ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 532 / C& RL News viously designated as the Louisiana Collection, the Manuscripts Collection, the University Archives, and the Russell Long Collection. The reorganiza­ tion was carried out with the intent of making LSU ’s historical research materials more accessible to scholars. • The University of Wisconsin’s Memorial L i­ brary, Madison, has microfilmed a substantial por­ tion of the Ph.D . dissertations written on its cam ­ pus before 1957. So far more than 3,000 disserta­ tions have been photographed, with the film to be stored in an environmentally controlled vault. The university is now accepting orders for positive mi­ cro film copies of the d issertations, a v ailab le through the Interlibrary Loan Department, Me­ morial Library, 728 State St., Madison, W I 53706; (608) 262-3680. . P E O P L E . P ro file s M i c h a e l S t u a r t F r e e m a n , director of library services for the College of Wooster in Ohio, has been named librarian at Haverford College, Penn­ sylvania, effective July 1. A 1968 graduate of Brooklyn College of the City University of New Y o rk , F re e m a n has a m aster’s degree in his­ tory (1970) and an MLS (1971) from the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin. Prior to his six years as d ire c to r of W o o ste r’s Andrews Library, Free­ m an was the assistant M ichael Freem anchief for reference ser­ vices at Dartmouth Col­ lege beginning in 1975, and was named head of that department in 1978. From 1971 to 1975 he was the social sciences librarian and university archivist for Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington. Freeman has written a number of articles and re­ views for L ibrary Journal, C ollege and R esearch L ib ra ries, Jou rn al o f A c a d em ic L ib ra ria n sh ip , C h oice, and the A m erican R eferen ce B ooks An­ nual. He is also co-editor of the New England L i­ brary Association’s G uide to N ew spaper Indexes in N ew England. For two years Freeman has con­ ducted a workshop at Kent State University enti­ tled, “Managing College Libraries,” focusing on a variety of topics including collection development, resource sharing, and library automation. G . M e l v i n H i p p s , executive director of the B lor Health Sciences L ibrary, Baylor University ay­ Medical Center, and professor in the Department of Educational Services, Baylor College of Den­ tistry, Dallas, Texas, has been named director of university libraries and professor at Mercer Uni­ versity, A tlanta, G eor­ gia, effective September 1, 1986. A Phi B e ta K ap p a graduate of the Univer­ sity of North Carolina at C h a p el H ill in 1 9 5 8 , Hipps received his MLS G. Melvin H ippsdegree and C ertifica te of Advanced Study from North Texas State University. He also holds a mas­ ter’s degree from the University of North Carolina and a doctorate in education from Duke Univer­ sity. Before joining the staff at Baylor, Hipps served as director of the Carr P. and Ruth Collins Library/ L e a rn in g C en ter at D allas B ap tist U niversity where he also served as dean of graduate studies. Previously he held posts as chairman of the D epart­ ment of Education, associate academic dean, di­ rector of graduate studies, and coordinator of pro­ gram s fo r fa c u lty d ev elop m en t at F u rm a n University, Greenville, South Carolina. Hipps is co-author and editor of Planned C hange Strategies, published in 1982 by Jossey-Bass. C l a u d e J . J o h n s , dean of libraries at the Univer­ sity of Northern Colorado, Greeley, since 1976, has been named vice president for university relations September 1986 / 533 at UN C , effective July 1. Johns will direct the de­ p artm e n ts o f A lum ni Relations, Inform ation Services, Development, and ra d io s ta tio n KUNC-FM. P rio r to jo in in g the UNC staff, Johns was di­ rector of libraries at the U.S. Air Force Academy for 15 years. He has also been a political science instructor at the Univer­ C lau d e J. John s sity of M ary lan d ’s F a r East Division in Japan, and taught high school in Starke, Florida. Johns earned b achelor’s and m aster’s degrees from Florida State in 1952 and 1953, a P h.D . from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1964, and an M LS from the University of Denver in 1975. N a n c y H . M a r s h a l l has been named university librarian at the E arl Gregg Swem Library, College of W illiam and Mary, W illiamsburg, Virginia, ef­ fective August 1. Since 1972 she has held several administrative appoint­ ments in the University of W isconsin-M adison Library System. She has served as associate direc­ tor of libraries for public services since 1979. M a rsh a ll earn ed a bachelor’s degree in E n ­ glish from O hio W e s­ leyan University in 1953 and an M LS from the N ancy H. M arshall University of Wisconsin- Madison in 1972. Active in local, state, regional, and national li­ brary organizations, she served as president of the O C L C Users Council in 1 9 81-82 and has been a member of the O C L C Board of Trustees since then. Since 1981 Marshall has been the ARL Legis­ lative Network representative. W ithin ALA she is a member of Council and a member of the Ad Hoc C opyright Su bcom m ittee of A LA ’s L egislation Committee. M arshall has w ritten articles and reviews for many journals and p u b licatio n s, am ong them Jou rn al o f A cad em ic L ibrarian sh ip , C olleg e an d R esearch L ibraries, L ib ra ry Trends, W ilson L i­ brary Bulletin, and the B o w k er Annual. She has also frequently given talks or papers at conferences and meetings. In 1982 she was the Wisconsin Library Associa­ tion Librarian of the Year. M a r g a r e t C. L a n d r u m , director of the Central regon Community College Library, Bend, has een named director of library services at Western tate C ollege of C olo­ ado, Gunnison. Before becom ing di­ ector at C en tral O re­ on in 1979, Landrum pent four years as direc­ o r of th e Ita w a m b a unior College and Uni­ ersity o f M ississippi (T u p e lo B ra n c h ) L i ­ r a ry . F ro m 1971 to 1 9 7 4 she w orked as a ublic school librarian. Landrum earned her M argaret C. L an d ru m bachelor’s degree in E u ­ ropean history and art istory from Louisiana State University in 1970, an M LS in public school media from the University of Mississippi in 1975, and another M LS in academic ibrary administration from Vanderbilt University in 1979. She has completed coursework for a Ph.D . in higher education at the University of Arizona. J o h n C. T y s o n , assistant director for planning, dministration, and development for the Univer­ ity Libraries at Northern Illinois University, De- alb, has been named niversity lib ra ria n at he University of R ich­ on d , V ir g in ia . His rofession al ca re e r at orthern Illinois U n i­ ersity also includes ser­ ice as assistant to the di­ e c to r (1 9 7 9 – 81) and cting head of the Un­ e rg ra d u a te S erv ices e p a r tm e n t (1 9 8 1 ). rior to his work at NIU, e held library positions Jo h n C. Tysont th e U n iv e rsity of i s c o n s i n - P a r k s i d e 1977– 79), West Virginia University (1976) and oncord College (1973– 75). Tyson received an M LS from the University of llinois and a master’s degree in public administra­ ion from W est Virginia University. He currently is doctoral candidate at Simmons College Graduate chool of Library and Inform ation Science. His current professional activities include ALA ouncilor-at-Large (1984–88), and memberships n th e ALA C o u n cil O rie n ta tio n C o m m ittee 1 9 8 5 -8 7 ); the ALA Instruction in the Use of L i­ raries Com m ittee (1984– 86, chair, 1984– 85); and he Library Instruction Round T ab le’s Long Range lanning Committee. He also holds a seat on the xecutive Board of the Illinois Association of C ol­ ege and Research Libraries (1985– 87). O b S r r g s t J v b p h l a s K u t m p N v v r a d D P h a W ( C I t a S C o ( b t P E l 534 / C & RL News His previous professional activities have in ­ cluded service as secretary of the Library Instruc­ tion Round Table (1984-85); and memberships on th e LAM A S ta ff D ev elo p m en t C o m m itte e (1980-84); chair, LAMA PAS Literature Review Subcommittee (1981– 84); chair, L IR T Annual Conference Program Committee (1981–82); and LAMA PAS Program Committee (1983-84). He also served as a delegate to the ALA National F o ­ rum on Continuing Education (1979) and was co­ organizer of the LAMA Assistant to the Director Discussion Group (1981). He has served on various committees of the Wisconsin and Illinois Library Associations. Tyson is an international management consul­ tant, specializing in teambuilding and strategic planning. He has consulted with academ ic and public libraries throughout the United States, C an­ ada, and the United Kingdom. He has contributed to r merous professional journals and is co-author of M aterials and M ethods f o r Business R esearch , Neal-Schuman, 1981. R u s h G . M i l l e r has been named dean of li­ braries and learning resources at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, effective June 2. From 1982 to 1986, he served as director of li­ braries at Sam Houston State University, Hunts­ v ille , T exas. P rio r to that he was director of library services at D elta State University, Cleve­ land, Mississippi, from 1975 to 1982. At Bowl­ ing Green State Univer­ sity, he replaces William M ille r, who has been acting dean for the past Rush G. M illertwo years. Rush Miller earned a bachelor’s degree in history and philosophy from Delta State University in 1969, a master’s degree in history in 1971, a Ph.D . in medieval history in 1973 from Mississippi State University, and an M LS from Florida State University in 1974. He has authored a number of publications in the fields of library science and history and edited Mis­ sissippi L ibraries from 1980 to 1982. Active in pro­ fessional associations, he served on the Executive Board of the Southeastern L ibrary Association from 1976 to 1982, and has chaired committees in the Mississippi Library Association, Texas Library Association, and the American Library Associa­ tion. He was a delegate to the W hite House Confer­ ence on Library & Information Services in 1979. P e o p le in t h e n e w s D a v i d K a s e r , distinguished professor of library and information science at Indiana University and a former president of A C RL, was eulogized this summer by colleagues and doctoral students who planted an oak tree in his honor at the Indiana Uni­ versity Arboretum. Kaser was editor of C ollege & R esearch L ibraries from 1963 to 1969 and was re­ sponsible for launching C &R L News as a separate publication. S t a n l e y D . S t e v e n s , map librarian at the Uni­ versity of C alifornia, Santa Cruz, received the 1986 Hammond Incorporated/MAGERT Award for the best paper on map librarianship . Stevens is the first recipient of the award, presented at the ALA Annual Conference in New York. Stevens’s article, “Map Librarianship: Suggestions for Im ­ provement,” appeared in the October 1985 issue of the W ilson L ib r a r y B u lletin and describes the evolving relationship between librarians and fed­ eral mapping agencies. G e o r g i a W a l t e r , director of the Still Memorial Library, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medi­ ine, Missouri, has been awarded the honorary de­ gree of Doctor of Osteopathic Education by the ollege for her contributions to the profession and ervice to osteopathic libraries. She is the author of everal articles on the history of osteopathy. A p p o in tm e n ts (Appointment notices are taken from library ewsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ ointees, and other sources. To ensure that your ppointment appears, write to the Editor, A C RL, 0 E . Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) J u d i t h C. A n d r e w s is now documents librarian t the University of Oregon, Eugene. J o h n B a d g l e y has been appointed curator of the chols Collection on Southeast Asia at the Olin L i­ rary, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. S a l l i e H . B a r r i n g e r has been appointed sci­ nce librarian at Trinity University, San Antonio, exas. K e n n e t h B l a c k has been appointed archivist of osary College, River Forest, Illinois. M a r i a m B o n h a m is the new head of the Medical ciences and Optometry Libraries of the University f Indiana, Bloomington. M a r c i a B o o s i n g e r has been appointed biblio­ raphic instruction librarian in humanities at Au­ urn University, Alabama. R i c h a r d B o p p has been named head of the Ref­ rence Library of the University of Illinois, Ur­ ana. L i n d a B o w l e s - A d a r k w a has been appointed atalog librarian in the Cataloging and Systems epartm ent at George W ashington University, ashington, D .C . N a n c y B r o w n has been named university librar­ an at the University of Windsor, Ontario. M i e c z y s l a w B u c z k o w s k i has been appointed ssistant librarian in the Canon Law Department f the Law Library at the University of California, c c s s n p a 5 a E b e T R S o g b e b c D W i a o September 1986 / 535 Berkeley. T e r e s a J . B u n g a r d is the new manager/coor­ dinator of the L O E X L ibrary Instruction Clearing­ house at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. C a r o l y n C a r o t is now a catalog librarian at Au­ burn University, Alabama. F r a n c i s A . C a p a s s o is now reserves and circula­ tion librarian at the Hilles Library of Harvard Uni­ versity, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. V i c t o r C a r d e l l is the new head of the Archive of Popular American Music at the University of California, Los Angeles. N o r m a J . C a r m a c k has been appointed docu­ ments librarian at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. M a i d e l C a s o n has been appointed personnel li­ brarian at the University of D elaw are, Newark. M a r y C e r v a n t e s C l a r k s o n is the new head of circulation at T rin ity University, San Antonio, Texas. R i c h a r d C l e m e n t has been appointed assistant special collections librarian at the University of Kansas, Law rence. P a u l C o l e m a n has been appointed reference and instruction lib rarian at North Adams State College, Massachusetts. D w a y n e C o x will be the new university archivist at Auburn University, Alabam a, on October 1. Russ D a v i d s o n has been appointed collection development officer at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. C h a r l e s E . D a v i s has been appointed associate librarian in charge of public services at the La- Sierra Campus of Lom a Linda University, River­ side, C alifornia. S u s a n W . D a v i s has been appointed preserva­ tion librarian in Special Collections at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. P a u l a D e m a n e t t has been appointed head of technical services at Gettysburg College, Pennsyl­ vania. H o w a r d D e s s has been appointed physical sci­ ences resource librarian at the L ibrary of Science and Medicine on the Busch Campus of Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey. L a n a D i x o n has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Undergraduate Library of the Uni­ versity of Tennessee, Knoxville. D a v i d L . D o c t o r is now reference librarian in the Social Sciences/Humanities Reference D epart­ ment at the Oregon State University, Corvallis. C o n n i e D o w e l l is now head of reference at the University of California, Santa Barbara. V i r g i n i a L e e E l d r i d g e has been appointed Acorn User Services L ibrarian in Library Adminis­ tration/Systems at Vanderbilt University, Nash­ ville, Tennessee. J o h n A. E l s w e i l e r is now head of reference at Utah State University, Logan. J u d i t h E m d e has been appointed assistant sci­ ence librarian at the University of Kansas, L aw ­ rence. T u r e E r i c k s o n is now on the staff of the Refer­ ence D epartm ent at the main library of the Univer­ sity of British Colum bia, Vancouver. D e r o r a h F a i r r a n k s is the new gift and ex­ change lib ra ria n at the U niversity of F lo rid a , Gainesville. C a r o l F l e i s h a u e r has been appointed depart­ ment chief of acquisitions at Stanford University, California. B a r r a r a J . F o r d is now associate director of li­ braries at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. B e r n a r d M . F r a n c k o w i a k has been named di­ rector of libraries at the University of Low ell, Mas­ sachusetts. R i c h a r d F r i e d m a n has been appointed archi­ tecture librarian at Auburn University, Alabam a. P a u l A . F r i s c H has been appointed social sci­ ences librarian at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. J u d y G a r d n e r has been appointed public service librarian at the Kilmer Area Library of Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey. A n i t a G a r e y has been appointed social science and ethnic studies bibliographer at the University of California, Santa Cruz. R a y G e r k e has been appointed assistant head of the Reference Division at Texas A&M University, College Station. C h a r l e s G e t c h e l l has been appointed head of the Reference D epartm ent at W ake Forest Univer­ sity, W inston-Salem , North Carolina. J o n a t h a n G i l l h a m has been appointed public services lib ra ria n at the U niversity of D e tro it, McNichols Campus Library. J o a n H a n d i l a n d s has been named head of the Sedgewick Library at the University of British C o­ lum bia, Vancouver. S t e v e n L . H e n s e n has been appointed assistant curator for technical services in the Manuscript D e­ p artm en t at D uke U niversity, D u rh am , N orth Carolina. M a r y A n n H i g d o n has been appointed head of reference at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. S u s a n J . H o f f m a n is now assistant library in­ struction librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. N e i l R . H u g h e s has been appointed music ca ta ­ loger at the University of Georgia, Athens. S t e p h e n H u p p has been appointed head of circu­ latio n at the U niversity of D e tro it, M cN ichols Campus Library. C a r o l G . J e n k i n s has been named director of the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. B a r r a r a J . K a c e n a has been appointed science bibliographer at the University of Nebraska, L in ­ coln. M a r i l y n K a n n has been appointed assistant ar­ chivist for collection development at the Hoover Institution Archives of Stanford University, C ali­ fornia. M i c h a e l K e l l e r has been appointed associate 536 / C & RL News university librarian for collection development at Yale University. C a r o l y n K o p p e r has been appointed head of reference at the Carlson Health Sciences Library at the University of California, Davis. V i c k i R. K r e i m e y e r has been named deputy state librarian at the Washington State Library, Olympia. M e l i s s a L a n i n g has been appointed head of the Cataloging Department at the University of Louis­ ville, Kentucky. E l i z a b e t h L a n t z has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at the Moore College of Art Library, Phila­ delphia. S u s a n P . L a P a r o is now systems/automation li­ brarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, V ir­ ginia. S u s a n M . L a r s o n has been appointed coordina­ tor for computer assisted search services at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. C a r o l L e a d e n h a m has been appointed assistant archivist for collection development at the Hoover Institution Archives of Stanford University, C ali­ fornia. E a r l L e e has been appointed catalog/reference librarian at Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma. M a r i l y n L e w i s has been appointed cataloging librarian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. L o r i n H. L i n d s a y has been named director of li­ brary services at the University of Texas of the Per­ mian Basin, Odessa. M a r y L o c h h e a d has been appointed reference librarian at the Elizabeth Dafoe Library at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. G e r a l d R . L o w e l l has been appointed associ­ ate university librarian for technical services at Yale University. M a i j a L u t z is now head of technical services in the Tozzer Library of the Peabody Muesum of Ar­ chaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. J o a n M a c d o n a l d has been appointed head of the EMS Reference and Collections Development Department at the University of W aterloo, On­ tario. B r e n d a W . M c C a l l u m has been appointed head of the popular culture library at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. S t e v e M a c L e o d has been appointed head of ref­ erence at the University of California, Irvine. C h a r l e s R. M c C l u r e has been appointed pro­ fessor at the School of Information Studies at Syra­ cuse University, Syracuse, New York. J a m e s M a r k h a m is now science cataloger at the University of California, Santa Barbara. J a n e t M a r t o r a n a has been appointed govern­ ment publications librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara. S t e v e M i t c h e l l is now reference librarian at the Bio-Agricultural Library, University of C ali­ fornia, Riverside. L i s a A. M i t t e n is now social sciences bibliogra­ pher for anthropology, sociology, administration of justice and geography at the University of Pitts­ burgh. C a r o l e R . M o o r e has been named chief librar­ ian at the University of Toronto, Ontario. C a r o l y n n e M y a l l has been appointed head of the Cataloging Department at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. M i c h a e l N e l s o n is now catalog librarian at Au­ burn University, Alabama. J u d i t h N i l e s has been appointed director of technical services at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. J o n N o l a n d has been appointed access servi­ ces/reference librarian at the University of Red­ lands, California. K a r e n P e a r s o n has been appointed serials and reference librarian at North Park College, C hi­ cago. S u s a n S . P e r r y has been named head of the J . Henry Meyer Memorial Library at Stanford Uni­ versity, California. R o d n e y P h i l l i p s has been appointed associate director for public services of the Research L i­ braries of the New York Public Library, New York City. B a r b a r a P r i o r is now reference librarian at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. M a r y R e i c h e l has been named assistant univer­ sity librarian for central services at Arizona State University, Tempe. A r t h u r D. R e i n h a r t has been appointed assis­ tant librarian at the Whitney Library of the New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven, Connecticut. A n n e R i m m e r is now assistant university librar­ ian for personnel at the University of California, Ir ­ vine. S o p h i a E . S a y i g h has been appointed head of circulation and reserves at the John F . Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University. V i r g i n i a S c h e s c h y has been appointed assistant director for technical services at Marquette Univer­ sity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. M a r y J a n e S c h e r d i n has been named assistant dean in the School of Library and Information Sci­ ence at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. A l i c e D. S c h r e y e r is now head of special collec­ tions at the University of Delaware, Newark. R o b e r t S h a d d y is now director of the Instruc­ tional Materials Center of the College of Education at the University of Missouri, Columbia. B e r y l K . S m i t h has been appointed art librar­ ian at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. C a r e n E . S m i t h is now systems librarian in the University Library’s Office for Systems Planning and Research at Harvard University. P e t e r S m i t h has been appointed public services librarian at the University of Detroit. J u d y S o l b e r g has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Undergraduate Library of the Uni­ versity of Tennessee, Knoxville. 538 / C & RL News L i s a S t e v e n s is the new head of acquisitions at the University of California, Riverside. W i l b u r S t o l t has been appointed director of li­ brary public services at the University of Okla­ homa, Norman. M a r t h a B r a n t i g a n S t o w e l l has been a p ­ pointed monographs librarian, general technical services, at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, T en­ nessee. E l a i n e T a i - L a u r i a has been appointed refer­ ence manager/librarian at the Lane Medical L i­ brary of Stanford University, Stanford, California. A n n e B . T a n n e r has been named assistant dean of the College of Information Studies at Drexel University, Philadelphia. J a m e s C . T h o m p s o n has been named university librarian at the University of California, Riverside. A nn V i e r a has been appointed reference librar­ ian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. A l a n W a l l a c e has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Undergraduate Library at the Uni­ versity of Tennessee, Knoxville. F a i t h W a l l i s has been named history of medi­ cine librarian at the Osier Library, M cGill Univer­ sity, Montreal, Quebec. J a m e s A . W a l t e r has been appointed reference librarian with specialization in the humanities at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. A n d r e w H . W a n g has been promoted to pro­ gram director of O C L C Asian/Pacific Services, Dublin, Ohio. D a v i d R . W a r r i n g t o n has been appointed as­ sistant librarian for special collections in the Law School Library of Harvard University. N a n c y W a s h i n g t o n is now assistant director of the Library Processing Center at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. M a r k R . W a t s o n is now cataloger at the Univer­ sity of Oregon, Eugene. C . B r i g i d W e l c h has been appointed head instructional and access services at the University of Houston-University Park, Houston, Texas. C h a r l e s W i l l a r d has been named librarian of the Andover-Harvard Theological Seminary of the Divinity School of Harvard University. G a i l W i l s o n has been appointed agricultural li­ brarian and bibliographic selector for agricultural sciences at the University of Florida, Gainesville. T e r e s s a M. W i t t i g has been appointed assistant librarian for technical processing in the Rotch L i­ brary at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. A r i g a i l Y a s g u r is now reference librarian at the Gutman Library of the Graduate School of Educa­ tion at Harvard University. E l l a G a i n e s Y a t e s has been named librarian of the Virginia State Library, Richmond. R e tir e m e n ts P h y l l i s B a l l retired on June 20 after more than 42 years of service at the University of Arizona, of Tucson. Ball received her undegraduate degree at Arizona in 1943 and assumed a position at Stanford University before returning to Tucson the follow­ ing year to work in the Registrar’s Office. Later the same year she began her career in the library as an assistant in acquisitions, becoming acquisitions li­ brarian in 1952. As the first head of the Special Col­ lections Departm ent, Ball spent the balance of her career processing materials for the Arizona Collec­ tion of pamphlets, photographs, manuscripts, bio­ graphical materials, and “life and times” archives relating to the university. Her P ictorial History o f th e University o f A rizon a, 1885– 1985 was pub­ lished this year. F l o r e n c e E . B l a k e l y , assistant university li­ brarian for collection development at Duke Uni­ versity, Durham , North Carolina, will retire at the end of the year after 38 years of service. M a r y G . B u r e l , head of technical services at Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, retired on Au­ gust 29 after 16 years of service. L o r r a i n e F r e i d e n r e r g e r retired on June 30 af­ ter 20 years of service in the Interlibrary Loan D e­ partment at the University of California, Davis. I r e n e G r a h a m , director of the Rowland Medical Library at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, retired in June after 31 years of service. Her career began in 1953 as a staff member at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Library. G raham served in many capacities in both state and national library science organiza­ tions. G i o k P O O e y , curator of the Echols Collection on Southeast Asia at Cornell University’s Olin L i­ brary, Ithaca, New York, retired at the end of June after 29 years of service. M o n e t t e E . R e d s l o b , d irector of the Aiken Technical College-Learning Resources Division, Aiken, South Carolina, retired in June. R o s e M a r i e S e r v i c e , associate professor and ref­ erence lib ra ria n at the University of O regon, Eugene, retired on June 30 after 25 years of service. She received her MLS in 1955 from the University of Minnesota, and also earned a master’s degree in educational curriculum and instruction at Minne­ sota. Service’s tenure at Oregon included positions as social sciences librarian, education/psychology librarian, and reference librarian. E d i t h M. S i m s , head of the Instructional M ateri­ als Center at the Louisiana State University L i­ brary, Baton Rouge, retired on July 7 after 35 years of service. After earning her M LS from LSU in 1951, Sims successively served as newspaper librar­ ian, geology librarian, and government documents librarian before being appointed head of the Gov­ ernment Documents Departm ent in 1959. She was head of the Social Science Division from 1968 to 1977 and was a member of the Reference Services Department from 1978 until 1983, when she as­ sumed the position held at the time of her retire­ ment. G e o r g i a W a l t e r retired on June 30 as director September 1986 / 539 of the Still Memorial Library, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Missouri, after 17 years of service. M a r j o r i e W e b b e r , catalog librarian at Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma, has retired after 17 years of service. W ebber began her career in the Reference Department of Metropolitan Library in Oklahoma City in 1941. She later served as assis­ tant librarian at Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, and health services librarian at Ohio State University, Colum bus. W eb ber re­ ceived her bachelor’s in library science at the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma in 1941 and her M LS there in 1981. D e ath s O i v i n d H o v d e , head librarian at Luther Col­ lege, Decorah, Iowa, from 1949-1977, died June 8. Hovde served as head librarian longer than any­ one in the college’s 125-year history and helped de­ sign the Preus Library at the college, which opened in 1969. Hovde served as president of the Iowa L i­ brary Association and helped establish the North­ east Iowa Academic Librarians group. M a r i o n K l i e w e r , associate catalog librarian at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, died June 2. He had been at the university since 1971. R i c h a r d F . L a r s o n , former head of the Biblio­ graphical Division of the Acquisition Department (1956– 1972) and assistant to the library planning and budget officer (1972– 1980) at the University of California, Berkeley, died in San Diego this sum­ mer after a long illness. Following service in World War II, Larson earned bachelor’s and master’s de­ grees in Romance languages at Harvard University and an MLS at Berkeley in 1952. He worked in the Reference Department at Stanford University be­ fore returning to the University of C alifo rn ia, where he served for 24 years. B r a d l e y F u r r s M i l l a r d , reference librarian since 1963 at the University of Puget Sound, T a ­ coma, Washington, died suddenly on June 24. For­ merly with the U.S. Army Security Agency and Ar­ vin Industries, he received a bachelor’s degree from Illinois College, Jacksonville, in 1955 and an MLS from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 1963. H . G o r d o n S t e v e n s o n , associate professor at the School of Library and Information Science at the State University of New York at Albany, died June 14 after a brief illness. Prior to his library ca­ reer, Stevenson earned bachelor’s and master’s de­ grees in music at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, and taught on the music faculty there. After receiv­ ing his library degree from Indiana University in 1956, he worked as a cataloger with the New York Public Library and later became head of the Art and Music Department and associate head librar­ ian at the Kansas City, Missouri, Public Library. He earned his Ph.D . at Indiana in 1970. In addi­ tion to teaching, Stevenson edited books on the sub­ jects of classification history and theory, music li­ brarianship and popular culture. M a r y A u s t i n W a l k e r , retired librarian in the former Catalog Department at Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington, died on May 17. She received her undergraduate degree from Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia, and her M LS from Columbia University, New York. J o y c e C. W e r n e r , former head of reference ser­ vices at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, died Ju n e 10 fo llo w in g an extended illness. W erner’s career as a reference librarian spanned 32 years and included tenures with Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (1953– 1955); the University of Illin o is, C h am p aig n -U rb an a (1 9 5 5 – 1 9 6 2 ); Emory University, Atlanta (1962– 1970); the Uni­ versity of Illinois at Chicago (1970– 1974); and the University of South Carolina, Columbia, where she served as head of the Reference Department from 1974 to 1980, before assuming her position at LSU. W erner retired in 1985.