ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 60 Classified Advertising NOTICE R espondents to a d ve rtise rs o ffe rin g fa c u lty " r a n k " and "s ta tu s " are advised that these term s are a m b ig u o u s and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications w ill be edited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age. and sex as con­ ditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department. American Library As­ sociation, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago. IL 6 0611. and should reach that office before the second of the m onth preceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A c o n firm ­ ing order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as possible following the call, along w ith typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1 .8 0 per printed line. FOR SALE SEARCH SERVICE. E x-lib ra ria n s lo cate title s or s u b je ct, plus 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 in dexed stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic. A tla n tic City, NJ 0 8401. Phone: 609/34 4-19 4 3. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. A cquires materials, evaluates and processes gifts, assists with c o lle ction b u ild in g and evaluation. Knowledge of OCLC and MARC form at highly desirable. Assists part-tim e at circulation/reference desk. MLS from ALA-accredited school required. Knowledge of foreign languages helpful. Faculty status, TIAA. Salary open, dependent on experience. Position avail­ able June 26. Deadline for application: February 28. Send letter of a pplication and resume to Dean Andrew R. Eickhoff, M acMurray College, Jacksonville, IL 62650. An equal o pportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Stanford University Libraries. Responsible for adm inistration o f Acquisition, Catalog and Serial d e p artm en ts and the m aterials conservation program. (Purchasing, claim ing, receiving, and cataloging functions use the BALLOTS automation system.) Participates with other d i­ rectors in general library planning, budgeting, policy making, and setting of priorities. Requirements include: dem onstrated adm inis­ trative com petence in management and technical processing. U n­ derstanding o f national issues in research library adm inistration. Stanford University Libraries a dds over 6 0,0 00 volumes per year a nd re c e iv e s 3 0 .0 0 0 s e ria ls w ith an a c q u is itio n b u d g e t of $2,000 .00 0. M inim um salary, $ 27 .00 0. Apply by March 1. 1978, to Elsi H. Goering. Library Personnel Officer. Stanford University Li­ braries. Stanford. CA 9 4 3 0 5 . Sta nford is an equal o p p ortun ity/ affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. University of Minnesota Library School, fo r September 1978. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Ph.D. or candidacy. A ppropriate teaching or professional experience. To teach in areas of library adm inistration and/or information science, advise students, c o n d u ct research. Send resumes by M arch 1, 1978, to Harris C. McClaskey, Chairperson, Search Committee. Li­ brary School. 4 1 9 Walter Library. University of M innesota. 117 Pleasant St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455. An equal opportunity educator and employer. ASSOCIATE LIB R A R IA N (H E A D RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N ). ALA-accredited MLS degree and a second master's degree in a subject area, or equivalent education; at least 8 years o f profes­ sional library experience, in clu din g 4 years' reference experience in an academic library. Three years’ supervisory experience is desira­ ble. Adm inisters Reference Department, including the supervision of 9 librarians, 2 staff members, and student assistants. The de­ partm ent provides a fu ll range of services, in clu din g information and reference; literature searches and bibliography, and library instruction and course-related orientations. Salary: $ 1 8 ,1 8 0 -$ 2 1,900 annually (for 12 m onths). Professional librarians are classed as academ ic employees and have a 12-month work year, with a 10- month option plan available. Benefits in clu de liberal vacation and sick leave, an excellent retirem ent system, and group health and life insurance plans. Affirmative action/equal opportunity, Title IX employer. Send letter o f inquiry and a resume to: Dr. Norman D. Alexander. Director. University Library. California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA 9 3407. Applications will be ac­ cepted through March 15, 1978. BOTANY LIBRARIAN for 3 0,000-volum e departm ental library. Ref­ erence services, liaison for collection developm ent, and supervision of operations. Acquisitions and cataloging performed by central li­ brary. Two years experience required. Degree related to field d esir­ able. M inim um salary $ 12,000. RARE BOOK CATALOGER. Head cataloger and assistant curator. Original cataloging in LC and col­ le c tio n 's c la ssifica tio n s, s u p e rvisin g staff, and d e ve lo p m e n t of ca ta lo ging m anual. R equires e xcellen t know ledge o f Latin and Greek and education in descriptive bibliography. Experience, clas­ sics degrees, and fam iliarity with OCLC given preference. M inim um salary $13,500. CATALOGER. Original cataloging of monographs and m icroforms in LC classification. Copy entered into SOLINET data base. Training in LC classification and strong background in ro m a nce languages re q uired . Experience in LC cata lo ging and OCLC preferred. M inim um salary $ 10 .50 0. All three positions re­ q uire an ALA-accredited MLS. Figures quoted are m inim um start­ ing salaries. Salary could be higher, dep en d in g upon qualifications. Apply before M arch 6. 1978, to Joseph Jerz. Assistant University Librarian, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC 2 75 14 . An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Georgia State University. Cataloging and classification of monographs in all subject areas with majoç e m ­ phasis in field of social sciences and in all languages. Depending on ability of individual, movement into cataloging of nonbook mate­ rials as rapidly as possible. Other duties include revising filing and resolving conflicts in card catalog, revising cataloging, and other d uties as necessary. Qualifications: ALA-accredited graduate d e ­ gree, ability to catalog in Romance and Germanic languages, ex­ perience w ith OCLC preferred. Faculty rank (1 2 -m o n th a pp oint­ ment). Salary $ 1 0 .8 0 0 -$ 11,200. Apply by April 1, 1978. to Caro­ lyn Robison, Associate University Librarian. Georgia State Univer­ sity, 100 Decatur Street, S.E., Atlanta. GA 3 0303. An equal e duca­ tional and em ploym ent opportunity institution. CHAIRMAN, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT. Chief adm inistrator for the Acquisitions Department of one o f the major university li­ braries in the Southeast. Supervision of a staff o f 25. Responsible for all phases of acquisitions finance and budgeting. Liaison with faculty representatives and librarians on collection building. Coordi­ nates acquisition policies with ch ie f library adm inistrators u nder the general direction of the associate dire ctor for technical services. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited ALA institution. Ten years experience, three of which must be in acquisitions, and at least two years as a supervisor. Salary: $ 1 5 .0 0 0 -$ 2 4 ,0 0 0 (starting salary d e ­ pends on the qualifications o f the candidate). Available: April 1, 1978. Benefits: Florida State Retirement. Social Security, several group insurance options. 2 2 days vacation, faculty status. A pp lica ­ tion deadline: March 1, 1978. Please send complete resumes to Robert L. W illits, A d m inistrative E m ploym ent Manager. Central Employment Center. 2nd Floor HUB. University of Florida. Gaines­ ville. FL 3 2611. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Norman Campus, Uni­ versity of Oklahoma. Responsibilities: The director is responsible for the adm inistration of Bizzell Memorial Library and branches, whose total collection com prises 1.3 m illion volumes. The dire ctor has budgetary and personnel responsibilities and reports to the provost of the Norman Campus, as do the deans. Librarians have faculty status. The university is a m em ber of the Association of Research L ib ra rie s a nd is u n d e rg o in g A R L 's M a n a g e m e n t R eview and Analysis Program. Responding to the MRAP recom m endations will be an early responsibility of the director. Qualifications: Require­ ments include extensive experience in adm inistering a major u n i­ versity or research library; a dem onstrated co m m itm en t to scholarly excellence; an understanding of national issues in research library m anagem ent and the ability to deal creatively with such issues as inflationary pressures as they affect the university libraries; the a bil­ ity to develop effective relations with library staff and other m em ­ bers o f the university com m unity; the ability to marshall the interest and s u p p o rt o f c o n s titu e n c ie s o u ts id e th e u n iv e rs ity ; a nd a graduate lib ra ry degree from an A LA -accredited in stitu tio n . An earned docto ra te in any fie ld is desirable. Salary, com petitive; c o m m e n su ra te w ith expe rie n ce; $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 m in im u m . B eg in ning date: July 1. 1978. or as soon thereafter as possible. General in­ form ation: About 2 0 ,0 0 0 stud e nts are e nrolled at the Norm an C a m p us o f th e U n iv e rs ity o f O kla ho m a , w h ic h is a part o f a statewide system of higher education. As a comprehensive in stitu­ tion. the university engages in lower-division education, but it is charged by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to 61 emphasize u pper-division, graduate, and professional education. The university's functions include instruction, research and creative activity, extension and p u b lic service. Application deadline: March 15. 1978. Application procedure: send letter of application with vita and list of three or m ore references to Professor Larry B. Hill. Chair, Search Committee. Director of University Libraries, School of Library Science, 401 West Brooks, Room 116, Norman, OK 73019. The University of Oklahoma is an equal o pportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. E XE C U TIV E D IR E C TO R OF LIB R A R Y A N D LE A R N IN G R E ­ SOURCES. This adm inistrator is responsible fo r providing direction and leadership for the university library and audiovisual services in support of academ ic programs and institutional objectives, in c lu d ­ ing budget, personnel, and service; supervision for the develop­ ment and im plem entation of service programs and automated li­ brary systems; and the extension of com prehensive instructional support to the university's off-cam pus programs through coopera­ tive arrangem ents with regional libraries and media centers. Desir­ able qualifications in clu de an earned doctorate with preparation in library and audiovisual services, dem onstrative adm inistrative a b ili­ ty. and a strong professional background in dicatin g a thorough u n ­ derstanding of the interrelationships of com m unication media and the role of the library and related services in the academ ic c o m ­ munity. In addition to this adm inistrative assignment the individual selected w ill receive a co ncu rre n t a ppointm ent as either a faculty or a cadem ic staff m em ber. Starting date: July 1. 1978. Salary: com petitive (m inim u m $ 22 ,50 0). Send resume, three cu rre n t let­ ters of reference, and transcripts (graduate and undergraduate), to Milda Steinbrecher. Chairperson. Search Committee: Executive Di­ rector of Library/Learning Resources, Room 333, Dempsey Hall. UW -Oshkosh. Oshkosh. Wl 5 49 01 . A p p lica tio n s m ust be p ost­ marked by April 3, 1978. University of W isconsin-Oshkosh is an equal opportunity em ployer/institution and actively solicits inquiries from women, members of m inority groups, and the handicapped. GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWSHIPS (4) University of Oregon Library, for fiscal year 1 97 8-79 . One position. Hum anities Division, starting July 1. 1978. Undergraduate or graduate m inor or major in appropriate field required. One position, to work w ith faculty teach­ ing Library 127. a 3 -h ou r course on the use of a research library, Septem ber 15, 1978. Two positions. Education/Psychology Division, starting July 1, 1978. Undergraduate or graduate m inor or major in appropriate field required. All positions require MLS. preferably at least one year's experience in academ ic library, and acceptance and e nrollm ent in master's or doctoral program at the University of Oregon. All a ppointm ents are at .30 FTE and require 16 hours of work a week. M onthly stipend ranges from $331 to $415. dep en d ­ in g on le vel o f g ra d u a te p ro g ra m . T u itio n is re m itte d . On a 4 -q ua rter fiscal year basis, this am ounts to $1.554 for Oregon resi­ dents. $ 1 .7 5 0 for nonresidents. Appointm ents are renewable, d e ­ pending on individual perform ance and university finances. Apply to: H. William Axford. Dean and University Librarian, University of Oregon. Eugene. OR 9 7403. The University o f Oregon is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action. Title IX institution. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Librarian has prim ary responsibility fo r all li­ brary services, budget, personnel, and long-range policy planning. Reports to the dean of the college. Knowledge of academ ic p ro­ grams and the ability to work effectively with faculty and academic adm inistrators essential. Interest in prom oting library faculty pro­ gram of bibliographical instruction and fam iliarity with OCLC and c o m p ute r library technology desirable. Collection about 130,000 volumes. Staff 4 professional (in clu d in g head), 3 supp ort MLS from ALA accredited school required. Previous academ ic a dm inis­ trative experience. Faculty status. TIAA, Position available July 1. Deadline for applications: February 28. Send letter of application and resum e to Dean A ndrew R. Eickhoff. M a cM u rra y College. Jacksonville. IL 6 2 6 5 0 . An equ al o p p o rtu n ity a ffirm a tive action employer. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Responsible for reference services including general reference, interlibrary loans, instructional services, and com puter search services. Seeking a service-oriented person who will actively p articipate in as well as supervise and coordinate these activities serving a challenging university co m m u ­ nity. Staff of 3 .5 FTE librarians, 3 library assistants, and several student assistants. M inim um qualifications include MLS, four years of professional experience, dem onstrated supervisory ability. Salary $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 m inim um , depending upon qualifications. 12-month a p ­ pointm ent with full faculty status. TIAA. 2 4 days annual leave. Posi­ tion open July 1. 1978. Mountains, desert, lakes. 5 hours from San Francisco by car. Send resume and names of three references to Ruth H. Donovan. Assistant Director, University of Nevada, Reno. Reno, NV 8 9 5 5 7 by M a rch 15, 1 978. An e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative action employer. HEAD REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Ind ia na U n ive rsity a t South Bend, growing 175,000-volum e library, part of the Indiana Univer­ sity Library system. Available July 1, 1978. In addition to Reference Services, responsible for Personnel, Interlibrary Loan, Library Education, and Collection Development. MLS from accredited library school and 3 years academ ic experience, 2 in reference. $14 ,00 0 m inim um . Liberal benefits. Send resume and recom m endations by M arch 1. 1978. to Dr. Glenn Chesnut, Search and Screen Commit­ tee, Indiana University at South Bend, 1700 Mishawaka Avenue, Sou th B e n d , IN 4 6 6 1 5 . A ffirm a tiv e a c tio n /e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity employer. LIBRA RIAN. A pp o intm e n t Ju ly 1, 1978. MLS degree required; second M.A. desirab le . Preferably w ith backg ro un d (e d uca tion and/or experience) in the following areas: physical sciences, co m ­ puter science, education. Will be involved in bibliographic in stru c­ tion, developm ent of data base retrieval, and reference work. Must be flexible to work in both public and technical services. Hope Col­ lege is a 4-year liberal arts college, affiliated with the Reformed C hurch in Am erica. A pplications accepted until two weeks after publication of advertisement. Send applications to: Harry Boonstra, Director of Libraries, Hope College. Holland, Ml 4 94 23 . An equal em ploym ent employer. LIBRARIAN. University o f New South Wales, Faculty of Military Studies, Sydney, Australia. The University has established a faculty of Military Studies a t the Royal Military College. Duntroon, A.C.T . and is cooperating with the Department of Defence in its operation and developm ent within the context of the Commonwealth Gov­ e rn m e n t’s in te n tio n to e stablish by legislation a Defence Force academ y as an autonomous university on a new site at Duntroon. adjacent to the Royal Military College. The academ y is scheduled to accept its first students in 1982. Undergraduate courses in the faculty lead to the award by the university of degrees in Arts, Sci­ ence and Engineering All dep artm en ts engage in research and there are opportunities for postgraduate students to work towards higher degrees o f the university. These activities will continue in the academy. A pplications are invited for the dual position of librarian of the Bridges Memorial Library of the Royal M ilitary College and librarian-designate for the academy. The librarian will be responsi­ ble initially for both the operation of the Bridges Memorial Library and the planning and com m issioning of the academ y's library. Ap­ pointm ent will be to the staff of the university. On establishm ent of the Defence Force institution the staff of the faculty, in clu din g the librarian, will transfer to its employ. Applicants should have approp­ riate academ ic qualifications, be eligible for professional m em ber­ ship of the Library Association of Australia, and have considerable experience in academ ic libraries, particularly in the area of library adm inistration. It is also desirable that applicants have some ex­ perience in library planning. Salary: $ A 3 1.248 per a nn um . The university reserves the right to fill the position by invitation. Details of the position, tog e th e r with d e ta ils of a p p lica tio n p rocedure, superannuation, and conditions of appointm ent are available from the Senior Academ ic Appointm ents Unit. P.O. Box 1, Kensington. N.S.W., 2 03 3, Australia. A pplications close on April 28. 1978. LIBRARIAN, ASSOCIATE HEAD OF REFERENCE. Position availa­ ble August 1978. Will assist head of reference with departm ental adm inistrative duties and responsibilities. The library serves a popu­ lation o f 1 6,000 students, 6 5 0 faculty, and is a m em ber of the Tidewater Consortium. The reference staff consists of 7 librarians, one library assistant, and 2 clerical personnel. Qualifications in­ clude a master's degree from an ALA-accredited school (a subject master's degree or equivalent is highly desirable); 5 years of refer­ ence experience with increasing responsibility; adm inistrative ex­ perience h elp ful. Salary: $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 m in im u m . Send resum e and names and addresses o f references by February 28. 1978. to Dr. Cynthia B. Duncan, Director of Libraries, Old Dominion University. N o rfo lk . VA 2 3 5 0 8 . An a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity employer. LIBRARIAN: PUBLIC SERVICES. MSLS. ALA-accredited. 5 years professional experience with a m inim um o f three years in reference work. Capability in areas such as automation, collection develop­ ment. or b ibliographic instruction. Community college experience preferred. $ 18 ,4 8 4 m inim um , 12 months, excellent fringe benefits. Open July 1. 1978. Resume to Hiring Committee. Department of Library Services. Community College of Philadelphia. 34 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia. PA 19107. Affirm ative action em ployer LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE. New England University. Assignments include reference desk service with prim ary responsibility for sci­ ence reference service: instruction in library use; com puterized lit­ e ra tu re se archin g ; co lle c tio n deve lo pm en t: fa c u lty liaison; and p re p a ra tio n o f lib ra ry fin d in g a id s . MLS re q u ir e d . S cie n c e background highly desirable. Experience preferred. Salary range $ 9,0 00 to $ 1 2 ,00 0. dependent on qualifications. Apply by February 15. 1978, with resume and brief statement of personal reference philosophy to Dr. James C. MacCampbell, Director. University of Maine Libraries. Orono. ME 0 44 73 . An equal opportunity employer. MANAGEMENT ANALYST— ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN. To perform analyses of functional operations in all phases o f library operations and m anagem ent. Duties in c lu d e o perations research, systems analysis, and the design of manual and automated m anagem ent 62 systems. Experience and knowledge of management data systems, knowledge of com puter and associated equipm ent, and experience in designing and w riting manual and automated system specifica­ tions are essential. MLS degree or equivalent required. Must have m inim um of 7 years library experience, with 5 years' systems work. Salary to $22,788, depending on experience. Apply to W illiam F. McCoy, Associate University Librarian, 108 Shields Library, U niver­ sity of California. Davis. CA 95616. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. MEDLINE ANALYST AND LIFE SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRAR­ IAN, Science and Engineering Library. MLS and MEDLINE search­ ing experience required. Degree in one of the life sciences highly desirable. Salary depending on experience. Faculty status. TIAA CREF Open July 1. 1978. Send resume before May 15, 1978. to Dr. Allene F Schnaitter, Director of Libraries. Washington State University. Pullm an, WA 9 9 1 6 4 WSU is an equal o pp ortun ity affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, and/or h an dicap ­ ped are encouraged to apply. PLANNING LIBRARIAN. Milton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University. Now open. Duties: Overall responsibility, in con­ ju n ctio n w ith the lib ra ria n , for lib ra ry p lan n in g in fou r prim ary areas (1) space and building planning. (2) collection development, (3) automated systems and network coordination, and (4) resource allocation. To serve as deputy librarian in the absence of the chief librarian. Qualifications: MLS degree and at least five years' appro­ priate experience in a major research library. Second subject d e ­ gree desirable. Must be able to work closely with staff, faculty, adm inistration, students, and network affiliates. Strong w riting a b il­ ity and good c o m m u n ic a tio n s skills e ssen tial. Salary: $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 (m in im u m ). A p p lic a tio n re q uirem en ts: Send co m p lete resum e, three letters o f reference, and examples of written work, published and or unpublished, to Eileen Holahan. Personnel Office. Garland Hall. The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD 2 1218. Equal opportunity employer; male/female. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. W hitworth College, an institution of liberal studies, with distinctive Christian emphasis and concern for hum an developm ent, seeks full-tim e (8 15 78) Public Services Librarian (assistant professor), responsible for developm ent and coordination of public services program in the natural or social sci­ e n ce s. C a n d id a te s s h o u ld h o ld m a s te r's d eg re e fro m ALA- accredited library school. Prefer master's degree or Ph.D. in natural or social sciences; dem onstrated teaching ability: enjoy w orking with undergraduates, faculty, and staff; and be com m itted to pro­ fessional growth. Women and m inorities are urged to apply. Send resume to Duncan S. Ferguson, Whitworth College, Spokane, WA 99251. before April 1. 1978. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE/CATALOGER. Temporary (1 yr.) position, beginning July or September 1978. Possible extension to perm anent position after one year. Duties divided: one-half tim e cataloging. Essential qualifications: MLS and classroom teaching potential. Desirable: second subject master's, experience in cataloging or other respon­ sible library position. Salary $ 1 1 .0 0 0 -$ 14.000, d epending upon qualifications and experience. An equal opportunity employer; m f. Apply before March 1. 1978. to: M. Peterson. Owen D. Young Li­ brary. St. Lawrence University. Canton, NY 13617. SENIOR MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. Under the general direc­ tion of the head, bibliographic processing, is responsible for all orig­ inal cataloging and classification of m onographic materials, in clu d ­ ing microforms. Responsible for establishm ent of all uniform titles. Assists with the more d iffic u lt partial copy cataloging for OCLC com puter term inal input. Assumes general departm ental duties as required, such as m aintenance of a section of the p u b lic card catalog. D e pa rtm e n t o f 10.7 FTE. in c lu d in g 2 .5 professionals; catalogs a total o f 2 0 .0 0 0 titles (4 0 ,0 0 0 volumes) annually. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. At least three years of professional cataloging experience in an academ ic library required. This experience should include fam iliarity with AACR and LC c a ta lo g in g p ra ctice s, c la s s ific a tio n , a nd s u b je c t hea ding s. Applicants with a w orking knowledge of OCLC and facility with European languages, particula rly German, preferred. Salary and rank: Appointm ent will be at the rank of senior assistant librarian or associate librarian, depending on qualifications. Recruitm ent range: $ 1 4 ,5 0 0 -$ 1 8 .0 0 0 . Twelve m onths' appointm ent; sick leave and annual leave at 1.75 days each per month; fully paid major m edi­ cal, hospitalization, and dental insurance. Social security coverage. TIAA CREF or New York State Te ach e rs R e tire m e n t a vailab le (employee contribution rate = 3 percent). Contact: Jean Whalen. Personnel Librarian. University Library, Room 109. State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue. Albany. NY 12222. (Inquiries should be received by March 15, 1978.) The U nive rsity at A lb an y is an equ al o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action employer. SERIALS AND ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. In charge of all oper­ ations concerning the acquisitions of books and serials. Keeps all subscripion files up to date for periodicals, serials, microforms, and AV materials. Updates com puter printout and union list of serials. Keeps financial records. Selects new serials and books in coopera­ tion w ith the facu lty. R equired. BS (pre ferred ); ALA-accredited MLS; some experience desirable. Salary $ 12 ,00 0 + . Send resume to Mrs. O ttilie H R ollins. Head Lib rarian . Clarkson College of Technology. Potsdam. NY 13676. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Auburn University Libraries. MLS required; degree in one of the social sciences and prior experience in a reference position preferred; supervisory ex­ perience desirable. Duties include reference work, book selection, responsibility for library orientation tours, and supervision of inter- library loan unit headed by paraprofessional. Some evening and weekend hours required. Experience and or dem onstrated interest in library instruction for undergraduates highly desirable. A pplica­ tion folders must be com pleted by April 1. 1978; position available July 1. 1978. or earlier; salary $ 14 ,00 0. 12 months. Faculty status (but not professional title), eligible for tenure. State retirement plan mandatory. TIAA optional. Twenty working days annual vacation, sick leave benefits. Apply to Maureen Harris, Chairperson. Social Sciences Reference Librarian Search Com m ittee. Ralph Brown Draughon Library. A uburn University. Auburn. AL 36830. A uburn University is an equal opportunity employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/ARCHIVES LIBRARIAN. M inim um re­ quirem ents in clude an ALA-accredited MLS plus two years' experi­ e nce w ith special co lle c tio n s , m a n u scrip ts, a rchives, a nd rare materials o r equivalent work experience. Salary competitive but not less than $11,000. Academ ic rank and usual fringe benefits. Ap­ plications. including resumes and three references, should be sent not later than March 10. 1978. to Bruce M. Hurlbert. Assistànt D i­ rector of University Libraries, Academ ic Campus. Virginia Com­ monwealth University. 901 Park Avenue. Richmond. VA 23284. An equal opportunity affirmative action employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Under the general direction of the assistant director for reference & collection developm ent ser­ vices and the coordinator, special collections, participates in de­ term ining policies and procedures for the acquisition, processing, organization, preservation and use of special collections, which in ­ clude books, pam phlets, manuscripts, maps, rare books, and non­ book materials. Provides reference service during assigned hours. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Experi­ ence working with m anuscripts and rare books, preferably in an academ ic library, desired. Facility with European languages also preferred. Salary and rank. Appointm ent at the rank o f assistant li­ brarian or senior assistant librarian, d epending on qualifications. R ecruitm ent range: $ 1 0 ,8 0 0 -$ 18,000. Twelve m onths' appoint­ ment: sick leave and annual leave at 1.75 days each per month: fully paid major medical, hospitalization, and dental insurance. So­ cial security coverage. TIAA CREF or New York State Teachers Re­ tirem ent available (employee contribution rate = 3 percent). Con­ tact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library. Room 109. State University of New York at Albany. 1400 Washington Av­ enue. Albany. NY 12222. (Inquiries should be received by March 15. 1978.) The U n ive rsity at Albany is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity affirmative action employer. The University of Tennessee Knoxville has a position opening for a SYSTEMS ANALYST: Responsible for the provision of support ef­ forts in the analysis, design, and im plem entation of procedures, systems, and inform ation products. Experience and/or training in EDP (not necessarily in library EDP) field required. Requires an ALA-accredited MLS. Faculty rank and salary com m ensurate with experience and qualifications. Salary m inim um $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 . Group hea lth a nd in su ra n ce package. TIAA/CREF. Tw e lve -m o n th a p ­ pointment. One month vacation. An equal opportunity affirmative action. Title IX employer. Send resume to Donald R. Hunt. Library Director. U niversity of Tennessee. Knoxville. TN 3 7 9 1 6 . Closing date for applications is February 28. 1978. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. For a small urban in stitutio n with a strong liberal arts orientation and doctoral programs in selective disciplines. M inim um qualifications: an MLS degree in a subject matter field or a Ph.D. degree desirable. At least five years of re­ sponsible adm inistrative experience mandatory. The university li­ brarian is eligible for fringe benefits— TIAA/CREF. Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and fam ily tuition benefits. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience o f candidates. The position is to be filled no later than September 1. 1978. Application, resume, and names of 3 individuals who w ill supply letters of recom m enda­ tio n sh o u ld be se nt to: Dean Frank Puffer. C lark U n ive rsity. Worcester, MA 0 1610. Deadline for application is March 1. 1978. Clark University is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. All interested persons are encouraged to apply. HORIZONS OF CRITICISM An Assessment of Religious-Literary Options “ ...m a y well turn out Vernon Ruland to be the basic handbook of religious-literary studies fo r years to come.” T his b rillia n t w o rk sy s te m a tic a lly evaluates the im p o rta n t Christianity and Literature c ritic a l w o rks on re lig io n and lite ra tu re w ith a view to th e ir c o n trib u tio n to w a rd d e fin in g these stu d ie s as parts of an “ ...s h o u ld be invaluable to graduate students in in te rd is c ip lin a ry field. The a p p ro a ch is to c la s s ify c o n te m ­ literature and theology, or, p o ra ry w ritin g in both these areas a c c o rd in g to th e ir most of all, the inter­ p e rc e p tio n of a to ta l re lig io u s -lite ra ry e xperience. disciplinary field that By using a ty p o lo g y o f fo u r c o n c e n tric areas, V ernon relates the tw o.” Ruland is able to o ffe r a co m p re h en sive re lig io u s -lite ra ry Choice, September 1976 d e fin itio n of his ow n. T his th e o ry has tw o uses. First, it . .meets a long-standing offers a means fo r the reshaping o f o n e ’s personal in te lle c ­ need for a convenient tual c a te g o rie s so as b e tte r to encom pass human realities, handbook capable of introducing the advanced and, second, it d isco ve rs an u n d e rlyin g u n ity in th e separate student in both areas quests o f to d a y ’s th e o lo g ia n s, p h ilo so p h e rs, and to the interdisciplinary lite ra ry c ritic s . sphere of religious-literary The w o rk is also a han d b o o k fo r the study o f lite ra tu re studies.” Christian Scholar’s Reviewand re lig io n . By serving as a guid e to its essential lite ra tu re , jo in in g issues and re la tin g them es, it suggests the contents of an e d u ca tio n a l program and sets the d ire c tio n s fo r fu rth e r study. 27 4 pp. C loth IS B N 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 2 1 2 -X (1 975) $ 1 4 .9 5 2 7 4 pp. P a p e r IS B N 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 1 9 6 -4 (1975) $ 7 .5 0 O rd e r D e p a rtm e n t American Library Association 5 0 East H u ro n S treet, C h ic a g o , Illin ois 60611 “Literacy is not an end in itself. It is a fundamental human right.” From Literacy and the Nation’s Libraries Reading and the Adult New Reader Helen H ug u e no r Lyman A reliable guide fo r librarians, teachers, editors, library scie n ce professors, and students w ho a re involved in the e valu ation, uses, and creation o f m aterials f o r adult new readers. T h e fo cu s is on the readability o f m aterials in co lle ctio n s fo r such readers; it organizes the theories o f read ability fo r p ra ctica l application as well as describing the reading interests o f m in o rity group m em bers. L y m a n ’s m ethod o f identifying w orks suitable f o r adult new readers extends the relevance o f this book to the entire field o f adult e ducation. M a jo r topics th a t a re discussed include reading services; trends in so ciety ; beliefs, attitudes and v alues a ffecting readers and reader groups; reading c o lle ctio n s fo r the adult reader; evaluation o f reading m aterials; and im plications o f these topics and fa cto rs fo r library service. This work points out a d irection fo r bringing the adult reader and library resources together. 272 pages Cloth LC 76-44431 ISB N 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 2 2 8 -6 $15.00 Other titles o f interest: Literacy and the Library Materials in Service to the Adult New Reader Nation’s Libraries Helen Huguenor Lyman Helen H. Lyman Published here as a comprehensive report, from the background o f the research A t the heart o f this work is the procedure to be fol­ through to the principal recommendations, this volume not only establishes criteria lowed by public libraries in developing their programs for evaluating reading materials, but also provides a multitude o f information about to serve the illiterate. This procedure consists o f the new literate and their use o f the media. This study will guide librarians, bringing the library to the attention o f concerned community workers, teachers, publishers, and editors in both creating and selecting organizations, assessing library resources and com ­ literature for these newcomers to the reading public. munity needs, testing and adopting the program, and 648 pages LC 72-11 66 8 P ape r ISB N 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 1 4 7 -6 (1 9 7 3 ) $10.00 evaluating it. Tasks in the design o f each program are discussed. Information for the Community L itera c y a n d t h e N ation 's L ib ra r ies has the addi­ Joseph C. Donohue and M anfred Kochen, editors tional aim o f educating librarians to the general This book is the first comprehensive treatment o f community information and problem o f illiteracy in the United States and its referral (I & R) centers— those agencies that act as contact points between people with remediation. In keeping with its character as a manual problems and the services that are needed to help with these problems. It analyzes the work lists sample programs, funding sources, and the needs that gave rise to the many organizations now providing I & R services, and kinds o f material needed for the literacy collection. describes some approaches that have succeeded and some that have failed. 242 pages Cloth LC 77-4450 294 p ages C loth LC 7 5-40 16 8 ISB N 0-8 38 9-02 0 8-1 $10.00ISB N 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 2 4 4 -8 $12.50 Information for Everyday Survival: What You Need and Where to Get It P riscilla G otsick o f the Appalachian A d ult Education Center Presents an annotated list o f free and inexpensive materials arranged under such basic categories as aging, children, free time, and housing. Some sample subheadings O rd e r D epartm ent are abortion, getting a jo b , personal finance, and remodeling a home. Titles, descriptions, and sources o f each item are arranged in a tabular format to facilitate American Library Association identification. T he titles were selected for readability, and the reliance on booklets 50 E ast H uron S treet keeps purchasing costs low. C hicago, Illin o is 60611 400 pages Paper LC 76-13 55 4 ISB N 0-8 38 9-02 1 1-1 $10.00