ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1996/37 C&RL News s u b m is s io n g u id e lin e s E d ito ria l p u rp o s e College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) publishes articles written by practitioners ad­ dressing philosophy and techniques o f day-to- day management o f academic library services and collections. C&RL News provides current information relating to issues, activities, and per­ sonalities o f the higher education and research library field. User education, technology, pro­ fessional education, preservation, government actions that affect libraries, public relations, preservation, acquisitions o f special collections, grants to libraries, reports on meetings, prod­ ucts, and the business o f ACRL are covered in C&RL News. Established in 1966, C&RL News is the offi­ cial news magazine and publication o f record of the Association o f College and Research Li­ braries (ACRL). It maintains a record o f selected actions and policy statements o f the associa­ tion and publishes timely reports on the activi­ ties o f ACRL and its units. It is published 11 times per year. The editor bears full responsibility for the content o f each issue o f C&RL News and selects material for publication based on the follo w ­ ing criteria. The editor also reserves the right to make appropriate revisions in material selected for publication in order to standardize style or improve clarity (except official ACRL documents). Note: Form al, th eoretical, or research- oriented articles inappropriate for C&RL News will be forwarded to the editor o f College & Research Libraries for review. In s tru c tio n s to a u th o r s 1. Style. Articles should be practical and written in an informal, accurate, and informa­ tive manner. Manuscripts should be original and usually not published elsewhere (although an item published in an institutional newsletter may be considered). Footnotes, charts, and tables should be kept to a minimum. Black-and-white or color photos and graphic materials are en­ couraged. 2. Length. New s notes may be 150-350 words; reports o f meetings for the “Conference Circuit” should be 750-1,000 words; essays for “The W ay I See It” should be 750 words; ar­ ticles should be no more than 2,000 words. 3. Content. Material selected should fall into one o f the follow in g categories: a. Reports on a project, program, or service dealing with a topic relevant to academic librari­ anship (e.g., “Cal Poly’s multimedia approach to research,” January 1995). b. Reports fo r “Conferen ce Circuit” that summarize the highlights o f a recent con fer­ ence, w orkshop, or m eetin g o f interest to academ ic or research librarians (e.g., “Build­ ing the digital library,” Septem ber 1995). c. Essays for “The W ay I See It” that offer reasoned and informed speculation or com ­ ment on relevant topics (e.g., “Focusing library vision on educational outcomes,” May 1995). d. Standards, guidelines, or recommenda­ tions o f an ACRL committee or other official ACRL group (e.g., “Standards for college librar­ ies,” April 1995). e. C&RL News may occasionally print requests for the donation o f books or materials to librar­ ies, especially foreign libraries, which have suf­ fered extensive loss through fire, hurricane, or natural disaster. Other libraries soliciting contri­ butions for other reasons w ill be referred to the rates for classified advertising in C&RL News. 4. Submitting manuscripts. Authors should submit tw o copies, double-spaced, follow ing The Chicago Manual o f Style, 14th ed., to C&RL News Editor, ALA, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 606 1 1 . (Note: A letter o f inquiry may precede submission o f the article.) I f the manuscript is prepared on a w ord processor, please supply an electronic version o f the manuscript— as a text file in an IBM-compatible format, prefer­ ably in WordPerfect 5.1 or 6.0 or ASCII. Note: Please label 3.5” disks with your name, phone number, e-mail, and filename. Manuscripts and inquiries may also be submitted via the Internet: Submit camera-ready artwork for all illustra­ tions. Accompany each with a number and a brief, meaningful caption. On the back o f each photograph include: a brief caption, credits (if appropriate), and your name, address, phone number, and e-mail. Ed. note: These guidelines w ere review ed by the C&RL News Editorial Board at the 1992 Annual C on feren ce in San Francisco and adopted by it in the fall o f 1992. ■