ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1986 / 541 English-language abstracts are produced by the Patent Documentation Service center of the Chi­ nese Patent Office. A database of United Kingdom patent documents is also scheduled for this year. Contact Pergamon Infoline, In c ., 1340 Old Chain Bridge Road, M cLean, VA 22101; (800) 336-7575, (703) 442-0900. * SilverPlatter Information now offers a CD- ROM starter kit that includes a subscription to the ER IC database, SilverPlatter retrieval software, and a one-year lease for a CD-ROM Hitachi disk drive. The software allows for Boolean searches, proximity searches, searches in a specific field, nu­ meric range or limit searches, and searches using right-hand truncation. The annual cost is $1,550. Contact SilverPlatter, 37 W alnut St., Wellesley, MA 02181; (617) 239-0306. • Sydney Dataproducts has a new version of their Sydney Library System software that runs on the entire D E C VAX series (VMS operating sys­ tem). The software automates all library functions in five fully automated modules and was designed for the small and medium-sized special library. C o n ta c t Sydney D a ta p ro d u c ts , 11075 S a n ta Monica Blvd., Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90025; (213) 479-4621. •Utlas International has developed a Japanese language version of its Cataloging Support Service (CATSS) to be distibuted in Japan by the Maruzen Co. L td ., the largest importer of English language books and magazines in Japan. Japan CATSS has accommodated nearly 7,000 Japanese characters and will be used primarily to catalog the many English-language books imported from the West. Contact Utlas International, 80 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2V1. •Vantex D ata Systems offers a word processing package designed for use on IBM PCs and compati­ bles. Vantex has an integrated spelling checker us­ ing an updatable 90,000-w ord dictionary, eight sorted directory-list formats, 30 user-settable de­ faults, and automatic ASCII import and export. The text is manipulated in highlighted block mode with full backwards-forwards search-replace ca­ pability. Valuable format control features include margins, justification, microjustification, single to triple line spacing, selectable strike-through and hard-blank characters, and multiple headers and footers with variables for page number (Arabic, letter, roman). Text can be edited while printing. The software sells for $49.95 plus $5.50 shipping and handling. Contact Vantex D ata Systems, P.O . Box 507, C hatham , NJ 07928; (800) 524-2838, (201) 635-5686. •Xerox is now marketing strip-off label stock, designed for high-speed copiers and laser printers, that can be used for all label applications including bar codes. Its non-bleeding adhesive backing is strong enough to support a coffee mug with ease. The high-speed labels are made of a bright white paper, come in 33-label or 6-label per sheet stan­ dard formats, or can be customized to customer re­ quirements. C ontact Xerox C orp ., 800 Phillips R d ., W e b s te r, NY 1 4 5 8 0 -9 7 0 1 ; (716) 4 2 3 ­ 3535. ■ ■ 9A u tom ated L ib ra ry Systems in ARL L ibraries, SPEC Kit #126 (108 pages, July 1986), contains six documents describing the automation planning process, three documents describing implementa­ tion, and four documents dealing with operational issues— two on computer center relationships, one example of use statistics, and one general system description. SPEC kits are available by subscrip­ tion, or individually for $20 (plus $5 postage out­ side the U .S.). Checks should be payable to the ARL Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. • T he C hanging System o f Scholarly C om m u cation (7 pages, May 1986) summarizes the percep­ tions held within the research library community about changes taking place in the scholarly com­ PUBLICA munication system. The paper, prepared by the RL Task Force on Scholarly Communication, ad­ resses the new technological environment, the hanging needs and practices of scholars, the role f publishers in the process, the record of scholar­ hip, and users of the record of scholarship. Copies re available for $1.00 (prepaid) from the Associa­ ion of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire ve., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. • D esk D iction aries: A C on su m er’s G u id e, by obert M. Pierson (32 pages, June 1986), reviews 0 currently available desk dictionaries according o potential readership, scope, authority, and orga­ ization. The $2.95 booklet is an expanded version f a review th at appeared in A LA ’s R e fe r e n c e ook s R u lletin for Decem ber 1, 1983. C ontact: 542 / C & RL News ALA Publishing Services, Order Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0- 8389-3316-5. •E pic Fantasy in the M o d em W orld: A F ew O b­ servations, by Stephen R. Donaldson (16 pages, 1986), has been issued by the Kent State University Libraries as part of its Occasional Papers series. Donaldson, who received his master’s degree from Kent State in 1971, is the author of two fantasy tril­ ogies published as T he C hronicles o f T h om as C o v e­ nant, the U nbeliever. His papers are housed in the library’s Department of Special Collections. The booklet, featuring a cover by award-winning fan­ tasy illustrator P. Craig Russell, is available for $5.00 (prepaid) from the Kent State University Press, Kent, OH 44242. • Guidelines on Subject Access to M icrocom put Softw are (27 pages, June 1986) provides guidelines on subject analysis and classification of software based on the principle that it should be integrated with traditional library materials to simplify pa­ tron access. Prepared by the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division’s Subcommittee on Subject Access to Microcomputer Software, the guide complements ALA’s G u idelin es f o r Using AACR2 C h a p ter 9 f o r C atalogin g M icrocom pu ter S oftw are. Copies may be ordered for $4.50 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-0452-1. • Im proving R eferen ce M anagem ent, edited by Trish Ridgeway (73 pages, 1986), contains papers based upon a conference sponsored by the South­ eastern Library Association and ALA’s Reference and Adult Services Division in Atlanta, May 10-12, 1984. Some topics included are setting reference standards, burnout, and creativity and innovation. Copies may be ordered for $15 ($12 for RASD members) from ALA Publishing Services, Order Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795. ISBN 0-8389-7046-X. •The 4th edition of the Latin A m erican Im port- E xport D irectory (2 vols., 960 pages, 1986) lists 22,500 companies in 18 Latin American countries classified by product. A free copy is available on re­ quest. Contact: International Trade Council, P.O . Box 73 Centro Colon, San Jose 1007, Costa Rica; telex 48547 INCOM CR. • L eg al In form ation Service to the Public is a bro­ chure that describes the efforts of the American As­ sociation of Law Libraries to improve public access to legal information. AALL has developed a multi­ faceted program to assist non-law trained librari­ ans in moving toward the goal of providing all Americans with equal access to basic legal informa­ tion. The program includes workshops, consulting services on acquisitions and collection m ainte­ nance, and the development of union lists and bib­ liographies. For copies of the brochure, or for more information on AALL’s program, contact: Ameri­ can Association of Law Libraries, 53 W . Jackson, Suite 703, Chicago, IL 60604; (312) 939-4764. er • Online C atalog Screen Displays: A Series o f Dis­ cussions, edited by Joan Frye Williams (1986), in­ cludes speakers’ presentations, reports from discus­ sion groups, and a summary of a conference held in Austin, March 1 0 -1 3 ,1 9 8 5 . Forty-three librarians, system designers, vendors, and consultants partici­ pated in the meeting, which focused on improving screen displays to enhance user satisfaction and performance. A glossary of display terminology is included in an appendix. The book is available for $7 (prepaid only) from Screen Displays, Council on L ib ra ry Resources, 1785 M assachusetts A ve., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. •An Ounce o f Prevention (191 pages, 1986) con­ tains the proceedings of the Symposium on Disaster Contingency Planning for Information Managers in Archives, Libraries and Records Centres, held March 7–8, 1985, in Toronto. The proceedings have been published by the Toronto Area Archi­ vists Groups as a companion to their similarly titled handbook on disaster contingency planning. The 26 papers are divided into four groups: preventive measures, development of a contingency plan, anatomy of a disaster, and rehabilitation of sal­ vaged materials. Copies may be ordered for $25 (plus $2.50 postage and handling) from the T o­ ronto Area Archivists Group, P.O . Box 97, Station F , Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2L4. ISBN 0-9292041-1- 6 . •A new edition of Overview o f E n dow m en t Pro­ grams (31 pages, July 1986) has been issued by the National Endowment for the Humanities. This handbook describes all 42 NEH programs and in­ cludes a revised staff directory, a list of state hu­ manities councils, and a list of other free NEH pub­ lications. The application dates through 1987 are listed. For a free copy, contact NEH, Room 409, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N .W ., Washington, DC 20506; (202) 786-0438. • Planning f o r the Archival Profession (42 pages, 1986) has been published by the Society of Ameri­ can Archivists as the final report of its Task Force on Goals and Priorities. The report, basically a goals and objectives statement for archival organi­ zations, identifies ways to locate and preserve rec­ ords of enduring value to society, to manage pro­ grams effectively for the care of these records, and to promote their use. SAA has appointed a standing committee to continue and publicize the work identified in this document. Copies may be re­ quested from the Society, 600 S. Federal, Suite 504, Chicago, IL 60605; (312) 922-0140. • Post-Tenure Faculty Evaluation: Threat or Op­ p ortu n ity ? , by Christine M. L icata (105 pages, May 1986), has been published as Report #1-1986 in the A SH E-ERIC Higher Education Reports se­ ries. The book covers factors influencing the focus on post-tenure evaluation, and an overview, cur­ rent examples of, and a framework for such evalua­ tion. Copies may be ordered for $10 from the Asso­ ciation for the Study of Higher Education, Dept. Guide to Reference Books, Also available from Tenth Edition ALA Publishing Services— Eugene P. Sheehy Walford’s Guide to Reference With more than 14,000 annota­ Material, fourth edition tio n s — an increase of 3 0 % — the A. J. Walf ord eagerly-awaited tenth edition of Volume One: Science and Guide to Reference Books Technology describes reference tools in every $60.00cl. 712p. 0-85365-611-8 field of interest from publishers ALA order code L611-8 1980 worldwide. It is the most compre­ Volume Two: Social and Historical hensive source available for locating Sciences, Philosophy, and Religion sources to assist with patron $70.00cl. 704p. 0-85365-564-2 inguiries and for assessing the ALA order code L564-2 1982depth and currency of your reference collection. Volume Three: Generalities, Languages, the Arts, and Literature Library Quarterly described the $80.00cl. 768p. 0-85365-836-6 ninth edition of Guide to Reference ALA order code L836-6 1986 Books as “ an unrivaled source of information on reference materials: (Published by the Library Association, comprehensive, helpfully organized, London, and distributed exclusively in the United States by ALA Publishing Services.) and intelligently annotated... helpful to both experienced researchers and beginning students.” The American Library Association tenth edition continues this tradition. Publishing Services $50.00 cl. 1056p. 0-8389-0390-8 50 East Huron Street 85-11208 Oct. 1986 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Guide to Reference Books Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files SPAIN: Internal and Foreign Affairs, 1930– 1939 This microfilm collection will provide the empirical data, hitherto lacking, that will permit historians to understand the purely Spanish roots of the conflict that devastated Spain from 1936 to 1939. This collection should be in the archives of every research library. — Dr. Robert G. Colodny Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh Author of The Struggle for Madrid Fifty years after the collapse of the Spanish Republic, the publication of the Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files for Spain presents important research opportunities in a broad range of areas. Arranged both topically and chronologically, the Central Files detail the rapid and often chaotic sweep of events that led Spain from the constitutional republic of 1932 to the Franco dictatorship of 1939. The Central Files for Spain from 1930 through 1939 are also an excellent source of unpublished documentation on the international aspect of the Spanish Civil War. This new collection is an extensive and untapped documentary record. Over 66,000 pages of American diplomatic reporting make this set of primary materials the standard resource for the study of the Second Republic and the Spanish Civil War. University Publications of America has already produced an impressive selection of State Department documents— on China, Indochina, Japan, Poland, the Soviet Union, Germany, Nicaragua, Cuba, El Salvador, Iran, Egypt, and South Africa— and these collections have drawn wide praise for both their indispensable reportage and their thorough preparation. The source of each collection is carefully identified, and a printed “reel guide/subject index” forms an integral part of the publication. In addition to the files themselves, our collection also includes the official State Department “Purport Lists,” which provide for each document the file number, date, name of sender and receiver, and a brief notation of the subject. This collection of State Department records on the internal and foreign affairs of Spain from 1930 to 1939 includes all documents in the Department’s Central Files, which are housed in the National Archives, Washington, D.C. Our editors have deleted only duplicate and triplicate copies, saving the researcher both time and money. UPA is the only publisher to have microfilmed these valuable files; this microfilm collection is not available from any other source. Ordering Information___________________________________________________________ Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Spain: Internal Affairs, 1930– 1939. Part I. Political, Governmental, and National Defense Affairs. 35mm microfilm (66 reels) with printed guide. Price: $3,900. ISBN 0-89093-886-5. Available now. Part II. Social, Economic, and Industrial Affairs. 35mm microfilm with printed guide. Available Summer 1986. Spain: Foreign Affairs, 1930– 1939. 35mm microfilm with printed guide. Available Summer 1986. Discount: There is a 10 percent discount for any standing order for Central Files for Spain from 1930 onward. The Central Files for Spain from 1939 to 1954 will be published in 1987. Kindly dire ct all orders and inquiries to: UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA Dept. A-CRL986 44 North Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 Call Toll Free 1 -800-692-6300 September 1986 / 545 P I, One Dupont Circle, Suite 630, Washington, DC 20036. • R eferen ce Services in A cad em ic R esearch L i­ braries, by Paula D. Watson (82 pages, 1986), con­ tains the results of a survey of 66 medium and large research libraries on the staffing, organization, and functions of research library reference depart­ ments. An analysis of bibliographic instruction and online search services is provided in addition to general reference services. Copies are $15 ($12 for RASD members) from ALA Publishing Services, Order Departm ent, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-7047-8. A companion volume, R eferen ce P olicy an d A d­ m inistrative D ocum ents, edited by Paula D. W a t­ son (51 pages + 10 m icrofiche, 1985), presents spe­ cific documents requested from the respondents, including referen ce d ep artm en t o rg an izatio n charts, internal job descriptions, reference services policies, online services policies, and reference col­ lection d evelopm ent p o licies. T h e docum ents themselves are reproduced on the accompanying microfiche. Copies may be ordered for $20 ($18 for RASD members), also from ALA Publishing. ISBN 0-8389-6933-X. • SOE: An Outline H istory o f the Special O pera­ tions E xecutive, 1 9 4 0 -1 9 4 6 , by M .R .D . Foot (280 pages, 1986), tells the story of the British secret ser­ vice that conducted guerrilla warfare against the Axis powers in World W ar II. The SO E , which provided a model for the U .S. Office of Strategic Services (a forerunner of the CIA ), supported re­ sistance movements in enemy territory from Abys­ sinia to China and sparked controversy with such procedures as financing certain operations through black market sales. Copies are available for $24 from University Publications of America, In c ., 44 N. Market Street, Frederick, MD 21701. ISBN 0- 89093-673-0. Also available from University Publications of America is T he S hadow War: G erm an E spion age an d United States C ou n terespion age in L atin A m er­ ica during W orld W ar II, by Leslie B. Rout Jr. and John F. Bratzel (496 pages, 1986). The authors have used extensive U .S ., G erm an , and L a tin American primary source material to unravel the details of international intrigues in wartime Mex­ ico, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. Numerous survi­ vors of the struggle have been contacted and inter­ view ed to p rovid e an e x tra d im en sion of documentation to this work. Appendixes on G er­ man spy ciphers and lists of persons implicated or convicted as spies in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina are also included. Copies are available for $29.50 from University P u blications of A m erica, In c. ISBN 0-89093-237-9. • Sub-Saharan A frican Film s an d F ilm m akers: A P relim inary B ib lio g ra p h y , by Nancy J. Schmidt (1986), provides 1,690 references from a wide vari­ ety of resources that include books and articles pub­ lished in Africa, the United States, and Europe. There are indexes for actors and actresses, film m a­ kers, film festivals, film titles, countries, and gen­ ral subjects. Copies may be ordered for $14 from he African Studies Program, Woodburn Hall 221, ndiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. • T he Sun a n d Solar System D ebris, compiled by illiam R. Corliss (282 pages, April 1986), is the econd in the author’s series of catalogs on astro­ omical anomalies. This volume serves as a bibli­ graphy and classification system for such curiosi­ ies as two-dimensional comet tails, unexplained ebulous objects, remarkable solar coronas, mete­ rs of very long duration, and zodiacal light idio- yncracies. Copies are available for $17.95 from he Sourcebook Project, P .O . Box 107, Glen Arm, D 21057. ISBN 0-915554-20-8. • W a y s (v o l. ļ , Ja n u a ry 1 9 8 6 – ) is a b i­ onthly magazine for professionals in the field of ental disability and for those with relatives or riends who are mentally ill. A sample issue con­ ained articles on mental illness and m arital stress, und-raising, and D isability Awareness D ay in ashington, D .C ., last May 7. Annual subscrip­ ions for libraries are $15.95. Contact: Ways, C ir­ ulation D ept., C -1153, Skokie, IL 60076. ■ ■ e t I W s n o t n o s T M m m f t f W t c