ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 7 2 / C&RL News ACRL S ta n d a r d s S ta n d a rd s fo r com m unity, ju n io r, a n d te ch n ica l c o lle g e le a r n in g re so u rce s p r o g r a m s 1 The fin a l version, approved by ACRL, ALA, a n d AECT in 1994 T hese revised standards apply to two-year or three-year academic institutions award­ ing associate degrees or certificates. They intended to assist in evaluating and develop­ ing learning resourœ s/library programs. With approval by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology and the As­ sociation o f College and Research Libraries, the docum ent revises and replaces “Standards for Community, Junior, and Technical College Learning Resources Program s,” 1990. To re­ main current and useful, these standards should be reviewed and revised or rewritten on a regu­ lar five-year cycle. Community, junior, and technical colleges make a significant contribution to post-second- ary education. Academic programs parallel the first two years o f education in the arts and sci­ ences in four-year institutions. Many two-year colleges, and four-year colleges and universi­ ties have articulation agreem ents facilitating student transfers. Reflecting the combination of availability o f courses and the expectation of successful completion of programs, more than half of the students currently pursuing higher education are enrolled in community, technical, and junior colleges. The colleges are generally community based and responsive to local needs, offering w eek en d and evening courses. Many colleges offer contractual courses designed to meet the special training require­ ments of businesses, corporations, and asso­ ciations. Moderate costs and open-access offer op­ portunities to students w ho w ould not other­ wise b e able to attend college. Emphases on a vocational and adult programs and continu­ ing education provide retraining and em ploy­ m ent skills for many adult students. Basic ed u ­ cation and rem ediation programs are com m on offerings. Comprehensive standards for learning re­ sources programs and services are required to rree alize the vision of the American Association of Community Colleges o f building communi­ ties2 and to maintain excellence in teaching in two-year colleges. In most two-year institutions an expanded concept of learning resources provides diverse instructional services to the broader college community. The term “learning resources program ” is applied in these standards to an organizational configuration which provides a core of library and media materials and a variety of related services. Many program s provide unique or specialized services or have instructional re­ sponsibilities. At som e colleges, library and learning resources are integrated. At others, they are parallel programs. In some, libraries are separate organizational units. The structure and function of a learning resources program with­ in an institution are determ ined by the role as­ signed to learning resources in the institutional organization. This role must be consistent with the stated mission of the institution and its edu­ cational goals, curricula, size, and complexity; and include the diverse resources needed to accommodate different learning styles. Gener­ ally, these standards apply to a single campus location providing the basic services and activ­ ities as listed in appendix A. The role of the learning resources program is related to the institutional effectiveness of the college. If institutional effectiveness is mea­ sured in terms of student success in grades, credit and completion/transfer rates, learning resources standards based on circulation statis­ Prepared by a jo in t committee o f the Association f o r Educational Communications a n d Technology (AECT) a n d ACRL, co-chairs Marilyn M cD onald a n d Gretchen H . Neill October 1 99 4/573 tics, book counts, and other traditional m ea­ sures may not be relevant because they are limited in detailing the direct impact of learn­ ing resources programs in effecting successful learning outcomes. Learning resources effec­ tiveness measures should rely on the relational attributes of the program w hich directly im­ pact learning attained by students. Contents Standard One Objectives Standard Two Organization and Administration Standard Three Staff Standard Four Budget Standard Five User Services Standard Six Collections Standard Seven Facilities Appendix A Checklist of Basic LRC Services Appendix B Checklist of Additional Services Appendix C Example Table o f California Fac Standard One: Objectives 1.0 The college shall develop a com pre­ hensive mission statement for the learning re­ sources program based on the nature and pur­ pose of the institution. C o m m e n ta r y . \ clear, unam biguous state­ ment of the role of the learning resources pro­ gram which relates to the effectiveness of the institution is essential for accountability, admin­ istration, and review regardless of the organi­ zational structure of the pro­ gram. For multicollege districts and multicampus community colleges separate mission state­ ments may be needed for each college or each campus which relate to the overall statement for the districtwide learning re­ sources program. 1.1 The mission statement shall b e d e v e lo p e d by the learning resources staff in con­ sultation with the widest pos­ sible representation of the col­ lege community and shall be reviewed periodically. C o m m e n t a r y . A ssig n ­ m ent o f responsibility to the learning resources staff for the development of the statement and for its utilization and re­ view is appropriate. To be meaningful and use­ ul, the statement needs to incorporate the con­ erns o f the college at large and the relation­ hip of the college to the community. 1 .2 The mission statement shall be used, long with institutional educational goals, in he annual planning process. C o m m e n t a r y . T h e mission statement serves as a basis for the evaluation of services and the projection of future needs. As such, it becom es an integral part of the planning process and the starting point for insti­ tutio n al effectiveness re ­ view o f th e learn in g re ­ and Activities sources programs. Components ilities Standards 1 .3 All com ponent units o f the learning resources program, w hether adminis­ ered centrally or by campus units, should be learly defined. C o m m e n ta r y . The learning resources pro­ ram should include essential learning resources nd media services as identified in the lists in ppendix A. Centralized and campus-based ser­ ices should be clearly identified. The learning esources program may include special com­ onents beyond learning resources and media ervices such as those listed in Appendix B. f c s a t t c g a A v r p s How these standards w ere revised Standards for Community, Junior, and Technic" al College Learning Resources Programs" was prepared by a joint committee of the Com­ munity College Association for Instructional Technology (CCAIT) of AECT and the Com m unity and Jun io r C ollege Libraries Section (CJCLS) of ACRL. Members of the committee are Susan M. Anderson, St. Petersburg Junior College (editor); Bernard Fradkin, College of DuPage; Khan M. Hassan (1992-93), Piedmont Virginia Community College; Wanda K. Johnston, Broome Community College; Susan M. Maltese, Oakton Community College; Lois I. Marriott, Southwestern Col­ lege; Marilyn M. McDonald, Foothill College (co-chair); Gretchen H. Neill, DeKalb College (co-chair); James O. Wallace, San Antonio Col­ lege (emeritus); Maj. Jerry Klopfer (1993-94), New Mexico Military Institute; and George Wilson, Tyler Junior College. In establishing the need for joint revision, the members of the com­ mittee worked to actively encourage cooperation between ACRL and AECT. The standards were in committee for two years and represent an examination of the professional literature, testimony from a hear­ ing held at AECT in February 1994, a hearing held at the ALA Annual Conference in June 1994, and input from a number of previous users. A draft revision was published in both Tech Trends and C&RL News (May 1994). ACRL and ALA approved the standards in June 1994 and AECT approved them in August 1994. 5 7 4 / C&RL News 1 .4 The learning resources program shall be an integral part of the institution’s process for the improvement of instruction. C o m m e n ta r y . An effective learning resources program is an essential com ponent of the en­ tire educational program. Participation by learn­ ing resources staff in curriculum development is necessary to plan effective learning resources services, to identify and acquire resources to support the curriculum, and to set priorities on the use of financial and other resources. Standard Two: Organization and Administration 2 .0 The responsibilities and functions of the com ponent units of the learning resources program within the institutional structure shall be clearly defined. C o m m e n ta r y . The administration of the institution should clearly assign responsibility for the learning resources program and iden­ tify the com ponent units. The organizational chart should reflect the services provided and relate to the quality of the overall educational program. When restricted to only core services, the quality and impact on the instructional pro­ gram may be limited; w hen too vaguely de­ fined valuable resources may be too widely dispersed to be fully utilized. Clarity in identi­ fying functions and specificity in assigning re­ sponsibilities provide a learning resources pro­ gram capable o f supporting the instructional needs of the students and the college commu­ nity. The learning resources program should develop policies, procedures, and job descrip­ tions and relate these to institutional policies and procedures. 2.1 The duties and responsibilities of the chief administrator of the learning resources program shall be clearly defined within the in­ stitutional structure. C o m m e n ta r y . The program administrator is responsible for providing leadership and di­ rection so that the mission of the program is fulfilled. The administrator should report to the chief academic officer and have the same administrative rank and status as other admin­ istrators with similar responsibilities. A title such as Dean or Director of Libraries, Instruc­ tional Services, or of Learning Resources is ap­ propriate. 2.2 The learning resources program admin­ istrator shall be professionally train ed and know ledgeable about learning resources, in­ formation, and/or media materials and services. C o m m e n ta r y . The training and experience of the program administrator shall be as a li­ brarian, a media specialist, or an information specialist, w ith cross-training desirable. The minimal professional degree and prerequisite for the position is a master’s degree in library or information science, educational technology or media, or learning resources services. To interact with other administrators and the learn­ ing resources staff, the adm inistrator should demonstrate effective m anagem ent skills. To make decisions on new information services, the administrator should have continuous ex­ perience with new and emerging technologies. 2 .3 The com prehensive learning resources program shall include a variety of services which are organized into functional units. C o m m e n ta r y . The type of component units needed and included will vary from institution to institution and cam pus to campus. Some possibilities are: access services, public services, telecom m unication/Internet connections, tech­ nical services, media services, learning devel­ opm ent, reprographic services, professional materials services, video production, graphics production, learning laboratories, and computer services. A listing of many o f these can be found in the appendices. Seivices which are not ad­ ministratively under the learning resources pro­ gram should be in a coordinating relationship to allow com prehensive planning and report­ ing and to avoid duplication. For example, if a different program has responsibility for instruc­ tional computing, the learning resources pro­ gram should cooperate in an advisory and con­ s u ltin g c a p a c ity sin c e v a rio u s c o m p u te r resources are major com ponents of the con­ temporary learning resource center. 2 .4 The adm inistrator and professional staff should be involved in all areas and at all levels of academic activities and institu­ tional planning. C o m m e n ta r y . Professional staff members should be involved in major college commit­ tees and participate in faculty governance to the same extent as other faculty. The program administrator should meet regularly with other college administrators and departm ent heads and, along with professional staff members, be involved in planning, implementing, and evalu­ ating the instructional program of the college. October 1 9 9 4 / 5 7 5 2 .5 Advisory committees should be formed to provide essential information to the staff and to serve as a link with users. C o m m e n ta r y . To ensure that the learning resources program is responsive to its users and to develop and evaluate effective services, ad ­ visory committees should be appointed, elected, or selected by the appropriate faculty, staff, or student constituencies. 2 .6 Administration of the learning resources program should be based on staff participation and consensus. C o m m e n ta r y . While the program adm in­ istrator is ultimately responsible for the pro­ gram, participatory governance through regu­ lar staff meetings and internal communication should be encouraged. The administrator is re­ sponsible for reporting to the staff on institu­ tional policies, procedures, plans, budgets, personnel, and curriculum; in turn the adm in­ istrator represents the learning resources staff to the college administration. Each professional and support staff m em ­ ber should be provided with a position descrip­ tion w hich clearly identifies the duties and re­ sponsibilities of the position and superior and su b o rd in ate relationships. Perform ance a p ­ praisal standards must be clearly defined and u nderstood by all staff members. A general learning reso u rces m anual w hich pro v id es policy and procedural statements, staff respon­ sibilities and duties, items o f general informa­ tion, and learning resources governance and operational statements shall be m ade available to all staff members. Standard Three: Staff 3-0 Sufficient and qualified professional and support staff should b e available to implement the services for w hich the program is respon­ sible. C o m m e n t a r y . Table A evaluates the re­ quirem ents for adequate num bers of staff on a single cam pus. The figures are for full-time positions at tw o levels, minimum and excel­ lent, based on full-time equivalent student en­ rollments. The table does not include services listed in Appendix B as peripheral. If any of these extra services are assigned, additional po ­ sitions will be needed. There is a direct rela­ tionship betw een staff, budget, and services. W hen staff level and funding level increase, the num ber of services possible will also in­ crease; the reverse is also true. Another factor w hich affects staff requirem ents is the ratio of total enrollment to full-time equivalent students. H eadcount enrollment is often 50% greater than student full-time equivalent (FTE). The higher the ratio the greater will be the need for addi­ tional staff beyond the formulas in Table A. If there is a regular summer session at the col­ lege, the positions in Table A should be based on an eleven or twelve m onth equivalency. If, Table A* S taffing R eq u ir e m e n ts f o r S in g le-C a m p u s Services** FTE Students Administrators Professional Technicians O ther Staff* ** *** Total Staff Min & Excel Min Excel Min Excel Min Excel Min Excel under 1,000 1 2 4 2 4 2 3 7 12 1,000-2,999 1 3 5 3 6 3 6 10 18 3,000-4,999 1 5 7 5 8 4 8 15 24 5,000-6,999 1 7 9 7 12 6 11 21 33 7,000-8,999 1 8 11 9 17 7 14 25 43 9,000-10,999 1 10 15 11 20 9 17 31 53 11,000-12,999 2 14 21 13 24 11 20 40 67 13,000-14,999 2 16 24 16 28 13 24 47 78 15,000-16,999 2 18 27 19 32 16 28 55 89 17,000-19,000 2 20 30 21 36 18 32 61 100 *Does not include student assistants **Additional staff will be needed if enrollm ent is 50% greater than FTE »»»Secretaries, clerks, lab aides, etc. 5 7 6 / C&RL News in a multicampus or multicollege district, some services are centralized, for example, technical services and automation, personnel will be needed at a centralized site in addition to those needed in the campus libraries. 3.1 The professional staff members shall have a graduate degree from an accredited in­ stitution and shall have faculty status, benefits, and obligations or the equivalent. C o m m e n ta r y . The complexity of the learn­ ing resources program may require consider­ able differentiated staffing by individuals with widely varied professional education and ar­ eas of specialization. All should have the same status, benefits, and recognition as other fac­ ulty and where faculty rank exists they should meet the same requirements for promotion and tenure as other faculty. 3-2 Professional staff should belong to and participate in library, learning resources, me­ dia, and other appropriate associations. Pro­ fessional development should be encouraged through direct financial support of attendance and participation in local, state, and national organizations. C o m m e n ta r y . The mark of a professional is not only performance on the job but also knowledge of trends within the profession and technological developments learned from con­ ferences, workshops, and journals; and by as­ suming leadership within the field. 3-3 The changing nature of learning re­ sources programs and ongoing changes in tech­ nology, mandate regular staff participation in continuing education. C o m m e n ta r y . Duty schedules should be flexible enough for staff to pursue job-related training and education, in-service workshops, and conferences and meetings during working hours. The institutional budget should include Table B* L earning R eso u rces B udget As % o f E d ucational & G eneral E x p en d itu res Size Minimum Excellent All 6% 9% ‘Appendix B activities and services will require additional funding provision for travel and fees, and release time for in-service training, and education. 3 .4 Technical and classified personnel should have appropriate specialized training or experience. Classification, status, and salary should be equivalent to those provided for other institutional employees with similar qualifica­ tions. C o m m e n ta r y . Requirements for training and experience needed should relate to the du­ ties assigned. The relative importance of each type of skill will vary across organizational lev­ els. Supervisors should be selected on the ba­ sis of knowledge, experience, and human re­ lations skills. 3-5 Student assistants perform a variety of tasks that assist and complement professional staff, clerical staff, and technicians. Student as­ sistant programs offer work opportunities and career exploration for student workers. C o m m e n ta r y . The tasks performed by stu­ dent assistants are usually routine, although some students bring advanced or technical skills which supplement the skills of the regular staff. Permanent staff should supervise and instruct student workers. Standard Four: Budget 4 .0 The mission statement should form the basis for the program budget and be part of the institutional planning process; annual ob­ jectives should be developed by the learning resources staff. C o m m e n ta r y . The mission statement and annual objectives form the basis for the pro­ gram budget. Stable and consistent funding for acquisitions based on an approved collection development policy is necessary for effective service. Inconsistent funding is the most detri­ mental element in the development of learn­ ing resources collections. 4 .1 An ample and stable budget should be based either on a percentage of educational and general budget totals for the institution as shown in Table B or based on a dollar amount per full-time student equivalent as shown in Table C. C o m m e n t a r y . Basing the learning re­ sources budget totals on a percentage of the college educational or general fund is the pre­ ferred approach, but many variables make it difficult to determine the dollar amount of a October 1994/577 percentage during the budget planning process. Capital funds are not included in the percent­ age ex cep t for acquisition of learning resources materials. A formula using a dollar fig­ ure per full-time student equiva­ lent provides a more stable ba­ sis for planning collections and services than using a percentage. Table C is based on 1992 dol­ lars; inflation requires these fig­ ures to be adjusted upw ard ac­ cordingly. There is a correlation between services, collection, and staff size and the level of expen­ ditures. 4 .2 Local processes should be developed so that all expen­ d itu re s o rig in a te w ith in th e learning resources program and are reviewed by the chief admin­ istrator. C o m m e n ta r y . Management involves re­ sponsibility for expenditures and approval o f payments. Budgeting cost analyses and finan­ cial planning depend on adequate records. To take advantage of discounts, purchases of ma­ terials should be exempt from restrictive bid­ ding and should permit online ordering and standing orders. 4 .3 Internal accounts should be maintained for evaluating the flow of expenditures, moni­ toring encumbrances, and approving payment of invoices. C o m m e n ta r y . An accurate account of ex­ penditures in categories that are meaningful to the institution is necessary for fiscal account­ ability, for monitoring status of accounts, for decision making, and for planning. 4 .4 The learning resources budget should provide stable funding for contractual services, equipm ent and materials replacement, and for maintenance of automated public and techni­ cal services. C o m m e n ta r y . Many services are based on continuing support. They cannot be interrupted without serious constraint on the ability to per­ form effectively. The materials in the collec­ tion will becom e stagnant without a three to five percent replacement of older materials each year. Table C3 D o lla r E x p e n d itu r e b y P e r c e n tile P er FTE S tu de fo r L ea rn in g R eso u rc es b y C ategory Category Minimum 50%ile Excellent 90%il $ $ Salaries & Wages 92.97 177.74 Print Materials 14.69 37.47 Current Serials 8.70 22.20 Microforms 2.11 6.91 Machine Readable 1.25 6.24 Audiovisual Material 3.12 10.04 Other Material 1.43 6.33 Preservation 0.34 2.07 Equipment 5.41 24.00 Contract Computer 3.21 11.08 Telecommunications 0.67 3.39 Computer Hardware 4.27 15.30 All Other Expenditure 10.30 38.99 Postage 0.29 1.27 nt e 4 .5 All directly related revenues such as fines, payments for lost and damaged materials, sale of unneeded items, and student use fees, should be used solely for the support of collections, services, and activities of learning resources programs. Standard Five: User Services 5 .0 The learning resources program should provide a variety of services that support and expand the instructional capabilities o f the in­ stitution. C o m m e n ta r y . Learning resources programs exist to facilitate and improve education by supporting and expanding classroom instruc­ tion and to provide the instructional function of teaching students information-seeking skills for self-directed studies and lifelong learning. As an integral part of the total educational pro­ gram of the institution, the learning resources program provides instructional as well as sup­ port services to students, faculty, and staff which can be demonstrated by the ratio of users to enrollment. The primary purpose o f the learning re­ sources program is to promote learning related to the curriculum of the institution. To do this the learning resources program should provide the best possible access to information in print, media, or electronic format, and have the means for delivering the information to individual us­ 5 7 8 /C&RL News ers, groups, and classrooms. Access should be from the institution’s own collection of materi­ als paired with efficient supportive equipm ent and services. To integrate new information and new instructional technologies into the curric­ ulum, access and delivery systems should be extended through such means as cooperative borrowing (ILL), resource sharing, renting or leasing services and materials, and the use of electronic databases and other technologies as listed in the appendices. Students should have access to materials and professional assistance at all times the facility is open. Faculty members should have access to basic instructional media production assis­ tance and assistance in research projects. 5.1 The learning resources program should seek to enlarge access to the academic services available at the college and in the community in accordance with the college mission through networking, resource sharing, online informa­ tion services, and technological advances. Table D L o n g ev ity a n d /o r O b s o le s c e n c e o f I n fo r m a tio n A cc ess E q u ip m en t Equipment Type Years lóm m projector 10 Slide projector 11 Sound slide projector 8 Sound filmstrip projector 9 Overhead projector 11 O paque projector 14 Audiocassette recorder 9 Record player 9 Portable PA system 7 Videocassette recorder 7 Television monitor/receiver 9 Video camera/camcorder 5 Microcomputer system 5 LCD panel 4 Video projector 5 CD-ROM player 5 Microform reader/printer 6 Telefacsimile equipm ent 3 as obsolescence becom es as great a factor as lon Source: Wanda K. Johnston, Administering the Com m u lege Learning Resources Program (Boston: G.K. Hall Re p. 93- Reprinted with permission. Rapid changes in technology affect equipm ent li C o m m e n ta r y . Institutional self-sufficiency s no longer desirable or feasible; and provi­ ion must be made to utilize new delivery sys­ em s. New technologies an d n ew services hould be adopted as they becom e useful to eet institutional goals. The adm inistrator hould be prepared to bring to the attention of he faculty and administration new information ormats and services as they emerge. 5 .2 Services provided should meet the in­ tructional and informational needs of students, aculty, staff, and administration; should pro­ ide professional assistance; and should include minimum of information access provision for tudents in off-campus locations. C o m m e n ta r y . Professional staff must be ccessible to students to help them gain the kills needed to becom e self-reliant and critical sers of information services. Close coopera­ ion with classroom instructional faculty is man­ atory. Off-campus services must be supported y the institution or by contracted services through another library in accor­ dance with ACRL’s “Guidelines for Extended Campus Library Services.” 5 .3 Necessary equipm ent to access information and to assist instruction should be available and efficiently managed. C o m m e n t a r y . E q u ip m e n t must be available w hen and where it is needed. Equipment may be kept permanently in appropriate classrooms or w here materials are found. Equipment must be main­ tained in good operating condition and should be replaced on a sched­ uled basis, taking into consider­ ation obsolescence and operating condition (see Table D). Capital funds must be available to insure that advantage can be taken of technological advances. The test for this standard is that less than 10% of the available instructional equipm ent is inoperable at any time. fe spans gevity. 5 .4 Provision should be made for instructional support produc­ nity Col­ f., tion services.1994), C o m m e n ta r y . Minimum pro­ duction services should consist of i s t s m s t f s f v a s a s u t d b October 1 99 4/57 9 visualization services, such as overhead trans­ parencies and projected visuals; and audio ser­ vices, s u c h as re c o rd in g o f le c tu re s a n d speeches; and duplication of these. As staff and budget allow additional production capabili­ ties should be added to meet instructional re­ quirements. 5 .5 An information literacy program for stu­ dents should be provided through a variety of techniques. C o m m e n t a r y . A major responsibility o f the learning resources program is to provide instruction in locating, accessing, and evalu­ ating inform ation resources in a variety o f formats or locations. In addition to general orientation program s, bibliographic instruc­ tion m ay use m any different m ethods, in ­ cluding group and individual instruction and credit o r noncredit courses. Basic reference service shou ld provide individualized assis­ tance at all hours th e facility is open. The goal is to p rep are students for lifetime use o f inform ation resources. Standard Six: Collections 6 .0 The learning resources program shall make available an organized collection o f m a­ terials and information in diversified formats including print and nonprint media, com puter softw are, optical storage technologies, and other. C o m m e n t a r y . The institution should be prepared to utilize new technologies for ac­ cessing information as they are developed. All types of materials conveying intellectual con­ tent, artistic and literary works, program m ed texts, and packaged instruction are considered resources for effective teaching and learning along with books, periodicals, newspapers, gov­ ernm ent docum ents, and microforms. Media materials, including those locally produced, play a vital role in the instructional program of most two-year colleges. The increasing volum e of specialized, high-quality information recorded on videotape at relatively low cost gives the videocassette format a key role in delivering current information across all disciplines. Com­ puter software must be treated as a curricular resource. Online com puter services and Inter­ net access are increasingly important as infor­ m ation resources along w ith CD-ROM an d video disc technologies. Table E provides collection goals using defi­ nitions from the Integrated Postsecondary E d u ­ cation Data System (IPEDS) of the U.S. Depart­ m ent o f Education. Quantities u n d er the vari­ ous columns can be interchanged according to the mission of the institution. For example, an institution with a very strong music program m ay n eed to develop a collection o f sound re­ cordings or video recordings in excess o f these quantitative standards but may n eed less of som e other items. The basis for evaluation in such a case w ould be the total holdings for that size institution. 6 .1 A collection developm ent policy state­ m ent shall serve as the basis for selection and acquisition o f materials. C o m m e n t a r y . Acquiring materials based on a written policy with clear guidelines for selection is the nature of collection develop­ ment. The statem ent should be developed in consultation with instructional faculty, students, and administrators. Although there are many alternative ways of writing a collection devel­ opm ent policy, the following essentials should be included: a. The purpose for w hich resources are re­ quired. b. T he prim ary clientele w h o are to b e served. c. The kinds o f materials w hich are to be acquired. d. The various factors of cost and suitability w hich will be considered in determ ining ac­ quisition priorities. e. The procedures for handing new types of materials, such as com puter software and vid­ eocassettes, in conform ance to copyright law. f. The process for leasing or renting materi­ als not readily available or too expensive to purchase. g. Any arrangem ents with other institutions for resource sharing, cooperative collections, production, or distribution activities. h. A statement in support o f intellectual free­ dom and the “Library Bill o f Rights.” i. A policy on the acceptance and incorpo­ ration of gifts into the holdings w hich recog­ nizes inherent processing and storage costs. j. A policy for the de-selection or withdrawal o f materials and a m ethod to discard or dis­ po se of them. 6 .2 The selection of materials should be coordinated by the professional staff, working closely with the campus community. Final man­ agem ent decisions as to the ord er in w hich 5 8 0 /C&R L News materials are to be purchased and w hat gifts should be accepted and processed are the re­ sponsibility o f the program administrator. C o m m e n ta r y . Professionally trained librar­ ians and information specialists, because of their know ledge of the collection, are best able to give systematic attention to collection devel­ opm ent. Knowledge of existing holdings, iden­ tified weaknesses, and acquisitions decisions requires the systematic attention of professional librarians. They should have access to biblio­ graphical tools and reviewing sources for ef­ fective collection development. 6 .3 The collection shall be o f sufficient scope and currency to support the curriculum as well as m eet individual information needs o f students and faculty. C o m m e n t a r y . The m ission o f the co l­ lege will d e term in e th e com plexity o f the collection, b u t an institutional com m itm ent to excellence m eans building and m aintain­ ing collections that adequately support: lib­ eral arts an d sciences program s to prepare students fully for transfer to four-year col­ leges an d universities; program s th at have specialized accreditation (fields such as al­ lied h ealth); vocational an d technical p ro ­ grams; special programs for job training, re­ tra in in g , o r u p g r a d in g o f sk ills th r o u g h c o n tin u in g an d com m unity e d u c a tio n s e r­ vices; a n d n e e d e d re m ed ial p ro g ram s for nontraditional o r u n d erp rep ared learners. A broad spectrum o f materials m ust be avail­ able to m eet research assignments, classroom reports, and self-paced learning. Table E S ize o f C o lle c tio n f o r a S in g le C am p u s M in im u m C o lle c tio n FTE Students Volumes Current Video O ther Total Serials Subs. & Film Items* Collection u nder 1,000 30,000 230 140 2,500 32,870 1,000-2,999 40,000 300 400 5,100 45,800 3,000-4,999 60,000 500 750 8,000 69,250 5,000-6,999 80,000 700 1,250 10,000 91,950 7,000-8,999 95,000 850 1,600 12,000 109,450 9,000-10,999 110,000 900 1,800 14,800 127,500 11,000-12,999 125,000 1,000 2,000 17,400 145,400 13,000-14,999 140,000 1,200 2,200 19,800 163,200 15,000-16,999 155,000 1,500 2,400 22,000 180,900 17,000-19,000 170,000 1,800 2,600 24,000 198,400 E x c e lle n t C o lle c tio n FTE Students Volumes Current Video O ther Total Serials Subs. & Film Items* Collection under 1,000 45,000 400 560 5,000 50,960 1,000-2,999 60,000 600 800 8,000 69,400 3,000-4,999 85,000 800 1,300 11,600 98,700 5,000-6,999 112,000 1,000 2,250 18,000 133,250 7,000-8,999 136,000 1,200 3,000 21,000 161,200 9,000-10,999 166,000 1,400 3,300 26,000 196,700 11,000-12,999 200,000 1,600 4,000 31,000 236,600 13,000-14,999 240,000 1,800 4,500 35,000 281,300 15,000-16,999 285,000 2,100 5,000 41,000 333,100 17,000-19,000 320,000 2,400 5,600 50,000 378,000 ‘Includes microforms, cartographic, graphic, audio, and machine-readable materials. October 1994/581 6 .4 Obsolete, worn-out, and inappropriate materials should be rem oved based on a policy statement. C o m m e n ta r y . De-selection or withdrawal on a regular basis is indispensable to a useful collection and should be done systematically. A written policy should govern w hat should be removed, what should be replaced, and what should b e permanently retained. Not only do obsolete and inappropriate materials occupy expensive storage space but they also detract from other materials containing important in­ formation. From three to five percent of the collection should be replaced annually. The physical condition of the collection should be reviewed regularly and n eeded repairs to m a­ terials should be made. 6 .5 The reference collection shall include a wide selection of standard works, with subject bibliographies and periodical indexes in print and electronic formats. C o m m e n ta r y . Reference is the core of ev­ ery library or learning resources program and the beginning point for research. The reference collection should be o f sufficient breadth and depth to serve the research and informational needs of the cam pus community. 6 .6 Collections shou ld b e organized to provide users with full, efficient, and direct access. C o m m e n ta r y . The choice of a classifica­ tion system, the type of catalog, and the ar­ rangem ent of materials are important decisions. Nationally approved systems (such as the Li­ brary of Congress [LC] or Dewey classification schemes) and formats (such as Machine Read­ able Cataloging [MARC]) are standard. Uniform and multiple access through a public access catalog is essential to make available informa­ tion in all types of formats. The public access catalog should include bibliographic records and information for all formats included in the collection. Standard Seven: Facilities 7 .0 T h e le a rn in g re s o u rc e s p ro g ra m should provide adequate space for housing collections in a variety o f formats, for study and research, for public service activities, for staff w orkroom s an d offices, an d for basic pro d u ctio n . The total num ber of assignable square feet recom m ended for a building that houses these functions can be calculated by applying a for­ mula that reflects: • num ber of FTE students enrolled; • public services provided; • size and type o f collections; • num ber of staff members and their needs. Since som e public higher education regula­ tory agencies issue space formulas for campus facilities, building planners should investigate guidelines that exist in their state early in the planning process. An example o f a state-man­ dated formula is found in Appendix C. C o m m e n t a r y . Local conditions and unique needs of colleges will determine the ultimate size of the building. Flexibility is desirable in assigning learning resources space. Most ser­ vices should be housed in a central location on a campus. W hen com ponents are located else­ where, this should be based on the most effi­ cient and effective access to services. Facilities must be planned for long-term service, includ­ ing anticipated growth and changing formats of collections, projected increase of the student population, sufficient space for w ork areas, eqúipm ent, storage, and the needs o f users. Space planning must take into account the changing information environment, the need for com puter workstations, for transmission and retrieval of information by telecommunication, for media production, and for physical require­ ments within the building for electrical and tele­ communications connections and for services for the physically disabled. Additional space should be provided w hen special services are included in the learning resources program. 7 .1 Student seating should approxim ate a minimum of 10% of the FTE enrollment. The space for user activities should accommodate a wide variety of learning styles and study situa­ tions, should be attractive, comfortable, and de­ signed to encourage use. Different types of seating arrangements should be offered, includ­ ing: • individual carrels, 25 sq ft per student; • tables for four, 25 sq ft per student; • lounge chairs, 30 sq ft per student; • com puters and workstations, 40 sq ft per student; • microform reader stations, 35 sq ft per student; • small grou student. p study rooms, 25 sq ft per 582 /C&RL News In addition to seating, public services areas should include space for public access cata­ logs, current periodicals, indexes, reference and technology delivery areas, display and exhibit space, group bibliographic instruction, group viewing, and study areas for faculty. C o m m e n ta r y . Proper arrangement and suf­ ficient space for utilization o f instructional equipm ent and materials, for the needs of the physically disabled, and for both quiet indi­ vidual study and conference and group study is essential. Advances in technology require flex­ ibility and planning for use of specialized equip­ ment, electrical and com puter connections, cables, conduits, lighting, environmental con­ trol, fire protection, security, and other factors that affect service. The use of telecommunica­ tions necessitates com puter connections to fac­ ulty offices, classrooms, and outside locations. 7 .2 The generally a c c ep ted form ula for b o o k s and o th er b o u n d collections is calcu­ lated at 10 b o u n d volum es p e r assignable sq u are foot. This n u m b er shou ld be d o u b led to 20 volum es p e r square foot if com pact shelving is used. O th er m aterials such as a u ­ diovisual, softw are, m icroform s, m aps, ar­ chives, etc. sh o u ld b e co nverted to volum e equivalents by using o n e o f the existing co n ­ v ersio n tables available in the literature an d sh o u ld be in clu d ed in th e total stack esti­ m ate. A nticipated grow th o f the collection sh o u ld b e factored into th e calculation. C o m m e n t a r y . By elim inating u n n e c e s­ sary aisles b e tw e e n each ran g e, co m p act shelving saves sp ace by d o u bling shelving c a p a c ity a n d s h o u ld b e c o n s id e re d as a m eth o d to m axim ize storage o f print m ate­ rials in areas o f the collection n ot heavily used. Because the system is very heavy, com ­ pact shelving will n o t b e suitable unless the floor loading perm its. 7 .3 Staff space for w orkroom s, offices, equipm ent areas, etc. should be in compliance with state and institutional guidelines (7.0). A minimum of 175 square feet per staff mem ber to accommodate new technologies, equipment, and hardware is desirable. Individual offices for professional staff and administrators should be figured at 200 square feet per person (Boss, p. 108). 7 .4 N ew co n struction and rem odeling projects must be in compliance with the Amer­ icans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enacted July 1990. 7 .5 Space assigned to learning resources should be restricted to the functions for which it was designed. C o m m e n ta r y . Space designed for learn­ ing resources use should not be used for other institutional activities. Notes 1. The term “learning resources program ” refers to an umbrella organization which en ­ com passes a variety o f services. O ther fre­ quently used titles for this program include: library services, educational support services, and instructional services. 2. See American Association o f Community and Junior Colleges, Building Communities: A Visionfo r the New Century, A Report o f the Com­ mission on the Future o f Com m unity Colleges, 1988. 3. Statistical Norms f o r College a n d Univer­ sity Libraries: Derived fro m U. S. Department o f Education Fall 1992 Survey o f College a n d Uni­ versity Libraries (Boulder, Colo.: John Minter Assoc., 1993). References “ACRL guidelines for ex te n d e d cam pus li­ brary services.” C&RL News S i (April 1990): 353. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. Building Communities: A Vision f o r the New Century, A Report o f the Commis­ sion on the Future o f C om m unity Colleges. 1988. Boss, Richard. Lnform ation Technologies a n d Space P la n n in g f o r Libraries a n d Lnfor­ m a tio n Centers. Boston: G.K. Hall Ref., 1987. Johnston, Wanda K. Adm inistering the Com­ m u n ity College Learning Resources Program. Boston: G.K Hall Ref., 1994. Martin, Ron G. Libraries f o r the Future: Plan­ ning Buildings That Work. Papers from the LAMA Buildings Pre-Conference, June 27-28, 1991. Chicago: ALA, 1992. Merril, Irving, and Harold Drob. Criteria fo r Planning the College a n d University Learn­ ing Resources Center. Washington, D.C.: AECT, 1977. Metcalf, Keyes, et al. P lanning A cadem ic a n d Research Library Buildings, second edition. Chicago: ALA, 1986. October 1 99 4/58 3 APPENDIX A: CHECKLIST OF BASIC LRC SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES Listed below are specific services which are considered to be normal and basic library services in two-year college learning resources or emerging program budgets. This list may not in­ clude future or emerging technologies and services. Inclusion does not m ean that an institu­ tion should have every activity or service listed. A c q u is itio n s , c a ta lo g in g , m a in t e n a n c e , p r e s e r v a tio n , a n d /o r c ir c u la tio n of: • Audiovisual m aterials/program s • Books • College archives including institutional publications • Computer programs • Governm ent docum ents • Laser optical (CD-ROM) resources • Local history materials • Microforms • Periodicals • Special collections C o m p u te r s y s t e m s m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a in t e n a n c e : • Com puter programs • Gateway and Internet access • Integrated automation systems • Local area networks (LANs) and wide area netw orks (WANs) • Public access computers E q u ip m e n t s e rv ic es: • Equipm ent inventory, scheduling, and distribution • Equipm ent m aintenance and repair • Equipm ent specifications and purchase • Group viewing services • Public access listening/viewing area I n s tr u c tio n a l s e r v ic e s: • Bibliographic instruction • Bibliographies • Com puter literacy • Copyright consultation • Group orientation • Individualized instruction an d /o r self-paced learning assistance • Instructional design and developm ent • Media orientation and instruction • Online databases searching • Point-of-use guides, pathfinders, and study guides • Reference service • Reserve materials • Staff developm ent • T elephone reference P r o d u c tio n se rv ic es: • Audio duplication, editing, and recording • Copy machines, pap er and microform • Drymounting and lamination • Graphic layout and design • Interactive video • Multimedia • Photography and darkroom • Satellite communications downlink • Scripting • Teleconference services • Telecourse and distant learning distribution • Transparencies and slides • Video duplication, recording, and editing R e s o u r c e s h a r in g se rv ic es: • Bibliographic networks • Gateway services • Interlibrary loan (ILL) • Internet • Reciprocal borrowing • Rental and free-loan materials • Union catalogs o f local resources “Standards for community, junior, and technical college learning resources program s.” Col­ lege & Research Libraries News 51 (Septem­ ber 1990): 757. Statistical Norms f o r College & University Librar­ ies: Derivedfr o m U.S. Departm ent o f Educa­ tion LPEDS1992 Survey o f Academ ic Librar­ ies. Boulder, Colo.: John Minter Assoc., 1993. 5 8 4 /C&R L News APPENDIX B: CHECKLIST OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES COMPONENTS This list includes services which require capital funds, space, personnel, and operating b u d ­ gets in excess of those included in Tables A, B, and C. C o m m u n ity S erv ice s C urriculum : • Library technician education • Bibliographic instruction courses F acu lty D e v e lo p m e n t G o v e r n m e n t D o c u m e n ts D e p o s ito r y J o in t-U se: • Museum • Other academic library • Public library • School library L ab oratories: • Career • Learning developm ent • Literacy • Self-paced learning • Testing • Tutoring Literacy P ro g ra m s P rin tin g : • College catalogs • Copy services (not self-serve) • Literary or other academic col publications • Print shop S tu d en t ID S erv ice T e le v is io n /R a d io : • Radio broadcast • Satellite uplink • Telecourse administration • Telecourse production • Television broadcast • Television station/Radio statio administration lege n October 1994/585 APPENDIX C E xam ple: C aliforn ia C o m m u n ity C o lleg es F acilities Standards— Library Space (from Title 5, California Code o f Regulations, Section 57030) All library space shall be computed by assignable square feet for library functions as specified in the subdivisions of this section. Square feet are “assignable” only if they are usable for the function described. Areas such as the main lobby (excluding card catalogue area), elevators, stairs, walled corridors, restrooms, and areas accommodating building maintenance services are not deem ed usable for any of the described functions. Stack Space = . 1 ASF x Number of Bound Volumes Number of Volumes: Initial Increment = 16,000 volumes Additional Increments: (a) Under 3,000 DGE* = +8 volumes per DGS** (b) 3,000-9,000 DGE = +7 volumes per DGS (c) Above 9,000 DGE = +6 volumes per DGS Staff Space = 140 ASF x Number of FTE Staff) + 400 ASF Number of FTE Staff: Initial Increment = 3.0 FTE Additional Increments: (a) Under 3,000 DGE = +.0020 FTE Staff per DGS (b) 3,000-9,000 DGE = +.0015 FTE Staff per DGS (c) Above 9,000 DGE = +.0010 FTE Staff per DGS Reader Station Space = 27.5 ASF x Number of Reader Stations Number of Reader Stations: Initial Increment = 50 stations Additional Increments: (a) Under 3,000 DGE = +.10 Stations per DGS (b) 3,000-9,000 DGE = +.09 Stations per DGS (c) Above 9,000 DGE = +.08 Stations per DGS Total Space = Initial Increment = 3,795 ASF Additional Increments: (a) Under 3,000 DGE = +3.83 ASF per DGS (b) 3,000-9,000 DGE = +3.39 ASF per DGS (c) Above 9,000 DGE = +2.94 ASF per DGS For audiovisual and programmed instruction activities associated with library functions, additional areas sized for individual needs but not exceeding the following totals for the district as a whole. Total Space - Initial Increment = 3,500 ASF Additional Increments: (a) Under 3,000 DGE = 1.50 ASF per DGS (b) 3,000-9,000 DGE = 0.75 ASF per DGS (c) Above 9,000 DGE = 0.25 ASF per DGS ’Day-Graded Enrollment = use FTES **Day-Graded Student = use FTES I never thought that way Printed CA from CAS. 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 abstracts for about 3