ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 132 Classified Advertising NOTICE R espondents to a dvertisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty "r a n k ” and "s ta tu s ” are advised tha t these term s are am biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the "Positions Wanted” and the "Posi­ tions Open” classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "Positions Open.” Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. To insure that readers have s u ffi­ c ient lead tim e to respond to "Positions Open,” advertisers m ust list closing dates no sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (312) 9 44 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2.2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Individu­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s m em bership status. WANTED WANTED: N.Y. Times on m icrofilm and/or Indexes, 1 97 2- any part(s). Library, P.O. Box 45, Patchogue, NY 11772. FOR SALE AMERICA LATIN A : Revista de la A cadem ia de Ciencias de la URSS, Instituto de América Latina: $9; 4 números anuales. Im ­ ported Publications, Periodicals Dept., 3 20 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60610. BOOK COLLECTIONS: Economics and Political Science— approx. 8 0 0 titles in each. Call collect (2 12) 7 7 7 -4 7 0 0 , Roy Young, or write, Abrahams Magazine Service, 56 E. 13th St., New York, NY 10003. MURAL RESOURCES. We provide the best literature on the tech ­ niques and history of the current mural movement. Write for free Mural Resources List: Public A rt Workshop, 5623 W. Madison St., Chicago, IL 60644. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-librarians locate title s or su b je c t, plus 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 ind e xed stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic , A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone (6 09) 3 4 4 -1 9 4 3 . Prosser, Ed. SOW THE WIND: HEADS OF STATE ADDRESS UN (Morrow, 1970) 2 vols. deluxe, boxed, num bered, originally $100, now $27. Prepaid/invoice, Mol Prosser, 1 Dawson's Row, Char­ lottesville, VA 22903. POSITIONS OPEN ACADEMIC REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Two positions. Entry level, recent graduate, ALA-accredited MLS. Responsibilities include pub­ lic service desk; bibliographic instruction; faculty liaison respon­ sibilities; c o m p u te r lite ra ture searching. E vidence o f research course work and com puter literature search training necessary. Salary $ 10,500. Faculty status, 12-month position, 31 vacation days, T.I.A.A. Letter of application, résumé, and names of 3 refer­ ences m ust be received by May 1, 1979. To: Director's Office, Pen­ rose Library, University of Denver, 215 0 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 8 0 2 0 8 . In te rv ie w s a t ALA A n n u a l C o nfe re nc e , D allas. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PLANNING AND RESEARCH. Newly established staff position, reporting to the director, to aid library administration and staff in all aspects of planning and research, in­ c lud ing extensive automation plans and im plem entation. Library and systems experience, as well as ALA-accredited master’s, highly desirable. Salary dependent upon experience (entry-level salary $12 ,50 0 in 1979). Position open sum m er 1979. Send letter o f ap­ plication and cu rricu lu m vitae by May 1, 1979, to Samuel Hitt, Di­ rector, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Health Sciences Library, 223 H, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. A S S IS TAN T DIRECTOR FOR TE C H N IC A L SERVICES (search reopened). Coordinates the planning, growth, and improvem ent of the Order, Serials, Cataloging, Gifts, Binding, and Processing de­ partm ents consisting of 13 professional and over 3 5 clerical staff. Coordinates collection development with academ ic faculty and is responsible for the expenditure of more than $1 million acquisition budget. Reports to the director o f libraries. Q ualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, with a t least 8 years of progressively responsible adm inistrative technical service experience in academ ic libraries; direct supervisory experience in acquisitions, serials, or cataloging; experience with automated systems and OCLC required; dem on­ strated management ability with strong leadership qualities. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefits. M inim um salary $22,000. Send ré­ sumé and names of at least 3 professional, references by April 30, 1979, to Kenneth E. Toombs, Director of Libraries, Thomas Cooper Library, University o f South Carolina, Colum bia, SC 2 9 2 0 8 . An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. A S S IS TAN T ORDER L IB R A R IA N (search re opened): Oversees searching and processing functions of Order Department. Trains and supervises 10 nonprofessionals. Is responsible for department in absence o f departm ent head. Qualifications: Accredited MLS, at least 2 years’ professional experience in academ ic library preferred. Experience with an automated system desirable; knowledge of 2 or more foreign languages and of bibliographic tools and OCLC re­ quired; supervisory ability necessary. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with experience but not less than $12,000. Send résumé and the names of 3 professional references by April 30, 1979, to: Ms. D. S. Ridge, Associate Director of Librar­ ies, Thom as Cooper Library, The U nive rsity o f South Carolina, C o lum bia , SC 2 9 2 0 8 . An a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n /e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity employer. A S S IS T A N T R E A D E R S ' S ER VIC E S L IB R A R IA N (s e a rc h reopened). Provide general reference services 6 p .m .- 10 p.m . d u r­ ing school sessions as part of 4 0-hour week and share respon­ sibilities for other readers’ services activities including library in­ struction and collection development. Beginning position at rank of lecturer (no n-te nu re track position). Salary $ 11 ,00 0 for 12 months. Option TIAA/CREF or North Carolina retirem ent plan. BC/BS avail­ able, 23 days' vacation in a ddition to state holidays. A pplicants m u s t possess a m a s te r’s degree fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d lib ra ry school. Applications including résumé, must be received by May 1, 1979. A pply to Eugene W. Huguelet, Director, Randall Library, U N C -W ilm in gto n, W ilm in g to n , NC 2 8 4 0 3 . Equal o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative action employer. A S S IS T A N T RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . The U n iv e rs ity o f Michigan-Dearborn. Position includes responsibilities for reference functions, book selection, and bibliographic instruction. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution required. Strength in science, busi­ ness adm inistration, com puter science, and/or engineering desired. Salary range: $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 -$ 1 4 ,0 0 0 per year based on credentials and/or experience. Starting date September 1, 1979. Earlier starting date possible. Subm it applications w ith transcripts, cu rre nt vita, and 3 letters of recommendation by May 11, 1979, to Ms. Mar­ garet Thomas, University of M ichigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, Ml 48128. The University o f Michigan-Dearborn is an equal opportunity, nondiscrim inatory, affirmative action, Title IX employer. Central Michigan University is seeking an ASSISTANT TO THE DI­ RECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Responsibilities include coordinating the library’s five-year planning process, liaison with the university’s Per­ sonnel and Student Employment offices, supervision of the librarian who coordinates the o ff-ca m p u s library services program, and some reference duties; performs related work as required. Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution; at least three years of adm inistrative or five years o f increasingly responsi­ ble experience in academ ic libraries required. Subject master's de­ sirable. Twelve-month contract. Salary: $ 1 5 ,9 5 0 -$ 2 3 ,1 2 5 with start­ ing salary normally not to exceed $19,538. Excellent fringe bene­ fits. Send résumé and three references by A pril 30, 1979, to Tim W ehrkamp, Chairperson, Selection Committee, Park Library, Central M ichigan University, Mt. Pleasant, M l 4 8 8 5 9 . CMU is a n on ­ discrim inatory institution and employer. CATALOGER. Temporary one year position, July 1, 1979— June 30, 1980 for reclassification of DC to LC. A ccredited MLS required; cataloging and OCLC system experience desirable. Annual salary $ 1 0 ,6 8 0 + d e p e n d in g upon e xperience. A pp lic ation s in c lu d in g resumé, transcripts and two letters of recommendation should be sent by June 1, 1979: George N. Hartje, D irector o f Libraries, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOGER of p rint and nonprint materials for a medium-sized college library. Qualifications: MLS and academ ic library experience 133 w ith Dewey D e cim a l C lassifica tio n a nd OCLC. Salary $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 - $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 , 12 m o n th s. Usual benefits. Send résum é, tra n s c rip ts , a nd th re e lette rs o f re c o m m e n d a tio n to S ister M ary R ock, Box 1109, Regis College, Weston, MA 0 21 93 . Regis College is an equal o p p ortun ity, affirm ative a ction employer. DIRECTOR, Carr P. and Ruth Collins, Learning Center. Dallas B ap ­ tist College is seeking a new d irecto r fo r its Collins Learning Center. Candidates should have the necessary tra in in g and experience that qualifies the m to a dm in ister and supervise all aspects o f an u n d e r­ g raduate library and m edia center. Responsibilities: Supervision of professional librarians, care er staff m em bers, and stud e nt aides; collection developm ent; c o ordination o f learning ce nte r resources with fa c u lty and program needs; pla nning, budgeting, and estab­ lishm en t o f internal policies and procedures. Q ualifications include an MLS deg re e fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d s c h o o l, e xp e rie n c e in m edia s u ffic ien t to supervise a udio and video produ ctio n facilities, co m p ete ncie s in personnel and fiscal m anagem ent; knowledge of OCLC operations and AMIGOS B ibliographic Council desirable. The Learning Center c u rre n tly operates with a total a nnual b ud ge t of $ 2 0 8 ,5 6 0 and a collection o f 2 2 2 ,8 3 9 volumes, over 4 5 0 periodical subscrip tion s, and a media collection of over 3 4 ,2 0 0 entries. Clos­ ing date for a pplications is April 2 7, 1979. Dallas Baptist College is a Christian, coeducational college operating in the liberal arts tra d i­ tion , c o op eratin g w ith the B a p tis t General Convention o f Texas. Strong preference is given to ca nd ida tes who are active m em bers of a Southern B aptist C hurch. Salary negotiable, $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 - $ 18,000, de p e n d in g on q ua lifica tio ns and experience. Send vitae and re fer­ ences to: Dr. Charles W. Tillerson, Search Com m ittee Chair, Dallas Baptist College, 3 0 0 0 Fiorina Dr., Dallas, TX 7 52 11 . DIRECTOR, U n iversity o f M innesota St. Paul Cam pus Libraries. U nder the general directio n o f the d irecto r o f University of M in ­ nesota Libraries, the d irecto r of the St. Paul C am pus Libraries is responsible for the a dm in istratio n of th is dep artm en t, w h ich is un­ d ergoing m ajor expansion, and w h ich inclu de s a Central Library and six physically separate subject libraries. The collections total over 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 cataloged volumes, as well as substantial h oldings in governm ent p ub lica tion s and other materials, w h ich s u pp ort p ro­ gram s in a griculture, biological sciences, and veterinary m edicine. There is an operating b udget of $ 7 7 0 ,0 0 0 , in c lu d in g $ 2 7 5 ,0 0 0 for a cqu isitio n and b inding, and a staff o f 41 FTE, in c lu d in g 12 profes­ sionals. As directo r of one o f the seven m ajor d e p artm en ts in the University Libraries, the individual participates fully in University Libraries-wide p la n nin g and program developm ent. The library sys­ tem serves as a regional (7-state) U.S.D .A. d o c u m e n t delivery c e n ­ ter a nd includes its own collection p rocessing dep artm en t. Also, a library autom ation program is being im p lem e n te d . A pp lican ts for this position m ust have d em onstrated exceptional skills in leader­ s h ip , a dm in is tra tio n , p la n n in g , and inte rp ers on al relations. They m ust possess the MLS o r an appropriate equivalent, as well as sig­ n ific a n t app lica b le experience in a m ajor university library. An e d u ­ cational backg ro un d in th e agricu ltura l, biological sciences o r s u p ­ p ortin g science is desirable. Knowledge of a cadem ic p rogram s and the a bility to work w ith facu lty and a cad em ic adm in istrato rs is es­ sential. Individual m ust have a c o m m itm e n t to p articipate in n a ­ tional library professional association activities. A pp lican ts should be able to meet the re q uire m e nts of a university libraries facu lty a p p o in tm e n t w ith ten u re a t the rank o f associate professor o r p ro ­ fessor. The m in im u m startin g salary for the position is $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 , w h ic h includes an a dm inistrative stipend. Closing date for receipt of applications: May 15, 1979. The University of M innesota is c o m m it­ ted to the policy tha t all persons shall have equal access to its pro­ grams, facilities, and em p lo ym e nt w itho u t regard to ra ce, creed, color, sex, national origin, o r handicap. Send a pplication and d e ­ tailed résum é and nam es of three references to: Clarence Carter, P ersonnel O ffic e r, 4 9 9 W ilson Lib ra ry, U n iv e rs ity o f M in ne so ta , M inneapolis, MN 5 5455. University o f W isco nsin -M a d iso n M em orial Library is seeking a p p li­ cants for the position of DIRECTOR’ S A SS IS TAN T. The d irecto r of librarie s is re sp on sible for the General L ib ra ry System in c lu d in g M em orial Library and 13 b ra nch libraries. There is a c o m b in e d p ro­ fessional and classified staff o f a pproxim ately 3 0 0 employees and a stud e nt assistant b udget of $ 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 . Responsibilities: Assist the d irecto r with budget preparation, w ith a variety of a dm inistrative studies involved in the p la n nin g and d evelopm ent o f futu re library programs, and w ith solving c u rre n t problem s, and act as recorder at various library fun ction s. Q ualifications: ALA -accredited MLS d e ­ gree, experience after the awarding of the MLS degree in a large research -o rie nte d university library, a nd d em on strate d a b ility to gather data and w rite reports. Salary: $ 1 3 ,1 5 0 or m ore depen d in g upon experience. This is a tw elve-m onth acad em ic a p p o in tm e n t as specialist. B enefits in clu de 2 2 w o rkin g days o f vacation, sick leave, state retirem ent program , group health and life insurance. Letter of a pplication, résum é, and nam es o f 3 references should be sent to Sandra Pfahler, Personnel Librarian, 3 6 0 M em orial Library, 7 28 State St., M adison, Wl 5 3 7 0 6 by May 1, 1979. EO/AA employer. D O C U M EN TS/A S SIS TA N T REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . V a n d erb ilt Legal Inform ation Center/Law Library. Requirem ents: MLS required, legal research e xpe rie nce pre fe rred . Duties.- re sp on sible fo r the d o c u m e n ts co lle ctio n ; extensive d oc u m e n ta ry re feren ce service. Salary: $ 9 ,5 0 0 to $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 . Available: im m ediately. Contact: Peter G a rla n d , A p p o in tm e n ts C o m m itte e , V a n d e r b ilt Law L ib ra ry , Nashville, TN 3 7 2 0 9 . Equal O pp o rtun ity employer. HEAD, A U D IO LIS TE N IN G ROOM. Responsible for: selecting, o r­ dering, and processing materials; m aintenance o f e qu ipm en t; p u b ­ lic sen/ice. Requires: an A LA -accredited MLS and course w o rk or experience in the use of audiovisual media; a strong b ackground in classical and p op ula r m u s ic p referred. May be assigned d uties in other areas o f the library. Salary: $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 - $ 1 3,0 00 d e p en d in g on experience. Closing date fo r a pplications April 30. A pply to: Jane Titus, P ersonnel Librarian, T e m p le U niversity Libraries, P hila de l­ phia, PA 19122. An equal o pp ortun ity employer. HEAD, M A IN RESERVE. A dm in isters 16,0 00 -item reserve co lle c­ tion. Transactions average 2 0 5 ,0 0 0 annually. Supervises c u rre n t periodical and new spaper c ollection o f 4 ,5 0 0 titles. Supervises five s u pp ort staff and eight stu d e n t employees. Reports to the Associate Director fo r Public Services. Master's degree from ALA -accredited library school required. A bility to work well with faculty, stud e nt us­ ers, a nd lib ra ry staff re q u ire d . Previous su pe rv is o ry e xp e rie n c e helpful b u t not required. Salary range $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 4 ,0 0 0 . Faculty rank, 12-m onth a pp oin tm e nt, TIAA/CREF, health insurance, usual benefits. Send resum é and list o f 3 references by A pril 3 0, 1979, to H. Lea Wells, Personnel Librarian, University o f Tennessee Li­ brary, Knoxville, TN 3 7 9 1 6 . UTK is an EEO/Affirmative Action, Title IX, Section 5 04 employer. HEAD, REFERENCE D IV IS IO N , A lbe rt R. M ann Library, Cornell University. A dm in isters a staff of 5 .8 FTE librarians, 2 library assis­ tants, and part-tim e stu d e n t assistants in p roviding reference ser­ vices to several thousand g ra du ate and u n d e rgrad u ate stud e nts and fa c u lty in the areas o f a gricu lture , life sciences, h um an e col­ ogy, and n utrition. Coordinates reference activities w ith oth e r c a m ­ pus libraries. Services in clu de general reference, c om puter-assisted inform ation retrieval, in te rlibrary loans, active user instruction p ro­ gram . Q ualifications: Degree fro m A L A -a ccre dite d lib ra ry school; p ertinent s u bje ct training/experience, m in im u m 5 years’ re levant professional library experience in an acad em ic o r research library, proven supervisory and adm in istrative ability. Salary from $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 . Available July 1. A pply by May 15 to Paul Eldridge, Personnel Of­ fic e r, C ornell U n iv e rs ity Lib ra rie s, 2 01 O lin Lib ra ry, Itha ca, NY 14853. IN FO R M A TIO N SERVICES L IB R A R IA N . MLS hold er fro m ALA- a ccre dited program to analyze present c ircu lation system w ith a view tow ard possible autom ated c ircu lation control and collection managem ent. Ongoing d uties of this position in clu de d ire c tin g the operation o f m ain c ircu lation desk, reserve desk, and shelving a ctiv­ ities. S c heduling coverage fo r these areas, as well as assigning stu ­ d e n t assistants to o th e r sections. C oordin atin g tra in in g and d e ­ ve lo p m e n t o f c irc u la tio n person ne l. W ork u n d e r su pe rv is io n of Head o f Inform ation Services, consu ltin g w ith her and colleagues to fo rm u la te policies and procedures relating to the use, c ircu lation and se curity o f library materials. Salary range $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 3 ,2 0 0 . Adm in istra tive A pp o in tm e nt. Available July 1, 1979. A pp ly to Jean C. Pelletière, Director, Schaffer Library, Union College, Schenec­ tady, NY 12308. Union College is private, w ith 2 ,5 0 0 und ergrad u ­ ate students, 8 0 0 g raduate students. Founded in 1795, it is the firs t college chartered by the Regents o f the State o f New York. Schaffer Library holds 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 volumes. A pp lication deadline May 10, 1979. IN FO RM A TIO N S PE C IA LIS T— Corporate Technical Library, the U p ­ joh n Com pany. Provides inform ation services on dem an d o r as a c o n tin u in g service to m anagem ent and tech n ica l staff including: general factual inform ation and answer services, retrospective litera­ tu r e s e a rc h in g , c u r r e n t lite ra tu r e a le rtin g (in te rn a l & v e n d o r- su p p lie d d ata bases), user e d u catio n/liaiso n. Keeps info rm e d of c u rre n t U p joh n re search activity; a nticipates user inform ation needs and helps plan and im p le m e n t services designed to m eet them ; helps increase visibility o f the Corporate Technical Library and u tili­ zation o f its inform ation services; keeps inform ed o f developm ents in inform ation science, new inform ation resources, & te c h n iq u es for their utilization. The Corporate Technical Library c ollection conta in s 2 0 ,0 0 0 books, 3 0 ,0 0 0 b ou n d jo u rn a ls , a nd 1 ,3 0 0 c u rre n t p e ri­ o d ic a l s u b s c rip tio n s . It serves a re se arch s ta ff o f 1 ,5 0 0 w ith a b u d g e t o v e r 1 ½ m illio n . T h e U p jo h n C o m p a n y is lo c a te d in Kalamazoo, a m edium -sized, southwestern M ichigan university c ity w ith e x c e lle n t c u ltu ra l/re c re a tio n a l o p p o rtu n itie s . Q ua lifica tio n s: BS/BA in science plus M A /M S in library/inform ation science or MS in s c ie n c e p lu s 1 - 4 y e a rs in f o r m a t io n - r e la t e d e x p e rie n c e (b io c h e m ic a l/b im e d ic a l e nv iro n m en t). Requires: tra in in g a nd ex­ p erience in se a rc h in g s c ie n tific b ib lio g ra p h ic data bases and in provision o f general re feren ce and in fo rm a tio n services; c u rre n t knowledge of, and a b ility to utilize effectively, m edical, biological, a nd c h e m ic a l re feren ce tools. Prefer c h e m is try degree. Salary: $ 1 7 ,0 6 4 to $ 2 5 ,6 0 8 o r $ 1 9 ,6 9 2 to $ 2 9 ,5 4 4 d e p en d in g on level at w h ic h position is filled. Excellent benefits. An EEO/AA em ployer. A p p ly to: Don King, The U p jo h n C om pany, 7 1 7 1 Portage Rd., Kalamazoo, Ml 4 90 01 . 134 IN S TR U C T IO N A L /P U B L IC SERVICES L IB R A R IA N . (Search re­ opened.) Position to be filled by July 1, 1979. Responsibilities in­ clude faculty liaison, collection development, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and other readers’ services fun c tion s . MLS o r equivalent, teaching experience, and com m itm ent to curriculum -related biblio­ graphic instruction required. Salary: $ 9 ,5 0 0 -$ 10,500 depending on q ualifications and experience. Send letter of application, resumé, and credentials by A pril 3 0 to Cleo Treadway, Tusculum College, Greeneville, TN 37743. An equal opportunity employer. LIB RA RIA N, School of Management, Boston College. Responsible for directing the operations and personnel of a library servicing 60 faculty members, 2 ,0 0 0 undergraduates, and 3 0 0 full-tim e equiva­ lent M BA students. Staff includes 3 professional librarians, 7 su p ­ port staff, and student assistants. Requires a M.L.S. from an ALA- accredited school and m inim um of 5 to 8 years' related profes­ sional library experience including supervisory responsibility. Re­ ports to university librarian and will participate in facets of total u ni­ v e rs ity lib ra ry system p la n n in g . S alary ra nge: a p p ro x im a te ly $ 17 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 1 ,5 0 0 . Kindly subm it résumé immediately for confiden­ tial Search Committee Review to: Ms. Diane Rogers, Associate Di­ rector Personnel Department, Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 0 2167. An equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. LIB RA RIA N, DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Reports to dean of Library Affairs and serves as acting dean in dean's absence. The director is the general adm inistrative and fiscal officer for Library Services, with responsibilities for the library divisions and d epart­ ments within Morris Library and coordination of Library Services w ith fou r other a d m in istrative /fisca l units w ith in Library Affairs. Duties include developing, adm inistering, and promoting all phases of a quality library to serve a comprehensive university with exten­ sive offerings of undergraduate, graduate, and research programs. M in im u m q ualifications include A LA -accredited degree in library science; seven years' professional library experience in academ ic/ research libraries, including three years’ successful adm inistrative activity: demonstrated ability to work well with staff and public; and ability to com m unicate using both oral and written skills. Preferred qualifications include successful adm inistrative experience in two or more academ ic libraries; additional graduate degree; fam iliarity with management techniques and modern library technology; record of scholarly-creative activities, in c lu din g p ublished research; active p articipation in library and professional activities. Faculty rank (as­ sociate professor or professor) and salary ($ 2 5,0 00 to lower 30s) d epending upon qualifications and experience. Benefits include University Retirement System of Illinois; state-paid life and medical insurance; 25 vacation days, 11 holidays, 6 0 calendar days sick leave per year; 12-month appointment. Position available July 1, 1979. Send résumé and references by April 30, 1979, to Judith Harwood, Chairperson, Director of Library Services Search Commit­ tee, c /o M orris L ibrary A d m in is tra tiv e O ffice, S outhern Illinois U n iv e rs ity , C a rb on d ale , IL 6 2 9 0 1 . The u n iv e rs ity is an e qu a l opportunity/affirm ative action employer. LIB RA RIA N, HEAD, SYSTEMS & AUTOMATION DEPARTMENT: Shields Library, University of California, Davis. Under the general adm inistrative direction o f the assistant university librarian for te c h ­ nical services & automation: (1) participates in the form ulation of long- and short-range plans and policies for library automation, sets priorities, executes or causes to be executed approved projects and activities, and monitors the work performed by the departm ent per­ sonnel and (2) performs, or supervises, studies and analyses of fun ction s and perform ance in all phases of library managem ent and operations. Such projects may include operations research, systems analysis, design o f manual and automated systems and procedures. Experience with and knowledge of management data systems, knowledge of com puter and associated equipm ent and software, and practical experience in designing and w riting annual and a uto m a te d system sp ec ific a tio n s are essential. A p p lic an ts should have a degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited in ­ stitution or its equivalent and a m inim um of 9 years' experience, 5 o f which m ust have been in systems work in libraries. Three years of adm inistrative/supervisory experience is highly desirable. A p ­ pointm ent will be made at the librarian rank, $ 21 ,2 7 6 -$ 2 6 ,7 8 4 , dependent upon experience. A pplicants should send résumés and names of four references to Wm. F. McCoy, Associate University Librarian, 108 Shields Library, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. Final filing date is 3 0 April 1979. LIBRARIAN. LIFE SCIENCES (search reopened). Responsible for operation of 126,000-volum e library serving the schools of A gricul­ ture and Department of Biological Sciences. Involves adm inistrative duties, collection development, liaison work, and supervision of two professionals and seven clerical assistants. Develops policies for service, resources, and facilities: Qualifications: master’s degree in library science (ALA-accredited) required; second master's in ag­ riculture, biological sciences, or related areas desirable; a record of at least 5 years of successful experience in the management of a library in agriculture/science/technology fields; experience with or knowledge of computer-based information retrieval systems. Faculty status and responsibilities. Salary $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 dep en d in g on qualifications. Send résumé and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, Libraries/Audio-Visual Center, Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline for applications May 15, 1979. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. LIBRARY: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Re­ sponsible to director for planning and supervision of collection de­ velopment, services, and special projects. Assignments may be ex­ tended to include planning and supervision of all routine library op­ erations. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS. Strong professional experience in pub lic and tech n ica l services. Experience should show increasing levels of adm inistrative responsibility. Knowledge of m a n a g e m e n t a nd a u to m a tio n te c h n o lo g y . Q u a lifie d to te a c h library-related courses. Effective com m unications ability. Degree in subject field desirable. Partly automated library of over 300 ,00 0 volumes with staff of over 50 organized in public, technical, and media divisions. Faculty rank and salary (in the upper teens) de­ pend on degree and experience. Position available after July 1979. Appointm ent renewable subject to university policies. Forward ap­ plication, résumé, and three letters of reference to Ronald Reid, Chairperson, Search Committee, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Library, Oshkosh, Wl 54901. Screening begins May 1, 1979. An affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. MUSIC/CURRICULUM L IB R A R IA N . Responsible for the juvenile, curricu lu m , score, record and AV collections o f a university library serving 5 ,5 0 0 students; some service responsibility for docum ents, some data base searching; supervision of one clerical position in addition to student assistants. Nights and weekend work expected. A c c re d ite d MLS re q uire d; e x pe rie nce d e sira b le . A nn u al salary $ 1 0 ,6 8 0 + depending upon qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Available June 1, 1979. A pp lication s in c lu d in g résumé, transcripts and two letters of recommendation should be s e nt by May 1, 1979: George N. H artje, D ire c tor o f Libraries, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. Equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. PERSONNEL OFFICER at level of assistant director (in UC: assis­ tant university librarian). Coordinates recruiting, career develop­ ment, perform ance appraisal, and personnel policies and proce­ dures for 5 6 librarians, 170 nonacadem ic staff, and 3 00 student employees. Manages personnel office and im plem ents affirmative action. Requires MLS degree or equivalent mix of relevant library experience and education/experience in adm inistration, manage­ m e n t, o r re late d p erson ne l fie ld s . R equ ire s e x p e rie n c e in an academ ic environment, fam iliarity with government regulations af­ fecting em ployment, including collective bargaining; ability to work harmoniously with people and to com m unicate lucidly in oral and written English. Salary range for this level is $ 22 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . A p ­ p o in tm e n t level $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . Send résum és by A pril 30, 1979, to Allen B. Veaner, University Librarian, University of Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara, CA 9 3106. UCSB is an affirm ative action, equal o pportunity employer. REFERENCE AND LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIB RA RIA N. Under the direction o f the Assistant Director, Reference and Collection Development Services, has the following responsibilities: Works with the coordinator of Reference Services in establishing policies and procedures for the Reference Services U nit and in developing the Reference collection. Scheduled for selected hours o f service at the Department's reference desks. Works with the Coordinator of Li­ brary In s tru c tio n and O rie nta tio n in the d ev e lo p m e n t and im ­ plem entation of library instruction and orientation program s and materials. Teaches a cre d it course on introduction to library re­ search. Library faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty o bli­ gations in one or more of the areas of teaching, research and ser­ vice as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications. MLS from an ALA-accredited Library School. Candidates with experience in library instruction in an academ ic library will be given prefer­ ence. Salary a nd Rank: Appointm ent will be at the rank of Assistant Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian, depending on qualifications. R e cru itm en t range: $ 1 1 ,2 0 0 -$ 1 7 ,0 0 0 . Twelve m onths a p p o in t­ ment; sick leave and annual leave @ 1.75 days each per month; fully paid major medical, hospitalization and dental insurance. So­ cial security coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Re­ tire m e n t available (e mployee co n trib u tio n rate = 3 % ). Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, AJbany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by April 30, 1979. The University at Albany is an Equal O pportunity/Affirmative Action employer. A pplications from women, minorities, and handicapped are especially welcome. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN also responsible for library instruction. Q ualifications: MLS from accredited library school required; five years’ reference experience, preferably in an academ ic library re­ quired; experience in library instruction essential; experience with c o m p u te riz e d re fe re n c e s e rv ic e s d e s ira b le . S alary $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 - $18,500. Send letter, résumé, and names and telephone num bers of three references by May 8 to: Beverly A. Moore, Library Director, University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, CO 81001. The university is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. 135 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— Position available July 1, 1979. Gen­ eral reference service; special assignments in one or more subject areas; interest in form al library instruction. Faculty status; 12-month contract as instructor at $12,000; 24 days per year annual leave. Requirements: accredited MLS; reference experience in academic library preferred; ability to com m unicate with library staff and users. C om m itm ent to s c h ola rsh ip and p u b lic service. Send c om plete credentials to: Mr. A. W. Stewart, Head, Reference Department, M em phis State University Libraries, Memphis, TN 38152. A pplica­ tions must be received by May 1. Equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— University of Notre Dame. Responsible to the head of reference, Memorial Library. Provides general refer­ ence service with staff of other subject specialists in central refer­ ence department. Responsibilities include bibliographic instruction and collection developm ent in business adm inistration and eco­ nomics. Qualifications: graduate degree in library science from an accredited library school. A business degree or experience in a business library. W orking knowledge of a modern foreign language. Twelve-month contract, faculty status. Salary $ 11,200. Application deadline June 1, 1979. Send résumé to: Dr. George E. Sereiko, Secretary, Appointm ents and Promotions Committee, Memorial Li­ brary, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. An equal opportunity employer. Women and m inorities are urged to apply. REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N — Search reopened. Position available July 1, 1979. Provides assistance primarily to faculty and graduate students. Emphasis on statistical sources, legislative research and government documents, U.S. and foreign national bibliographies. Responsibilities include participation in form al bibliographic instruc­ tion program, use of various on-line com puter search systems, as­ signed d uty one evening per week and one tim e period every other weekend. Participates actively in book selection and collection de­ velopment for the Reference Department, other departm ent duties. Qualifications Required: ALA-accredited Master's degree. Four to six years of general reference experience in a research library with sim ilar responsibilities. Social sciences a nd /or hum anities back­ g ro u n d . E xpe rie nce w ith re fe re n c e book se le c tion . P re fe rre d : Knowledge of two Western European languages. Salary: $ 1 3 ,9 2 0 - $ 16 ,68 0. Salary and facu lty rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply by May 11, 1979 to Neosha Mackey, Personnel Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. EEO/AA e m ­ ployer. Qualified women, minority, and handicapped persons, as well as others, are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIB RA RIA N. (Search Services Coordinator). To assist in establishing on-line search program and share responsibility for traditional reference service. Duties include working with depart­ ment head to organize on-line search program, to coordinate ser­ vice with other public service units, and to conduct in-service staff training and demonstrations. Participates in scheduled reference desk assignments, instructional services, and bibliographic activi­ ties. Requires accredited M.L.S.; one or more years experience with on-line searching preferred. Organizational abilities important. A p­ pointm ent at Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian rank depending on q u a lific a tio n s ; m in im u m a p p o in tm e n t salary: $ 1 3 ,2 9 6 (1 2 month). Application and résumé to Mary MacWilliam, Associate Di­ rector, J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, San F ra n c is c o , CA 9 4 1 2 3 . D e a d lin e : A p ril 3 0 , 1 9 7 9 . An e q u a l opportunity/affirm ative action employer. REFERENCE LIB RA RIA N. Under general direction of Head Refer­ ence Librarian to use formal and informal skills in library instruc­ tion; be able to do data base searching, as well as custom ary refer­ ence services to a student body of 5,500. Supervision of periodical c o lle c tio n a nd s tu d e n t a s s is ta n ts assigned th e re ; n ig h ts and weekend work involved; accredited MLS required; experience, par­ ticularly in data base searching, desirable; annual salary $ 1 0 ,6 8 0 + d e p en d in g upon experience; excellen t frin ge benefits. Available June 1, 1979. A pplications including résumé, transcripts and two letters o f recommendation should be sent by May 1, 1979: George N. Hartje, Director of Libraries, Northeast Missouri State University, K irk s v ille , MO 6 3 5 0 1 . E qu a l o p p o r tu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n employer. REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N WITH S PECIALIZATIO N IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND COMM UNICATIONS. Responsible to the Head of Reference/Docum ents, Main Library. Provides general reference service with staff o f other subject specialists in Main Library Refer­ ence Department. Responsibilities include bibliographic instruction for students in social science departm ent and the College of Com­ munications; participation in collection development and on-line in­ form ation retrieval. Master’s degree from A LA-accredited library school required. Undergraduate major in one of the social sciences or com m unications is preferred. Advanced degree in one of these d isciplines is desirable. Salary range: $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 14,000. Faculty rank, 12-month appointment, TIAA/CREF, health insurance, usual benefits. Send résumé and list of 3 references by April 30, 1979, to H. Lea Wells, Personnel Librerian, University of Tennessee Li­ brary, Knoxville, TN 3 7916. UTK is an EEO/Affirmative Action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. TE CHNICA L PROCESSES L IB R A R IA N . MLS holder fro m ALA- accredited program to redesign processing procedures for U.S. depository collection, form ulate collection development policy for U.S. Geological Survey. Also work under supervision of Head of Technical Processses in im plem enting reclassification/retrospective conversion project, as well as doing original LC cataloging as part of OCLC system. Desirable qualifications include experience in d ocu­ ments, cataloging or reclassification in academ ic setting; familiarity with OCLC; knowledge of a language with nonroman alphabet. Sal­ ary range $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 3 ,2 0 0 , rank of Instructor o r Assistant Profes­ sor, depending on qualifications. Available July 1, 1979. Apply to Jean C. P e lle tiè re , D ire c tor, S c h a ffe r Lib ra ry, U n io n College, S chenectady, NY 1 2308. U nion College is p rivate, w ith 2 ,5 0 0 undergraduate students, 8 0 0 graduate students. Founded in 1795, it is the first college chartered by the Regents of the State of New York. Schaffer Library holds 4 00 ,0 0 0 volumes. Application deadline May 10, 1979. N O W IN PRINT Your Connection to the Information Switchboard ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS 13thEdition EA is uniquely useful as the source for locating associations and professional societies that act as “ switchboards” by connecting 1979 information seekers to highly qualified sources. The new 13th Edition edition of EA tells you exactly whom to write, phone, or visit for information too fresh to appear in books and periodicals. Vol. 1, NATIONAL O RGANIZA­ Vol. 2, GEOGRAPHIC A N D EXECU­ V ol. 3, NEW ASSOCIATIONS AN D TIONS OF THE U.S. (1,477pp./ TIVE INDEX (776pp./$65.00), p ro ­ PROJECTS (inter-e dition subscrip­ $80.00), describes 13,589 active vides tw o additional approaches to tion , $75.00), is a periodical supple­ organizations in 17 subject cate­ th e in fo rm a t io n c o n ta in e d in m ent that maintains and increases gories. Entries give: official name Volume 1. The first part lists the the usefulness o f Volum e 1 by fu r­ o f group, popular name o r acronym, associations in state and city order; nishing fu ll entries on newly formed address, p h o n e n u m b e r, c h ie f the second lists all the executives. and newly discovered organiza­ executive, num ber o f members, Each listing in both indexes gives tions, w hich are of particular interest committees, publications, conven­ organization name, chief executive, because they tend to be concerned tio n /m e e tin g schedule, and more. address, phone num ber, and the w ith new problems and new ideas W ith a massive 47,000-line Key­ entry num ber o f the more detailed n ot adequately covered elsewhere. w o rd /A lp hab etical Index. organization entry in V olum e 1. C um ulatively indexed. REVIEWERS PRAISE THIS STANDARD REFERENCE BOOK AMERICAN REFERENCE BOOKS AN N U A L: “ Still the single most useful dire ctory o f its k in d .” (1977) CHOICE: Listed in the current e d itio n of C h o ice ’s "O p e n in g Day C ollectio n.” ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT: "This com prehen­ sive reference source furnishes easy-to-use inform a­ tion on a w ide range o f subjects, designed to put users in touch w ith basic organizational data and contact persons fo r fu rth e r research.” (Aug. 1977) LIBRARY JOURNAL: “ Required in virtually every library where business is served." (Dec. 15,1956) RQ: “ A basic reference too l. A ll libraries should have it.” (Spring 1973) BEST REFERENCE BOOKS: Listed in Best R efe ren ce B o o k s: Titles o f Lasting Value S elected from Am erican R e fe ren ce Books A nnual 7970-7976. BOOKLIST: "The w ork is still the most com prehen­ sive directory o f associations in the U.S.” (“ Reference and Subscription Books Reviews,” Oct. 15, 1975) AMERICAN LIBRARIES: "Im p o rta n t and useful refer­ ence.” (Dec. 1970) W ORD PROCESSING W ORLD: Included in W ord Processing W orld’ s list o f 20 basic references fo r a w o rd processing center. (Dec. 1974) ASSOCIATION TRENDS: "The d e finitive com pen­ dium o f Am erica’s voluntary organizations of all kinds....A MUST reference fo r anyone w anting to stay on to p o f the national association com m unity.” (Mar. 31, 1978) GUIDE TO REFERENCE BOOKS FOR SCHOOL MEDIA CENTERS: "The only comprehensive source o f detailed inform ation on n o n p ro fit American mem­ bership organizations o f national scope.” (1973) NEW! STANDING ORDER D ISCO U N T A ll Standing O rders fo r Gale Books are now billed at a 5% discount. The discount applies to all Standing O rders no w in effect and to all Standing Orders placed in the future. GALE RESEARCH CO. BOOK TOWER • DETROIT, M l 48226 Customers in the U.K., Continental Europe, and Africa order direct fro m : GALE RESEARCH CO. • c /o European Book Service • P.O. Box 124• Weesp, Netherlands