ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 120 Continuing E d u catio n Opportunities T he following continuing education activities have been listed with ACRL’s Continuing Educa­ tion Clearinghouse. I f your organization is spon­ soring an activity that you think may be of inter­ est to ACRL members, please send the pertinent details to the A C R L Office, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. April 1 6 -Ju n e 7— D atabase: Nonbibliographic Online Database Services, seminars, Cuadra Associ­ ates, In c.; schedule: April 16— Boston; April 17— New York; April 19— Philadelphia; May 3 — W ash in g to n , D .C .; May 4 — P ittsb u rg h ; May 14— Se attle; May 2 1 — Calgary, Alberta; May 23— Toronto, Ontario; June 7— Honolulu. F ee: $135; $115 if paid in advance. Contact: Dr. Carlos A. Cuadra, 1523 Sixth S t., Suite 12, Santa Monica, CA 90401; (213) 4 5 1 - 0644. 2 5 -2 8 — Arts: “The University Library and the A rts,” symposium, University of Wisconsin— Milwaukee Library. F ee: $55. Contact: Richard E. Jones, Music Librarian, University of Wisconsin— Milwaukee Library, P .O . Box 6 0 4 , M ilwaukee, W I 5 3 201; (414) 963-5529. May 2 9 -Ju n e 15— Pacific Islands: “Pacific Islands R e­ source Materials,” workshop, Graduate School of Library Studies, University of Hawaii, Hono­ lulu. Contact: Miles M. Jackson, Graduate School of L ib ra ry S tu d ie s , U n iv ersity o f Haw aii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822. June 4 -1 5 — Political Process: Institute on the library and the p o litic a l p ro c e s s — fe d e r a l, sta te , county, and local level. Catholic University of America, Washington, D .C . F ee: $260. Contact: D irec to r of Continuing Education, T h e C a th o lic U n iv ersity o f A m e rica, 6 2 0 Michigan Ave., N E, Washington, DC 20064; (202) 635-5256. 7 -9 — Information Flow: “The International Flow of Information: A Trans-Pacific P ersp ectiv e,” Institute, C enter for the Book, Library of Con­ g ress; U .S . In te r n a tio n a l C o m m u n ication Agency; Graduate School of Library Studies, University of Hawaii; Makaha Inn, Honolulu. Contact: Sarah K. Vann, Graduate School of L ib ra ry S tu d ie s , U n iv e rsity o f Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96822. 11-15— Videodisc: National videodisc/microcom­ puter seminar and workshop, D epartm ent of In structional M edia, Utah State U niversity, Logan. C o n ta ct: R. K e n t W ood, D e p a rtm e n t o f In structional Media, Utah State U niversity, Logan, UT 84322. 12-15— Management: Library Management Skills I n s titu te , O ffice o f M an ag em en t S tu d ie s (O M S ), A ssociation o f R e se a rch L ib r a r ie s (ARL), Chicago, Illinois. Fee: $200. Contact: O M S, A RL, 1527 New Ham pshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 2 3 2 - 8656. 1 8 -2 1 — D ata B ase: Lockheed/D IA LO G : F iles: PR E D IC A ST S, IN SP E C , ART, O n-Line B ib­ liographic System s, U niversity of Pittsburgh Graduate School o f Library and Information Sciences, Pennsylvania. Fee: $150. Contact: Professor Allen Kent, Room 801, L i­ brary and Information Sciences Building, Uni­ versity o f Pittsburgh, PA 15260; (412) 6 2 4 - 5218. July 2 -6 — AACR 2: International workshop on AACR 2, Liverpool Polytechnic, Liverpool, England. F e e : $317 (approx., includes five nights’ ac­ commodation). Contact: Joan M. Bibby, D ep t, o f L ib . and In fo rm . S tu d ie s , L iv e rp o o l P o ly te c h n ic , Tithebarn St., Liverpool L2 2 E R , UK. 2 -1 4 — Personnel M anagement: LRC: Personnel Management, summer school workshop, Ap­ palach ian S ta te U n iv e r sity , B o o n e , North Carolina. Contact: Dr. D. Joleen Bock, D epartm ent of Educational Media, Appalachian State Univer­ sity, Boone, NC 28608. 9 -1 3 — Audiovisual: Audiovisual cataloging using AACR 2, Mankato State University, Mankato, M innesota. F e e : $60 non resid en ts o f M in ­ nesota; $32 residents. Contact: Nancy B. Olson, Memorial Library, M ankato S ta te U n iv e r sity , M an kato, MN 56001; (507) 389-6201. 9 -2 0 — Networking: Institute on Library Network­ ing in the Nationwide & International Context, Catholic University o f America, Washington, D .C . F ee: $235. C ontact: D irecto r o f C ontinuing Education, The Catholic University of America, Washing­ ton, DC 20064. 9-August 3— Conservation: The conservation of research library materials, University of Illi­ nois, Newberry Library, Chicago. F ee: $104. Contact: Richard F. Casper, University of Illi­ nois, Office of Continuing Education, 300 W. Golf Rd., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056; (312) 2 5 5 - 3320. 121 1 6 -1 7 — Audiovisual: Audiovisual cataloging using O C L C , M ankato State U niv ersity , M ankato, M in n e s o ta . F e e : $ 3 0 n o n r e sid e n ts o f M in ­ nesota; $16 residents. C ontact: Nancy B. Olson, M em orial Library, M an k ato S ta te U n iv e r s ity , M a n k a to , MN 5 6001; (507) 3 8 9 -6 2 0 1 . 2 0 -2 2 — Sherlock Holmes: W orkshop on Sherlock H o lm es, p re se n te d by Jo h n B e n n e tt Shaw ; B radley U niversity, P eoria, Illin o is, and the H an so m s o f Jo h n C la y to n , th e S h e r lo c k Holmes Society of Peoria. Contact: Barb Hoover, C ollege of Continuing E d u c a tio n , B r a d le y U n iv e r s ity , P e o ria , I L 61625. 23-A ugust 17— Archives: T hirteen th Annual Ar­ ch iv e s In s titu te , D iv isio n o f L ib ra ria n sh ip , Emory University; Georgia Departm ent o f Ar­ ch ives and H isto ry; A tlanta, G eorgia. F e e s : $225 noncredit; $624 six quarter credit hours. C o ntact: In stitu te C o ord inator, G eorgia D e ­ partment o f Archives and History, 330 Capitol Ave., S E , Atlanta, GA 30334. ■■ BOOKS F R E E Z E -D R IE D A flood damaged 4 0 ,0 0 0 books in the basem ent o f the M eyer Library at Stanford U niversity in Novem ber 1978. Now, to restore the books, Stan­ ford and the Lockheed Corporation are employ­ ing a process similar to the one used in making freeze-dried food. After the flood, Stanford librarians rushed the damaged books to the Modern Ic e and Storage Co. in San Jose to be frozen before mold could form. In F e b ru a ry th e library began to truck batches of 4 ,0 0 0 - 5 ,0 0 0 books two tim es a week to the L ock heed M issiles and Sp ace Com pany in Sunnyvale. At Lockheed the books w ere placed in specially built racks inside a giant vacuum cham ber once used to te s t th e m oon ro v e r m a c h in e . T h e cham ber was pumped down until the vacuum in­ side was equivalent to that found at an altitude of 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 feet. T he books were then heated, and as they gradually thawed, the moisture was pulled from them because of the vacuum. After two-and-one-half days of vacuum freeze- drying at Lockheed, the books w ere trucked back to Palo Alto w here they w ere rehumidified for three or four weeks. After the books had regained some m oisture from the normal atmosphere, Stanford staff w ere able to begin handling them safely, one by one, and to start the process o f deciding w hether to clean, repair, bind, reorder, or discard individual volumes. Library D irector David W eb er hopes it will be possible to have most of the books back on the shelves before late Septem ber. ■■ UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE The University of California, Irvine, is one of nine campuses of the University of California. The campus opened in 1965 and now has an enrollm ent of about 10,000, and a facu lty of over 600, inclu­ ding the College of Medicine. The campus library system consists of a main library, five branches, a staff of 47 librarians, and 100 support personnel. The UCI Library, a component of the UC system containing more than 14 m illion volumes, is com m it­ ted to a resource sharing plan and the application of new means of meeting the needs of the university community. The University Librarian plans, organizes, directs, reviews, and evaluates all campus library functions; integrates library ser­ vices with the instructional and research programs of the campus; and advises adm inistrators in m atters pertaining to library policy w ithin the UC system. As a member of the Council of Deans, the University Librarian participates in discussions affecting the future of the campus. W ithin the library, a Council of Department Heads serves as the principal advisory body to the University Librarian. Requirements of the position include: Broadly based competence in an acade­ mic/research library, demonstrated admi­ nistrative experience at a m ultidivisional level, evidence of skill in providing leader­ ship for a large professional and support staff, demonstrated understanding of the responsibilities of a library that meets the needs of those engaged in research and scholarly activities in a university, professional knowledge of national issues in librarianship and university education, and evidence of scholarly achievement. The minimum degree requirement is the MLS. Minimum salary: $30,900. A pplications from interested candidates must be received by May 18, 1979. Sub­ mit resume to: Margot Parr, Employment M anager 152 Administration Building University of California, Irvine Irvine, California 92717 AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER.. WOMEN‚ MINORITIES, HANDICAPPED PERSONS AND VETERANS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.