ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 37 ACRL Chapters • The first meeting of the newly established ACRL S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a C h a p t e r was held at O ccid ental C o lleg e on N o vem ber 17. Johanna E. Tallman, director of libraries, Califor­ nia Institute o f Technology, spoke on the “New Copyright Law: Questions and Some Answers.” The talk was taped by John Kossey o f Ambas­ sador C ollege. Copies "of the concise and clear discussion of the concerns, with slides and other helpful in fo rm a tio n , are a v a ila b le from Ms. Tallman at Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA 91109, with prepayment of $1.50 per copy. The new organization, one of eighteen ACRL chapters, was established by George M. Bailey, associate director of libraries, The Claremont Col­ leges, Claremont, California, to promote greater communication and closer cooperation between academ ic and research librarians in Southern California and ACRL and also to coordinate the activities o f the California Library Association with those of ACRL. Academic librarians in Southern California who are members o f ACRL are presently considered members o f the chapter. At the annual confer­ ence o f the California Library Association, discus­ sion will take place with the executive board of the CLA Chapter o f Academic and Research Li­ brarians (CARL) to make the chapter an integral part and support of that activity and of CLA. It is hoped that the chapter will be able to support the interests of all academic librarians in South­ ern California, whether members o f ACRL, CLA, or not. W e wish to revive the enthusiastic sup­ port that existed for the College, University, and Research Librarians (CURLS) organization of the 1950s and 1960s. C om m ittees announced at the first m eeting are: Bylaws: Judith Corin, chair, UCLA Norman Tanis, Cal State Northridge Lorraine Matheis, UCLA Nominating: Judy Harvey, chair, The Claremont Colleges Bill G rainger, Pasadena City C ol­ lege Mimi Dudley, UCLA Program: Douglas Davis, Cal State Northridge Edward Hess, USC (one to be announced) Suggestions, comments, or names of volunteers for any of the above activities may be sent to the appropriate co m m ittee person. G eneral com ­ ments should be sent to G eorge M. B a iley .— G e o rg e M. Bailey. • A meeting of the A CRL O R E G O N C H A P T E R was held November 18 at the Oregon College of Education, Monmouth, Oregon. It was called to order by Chairperson Richard Heinzkill, Univer­ sity of Oregon. A b rief introduction was given concerning the s tru c tu re , m em b ersh ip , and p u rp oses o f the ACRL chapter. A report was given o f the m eet­ ing of the advisory board, held O ctob er 20 at Oregon State University Library. It was recom­ mended that the structure of the chapter remain informal. Suggestions w ere made for program topics, including more self-sponsored topics pre­ sented by ch ap ter m em bers. A rem inder was given that the chapter receives no support from ALA financially. The board discussed three op­ tions for handling operational costs: (1) Charge dues; this was rejected. (2) Charge admission to programs; also rejected. (3) Given meeting costs could be carried by the host institu tion; this seemed a favorable plan. E lection s w ere held after nom inations for a new chairperson were introduced. Tom Gerity nominated Jam es Pirie, librarian at Lewis and Clark College. F ath er Brown nominated Mary Devlin o f the University of Portland, who was present and introduced. Mary Devlin was duly elected by a ballot vote. Richard Heinzkill then introduced the program o f the afternoon on the su bject o f “T h e New C opyright Law in the L ib ra ry ,” with various handouts o f interest. Guest speaker was Richard Surles, law librarian at the University o f Oregon, who made extensive comments on the sections of the new law that will particularly affect libraries and practicing librarians. The complexities of the interpretations stimulated much discussion from the audience. Appreciation was expressed to Dr. Gorchels and staff for providing the refresh m en ts. Ad­ journment came at 4 p.m. A p p roxim ately fifty-six p erso n s w ere in attendance.— R . D. G au lt—S ecreta ry Pro Tern ■■ Availability o f ACRL Policy Statements Effective January 1, 1978, single copies of reprinted ACRL policy statements are avail­ able to ACRL members free of charge and to nonmenbers for $1 each from: ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. All or­ ders should include a self-addressed mailing label and 2 6 ¢ in postage. Paym ent must accompany o rders. Make checks payable to American Library Associa­ tion.