ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 6 / 7 Community college lib rarians speak out I’m h a p p y to let e v e r y o n e k n o w w h a t A CRL h a s m ean t to m e! “W hen sufficient staff was obtained to allow me the flexibility to becom e actively involved in IACRL and ACRL, I felt that I had finally ‘ar­ rived.’ What has asso­ ciation with IACRL and ACRL meant to me? ACRL has given me th e cou rag e to keep my goals high and to attain library services for Jo h n W ood Com­ munity College similar to those at four-year Peggy Shoemake colleges and universi­ ties. W e offer reference, bibliographic instruc­ tion, Internet training and access, online cata­ loging and circulation, and orientation for faculty, staff, and students. ACRL offered the opportunity to learn from and network with other academic librarians. Since we all strive for the same basic goals (ours are just on a smaller scale), the associa­ tion has kept me from becom ing discouraged and on track. ACRL librarians have served as a source o f inspiration to those o f us w ho work to­ ward achieving academ ic standards for our community college libraries. My hat is off to the fine work being done by the ACRL librar­ ians.”— P eggy S h o e m a k e , d irec to r, L e a r n in g R e s o u r c e C enter, J o h n W oo d C o m m u n ity C ol­ lege, Q uincy, Illin ois W h y I’m g la d I join ed ACRL! “As a fairly new technical college librarian, I have found the CJC listserv to b e the most valuable aspect o f ACRL membership. I cam e to th is c o l l e g e fro m a m edical library w here networking and sharing information are part of daily life. In my posi­ tion, I felt isolated from other librarians w ho do what I do until I joined the CJC listserv. My first day on the listserv, they Debi W arn er were discussing staffing w eekend hours in a community college; I was thrilled to talk with folks who had the same problems I do.”– D eb i W arner, lib ra ria n , C en ­ tra l M a in e T e c h n ic a l College, A u b u rn T h a n k y o u , ACRL! "Mary Ellen (Davis), thank you for your help with my ACRL guideline question. You and the others at ACRL have never failed to help me and never failed to m ake an appropriate referral.”— B a r b a r a Rupp, d ir e c to r o f L e a r n in g R esou rces, Trinity Valley C o m m u n ity College, A thens, T exas H o w y o u can benefit Experience the joy o f being part o f a profes­ sional association: join ACRL. H ere’s how: call Cynthia Taylor at the ACRL office at (312) 280- 2521; fax: (31 2 ) 280-2520. Participate! to cultivate leadership skills at their academic institutions to play a broader leadership role in the Information Age.” For more information contact the ACRL of­ fice at (800) 545-2433, ext. 3248/2510, or e-mail: or noreen.hale@ IN SPEC lo a d e d on O C L C 's EPIC a n d FirstSearch T he Institution o f Electrical Engineers (IEE), publisher o f the INSPEC Database, and OCLC announced that the entire INSPEC Database backfile will b e loaded on OCLC’s EPIC and FirstSearch services. M ore than 2.5 m illion records dating back to 1969 are included in the backfile. INSPEC abstracts and indexes world­ wide literature published in the fields o f phys­ ics, electrical engineering, and computing and control. It currently includes more than five mil­ lion records. Attend IS W e b foru m in Sa n A ntonio “T he World Wide W eb As a Teaching T ool” will b e the topic o f ACRL’s Instruction Section’s discussion forum at the ALA Midwinter Meet­ ing in San A ntonio on Sunday, Janu ary 21, 4:30– 5:30 p.m. T he discussion will focus on ways to successfully use the W eb as a teaching 8 /C&RL News tool and will b e led by Ralph Alberico, Eliza­ beth Dupuis, and JoA nne Newyear-Ramirez, from the University of Texas at Austin. The dis­ cussion leaders will describe how they are us­ ing the W eb to teach students to find, evaluate, and organize networked information. Partici­ pants will have an opportunity to share spe­ cific experiences as well as gather techniques and tips to use in instruction sessions at their own institutions. C o lu m b ia 's Co re g o es digital Columbia’s Core Curriculum, which last year marked its 75th anniversary and is thought to b e the country’s oldest continuous Western Civilization Program, has gone digital. A high- quality collection o f digital images, available through Columbia’s Home Page on the World Wide Web and the Amiens Project (the name given to a range o f multimedia materials devel­ oped by Gothic architecture expert professor Stephen Murray), are now part o f the Art Hu­ manities course in the Core. The images were made available digitally through the collaboration o f the Art History and Archaeology Department, the Columbia Uni­ versity Libraries, and Academic Information Systems. Students had previously relied on flat, one­ dimensional slides in class and trips to the li­ brary reserve room to consult a limited num­ ber o f texts or black-and-white prints; now they can view high-quality images in electronic class­ rooms and study them via the W eb from their dorm rooms or computer labs. Approximately 50 percent o f the course’s images— som e 500 slides— are already online. Hillary Ballon, director of the Art Humani­ ties course, noted that one o f the most compli­ cated aspects o f the project involves digital property issues including obtaining copyrights from slide distributors and museums. “Because w e are on the frontier, we are hitting some stumbling blocks in obtaining permission to put images online.” Correction Subscription requests for FUNDLIST, a re­ source m entioned in “Fundraising: A Se­ lected List o f Internet Resources" (C&RL News, November 1995) should now be sent to The editors regret the error. Third p a rty e-m ail a v a ila b le from U nCover Third Party E-Mail, which allows search results to be sent electronically to third party accounts, is now available from the UnCover Company as part o f its Customized Gateway portfolio. Third Party E-Mail enables users to capture an UnCover citation and e-mail it to a personal e- mail address, which can be stored in an UnCover profile or a library-designated mailbox. This capability also enhan ces UnCover’s SUMO (Subsidized UnMediated Ordering) fea­ ture, which blocks the ordering o f titles owned by the Customized Gateway institution. Librar­ ies can also use SUMO to block ordering of titles with a copyright royalty fee that exceeds a library-specified limit. A library could decide to send citations that are blocked from order­ ing to its Interlibrary Loan Office via Third Party E-Mail. Contact UnCover for details at (800) 787- 7979 or L e w is a n d C la r k selects Am eritech Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, Illinois, has entered into a strategic alliance with Ameritech Library Services to provide informa­ tion management products including Horizon, NetPublisher, InfoShare, and WebPAC. Lewis and Clark President Dale Chapman said, “We want to have the most advanced tech­ nology in the U.S. As a forward-thinking com ­ munity college, our vision is to empower stu­ dents and faculty by integrating technology into the learning process to develop life-long edu­ cation. Our library will play a key role in mak­ ing this vision a reality.” Joint u se lib ra ry a p p ro v e d A library jointly built and operated by Front Range Community College (FRCC) and the city o f Westminster, Colorado, has been approved by both the City Council and the Colorado State Board for Community C olleges and O p­ erations. The college will contribute nearly three mil­ lion dollars and the city two million. Construc­ tion o f the 76,000-square-foot library will be at the west end o f the college’s main building. If all goes according to schedule, construction will begin next summer and the library will open by late 1997. According to a report in the R ocky M ou n ta in News, the city’s portion o f the library would encompass about 30,000 square feet, but all patrons would b e permitted to use the en­ tire library. Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 6 /9 According to Warren Taylor, director o f the Front Range Community College Library, the city had planned to build a library close to where FRCC was planning to build one. He said it made sense to com bine libraries as the joint-use library “will have much more space and the students will get a wider range o f ser­ vices and opportunities.” T aylor added that there was som e c o st savings and that m ore staff w ould b e available than either library could support alone. In addition, the collec­ tion would b e larger and have a broader range o f materials. M urder m y ste ry ra is e s m o n e y a t Cal State More than 200 amateur sleuths attended a mur­ der mystery in the California State University, Northridge, Library. The drama o f blackmail and murder unfolded throughout the entire library building as guests searched for victims, clues, and suspects in the darkened bookstacks and hallways. Dinner was provided with the ad­ mission ticket and the guests enjoyed the en ­ tertainment as the body count escalated and the red herrings grew more confusing. Many guests found themselves suspects and subject to interrogation or handcuffing. T he event, sponsored by the Friends o f the Oviatt Library, raised more than $5,800 for the library. S pα celine: N e w NLM d a ta b a s e offered SPACELINE, a cooperative ven­ ture o f the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ tration (NASA), is a database em com p assing sp ace life sci­ ences research. The database consists o f ref­ erences to journal articles, tech­ nical reports, books, book chap­ ters, c o n fe re n c e p roceed ing s, meeting abstracts, bibliographies, an d a u d io v is u a l m a te r ia ls . Sources include NLM databases including MEDLINE journal ar­ ticles from 1966 on, and thou­ sands o f citations from 1961 to the present contributed by NASA. SPACELINE is available to any­ one holding a valid NLM user code. Information about how to gain access to the library’s on­ line network is available from the NLM Public Information Office, e-mail: publicinfo@nlm.nih. gov. Join the le a d e rsh ip d iscu ssion Keeping with ACRL president Patricia Breivik’s theme, “Every Librarian a Leader,” the ACRL 1996 President’s Program Committee is spon­ soring a discussion on opportunities outside of the library available to academic librarians. The discussion will take place during ALA’s Mid­ winter Meeting in San Antonio on Saturday, January 20, 11:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. As Breivik says, “there are p eo p le w ho would argue that unless librarians becom e be- yond-libraiy-walls leaders, our collective abil­ ity to assist people in meeting their informa­ tion needs will continue to be diminished— that unless librarians becom e beyond-library-walls leaders, the Information Age will only broaden the gap betw een haves and have nots.” The one-hour session will b e run as four concurrent poster sessions. Presentations in­ clude: Shirley Leung (University o f California- Irvine) will discuss the ACE fellowship program; Richard Shaw (Technical College o f the Low Country) will discuss involvement in regional accreditations; Maureen Sullivan or Kathryn Deiss will discuss the Association o f Research Libraries’ OMS Development Program; and Don Tolliver (Kent State University) will provide an overview o f the AAHE Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable Initiative. ■ The ch ie f insp ector frisks a suspect after the first “m u rd er” in the Oviatt Library at Cal State, Northridge. mailto:publicinfo@nlm.nih