ic library; substantial kn o w le d g e of b ib lio g ra p h ic control poli­ cies and processes as a p p lie d in research libraries; kn o w le d g e of issues and tren ds relating to the autom ation of library processing; d em on strate d ability to w o rk effectively with library p u b lic and te ch n i­ cal services staff at all levels; and u n d e rsta n d in g of the scholarly use of library collections. MLS from an A L A -a ccre d ite d library school. An a p p o in te e at the Librarian level is e xp e cte d to b rin g to the position w e ll-d e ve lo p e d m anagerial skills and ca ta lo g in g expertise. A p p lic a ­ tions m ust be received or p o stm a rke d by O cto b e r 15, 1984. Subm it a letter of a pp lication, enclosing a resum e and a list of references to: J a c q u e lin e C oolm an, Personnel Librarian, U niversity of California, San D iego, Library, C-075-H 1, La Jolla, C A 920 93. UCSD is an equal op p o rtu n ity, affirm ative action em ployer. H E A D , F IN E A R T S L IB R A R IA N . U niversity of California, Los A n ­ geles. U n d e r the general d irectio n of the A ssociate Librarian for Re­ search and Instructional Services, the H ead of the Fine Arts Libraries has adm inistrative responsibility for c o o rd in a tin g the operations, lo n g -ra n g e planning, and direction of fo u r libraries— M usic, Art, The­ ater Arts, and A rch ite ctu re a nd U rban P lann ing— in clud ing: policies; program s; user and technical services, in clu d in g online s u p p o rt sys­ tem a p p lica tio n s and b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction; collection m a n a g e ­ m ent and control; personnel m anag em e nt, in clu d in g recruitm ent, ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES Arizona State University The Arizona State University Libraries are seeking candidates for the newly created position of Associate University Librarian for Public Services. The successful candidate will report to University Librarian Donald E. Riggs, be responsible for the leadership and management of all public service units, and participate in overall library planning and policy formulation. Required qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS degree; successful administrative experience at the departm ent head level or above in public services in a university library; a minimum of seven years’ progressively responsible experience in an academic/research library; demonstrated leadership qualities; strong analytic, communication and interpersonal skills; experience in creating and implementing new public service programs; knowledge of the latest issues and trends in academ ic librarianship; knowledge of bibliographic instruction and online systems; evidence of university service, research and/or participa­ tion in professional associations. Preferred experience: fiscal, personnel and other administrative responsi­ bility in two or more public service areas; supervision of a large staff; involvement in both undergraduate and graduate program s in an ARL library. Arizona State University and Its Libraries: A SU ’s mission is to continue developm ent as a major research university and to become competitive with the best public universities in the nation. Toward that end, the Libraries have experienced dynam ic growth during the past five years, adding 55 new positions and increasing the materials budget from $1.7 million to the current $3.1 million. A new science and engi­ neering library was occupied in 1983, and the other libraries are being remodeled. The Libraries are creat­ ing a total online integrated system using Tandem hardware and Data Phase software. Collections total 1.8 million volumes and 1.6 million microform units. Of the 243 FTE staff, 127 are em ployed in public services. Membership is held in ARL, CRL, AMIGOS, and OCLC. The total budget is $7 million. ASU, with 40,000 students, is the nation’s 6th largest university and is located near Phoenix, the nation’s 9th largest city. Salary: $40,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. TIAA-CREF or state retirement plan; annual paid leave of 22 days’ vacation; 12 days’ sick leave and 10 holidays; tuition remission for employee and family at all three Arizona universities. Librarians serve on university governance committees and are eligible for continuing em ploym ent status and sabbatical leave. Applicants must include documentation or evidence of specific qualifications and short statements (no more than 2 pages each) concerning (a) their philosophy of public service and (b) what new public service program s they have implemented and are interested in implementing. Send letter of application, resume, supporting documents, and a list of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. A copy of the complete posi­ tion description is available upon request. Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by October 29, 1984, when review will begin. ASU is a co m m itte d equal op p o rtu n ity, affirm ative action em ployer. M inorities are e n co u ra g e d to apply. September 1984 / 451 selection, training, staff development, supervision, and evaluation: funding; expenditure control; space utilization; statistical, evaluative, planning, and other reports; and the promotion of good relation with faculty, students, and the public. The Head establishes priorities and objectives for the Fine Arts Libraries based on consultation with li­ brary and section heads regarding needs and available resources. The Head consults with staff, library administrative officers, library committees and faculty of the schools and departments served, as appropriate. The Head of the Fine Arts Libraries participates in the general planning and problem-solving activities of the UCLA Li­ braries, and the University-wide library system, as appropriate. Evi­ dence must show that candidates have dem onstrated com petence in administration in a com plex organizational environment, particu­ larly: com petence in planning, setting objectives and priorities, com ­ municating, mobilizing individuals to group action, and organizing for effective action; capability of working with various academic, li­ brary, and public groups and individuals; understanding of the mis­ sion of higher education and faculty/student information needs in the sciences; familiarity with research trends in the fine arts, architecture, and urban planning; com plete understanding of academ ic library services to the fine arts, architecture, and urban planning and the ability to formulate, advocate, and relate goals and program s to the fields served. A degree in library science is desirable. Salary range is $22,776=$38,532. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei, Director, Administrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. The application letter should include a com plete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifi­ cations for the position. This position will remain open until filled; can­ didates applying by October 1, 1984, will be given first consider­ ation. UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage all qualified persons to apply. Librarians at UCLA are rep­ resented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federa­ tion of Teachers (AFT). This position is exem pt from the bargaining unit. HEAD, NPI BRANCH LIBRARY. The M cGoogan Library, Univer­ sity of Nebraska Medical Center, is seeking applicants for the posi­ tion of Head, Nebraska Psychiatric Institute Library. This facility has recently been incorporated as a branch of the M cGoogan Library. The NPI branch librarian is responsible for the overall management of a public services facility serving University of Nebraska Medical Center faculty, staff, and students stationed at NPI. Responsibilities include circulation and maintenance of a specialized collection of ap­ proximately 8,000 monographs, 115 serials subscriptions, and 1200 audiovisuals; provision of manual reference services and online searches of NLM and BRS databases; provision of user education program s for NPI clientele; supervision of half time library assistant; coordination of branch activities with parallel program s at the main library; marketing of library services to NPI clientele; developm ent of branch collection in cooperation with Collection Development Li­ brarian; developm ent and implementation of branch policies and procedures; planning for future program s and needs of the branch. The Head, NPI Branch, reports to the Associate Director for Public Services, M cGoogan Library. Minimum qualifications include an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited school, plus either (1) 3 years’ public services experience (preferably reference) in a health sci­ ences, psychiatric, or mental health library, or (2) 3 years’ public ser­ vices experience in a general library, plus substantial coursework in psychology. G ood verbal and written com munication skills are es­ sential. Highly desirable: experience in searching NLM or BRS data­ bases; coursework in medical librarianship; supervisory experience. This is a tenure-track faculty position with appropriate rank, privi­ leges, responsibilities, and fringe benefits. Salary: $19,000 m ini­ mum. Available January 1, 1985. Send resume with names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of 3 references to: Phyllis Bellows, Administrative Assistant, M cGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 42nd & Dewey Ave., Omaha, NE 68105. Deadline for applications: October 3 1 ,1 9 8 4 . The University of Nebraska is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF H U M A N IT IE S /S O C IA L SC IEN C ES A C C E SS SER ­ VICES, Washington State University, Pullman, W ashington. Tenure- MANAGER, INFORMATION CENTER The Research Institute at the University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia is accepting applications for the position of Manager, Information Center. Advanced degree in Physical Science, Engineering, or Library Science is required. Qualifications include experience in managing a center for acquisition of information for reseachers. Knowledge of on-line search techniques and establishing databases is required. Knowledge of Arabic would be useful. Salary is competitive. Benefits include annual repatriation, housing, and transportation allowance. Candidates possessing the above requirements, should apply to address listed below furnishing detailed resume of educational qualifications and experience, names and addresses of four referees, including present employer, present position held, last salary drawn certificate from the employer, and attaching copies of degrees and transcripts and passport size photograph. University of Petroleum & Minerals Houston Office 5718 Westheimer, Suite 1550 Department 210 Houston, Texas 77057 452 / C & R L N ew s HEAD OF REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Montana State University Available November 1,1984. Montana State Uni­ versity seeks a creative and energetic head for the reference department to join us in exploring innova­ tive approaches to information services. The Head of Reference reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services and works closely with other de­ partments to coordinate and carry out library poli­ cies. Coordinates all reference activities including the management of interlibrary loan, bibliographic instruction and online search services. Plans and implements programs and prepares department budget. Participates in the selection, training, su­ pervision and evaluation of approxim ately 7.5 pro­ fessional and 5.5 support staff. Expected to partici­ pate in lib ra ry and cam pus com m ittees. W ork schedule may include some evening and weekend hours. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited insti­ tution. Master’s or Ph.D. in subject field required: ABD considered, Eight years of progressively re­ sponsible relevant experience, primarily in an aca­ dem ic reference department. Experience with a bibliographic utility, WLN preferred. Demonstrated understanding of interlibrary loan, bibliographic in­ struction and online search services. Evidence of professional creativity and initiative. Ability to work well with a variety of people in an academic environ­ ment. Demonstrated leadership ability to analyze problems and develop practical solutions; pian, or­ ganize and im plem ent w ork procedures; train, manage and motivate staff. Demonstrated ability and willingness to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. A ppointm ent and salary: tenure-track, FY posi­ tion at assistant professor level. $27,000 minimum. Candidate must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Montana State University nestles in the moun­ tains of southwestern Montana ninety miles north of Yellowstone National Park. We are the state’s land g rant institution, with an enrollm ent exceeding 11,000 students. Montana State University is an af­ firmative action, equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from female, minority and disabled persons. Application procedures: please send letter of ap­ plication, resume, and three letters of recommen­ dation which specifically address the requirements for this position to: Reference Search Committee Chair, Dean’s Office, Roland R. Renne Library, M ontana State U niversity, Bozem an, MT 59717-0022. Application materials must be post­ marked or received no later than September 21, 1984. track, p u b lic services position responsible for m anag ing circulation, serial record, and m icroform operations (19 FTE classified staff, 13.5 FTE stu d e n t assistants); coordinates system -w ide policies and p ro ­ cedu re s for an autom ated serials control system. Will particip ate in design and im plem entation of an autom ated serials control system. Required: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS; supe rvisory experience; d e m o n ­ strated leadership and com m u n ica tio n skills; ability to w o rk with a d i­ verse staff. Desirable: p u b lic service e xpe rience in an a ca d e m ic li­ brary, prefera bly in circulation or serial record; e xpe rience with library autom ation as a p p lie d to p u b lic services; trainin g in m an a g e ­ m ent or supervision. Rank: Librarian II. Salary com m e nsurate with qualification and experience. (Entry level professional salary begins at $17,200). TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program , 22 days va ca ­ tion and 12 days sick-leave per year. Send letter of application, re­ sum e and nam es and addresses of 3 references to: D onna L. M c­ C ool, A ssista n t D ire c to r fo r A d m in is tra tiv e S ervices, Libraries, W ashington State University, Pullman, W A 99164-5610. A p plication review begins O ctob er 15, 1984. W ashington State University is an equal o p p ortun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. H E A D , P H Y S IC A L S C IE N C E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y L I­ B R A R IE S . U niversity of California, Los Angeles. U n der the general direction of the Associate University Librarian for Research and In­ structional Services, the Head of PSTL has adm inistrative responsi­ bility for co o rd in a tin g the operations, long-ra nge planning, and d i­ re c tio n o f fo u r lib r a r ie s — E n g in e e r in g a n d M a th S c ie n c e s , Chem istry, Physics, and G e o lo g y — a technical processing unit, and an interlibrary loan operation, in clud ing: policies, program s; user and technical service, in clu d in g online su p p o rt system applications and b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction; collection m a n ag em e nt and control; personnel m anagem ent, in clu d in g recruitm ent, selection, training, staff deve lop m en t, supervision, and evaluation; funding; e x p e n d i­ ture control; space utilization; statistical, evaluative, planning and other reports; and the prom otion of g o o d relations with faculty, stu­ dents, and the public. The Head establishes priorities and objectives for PSTL based on consultation with the library and section heads re g a rd in g needs and available resources. The Head consults with staff, library adm inistrative officers, library com m ittees and faculty of the schools and dep artm ents served as a pp ro priate. The H ead of PSTL participates in the general planning and problem -solving activ­ ities of the U C LA Libraries, and the University-w ide library system, as a pp ro priate. Evidence m ust show that ca nd ida tes have d e m o n ­ strated co m p e te n ce in adm inistration in a co m p le x organizational environm ent, particularly: c o m p e te n ce in planning, setting o b je c ­ tives and priorities, com m u nica ting, m obilizing in dividuals to g ro u p action, and o rgan izin g for effective action; capa bility of w o rkin g with various academ ic, library, and p u b lic g ro u p s and individuals; u n d e r­ standing of the m ission of hig h e r e du cation and fa cu lty/stu d e n t infor­ m ation needs in the sciences; fam iliarity with research tren ds in the physical sciences and technology; com ple te u n d erstan ding of aca­ d e m ic library services to the sciences and the ability to form ulate, a d ­ vocate, and relate goals and p ro g ra m s to the fields served. A deg re e in library science is desirable. Salary range is $ 2 2 ,7 7 6 -$ 3 8 ,5 3 2 . A n yo n e w ishing to be co n sid e re d for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei, Director, A d m inistra tive Systems and Personnel Services, U niversity Research Library, UCLA, 405 H ilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. The a p p lication letter should in clud e a c o m ­ plete statem ent of qualifications, a full resum e of edu cation and rele­ vant experience, and the nam es of at least three persons w ho are kno w le d g e a b le ab o u t the a p p lic a n t’s qualifications for the position. This position will rem ain open until filled; ca nd ida tes a p p lyin g by O c­ to b e r 1 ,1 9 8 4 , will be given first consideration. U C LA is an equal o p ­ portunity, affirm ative action em ployer. We e n co u ra g e all qualified persons to apply. Librarians at U C LA are represented by an exclu ­ sive ba rg a in in g agent, the A m erican Federation of Teachers (AFT). This position is exe m p t from the b a rga ining unit. IN S T R U C T IO N A L L IB R A R IA N . Reports to Head, Reference De­ partm ent. Assesses g ra d u a te /u n d e rg ra d u a te instructional needs. Plans, im plem ents, coordinates an integrated, com prehen sive in­ structional program , utilizing existing library staff. W orks with and a d ­ vises faculty in instructional matters. Assists in the Reference D epart­ m ent. Serves as subject b ib lio g ra p h e r in e ng ine ering or a science. Requirem ents: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS or a cce p ta b le equivalent; three years professional experience, in clu d in g tw o in library instruction; ef­ fe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; p la n n in g a b ility. A d d itio n a l scien- ce /e n g in e e rin g a ca d e m ic preparation preferred. Salary: $18,300 m inim um . Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of ref­ erence to: William F. Rogers, A ssociate Director, Ohio University Li­ braries, Athens, OH 45701. A p p lica tio n deadline: S e ptem ber 30, September 1984 / 453 1984. Ohio University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ­ ployer. LABOR AND IN D U STR IA L RELATIO NS LIBRARIAN, Michigan State University. Primary responsibilities: public service and collec­ tion development. Holdings in labor law, arbitration, collective bar­ gaining, and human resources development. Staffed by 3 FTE. Re­ ports d ire ctly to the D irector of School of Labor and Industrial Relations and to the Head of Resources and Special Services De­ partment of Library. Qualifications: masters degree from accredited library school; minimum of 5 years professional experience with LIR collection; know ledge of database searching and bibliographic in­ struction; professional association m embership. Minimum salary, $25,00Q -$27,000. TIAA/CREF retirement. 12-month appointm ent. Starting date: October 1, 1985. A p ply to: Jack Stieber, Director, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1032. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. LIBRARIAN OF THE TO ZZER LIBRARY. To administer library of 152,000 volumes in fields of archaeology, biological and cultural an­ thropology. Located next to Peabody Museum, library is one of 11 units of Harvard College Library, serving Faculty of Arts and Sci­ ences. Direction of 5 professionals, 10 support staff and student help. Qualifications: MLS degree with minimum 4 years significant professional library experience in academ ic setting, including ad­ ministrative and supervisory experience; academ ic background in anthropology; interpersonal and com m unication skills. Librarian II ($20,600 minimum) or Librarian III ($25,400 minimum), dep ending on qualifications. Available 1 Novem ber 1984. Good benefits pack­ age. Resumes to: Karen N. McFarlan, University Personnel Librar­ ian, Harvard College Library, Cam bridge, MA 02138. An equal o p ­ portunity, affirmative action employer. MAP LIBR ARIAN , new position, Georgia State University. Tenure- track position with faculty rank and status. The map librarian is re­ sponsible for planning, collection development, cataloging, and ref­ e re n c e a ssista n ce fo r the m ap c o lle c tio n . The m ap lib ra ria n participates in general reference service and provides bibliographic instruction and online searching in map-related areas. Qualifications: DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF TECHNICAL SERVICES (new position) University of Louisville (Associate Professor) The University of Louisville Libraries invites applications and nominations. The University is a state- supported, urban institution of over 19,000 students. The city supports a wide range of cultural activities with particular emphasis on the performing arts. A major effort is underway to revitalize the downtown area. The libraries have been designated as a primary beneficiary of a $40 million fund-raising campaign. The library system contains approximately 1,000.000 volumes and consists of six libraries. D irecto r, D ivision of T ec h n ica l Services: T h is position has administrative responsibility for acquisi­ tions, cataloging and serials, reports to the University Librarian and is a member of the Administrative Advi­ sory Council. The division employs 10 professional librarians and 24 support staff and serves all libraries except Health Sciences. The Library has an acquisitions budget in excess of $1 million, adds 30,000 vol­ umes annually, belongs to S O L IN E T , and uses DataPhase A LIS 2 . R esponsibilities: The library system is presently experiencing significant change and progress in a number of areas. The Director of the Division of Technical Services will provide leadership within this envi­ ronment and will be expected to integrate organizational change with technological development. T n is position will be expected to take a substantial role in meeting the Division’s goals, which include the devel­ opment of a centralized database and an online public catalog and will direct the Division’s ongoing func­ tions related to automation development. T h is person will plan and organize the programs and activities of the Division and coordinate those activities with the collection development program, the public service division and other library units. The Director will be a member of the University Libraries Faculty and will be expected to meet the criteria for promotion, tenure, and award of merit. R eq u irem en ts: M LS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum of 6 years professional library experience in an academic or research library, at least 3 years of such experience in an administrative position in technical services including the supervision of professional librarians; demonstrated knowledge and understanding of acquisitions, cataloging and serials processes, OCLC, (or other network cataloging system), and the application of computer system s to library processes; proven record of creative leader­ ship, strong interpersonal and communication s k ills and ability to plan, organize, and coordinate the work of a technical services unit; appreciation and understanding of the goals of scholarship and research in an academic setting and of interaction between technical services and other library functions. B enefits: competitive. Salary: $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . Apply with letter, vitae, and names of 3 references by O c to b e r 15, 1984, to: David H o rvath, C hair S earch C o m m itte e fo r D irecto r, D ivision of T ech n ical S ervices Ekstrom L ibrary U n iversity of Louisville L o u isville, KY 402 92 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 454 / CÒ RL News a m aster’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school is required. Professional experience with a map collection in both public and technical services, experience in cataloging through OCLC or RLIN, ability to catalog in foreign languages, know ledge of AACR2 and knowledge of general reference sources are required. An academ ic background in geography/geology or coursework in m ap librarianship is preferred. G ood com m unication skills, the ability to work well with colleagues, faculty and students, and the ability to work well independently are essential. Ability and willingness to par­ ticipate in professional and research activities are important. Salary from $20,000 dependent upon qualifications and experience; fac­ ulty rank com mensurate with experience. Send letter of interest, re­ sume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three refer­ ences including immediate supervisors. Materials must be received by September 3 0 ,1 9 8 4 . Send materials to: Dianne M. Smith, Assis­ tant to the Librarian, William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur Street, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30303-3081. An equal education and em ploym ent opportunity institution. M ONOG RAPH RECON PRO JECT SUPERVISO R. This position will report to the Head of the Cataloging With C opy Departm ent and have responsibility for assisting in the planning and im plementation of the M onograph Recon Project, which involves the retrospective conve rsion of m o n o g ra p h ic catalog records, initially in the LC classes PE, PR, and PS. Duties will include participating in the devel­ opm ent of project guidelines and design of workflow procedures; su­ pervising the project, including the hiring, training and revising of student assistants in basic cataloging, MARC tagging, and RLIN database searching and inputting procedures; insuring that the proj­ ect proceeds as scheduled; and m aintaining quality control over the database. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are apti­ tude for analytical and detail work as dem onstrated through previous relevant experience and or superior perform ance in a formal course in cataloging; previous experience with machine-readable biblio­ graph ic databases, preferably RLIN; some expeience with retro­ spective conversion proje cts desirable; a broad subject b a ck­ ground, with a degree in the humanities preferred; the ability to work well with and supervise others; and a working knowledge of German and one or more Romance languages. Preferential consideration will be given to candidates with previous cataloging experience. Sched­ ule: M onday to Friday, five 7-hour days, including 5-9 PM each day. S a la ry ra n g e s : L ib ra ria n I: $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 - $ 2 4 ,7 0 0 ; L ib ra ria n II: $ 2 1 ,000-$27,300. Submit resume, listing salary requirements and 3 references, to: Box 35, Butler Library, Colum bia University Libraries, 535 West 1 14th Street, New York, NY 10027. This is a tem porary two-year position, with possibility of extension. Deadline for applica­ tions is O ctober 12, 1984. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. M USIC CA TALO G ER . University of Georgia, Entry Level Position. (Salary minimum $15,300). Duties: responsible to the Head, Non­ book Cataloging Section for perform ing original cataloging and for supervising 2.5 support staff in copy cataloging of m usic scores and sound recordings in all languages; serving as resource person for m usic cataloging; and participating in the Cataloging D epartm ent’s p olicy-m aking process. The Departm ent, co m p rise d of 30 staff members, catalogs over 40,000 books, serials, microforms, and nonprint materials yearly. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; bachelor’s degree in music; know ledge of AACR, AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings; ability to work with broad range of languages; good oral and written com m unica­ tion skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relation­ ships; experience with OCLC cataloging desired; supervisory expe­ rience desired; knowledge of other automated systems applicable to libraries desired; strong interest in academ ic librarianship desired. Application procedure: send letter of application by O ctober 12, 1984, including resume and names of three references to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, University of G eorgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable candidates are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. READER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. (Search reopened). Supervises and directs w ork of Reader Services Department, including circula­ tion, ILL, reserves, copying service, and periodicals. Participates in BI program online database searching services, staffing reference desk (including evening and weekend hours), liaison program with academ ic departm ents and general and reference collection devel­ opment. Assist in preparing printed reference guide and teaching credit course in library research and bibliography. M em ber of a d ­ ministrative staff council. Supervises 2 -3 FTE support staff and 21 student assistants. ALA-accredited MLS degree and at least one year professional reference and/or circulation experience required. Background in business or sciences desired. Second subject mas­ te r’s degree preferred. Salary from $19,000 to $21,000 for 12-month contract with faculty rank. Excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of ap­ plication, resume, and names of 3 to 5 references by O ctober 1, 1984, to: Wendell Barbour, Chairperson, Reader Services Search Committee, Smith Library, Christopher Newport College, 50 Shoe Lane, Newport News, VA 23606. An EOE/AA employer. REFER EN CE L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO G R A P H E R — S O C IA L S C I­ ENCES, Central University Library Reference Department, Univer­ sity of California, San Diego. Available immediately. Assistant Librar­ ian, $20 ,316 -$ 2 5 ,992 or Associate Librarian, $24,92 9-$35,748 . (Salaries to be increased by 3 .8% effective January 1, 1985) In the Social Sciences and Humanities, the Central University Library Ref­ erence Departm ent is responsible for collection and development, liaison with the University teaching and research com munity, provi­ sion of general and specialized reference services including individ­ ual consultation, bibliographic instruction, interlibrary loan, and de ­ velopm ent of information materials. The departm ent consists of the Departm ent Head, 8 librarians, 4 library assistants, 1 adm inistrative assistant and student assistant. U nder the general direction of the Head of the Reference Department, the Librarian in this position functions as liaison between the Library and selected Social Sci­ ences Departments, and in these assigned subject areas develops collections; guides, assists, and instructs scholars and students in lo­ cating resources and designing effective search strategies; and col­ laborates in the creation of special databases and other access tools. In addition, the librarian coordinates a functional activity within the departm ent, does com puter searching, participates in providing general reference services and contributes to departmental and library-wide projects and activities. UCSD librarians are expected to participate in library planning and to be active professionally. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. A thorough un­ derstanding of scholars’ information needs and of the organization and accessibility of the relevant literature in all formats. Advanced degree in a social science field desired. An appointee at the Associ­ ate Librarian level would be expected to bring to the position well- developed collection developm ent and reference skills, substantial previous academ ic library experience and proven experience in in­ novative approaches to the provision of library service to a c a d e m ic ' researchers. Applicants at this level should also possess leadership skills as evidenced by previous experience; a dem onstrated ability to w ork effectively with research-oriented faculty, library staff, and other m em bers of the academ ic com munity; and evidence of participation in professional activities. Applications must be received or post­ m arked by O ctober 15,198 4. Submit a letter of application, enclos­ ing a resume and a list of references to: Jacqueline Coolman, Per­ sonnel Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-H1, La Jolla, CA 92093. UCSD is an equal opportunity, affirm­ ative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Librarian ll-IV). U nder the general su­ pervision of the Head of Reference, provides general reference as­ sistance in the social sciences and humanities, participates in the li­ brary instruction and orientation program , and perform s com puter literature searches. May provide specialized reference assistance, library instruction, and select materials in psychology. Works a sched ule w hich includes som e evening, w eekend and holiday hours. Must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; ed ­ ucational background in one of the social sciences, preferably psy­ chology; at least two, preferably five years of experience in this or a c o m p a ra b le library, in clu d in g at least tw o in reference service; strong service orientation; excellent reference skills. Com puter litera­ ture searching experience in more than one system (especially BRS and Dialog) and in a wide variety of database highly desirable. This position will be available in January 1985. Salary range will be $20 ,00 0-$30,000 , com mensurate with education and experience. Please send resume to R.F. MacDonald, University of M assachu­ setts Library, Amherst, MA 01003 by September 15,1984. An affirm­ ative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position requires an ALA-accredited MLS and two years’ academ ic library reference experience. Second subject m aster’s degree desirable or significant undergraduate coursew ork in economics, business or other social sciences. Re­ sponsible for collection developm ent in business and social sci­ ences; bibliographic instruction, com puter-assisted research, refer­ Septem ber 1984 / 455 ence services in business and social sciences; sched ule d general reference duty. Position carries faculty rank. Rank and salary d e p e n ­ d en t upo n qualifications and experience. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and three letters of recom m endation to: Office of A c a d e m ic Affairs, Library Search, W estern Kentucky University, Bow ling Green, KY 42101. A p plications will be a cce p te d until posi­ tion is filled.. An affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. REFER EN CE LIB R A R IA N W IT H S P E C IA L IZ A T IO N IN S O C IA L S C IE N C E S A N D G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S . Provides gen eral reference service with 11 full-time reference specialists. S pecial­ ist activities include extensive online database searching, biblio­ g ra p h ic instruction, dep artm ent liaison, collection developm ent, and the prom otion of existing Federal and state dep o sito ry d o cu m e n t collections. A L A -accre dited MLS, or equivalent, required. U n d e r­ gradu ate m ajor in one of the social sciences is preferred. W ork e xp e ­ rience with a d ocu m e nts collection and an a d va n ce d deg re e in a so­ cia l s c ie n c e d is c ip lin e are d e s ira b le . T e n u re -tra c k p o s itio n . 12-m onth appointm ent, 24 days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Salary ranges, d e p e n d e n t upon qualifications: in­ structor, $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 ; assistant professor, $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . Send letter of a p p lic a tio n , c u rre n t resum e, a n d the nam es, a d ­ dresses, and telep hone num bers of 3 recent references by O ctob er 15, 1984, to: Jill Keally, Personnel Librarian, The University of Ten­ nessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, affirm a­ tive action, Title IX, Section 504 em ployer. S E R IA L S /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Responsible for m anage m ent of Serials Dept., in clud ing binding and e xcha nge of materials. Services at reference desk and does database searching. C o o rd i­ nates library activities for one or m ore subject areas. A L A -accre dited deg re e required, b a ckg ro u n d in social sciences and som e serials experience preferred. Tenure track position, with research, service, and subject m aste r’s required for prom otion a n d /o r tenure. M ini­ mum salary: $16,500, with rank of Instructor, to $18,500 for Assistant Professor, d e p e n d in g on qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of application, postm arked no later than O ctob er 15, 1984, with resum e and three references, giving their curre nt a d ­ d resses and te le p h o n e n u m b e rs, to: C hair, Search C o m m itte e, G o ld e n L ib ra ry, Eastern N e w M e x ic o U n ive rsity, Portales, NM 88130. An AA/EEO em ployer. S E R IA L S C A T A L O G E R . Southern Illinois University at C a rb o n ­ d a le , M o rris L ib ra ry . R e q u ire d : m a s te r ’ s d e g re e fro m A L A - a ccredite d library school. Preferred qualifications: one or m ore years serials ca ta lo g in g e xpe rience in a college or university library; b ib lio ­ g ra p h ic skills in French, G erm an, Spanish, and /or other languages; experience with an autom ated system such as OCLC. Faculty rank, full-time, 12-m onth, renew able term appointm ent. University Retire­ m ent System of Illinois, state paid life, m edical and surgical insur­ ance, liberal leave benefits in clu d in g 25 vacation days and 11 holi­ da ys per c o n tra c t year. S alary of $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 and up b ase d upo n education and experience. Position available im m ediately. A p p lic a ­ tion deadline S e ptem ber 20, 1984. A p p ly to: Don E. W ood, C hair­ person, Search Com m ittee, Serials Departm ent, M orris Library, Southern Illinois University at C arbondale, C arbondale, IL 62901. The University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. SE R IA L S C A T A L O G E R . C atalogs periodicals and catalogs and classifies classed together serials. Supervises and revises w o rk of Serial Record Assistant. O rganizes and supervises b ib lio g ra p h ic searching of uncataloged serial items received in departm ent. Re­ quired: A L A -accre dited MLS, cataloging proficie ncy in at least one foreign language, expe rience with LC classification and subject headings and AACR 2 know le dge of OCLC cataloging procedures. Desired: two or m ore years relevant expe rience in an aca d e m ic or research library. U n d e rg ra d u a te deg re e in the sciences or social sci­ ences. Supervisory experience. Salary range: $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 7 ,5 0 0 . TIAA/CREF, g ro u p life, m edical, dental, 22 days vacation. A p p o in t­ m ent by N o vem b er 1, 1984. A p p ly by O ctober 1, 1984, to: Wilson Snodgrass, Associate Director, Central University Libraries, South­ ern M ethodist University, Dallas, TX 75275. An affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. S E R IA LS LIB R A R IA N (Search re-opened). To catalog a periodicals collection, supervise participation in statewide union list of serials us­ ing OCLC, and maintain a local periodicals database. As tim e allows, other catalo gin g m ay be assigned. Oualifications: A L A -accre dited MLS; w o rkin g know le dge of AACR2, LC classification and subject hea din gs as a pp lied to serials; expe rience with an autom ated cata­ lo gin g system, preferably OCLC; previous serials cataloging and su­ pervisory experience preferred. Salary $17,500 m inim um , c o m m e n ­ su ra te with e d u c a tio n a n d e x p e rie n c e . T e m p o ra ry 2 -ye a r term contract with faculty status. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: D ire cto r’s Office, Olson Library, N orth­ ern M ichigan University, M arquette, Ml 49855. Please describ e rele­ vant expe rience and coursew ork. Deadline: O ctob er 15, 1984. An A A /E O em ployer. S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S LIB R A R IA N , M andeville D epartm ent of Special Collections, Central University Library, University of C alifor­ n ia , San D ie g o . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . A s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n , $ 2 0 ,3 1 6 - $ 2 5 ,992 or Associate Librarian, $ 2 4 ,8 2 8 -$ 3 5 ,7 4 8 . (Sala­ ries to be increased by 3 .8 % effective January 1, 1985). The M an­ deville D epartm ent of Special C ollections houses a non-circulating collection of books, m anuscripts, maps, newspapers, recordings, art, ephem era, and other m aterials supp orting selected research and instructional program s of UCSD. Some 60,000 volum es include significant collections of m aterials in the areas of Pacific voyages and travels, Pacific studies, tw entieth-century poetry, the Spanish Civil War, Baja California, U.S.— M exico relations, Latin Am erica, and sci­ ence and p u b lic policy. The University A rchives are also located in the departm ent. The D epartm ent actively prom otes the use of its special collections and coordinates efforts with other cam pus special collections, m ost notably in the Scripps Institution of O ce a n o g ra p h y and the Biom edical Library. The D epartm ent also coordinates p ro ­ gram s between the Friends of the UCSD Library and the cam pus. The D e p a rtm e n t’s materials are cataloged by the L ib ra ry’s Catalog Departm ent; cataloging is currently perform ed on O CLC and rec­ ords are loaded into the University of C alifornia Online U nion C atalog (MELVYL). The Library is in the process of autom ating all of its te ch n i­ cal processing operations using the Biblio-Techniques Libra ry Infor­ m ation System (BLIS). U nder the direction of the Head of Special Collections, this librarian will have both p ub lic services and technical services responsibilities within the departm ent. The app oin tee will be expe cted to deve lop in-depth know le dge of the special collections in order to provid e reader assistance in the use of the materials. Will be responsible for deve lo p in g uses of the m icro co m p u te r in provid ing access to the collections. Will supervise Special C ollections su p p o rt staff e n g a g e d in technical processing, and will be responsible for the d e p artm ent in the absence of the d e p artm ent head. In a cco rd a n ce with the policies and pro ce d u re s of the Central University Library Catalog Departm ent, will be responsible for the original cataloging and classifying of books, serials and non -b ook m aterials in the De­ partm ent of Special Collections, p ro vid in g b ib lio g ra p h ic description and access points a cco rd in g to AACR 2 and B iblio g ra p h ic D e scrip­ tion o f Rare Books. Will be expe cted to participate in and contribute to the Central Library C atalog D epartm ent thro ugh its regular m eet­ ings, thro ugh suggestions for w o rkflow m odification, and by d eve l­ o ping special expertise; the in c u m b e n t’s catalog record creation will be supervised and evaluated by Catalog D epartm ent staff. UCSD li­ brarians are also expe cted to participate in library-w ide planning and to be active professionally. Oualifications: A p p lica n ts should d e m o n ­ strate aw areness of national and international trends in user services, online inform ation retrieval services, and cataloging and bib lio ­ g ra p h ic control in special collections librarianship. MLS from an A L A -accre dited library school; fam iliarity with AACR2, Library of C ongress Subject Headings, Library of C ongress Classification sys­ tem, and M ARC form ats. Desirable qualifications include a cad em ic b a ckg ro u n d in H ispanic or Latin Am erican studies or Pacific area studies; reading know le dge of Spanish; rare book/special collec­ tions curatorial experience; supervisory experience. An a pp oin tee at the Associate level w ould be expe cted to bring to the position well- deve lo p e d reference or cataloging skills or curatorial experience; su­ pervisory experience. An appointee at the Associate level w o uld be e xpe cted to bring to the position w ell-developed reference and cata­ lo g in g skills or curatorial experience, and substantial experience in an aca d e m ic library or large research institution. A p plications m ust be received or postm arked by O ctob er 15, 1984. Subm it a letter of application, enclosing a resum e and a list of references to: J a c ­ queline Coolm an, Personnel Librarian, University of California, San Diego, Library, C -075 -H 1, La Jolla, CA 92093. UCSD is an equal o p ­ portunity, affirm ative action em ployer. 456 / C& L News LATE JOB LISTINGS AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN AND COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES (Search reopened). Primary responsibilities: automated procedures, coordination of cataloging, acquisition and serials, as well as planning for online catalog and circulation systems. Purchasing and fiscal control of materials budget. Additional duties: part-time reference, some nights and weekends, collection development in specified subject areas, faculty liaison. Participation in long-range planning, use studies and other special projects. Requirements: ALA-accredited library degree. Additional graduate degree (or extensive experience) in computer science and/or administration. Familiarity with academic library issues essential. Twelve-month contract. Salary: minimum $20,000, depending on qualifications. Send resume to: Theresa Taborsky, Library Director, Wolfgram Memorial Library, Widener University, Chester, PA 19013. EOE/AA. AUTOMATION MANAGER. The University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library System (GLS) has reopened the search for Automation Manager. This is an academic staff position that reports to the Director of the GLS. Benefits include vacation, sick leave, insurances, retirement. Salary minimum: $30,000. Qualifications: advanced degree in information science, computer science or library science; education in systems analysis, principles of programming and system design, and information technology; ability to analyze complex systems; experience in planning library automation with mainframe/minicomputer applications; interest in microcomputer applications desirable; written and oral communication skills; ability to teach and promote the use of information technology in libraries to library staff and the campus community; ability to develop cost analyses and budgets for automation activities. Responsibilities: reports to and works closely with Director of GLS in overall administration of library automation. Coordinates planning and monitors all library activities in relation to the Network Library System (NLS)— an automated circulation system and online catalog— being developed jointly by the UW-Madison, the University of Chicago, and IBM, currently in the test phase. Within this framework is responsible for fiscal control, design and development, acceptance testing, implementation, staff training, patron relations and acts as liaison with campus computing community; provides program direction for other in-house, contracted or purchased automated systems; advises on the use of microcomputers; advises on the use of bibliographic database retrieval systems. Applications including resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references should be sent to: Sandra Pfahler, Assistant Director, Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, WI 53706. Application deadline: September 30, 1984. EEO/AA. BIBLIOGRAPHER, HISTORY. This position is primarily responsible for the selection of materials in the field of history, covering all areas of the world (primarily the United States and Western Europe), published in English and Western European languages. Shares major responsibility with the humanities bibliographer for the development, management, and preservation of the Butler Library collections, presently numbering over 1.5 million volumes. The incumbent will report to the Chief, Resource Development Division and work closely with other subject and area bibliographers in providing coverage of needed research materials. The incumbent will also be expected to maintain close relationship with faculty, research associates, and students. An MLS from an accredited library school and/or advanced degree in history highly desirable. Other requirements are a working knowledge of at least two major Western European languages (preferably German and French). Preference will be given to applicants with prior relevant experience in a large research library. Salary ranges: Librarian I: $19,999—$24,700; Librarian II: September 1984 / 457 $21,000-$27,300. Submit resume, listing 3 references and salary requirements to: Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 West 114tl Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is October 5, 1984. Ai equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES. The University of Minnesota Libraries-Twii Cities campus seeks applicants for the position of Social Science; Bibliographer. The bibliographer’s responsibilities include the following 1) selects materials to support instruction and research in social sciences presently including economics, geography, and anthropology; 2) analyzes develops, and manages collections according to University needs; 3) prepare: budget requests and manages an acquisitions budget; 4) serves as library liaison with the departments of Economics, Geography, and Anthropology, an‹ with other social science departments and programs as assigned; 5) perform: bibliographic instruction in relevant subjects; 6) offers reference service including online database searching, and research assistance in areas o: collection development responsibility; 7) participates actively in th‹ profession through relevant research, publication, and/or professional association activities. Required qualifications are a master’s degree ii library science, experience in collection management and development at ‹ professional level in social science disciplines in a research library, an‹ knowledge of the literature and research methods of at least one of the social sciences, as demonstrated by education or experience. Other desire‹ qualifications include an advanced degree in a social science discipline working knowledge of one or more modern European languages, experience ii online database searching and in bibliographic instruction, and gooc communication skills. The minimum salary is $20,000. The appointment maj begin January 1, 1985, at the rank of Assistant or Associate Librarian. Appointment as Associate Librarian requires meeting the minimum qualification: above and also five or more years work in collection development in the social sciences in a research library. Desired qualifications at this rank ar‹ either scholarly or professional publications or evidence of good teaching, To apply, please send a letter of application and a resume, including references to publications, a statement of research interests, and names an‹ addresses of three references to: Robert Wright, Personnel Officer University Libraries, 499 Wilson Library, 309~19th Avenue South, Minneapolis MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 30, 1984, The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer an‹ specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. CATALOGER. Catalogs and classifies (LC) general works, history, languages an‹ literature, social sciences, art, and education. Disciplines may b‹ reassigned as required. Required: ALA-MLS with 2 years’ experience, Knowledge of LC classification, AACR2, and ISBD (M) rules. One moderi European language, perferably German. Desirable: OCLC experience, a secon‹ European language, preferably French. Instructor rank with full faculty status. Salary range for 12 months $14,500-$19,500, 20 days’ annual leave plus 10 paid holidays. Excellent fringes including retirement program paid ii full. A 2-year temporary term appointment which may be renewed. Opei immediately. Applications received October 1, 1984, will receive first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and academic credential: to: Carl H. Sachtleben, Director of Libraries, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. AA, EO employer. CATALOGERS (2). Monographs and serials. HEA II-C funded. One year wit! possibility of second year renewal. Responsible for cataloging anc classifying serials and monographic materials in all Western Europeai languages, Russian and Yiddish and all subject fields using AACR2, L( 458 / C&RL News classification and subject headings, and the RLIN cataloging system. Reports to the Head of Cataloging. Materials to be cataloged are from the Taminent Library— a collection of unique materials related to radical political movements and labor history. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of at least two Western European languages; experience using AACR2, LC classification and subject headings preferred; familiarity with automated cataloging systems and MARC formats. Preference will be given to candidates with RLIN experience. Salary/Benefits: faculty status, tuition remission, TIAA/CREF, five weeks annual vacation. Minimum salary: $20,000. To insure consideration send resume and letter of application, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references immediately to: Connie Colter, Personnel Officer, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University, 70 Washington Square South, Room 1118, New York, NY 10012. NYU is an equal- opportunity, affirmative action employer. CREATIVE ARTS LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track. Assistant professor. $18,000 per year minimum. FY position. Position available January 1, 1985. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and master’s in relevant subject area required, MA in art history preferred. Reports to the Assistant Director for Public Services of the MSU library. Administers the Creative Arts Library (CAL), including slide room, and works closely with the faculty of the College of Arts and Architecture. Develops policies and procedures for circulation, acquisition, collection arrangement, collection development, reference, and reserves. Plans and executes orientation and bibliographic instruction programs. Prepares CAL budget. Participates in the selection, training, and evaluation of classified and part-time staff. May serve on library and campus committee. Deadline: October 15, 1984. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: CAL Search Committee Chair, Dean’s Office, Roland R. Renne Library, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. AA/EOE. HEAD, CARD CATALOG REFERENCE. California State University, Sacramento Library. Required qualifications: MLS (ALA accredited or equivalent); reference experience in an academic setting; ability to develop and present instructional programs to staff and users; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing; excellent interpersonal skills; demonstrable planning and organizational skills. Preferred qualifications: experience in supervision, in database searching and in collection development. Assignment: coordinate, schedule and supervise activities of the card catalog reference desk, including service at the desk at least 10 hours/week plus 1 evening/week and some weekends. Provides a continuing series of in-service reference training programs. Participates in collection development, database searching, and in library instruction. Appointment: Assistant librarian (tenure-track), 12 months, $1502-2063/month, depending on qualifications. Generous benefits. Available October 15, 1984. Send letters of application, resume, and list of three references postmarked by September 28, 1984 to: Dr. Charles Martell, CSUS Library, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, Sacramento CA, 95819. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD, MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. The University of Missouri-Columbia is seeking a librarian responsible for managing cataloging production activities of the Monographic Cataloging Department, with responsibility for overall planning and development of departmental policies and procedures. Performs cataloging, both original and difficult revisions of shared cataloging; participates in Technical Services Department Heads group which contributes to the overall administration of Technical Services; analyzes developments in the field and integrates new practices into the department; participates in development of system-wide, online integrated library system. Requires an ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science; three years’ September 1984 / 459 successful cataloging experience; familiarity with AACR2, LC practice, MARC formats, OCLC (or other bibliographic utility), LC subject headings and classification; demonstrated evidence of user-oriented cataloging philosophy; ability to balance effectiveness and efficiency in policies and procedures; effective communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of Romance or Germanic language(s); familiarity with developments in automation of Technical Services; and familiarity with the research process and the complexities of a large academic library. Candidates with successful supervisory experience will be preferred. Minimum salary: $20,000 for 12 months with usual fringe benefits. Available: immediately. Send letter of application, names of three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 Ellis Library, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201. Deadline for applications: October 15, 1984. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. University of California, Santa Barbara. Responsible for overall planning of departmental activities and administration of all resources in department of 14 librarians and 19 support staff. Manages reference collection of 30,000 volumes serving humanities and social sciences. Works closely with nine other department heads of library. Requires MLS degree, understanding of educational role of library and commitment to public service function of academic research library; understanding of online data services and bibliographic instruction and knowledge of reference sources appropriate to humanities and social sciences; collection management and foreign language desirable. Salary range for Associate Librarian/Librarian is $24,828— $42,000. Send resumes by October 15, 1984, to: Margaret Deacon, Associate University Librarian, UCSB Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an AA/EOE. HEAD OF THE REFERENCE SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Faculty, tenure-track position available in University Library. Reports to Director of Libraries, administers and participates in Reference Services Department of three reference librarians and two plus FTE staff. Reference services include main reference desk, online searching, ILL and reference collection development. Head of Reference Services works closely with Head of Bibliographic Instruction and Head of Collection Development to coordinate work of reference librarians. Candidates should demonstrate ability to supervise work of other library faculty and classified staff and leadership initiative required to respond to a growing university with a rapidly diversifying curriculum. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; 5 years relevant library experience. Preferred: 2nd MA or Ph.D and research and publication record. Appointment at Assistant Librarian rank or above (equivalent to Assistant Professor). Salary $20,000+ depending on education and experience. USA Libraries hold membership in SOLINET/OCLC and operate NOTIS, an integrated library system with an online catalog. USA Libraries are pursuing membership in the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries. University of South Alabama includes Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business and Management Studies, Education, Engineering, Allied Health Professions, Nursing, Medicine and Division of Computer and Information Sciences and three branch campuses serving nearly 10,000 students. University budget is in excess of $100,000,000. Benefits include: 20 days’ vacation, subsidized insurance, state retirement, subsidized TIAA/CREF option. Submit resume and names of three references by September 30, 1984, to: Chair, University Library Search Committee, Library Administration, The University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER (Search reopened). Northwestern University Library. Entry level position. Performs original and complex copy cataloging of monographs, including descriptive and subject cataloging, classification and 460 / C&RL News authority work, using AACR2, LCSH, DDC 19, and the MARC bibliographic and authorities formats. Works cataloged are from or about Africa, or by African authors. They may be on any subject, and in any of a variety of languages. Cataloging and authority work are performed on Northwestern1s NOTIS (Northwestern Total Online Integrated System) library automation system, for inclusion in the union online catalog, and forwarding to the RLIN database. Some authority work may be performed for the Library of Congress’ Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) Program. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA—accredited library school, working knowledge of one or more foreign languages, preferably including French. Experience in library technical services using an automated system preferred. Some Africana background desirable, but not required. Salary: $16,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Lance Query, Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by October 31, 1984, will be considered. An EEO/AA employer. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN. Assists the director of collection management in planning, evaluating and administering the Library’s preservation program. Works closely with special collections, subject specialist, and Stacks Unit. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Training in preservation administration and hands on conservation techniques; formal training preferred. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Subject master’s degree is required for tenure. Salary/Benefits: faculty status, tuition remission, TIAA/CREF, 5 weeks annual vacation. Minimum salary: $20,000. To insure consideration send resume and letter of application, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references immediately, to: Connie Colter, Personnel Officer, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University, 70 Washington Square South, Room 1118, New York, NY 10012. NYU is an equal- opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE/CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Clarkson University seeks librarian to work with team providing reference services to both undergraduates and faculty. Responsibilities will include reference, bibliographic instruction, computer searching, and collection development with subject emphasis in science, engineering, and management. Will participate in overall planning for library programs. Will also manage cataloging area of two support staff, develop policy and procedures, set up special projects, and resolve cataloging problems. Work in this area will be under the general direction of Head, Bibliographic Control. Position requires ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of OCLC and AACR2, and experience in cataloging. Experience in staff supervision, reference services, computer-based bibliographic searching, and a background in science or technology, are all desirable. Screening began August 15 and will continue until position is filled. Salary: minimum $19,000. Send application with resume and names and addresses of 3 professional references to: Richard Valente, Director, Educational Resources Center, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. MLS required. Course work in business and/or experience in a business library preferred. Minimum $15,000, negotiable based on qualifications and experience. Submit resume and "3 current references by October 15, 1984, to: Virgil F. Massman, James Jerome Hill Reference Library, Fourth and Market Streets, St. Paul, MN 55102. SERIALS CATALOGER (Search reopened). Performs new cataloging, recataloging and classification of serials at all levels of difficulty for Northwestern’s automated system (NOTIS) using the Dewey Decimal Classification, Library of Congress Subject Headings and the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. Functions September 1984 / 461 as liaison to Catalog Management Section of the Catalog Department and assists the Senior Serials Cataloger with problem solving and other difficult work of the Serials Catalog Section. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited library school; working knowledge of two or more languages, preferably including French and German; ability to catalog in unfamiliar languages using a dictionary. Serials cataloging experience in an automated system using the MARC serials and authorities formats preferred. Salary: $16,000-$18,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Lance Query, Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by October 31, 1984, will be considered. An EEO/AA employer. CATALOGING. The Florida State University Library announces the reopening of the position of Head, Monographic Cataloging Unit and Assistant Head, Cataloging Department. This position supervises eight professional and eighl sub—professional catalogers, acts as department head in the absence of head, participates in the selection of staff and formulation of policy for the department, trains new employees in the unit and communicates policy to the employees of the unit. AACR2, OCLC, LC, and LCSH. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, five to nine or more years appropriate cataloging and supervisory experience. Appointment may be at the rank of University Librarian (nine or more years professional experience, minimum salary: $20,100) or Associate University Librarian (five years professional experience, minimum salary: $16,870.) State-paid regular and optional retirement. Closing date for applications is September 30, 1984. Send letter of interest, resume, and the names of three references to: Lucille Higgs, Florida State University Library, Tallahassee, FL 32306. An EOE/AA employer. ACRL’S FAST JOB LISTING Looking for a job? Our Fast Job Listing will send you job postings received at A CRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C ‹b R L News. The Fast Job Listing Service also contains advertisements which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not appear in C & R L N ews. The A CRL office prepares a Fast Job Listing circular at the beginning of each month and mails it to subscribers first class. The circular contains all job announcements received during the previous four weeks. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for A CRL members and $15 for nonmembers. You may enter your subscription below. Please enter my subscription to the A C RL Fast Job Listing Service. _________ I am a member of A CRL and am enclosing $10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 am not a member of A CRL and am enclosing $15. NAME:______________________________________________________________________ A D D R E S S :______________________________________________________________________________________ Please make checks pavable to ACRL/ALA and send to Fast Job Listing Service, ACRL/ALA, 50 E . Huron S T .. Chicago. IL 60611. There is only one Computer-Readable d w Databases: A Directory and Data Sourcebook. It always has been compile and edited by Martha E. Williams. The ne edition will be published by the American Library Association. ■ “T he Williams directory o f computer-readable databases is a must for every information center—corporate, academic, public or private” John W. Hawkins, Associate Editor and Director, Research and Special Information Services Division, T h e Bureau o f National Affairs, Inc. ■ “I am pleased to learn that (A L A ) will be publishing the 1984 edition o f Computer-Readable Databases: A Directory an d D ata Soiírcebook. I have utilized the sourcebook since its first edition an d have found it easy to use, comprehensive, an d reliable" Harry Jay Hamilton, Database Project Leader, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Technical Information Service. Comprehensive coverage of Available autumn 1984. Science, technology, medicine 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 4 1 6 -5 $87.50 Business, law, hum anities, social sciences 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 4 1 7 -3 $ 8 7 5 0 Two-volume set 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 4 1 5 -7 $157.50 Available outside North A m erica from Elsevier Science Publishers (N orth- Holland), P.0. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam , The Netherlands. Chicago, Illino is 60611 databases in business, law, medicine, social sciences, humanities, technology, engi­ neering, and consumer in­ formation makes Computer- Readable Databases indis­ pensable in all businesses, industries, and academic and other research centers with staff or clients working with, maintaining, or studying databases. Coverage of internationally available word-oriented databases will be accompanied in the new edition by equivalent treatment of numeric data­ bases. The total number of databases described in detail is approximately 2 ,0 0 0 . Access is provided through subject, producer, online vendor, and name indexes. Under the continuing editor­ ship of Martha E. Williams since it was first published in 1976, this longest- standing of database refer­ ence sources was issued previously by the American Society for Information Sci­ ence (ASIS) and Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. This is the continuation of C om puter-R eadable D a ta ­ bases; it should not be confused with any new data­ base directory announced by ASIS or Knowledge Industry Publications. American Library Association Publishing Services 50 East Huron S treet The B r itish B io g ra p h ica l A rchive 1 7 th —1 9 th C enturies A single alphabet cumulation o f over ̂ 00 o f the most important English-language biographical reference works originally published between 1601 and 1926. L a u re e n B a illie , M a n a g in g E d ito r P a u l S ie v e k in g , E d ito r Included in this convenient A r c h iv e are complete reproductions of biographical entries covering indi­ viduals from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and all British colonies to the date of their independence or home rule, as well as persons generally associated w ith Britain, but not of British birth. Individuals of every class, calling and distinction are included; no one has been omitted for being obscure. The A rch iv e has been cumulated and cross-referenced by the same highly-qualified editors w ho have p ro ­ duced the B L C and the C P M . A printed index and bib­ liography will be available w ith the microfiche. And a special combined index for T h e G e r m a n B io g r a p h ­ ical A rch iv e and The B ritish B io g ra p h ica l A rch iv e will also be available w hen microfiche publication of each archive has been completed. This series of ar­ chives will provide extraordinary new opportunities for research and genealogical reference. A complete listing of the source works used to com­ pile the A r c h iv e is now available. Publication in 12 installments 1984—1987. First installm ent A ugust 1984. 1200 (approx.) fiche, 24X, negative polarity. Silver edition . . $6580* Diazo edition . .$5980* * Requires paym ent on receipt o f the first shipment. AU microfiche editions are in stock in the New York office. For a complete catalog o f Saur microforms, please contact Walter Jaffe at (212) 982-1302. K G S a u r In c -1 7 5 F ifth Avenue-Mew Y o rk , M.Y. 10010 NEW BOOK FROM GALE All Gale Reference Books Are Sent on 60-Day Approval Festivals Sourcebook ...A Reference Guide to Fairs, Fe ­ - f stivals, and Celebrations. 2nd ed. Paul Wasser man, m anaging editor. Edmond L. Applebaum, associate editor. 721 pp. Chronological, event name, geographic, and subject indexes. Gale, 1984. L.C. No. 76-48852. ISBN 0-8103-0323-X. $110.00. (SO) The sourcebook assem bles for con­ v en ien t reference fa c tu a l descrip­ tions of more th a n 4,200 recurring festivals, fairs, and com m unity cele­ brations held in the U.S. and Canada. For each event, a num bered entry gives: official nam e of event, loca­ tion, m onth held, frequency, du ra­ tion, person to contact for furth er d e ta ils , a n d y e a r of o rig in . T he entries are arran g ed in 18 m ajor subjects: agriculture, antiques, the arts, a rts an d crafts, community, dance, ethnic events, film, folk, food a n d drink, history, In d ian s, m arine, music, seasons, state fairs, th eater a n d d ra m a , a n d wildlife. W ithin each subject section, entries follow state and city order. Twentieth-Century Author Biographies Master Index 1st ed. Edited by B arbara McNeil. 519pp. Bibliography of sources cited. Gale, 1984. Paperbound, ISBN 0-8103- 2096-7, $25.00. Clothbound, ISBN 0 8103-2095-9, $60.00. (SO) T C A B M I brings the convenience of G ale’s A u thor Biographies M aster In dex to a wider range of libraries by citing the m ost commonly held sources of biographical inform ation for the m ost asked-about authors. T h is new in d e x c o n ta in s a b o u t 171,000 c ita tio n s to b io g ra p h ic a l articles, essays, an d sketches found in some 210 volumes a n d editions o 55 b io g ra p h ic a l d ic tio n a ries a n d sim ilar works. E ntries are arranged alphabetically by au th o rs’ surnam es an d include b irth and, where appro­ p r ia te , d e a th d a te s p lu s a code indicating the source(s) of biographi­ cal inform ation. The Effects of Nuclear War Prepared by Peter Sharfman, Group Manager for National Security Studies, and the Office of Technology Assess­ m ent. 283pp. P h o to g ra p h s, m aps, tables, and charts. Glossary. Bibliog­ raphy. Index. (Originally published by the Office of Technology Assessment, 1979.) Republished, with new material, by Gale, 1984. ISBN 0-8103-0999-8. $45.00. P ro v id in g e s s e n tia l b a c k g ro u n d in fo rm a tio n for a wide ra n g e of issues relatin g to strategic weapons a n d foreign policy, The E ffects o f N uclear War is a com prehensive tre atm en t an d an aly sis of several nuclear w ar scenarios. Not limited by the concept of “assured destruc­ tio n ,” th is in c isiv e stu d y covers several different types of attacks. It deals explicitly w ith both Soviet a tta c k s a g a in st the U.S. an d U.S. a tta c k s on th e Soviet U nion, an d it considers in d ire c t a n d long-term effects as well as the direct, physical, and short-term effects of nuclear war. (SO) 5% d isc o u n t for S ta n d in g Orders, sta rtin g w ith the current volume or edition. 5% discount for sending check w ith order. Customers outside the U.S. and C anada add 10%. GALE Research Co. Book Tower • Detroit, MI 48226 To order by phone: 1-800-521-0707 tollfree. In Canada, Michigan, Alaska, and Hawaii: 1-313-961-2242.